
  • Dernière connexion: il y a 26 minutes
  • Genre: Femme
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  • Contribution Points: 4 LV1
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  • Date d'inscription: janvier 13, 2021
Bon Appetit Episode 1
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oct. 23, 2023

every 1st ep (in K-BL's) the MC that's…

every 1st ep (in K-BL's) the MC that's working in an office, is the one that's walked all over & abused figuratively. (not a trope, as such) but still makes me really dislike watching the 1st eps, cause of this. **********************************************************thankfully by the end it was as sweet as it could be, & from now on as the focus will be on the couple & not the side character's. i can ignore the co-workers, willing they won't get too annoying by having a ton of screen time {{{(>_<)}}} & enjoy this***************************************************************************************************************************************************like the chemistry, which was banging already in the 1st ep. but given Yoon Soo's sly smile, did he recognize Do Hoon here or did he move into the same building knowing Do Hoon was living there??***************************************************************************************************************************************************side note: the pic of the actor, was it Do Hoon's?!? am confused, lazy & it's to late for me to make sense of anything lol, so if anyone wanna clue me in (╹ڡ╹ ) leave a line

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My Dearest Episode 5
0 people found this review helpful
oct. 23, 2023

don't get why Jang Hyun keeps finding…

don't get why Jang Hyun keeps finding ways to put himself in danger, not with Gil Chae's attitude. yeah i know - love\(〇_o)/ blah blah blah.... but seriously, he keeps getting hurt & involved with a mess he didn't want anything to do with from the start, cause he has fallen for her ( ˘︹˘ ) every time he finds himself in the mix of things ╮(╯-╰)╭****************************************************************************************************************************************have to say this, Yeon Jun is a moron(!) i thought scholar's were supposed to be smart. here the only reason he has made in this far & in one piece, is (1st) cause of Soon Yak serving as his personal bodyguard & now Jang Hyun `(*>﹏<*)′ yet, he won't quite (╬▔皿▔)╯ he can't fight for the life of him - like make it make sense(ノへ ̄、)****************************************************************************************************************************************the banter between Jang Hyun & Gil Chae is fun at times. but when u got a character like Eun Ae around, Gil Chae kinda falls short. & yeah maybe Eun Ae is too pure & docile to be paired up with someone as jaded as Jang Hyun. but he for sure would have a boring, but safe life with her (●'◡'●)****************************************************************************************************************************************btw what is the back story. why Ryang Eum seemed elated, he gonna see the emperor?!? how he connected with Hong Taiji & the invaders & why Jang Hyun give the crown prince that (dirty) look, even before their conversation ผ(•̀_•́ผ)

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My Dearest Episode 4
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oct. 22, 2023

oof what an emotional roller costar, knew…

oof what an emotional roller costar, knew it would be a tough watch <(_ _)> but wasn't ready to tear-up countless times.. everyone going on about how addictive this is & have to say, it wasn't so for me. but after this ep, am ready for more & am so glad there is a 2nd season airing.****************************************************************************************************************************************at the start was worried we will get a reshowing of the massacre from the previous ep. donno how things went in that day & age, but considering Yeon Jun & his group were intellectual's, them think just cause their heart was in the right place, they would effortlessly win was a stupid conclusion to come too. Soon Yak's dying confession was heartbreaking, cause in-spite knowing Gil Chae was using him, he was still gratefully happy & thankful, let alone ready to keep Yeon Jun safe for her(┬┬﹏┬┬)****************************************************************************************************************************************the old couple were another 2 that broke my heart. the old man knowing in his heart that he needed to stay back to give the people of his village a chance to flee. people able to be this giving & gracious, with little to no regard to themselves is a humbling thing to witness. ****************************************************************************************************************************************Gil Chae thankfully matured in the blink of an eye & when it counted, she stopped acting like the spoilt self-centered brat we have all come to detest. good on her ****************************************************************************************************************************************Jang Hyun doesn't come off like a soyboy, so wasn't shocked that he knows how to handle a sword. but what is his relationship with Ryang Eum. also he for sure knows that Ryang Eum has feelings for him. so hope we get more of a backstory about that group.

