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Pas exceptionnel dans son genre, mais il se regarde pour passer le temps
L'histoire débute en 2019 en Afrique où on découvre rapidement les deux protagonistes avant de repartir en 2012 dans une faculté de médecine en Chine. Et ainsi de suite. Le premier épisode jongle entre les deux époques en permanence, si bien qu'il faut avoir envie de continuer. Comme les scènes sont courtes, l'alternance devient répétitive et pénible. Une fois le premier épisode passé, les scènes passé/présent sont plus longues bien qu'elles restent gênantes au début, mais on fini par s'y faire (ou on se force à s'y faire, au choix) jusqu'au moment où elles disparaissent.Jongler entre deux époques nous donne un aperçu des personnages. Ce qu'ils étaient et ce qu'ils sont devenus. Dans le passé, Ruan Liuzheng était une trouillarde niaise (attention aux dents qui grincent).
Puis on la redécouvre six ans plus tard et ça vaut le détour. Si elle reste une personne gentille et parfois un peu stupide (voir très stupide dans certains moments), elle a de la poigne et un tempérament plus affirmé sans jamais abandonner sa douceur. Son évolution est marquante. Pas parfaite (elle retombe facilement dans sa passivité illogique) mais intéressante. Y'a quelques détails qui m'ont interpellé, mais je vais éviter de m'étaler sinon demain matin on est encore là. Cela dit, reprocher à ton ex-mari de ne pas se souvenir des trois films que vous avez vu ensemble, c'est limite.
Face à elle, Ning Zhiqian. Passé ou présent, c'est un con. Inutile de vouloir dresser un joli portrait, il est cruel et parfois méchant sans raison. Il faut pas mal d'efforts pour lui trouver de bons côtés en tant que personne et l'apprécier. En tant que chirurgien, il est brillant, mais comme tous les "génies incompris de la médecine" la gentillesse et la sympathie sont surfaites. Plus sérieusement, Peng Guan Ying donne du caractère à son personnage et nous donne envie de l'envoyer royalement balader plus d'une fois, mais ça colle au profil.
L'enfant Ning Xiang est chiant. Ahah, désolée, il fallait que ça sorte. Le gamin à six ans et prend des décisions qui sont supposées être prises par un juge donc ! Il voit une jolie femme (qui se trouve être Ruan Liuzheng) et décide que c'est sa mère parce qu'elle était mariée avec son père - logique d'enfant, je l'accorde. Je n'avais jamais autant entendu les mots "papa/maman" dans un drama et c'est vite devenu insupportable. Certaines personnes seront peut-être touchées par lui, pour ma part il m'a juste gonflé. Autant celui dans The Love You Give Me était choupi ou ceux de Please Be My Family autant celui-ci...
Cela dit, le petit Ling Chen est doué pour son jeune âge. Bien qu'il hurle plus qu'il ne parle au début, on sent un quelque chose dans son jeu, notamment lors de scènes tristes où il arrive à être plus convaincant que pas mal d'acteurs/actrices adultes (et je n'abuse pas). Le p'tit bonhomme est promis à une jolie carrière.
Malgré leur passif, Ruan Liuzheng et Ning Zhiqian ne se tirent pas dans les pattes ou ne cherchent pas à se nuir mutuellement. Ils sont matures et c'est un aspect qui peut franchement réconcilier les gens avec le couple divorcé qui se retrouve. Bien qu'évidemment nous avons le droit à toute la panoplie des "je change d'avis" ou "soyons ensemble, mais séparons-nous deux jours plus tard pour une raison stupide" et tout le tralala. Si l'enchaînement des situations et des coïncidences facilitent grandement l'intrigue elle n'a pas la prétention d'être complexe.
En revanche, je n'ai pas compris l'attitude de l'entourage de Ruan Liuzheng. Pour tout dire, j'avais l'impression d'être la seule a soutenir ses décisions quant au fait de rester loin de son ex-mari ou d'être juste en colère contre lui. Je veux dire, elle a le droit de le détester de temps en temps ou d'être en colère. Elle a aussi le droit de ne pas avoir envie d'être en contact avec lui. Pourtant, on dirait que lui avait le droit de merder et qu'elle devait juste acquiescer en silence... Bon, c'est un portrait courant en Chine, mais là c'était juste pénible.
