Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
Un chef d'oeuvre intelligent et émotionnellement intense
Je commencerais tout d'abord : Nirvana in Fire a été mon premier drama chinois. Il y a 3 ans, je me suis décidée à en regarder un. Avant tout par ce que j'avais honte. Honte de ne pas connaitre ce que mon propre pays faisait. Trop préoccupée par les séries US durant mon adolescence, que j'ai abandonné il y a 10 ans au profit des Kdramas, je n'ai jamais senti le besoin de regarder des dramas de chez moi. Peut-être avais-je été traumatisée par ce que regardaient mes parents. Tous ces vols acrobatiques et surréels ne m'inspiraient guère et pour tout vous avouer la réalisation de ces dramas amenait souvent un petit sourire de dédain (je ne vous avais pas dit que j'avais honte?) que je cachais vainement à mes parents. Et puis, j'ai eu ce désaccord avec mon Gege de coeur, et cela m'a amené à réfléchir (cela m'arrive) sur "pourquoi ai-je autant d'apriori sur ces séries chinoise ?". Etait-ce ma façon de renier le moi perdu? Ou bien ce déni total à une époque où chinois ne rime pas avec joie dans un pays qui aime à se glorifier du superficiel et aime tant à jeter aux ordures ce qui ne pense pas "eux"? J'avoue, que tout n'est que prétexte. Tout n'est que lâcheté, je n'avais juste pas envie de crier haut et fort "chinoise et fière de l'être". De clamer que peu importe ce que fait ou ne fait pas mon pays d'origine, je suis et reste profondément chinoise. Peu importe que mes grands-parents aient fuit. Peu importe que ce pays n'ait daigné aider les abandonnés du Cambodge. Peu importe que je sois française maintenant. Je suis et je reste.Ceci étant dit, j'avais choisi au hasard un drama et cela est tombé sur Nirvana in Fire. Une claque (bien méritée) qui m'a bien prise au dépourvu. Nirvana in Fire est tout sauf une série B. Tout sauf une série sur-jouée. Tout sauf une série à petit budget. Nirvana in Fire est un chef d'oeuvre. Et encore aujourd'hui peu lui arrive à la hauteur, je ne vois que Joy of Life pour lui damner le pion, et encore tout est une question de goût ; le sérieux de Nirvana in Fire ou la joie de vivre et l'insolence de Joy of Life. Hum....
Nirvana in Fire est à l'origine un livre, "Lang Ya Bang " de Hai Yan. Le livre est un succès phénoménal en Chine (ses ventes se voient multipliés sur Amazon) et est affectueusement surnommé le "Comte de Monte Cristo" chinois. L'auteur Hai Yan sera elle -même la scénariste sur les deux Nirvana in Fire. C'est aussi une des raisons selon moi de l'écriture minutieux et superbe des deux dramas.
Le drama est un succès foudroyant en Chine et en Corée du sud. Les journalistes et spectateurs mettent l'accent sur le souci du détail historique et des costumes, de l'étiquette et des coutumes de l'époque dans une critique élogieuse.
Nous savons que les chinois ont à coeur de ne pas voir les dramas dénaturer leur Histoire. C'est donc une histoire fictive qui a pour fond historique la période de la dynastie nord et sud, entre 420 et 589.
L'histoire semble banale : Un massacre sanglant où périssent 70 000 soldats, massacre ordonné par l'empereur Xiaoxuan de Liang. Un survivant, Lin Shu. Suite à ce massacre, Lin Shu passera par un traitement médical qui le laissera dénué de toute force physique et méconnaissable physiquement. Lin Shu deviendra alors Mei Chang Su, le très respectable chef de l'alliance Jiangzuo. Il reviendra 12 ans plus tard afin de se dévoiler la vérité sur ce massacre.
Une manipulation planifiée sous tous les angles. Anticipée pour tout cas d'imprévu.
Ce drama est incroyable. De par l'intelligence de l'écriture. De par le génie de Mei Chang Su. De par l'émotion qui s'en dégage. De par cette relation puissante entre Mei Chang Su et le Prince Jing. De par la romance incroyablement douloureuse entre Mei Chang Su et Ni Huang!
