
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 3 heures
  • Genre: Femme
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  • Contribution Points: 4 LV1
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  • Date d'inscription: janvier 13, 2021
sept. 18, 2023

in ep 2, when the aunt suddenly appeared causing…

in ep 2, when the aunt suddenly appeared causing a commotion, slapping Tae Hyun, shouting for the world to hear, all in a public place. i said "...that the aunt's still grieving, that someone whos world has been devastated would act that way. not justifying her, but can't judge her without knowing what is what..." and here we get the backstory. she's acting like a mad woman (after a decade), cause she's wallowing in guilty. ****************************************************************************as the adult, she knew she did wrong. leave the way she treated kid-Tae Hyun (her slapping him was justified how?) & then she goes to sleep? if i was her sister, would slap her before going out to search for my child. also i don't get how a pregnant woman is faster then her able-bodied husband?!?¯\(°_o)/¯ but ignoring the imprecation's in this plot, this was a depressing back-story. ****************************************************************************************************************************************Tae Hyun after finding a loving home, lost it all in a blink of an eye. his adoptive father isn't a bad person. if he blamed Tae Hyun he could've sent him back to the orphanage, yet he's financing him. which is something better then nothing. yeah living as father & son would be better (what Tae Hyun wants & needs), but we don't know why he chose that route. maybe cause of the crazed sister-in-law, he put Tae Hyun in a place she wouldn't find him.****************************************************************************************************************************************but glad Da Yeol told Tae Hyun he's not to blame - that made me happier then them making-up. yeah was happy at that part too. but Tae Hyun needed someone to tell him, that he aint a murderer & not at fault at how everything went down. ****************************************************************************************************************************************side note: the coach to blame for Min Jung's shoulder problem's(!) given how she treats Da Yeol. i don't doubt for a minute she any different with the other students she trains & she's ruthless. so the outcome of her "training" not shocking. little wonder Min Jung insisted in the 1st ep, that Da Yeol not neglect his shoulder.

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sept. 18, 2023

didn't find the scene with the nurse funny…

didn't find the scene with the nurse funny - bleedin moron deserves to get punched in the face. she's teaching students the heimlich maneuver. which is fine, but she telling's Tae Hyun to use more force when Da Yeol aint really choking¯\(°_o)/¯, of course he gonna get hurt & his knee jerk reaction would be getting Tae Hyun off him. & he's the one that needs to apologize?!? who gave this moron a degree in nursing?!? (╬▔皿▔)╯ ****************************************************************************& if she wasn't enough, we get another "educator" that bleedin coach. i seriously wanna hurt the "teachers" in this - all adults, one stupider then the other. ****************************************************************************************************************************************Da Yeol confused & running scared, the bleedin nurse didn't help matters. if anything her forced apology made Da Yeol run in the opposite direction. as is his coach is putting a lot of pressure on him, & seems like she is doing the sat to the rest of the students under her. thankfully Min Jung in the same boat as Da Yeol & not a bad-guy who will try & sabotage Da Yeol in anyway. ****************************************************************************************************************************************idk about Tae Hyun, is he as aware of Da Yeol as Da Yeol has come to be of him? i doubt it. think he still a new toy to him. maybe subconsciously he fell for Da Yeol the sec Da Yeol (literally) fell on him in the nurses office. either way he has so much going on that need more info to "get" him (¬‿¬)****************************************************************************************************************************************side note: Won Kyung is the main dude that i dislike as much as i did at the start of this. wtf is his damage?!?? (ノへ ̄、)