La pandémie entre en jeu à partir de l'épisode 31 (les acteurs ont d'ailleurs les traces des masques) ce qui (d'après moi) explique la soudaine accélération sur toutes les intrigues. Je pense qu'au départ le drama devait sûrement partir sur 40/45 épisodes. Malgré ce point, le drama reste très long pour pas grand chose avec les événements habituels. Le montage est vieillot, certains doublages sont mauvais, mais il se regarde jusqu'à la fin.
Bref, s'il n'est pas exceptionnel ou particulier dans son genre, il se regarde facilement si on accepte de fermer les yeux sur un bon nombre de choses.
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First, there are SOOOO many unnecessary story arcs that didn’t need to happen. They literally did NOTHING haha Dr. Ruan’s dad dying, for one. Why did he die? Why did they keep that?Another was the story arc with Dr. Ning’s son. All they had to do was just integrate the birth mom into their lives and write her in as just being a part of the new family dynamic. The entire second trip to Africa was utterly a waste of time, memory cards, and money. The story arc between Dr. Cheng and Dr. Ding was fine if they just left it. But no, they had to also be an on again and off again couple. The fact that a REBEL…A WANTED REBEL is openly out and at a candle light vigil at the hospital where there are governmental soldiers present was ridiculous.
The emotional moment of her waking up and discovering he was no where to be found was meant to invoke deep feelings in the viewer but those died long ago in me along with my patience in all the story plot holes, horrible acting, questionable choices, and this weak ass FL character that basically spends her entire adult life following this man like a little puppy. And it NEVER stops. She gives it a try here and there, but it never lasts and is always half hearted.
The drama should have ended with their second walk down the aisle and maybe a glimpse into an overly sweet and completely predictable future of their lives. But no, they dragged this on for another waaay too many episodes.
Twice, they had the doctors perform life and death surgeries on their own loved ones. Is that not allowed??
Why the HECK did the hospital discharge him without notifying his WIFE?! The reason being because she was so exhausted from the stress, surgery, and worry that she finally passed out and slept for three days?! And then for his family to up and disappear with him without so much as a note or ANY communication is sooooo disrespectful and utterly unforgivable. And THEN no one tells her when he wakes up and has amnesia…LOL wtf?! Just because he couldn’t remember her (his WIFE, mind you), they decided to just cut her out of what happened to him?! And her response was “it’s cool. He’s alive, I’m good” LOL no but seriously, THAT’S WHAT HAPPENED. THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID. Yes, I should spoiler that, but I wanted to give you fair warning…THAT is the type of story you are in for if you make poor watching decisions…..like me 😭😆
The constant back and forth flip flop of past and present was hella annoying. They should have just started from the beginning and ONLY gone back with flashbacks on moments where the character finally realized something they weren’t aware of until that moment. Like when she was told about him looking for the necklace.
He forgot how to be a doctor, watched a few surgeries and then remembered, so the hospital was all cool with it and let him perform medical aid?!
I could go on, but most of my frustrations are due to the fact that I didn’t just let it drop LOL. It was bad from the get go, but I wanted to wait and give it a few more episodes. Then before I knew it, it was too late. I kept hoping it would get better, but it never did. In fact, it got worse. It was as though the writers gave up, realized they had all these episodes left and just started throwing story lines on a wall and they just said “what the heck, we will put it all in!”
Or maybe the writers just didn’t know how to end it and basically just kept writing and the Production kept shooting haha
It’s a mess of a drama. The FL never grows a stronger spine and her entire being revolves around this one man - from start to finish. That part never changes. This is not romantic. This is sad and dangerous for younger women who could fall into the trap that this is how you should love a person. What is acceptable in relationships. What is expected. 🤮
4/10. Don’t waste your time or your brain cells. Go rewatch something else that you know you will enjoy. You’ll have spent your time in a much wiser fashion.
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Addictive, Great Chemistry, Great Actors & A Good Second Chance Drama (but watch only until ep 30)
We all love second-chance romance dramas, but we hardly find any good second-chance romance dramas. This drama had the potential to be one the best in this genre. But, somehow it made a disaster in the last part of the drama and especially in the last 6 episodes. If you consider this drama with only 30 episodes, this is still pretty good. There are a lot of positives to this drama i.e. very good chemistry of the main couple, excellent casts with top-notch acting, good visuals, and good OST's.Why only till episode 30:
This drama is an adaptation of a Chinese novel. The screenwriters changed the story to some extent to write the script. Still, the drama followed the novel closely. But, they followed the novel only until episode 30. After that, they wrote the script totally by themselves which has absolutely no relation to the novel. So, After episode 30, the drama feels like a completely different drama. We got a realistic feel in the first 30 episodes. But, suddenly it became a melodramatic drama. It became so melodramatic that it could beat top melodramas with its melodrama plots. We the viewers got hugely disappointed by this. It was painful to watch those episodes. I hardly could believe how the drama turned out like that. I would suggest the new viewers, don't watch the drama after episode 30. We got somewhat of an ending at episode 30. Though it was not complete we can imagine the rest. No need to take the pain to watch the rest of the episodes.