L'intrigue est superbement faite. Terriblement intelligent et diabolique! Les complots, et je suis très loin d'être une fan de complot politique, trop compliquée pour mon petit cerveau, sont jouissifs à tel point qu'on en devient accro dès le premier épisode. Un véritable jeux d'échecs mené avec brio par Mei Chang Su. Une manipulation de A à Z maitrisée avec un génie rarement atteint. Car pas une seule fois, Mei Chang Su ne perdra réellement la main. Cela peut paraitre ennuyant, on peut se dire " ah quoi bon regarder un gars qui gagne dès le début?". Non, mille fois non, nous regardons avec émerveillement les vilains se faire petit à petit prendre dans la toile d'araignée. Nous ne pouvons nous empêcher de nous lever et de nous exclamer quand ces mêmes vilains tombent au fur et à mesure. Car tout est si habilement dévoilé, ni trop vite, ni trop lent, qu'il est impossible d'en deviner à l'avance les plans qui fourmillent dans le cerveau de Mei Chang Su.
Je n'ai jamais vu un être aussi implacable et redoutable que Mei Chang Su. Son intelligence se marie à merveille avec sa bonté et sa pureté de coeur. Car en plus, d'être un génie en stratégie, Mei Chang Su a un coeur qui déborde d'amour et de pureté! Sincèrement, il est un HEROS. Faible physiquement. Mourant et agonisant seul. Mais déterminé à mener à bien sa mission. Remettre tout en ordre. Redonner ce qui appartient à celui qui est en droit, le Prince Jing. Tout cela, en nous donnant cette impression de tristesse et de solitude qui ne le quitteras jamais.
j'ai adoré la relation d'amitié intense entre Mei Chang Su et le Prince Jing. Une amitié solide et faite de loyauté et de respect. L'un s'appuyant sur l'autre. L'autre se fiant de sa vie sur l'un.
La relation entre Mei Chang Su et la princesse Ni Huang, sans vous en dévoiler de trop est une tragédie romantique! leur amour est d'une telle pureté et d'une beauté tragique.
Si la fin est ce qu'elle est, je ne regrette pas ce voyage incroyable. L'alchimie entre les divers personnages sont inoubliables, car il y'en a bien d'autres que je n'ai pas cités, et c'est cette alchimie relationnelle, le charisme des personnages qui font la force de ce drama.
La réalisation est superbe, les costumes sont magnifiques. La photographie est parfaite et les scènes d'actions sont agréables à regarder. Les couleurs sont chaudes et les paysages grandioses. Si je n'ai qu'un drama à recommander, même si vous n'aimez pas les complots politiques, même si vous n'aimez pas les dramas historiques, même si vous ne comprenez pas le chinois, même pas si vous ne lisez pas l'anglais (quoique ce drama est sous-titré en français), même si vous avez des à priori sur les dramas, chinois ou coréens, je vous dirais, celui-ci (par ce qu'il est arrivé avant "Joy Of Life"....) sans hésitation.
Cet avis était-il utile?
Il est malade et faible mais il les tient tous dans sa main...
Alors là, dites vous bien que j’ai adoré !!!Je me suis laissée embarquer sur ce fleuve tumultueux, foisonnant de personnages variés et cachant plus ou moins d’obscures intentions, ou de sourdes ambitions, mais sans en oublier l’humanité pour autant et la recherche persévérante et ardue de la justice éclatante.
Les 54 épisodes (45 mn chacun) passaient à toute vitesse à chaque fin je disais « Déjà ! » et j’enchaînais sur le suivant !
Les personnages sont d’une richesse incroyable : intelligents ou retors, ou les deux, généreux ou ambitieux, ou les deux, empathiques ou antipathiques, ou les deux ! La cour impériale foisonne d’intrigues, de jalousies larvées (plus ou moins) où chacun essaye de tirer au mieux son épingle du jeu, par des moyens plus ou moins clairs.
Mais le pivot de l’histoire, le personnage qui tient en main tous les fils de la tapisserie, c’est le génial Mei Chang Su interprété par le non moins génial Hu Ge qui sait parfaitement rendre le fond mystérieux du stratège, homme de l’ombre dont on découvrira peu à peu la réelle identité, puis le but principal et secret de ses actes.
En face, l’empereur, à la méfiance aiguisée, à l’orgueil immense, mais pourtant d’une intelligence lucide assez remarquable pour un homme devant qui tous tremblent !
Le prince Jing, soldat d’une droiture sans faille, se trouve par là même tenu à l’écart, mais il n’échappe pas au regard aigu de Mei Chang Su.
Autour d’eux se déploie le ballet des Généraux, des princes et princesse, de l’impératrice et des consorts (concubines) avec leurs différents rangs, plus les eunuques, les soldats , la garde impériale, les sociétés secrètes et les autres…
Tout cela peut sembler bien confus, mais pas du tout, je m’y suis tout de suite retrouvée, Mei Chang Su est le fil directeur de l’histoire, et de plus il est dune classe et d'une beauté incroyables ! .
