déc. 29, 2021

They need to tell us how many days have passed!!

I like it but I'm really confused. How much time has passed. It feels like one day, but I have been looking through the comments and reviews and I think it's possible that there has been huge jumps in time that ... the directors just forgot to mention? Or they think we all have mind-reading skills? If my supposition is right, then the time between the first scene at the bar and the scene with Vee offering to help Mark and friends study, could have been weeks to an entire year. Enough time for Mark to have fallen out of love with Bar and into love with Vee, simply from the memories of their one night encounter. Plot-wise it wouldn't make sense for it to have been a year, but in a later scene with Mark and his two friends on Mark's bed, James says to Mark, "you've been in love with Vee for a whole year." And that had me at a huge WHAT? I thought Mark was in love with Bar, and just yesterday at that?! Because cinomagraphically that is how it seems. Then, that means that when Mark says he's not in love with Bar anymore, it's because he's been in love with Vee for a while now, and when Vee asks what Mark is thinking about and if he can help Mark out, Mark says no because he is in love with Vee and Vee already has a long-time girlfriend.Also, Vee's line, "I feel guily every time I pass you" has more meaning because he has been passing Mark for maybe almost a year (and is still thinking about him. Awe).Also this would make the Ploy-cheating arc make more sense, because cinomagraphically, it seems like it was was literally the next day that Mark and friends see her with another man at the bar, when in actuallity it's been a year with them falling out of love.HOWEVER, that would mean that Vee is all of a sudden jealous of Mark after a year of silence. Further in one scene in this episode, Vee asks mMark, "How can you get rid of your feelings that fast" which could be used to say that the passage of time since their first scene at the bar could have been days, not years. UGH I'm confused

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déc. 21, 2021

Mignon et très simple

Cette histoire est très simple, je la recommande pour les personnes qui ne veulent pas se prendre la tête et qui on pas mal de temps à dépenser.
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7 Project Episode 6
0 people found this review helpful
oct. 10, 2021

La Justice face à l’injustice justice lorsqu'elle…

La Justice face à l’injustice justice lorsqu'elle celle-ci est dévoilé. Quel combat honorable venant d’un jeune universitaire.Se laisser faire, c’est accepter que l’oppresseur gagne. L'épisode 6 est celui que je préfére jusqu'à présent. Peak et Boom se connaissent et leur interprétation est Vraiment bien, le petit plus, leur jeu de flirter ensemble (sourire et supposition) est So Cute.J’ai soudain envie de revoir Tee et Fuse ?
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7 Project Episode 4
0 people found this review helpful
oct. 10, 2021

Four Stars

Plusieurs années de relations résumées en 45 minutes n'offrent pas la possibilité de voir et ressentir l'évolution du couple. On ne voit pas le changement s'opérer. Ce n'est pas le style capillaire qui indique la relation, juste le changement de période.La fin est heureuse pour le couple ?. C’est un point positif.
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7 Project Episode 3
0 people found this review helpful
oct. 10, 2021

J’étais réellement emballée de revoir…

J’étais réellement emballée de revoir Samantha, cette actrice a un du potentielle, celui-ci n'est pas assez guidé, dirigé. Il lui manque Le Réalisateur qui lui permettrait de se dépasser. L'interprétation des personnages est très moyenne. L'épisode est trop vite clos. Dans cet épisodes, il y a deux victimes, et une personne manipulatrice. Est-ce que les Thaïlandais ont du mal à communiquer ?
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7 Project Episode 1
0 people found this review helpful
oct. 10, 2021

Je me demande si la Thaïlande laisse vraiment…

Je me demande si la Thaïlande laisse vraiment l’harcèlement se produire ainsi dans un Internat. Les élèves laissent des camarades être harcelés sans se soucier. L’harcèlement, l’oppression DOIVENT êtres punit TRÈS SÉVÈREMENT.
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The K2 Episode 16
0 people found this review helpful
juil. 13, 2021

Ji Chang Wook

Il est excellent,bad boy tout ce que j'aime de lui,bon garde du corps,bagarreur.Action beaucoup belle histoire.
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déc. 20, 2020

La fin est ridicule

Spoiler :Sérieusement qui a eu l'idée de le faire mourir et ressusciter dans le même épisode, très mauvaise fin!! C'est vraiment dommage, le drama était bien parti, les histoires secondaires sont rafraichissantes mais sérieusement!! Jun a fait croire qu'il était mort pour AUCUNE RAISON excepté " je voulais attendre d'être complètement remis" et tout le monde l'a pleuré durant 5 ANS. C'est vraiment égoïste et n'importe quoi. Vraiment un des drames les plus décevants sur la durée que j'ai vu...
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nov. 14, 2020