-Actress: Wang Churan was just impressive. This is the first time I saw her in any drama, and I instantly became a fan of hers. I just want to see her in another drama. She looked stunning in this drama. Her smile was the best thing in this drama for me. She is still new and there is a bright acting career ahead of her.
-Actor: Peng Guan Ying was great in his role. PGY acted as a cold doctor who doesn't show much emotion. He is a good guy but sometimes you feel mad about his actions, but still, he has his charm. You can't stop but root for him.
-Chemistry: Chemistry was good. There were a lot of problems in their relationship. Sometimes they feel distant but the chemistry was always there for them.
-Hospital Settings: We see a lot of medical dramas. Most of those dramas somehow feel unrealistic and sometimes cringe. This drama somehow portrayed a good hospital setting. It was not perfect but I would say It was very good, a lot better than some other top medical dramas
-OST's: I liked the opening song a lot. Overall music and OST's were good
-Africa Arcs: Africa arcs were a complete disaster. We got to see the first 2 episodes were shoot in Africa. That 2 episodes were still ok. Then the last 5 episodes were shoot in Africa too. I just have no words for those last 5 episodes. Completely unnecessary with no story.
-Questionable actions by ML: In the past flashbacks, ML did some things that deeply hurt FL. There might have been some reasons behind those, but still, some viewers did not like those.
-Some medical plots/decisions: There were some medical plots/decisions used/taken in this drama, that were questioned by the viewers. There could be some arguments about whether those decisions were right or wrong. While watching those, we could still give some consideration as this is a drama after all. It's not perfect and actually, no drama is perfect. Some other medical dramas have more issues than this.
Ending: (Spoilers)
It got somewhat of a happy ending (episode 36). But it's not the kind of happy ending we wanted from this drama. There was an amnesia plot in the ending. Although the drama has somehow a happy ending, the ML and FL deserved a much better ending than this. We the viewers also deserve to see a much better ending.
8.5 from me. I could give this 9 easily if the drama had only 30 episodes and ended properly. But, I can't forget those last 6 episodes. I was disappointed and I can't just ignore that. I wanted to give this a 7.5 or 8. But, the drama was very good until episode 30. So considering everything I gave it 8.5
The first 30 episodes of this drama were really good. The drama was very addictive. You dislike some parts, but you just can't stop watching. It was that good. So, I recommend this drama, but only until episode 30. If you want to watch the rest just watch that fast-forwarded.
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Berbox Kay lee Zona
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A good drama with potential ruined by a lazy ending
This for me started out great, I loved the mature concept, I loved the imperfect characters that could help you bond with the story and relate more, I loved the leads chemistry ( I could sign a petition of them having a drama together) I loved both Wang Chu ran and Pen guayins potrayal of Dr Ning and Ruan, and I loved the first 30 episodes of the show before it took the drastic 180 degrees turn that made me question my ratings.Having witnesses these twos divorce, their reunion, their difficulty in understanding eachother their wanting to be together but have many insecurities and cant do that, I expected a much more fullfilling end the end that would give respect to the basis of the story and Ofcourse sad to say but the writer went with the unthought out amnesia plot, like was this a way to give male leads character a chance of redeeming but he was okay as his old character or maybe I'll try to understand it as a way to help male lead fall for her this time round, it was not a sad ending it was sort of happy- ish but it totally made the 30 episodes seem like a wastage of time, I have seen dramas with endings I can justify that's because those endings sort of reflected in the story some how but not this I couldn't justify this, I just feel utterly disappointed....🥲
This drama deserves uploads for the good chemistry between the leads, their spot on reality checks if marriage and love, the medical scenes of the series, the interactions between the entire cast and the osts....so after all that put into consideration I came up with a decent rating of this, I would like to recommend this but I won't guarantee you will be impressed by the ending.....
Personal rating: 8/10
Rewatch value: 6
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My New Sappy Comfort Drama?