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sept. 18, 2023

One Stars

the aunt is still grieving - only someone whos world has been devastated would act the way she did. not justifying her, but can't judge her to harshly without knowing what is what. on the other hand, as i wanted/needed someone to smack the smile off of Tae Hyun's face - she seemed like karma to me(¬‿¬)****************************************************************************************************************************************Da Yeol like i guessed, is a pushover`(*>﹏<*)′with too big a heart. he's too trusting of strangers & more so of friends. idk what the story is with the dude that's training with him, just hope he doesn't get backstabbed by him. as is that couch of his, is quite the dislikeable person. i get constructive criticism, but that wasn't(!) what she was going, she was gaslighting him ( ˘︹˘ ). i don't like her, especially when she could care less to stand by her student in the previous ep (she spends more time with him, then he does with his father & yet one rumor. she could care less, she just wants him to apologize & ask for forgiveness, so he can get back to training? really?)(╬▔皿▔)╯****************************************************************************************************************************************in-spite being a annoying little sh*t i liked Tae Hyun better in this ep. he was less of a douche & considering the hints dropped he carrying a burden that has turned into the person he is. he might seems to some like the happy go luck kid that's got a ton of friends & is very popular. but really he is a loner & very lonely. still doesn't mean he can play with Da Yeol like he a toy ¯\(°_o)/¯

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sept. 18, 2023

this has taken me 3 tries to get to the end(ノへ ̄、)…

this has taken me 3 tries to get to the end(ノへ ̄、) usually i stop at the (or after the) nurse room scene¯\(°_o)/¯ the oops i slipped & landed on my love interest\(〇_o)/ is an over done trope, that just make me roll my eyes & cringe. **************plus i aint into the bully to lovers trope. it's totally different from the enemies to lovers trope, where there is a type of equality & feels less toxic IMHO.****************************************************************************************************************************************wont say this was any better this time around. Da Yeol isn't just stoic, he's the underdog (given his background). the fact he's so focused on his training, isn't just cause he wants to succeed for his father, but so he can better their lives. which made this whole ep that much harder to push through. especially when not one adult used their logical brain & just jumped to conclusions (they didn't even try to hear him out). **********************************************************************************him also being naïve (like the juice box incident, or the phone call after giving Tae Hyun his number) makes me feel sorry him even more. cause he seems even more trusting & vulnerable, not someone who can handle a jaded person Tae Hyun.****************************************************************************************************************************************mentioning Tae Hyun, i have yet to dislike a main this much - he not cute or funny. add the friends he like to hang with & they seriously make me see red. & sorry but they hurting so they taking it out on others isn't justified or excusable. Da Yeol being a softhearted guy makes me dread his falling for Tae Hyun that much more ~(>_<。)\

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sept. 16, 2023

once a week is too long a wait~(>_<。)\…

once a week is too long a wait~(>_<。)\ between up-dates, anyhoo... i for one notice the small things & sorry but Pimfah has shown 0 indication she interested in anyone until this ep. even after this ep (& the lock scene) i don't buy Pimfah being into Sailom, or any guy for that matter. **************************************************************************************************if anything (at the 16:55min mark) the way Pimfah looked at the new trainee teacher, Napdao. her reactions, the expression on her face. now that's how an interested person looks (at the person they interested in). she has yet to look at any guy (in this BL) that way (even when inviting Sailom to the open house, it was platonic & friendly, nothing more). idk what is yet to come, but don't buy that until now, any action on her part, was out of infatuation\(〇_o)/.****************************************************************************************************************************************even Kang's sudden interest, was news to me (even in the 1st ep when his buddies joked about them), he told them the only thing Pimfah was interested in was her art. & he didn't seem that heartbroken by this fact. they act like 2 childhood family, friends until this ep. where he's suddenly acting like a jealous infatuated teen. weird ****************************************************************************************************************************************like i've been mentioning (throughout my comments) the only "interest" i've witnessed, was between the mains. they have chemistry, but in addition there the long ass gazes (that embarrass me), there a ton of flirtatious verbal exchange's between the 2 - sorry but there No way (suddenly) we get this weird illogical twist IMHO. so either the writer forgot to develop this angle or the actors did a bad job conveying the plot - either way, i aint buying what's being sold ( ˘︹˘ )****************************************************************************************************************************************side note: shocking how Saifah's ankle healed in a blink ผ(•̀_•́ผ). & what debts Sailom still got to pay off? didn't Kang's grandma say she would clear them for his tutoring services?!?