What's wrong with people

Slight spoiler aheadSeriously, one of the things i hate in dramas is the lack of communication. Really Woo-Jin, just explain yourself instead of creating useless quiproquos !Also, accusing the doctor that abandoned fame if he wants fame and the doctor that denounced corruption if he is corrupted, please characters, take time to think !
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Il y a 3 heures


Years past!Suddenlythe twomeet butwith a catch.Do we havea potentialtriangle? What a great set up. Thisepisode wason fire. Somany unansweredquestions.
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Il y a 3 heures


The angstdisplayed isso weirdlyshown inthe mls. Somuch innerturmoil andsexual tension. Thetoxicity ofthe father.Is it becausehe knowsabout thetwo?
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Il y a 4 heures

Be fucking fr

I don't know what I am watching I was putting all of the screenshots I took into my drama list and this was one of them. Mr. Elyes looks scary as fuck dude. Crazy side swoop on this guy with the glasses. Elyes is a bitch ass I can already tell. I am gonna put it on my calendar when this airs lol. I would have splashed coffee in his fucking face. I can already tell Elyes a freak, why does he have that freaky ass look.HUH???? WHAT WAS THAT VISION, RUN IT BACK THAT'S YOUR BOSS. WHY ARE WE LETTING HIM USE YOU LIKE THAT, BABE? I would reconsider my whole life looking at this sexy blockhead. He is bad as fuck. Okay, he is lowkey fine as fuck. Oh lord. Elyes making out with some random slim thick baddie. They are eating this scene up. Elyes is this weird and attractive, every time he smiles I SMILE DUDE. Elyes looks like a vampire. Edward Cullen-type shit. Why is Elyes keeping suspicious pictures in a book? Very meta very manure. I don't have a clue what is happening. Elyes and this guy are fuck buddies. WHO IS RUN? STOP BECAUSE I AM SO CONFUSED. Elyes is very meta very byronic. The camera work is great. Pat likes Elyes. Are they fucking on the up-high? I am very confused. Off wine? How much did he drink? The house from every bl ever! So confused. Stay with me, he fucking leaves. WHO EVEN ARE THESE PEOPLE? Okay, I am turning off my brain. Headline if they keep this shit up: I don't have to understand what is happening because they are hot!!!!!! Why is that guy talking like he is giving a speech? I feel like I have watched 4 episodes and I am only on the first one. Pat is a g to everyone but his own love life. And is he a fucking chauffeur why is he driving his boss around? That computer is so far away from that keyboard holy fuck. Elyes is weirdly attractive. He looks better without the glasses, very pale but he looks better. Elyes eyes go soft when Pat comes in. It feels like a new episode every time I look down. Just wasted 49 minutes of my life. Height difference. WHAT THE MOTHERFUCKING FUCK DID I JUST FUCKING WATCH? 6/10. Okay bye!

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Il y a 5 heures


D E Z O I T O!!! D - E - Z - O - I - T - O episódios para um selinho sem nem mexer a cabeça kkkkkkkkkAi que tristeza essa vida de dorameira kkkkkk
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Il y a 7 heures

Happy ending for everyone core

Cool. Doing my English homework while I watch this. Oh, it wasn't him. That was a really good transition. Jang sees him like a little brother. 4 months later. Not them flirting, why is he in his high school uniform?Why is Moo trying to jump over the counter? They haven't gotten back together. Get off the counter. Reunion already, y'all graduated like 2 years ago. JANG. Neth and Jang, the couple we didn't know we needed. 3 out of the 4 Gump members are the same age. Are they gonna dance in their uniforms? Oh, thank god. Fuck out my face, embarrassing. Why is Kang at their high school reunion? The bracelet is cute. Was is their age gap? It is 2 years according to Reddit, a source that has never let me down. MACKING AT YOUR HIGH SCHOOL REUION IS INSANE. The people in the back need a raise. Jang and Neth the relationship we all wanted but weren't ready for. "Here we go. How did these two hit it off? When did the spark happen?" Great question lmao. Louis was either gonna be with her or book lol. This is giving my school dances. FORCE, I was hoping for it but I did not think they were going to do that. Force and book are dating in this. Ariana, what are you doing here?His mom and Kang's mom are good friends now. Okay, that was cute. Bonus scenes. I wish they did the narration throughout because that would have been cute. This ending sounds like a Kayne West song. And we are done, 9.5/10. okay bye!

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Loved it

Pros:*1. Unique blend of humor and martial arts.2. Engaging storyline with unexpected twists.3. Impressive Taekwondo choreography.4. Memorable performances from the cast.5. Heartwarming themes of family and perseverance.
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