
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 3 heures
  • Genre: Femme
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  • Contribution Points: 4 LV1
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  • Date d'inscription: janvier 13, 2021
sept. 14, 2023

the most despicable character in this BL,…

the most despicable character in this BL, is Thup & Thian's mother! the way she has acted too date (before hearing what she witnessed), she's no better then a stranger. heck she's worse, cause even a stranger would intervene & try to help children in need. here she's stuck to that disgusting man, no matter what he does. never once standing by her son (even after her daughter's suicide, a choice made cause her mother didn't come to her aid). her man so important, that the children she brought forth, can die for all she cares?!? she should be ashamed of herself & the choice's she's made. ****************************************************************************************************************************************little wonder Thup's hurting & drowning. as he's wrecked with anger, frustration, helplessness & guilty, little wonder he was spiraling downward. the way he was acting towards Cher was something we all do, take out our frustration in life on the one that we love the most, the one that is always there for us. this just sad & idk if he will get out of his own situation, let alone get justice for his sister. a really depressing circumstance. ****************************************************************************************************************************************1st off any publication printing false news can be sued! but Gun's great at being passive & moronic. sorry, but for a grown ass adult, that is running a company idk how he is successful in anything, the way he is dealing with things. whether it be the Thyme situation, his subordinate's at work uploading pic's about him & now this situation. he does Nothing!& when he is confronted by his mother. instead of standing strong like an adult, he's sitting mute letting her bash Cher. she aint at fault - sorry, but Gun is the one in the wrong (acting stupid). Cher just suffering the consequence's of Gun's stupidity - this love isn't worth the headache

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sept. 14, 2023

in the previous ep i blamed Gun (who's…

in the previous ep i blamed Gun (who's culpable, cause for someone who's extremely conscious of how "opinionated"/small minded people can be. he's acting totally oblivious to how his actions concerning Cher, look). BUT(!) Cher also partly at fault as he keeps drawing attention, shouting "Boss" repeatedly, when Gun appears to take him away. why?!? especially after the talk with Jack, why not STFU - go with him & speak ur mind when ur alone. don't need to make a show for those watching ¯\(°_o)/¯ ******************************************************************************************************************************************then again Gun acting obtuse, when he tells Cher that "...other people don't matter..." he goes into his office & no matter what sh*t worker's talk, he doesn't have to constantly hear it, they for sure won't dare & be catty to his face. Cher doesn't have the same privilege's, as an intern, he got no power. so Gun's comforting words r worth sh*t & if he told me ".. r u done whining.." he would have a bloody nose, before he finished the sentence (╬▔皿▔)╯****************************************************************************************************************************************dude is acting like a complete moron in this ep - WTF happened to him?!? he does nothing to the person that took the pic & uploaded it. he (like a total ass) goes to Thyme's boss to tell him, that he was the one to develop the game?!? what about the work his own employee's put in?!? then adding insult to injury (ironic i know) he goes to kiss Thyme's ass. like make this make sense \(〇_o)/(ノへ ̄、) wish Thyme punch him again Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ ********************************************************Cher taking the blame for Ink was logical if it was cause his internship was ending (the reason he gave was sh*t).but how come Gun's more angry at a just thing getting done, then at Thyme's shady actions~(>_<。)\WTF is wrong with this dude idk. No logic or common sense used in this ep! **********************************************************************************************Gun could drink himself to death for all i care, he's crying for a nonexistent friendship - throwing himself a pity party when he was the one in the wrong concerning Cher. Cher a much better person then me, cause i would tell Gun where he could shove his affront & outrage at a logical move. something he should've done! but he rather act the saint at the expense of his workers & Cher at fault plz ผ(•̀_•́ผ)go f*ck urself. sorry, but this would be the end if this romance in reality. Gun a colossal moron! aish

