sorted by rating + alphabetised
1. Khun Mee Patihan
Thai Drama - 2022, 16 episodes
the DRAMA!! great character work, storyline, acting, ost,,, plus it broke my heart which is always a bonus :D (the furniture was creepy looking, but their personalities made up for it, #justiceformrsleftslipper)
2. 3 Nen A Gumi: Ima kara Mina-san wa, Hitojichi Desu
Japanese Drama - 2019, 10 episodes
when most shows/movies try to force morals into their stories they come off as preachy but (despite a few times where the expositions at the end of every episode were a bit on the nose) this show succeeded in its goal. really makes you think (and also cry (┬┬﹏┬┬))
3. I Secretly Fell in Love with the Student Council President
Taiwanese Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
cute cute cute CUTE is all i'm gonna say
4. I Told Sunset About You
Thai Drama - 2020, 5 episodes
it's just so beautiful and relatable and nuanced and just makes you wanna cry everytime it's mentioned :"""""""""(
5. Let Me Hear It Barefoot
Japanese Movie - 2021
rough housing but make it homo, this movie literally broke me in every way it's so good omg i'm deeply upset it's not on ao3 yet bc i need my comfort fics after this like (;′⌒`)
6. Love Class Season 2
Korean Drama - 2023, 10 episodes
WHY AREN'T MORE PEOPLE APPRECIATING THIS the acting is so good the story production everything uggh it's leagues better than the original
7. Method
Korean Movie - 2017
oh my god????????? the end play was so captivating i have so much to say about all of this i love this movie?????????????
8. Move to Heaven
Korean Drama - 2021, 10 episodes
got me clutching my heart, ready to cry :"")
9. Blueming
Korean Drama - 2022, 11 episodes
just,, so beautiful
10. Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu
Japanese Drama - 2023, 8 episodes
such a cool concept!! ritsu had such a good redemption arc even though so much of it was off screen. you could really tell how much he's changed and OH my GOD i fucking love found family,,,, just so good
11. Eien no Kino
Japanese Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
broke my heart in all the right ways
12. My School President
Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes
just the cutest ever, great ost, let's be real it's not the greatest or most intricate plot ever but god dammit if it wasn't the cutest and most entertaining part of my friday evenings,,,, gonna miss this series fr :""c
13. Our Dating Sim
Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes
THIS SHOW>>>>>>>>>>>> the ACTING the CHEMISTRY the DIRECTION PLEASE IT'S ALL SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!! not just giggling kicking my feet but smiling fondly all throughout BROOOO IT'S SO GOODDD
14. Smells Like Green Spirit
Japanese Drama - 2024, 8 episodes
broooo it was soo good it's such a shame it was so hard to find decent subtitles for this showww!!!!!!!!!!! otherwise it was just soo fucking good istgg
15. Stay With Me
Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes
16. The Eighth Sense
Korean Drama - 2023, 10 episodes
i've never felt such sheer anticipation between each episode release before :")))))) it was just so good and just so inherently queer?? gives blueming, skams and your name engraved herein a run for its money
17. The Time of Fever
Korean Drama - 2024, 6 episodes
oh????? my god??????? gen just a simple stort but also it's so sadddddd and just beautifulllll pls tbh i forgot what their plot was in unintentional love story but !!! this was so good even w/o it being a prequel
18. The Warp Effect
Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes
SO UNDERRATED all the topics discussed were so important and just well executed, i had some problems with the endings but that's just bc of what i wanted/expected to happen. overall great, funny, informative and just plain fucking entertaining show
19. Your Name Engraved Herein
Taiwanese Movie - 2020
DUDEEE why was that the most beautiful and relatable piece of queer media i've ever seen
20. Bad Buddy
Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes
SUCH a breath of fresh air from the regular university enemies to lovers trope (really said fuck you to all stereotypes)
21. Extraordinary Attorney Woo
Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes
really fun, if a bit drawn out and long sometimes
22. Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai!
