
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 3 heures
  • Genre: Femme
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  • Contribution Points: 4 LV1
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  • Date d'inscription: janvier 13, 2021
Jun & Jun Episode 3
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sept. 11, 2023

what a place to stop (& idk if i am referring…

what a place to stop (& idk if i am referring to the preview(≧∇≦)ノ or the scene before the flashback, Lee Jun's idol phase)... anyway idk how anyone could stay sitting in anyone's lap, when they feel something growing bigger & bigger (especially when u weren't romantically involved with that person). Lee Jun not that clueless (as he pointed out the weirdness, of the situation) & yet he still remind seated\(〇_o)/ dude (ノへ ̄、)that made me cringe... ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************also wasn't wrong about Song Hyun Jae & if he wasn't enough, now we adding another admirer to the long list of guys after Lee Jun - find this ironically funny. can't wait for the next ep (this is why i wait for drama's to get completed, before watching. now don't have to wait(●'◡'●)).

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Jun & Jun Episode 2
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sept. 11, 2023

talk testosterone overload ~(>_<。)\…

talk testosterone overload ~(>_<。)\ Choi Jun oozing charm & from the sec Lee Jun tripped & got caught by him. Choi Jun's been flirting with him none stop. which is funny & hot to watch (but in real life i would be freaking flustered to be around someone like alpha male, Choi Jun (❁´◡`❁)) kinda dismayed Lee Jun hasn't been swept off his feet (≧∇≦)ノ or been rendered into a mindless fool with jello knees(╹ڡ╹ ) ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************btw i think, got something wrong in the previous ep (too lazy to rewatch to check (ノへ ̄、)) but i assumed that the kid being bullied was Choi Jun & the one that came to his rescue, was Lee Jun. so thought it was kinda cute how the tables had turned, where now Choi Jun was the one with the upper hand. *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************side note: idk what fabric Lee Jun's shirt was made off, cause that coffee glided right off without leaving a stain. but why was Choi Jun also undressing?!? couldn't he just give Lee Jun the extra shirt?!?(¬‿¬) naughty boss Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ

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Jun & Jun Episode 1
0 people found this review helpful
sept. 11, 2023

this is the first time i've watched a…

this is the first time i've watched a 'trip & almost fall' sequence scene, that looked genuine, heck i jumped & was worried Lee Jun would land on his face (≧∇≦)ノ so well done ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************good 1st ep - this got a really fluffy positive vibe to it. good looking actor's (even though could do with the only female we got have to be a b*tch the sec she opened her mouth - why the overkill?!?). & as helpful as Song Hyun Jae is have a feeling he gonna be the third wheel (¬‿¬) or bump in the road of this romance - ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************the ending was cute - loved seeing how that whole pattern was the opposite now.

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sept. 9, 2023

know i said, i loved the relationship between…

know i said, i loved the relationship between the brothers at the start (still do), but have to say Saifah ( ˘︹˘ )is starting to rub me the wrong way. considering their situation, he totally nonchalant when it comes to money. get his getting injured wasn't intentional, but after watching Sailom get used as a punching bag idk how anyone can be this thoughtless (when he's his only living relative, let alone a younger sibling)\(〇_o)/*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************also get Kang's grandma, she (unlike his father) does have high hopes for her grandson. she doesn't want him to waste his life away (amounting to nothing or worse turning into a ne'er-do-well). she didn't offer Sailom a job, cause he tutored & was a valedictorian. she wanted someone with his ethic's around her grandson (someone who would hold him accountable, not give in to him like the teacher's in that school did. one who's studious personality would rub off on her grandson). but if he couldn't achieve those goals, why should she keep him in her employ?!? *********************************************************************Kang on his part wasn't jealous when he saw Sailom with the client, he felt anger & guilt. heck even Pimfah (the sweetheart) offered him a job. anyone would be moved, worried, even scared at seeing a classmate, in such a dire state they turned to escorting. wouldn't u want to help? but considering their age & lack of resources, they would be left frustrated. so neither Kang nor Pimfah's reactions were that shocking - it was understandable, same with how they chose to help. logical move in my eyes.****************************************************************************************************************************************btw considering Sailom being poor (even if their debt was paid off) he could still tutor Pimfah (use the money). his having to move in with Kang, let alone not being able to tutor anyone else is a plot-hole which isn't realistic IMHO. but we got to get the mains living together to further this romance, i guess (⊙x⊙) as if their long ass gazes weren't enough. already from the previous ep they both low-key flirting verbally, let alone visually - so it is what it is (ノへ ̄、) ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************side note: Guy & Nawa's roughhousing, come off as flirting - only to me?!? (¬‿¬) & if i aint wrong this also a GL, just the girl that's gonna get paired with Pimfah, hasn't made an appearance (●'◡'●) **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************p.s. thankful Sailom really was just an escort & nothing more, cause usually there a lot more to the escorting business, its way sleazier then just having lunch with someone older & richer. so thankfully this didn't get "dark" (⊙_⊙;)