Il y a la politique, la gouvernance, l’ambition, la corruption, l’amour mais sublimé par le Destin qui se joue des personnes, (très belle romance discrète mais prenante entre la princesse et le stratège)la trahison, puis l’accomplissement mais à quel prix...
Le drama est historique, mais il porte aussi une atmosphère de légende, avec la secte des Arts Martiaux et ses hommes aux gestes d'une techniques stupéfiants, qui peuvent voler, de bizarres poisons aux noms étranges et aux effets inattendus, et des plantes aux pouvoirs presque magiques…
Comme nous sommes à la cour impériale, tout est géré par une étiquette rigide qui contrôle toutes les attitudes et le comportement des personnages. Cette apparente raideur non seulement ne gêne pas mais renforce les émotions qui sont contenues et que les acteurs savent très bien transmettre par leurs regards, ou la tension corporelle que l’on peut sentir.
Les acteurs sont tous excellents, les effets spéciaux très bien (on remercie l’invention de l’usage des câbles)il n’y en a que ce qu’il faut pour créer ce climat particulier. De même les combats (pas si nombreux non plus), sont remarquablement bien filmés et ce n’est vraiment pas plus sanglant que nécessaire, le principal de l’histoire se passe dans la tête.
Et que dire de la beauté somptueuse des décors et des costumes ? Grandiose, éblouissant, magnifique sont les mots qui viennent à l’esprit. Le tout servi par une sublime musique à la fois de goût classique, ou typique (j’adore la flûte de bambou et le gémissant violon chinois) . Les quelques chansons sont très belles (l’une d’elles chantée par Hu Ge lui-même) et pour une fois j’ai apprécié les paroles surtout celle à la fin du dernier épisode, elle en souligne parfaitement l’émotion, racontant la vie de Lin Shu telle une chanson de geste (c’est le prince Jing, Wang Kaï qui la chante!).
Alors, moi, je vous le conseille, JE VOUS LE CONSEILLE, MAIS JE VOUS LE CON-SEIL-LE !!!
Cet avis était-il utile?
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
This is such a phenomenal drama, it is truly one of a kind. If you're left unsatisfied after finishing dramas, thinking to yourself if only the writers made better choices, or if only the characters were better developed … then you should give this drama a try. Everything about this drama is AMAZING; it has a mind-blowing screenplay with incredible characters, not to mention its great directing and cinematography. (the action in this drama is top-notch, and the war in the later episodes was impressive beyond imagination!)At First glance, this might look like another revenge drama, but it is much more than that. The goal of the main characters is not to infect pain and suffering on the ones who have done them wrong, and it's not to simply right the wrongs, but to do so while making the ones who've committed the wrong realize the gravity of their actions. In a sense, this is the hardest route to take for correcting what has been wronged, people don’t want to be reminded of their dark past, and even more to accept their faults. Nevertheless, the reason why I love this drama so much is exactly this, the main characters, although they’ve literally been through hell, are not out there for revenge nor to make themselves feel better, but they’re trying to reveal the truth.
The plot is complicated and very intelligently written. There are 54 episodes, but I have to say there is no dull moment. The story has many layers and builds up on its episodes, becoming more and more intense as the episodes go by; we watch the characters execute their plans and try to overcome all the foreseen and un-foreseen obstacles in the most magnificent way possible.
In my opinion there are two main characters, Mei Chang Su and Prince Jing.
Mei Chang Su is the most intelligent character that I’ve ever came across in a drama. For achieving his goals, he uses his knowledge to manipulate people to do exactly what he wants them to do, without them even realizing his involvement! Despite his ingenious and composed personality, he carries the deepest sadness inside him, and that is what gives him the greatest determination for concluding his goals.
Prince Jing is the moral barometer of the story. He is bold and true to himself, he values his loved ones more than anything, and he’s willing to do anything to protect them. That said, he would never go against his moral code, he is a constant reminder for Mei Chang Su (and us the audience) that they should never be untrue to themselves. His bold and strong character attracts capable people to him enabling him to have true leadership characteristic.
This duo is the best I’ve ever seen anywhere, their relationship is so endearing to watch and their personalities compliment each other so well. Just having them both on screen was enough to make me give up everything I was planning to do for the rest of the day and give my undivided attention to this drama.
Another thing that I really like about this drama is that the other characters are all intelligent as well, which makes us understand why they were in power to begin with and why they’ve been successful so far. This point makes watching the main character manipulate these smart and sneaky characters much more enjoyable
This drama is for the intelligent, for the ones who are willing to sit through long conversations and enjoy putting the pieces of the puzzle together, for the ones who understand that sometimes no matter the cost one has to fight for what is right. (sorry for the long review! if you made it this far, that means you're interested!! give it a try, you won't be disappointed!)