Japanese Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
GIRL IT WAS GOOD?? why is kouta so funny and cute????? and why is naoya the greenest flag ever?????? the whole relationship was so realistic,, nothing was too over the top except the comedic acting which also worked like????? give this show it's flowers bro it's good as hell idc idc
23. Girlfriend Project Day 1
Korean Drama - 2022, 4 episodes
could've been the semantic error of gls but alas the universe hates the sapphics apparently
24. Jazz for Two
Korean Drama - 2024, 8 episodes
really liked how all of the background music and sounds were jazz/jazz inspired too, real cool attention to detail
25. Kieta Hatsukoi
Japanese Drama - 2021, 10 episodes
ADORABLE, my cheeks hurt from smiling so much WHY IS EVERY CHARACTER (besides,, the one) SO NICE AND SWEET IN THIS PLEASE MY HEART
26. Light on Me
Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes
27. Moonlight Chicken
Thai Drama - 2023, 8 episodes
very beautiful show, every problem is very nuanced - nothing is black or white and just everything's so aesthetically pleasing and beautiful.
28. Peach of Time
Korean Drama - 2021, 10 episodes
surprisingly really good!! angsty when it needed to be but also really fucking cute, surprised this didn't have more discourse about it
29. Follow The Wind
Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes
the chemistry??? the cuteness?? fuck that sleazebag though
30. Tinted With You
Korean Drama - 2021, 8 episodes
ayo it was good????? why does no one talk about this more often hello??? #lettheboysbepolyamorous
31. To My Star 2
Korean Drama - 2022, 10 episodes
so much PAIN UGHH
32. Utsukushii Kare
Japanese Drama - 2021, 6 episodes
toxic love done right
33. A Shoulder to Cry On
Korean Drama - 2023, 7 episodes
t'was fairly good, liked it enough
34. Ameiro Paradox
Japanese Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
nice and cute all things considered (a lot of it had me giggling like hell)
35. Be Loved in House
Taiwanese Drama - 2021, 12 episodes
the chemistry is so good!! and there's a cat i mean what more do you need :)) side couple was soo cute and i had a love/hate relationship with the ex BUT that storyline made me so angry in a good way so that's a slayy. the "falling into his arms" trope was done like 5 times which ,, not my favourite part of the series but we move. kind of wish we had a bit more time with the main couple but i ALSO loved all the side characters as well, overall it's just a really fun watch
36. Bokura no Shokutaku
Japanese Drama - 2023, 10 episodes
shit man that was cute as fuck :( just let these crazy kids kiss already
37. Bump Up Business
Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes
8 star rating is hundred percent my bias for ooo honestly it was probably like a 7.5ish lmaoo BUT i think they did great with the circumstances,, it's a normal typical bl with not much substance honestly but damn the chemistry was believable, junji, mill, and yoojung's characters have my heart and legit i love the ceo and manager so much (potential ship??? slay)
38. Choco Milk Shake
Korean Drama - 2022, 11 episodes
really fucking cute (chemistry was good but too many silent scenes)
39. Color Rush
Korean Drama - 2020, 8 episodes
had a lot of potential and hit some of it, ultimately too much plot for the run time it had
40. Color Rush Season 2
Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
more plot than first season but ultimately runs into the same issue
41. Eternal Summer
Taiwanese Movie - 2006
the ending was SICK and TWISTED but the rest was so queer?? kinda boring but a slay (was not expecting to see a whole ass crack but okay bros you do you ig)
42. Fragrance of the First Flower
Taiwanese Drama - 2021, 6 episodes
complete embodiment of right person wrong time,, just pain
43. Individual Circumstances
Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes
(don't let the 8 star rating fool you, i'd rate it closer to 7.8 but alas) tbh i quite liked it, twas funny, well produced (for the most part) and pretty entertaining throughout. it was a simple story and that's pretty much it tbh
44. Little Women
Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes
kind of choru if i'm being honest but pretty entertaining all throughout. watched one episode a day with my mom and honestly this drama probably should be watched like that
45. Love Tractor
Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes
beautiful shots, funny scenes, okay acting,,,, plus yechan owns my heart i swear
46. Mr.Heart
Korean Drama - 2020, 8 episodes
nothing very revolutionary but twas too cute thus the higher rating ( ̄︶ ̄)
47. Ryu Sun Bi's Wedding Ceremony
Korean Drama - 2021, 8 episodes
unintentionally really funny, honestly would have been a lot better if they had a budget for production or to flesh out the story more but great as a start yknow
48. Coming Back Again
Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
ayo it's good??? the relationship had a lot of red flags not just including the age thing (woop woop that's the sound of the police) but ignoring all that it was surprisingly good!!