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Why R U? Episode 8
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sept. 15, 2023

bummer ~(>_<。)\ it ended (❁´◡`❁)…

bummer ~(>_<。)\ it ended (❁´◡`❁) really enjoyed this. loved all the character's(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) but my favorite from start to finish was Lee Won, he's adorable & so funny. this was really entertaining, am glad i watched in-spite of some of the (negative) comments.****************************************************************************************************************************************as Dyeon was painted as an evil-b*tch (by some commenters), unjustified IMHO. yeah her (more or less) blackmailing Yoo Kyeom into acting as her stand-in bf, was wrong. but bugged me more, that she saw someone kissing her inebriated, blind drunk friend & she didn't inform Sun Woo about it (it's invasion of privacy, let alone his mouth). idk that was weird to me. i would throw tables & chairs the sec i witnessed something like that happen to a friend. but that was needed to further the plot, so never mind... (ノへ ̄、) ***********************************************************************************************************so yeah, she not a bad-guy(!) she just didn't realize her lie was hurting her friend, or that he had feelings for Yoo Kyeom. the sec she found out, she help them.****************************************************************************************************************************************but seems Yoo Kyeom was into Sun Woo long before, Sun Woo was aware of him. in some weird way, both couples r identical plot wise & yet it's wasn't a 'copy paste' job (thankfully). loved both couples dynamic & chemistry. but wont lie, ♡ Lee Won & Ji Oh so much more, they made this BL for me - for sure a rewatch!!!****************************************************************************************************************************************side note: liked the sister from start to finish, she wasn't to nosey or intrusive like the Thai version - her i couldn't stomach by the end.`(*>﹏<*)′

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Why R U? Episode 7
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sept. 15, 2023

usually u get an ep before the last, with…

usually u get an ep before the last, with a ton of drama. here, this the 3rd one in a row - not complaining (´◡`;) just enjoying the ride. cause yeah, there sad & frustrating bits, but it's also fun & funny. like Ji Oh is weird - come on dude (¬‿¬) a weirdo, in a cute & funny way (╹ڡ╹ ) but he is so freakin weird! that whole scene with the sister online & then face to face (≧∇≦)ノbut at least he knows what he wants, pretty sure he's been interested in Lee Won, way before his sister started the online romcom. ******************************************************************************************************************************also admire his tenacity - he's like a dog with a bone, will not let Lee Won go, not matter what he does or says. i admire & yet fear this aspect in him, cause his type of personality can turn toxic in a blink. but love him as much as i love Lee Won. great couple, love their chemistry.****************************************************************************************************************************************Sun Woo & Yoo Kyeom on the other hand leave me tired, drained & confused. Yoo Kyeom told his friend that he & Dyeon broke-up ages ago. but they never contradict anyone calling them a couple, Dyeon for sure doesn't confide this important/relevant info with her close friend Sun Woo. so what gives?!? even Yoo Kyeom could've repeated this fact, that he & Dyeon not together - problem solved - no??? ****************************************************************************************idk - that whole conversation between Sun Woo & Yoo Kyeom (at the buss stop) went over my head. got what was being said, but didn't understand what they were talking about ¯\(°_o)/¯ i donno if they know what they want or what they r ready to give/offer - so should they end up together? idk - but they will, as that is the point of the BL - happy endings ╯︿╰

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Why R U? Episode 6
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sept. 15, 2023