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My Dearest Episode 3
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oct. 21, 2023

well glad that i aint the only one angry at…

well glad that i aint the only one angry at the FL's antic's. her manipulating people is getting frustrating to watch. that's why every time her scheming backfired, i relished in it. i wanted her to weep, cause her plans fell flat on her face. ********************the fact Eun Ae is a sweet, pure hearted girl makes me dislike the FL even more. & leaves me bewildered as to why Jang Hyun can't wash his hands of someone like her. cause unlike everyone else, he knows exactly what she is up too & why. he sees her true colors & yet he is so infatuated (add how she insults & treats him like dirt), why oh why he still going out of his way to help her, mindboggling to me. ****************************************************************************************************************************************the rest was a mess - which is what war is a blood mess where people lose more then they win - even if they end up winning. so aint elated as the preview indicates this gonna get worse not better. so have to steal my heart for what is yet to come. ****************************************************************************************************************************************Ryang Eum being infatuated with Jang Hyun, enough to be jealous of Gil Chae isn't shocking as were got hints from the sec we saw him. what i want to know how did they all come together. from the little flashback Jang Hyun had we know he comes from wealth & might have lost it all when he was a kid. but he doesn't seem that destitute now - hope we get answers

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My Dearest Episode 2
0 people found this review helpful
oct. 21, 2023

love Jang Hyun (or rather Namkoong Min, he…

love Jang Hyun (or rather Namkoong Min, he totally infuses his character's with his own personality. (●'◡'●)no matter the role) & feel like his personality is the perfect 'answer' for someone spoilt & self centered like Gil Chae. so seeing their interaction was a joy, more cause of how he kept putting her in her place, even though he was smitten. ****************************************************************************************************************************************if u want to admit it or not, Gil Chae being ostracized is justified by her selfish actions. she says that she wants someone with an unchanging heart (which while understandable) doesn't justify her trying to take Yeon Jun from Eun Ae. cause she doesn't love him, not really, she is just fascinated by a man that in-spite of being attracted to her, isn't giving in & is still loyal to his betrothed. so i get her yearning for love & romance, but she is an immature brat that doesn't care how her antics hurt the people around her, whether they be the other single women or the bachelors. so as unruly & inconsiderate as she is, Jang Hyun is the perfect partner for her, someone who is jaded & mature enough not to fall for the batting of her eyelids...****************************************************************************************************************************************also loved the relationship between Jang Hyun & Yang Chun. it was sweet how the older man wanted to adopt Jang Hyun. cause he wanted family in his old age - it was a very heartwarming moment between two thugs (for want of a better word).Ryang Eum is someone i am curious about more cause of his facial expression's, then what scene's he appears in. but we don't really have any backstory for the main character's so i hope we get more to understand what's what & who's whom... ****************************************************************************************************************************************the only bit that really bothered me, the Chinese Emperor said he would wait until the river froze to invade Korea. does the 1st fall of snow freeze a river? didn't like that those 2 old people, that finally got a chance to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary, that day changed into a bad omen idk that bothered me

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oct. 15, 2023

get it, Kang's still a teen & spoilt…

get it, Kang's still a teen & spoilt to boot, so he is throwing a tantrum (still not the way to show his father he's trustworthy or mature). yeah his father is wrong, as he keeps disregarding his feelings, doesn't talk to him & keeps treating him like a child.but Kang trying to show he is reliable/mature/trustworthy by mooching of his dad, selling the stuff his dad brought him, proves what? by trying to empty his dads account or max out his credit ¯\(°_o)/¯ how this work in his favor in the long run? in proving his point? that aint his money - he isn't rich, what happens when the money runs out? little wonder his father keeps treating him like a baby (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ *************************************************************************************************& ironically (for someone who has supposedly brought out the best in Kang{{{(>_<)}}}), Sailom is an enabler at least & passive observer at best (ノへ ̄、) considering his background shouldn't he be the voice of reason?!? instead of allowing Kang to spin out of control? this i guess is what one can accept of a couple of immature teens - doesn't bode well for either.************************************************************************************************************************************************************anyone shows-up at my place with Names attitude, the last thing i would do was help them let alone make small talk afterwards. Saifah is annoying me with his airheaded, we r friends b.s ╮(╯-╰)╭like is he serious?!? r the writer's really trying to force this uninteresting 'ship' on us at this late stage?!? & after Kang's father mentioning the background check he'd done on him, why think bringing Name as a potential worker for the same man, would amount to anything but a headache???the character's here r giving me a headache, it's like they so bored, they searching for ways to destroy their lives`(*>﹏<*)′(thankfully just 3 more ep's to go)