I am not someone who is overly critical when watching dramas so I do tend to overlook lazy writing and illogical plotlines as long as it is still enjoyable to watch. First of all, THE LEADS ARE SO CUTE. I found out the FL is 5'8 but the ML still towers over her because he is 6'2. I'm such a sucker for height differences. With that being said, this might be a filler drama, something to watch while you are in waiting for episodes of a different drama. The story starts when both the leads are in college, FL falls in love with ML but he is indifferent toward her. They get married and she realizes that she cannot make him love her. The writers take us on a ride with this one because I actually felt really bad for FL because our girl was getting neglected by POS ML. We do get some chummy moments though. Fast forward 6 years later and our leads reunite in Africa where *surprise* FL gets kidnapped. In the beginning, FL is very reluctant to even interact with ML, which is completely understandable considering he was so cold towards her when they were married. She then gets transferred to the hospital where he works and becomes his mentee. Somewhere along the lines, I'm not sure when this happens maybe I missed it skimming, she warms up to him and starts to take care of him again as she did before. Now, this is a bit bizarre to me because he makes her do unreasonable chores and tasks for him and somehow, instead of being pissed, she emphasizes with him because he had to be alone all these years. Patriarchy amiright? Anyway, they have this second chance romance going on which I thought was really cute, many people in the comments and reviews sort of bash her for going back to him but they're such a cute couple I can't really say anything. REAL FAT SPOILERS AHEAD SO READ WITH CAUTION!!!!!Okay so here is the real kicker, the ending sucked major balls. I read the comments on here when the last 6 episodes came out and I was afraid to watch it but I powered through and honestly, it is not as bad as I thought it was when I initially watched it. I have to admit, what happened had to happen (you'll know what it is if you watch it) for the ML to grow and have a chance of changing his dogmatic ways. ML kept hurting FL throughout the drama, even after being given many chances (this is why you never give a man another chance smh) and he simply was not growing and changing into the person FL needed him to be. The last scene of the drama is really cute and leaves much to the imagination, something that I really enjoy in dramas. If you are really someone who hates this, I say stop at episode 30 and call it a day. Not much development happens after that. Overall, this drama was an 8/10 for me. Not entirely great but still a good watch. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this drama!
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Great story and actors but the ending was lacking
Love the storyline and the actors. Would watch again but really didn't like the ending. Did not make sense why they took him away in secret. And they said his family wanted to keep it a secret but he only had his dad and stepmom. None of the ending made sense. The positive was that he remembered that she fancied him in the beginning. However the ending was abrupt. They could have finished it off properly. Lots of low rating and probably because of the ending more than anything.Thought the actors did a great job and some of the scenes were beautiful. They did a great job showing the highs and lows of the relationship.
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A Drama That Started Strong But Sizzled Out
I liked the idea behind the story of the two main characters. In medical school, the FL falls for her senior doctor/professor at first sight. Eventually was blessed with a marriage to him. He, from an aftermath of a broken long relationship and takes marriage as part of life journey. She, all warm and yearn for acknowledgement and true expression of love. Due to communication barriers and life priorities, she became despondent and divorced him. Years later as she commences her medical career, she is in-advertently placed under his tutelage as a neurosurgeon in Bei Ya Hospital. Hence, starts the struggling of love and emotions in and out and throughout the drama as they work closely together everyday.For me, the 36 episode drama started really well, however, it went downhill from 3rd quarter through. Everything took too long in concluding the love that is already so evident from the beginning of the episodes. It kept going and going and even continued with a slight plot twist towards later part of the story.
Too many hours wasted and the ending was questionable. If not for the two strong, good looking main leads, I would have abandoned the drama. Watch only if you are a fan of Wang Churan and Peng Guan Ying.
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Loved and enjoyed this drama, but was disappointed with the last 4 episodes.
Love Heals (a.k.a. Have a crush on you, personally, I like Love Heal's title better) is a medical melodrama that I found enjoyable to watch.This is my first drama where Wang Chu Ran plays FL, and I can't wait to see her playing the same (doctor role) in her upcoming drama with Yang Yang in "My Fireworks on Earth."
I like Peng Guan Ying, and I think he is a good actor with a good range. I watched him in (To Dear Myseff, Two Conjectures About Marriage, and Unexpected Falling) and liked him in all of them.
The pairing between him and Wang Chu Ran is quite good; they have awesome on/off-screen chemistry. The characters that they play in this drama are perfect, and the supporting cast is not bad either for the 2nd and 3rd CP.