Cet avis était-il utile?
As for the plot, it basically is a Chinese version of The Count of Monti Cristo transposed in Chinese empire. However, the story felt grander than the original French novel, and more than just a revenge tale. It is a story that goes beyond life and death, but setting the truth free. We are introduced to Mei Chang Su, a sickly man and part of the pugilistic world. He has established the Jiangzuo Alliance, a very powerful alliance with eyes and ears basically everywhere. Such power has given Mr. Su the title of Divine Talent. Two princes that are fighting for the throne sought after such talent. He was welcomed to the capital, but he had his own agenda. The two princes have been set against each other by the emperor. However such an act has corrupted the royal court, making the whole empire lose its strength. Mr. Su wants to remove both princes as contenders to the throne and bring forth the seventh prince, who's unfavoured by the emperor and looked down upon in the court. Mr.Su does so by studying the whole situation, going after each of the corrupt officials and brings their misdeeds to light. This is his way of removing corruption, and rebuilding the empire's strength.
That set the story forth as things start changing since the appearance of the mysterious Mei Chang Su. Soon enough, people start realizing that things are moving, and interest starts to increase in that mysterious figure. Little do they know he’s Lin Shu, survivor of the Chiyang army, and a victim of a tragedy from 12 years ago. The capital is full of people who benefitted from his tragedy, and those whose time has stopped since that time, unable to accept reality, but incapable of changing reality. Among them loyal friends join our protagonist in his quest to set things right.
Though the story is all about machinations, with smart villains, and smarter hero, what make this drama so special, addicting, memorable and endearing are the characters and relationships. Starting with Mei Chang Su, he’s a tragic character. The son of General Lin, and cousin to the princes, his world with filled with love, his potential was infinite and his dreams are big. Suddenly, all was stolen from him, even his face. He goes back home but it isn’t home anymore. As much as he denies himself the desire to go back to his previous self, he can’t help but show it in the most vital moments. Then there’s the 7th prince, Prince Jing. He’s very straight forward, to a fault, and never hides his feelings. What he thinks of the Chiyang army is no secret to all, making him unfavoured by his father, the emperor. He and Lin Shu grew up as brothers, and his feelings for Lin Shu haven’t changed. However he seemed to have inherited his doubtful side from his father. He has a hard time trusting Mei Chang Su since Mr. Su isn’t as straightforward as he’d like him to be, and he has a prejudice against strategist. I have to say seeing the relationship between these two develop is the most appealing in the drama, and the most carefully planned.
Then there is Princess Ni Huang, Lin Shu’s fiancé who can’t get her hand on what makes her trust Mr. Su this much. Princess Ni Huang is an army general, and the emperor wants to control her by finding her a husband from the capital. However she isn’t one to be controlled and will always get her way, and has a cute brother watching out for her. She is the weakness that makes Mei Chang Su go back to being Lin Shu, even for a moment. She is always the warmth he needs when things are too hard or too sad for him. Next is general Meng, the ever so loyal friend of Mei Changsu, and captain of the royal guards. He’s the strongest person in the capital, but not the smarted of the bunch. Even so he is one Mr. Su depends on most and when he takes charge, he kicks ass.
Other memorable characters are: the smart and warm Concubine Jing; the strong and childish puppy-like Fei Liu; the upright heartbreaking sweetheart Jing Rui; the sunshine Yu Jin; the kickass Xia Dong… the list goes on and on.
The opposing side doesn’t disappoint either. Many antagonists were interesting but most intriguing for me was Prince Yu. He’s very careful in what he does, and knows how to always make himself look in a favourable light in front of the emperor, making him favoured among the princes. However, there was always this emotional detachment he felt from his father, creating a void in him. Throughout the drama, with all his actions, being good or hateful ones, I felt he was always trying to fill this void. Another intriguing character, and maybe the most intriguing of all characters, is the emperor. My first impression of him is, that man is no fool. However everyone know he’s no fool, and of his doubtful nature, which became a tool used by our protagonists and enemies alike. He gives this fatherly figure impression, but that can change in a moment. He does care for his sons, but the power he has over the throne precedes all. He rather punishes innocents rather than let go of suspect. His conscience still haunts him because of past misdeeds, but he rather ignores it to protect his pride.
What brought those characters to life are talented actors and their on screen chemistry. Those favourite moments of mine when Hu Ge looses his composure, or veteran Ding Yong Dai playing such a complicated character like the emperor, who you both hate to love and love to hate.