49. Original Sin
Korean Movie - 2022
hits so close to home
50. Secret Zoo
Korean Movie - 2020
51. Semantic Error
Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
SO FUCKING GOOD?? AND FOR WHAT?? my boy sangwoo is definitely autistic and we stan fr
52. She Makes My Heart Flutter
Korean Drama - 2022, 5 episodes
just so much fun!!!! love the gay family members both bonding over being gay but also recognising the differences between them
53. The Eclipse
Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes
NAHHH SUCH A GOOD SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! now this is an example of a story that does its plot justice with its runtime
54. The On1y One
Taiwanese Drama - 2024, 12 episodes
(more like 7.8-7.9) made very well, chemistry was there, story is great, i just think a season should be able to stand on its own w/o a promise of a season 2. what if s2 doesn't happen, then all the build up in this will go to waste.
55. The Married Life
Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
56. To My Star
Korean Drama - 2021, 9 episodes
a very good time, and a good rebound series. jiwoo warmed up to seojoon a little too quickly imo but they had to keep the plot going ig
57. Unintentional Love Story
Korean Drama - 2023, 10 episodes
fairly good,, the conflicts were so well done you really were rooting for everybody in this show!!
58. A Breeze of Love
Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes
very good, incredibly good actually... it's just not as great as everyone says i don't think (@that-one-commenter : 2nd best after eighth sense???? really??? okay...)
59. A First Love Story
Korean Special - 2021, 2 episodes
cute but too short for me to really care about them
60. Am I The Only One With Butterflies?
Korean Special - 2018, 3 episodes
really fucking cute
61. Am I the Only One with Butterflies? Season 2
Korean Special - 2019, 4 episodes
girl I'M the one with butterflies o(≧∀≦)o
62. Cherry Blossoms After Winter
Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
short, cute, sweet, a perfect rebound for if you're healing from a painful story (miracle of teddy bear, looking at you)
63. Don't Say No
Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes
kind of mid but leonpob owns my heart and they deserve all the stars in the world soo #justiceforpobphan
64. Hold Me
Korean Movie - 2021
see, if people just adapted their stories to fit their runtimes instead of trying to push 12 episodes worth of plot into 1 10 minute short film. truly a cute and sweet one shot that's perfect for the runtime it has, bl studios LEARN
65. Jun and Jun
Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes
time filler mostly, i just want manager dude to be happy
66. Long Time No See
Korean Drama - 2017, 5 episodes
BROOOO???????? had no business being this good wtf (still has it's flaws tho but they can be overlooked mostly)
67. Love Class
Korean Drama - 2022, 6 episodes
yuna is my wife and no one can say otherwise
68. Love Mate
Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes
honestly it was cute, if we just like ignore the first half of the series. haram was a big red flag but yknow suspension of disbelief and all that
69. Mon Cher et Tendre
Korean Drama - 2021, 8 episodes
kind of predictable but cute enough
70. My Tooth Your Love
Taiwanese Drama - 2022, 12 episodes
honestly really good and was a lot of fun but idk i just physically can't rate it higher than this for some reason
71. Oh My Assistant
Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
it was gonna be an 8 :""""( but then they added the final storyline of glasses dude getting into an accident :"""""""""""( i hated the glasses dude and the fact that he even had an arc in the story really soured the ending for me,,, if they cut that last plot point out it would have been great, ughh it was going so well, so hilarious so well done if a bit explicit but you could get over that now i'm just sad :(((((((((((((((((
72. Perfect Propose
Japanese Drama - 2024, 6 episodes
wish there were more interactions bw the couple but overall pretty decent show!!