The young actor (Ling Chen) who plays Ning Xiang, the adopted son of Dr. Ning Zhi Qian, is adorable. No dubbing in this drama, too, so definitely a plus.
I enjoy their teacher/student dynamic, where he helps her grow and build her into a confident neurosurgeon. It is good to see that they rekindle their love for each other after 6 years of divorce.
I am giving it an 8.0 rating, and it has high rewatchable values. Again, Tencent's production quality is not good; too many bright white lights. I would give higher rating if it was ended in episode 32 because the last 4 episodes were unnecessary and stupid. To have him had an amnesia was so dumb. It discredited the previous 32 episodes.
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This is just not it.
good points :- Great Chemistry between FL and ML
- The idea of flashbacks is nice even if it's a bit messy
- addictive
bad points :
- The mc is a JERK, like he's a worst ML I saw in a drama. The acting is good, but the writing of the character... How did they think it was a good idea...
he's literally screaming on a child, he doesn't respect people... He's irresponsible
- The relationship between ML and FL is weird.. it's really dominative... it's just not love
- FL's mother just like ML because of his job... nothing to add... he could be the worst man ever but it's fine if he works at a great hospital..
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All Over the Place Drama w/a Hard Nosedive Finish
It had a good premise and started out decent but then just literately took a left and it left. The drama was all over the place. For those who know how I rate and review, I always wait until I finish watching. Well after episode 31 and the return to Africa things took a nosedive. Anyways, let's do this.Pros: My first favorite character was the kid! He was smarter than all of them combined. Great child actor and very believable; like a mini old soul. 2nd favorite character was SML, he was the most consistent and even funny. I've seen him in several costume dramas so first time seeing him in a modern and he was the one to watch. His relationship with SFL was goofy and cheesy but a worthwhile watch. I'm very glad he got his own chance to prove himself towards the end; that was great to see. While I enjoyed all the doctors and others as well as their lives outside of the hospital, I wish more of that was explored. OSTs were on point as was chemistry of the leads. It was watchable where you didn't have the need to fast forward or at least not too much. A lot of people had an issue with Xue lawyer guy, but I thought he added humor and care for FL when ML slacked off and even if he didn't win her over, he always took care of her no matter what. If nothing else, he was a fantastic friend and protector. Sadly, other than that this drama had no other pros.
Cons: The African arcs were beyond unnecessary and really poorly done. The blatant disregard for the continent as a whole and its people as third world monsters who could only rely on savior China for peace or treatment was pathetic. One doctor could stop a war? Give me a break. Propaganda wasn't even trying to be realistic. The fact that they were neurosurgeons but could only diagnose and treat cancer was laughable. There are many diseases these doctors could deal with but c-dramas have developed a flavor for cancer and that's what medical dramas (unless they are disaster relief) all show. It's like no other disease exists except cancer and they're number one at treating it.
The flashbacks in the beginning though I understood their purpose were very cringeworthy; FL was basically stalking the ML the entire time up until out of nowhere she confessed and wham bam boom they're getting married. It was so creepy. She basically bent over backwards to get him and their marriage was just as weird. This series would have been more then enough with only 30 episodes, with the leads getting hitched before her father passed. The fact that they kept putting it off to add that secondary African arc and his incident not to mention the illegality of a director of a hospital taking an unconscious ML back to China without telling his fiancée and the last 3 episodes of whatever, everyone searching for him as his family who begged her to save them at one point, kept her in the dark for months and 45 minutes of the last episode of him having amnesia and remembering how to be a surgeon but not her? Are you kidding? After everything, that's how this series ends? Just no.
Would I recommend it? Nope. The awful African propaganda, the amount of illegalities and inconsistencies plus that dumb as nails ending. Had potential but almost immediately went haywire. Way better medical dramas out there to watch.
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What not to do in a romantic relationship
The drama started out so strongly and then became disappointing. FL unexpectedly runs into her ex while on a trip to Africa. She is now a physician, who can keep her cool and treat a gunshot wound under pressure (thumbs up for a strong FL). We get flashbacks to her time in medical school when she has a hopeless, unrequited crush on him. You can’t help but wonder about their history. When they both return to China, the main storyline begins.The cast is great - a mix of likable, mature characters. My major problem happens as the history of FL and ML is revealed and their current relationship continues to unfold. It is all about a FL who stalks, gives up career, etc for an uncaring and emotionally toxic ML. Then in the present, instead of truly moving on and starting a healthier relationship, she gets reentangled with the ML even though he doesn’t show much emotional growth. Girls, don’t behave like our FL please 😭
And don’t get me started on the unnecessary melodrama in the latter half… (starting with the kid’s bio mom showing up and progressing from there to unnecessary deaths and amnesia plot). This drama had so much promise. I wish they could have edited it to 24 episodes and added more character growth for our leads.