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oct. 14, 2023

idk why, but reading the comments makes me…

idk why, but reading the comments makes me wanna drop this - after watching, aint feeling any different. at the start i liked both guys (even though Kang was rougher around the edges). but now really am starting to dislike Sailom. the more he acts like a righteous prude, the less i like him (& his "baggage" Saifah `(*>﹏<*)′) doesn't make him any more worthy of Kang IMHO (know am the odd one out, but what's new \(〇_o)/).*****************************************************************************************************************************************the start was cute & all, but then it went to sh*t - over reacting on Sailom's part & then him for getting patted on the back for making Kang "a better person", like plz. 1st off the reason Kang portrayed a bully at the start, was cause Auto took his money & then didn't deliver. it was also, so the title (which Still doesn't fit this plot IMHO) could be justified - meeh ¯\(°_o)/¯******************************************************************************************************************************************Pimfah & the whole love triangle became a none issue in a blink same with the animosity between Nawa & Guy(ノへ ̄、)think the only plot i like in this (that makes sense) is the drama between father & son, both got good intentions, but they can't seem to connect, convey their true heart to the other. Kang just wants someone to believe in him, which is what he has found in Sailom.*****************************************************************************************************************************************the whole Saifah situation is just uncomfortable & unstomachable. Kang's grandmother really is too good to be true. her logic of trusting the older brother cause of his younger sibling would makes sense. if Sailom wasn't getting his ass handed to him, cause his older brother rather waste money on himself then have the appropriate amount ready when the money lenders came a knocking ( ˘︹˘ ) & sorry but being a conman isn't that much different then being a robber. Kang's father was justified in his distrust of Saifah

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oct. 1, 2023

reading the comments had a feeling, would…

reading the comments had a feeling, would be the odd one out (╬▔皿▔)╯ i aint elated. 1st off if u fall for ur friend & confess, whether u get flat out rejected or get an uncertain answer (as they need time to think) the 1 thing u can't do, is act like the injured party, as either reaction is logical! the only way would be ok with how Sailom was treating Kang, was if from the start Kang was misleading/flirting & deluding him(!) he wasn't(!!!) so why he supposed to accept Sailom the sec he confess?!? gender aside this isn't a good quality in any human. *****************************************************************************************nor do i think Kang needs to woo Sailom ¯\(°_o)/¯ he for sure doesn't need to buddy up to Sailom's friends. as Kang isn't a bad-guy (his being a bully for a nanosecond at the start, is whatever). Auto took money & then couldn't deliver (doesn't justify getting abused), but he got himself into that mess. & Guy might've always been defending his friends, but he gave as good as he got. ***********************************************************************************************************************************so again, don't see why Kang has to kiss their asses so he can date Sailom ( ˘︹˘ ) he for sure not asking Sailom to cozy up to his buds (who haven't held a grudge against Sailom the sec he started tutoring Kang). if it was so important for Sailom that his bf had a good relationship with his buds, it is his job to clear the air between them. but he acting like he never confessed & keeps quite, no matter how his buds speak to Kang - this cute? them talking down to him, using him as a cash cow, makes this ok, how? cause Sailom confessed???? really?!??? & i am the weird one, that finds this whole ep off putting?\(〇_o)/(ノへ ̄、)but this is the moronic mentality of BL writes, as Sailom is the bottom`(*>﹏<*)′ he get's to play the spoilt brat, damsel in distress that can't get her feet wet. but Kang gotta get down on his knees... or some such garbage (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻****************************************************************************************************************************************the only bit i agreed with, was everyone dreading Saifah finding a way into that house. i know that there r male care tares that have female client's. BUT usually if it is a woman, she will prefer a female over a male, that's just basic common sense. but this is the writer adding some (not needed) spice to this weird ass plot - same with seeing Pimfah & Napdao development {{{(>_<)}}} hope the next ep gets better, cause this was shite

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sept. 29, 2023

i guess it's a guy thing - where the sec…

i guess it's a guy thing - where the sec after u confess u end up in bed ¯\(°_o)/¯ being female i can't wrap my head around this concept, no matter how many times i've seen it in BL's (ノへ ̄、) so... cute 1st kiss, very realistic - but the rest had to fast-forward (●'◡'●)****************************************************************************************************************************************Ming ╮(╯-╰)╭ dude's love sick. there is nothing in Namning, worth all this trouble he keeps going through. & that forewarning about no matter what comes back from his past, Ming will have to deal with it. idk this not boding well IMHO `(*>﹏<*)′ but of course the love-sick moron is happy to promise the world, even if his personal world will get destroyed ( ˘︹˘ ) hope am wrong****************************************************************************************************************************************very fluffy ep - it was obvious the coming out to the family would go smoothly. so happy that was over with - now the real drama begins (⊙x⊙;)