think this is the 1st BL/Drama (if ever) that…

think this is the 1st BL/Drama (if ever) that i want to watch the recap at the start & the next ep's preview at the end. even when enjoying a series, i rarely need a recap or a spoiler. but as this short, i want ever scene sec i can get. so it goes without saying, am totally bumbed that i have speed watched this & now am 2 ep's away from the end ╯︿╰****************************************************************************************************************************************Ji Oh & Yoo Kyeom r moron's - both in different, yet similar ways(ノへ ̄、). i get love makes u crazy (& jealous) but Ji Oh tends to out-do himself. get he's whipped & wants Lee Won all to himself. but he is getting in the way of his career, yes most of the guys that wanted to work with Lee Won were students. but that's something that will give him the tools to advance his career, not to mention that's net-working. so Ji Oh bad-mouthing Lee Won is a douche move & he deserved Lee Won's wrath. Lee Won for sure didn't deserved to get insulted & shamed the way he did. when he thought they were in a better place, to then hear Ji Oh spouting that nonsense, insulting & hurting him. he deserved to get hit, not just dressed-down (╬▔皿▔)╯****************************************************************************************************************************************Yoo Kyeom another genius`(*>﹏<*)′, was so happy that (even though Sun Woo tends to be a meek pushover) he stood his ground & told Yoo Kyeom off more then once. good on him. till the end he didn't give in. Yoo Kyeom should work for it - heck dude needs to work on himself, while he's at it (≧∇≦)ノ****************************************************************************************************************************************side note: idk why but have a feeling that Dyeon knows that there is something between Yoo Kyeom & Sun Woo. maybe am wrong, but her always wanting to tell Sun Woo something, then changing her mind. her asking him about her relationship with Yoo Kyeom, donno something feels off

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Why R U? Episode 5
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sept. 14, 2023

feel so bad for Sun Woo; he fell for Dyeon,…

feel so bad for Sun Woo; he fell for Dyeon, she friend zoned him. he fell for Yoo Kyeom & he's acting as he too wants nothing but friendship from Sun Woo. seeing a sad Sun Woo sitting there with Dyeon, was depressing. but made me wonder, when he asked her about Yoo Kyeom, was it cause now he has feeling for him (as i also noticed a bit of guilt). either way both Dyeon & Yoo Kyeom r not 'good people', both user IMHO ************************************************************************************Dyeon is goal oriented, i doubt she loves Yoo Kyeom, cause then her answer wouldn't be "...he's somebody i definitely need right now..." what type of love declaration is that?!? a calculated one. while Yoo Kyeom isn't any different, just in his case it's more like he is with her cause that is what is expected of him (to be with the most popular girl, that all the guys want). doubt he cares for her, let alone loves her. *****************************************************************************************************either way i hope these two stop using Sun Woo to massage their ego. intentionally or unintentionally they r playing with his heart & it's heartbreaking watching how sad & alone he is. ****************************************************************************************************************************************Lee Won & Ji Oh were a joy in contrast. they quirky, funny & fun to watch. they a balm to the soul. love how weird Ji Oh really is & loved even more that he's had enough of dancing around the bush & is coming clean with Lee Won. another crazy one, OMO i literally LOL-ed when the guys pulled the curtain & Lee Won jumped-screamed (≧∇≦)ノ love this character!!! & yes(!) the kiss was hot - Veryyyy hot (●'◡'●) ****************************************************************************************************************************************side note: Lee Won's sister needs an appointment with an optometrist, to get new glasses. cause the ones she's got, don't work (❁´◡`❁)

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Why R U? Episode 4
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sept. 14, 2023

ironic that by the end both couples were in…

ironic that by the end both couples were in the dump's - Ji Oh (〇_o) seriously with this dude, he's like the kid in the play-ground pulling on the hair, of the girl he likes. he enjoys annoying Lee Won so much - he's addicted(ノへ ̄、), just this time he touched a sore spot. ****************************************************************************************************************************************Yoo Kyeom on the other hand, is a much more complex character. after this ep find it ironic that the reason he noticed Sun Woo, was cause of his NPC tag. as Yoo Kyeom is no different, he's the rich kid that needs to make everyone a friend. but being himself isn't enough, he gotta buy their affection`(*>﹏<*)′. he's a people pleasure, one that's worse off then Sun Woo, cause even if Sun Woo is a yes-man, he 's true to himself & isn't hiding behind a mask (of whatever the other wants to see), he is himself - while Yoo Kyeom doesn't know who he is. he changes to accommodate the person he is around. little wonder he didn't know how to react to Sun Woo's confession. ****************************************************************************************also think Yoo Kyeom got cold feet & is running scared. he kissed Sun Woo in the heat of the moment, recalling that Sun Woo had never kissed before; the innocence in his kiss & the question, got to Yoo Kyeom (turned him on enough, so he would forget himself). but the day after, to realize u r attracted to a man is something not every guy can accept in a blink (let alone Yoo Kyeom who doesn't even know himself). he needs time , which might not be fair on an equally confused Sun Woo, but it is what it is ¯\(°_o)/¯ ****************************************************************************************************************************************side note: idk how the frack, whatever we see between Yoo Kyeom & Dyeon can be called a relationship. it's the most sterile, A-sexul relationship i have ever seen. so much so, that hearing those girl's say they were a replacement for his gf - Dyeon, shocked me (≧∇≦;)