Of course there is more to this drama than acting and characterization. The writing itself is fantastic. You got the tight plot, you got the character depth, and you got a great balance between all. Not a moment was wasted, as every arc got better than its predecessor. As for the direction, it was flawless for the most part. The story was fast paced, the action scenes were engaging, and overall the scenery was just gorgeous. The music is spot on, and the OST was beautifully fitting, written just for this drama. My only complaint in that area is the beginning, which was overwhelming with information. Especially to a newbie to cdramas like me, I’m getting to know the actors as well as the characters, and this drama doesn’t make it easy. Thankfully, by episode 4-5 things clear up and everything becomes easier to swallow. Another complaint would be when some characters disappear for a long period of time, and we miss them too much. However we’re usually too preoccupied with what is going on, so it’s not like we have the time to get bored.
The ending did not disappoint, and all brought together, with closure to all.
This drama is a perfect example portrayal of the possibility of what is means to run a kingdom through loyalty, love, strength, and wisdom. I’m usually a cynical person, but the experience we go through in this drama doesn’t leave any cynicism in me. I think it’s mostly the focus on love and loyalty between characters throughout the drama that eliminated any doubt in me.
Again beautiful drama and was worth every moment of my time. If you’re not sure yet do try the OST:
When the Wind Blows by Hu Ge
Loyal Blood Runs Forever Red by Wang Kai
Aging of a Beauty by Liu Tao
Cet avis était-il utile?
I cried, laughed, cringed, shouted, smiled, raged and did all sorts of things while watching this drama, I even had to make pause of few days cause I didn't want to finish it. Ever. I know, it may seem too subjective, I guess it is but if I take out all too attached feelings still this is a drama which deserves to be praised and greatly received.
The cast was brilliant. From Hu Ge as too intelligent and clever strategist with many secrets and Wang Kai as loyal, brave and reckless prince who were the main leads in this woven plot, to other side characters: funny and dense General Meng, sweetie pie and awesome martial artist Fei Liu, astonishing and beautiful princess warrior Ni Huang, calm smart and always looking relaxed consort Jing, joyful, carefree and weirdly intelligent Lin Chen, crazy over power and greedy Emperor, faithful and innocent Jingrui, the dignified Marquis Yan, the most loyal retainers of Su ge ge, all of them were simply outstanding, list is too long. ;)
The one who shined the most in this drama is no doubt Hu Ge as Mei Chang Su, he was truly amazing. Man who lost everything where he was young, who lived and fought with only one purpose- to avenge his family and all those innocent lost lives of Chi Yan's army. He became a grand and calculating man with intelligence higher than everyone's else. I loved how Hu Ge portrayed him, as cold, emotionless man who didn't let feelings get in the way and cloud his judgement not one single moment, always being rational and moving forward according to his plan which he was making for 12 years. Cause in this game he couldn't afford himself that, otherwise his enemies would easily defeat him. But under that shell he was the same Lin Shu, kind with good heart and will to fight against injustice and evilness. I fell so much for him, his gestures, mind, expressions, movement, everything was really powerful about that man.
And the other one who has won me was certainly Prince Jing. He was opposite of Su Zhe, quick-tempered and disobedient, always hot headed and too reckless but loyal, brave and firm in his decisions, I really respected that side of him, his unyielding morals and fighting for justice no matter what. It was so entertaining to watch two of them bickering, arguing and sharing their opinions, prince Jing was always bringing fear to Su Zhe cause he was the only one who could actually make Su Zhe's plans not going in the way they should and mess something up, I loved their bromance, their powerful bonding, their attachment to each other, they looked so cute, sometimes like a romantic couple. ;) And I think that Wang Kai really nailed it, he is such a talented and great looking actor, looking forward seeing him more in the future.
I enjoyed in the feeling they gave me, their characters so endearing and strong, greatly written indeed. I enjoyed in all of them but those two especially captured my heart along side with little monkey Fei Liu. What is so fantastic and attractive about this drama are so many awesome bromances, friendships, funny moments in all that seriousness and revenge fights, many of those characters were like a family, I loved their talking, their joking around the house, their ultimate protections towards each other, and that subtle, little amount of romance I really really loved, it was such a wonderful addition to all those powerful feelings.
Without even one little dull moment, I can only say KUDOS to the whole production team and the writers. Production quality is so high and impressive with great action scenes, wonderful costumes where even the shades of colours fitted perfectly to the characters who wore them and not to mention settings and sceneries, every scene shot outdoor was really delightful for watching and every scene shot indoor also was beautiful. Effects and CGI look very realistic, which is pretty awesome for some Chinese drama. And the best thing of course is the script, it is something the most important that made this drama to be this breath taking, intense and phenomenal.
