
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 5 jours
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu:
  • Contribution Points: 4 LV1
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  • Date d'inscription: janvier 13, 2021
sept. 1, 2023

One Stars

a very positive ep, but i don't have high hopes as we talking about Kawi after all. & yeah he confided (everything) in Pisaeng. but thinking about it, what is the point of that? the mistakes were all his own. everyone else is a pawn being moved/manipulated by him. he is the one that should stop & decide what he wants & go for it. the fact he realized it was Pisaeng all along. i am happy for Pisaeng & yet as we talking about Kawi, IMHO this can't be anything but a disaster\(〇_o)/ idk if this the pessimistic in me or the realist (given Kawi modus operandi, to date) . btw if anyone needed to "hit" on anyone (considering everything Kawi's put Pisaeng through) it should be Kawi wooing Pisaeng, not the other way around ( ˘︹˘ ) *********************************but the main plus in Kawi, was him deciding to quite drinking {{{(>_<)}}} ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Kawi ironically very impulsive & then when he needs to react faster turns cautious & reacts like a freakin snail. i really hope he comes clean with Pearmai, the least she deserves (as is this plot where she's done dirty twice is crass, insensitive & asinine). but can be thankful that getting hurt now, at least she wont fall into the arms of mega-douche Knot (really hope this annoying writer didn't go that witless route ผ(•̀_•́ผ)). so i hope Kawi moves ass & informs her before she sees them together & figures it out. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************side note: WTH is that old dude/fairy-godmother up too?!? him offering to fix Pisaeng;s car would what, enable him to reverse time when driving? i think the dude is bored (≧∇≦)ノ thankfully Pisaeng passed on the offer (ノへ ̄、)

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sept. 1, 2023

Pearmai marring Pisaeng in the future changes…

Pearmai marring Pisaeng in the future changes every time moron Kawi intervenes/plays with the crystal ball?!? & given what a bad personality Kawi's got, is it any wonder Pearmai (who would never look at a person like Knot), ended up marring the douche?!? do we need it spelled out that in a vulnerable moment she was taken advantage off?!? (this doesn't mean forced or r*ped) & found herself pregnant (she for sure didn't know he was with Kwan at the same time, until it was too late), desperate she's marring a douche that for sure wont be faithful or good in the long run. but what other options she got? Kawi, who basically stalked her, making sure her future would change. but when he got her, he wouldn't commit. ***************************Pisaeng who cause of Kawi's intervention (again) found the strength to confess, coming out of the closet enough to understand he couldn't marry a woman, no matter how good a friend she was?!? & Pearmai suddenly the main bad-guy of this BL - plz****************************************************************************************************************************************Kawi is a walking disaster, he's a freakin megalomaniac - the world revolves around his ass, & only when he needs something from someone, he realizes how important they r to him. apologizes, but that's just lip service cause he Never learns from his past mistakes - it's everyone else job to accommodate him - ugh. *******************************************************************also getting tired of him using alcohol as a convenient excuse to do what his heart really wants, then to wake-up the next day & act contrite . ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** idk after watching until now how anyone still going on about wanting a end 'ship' between Kawi & Pisaeng. u gotta be sick in the head to want to be with someone this toxic - sorry nah.

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sept. 1, 2023

is Pisaeng a masochist? cause i don't…

is Pisaeng a masochist? cause i don't get him always finding reason to get close to Kawi, especially not with the way he treats him. it's not just rude, but loud, aggressive & insulting. how has the haze of infatuation not evaporated?!? cause if it was me, i wouldn't just be avoiding Kawi, but would be out right hostile, even if he looked my way. *****************************************just cause i fell for u, was kind to u, doesn't give u the right to walk all over me - ima break ur f*cking legs if u try (╬▔皿▔)╯ but not Pisaeng ╯︿╰ OMG this frustrating to watch - think the only joy i get is watching Kawi receive his comeuppance from Knot & that group of moron's. then Kawi aint got a mouth, just an imbecilic smile on his stupid face ( ˘︹˘ ), quietly taking everything they dish out (#°Д°) well deserved if u ask me - dude pleading for a ass whoopin Ψ( ̄皿 ̄)Ψ & sorry the speech at the end or the "sorry" doesn't make up for the hell Kawi has been putting Pisaeng through. there for sure wouldn't be a lets be friends angle (︶^︶) but that's me **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************about Pearmai, i doubted she was trying to get with Kawi, thought cause she got rejected she knows how it feels & is offering friendship. but of course this twist was needed (it's a bad joke, her getting rejected by both guys - crass b.s writing IMHO) as non of the other guys r worthy of her - they immature morons. the writer really doing her dirty - her character deserves better then how this plot is panning out {{{(>_<)}}} **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Max is a good friend, he all about the tough love - liked that he realized he was too harsh on Pisaeng. also liked him putting his moronic friend in his place, dishing out some much needed truths to that moron - now only if the repentance & transformation stick ~(>_<。)\