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really enjoyed the 1st season, was waiting…

really enjoyed the 1st season, was waiting for this to get completed, so i could start binge watching. but have to say (in-spite of everything going on) am bored & annoyed - keep pausing this out of sheer frustration. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************why all this showboating?!? we not talking newbies here. the 1st part with the kinder-garden kids. Do Ha Na really need to go person to person, making sure everyone was alright - when she knew the bad-guy was super human & not dead?!? then Ga Mo Tak who is now a cop (►__◄) watching from outside, not moving to get near the bus-door... guess everyone was waiting for the MC to make his grand entrance (which he did) while a baby had a shard of glass close to her jugular. no biggy - she not important, as the real badass had arrived & was center stage \(〇_o)/(ノへ ̄、) like how cliché could this get?!? ******* ****************************************************************************************************************************************then we get the bad-guys in china & the counters there. why they have to spilt up?!? if they so weak alone?!? they all looked like it was their 1st fight (i know better then to walk into the lions den alone, like come on). not to mention the bad-guys in the past even if they consumed the spirit of the human, couldn't get the power of the counters as the spirit possessing the counter's body would seek out a new counter, but these bad-guys special, yippy. (^_-) ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************wont even go in about the last mother, son "save" - excepted so much more~(>_<。)\ & just cause all the good guys got saved doesn't make me ignore all the freakin showboating - yeah y'all kickass - we know, stop rubbing our noses in it & hall ass ( ˘︹˘ )*****************************************************************************************************************************************side note: why the heck almost everyone here got a mullet, on Hwang Pil Gwang (Kang Ki Young) is specifically annoying(≧∇≦)ノ

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sept. 3, 2023

the vid i found, the subs weren't insync…

the vid i found, the subs weren't insync with the dialogue, from 08:40 on wards. which was freakin frustrating, cause u get from the scene that something important is going on, but u have to wait until the sub's pop-up, so u can understand what the heck is going on. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************& this a very loaded ep - but call me weird (have read a few comment's (not just the ones in this comment section, about this drama/ep) & no one even though to mention this by passing) teen Jun r*pes(!) Akatsu\(〇_o)/ not cause he loves her (not that it would be justified then), but cause he's scared to face his feelings for Keisuke?!? was his "sleeping" with Akatsu, to confirm his sexuality to himself, an affirmation that he aint gay. thus enabling him to return & be a close friends with Keisuke, without confused feelings?!? ผ(•̀_•́ผ) & when he realized (after the fact) that he felt more for Keisuke then a platonic friend would, he tried taking his life (& lets hope also a bit of guilt for how he abused Akatsu). *******************************************but as they never became close again - think no matter how much Jun loved Keisuke, he couldn't / wouldn't come out of the closet for him & would rather just treat him like a muse, that made him into the writer that he is. idk how i feel about this BL after all this - conflicted is one word that comes to mind. *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************btw very sad Keisuke died, but it didn't devastate me. as he didn't end his life cause he couldn't deal with his sexual orientation or another sad fact. he died trying to save another person, that's heroic! in-spite of everything he was a stronger individual then Jun, he dealt with life head-on - he lived while he was alive, can we say the same of Jun?!?