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sept. 14, 2023

1st off if Jack really was a friend, he would…

1st off if Jack really was a friend, he would shut that b*tch down. i could care less what bad my friend did, if some rando bad-mouths them. ima go for their jugular! afterwards would ponder, how to help my friend. *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************usually a boss, intern romance will be frowned upon. but that's cause the power dynamic is off! so it comes off as one using the other; the boss taking advantage of his position/power or the intern trying to secure a place by using their body to get tenure. BUT(!!!) this isn't the case as Cher isn't gonna become an employee, once his internship ends ¯\(°_o)/¯. so the carp Jack was spouting was just that sh*t. that whole office should learn to mind their business, sadly this the problem with office romances, everyone wants the tea(ノへ ̄、) *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************as much as i don't wanna, the blame lies at Gun's feet. he not only the adult, he's the boss - one that's openly gay. one that has already heard how some of his employees talk behind his back (& get that when ur in love, u don't use ur head). but he should've used his brain & thought how would an intern deal with the same type of toxic gossip? Jack doesn't have the balls to confront his Boss, so he chose the cowards way out & now Cher is worried his loving Gun, will hurt Gun. so he is worried & distancing himself even though he knows how much they both need each other. ugh! guess we needed the drama, cause we close to the end ~(>_<。)\ **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************btw Thyme's a douche & he deserved getting exposed. but if it wasn't Gun. then who did?!? personally Gun too good/naïve/trusting a guy to be as successful as he is. hope he doesn't offer Thyme the other cheek... but gives as good as he has been getting (╬▔皿▔)╯

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sept. 13, 2023

Two Stars

a few ep's back people were talking about progress being made. IMHO this is the 1st ep where i thought that. liked every character here, loved the group of friends vacation scenes. it felt genuine & heartwarming. Gun still the odd one out (but as that was their 2nd time hanging out as a group it was fitting) & still fun. ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Gun & Cher also closer (even though Cher still avoiding verbally confessing). but action wise, they both affectionate & caring. (plus not seeing the one-sided, self sacrificing b.s that's usually the go too in these plots, made me happy). ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************btw even though i like both leads, liked Gun more. Cher is a goofball (not that, that's a negative) but the over airheadedness he portrayed was getting a bit too annoying to stomach (even though found him funny). it's like too much of something sweet can turn nauseating. *********************************************************************************************************************but the whole scene with Thup & his reaction to finding out Cher in a relationship with Gun, Cher a much much better person then me... even though we know his backstory isn't sorrowless, his being overly goofy made me focus only on the immature side of him (my bad). so even though i should've realized , i glossed over the fact that he is carrying as heavy a burden as Gun, just the reasons/cause is different. so thankful they both can lean on each other. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Thup (ノへ ̄、) ironic that until this ep wanted to beat his ass. but after that whole blow-up felt sorry for this lost child that is drowning & doesn't know how to ask for help. sadly is hanging around with people that will drag him down to his doom - freakin sad~(>_<。)\

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sept. 13, 2023

liked that Cher asked for clarity, the part…

liked that Cher asked for clarity, the part that bugged me, was that he didn't offer any in return. if Gun is open about his feelings, shouldn't Cher return those sentiments & answer the questions Gun put to him earlier? especially after getting such a candid confession?!? that the least he should've done.¯\(°_o)/¯ instead he just asked Gun to keep their relationship a secret, which doesn't equate to the depth of openness/vulnerability Gun showed. the bad breath bit was just immature & gross, a fitting move for a "child" like Cher (ノへ ̄、) *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************& if that wasn't enough drama (that i wasn't interested in - cause Thi & Zo really bore me. sorry to the actors, nothing personal - but there is enough "meat" with Gun & Cher that we don't need a side plot IMHO. so i just skip, cause to me that's unnecessary drama (¬‿¬)) we get con-man Thup stop by, for more money. considering his attitude found it ironically hilarious when Cher said (after he left), that he feels like the one asking for a loan. idk what that boy is going through or what he is doing, that needs so much money, but i really wanna whoop his ass ugh (╬▔皿▔)╯**********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************side note: keep trying to guess who the "mole" is this time wondered if it might be Jack. but still got Oi on the top of the 'suspect list', a close 2nd being Ink. wonder if all the questions i've got will be answered by the end (mainly referring to the Thian plot-line).