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sept. 28, 2023

Peraw is a disgusting piece of garbage, revolting…

Peraw is a disgusting piece of garbage, revolting her wanting a cut for selling Bank's ass~(>_<。)\ found it ironic her getting angry at Wan, cause Kevin is interested in Ashi (ノへ ̄、) stupid, petty moron. really hope she get's her just deserts by the end of this BL, at this point i really want to see that more, then any of the couples getting their happily ever after. (╬▔皿▔)╯****************************************************************************************************************************************Namning is pissing me off, he has No right to blame Ming. u r a freakin adult that should know better then to get so drunk, u don't know who ur hooking-up with \(〇_o)/ personally, think the sec Ming acted contrite & confessed his love, he gave Namning the "ok" to walk all over him. cause when he was being cocky & pushing Namning around, the Doc wasn't just enjoying it, he was acting submissive. he would've happily gone for another round if Ming didn't fold. that's why find it ironic that Ming told Wan, Punn wasn't his type as he wasn't pure... pure? like the doctor that's bed hopping every night, while being blind drunk?!? this safe how?!? let alone pure ( ˘︹˘ ) plz****************************************************************************************************************************************idk what to say about what Preaw got Bank to do; but there 6 people watching the monitor (leaving the main b*tch out) they got sh*t in their eyes?!? that only Punn notices Bank about to toss something on their main lead?!? & after the fact, they still glued to their chairs?? around doing sh*t all, instead of reacting to the mess, let alone Punn being hurt - what logic is this?!?****************************************************************************************************************************************side note: i really like Wan, she is a great agent - she cares for her actors so much that she treats them like family. but her rubbing Peraw's face in her actors achievement's is childish & unnecessary, not to mention unprofessional. it's also the reason for Peraw going crazy, trying to hurt Ashi ¯\(°_o)/¯

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sept. 28, 2023

is Bank one of Peraw's models? is this…

is Bank one of Peraw's models? is this her side job for the models/actors that don't get work?? (idk why i read some comment about him being involved with the fire-crackers going off or him being her mole (that's in the next ep/job)). in this ep, the only thing he did was offer his escort service's`(*>﹏<*)′ to that horney fat Japanese dude, & get info that was supposedly supposed to give Title a one-up on Ashi in the audition. ***************************************************************************************from what we saw Mr. Kevin is salivating over Ashi - so idk what Peraw was doing other then pimping out her models ╮(╯-╰)╭ somehow not shocked that this person has reached a new low, she will do anything for money(╬▔皿▔)╯ugh! how is this b*tch still not behind bars?!? *********************************************************************************************************btw i am liking Title less & less as this progresses, wth is his deal? is he jealous of Ashi? infatuated with him? hates him?!? WHAT?!!!! (ノへ ̄、) ****************************************************************************************************************oh well the positives - was sure the reason Ashi showed up at Punn's mothers café, was cause he noticed that Punn was worried/sad about something, that made him leave. but guess was wrong. either way its sweet how close they r getting (even though keep wondering how come Ashi doesn't recall Punn - weird). Punn on the other hand is so cringe at times,(❁´◡`❁) it's giving me 2nd hand embarrassment, watching his antics. still sweet & funny.(≧∇≦)ノ ****************************************************************************************************************************************side note: interns make no money & yet from the sec Punn became one, he keeps hemorrhaging money, whether it be all the free coffee & pastries, the extra helmet or his live in maid services - am i the only one this bugs (⊙x⊙;)

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sept. 27, 2023

really love how loving Punn's family is.…

really love how loving Punn's family is. his mother is so supporting, always there with sound advise & motivating words, pushing him towards his goal - never discouraging him. so not used to seeing this type of parent in Asian drama's - she's like a unicorn lol ****************************************************************************************************************************& ironically like his younger brother too, he is the one that is keeping Punn grounded, with the harsh realities of life. there is balance in Punn's world - which is magical from where i sit - bit unrealistic (his family life), but am the jaded one, so never mind - still enjoying every scene with the lot.****************************************************************************************************************************************& have to say this, am absolutely loving Worra(!) she's so extra, when portraying her role in the drama, or in general. she is so weird & quirky, but i just love any scene with her (am always looking at her) to see what she will get up too (≧∇≦)ノ****************************************************************************************************************************************Ming (in-spite of the "call me daddy" crap) is a sweetheart, he's turned into Punn's cupid(❁´◡`❁)( guess as his personal love life is in the dumps), he wants to help Punn in the hopes he will get back some good karma, from his actions~(>_<。)\ *************personally i aint feeling Namning, i get wanting a one-nightstand & nothing more. even get his making it rudely clear the day after (or the all the other time Ming popped-up before him). but him just being rude, ignoring the problem is making him into a bad-guy. he should make it clear, all over again(!) & tell Ming not to peruse him on any terms. i know this doesn't make him bad - but am feeling bad for Ming (⊙x⊙;)