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Why R U? Episode 3
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sept. 14, 2023

one hell of a kiss - idk what shocked me more,…

one hell of a kiss - idk what shocked me more, the chemistry between Sun Woo & Yoo Kyeom or the fact this a K-BL & the kiss was hot & normal (≧∇≦)ノ but that kiss was unexpected & smokin...****************************************************************************************************************************************personally i like both couples, they just got different dynamic's. Lee Won & Ji Oh r more enemies to lovers, while Sun Woo & Yoo Kyeom r the regular stranger's realizing their feelings. like that in-spite of everything going on, can appreciate both couples - one doesn't overshadow the other IMHO. both got their drama, but it isn't toxic or over the top. so i for 1 am immensely enjoying this (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)****************************************************************************************************************************************btw r Ydeon & Yoo Kyeom dating?!? that hasn't been establish & from what we see, it looks like they just friends. need that clarified. also what is the deal with Sun Woo, why he have such an aversion to owing people ¯\(°_o)/¯ while he wants to be the one to do the favors, but never receive anything in return. really weird & need more backstory on this too...

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Why R U? Episode 2
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sept. 14, 2023

this is so much fun (idk why some people actively…

this is so much fun (idk why some people actively hating, oh well) i am having fun(≧∇≦)ノ. love Lee Won's antics, trying to get out of the assignment with Ji Oh. who unlike the Thai version is already simping on Lee Won. his sister & her friends r just an added bonus (●'◡'●) **************************************************************************************************************************************** Sun Woo & Yoo Kyeom on the other hand, can't quite decide what i feel about them. i like that there aint no drama, that they just acquaintance's, that it's building; Yoo Kyeom just noticing Sun Woo, who on his part is infatuated with D-Yeon. but didn't get if she & Yoo Kyeom r really in a relationship, considering Yoo Kyeom's attitude. he doesn't treat her as anything but a friend, heck he's shown more interest & warmth when interacting with Sun Woo.¯\(°_o)/¯ ****************************************btw don't like everyone referring to Sun Woo as NPC. i doubt he is doing all those odd jobs, just cause he's a pushover, that can't say no. he must need the money.****************************************************************************************************************************************also there is something about D-Yeon that i don't like - can't put my finger on it, but have a feeling she gonna be the thorn in Yoo Kyeom & Sun Woo's side (ノへ ̄、) hope i am wrong {{{(>_<)}}}

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Why R U? Episode 1
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sept. 14, 2023

was waiting for this to get completed &…

was waiting for this to get completed & have to say (●'◡'●) really enjoyed this 1st ep. like others i enjoyed the Thai version, BUT that aint my favorite, as i think it isn't perfect. this was funny & light, ironically or not the bits i disliked in the Thai version were missing. ****************************************************************************************************************************************loved the mains, specially Lee Won - dude is a goofball and weirdly reminds me of Zon, they both quirky without out & out imitating him. also loved the 2nd romance plot line (maybe this is why i enjoyed this so much) cause in the Thai version Zon & Saifah weren't the leads they were the side story but they were the reason i stuck till the end. the mains did my head in with their toxicity & mind-games. here the side story is mellow & doesn't seem as chaotic as Tutor & Fighter's plot was. so for now i really enjoyed this & couldn't stop laughing at Lee Won's antics - he is adorable. ****************************************************************************************************************************************was nice seeing Nat & Max but (maybe just me) they fell misplaced in that setting. maybe cause not fluent in Korean their dialogue's r nonexistent. but hope they get better roles & succeed (≧∇≦)ノ ****************************************************************************************************************************************side note: like the sister (shocking cause i hated the Thai version) but i don't get the bff yet. hope she not used as a third wheel in any pairing