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sept. 1, 2023

am against any type of bullying, BUT(!) considering…

am against any type of bullying, BUT(!) considering it is Kawi who is being bullied, after how he tends to treat Pisaeng - i was all for his suffering - call me mean Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ but this dude needs his ass handed to him. maybe that will be the wake-up call, that makes him realize how he should treat people (︶^︶)*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Pearmai is a gem, she not only made things clear with Kawi, but then stepped in when the "seniors" & Knot continued with the moronic jokes. someone needed to shame them into stopping their antics. as is the whole trip was gross, what with the amount's of booze consumed - WTF was the point of this trip in the 1st place?!? i for sure didn't get it. it was pointless from where i am sitting (#°Д°) ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************love Pisaeng, but dude is frustrating me - get he is infatuated with Kawi, that's why he allows him to walk all over him. but that aint love, that's toxic, masochistic b.s. it's great that he came clean with (the only good thing coming out that catastrophe off a night & a moronically drunk Kawi) Pearmai. she deserved the truth & he owed it to her as a good friend, let alone childhood, family friend. so even if nobody ends up together, it would be better then marring her, just cause they friends - when he's attracted to men\(〇_o)/

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août 31, 2023

One Stars

Knot a moron, when he shouted "...what is wrong with u..." & Pisaeng should've quesrioned him if he's got a mother & if he would like anyone talking about her, the way he talked about Pearmai. the only way to deal with the wannabe "class clowns" (who want to make everyone laugh, & don't have boundaries) is not only to shame him, but also the guys he hangs with, that think his antics r funny. *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************btw Kawi so hell bent of having Pearmai, how he gonna achieve that? keep milking Pisaeng?!? Pearmai comes from money & she might be sweet & friendly, but she got standers she is used to. Kawi has No goals other then "getting the girl". but that doesn't automatically mean he gonna keep her. for sure not if her family is loaded, so even if she wouldn't mind - they would. not to mention she's sweet on Pisaeng (ノへ ̄、) **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Kawi is a tactless, insensitive moron, idk why the frack Pisaeng keeps putting up with his crap. after one time too many, would tell him to f*ck-off & keep his distance. what's even more annoying to me, Kawi hurting/insulting Pisaeng making him walk away time & again only to run after him with an olive branch, then to turn around & hit him on the head with the same branch - this getting old & really disliking Kawi (who btw stood-up his ex-friend Max). not to mention, on the all important 'list' he kinda forgot his father, who is walking around with a ticking time bomb in his chest. but that not important, right?!? add self-involved to the growing list - it will take a freakin miracle for Kawi to mature & be worthy of anyone let alone Pisaeng \(〇_o)/

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août 31, 2023

One Stars

this is funny & all, also get that Kawi is acting the way he is, cause he knows there won't be any repercussion. but he's coming off as a major douche & user. sorry but he doesn't even like Pisaeng, but he has robbed him once & now he's just shamelessly asks for money, he knows he has no way of paying him back/that he won't have to pay back. & i am supposed to ignore all this(?) cause he's cute & a bit moronic/infantile?!? (#°Д°) *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************i hate the "baby me" attitude, i sometimes see female character's portray, around their better half - how this any better? this somehow feels worse (ノへ ̄、) ****************************************************************************************************also i didn't like how fast he gave up when dealing with his father's life - like sorry, but a few texts & a unanswered phone-call & u call it quits??? what?!? isn't ur father important to u? to me, he would be more important then a potential love interest \(〇_o)/ i donno about the ex-friend Max, as don't have enough info to conclude one way or the other. but am coming to agree with Pisaeng opinion that Kawi is a covert narcissist, he acts like no one likes him & they judging him constantly. but in actuality he isn't interested in anyone & doesn't seek out their friendship heck he constantly avoids interactions with them & keeps everyone at arms length. they following his "do not enter" flashing sign & they the bad-guys? plz (^_-)db(-_^) ************************************************************************************************************************************************************also sorry, but if Pisaeng is into Kawi (men) why he marring Pearmai?!? they childhood friends, so shouldn't he know better then to use her as a beard?