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sept. 13, 2023

this has it's hilarious moments, but they…

this has it's hilarious moments, but they few & far between. what is frustrating - the miscommunication & there moments that feel plot hole-y, but there's so much going on, that find myself ignoring the minor things that would drive me up the wall - idk if that a plus (≧∇≦)ノ ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************what's Thup doing in the city? as it doesn't look like he is living in the dorms & studying. given the flashback, the f*ckhead that was trying to hit him in the previous ep, was his step-father. but what is he doing in the city? trying to survive(work)? trying to find out how/why his sister died?!? \(〇_o)/**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************will repeat a Q i asked previously, WTH type of relationship Gun still got with Porsche. he's got a bf, so why he stuck to Gun's ass. always popping-up?!? & sorry but when he invited the worker to eat, stating that "...eating with Gun was like eating with a statue, & that Gun would foot the bill.."( ˘︹˘ ) i don't like this dude! ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************also had a feeling Time/Thyme didn't just leave the company taking the product he was developing with Gun (with logically Gun has 50% or even more rights on, if he a business man he would draw up a contract bff's or not). so the fact their game is identical means he got an "inside man" - something that should've been brought to Gun's attention the sec Jack found out - cause neither he nor Cher seem competent as sleuthing (ノへ ̄、) ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************side note - hope i am wrong as i really like nosy Oi, but have a bad feeling she gonna be the "rat" feeding Thyme inside info *****additional side note: i don't really care about the side romance between Thi & Zo, guess no one did that's why we got the add drama with Zo fainting - to drum up interest. still not interested ~(>_<。)\

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sept. 13, 2023

only bugging me, that Cher keeps calling Gun…

only bugging me, that Cher keeps calling Gun "Boss"?!? like i get it in the office settings, but the sec he invited him to eat with his friends, calling/offering him friendship shouldn't Gun have told him "... when we not in the office, u don't need to be formal - call me Gun..."?!?\(〇_o)/**********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************also kinda get why Thup so hostile towards Cher & yet, he so deserves to get his ass kicked. he didn't come for his (dead) sister's keepsake cause she was important to him, but cause he knew she kept money in it. idk what he is up to, he so desperate for money. but milking Cher's guilty conscience is a despicable move. **************************************************************but that doesn't mean all the questions i had r answered, just new ones added. IMHO Thian was murdered. who the baby daddy - will give more of a clue about why she got got... if Cher was her bff, why would she hide having a bf from him(?) unless something was shady about the dude. ***********************************************************************************************also why the people living in the house Thian occupied, were so hostile towards Thup, aren't they related?!? shouldn't he be welcomed (especially on Thian's death anniversary)? get attacking Cher (considering how everyone blames him) - so need answers...

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sept. 12, 2023

got questions; why Gun close friends with…

got questions; why Gun close friends with his ex?!? one that apparently wanted an open relationship (which he is in). so WTH is up with that whole situation. ********************************************************************************************************& get Thup is Cher's younger step-sibling, but if he dislikes him so much ( ˘︹˘ ) why he asking him for money?!? he can call his mother ¯\(°_o)/¯ him telling Cher "...don't take me for a beggar" MOFO ผ(•̀_•́ผ) got to be kidding!! the way he's acting, he more of an ungrateful little turd. again WTF is the backstory there \(〇_o)/ why he so hostile towards someone who is pretty chill. cause u can bet your ass, there was a higher chance off me slapping him up-side the head, then giving ("lending" plz, he not gonna see that money ever again) him money, after the way he was acting(╬▔皿▔)╯*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************regarding the mains; as mentioned in the previous ep, their "romance" was zooming by at too fast a speed (& we only in ep 3) so seeing Cher get cold feet, was logical. their power dynamic was off. Cher is a bit of an airhead & i get he acts before he thinks. but after Gun informing him, that he is gay - Cher should've used his head, not just his emotions to guide him.he kept touching, getting close & personal, invading Gun's personal space (heck bulldozering over it). now he's getting cold feet cause he doesn't know how to deal with the situation he has found himself in?? a bit late considering his actions, let alone unfair towards Gun. but this a much more logical plot line, then how it was going to date (╹ڡ╹ ) ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************side note: good on Gun, i couldn't stay in Cher's family house - not even for a day. i don't do camping or even glamping & it's not just the lack of amenities, but the abundance of creepy crawlies (my main phobia with that whole situation) ( ˘︹˘ )~(>_<。)\hard pass