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sept. 14, 2023

this could've ended in the previous ep,…

this could've ended in the previous ep, as far as i am concerned - cause nothing of importance happened here. showing us Thup with his mother doesn't mean a thing. the step-father not being around, means what? same with Thup saying " Thian is an angle..." a fools consolation IMHO. i get him not harboring any ill will towards his mother, he got no one else. but still a b.s. conclusion & stand by my assumption (in the previous ep) that the siblings were used just to further the plot. using such a serious, solemn subject & not giving it the respect it deserves, in resolving the topic is infuriating to me. it's like further exploiting the subject/victims. same with not addressing Thup's pending drug charges. suddenly (cause the mains got their happily ever after) everyone else's prob's got solved ( ˘︹˘ ) plz ****************************************************************************************************************************************this was a good BL - the plot was good (even if it wasn't perfect) & the acting was good. but then we get this weird ass wrap-up & am disappointed. i (unlike others) didn't care for the side plot with Thi & Zo, they like everyone else, were great as a group but the sec i saw them alone. i didn't care what was going on. ***********************************************************************the mains on the other hand were weird at the start, then got better ผ(•̀_•́ผ) then Gun went off the deep end with his passive, mute attitude. & he did Nothing(!) to redeem himself. that's why found it ironic that Cher felt the need to prove himself worthy of Gun. IMHO it's the other way round - Gun a total mess¯\(°_o)/¯ but this is what passes as romance - toxic b.s..... oh well {{{(>_<)}}}

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sept. 14, 2023

19:50 "...why r u being cute..." he's…

19:50 "...why r u being cute..." he's not being cute ( ˘︹˘ ) from the start of the ep, it looked like he was saying goodbye. Kasidet is a great actor, u could see the sorrow in his eye's, the longing. every time he looked at Gun (when he wasn't looking) u saw Cher's heart breaking & all this with just his eye's. for a relative newbie, Kasidet is really good!****************************************************************************************************************************************Gun on the other hand is stupid, especially if he dares to compare Cher to Thyme or Porsche, like how anyone with one active brain-cell could compare between these 3 ?!? ¯\(°_o)/¯ Gun loves acting like he's the only one hurting `(*>﹏<*)′ oh boo-hoo (゚Д゚*)ノ the big baby was abandoned yet again - really? what has this man done to date? (╬▔皿▔)╯*************************************has he put his mother (parents) in her place? has he stood up to Thyme ? realized that their friendship was one-sided & as long as Thyme got his way, they were bff's. but the sec Gun raised his head, he was the bad-guy. this the essence of true friends? & Porsche, the one that wanted an open relationship & couldn't commit. he's comparable to Cher, how?!? Gun needs to go to Jack's psychiatric; seek help & get medicated. this douche annoying the frack out of me. cry me a river - u Not the injured party, if anything his "head in the sand" routine, has added to Cher's suffering. he needs to work on a lot of his "quirks" to be worthy of anyone. the state he is in now, he will just mess up other people's lives - sorry not sorry, this is a fact! so Cher thinking he needs to work on himself to be worthy of Gun is bad, infuriating & just not fair conclusion IMHO****************************************************************************************************************************************the main plot hole; what about Thup & Thian?!? given Cher personality he wouldn't accept help from someone he has left. so what about the brother & sister? how will Cher be able to help them out, in anyway? this lacks logic & is annoying. cause then they were used just to further the romance & sorry but that a disaster (especially ) with an immature moron like Gun! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ i aint a happy camper ~(>_<。)\

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