Plusieurs années de relations résumées en 45 minutes n'offrent pas la possibilité de voir et ressentir l'évolution du couple. On ne voit pas le changement s'opérer. Ce n'est pas le style capillaire qui indique la relation, juste le changement de période.La fin est heureuse pour le couple 💏. C’est un point positif.
Da fan di Boun e Prem non potevo perdermi questo episodio Film, però non mi è chiaro perché il personaggio di Ballon un pò era biondo e un pò castano... ho pensato inizialmente che erano flash back ma no perché erano il continuo delle scene precedenti, detto questo la loro chimica è davvero ineguagliabile, mi è piaciuto vederli in questa nuova veste la trama carina, finale inaspettato, mi raccomando attenzione che la scena conclusiva è dopo i titoli di coda
Episode 4 Bar scene after Balloon and Mek argued. Who was that random cute guy's name? perhaps IG handle? So, apparently, I need 100 characters to be able to post this comment/reaction/review/whatever.
I'm giving this episode another high rating because of the superb acting by Prem and Boun as well as Earth though he was in a support role in this episode. Though the story line is not something new it is still a usual coming out fact that happens, the immense pressure of coming out to family and friends, and perhaps due to great directing it flows very well in this episode without appearing to be exaggerated.
I adore this chemistry, they act so well together, epsidode had me riverted from the get go, some scenes where a bit akward and the editor needed to trim unnessary scenes but still a sold episode in this series.
Very emotional. And I really liked how they didn't shy away from the issues. Also, their relationship wasn't all sunshine and roses. But that wasn't completely either of their faults, it was mostly because of the unfortunate situation one of them was trapped in. But, they still held responsibility for lack of communication among a few other problems. I want to go into some of the reasons why I particularly appreciated the implications behind the ending, but that would involve spoiling it, which I don't want to do. Overall, I really enjoyed this episode. That being said, one part didn't get addressed, which bugged me a bit.
This had allthat I hopedfor. The mlswere great.Boun and Prem acting skills keepgetting better andbetter. Thestoryline was realisticThe supportcast was excellent. Itwas filledwith emotion but it wasnot overdone.