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sept. 3, 2023

this is so short & yet there is so much…

this is so short & yet there is so much here. the most profound thing i've heard in a while, is the old fisherman telling Jun "...the root of all anger is sadness..." *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************thankfully we didn't get more of Jun's lecherous male character's (had quite enough of them & him). this ep showed a different side, a more contrite one, that was capable of some much needed soul-searching. idk if u can call this a midlife crisis as Jun's just 30, but considering he's been living like a hermit for over a decade, maybe it is fitting that he is having a break-down of sorts. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************watching the flashback to his teens, the reason why he wanted to start writing was interesting. i loved the old fisherman, in-spite of being antisocial & a loner his house was always open to the kids, that didn't have anywhere else to go. it was bittersweet on so many levels. that's why my heart broke when the friends grew distant & Keisuke just bowed-out leaving Nezujii's place, so Jun could still have his safe haven. this drama is sad <(_ _)> *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************btw idk if Jun was in-love with Keisuke or just cause they were each other's whole world, he felt betrayed that Keisuke fell for someone else (betraying what they had, letting someone else invade their inner sanctum). i donno if Jun was gay, the porno isn't an indicator, one way or the other. if they communicated maybe they would still be friends (but at that age) idk if they had the "tools" to enable that type of conversation. ╯︿╰

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sept. 2, 2023

everything is just off - does Keisuke exist?…

everything is just off - does Keisuke exist? why he always disappear when the editor comes for Jun's work? idk something is off & i can't put my finger on what, it's driving me bonkers.{{{(>_<)}}} ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************also don't really like the character's in Jun's stories, all the ML's tend to be horney toads - it's kinda off putting`(*>﹏<*)′ as this basically him. maybe cause he hasn't had a gf for ages, he's "starved" ( ˘︹˘ ) but still, it's gross. add to this the way he is treating Keisuke & i wanna hurt the dude. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************know i was the one wondering how weird a bff popping-up out of the blue & then inviting themselves to stay was weird. but the submissive way Keisuke take's Jun's belligerence, let alone serving him at every turn is ugh (►__◄) & his only retort is he wants to read Jun's love-story huh?!? this just keeps getting weirder & weirder.

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sept. 2, 2023

unlike Jun i wish it would rain, tired of this freakin heat -

but dude really thought what he wrote was a love story?!? he's been cooped-up too long in that room (≧∇≦)ノ but did like that (in the story) the player got played(¬‿¬). btw i wouldn't call that horror, more creepy or a toxic love story. but sadly he failed the mission. still if it was me, would get angry that it got thrown into the trash bin, like so much garbage.(►__◄) ****************btw only me finding it weird, that a friend (no matter how close or good) one that u haven't been in contact with for over a decade - just pop's-up uninvited & invites himself to stay at ur house /sleep in ur bed. weird ผ(•̀_•́ผ)

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sept. 2, 2023

happy ending & yet idk, feel it was anticlimactic…

happy ending & yet idk, feel it was anticlimactic - yeah am happy at how things turned out. but don't get what was the point to this ep, if Pisaeng didn't do anything to change the future, other then converse with Kawi\(〇_o)/*************************he had a few option; like moving to the country where his mother was trying to send him. where gays had equal rights & he could marry, have a family (if the lack of rights was the issue) or idk, when he was sick he would go to the doctor's/hospital instead of staying at home & letting Kawi (the one with the weak immune system) nurse him ผ(•̀_•́ผ) but Kawi magically woke-up, meaning what? that the crystal ball was redundant.. idk - like i mentioned this feels meeh.. ************************************again, happy that the mains ended up together, happier even more that Kawi matured enough to cherish Pisaeng & they gonna have a healthy mutually beneficial relationship. but this could be cut down to size & wrapped up in ep 11 (︶^︶) IMHO ********************************************************************************************************************************************the one i loved from start to finish was Pearmai, totally elated she got her happy ending & hopefully with a worthy guy (that will cherish her). Pisaeng, a close 2nd, glad he found happiness in the end, even though that start (⊙x⊙;) aish (►__◄) was rough! ********************************************************************************************************************************would've been happy if in this last ep, we saw Kwan & Max with potential partners. but it is what it is i guess. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************side note - glad Krist has over come whatever phobias he had, portraying a gay character & it wasn't cringe trying to see him trying to convey affection. even though will admit, there were moments that were touch & go. but on a whole he was natural, let alone believable .