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août 31, 2023

was waiting for this to get completed, before…

was waiting for this to get completed, before starting (idk when it got completed, but am here now), & one hell of a 1st ep. i really don't like the time travel tropes, cause it's either a messy-plot, or u get a weird ending where one half is young & the other geriatric (≧∇≦)ノ but this was simple & fun. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************also the main plus for me was Fluke, dude good-looking & a great actor, not to mention he the type of good-looking that when he laughs, it enhances his beauty. the major plus he a great kisser (●'◡'●)(just finished a good BL where the kisses ruined it for me). the main minus ~(>_<。)(that got me worried) is Krist. he's good-looking & a good actor, but he has his moments & anyone seeing him in the SOTUS series, knows he's uncomfortable in BL (& that is putting it mildly) so hope he has gotten over whatever phobias he had, & can commit to the role, not make it cringe for me - the viewer (ノへ ̄、) ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************all in all a fun ep & really enjoyed it - but the scene i loved the most was when Kawi went back in time & was sure he was dreaming about his dead father. that was so touching i teared up ╯︿╰ couldn't actually cry, cause of the confusion on the fathers face - that was funny (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)

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août 31, 2023

a well written BL, yeah not all smooth sailing,…

a well written BL, yeah not all smooth sailing, but realistic, logical, bittersweet & even hilarious at times. also so thankful we didn't get a rush-job on the Dong Hee, Ho Tae side love-story. that would be a disservice to the character's i've come to love - they deserver more then a rush wrap-up, just so every couple get's a "happily ever after". what we did get with them, was perfect (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************same with the leads, the final hurdle's were overcome & was right in my gut feeling that the Vice President was a rat. but that bit was redundant, especially as this the finale (& given his personality, once things r back to normal, he could find reasons to get even with Won Young) so that whole scene was pointless (get it was to show how much Tae Joon cared) let alone that all the bad-guys got their comeuppance, in the end. ************************************************************************************still personally could do without the apology scene. same with the kiss - sorry but that's a mood killer. i would rather get a warm heartfelt hug, then a lifeless kiss \(〇_o)/(ノへ ̄、) ******************************************************************but other then this, this really was a great BL & for sure a rewatch in my books!

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août 31, 2023

well in-spite of how things started off, i…

well in-spite of how things started off, i felt hopeful by the end. yeah the whole lie blew-up in Won Young's face. sorry but the dude has had ample chances to tell the truth - the last being Tae Joon mentioning the name of the company Won Young was working for, yet this dude rather keep quite \(〇_o)/ little wonder Won Young heart broken & furious, shutting Won Young down at every turn. cause no matter how much he loves him, he's scared that if he gives Won Young a chance it will be giving him an open to betray him in the future. & he has already lived through this type of relationship with his ex - why should he play russian roulette with his heart?!? would anyone?***********************************************************************************************************the fact Won Young contrite & now living in remorse, is his own doing - as i mentioned above he has had plenty of occasions to stop & come clean. yes he was scared, but this is the consequence's of his in-action - not fun, but justified. so grovel he must if he wants forgiveness let alone Tae Joon back. **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************personally i think this was a good ep cause it was realistic, people make mistakes & have to sufferer the consequence's no matter how sorry they r they have to ask forgiveness time & time gain especially if the person they betrayed was important to them. nothing is forgiven in a flash in life - why should it be in a drama? **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** given the mains "bring the mood down" i loved Dong Hee & Go Ho Tae they both a breath of fresh air, & much appreciated (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)

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août 31, 2023

don't wanna be a party pooper, but that…

don't wanna be a party pooper, but that kiss (ノへ ̄、) why we need a clear, close-up. when it's the usually lip touch weirdness, we get from K-drama's?!? why?!? ~(>_<。) any type of sweet moment becomes cringe - but i am the only one complaining, so never mind (≧∇≦)ノ *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** glad that Won Young realized his feelings & actually acted on them. something i doubt he would do until the end - not cause of them both being men, but cause of him being a stalker, that's selling Tae Joon's info to the Vice President in the hope of getting his job back. he keeps answering the phone, even if he isn't giving him any info - he still guilty & when this blows-up in his face (which it will) what is he gonna do? ************************************************************************************************** he doesn't know about Tae Joon reason for disappearing - when he finds out how will it look any different from what his ex did?? i don't see Won Young being able to redeem himself, unless he tells Tae Joon everything NOW, even then he will have to do a ton of groveling - ugh idk ╯︿╰ ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Go Ho Tae is adorably simple in his POV. which is a refreshing approach to life & love in general. but i get why Dong Hee is weary, he doesn't want Go Ho Tae just for a month & a month wont be worth hurting their mother's - so get why he's putting up a fight. one he will lose (❁´◡`❁)