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sept. 27, 2023

before anything; the drama Ashi is playing…

before anything; the drama Ashi is playing in is whack - the hell is going in it \(〇_o)/, one sec Title's character get's himself shot, dying - the next ep he's back to normal. one sec he's confessing his undying love for Ashi, the next he's acting the jealous lover fighting Ashi for Worra's character ¯\(°_o)/¯ one sec Worra's true character is found out for being 2 faced, the next - she's all lovey-dovey with Ashi's character - what?!? (❁´◡`❁)****************************************************************************************************************************************but back to the ep - this was sweet & fun, love Punn's family scenes, they r so wholesome & heartwarming. even Punn being a love struck puppy is adorable to watch (in-spite the cringe moments). his younger brother being a pest - that's siblings for u ( ˘︹˘ )****************************************************************************************************************************************the whole Ming finding out that Punn's fan-boying over Ashi's. call me Daddy ╮(╯-╰)╭ scene was a bit off putting. but thankfully he not got a nefarious agenda, he's just enjoying playing with Punn. guess as his love life is in the dumbs, he gotta find entertainment somewhere else (ノへ ̄、) *************************************************************************************but Title is more worrisome to me, there r moments i ain;t sure - so lets say 90% of the time am sure he is infatuated with Ashi. that's why he was quick to clock similar feeling in Punn & keeps acting like a total d*ck, towards a sweet boy. but his back & forth with Ashi - his conversations with Peraw, confusing me off his true motives(⊙_⊙;)

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sept. 26, 2023

get not making the main focus of the BL about…

get not making the main focus of the BL about the main's romance. but what is the point of this annoying plot with the agents?!? cat fights r fun viewing?!?? cause logically if "...Ashi, is the beloved of the nation..." (as the description goes), i.e he's the main star(!) why does he or his agent have to bow to Preaw ¯\(°_o)/¯. am still fuming at the fact she's roaming free, let alone representing anyone, infuriating. now she's manipulating the people in charge of the show, like plz with this nonsensical plot-point ( ˘︹˘ ) i for one don't want to see Preaw anymore (╬▔皿▔)╯ cause no i don't find her funny - now Worra the actress i find hilariously b*tchy, perfect karma for a person like Preaw. (even though she seriously weird to everyone, still funny(⊙x⊙;)).****************************************************************************************************************************************side note: the song when Punn first sees Ashi (on-set parking lot) was bomb. beautiful voice & great track (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)****************************************************************************************************************************************guessing Title is simping over Ashi, but to get hit so ur love interest will feel sorry & what? date u? weird. same with Mingmueang now stalking(?!?) Namning \(〇_o)/ dude made is perfectly clear he knew who u were & wasn't interested. u going to his work place will make him out & out dislike u.(ノへ ̄、) plus after the way he talked (the morning) after my pride wouldn't allow me to pursue someone like that, no matter how bomb the sex was (❁´◡`❁)****************************************************************************************************************************************additional side note: Ashi not remember Punn from his high-school days?!? if he was close enough to treat his injury & almost kiss it well, u don't do that to random guys cause ur kind - guess he's just acting like he doesn't, for reasons... will see (¬‿¬)

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sept. 26, 2023

somethings i like, some i don't; the agent's…

somethings i like, some i don't; the agent's \(〇_o)/ WTF is that ( ˘︹˘ ) didn't like Preaw the sec her stuck-up ass walked in. finding out that the reason Somwan got beef with her, is cause she embezzled money from the models signed to their company, is understandable. but why this person not behind bars?!? this is a crime! (╬▔皿▔)╯ the fact she can act high & mighty after her criminal deeds, is besides the point. the fact she's out free, still representing actors/models is more worrying to me. also after witnessing the reason for the fight, why would Title still stick with a agent that boldly admits to robbing her models?! why would anyone in the business want to work with someone shady, like this?? mind boggling¯\(°_o)/¯ ***************the other negatives r negligible at this point. just hope the story & acting get better. ****************************************************************************************************************************************the plus, liked Punn's family scene, it was wholesome & endearing. not to mention was pleasantly surprised by Ja's character here, as didn't like (am among the few, i know) him in TharnType Season 2: 7 Years of Love, thought his character was toxic & unworthy of Fiat (First's character). cause of that avoided Don't Say No (ノへ ̄、) so hope this good, cause unlike Ja, did love First - he's a good actor IMHO****************************************************************************************************************************************the Mingmueang, Namning scene was a bit much for a 1st ep, but i get it's depicting something that is common in this day & age.

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