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sept. 2, 2023

from where to start; glad Pearmai went back…

from where to start; glad Pearmai went back & made up with her mother, without apologizing (it's not that i have a problem with apologies), but don't think it's justified this time around. yes Pearmai's mother is the parent (who just cause of this statute, can do no wrong, if u go by any Asian drama). but she did(!) & Pearmai (regardless of how old she is) is still the child in this equation - the abandoned child at that. & no matter how much time passes or how old she gets, she will always carry the burden of being abandoned by her mother (it will color her life, the choices she makes etc..) the fact that she a well adjusted, loving caring person is all dude to her father. he did one hell of a job being both mother & father to Pearmai. so under his guidance, she understood that they needed to make peace more for her inner peace, then for her mother. so that was a good conclusion. *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Kawi (the perpetual child (¬‿¬)) & Pisaeng finally got their "happily ever after" that lasted about half of this ep. it was cute, but it gave me a "the other shoe is gonna drop" feel, the whole while we got the pair, acting like a pair. *******************************it was an interesting plot-twist, but this whole BL has not just been about romance, but educating & advancing the lgbtqia+ cause in Thailand, so it's fitting. **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************also found it ironic that this time around Pisaeng turning the crystal ball, took him back to the previous time he turned it (while then it didn't work), guess desperation the specially ingredient that was missing last time?

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sept. 2, 2023

kinda confused at how Kang reacts to his father;…

kinda confused at how Kang reacts to his father; one would think he an abusive ogre. seems cool & easy going - yeah a bit dismissive at times, but doesn't look like he's volatile. if anything it looks like he loves his son & doesn't want to pressure him, just cause of his own position in life. he wants him to have a normal childhood, while he's still in school (would love if my parents were half this easy going \(〇_o)/ & supporting). *******************************************************************also considering he's lost his wife, think this is his way of making it up to Kang (guess he doesn't know how else to console his son). of course that isn't the way, as Kang not happy & sees it as him not being 'worth the trouble'. *******************************wish the grandmother (who can see what is going on) had a serious talk with both father & son. both need to be aware of the other's feelings & intention's. ********************************************************************************************************given the father's behavior, it's a wonder Kang not a bigger menace in school & life. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************personally i think Sailom should've told Kang, he needed to work harder for himself ผ(•̀_•́ผ) not for Sailom. that would be the logical thing to say. cause Kang indeed needs to try harder not cause he wants praise/recognition from his father. but so he can stand on his own two feet & be proud of what he has achieved on his own. but this a BL so Sailom said what he said - cliché. same with their names being connected; windmill, wind (^_-) a wonder didn't hear someone say "...the wind beneath his "wings"..." (≧∇≦)ノ~(>_<。)\ *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************pretty tame ep - considering everything we have gotten until now (thought we would see more of Name, the loan-shark). but it just ended-up being a weird situation with a bunch of horny tourist's. (btw if Sailom has done this in the past, shouldn't he know better then to go up to random strangers who r also foreigners?!? asking for trouble (ノへ ̄、)& he's the genius in that duo(►__◄)).