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sept. 12, 2023

well that escalated quickly(⊙_⊙;)&…

well that escalated quickly(⊙_⊙;)& donno how i feel, to tell u the truth felt a bit rushed & unrealistic IMHO. this got 12 ep's, & yet in the 1st 2 ep's everything progressing in a mad rush. why?!? (ノへ ̄、) ******************************************************anyhoo this ep was much more solemn then the previous. in-spite of Cher's lively/quirky personality it was hard to shake off the sober mood, permeating this ep. ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************the 2 bit*hy co-workers; how they go from warning against a temperamental boss (in the previous ep) to a lecherous creep in this?!? that's one hell of a leap if u ask me. Not the same thing\(〇_o)/ & u talk about someone like this (warn newcomers to the work place), when the higherup does this on a regular. Gun is cold, stoic & distant (regardless of his sexual orientation). even when angry, he asserts himself by getting colder & distant. ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************so this was just so we would get Cher's liberal speech?!? also find it weird that fujoshi's would be bigoted towards gays, if they into BL - wrong assumption on my part?!? *******************************************************************************************idk the whole scene including Gun's explanation, felt like a teaching moment - where the gay writer making it clear to the fan's - that they shouldn't start questions which character is top or bottom etc... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************btw as Gun was "normaler" around Time, should we assume the close friends was a literal thing?!? & he got betrayed in more way then one?!?¯\(°_o)/¯

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sept. 12, 2023

cute & funny 1st ep - won't say am…

cute & funny 1st ep - won't say am as elated as others in this comment section, but enjoyed the 1st ep & that's enough of a plus, as it makes me want to watch more. hope this gets better (cause even though enjoyed this, it wasn't perfect). ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************but my main thought throughout was; kinda sad that Mike, Drake or Yacht only ever get support or guest roles. they good looking, let alone have tons of acting experience( better then the newbies). Drake also has a special place in my heart, for his only main role in 'Cause You're My Boy . but as i don't know what is going on behind the scenes or in this industry, can hope they get their chance to shine... someday - as they both worthy. *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************the plot was fine - just shocked Gun spilled the beans about everything at the start. thought he would hide the fact Cher's ASMR channel / videos were coaxing him to sleep every night. but Cher not only knows everything, he's gung ho to take on nightly calls (in addition to his day job) to soothe his boss to sleep.

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Jun & Jun Episode 8
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sept. 11, 2023

cute ending. this was a good BL (might not…

cute ending. this was a good BL (might not be perfect), but considering some BL's out there (regardless of the country of origin) this was rather good, for sure a rewatch (❁´◡`❁) ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************acting on a whole was good (there were times when some side character's were a bit off & it was in ur face bad. but as the focus wasn't on them, it's a minor, negligible glitch). ***************************************************************************************most of the actors were good looking, but Ki Hyun Woo who portrayed Choi Jun was smokin hot, dude's got a ton of sex appeal (was shocked to find out he's just 22) he's so poised & confident a character, was sure he's much older. but i guess that goes down to good acting & directing as we have in contrast Yang Jun Mo, who portrayed Lee Jun whos also 22 & he came off way younger - so the mains for sure did a great job! *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************side note: even though a bit unrealistic am appreciative that both Song Hyun Jae & Chim On/ "Simeon" found a way to move on & the whole love triangle(?) was abandoned or came to not. Song Hyun Jae chose the higher road & even dragged Chim On with him. am still not 100% sure, if am right about Chim On having a crush on Song Hyun Jae & using Lee Jun to get back at Song Hyun Jae. but as this not gonna get developed, I will never know if that speculation is right or wrong ?‍♀️ but i enjoyed this & will for sure(!) rewatch!

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Jun & Jun Episode 7
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sept. 11, 2023

finally some much needed communication - maybe…

finally some much needed communication - maybe cause of that this ep flew by. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************was a fun ep - even though Song Hyun Jae was a mild bump in the road (dude his worst enemy) yeah it was too late for him no matter what he said. but for himself, he should've found the courage to confess & get his heart broken. so he could heal & move on. the way he keeps procrastinating, he will forever moon over Lee Jun from afar, never letting anyone else the opportunity... which will be his loss, as he is the one that will eventually end up alone. this sad !