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août 30, 2023

Won Young is running scared, doubt until now…

Won Young is running scared, doubt until now (in spite of being 27) he has dated anyone, let alone a man. so suddenly having all these feelings & emotions r not just confusing, they scaring & making him run in the other direction. *****************************guess this is what happened to Go Ho Tae, when he found out his bff was gay - he ran away by being mean & breaking the friendship. now ironically Dong Hee is the one running scared, either cause he wants Go Ho Tae in his life & by making things romantic, chancing it not working-out can push them apart permanently. also if he is close to the family (considering how close minded adults of a certain generation can be) he's worried he will lose the family as a whole (in a small town like that, it's like the whole world is ostracizing u). ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Tae Joon has fallen hard & the sweet part is, that he is trying to give the innocent / inexperienced Won Young all the time in the world to come around. what i wish for more is for Won Young to wake up & realize he is betraying Tae Joon, by sending any type of report to his ex-company. he started this out of desperation, but i really hope he wakes-up before it blows up in their faces. idk who will be more devastated from the revelation

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août 30, 2023

poor Tae Joon here the dude in hiding cause…

poor Tae Joon here the dude in hiding cause his previous love turned out to be a sell-out that happily accepted his fathers money to stop seeing the son. little wonder Tae Joon has distanced himself from the art world, everything/everyone in his past live was involved in that world. & now that he has finally started to open his heart it's for another guy that is gonna sell him out (ノへ ̄、) ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Won Young doesn't realize what he feels for Tae Joon, & maybe he even forgets that, that Vice President is awaiting progress reports on how he is getting close to Tae Joon - close enough to convince him to make a comeback. personally i really wish he wakes-up before it is too late ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************the past between Dong Hee & Go Ho Tae aint any clearer, just now it seems like Go Ho Tae wants to be close to Dong Hee. whether it means just bff's or romantically - yet to be seen

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août 30, 2023

did Tae Joon hear that annoying Vice President…

did Tae Joon hear that annoying Vice President (that keeps calling Won Young)?!? & even if he heard his name being mentioned, how he go from that to feeling responsible for Won Young?? i get, getting angry that Won Young was lying to him & hanging around him cause of an ulterior motive. idk that reasoning wasn't understandable to me - need more to get what he he just saying anything, cause he wants to be around Won Young? donno \(〇_o)/************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************also what is the story between Dong Hee & Go Ho Tae - in the pic they seemed like good friends, did one confess & get rejected harshly? for them to be so hostile towards each other? *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************side note: i get why Won Young's doing what he's doing. but idk it has started to feel off. if it was me i would call it quits, after he offered me room & board just cause i was sick & didn't have anywhere to stay. i couldn't keep playing someone that was good to me {{{(>_<)}}}

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août 30, 2023

this is really fun & funny but also worrying,…

this is really fun & funny but also worrying, given Won Young's ulterior motive & how that is gonna backfire on him as this progresses. for now this is entertaining & now love even more of the character's. *************************************************still finding it hard to read Tae Joon - why is he so distant, i though that he got his heat broken by another artist (lover) & that's why he escaped to lick his wounds - tiring of the b.s. fame that doesn't offer him anything of substance. but after the mention of his famous father idk what is going on with him. the fact he is already attracted to Won Young is obvious to the eye. pretty sure he was gauging Won Young sexual orientation at the start. not that he would know what to do if Won Young was receptive to his advances ****************************************************************************************************************************************side note - just me or dude playing Won Young can be Im Yoon Ah's twin?!? they identical \(〇_o)/*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************Ho Tae totally looks like the bad-boy, but seeing his reaction to Dong Hee tryin to touch him makes me wonder what happened between them for him to react that way. he didn't mind Won Young man handling him (^_-)db(-_^)

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août 30, 2023

cute - but have to say idk why Won Young's…

cute - but have to say idk why Won Young's trying so hard to get back into a company that wrongly fired him, cause his superior falsely accused him in the corruption scandal. i for one after one higher up did me dirty, wouldn't rush to believe another from the same company. *******************************************************************************************************************i get he's desperate for money/the job (& from what i remember it's bloody hard to get a good job in a company in Korea) add getting defamed & fired, it would be almost impossible to find another white-collared job. so even though i know all this - cause of how shady Vice manager comes off, i wouldn't believe one word he says & for sure wouldn't try & do his bidding in the hopes i get my job back. ********************************************************************************************************************* ****************************************************************************************************************************************like the character's (& not talking about the mains) even though Won Young is cute enough, but really love Kim Dong Hee (the café owner) love his quirky personality & loved even more the "odd couple" vibe i got from him & Go Ho Tae - they weren't even that long around each other, but talk mad chemistry. ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************the brooding Tae Joon on the other hand is weird, i wanna say he was instantly attracted to Won Young, that's why he on the one the hand keeps invading his personal space & on the other keeps pushing him away. still the tsundere personality aint endearing him to me (ノへ ̄、)

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