Oh well what else did I expect when it's the same team from whom big names like Battle of Changsha (personally my fav.), The Disgusier, All quiet in Beijing and Love me if you dare are from? ;)
So if you like badass action scenes filled with fantastic developed story line, interesting plot with revenge, political maneuverings and intrigues, astonishing melodies (music in this show is so beautiful, whole OST is wow) and if you're into The Count of Monte Cristo kind of feeling then you should definitely give it a try. Plus many eye candies who weren't there just to be eye candy, they actually had a role and importance. ;)
It may seem too confusing in the beginning with introducing too many characters but after a few episodes you''ll get used to it, just don't give up.
I got too attached to this drama, too fascinated by its existence and in such an emotional state I dare to say that I'm anticipating more dramas like Nirvana in Fire, more dramas which will engrave in my heart and capture me in their little world for a lifetime. Thank you. Thank all of you who participated in making this grand and glorious show. I'll never be able nor I ever want to be able to forget this drama, the most wonderful Asian drama with most mind blowing script.
";In this world, there’s no carefree person. If you have desires and feelings, you won’t be carefree."
Cet avis était-il utile?
This is like a fine dining experience - to be savored and remembered. It deserves an 11/10.
Nirvana in Fire is an exceptional drama by any and all standards - nothing else I have watched comes even close to surpassing it. It truly checks all of the boxes in terms of a complex plot, an incredibly talented cast, excellent screenplay, well executed action scenes and overall movie-like visual impact and production quality.This is the story of Lin Shu's single minded quest for justice and reform. His father, a powerful general in command of the 70,000 strong Chiyan army is framed as a traitor while away defending the Liang state. Victorious but battle worn, he is slaughtered along with his entire army before they have a chance to return to the capital. Young Lin Shu barely survives and re-emerges 12 years later as Mei Changsu, the mysterious leader of the powerful pugilist Jiangzuo Alliance. His appearance is completely altered and he is a sickly, shadow of the vigorous young warrior he used to be. He returns to the capital amidst a power struggle between the crown prince and his brother Prince Yu as the Divine Talent, a brilliant strategist regarded as an emperor maker. He plays them against each other and is on surface allied with Prince Yu while he surreptitiously advances the out of favor Prince Jing. The complexity in the plot arises in the brilliant and occasionally cruel strategies he employs to uncover the full extent of the conspiracy and all those complicit in his family's murder as well as to advance Prince Jing's position. This is not a story about revenge, it is about justice. It is also about reform as justice is worthless without reform. Making abiding changes to the court and the system that would be overseen by a just and moral ruler was an equally important outcome to Lin Shu/Mei Changsu. To achieve his mission, he had to do many things he considered despicable. Cleaning out the corruption in the court was the only thing he could do to make the senseless massacre of his family and comrades in arms mean something.
This is an impossible show to binge watch - I can at best get through two episodes in one sitting. We learn from the get go that Lin Shu is living on borrowed time. That imbues the drama with an omnipresent sense of sorrow and inevitability that grows as it steadily progresses towards the end. Whenever the mood gets unbearably heavy, there are welcome moments of brilliantly timed comic relief. The first episode is probably the most difficult to follow as most of the key characters are introduced all at once .Thankfully there are many excellent character guides online that are super helpful in the beginning. There are no unnecessary characters in this show; each one was brilliantly cast and has an important role in the unfolding storyline.
The role of Lin Shu/Mei Changsu is a complex one and not at all easy to play. This was without a doubt Hu Ge's defining role and he just killed it. Time and again he was able to subtly convey a multitude of intense emotions behind a superficially stoic expression. As Mei Changsu the strategist, he was brilliant, ruthless, calculating, Machiavelli and breathtakingly cruel when necessary while battling his self-loathing for the person he was forced to become. He is filled with longing, regret and fear of discovery as he re-encounters his former love, friends and relatives under this new identity. He masterfully portrays a callous indifference that masks unbearable hurt as his actions and morals are misunderstood by his best loved friend. As they inevitably begin to recognize his old mannerisms and think the unthinkable, he cannot help but tease them with the truth before skillfully evading their suspicions. The chemistry between Lin Shu/Mei Changsu and the rest of the cast and in particular Prince Jing (Wang Kai) is mesmerizing. Twelve years later Prince Jing still misses Lin Shu, his boyhood friend and cousin and was never quite convinced the Lin family could be guilty of treason. Despite his contempt for Mei Changsu's lack of moral scruple, the principled Prince Jing's soul knows him and he is eventually drawn into a strong and touching bromance with him . Equally moving were the rare smiles, flashes of humor and fatherly affection that emerges when Lin Shu/Mei Changsu teases Fei Liu, his lethally skilled and fiercely loyal boy protector. Despite his crushing physical weakness, he desperately lies to shield his loved ones from the extent of his suffering and true condition. I found myself grieving for not only the lost friendships and love affair that could have been but for the Lin Shu that Mei Changsu can never become again.