73. The Circumstances of Pungdeok Villa Room 304
Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
really fun to watch, chemistry was good (bit cringy acting at times but that can be overlooked)
74. Star Struck
Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes
honestly a bit too relatable to the queer experiences :""")
75. Still 2gether
Thai Special - 2020, 5 episodes
better than the original for sure but really tine, two weeks and you're already a mess ??
76. Takara-kun to Amagi-kun
Japanese Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
SOO CUTE (if a bit stiff but shhhh) just highschool boys in love (◡‿◡)
77. The Boy Next Door
Korean Drama - 2017, 15 episodes
had no right to be this funny
78. The Winter Child
Korean Movie - 2024
really thought provoking,, have a lot of theories about it!!
79. Unknown
Taiwanese Drama - 2024, 12 episodes
look it was good, great even but i just can't get over the dubious morality of it all (esp sanpang & lili)
80. Où tes yeux s'attardent
Korean Drama - 2020, 8 episodes
81. Why R U?
Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes
got really annoyed by the last episodes for some reason warna this would have been an 8, not the best story in any terms of the words esp the dubbing like hello but it was silly and simple enough for me but i just feel like it would have benefitted from an extra episode or something so they could actually deal with the final conflicts instead of just shoving a normal happy ending into our faces yknow
82. Tu me fais danser
Korean Drama - 2021, 8 episodes
had me rolling my eyes sometimes but still kicking my feet and giggling. really glad the debt collector was more reserved but still felt like a human and wasn't just a cold bastard with no emotions who just speaks two sentences like most semes
83. 2gether The Series
Thai Drama - 2020, 13 episodes
started off really strong but kind of lost the momentum towards the end
84. Cutie Pie
Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes
pretty mid tbh, really wish they'd give more screentime to the second and third leads. started to get real bored of the main couple, it was just 12 episodes of mostly the same conflict
85. First Love for the Third Time
Korean Drama - 2022, 6 episodes
the sound effects have infected the kbls too D""":
86. Happy Merry Ending
Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes
it was okay. definitely not as bad as everyone says. still think he should have ended up with the friend
87. Oh! Boarding House
Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
was shaping up to be a funny silly goofy unserious story but started taking itself too seriously and fell into the tropes and flashbacks trap :c
88. Please Tell Me So
Korean Special - 2021, 1 episode
cute and fun, nothing revolutionary
89. Secret Roommate
Korean Movie - 2020
love how the brother is either really chill or really dumb like you see two men share a twin size bed and like box of condoms and are just like "yup normal roommate behaviour" bless his heart. really fucking funny otherwise though :))
90. Star and Sky: Star in My Mind | Sky in Your Heart
Thai Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
pretty mid tbh, nothing too special about it
91. The Director Who Buys me Dinner
Korean Drama - 2022, 10 episodes
so much potential, so little time
92. Wish You : Par La Voix Des Airs
Korean Movie - 2021
cute but mid
93. Behind Cut
Korean Drama - 2021, 8 episodes
this made me so angry lmao idky,, leads had so much potential tho and i love the dad :((
94. Kissable Lips
Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
too much plot for the runtime it has, probably was very good but i binged it at 4 am after doing maths all night so my memories of this are too delirious to make an accurate judgement
95. Love Storm
Thai Drama - 2022, 13 episodes
can be really cringy but some of it had a lot of potential, protect rain the airhead that he is
96. TharnType
Thai Drama - 2019, 12 episodes
absolute trash show, but fun to hatewatch