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sept. 2, 2023

so glad Kwan gave Pearmai the heads-up. that…

so glad Kwan gave Pearmai the heads-up. that is what a good friend should do! sure that was something she didn't do in the past (when Kawi showed up to Pearmai & Knot's wedding) this time around cause of her conversation with Knot, she realized Knot would never see her as more then a booty call. so good on her, cause other then forewarning Pearmai, she also forced Knot's hand, created a situation where she was forced to break-up their arrangement, otherwise her heart wouldn't let her. so yeah, it was a rude awakening, but it was needed for her to realize she was worth more. **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Pearmai is a gem - i really love her scenes, from the start she's not fake in a least. what i love most is that she aint scared to step up, or intervene on behalf of an underdog. she such a wholesome character - she has really great scenes (so hard to choose the best), but loved the scene with her father - heartwarming (ironically was thinking that her relationship with her father, is as good as Kawi's with his father & we get the scene in the hospital ╯︿╰). **********************************************************Pisaeng & his mother were a bit more strained, but it was more a matter of misunderstanding. also think this the first time i've seen Pisaeng act immature (usually it's Kawi forte (¬‿¬)). *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************btw mentioning man-child Kawi, dude keeps forgetting he promised to acting like a spoiled brat, guess old habits die hard (≧∇≦)

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sept. 1, 2023

am surprising myself in this ep. 1st off Kawi…

am surprising myself in this ep. 1st off Kawi actually turned a new page & isn't the belligerent like man-child he was until this ep. he is more then trying, at times he seemed like a different person. & took his side when he was talking to Pisaeng.i get where Pisaeng is coming from, but he chose to make it about (himself) about their relationship & Kawi's subtle way of saying he rather be with a female (which wasn't the point), a bit let down by a usually considerate/caring Pisaeng, especially where his bff is concerned. but as thankful things turned out ok, will ignore that spark of selfishness. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************the other surprise Knot, he still a mega-douche BUT is he in the wrong? both he & Kwan agreed to a casual sexual relationship/friends with benefits type situation, the fact that Kwan is emotionally involved, is whos fault? she's dreaming that he would have a change of heart, Knot's fault? he has always had eye's for Pearmai, something a blind person could see, wasn't that an indicator, to Kwan that she is nothing but a booty call?!? *******************************************************************also if Pearmai such a good friend, wouldn't she tell her about the arrangement she got with Knot?!? bff's do confide things like this \(〇_o)/ but she was always passively going along with Knot, no matter how he acted or what he did, that not a clear indicator of his true character?!? yet she still infatuated with that? still hoping he would have a change of heart - didn't happen & he's the bad-guy? nah sorry but this time as much as i don't like the dude, he not to blame. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************he bad for outing Kawi & Pisaeng to Pearmai (& the whole class) at a moment she really didn't need anyone adding to her pain, but his arrangement with Kwan is not something u can put solely on his shoulders. she a big girl who needs to come to grips with the choices she made ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************the actress playing Pearmai is really good. that scene with her father, heck the emotion's (⊙_⊙;). am glad the writer didn't do her dirty, if anything i think too date (in this drama) her acting is above the rest, especially the emotional scenes - bravo!

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sept. 1, 2023

One Stars

a very positive ep, but i don't have high hopes as we talking about Kawi after all. & yeah he confided (everything) in Pisaeng. but thinking about it, what is the point of that? the mistakes were all his own. everyone else is a pawn being moved/manipulated by him. he is the one that should stop & decide what he wants & go for it. the fact he realized it was Pisaeng all along. i am happy for Pisaeng & yet as we talking about Kawi, IMHO this can't be anything but a disaster\(〇_o)/ idk if this the pessimistic in me or the realist (given Kawi modus operandi, to date) . btw if anyone needed to "hit" on anyone (considering everything Kawi's put Pisaeng through) it should be Kawi wooing Pisaeng, not the other way around ( ˘︹˘ ) *********************************but the main plus in Kawi, was him deciding to quite drinking {{{(>_<)}}} ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Kawi ironically very impulsive & then when he needs to react faster turns cautious & reacts like a freakin snail. i really hope he comes clean with Pearmai, the least she deserves (as is this plot where she's done dirty twice is crass, insensitive & asinine). but can be thankful that getting hurt now, at least she wont fall into the arms of mega-douche Knot (really hope this annoying writer didn't go that witless route ผ(•̀_•́ผ)). so i hope Kawi moves ass & informs her before she sees them together & figures it out. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************side note: WTH is that old dude/fairy-godmother up too?!? him offering to fix Pisaeng;s car would what, enable him to reverse time when driving? i think the dude is bored (≧∇≦)ノ thankfully Pisaeng passed on the offer (ノへ ̄、)

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