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Jun & Jun Episode 6
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sept. 11, 2023

OMO there was so much said & yet nothing…

OMO there was so much said & yet nothing that cleared anything up \(〇_o)/(ノへ ̄、) & not saying by this, that i didn't enjoy this ep - totally hilarious but for the wrong reasons. ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************in this ep Chim On/ "Simeon" (especially after his conversation with Song Hyun Jae) makes me think, he had/has a crush on Song Hyun Jae & is flirting with Lee Jun to get back at Song Hyun Jae. maybe he feels that if he gets with Lee Jun (when Song Hyun Jae can't seem to confess his heart), it will make him hurt as much as he made Chim On hurt, by falling for Lee Jun & not him. he might like/be attracted to Lee Jun, but really wants Song Hyun Jae. ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Song Hyun Jae on his part idk why he's keeping quite or what he is waiting for... *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************i like Lee Jun, he is adorable & sweet but no one can be this naïve, here guys surrounding him find reasons to touch him all the time. this Not normal. heck i doubt i have touched close family or friends this much. he not wonder WTH is going on?!? & if their words carry more weight, then just lighthearted joking?!?

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Jun & Jun Episode 5
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sept. 11, 2023

the exchange between Song Hyun Jae & Chim…

the exchange between Song Hyun Jae & Chim On (in the flashback) confused me. was sure Chim On was angry cause Song Hyun Jae was leaving/resigning without informing him. maybe they were more then just colleges he felt abandoned. but then he goes & mentions Lee Jun... left wondering what in the (love)triangle is going on (maybe it will get cleared up by the end ). ********************************************************************************************************************************************also thought the other 2 guys (in Lee Jun's idol group) looked familiar (after checking), realized they the leads in Mr. Heart (●'◡'●) ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************the bit that annoyed me; Section chief Kim is targeting Lee Ju & for whatever reason Song Hyun Jae is oblivious to this fact (even though it's happening before his eyes). but Choi Jun, not only isn't oblivious to this fact - he used him to get Lee Ju to do overtime. am i supposed to find this manipulative attitude cute?!? ignore the fact that Choi Jun doesn't care his subordinate is bullying an intern?!? cause the result is all that matters??? nah ( ˘︹˘ ) **************************************************************hard for me to ignore this & then he's all cutesy with Kim Young, him wiping her mouth & being all cozy with her isn't supposed to rub me the wrong way? idk i didn't like that whole scene - it didn't paint Choi Jun in a good light. he got what he deserved when Lee Jun put him in his place - like talk about the gall(〇_o)********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************but there really hasn't been any serious conversations between anyone in this BL (to date). & i get - it's hard to confess ur heart for fear of rejection - still makes this a frustrating watch \(⊙_⊙)/(ノへ ̄、)

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Jun & Jun Episode 4
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sept. 11, 2023

where to start; 1st off like that this BL's…

where to start; 1st off like that this BL's plot is more then revolving around the mains. there is more to every character, even if they just get a few sec's of screen time. it doesn't feel like they nothing but scenery. **********************************************2ndly even though this a BL, it feels more like a drama & not a BL (not there is anything wrong with BL's, but the normie POV usually is, that it's less then...), so watching feel like the production (everything involved) was treated like a regular drama & it shows (IMHO). ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************now i know am the odd one out, but the thing that got to me in this ep was how lost Lee Jun seemed in his workplace. seeing him floundering made me mad, not just sad. makes me wonder how he get the job? if he doesn't know the basics?!? Song Hyun Jae want's Lee Jun to depend on him like a baby?!? (as is he keeps treating him like a handicapped child, with that weird ass napkin - idk but he's coming off more creepy stalker, fan-boy. then senior in love). i know this not the main point of the drama, but Lee Jun needs to stand on his own 2 feet, not just in this company, but in life. from what i've seen, all the guys revolving/wooing him r trying to take care of him. like he an incapable baby. which isn't healthy or makes for a long-lasting healthy relationship \(〇_o)/ *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************side note: Choi Jun got a fiancé?!? get that Kim Young is a friend (maybe family friend) they grew-up together but as Choi Jun always talked about Lee Jun. why they engaged?? weird...

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