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A series that had a lot of potential partly ruined by a poorly written story
I don't like long commentaries and analysis on series, so I'll keep it short.I really like 2nd Chance stories and Peng Guan Ying, so I had some expectations for this drama. However, on the repeated advice of other viewers, I stopped at episode 30 because the later episodes have a questionable/silly arc.
PLOT: A couple of divorced surgeons, find themselves 7 years after their divorce, working together (mentor/resident) in the same hospital. They hide their former relationship from others. The ML adopted a child. But they still have strong feelings for each other, despite their traumas and especially their fear of another marriage failure.
+ A CL with great chemistry, performed by 2 great actors.
+ Child (excellent and who will also certainly be a very good actor).
+ Dynamic production
+ Realistic context and credible medical situations.
+ The support characters are well developed, sympathetic.
+ The vision of (active) women is modern.
- The multiple flashbacks on the different periods of the CL's relationship make the storyline quite confusing.
- The character of the ex-girlfriend is very ambiguous: she no longer wants ML, goes away with a French museum curator, but distills perverse ideas "for her own good" in the head of the FL (which further increases her feeling of inferiority).
– The ML (played by Peng Guan Ying) is annoying with his indecisiveness.... Traumatized by the failure of his parents' marriage, OK + dumped by his girlfriend just before the wedding, OK... But his behavior after his own marriage is not understandable !! Even when he confesses his feelings, even when he wants to protect the FL, he always keeps a distance, hides the fact he's helping her, etc.
- Last narrative arc with father's cancer + ML accident and amnesia + ML being sent to Africa, while the FL remains in ignorance: it's stupid and doesn't make any sens.
- lengths in the 2nd half (skipping or speed 1.5).
===> A series that had a lot of potential (CL + context + good cast) but was partly ruined by a poorly written story.
Je n'aime pas les longs commentaires et analyses sur les séries, donc je vais la faire courte.
J'aime beaucoup les histoires de 2nde chance et Peng Guan Ying, donc j'avais des attentes sur ce drama. Cependant, sur les conseils répétés des autres viewers, je me suis arrêtée à l'épisode 30 car les derniers épisodes comportent un arc discutable/idiot.
PLOT : Un couple de chirurgiens divorcés, se retrouve 7 ans après leur divorce, à travailler ensemble (mentor/résident) dans le même hôpital. Ils cachent leur ancienne relation aux autres. Le ML a adopté un enfant. Mais ils ont toujours de forts sentiments l'un pour l'autre, malgré leurs traumas et surtout leur peur d'un nouvel échec.
+ Un CL avec une great alchimie, interprété par 2 super acteurs.
+ Enfant (excellent et qui sera aussi certainement un très bon acteur).
+ Réalisation dynamique
+ Contexte réaliste et situations médicales crédibles.
+ Les personnages support sont bien développés, sympathiques.
+ La vision des femmes (actives) est moderne.
- Multiples flash-backs sur les différentes périodes de leur relation, ce qui rend la storyline assez confuse.
- Le personnage de l'ex girlfriend est très ambigu : elle ne veut plus du ML, rejoint un conservateur de musée français, mais distille "pour son bien" des idées perverses dans la tête de la FL (ce qui accroit encore son sentiment d'infériorité).
- Le ML (joué par Peng Guan Ying) est agaçant avec ses indécisions.... Traumatisé par l'échec du mariage de ses parents, OK + largué par sa copine juste avant le mariage, OK ... Mais son comportement après son mariage n'est pas compréhensible !! Même lorsqu'il avoue ses sentiments, il veut protéger la FL mais reste toujours en retrait...
- Dernier arc narratif avec cancer du père + accident du ML et amnésie + envoi en Afrique, alors que la FL reste dans l'ignorance : ne tient pas la route...
- des longueurs dans la 2e moitié (zapping ou speed 1,5).
===> Une série qui avait beaucoup de potentiel (CL + contexte + bon casting) mais gâchée en partie par une story mal écrite.
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