The character development in this drama is so sophisticated and multi-layered that even the worst villains of the piece are to evoke a sense of pity for their human failings and have some redeeming aspects. The story builds towards an epic climax that sees Lin Shu/Mei Changsu confront the person ultimately responsible for this terrible and unforgiveable betrayal. Both actors in this final showdown were phenomenal but I think the tyrant's rant from rage,to hubris, to denial, to defeat , to defiance and then finally to almost but not quite remorse truly blew me away. It is in this encounter that Lin Shu delivers his most excoriating, most tragic and and most damning indictment -"If you knew your son you would never believe he could betray you. If your son knew you, he would not have refused to believe you betrayed him." The script writing is powerful and we are treated to many emotionallly loaded lines but for me, this one was the one that summed up the root of the tragedy and made me weep for both of them. But Lin Shu/Mei Changsu was beyond tears. It is this ability to convey bottomless sorrow without shedding a tear that made this Hu Ge's unparalleled performance.
{Warning - Spoiler ahead]
I love it that this show pretty much ends after the climatic peak with most of the loose ends tied up well ahead. Even though we know from the very beginning that Lin Shu/Mei Changsu dies, it still broke my heart. Nonetheless, the drama comes to a very fitting and satisfying end. While this was an enthralling, immersive journey from start to finish, I think I need to take a break with something less intense. I suspect this will remain the very best drama I have ever seen for a long time although I still love Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms best.
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STORY (No spoilers)
Aside from an initial round of confusion when watching your first run of the first 3-4 episodes, there is nothing further I can think of that really mars the perfection that exists for this drama - storywise.
And may I just say that even the initial confusion of the first 3-4 episodes which is mainly due to the large number of characters being introduced, and the fact that you are thrown literally right into the show without any prior setup of what's going on, no longer exists upon re-watching.
In fact, you will actually realise and appreciate just how intricate and how detailed the writer has been because lots of foreshadowing and information actually exists within the first 3-4 episodes which would have flown by your head upon a first watch, but which makes complete sense upon re-watching.
It really gives you a sense of respect for the writer who has clearly and thoroughly thought through how her story would flow, and has been diligent in embedding subtle but key information throughout the episodes so that as the series progresses towards the mid-way mark, those individual and seemingly disparate threads then come together to form a brilliant picture which then takes your breath away.
The story appears simple - a man who survived a tragedy returns to the capital 12 years later under a new identity to re-dress the horrific wrongs committed.
The execution of the story, however, is FAR from simple.
Like a grandmaster, this man kick-starts things into motion which will change and transform everything, and the way he does it is simply masterful and marvellous to watch.
The pacing of this show is neither fast nor agonisingly slow. The show takes its time to dwell on certain threads longer than others, which may come across slow and a little boring for some viewers, but patience is a virtue with this series and if you patiently keep on watching, it will become evident that the time spent on those disparate and seemingly unconnected threads will bear much fruit when things come together. You will find yourself marvelling at the level of care and craft that has gone into the storytelling, I promise you.
The best analogy I can give is that of a master sculptor working with a block of wood or ice. At first, all you see is a block. Then, he starts hewing and hacking at certain parts of the block and slowly, a rather vague shape is being formed. As you keep watching the sculptor at work, seeing how he starts to focus on first this section, then that section, the vague shape becomes more discernible and you're able to get a glimpse of the art he is producing. Keep watching and observing and you will see that what was once a block is starting to be transformed into a beautiful piece of artwork and at the end of it, as he puts on the finishing touches, the little carvings here and there, you then marvel to yourself at how amazing it is that he is able to visualise and produce such an outstanding piece of work from just a block of wood or ice.
Since there isn't a section that talks about the cinematography or the sets or the camera-work, I will mention it here.
The cinematography, the scale of the sets and the camera-work is just beautiful. I was informed by friends conversant with the chinese netizen community that some of the directors for the show were art/photography directors, which explains why almost each shot being framed can be screenshotted into a piece of art in itself with its colours and its composition. This makes the show an incredibly beautiful one to watch with every frame and shot a feast for the eyes.
The costumes and the sets were apparently incredibly faithful to the time period in which the show is set, down to the bronze teapots and hand warmers. Court etiquette and forms of greeting and respect were appropriate and in-line with the time period too and apparently the actors had been rigorously trained by experts so that their carriage, their conversation and their movements all conformed accurately and naturally.
A great deal of care and diligence had been put into producing the series and it shows.
The show being so large and sprawling with its cast of characters, there is insufficient time to dwell on the merits of each one of them. Suffice to say that each supporting character played their parts to perfection, nary a redundant character or scene in this series. Every conversation bears some significance or the other.
Another marvel is that, in most drama series, supporting characters, even those that pitch up for maybe just an episode or two, tend to been given short-shrift in terms of their characters or personalities. Not so here. There is hardly a one-dimensional or caricature personality here. All come across real and believably alive in this series whether they be a passing character, or an antagonist, or a protagonist.
This show is alive and full of layered, nuanced and complex characters whose motivations, goals and actions are believably real and understandable, if not sympathetic. You understand where they are coming from and why they behave the way they do as more about them gets unveiled. This is a brilliance of not only the writing, but also the acting of actors playing those characters, in being able to bring them so wonderfully alive and to come across amazingly real.
Spotlight on the main lead.
HU GE, playing the main protagonist of the series is simply outstanding in his subtle, layered and nuanced portrayal of his character, Lin Shu/ Mei Changsu/ Su Zhe - why does he have so many names? Please do watch to find out, and no, it is not confusing in the slightest. Powerhouse performance from Hu Ge who has to play a sickly, restrained and controlled man who, for good reasons, have to hide his true self and keep many secrets and cards close to his chest. His quiet and subtle responses to events and news which directly affect him but which he cannot allow to give him away is mesmerising to watch, and utterly heart-breaking to see. Simply stellar stuff which I've not been able to see the equal of since.
There is not a lot of soundtrack for this series. 3 songs with vocals, and all employed sparingly but impactfully throughout the series. Most of the series is carried by brilliant moments of silence and traditional chinese instrumentals which heighten the tension where it needs to be heightened, and gives poignancy to the scenes which require poignancy. Another masterpiece in music direction as nothing detracts from the scenes but only enhances. Beautiful.
Can i just say that this show is an absolute MUST for re-watching. Not only because it is just THAT GOOD, but also because of the level of intricate detail and storytelling that goes in it. A first watch will never really allow you to fully unpack and appreciate the masterpiece that you have just seen. Scenes, conversations, camera close-ups on objects that seem inconsequential, all of these which did not make too much sense upon a first watch will make complete sense upon a re-watch, causing you to marvel even more at this show.
Seriously, if you have time to watch episode after episode of some sub-par K, C or J-drama, why not spend that time re-watching Nirvana in Fire instead?
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This drama was found randomly. Bored on a Saturday, haven’t touched a drama in a year, I decided to go back to my masochistic ways of torturing myself with plots I never finish. My dropped list speaks volumes. Signed on to viki, laughed at the corny name and thought this would be a parody but boy was I wrong!
This drama has wrecked everything. I have never watched a drama like this. I am the fickle and picky type who even if there’s a drama I like, interest wanes at around the ten episode mark as dramas recede to known formulas as they run out of ideas. This drama I reached episode 30 in feverish captivation, 5 AM, episode 15, forcing myself awake and splashing water on my face. At work it was blood shot eyes, yawns and excuses of not sleeping well. Not of course that a Chinese drama has taken over my life that I don’t answer phone calls.
Now that I’ve rambled, here’s the review.
This is just so expletively interesting and catered to my tastes that this drama is at this point is probably the best drama I’ve ever watched. The story at the surface is a battle for the throne but it is layered with well complemented sub plots and revelations that shook me.
The story is of a political nature and so well-crafted it’s almost disgusting. I tell you, two guys talking politics has never been so interesting. The central character of this storyline is Mei Chang Su. A brilliant and ailing strategist with a hidden agenda that unfolds throughout the story. He is the most realistic hero we’re possibly ever going to get. He’s caring but also a realist. Ready and willing to recognize that sacrifices have to be made in order to fulfill his goal. He’s adorable, arrogant, and brilliant yet also such a devastating character. He’s main goal is to make one of the prince’s the emperor, his reasons, you’ll have to watch to know.
The antagonists in this story truly elevate this plot. There will be different antagonists as this is a fight for the throne. However, each antagonist is different and just as well done as the main hero. The villains in this tale also have their own stories, their own agendas and ambitions which at times captivates you. They’re not in this story solely to antagonize the hero for some mundane reasons. There are also these emotional moments where we are forced into sympathy for some of these villains, forced to understand them and it’s frighteningly delightful.
Other than the antagonists, the supporting characters definitely brighten and add to this drama. In a lot of dramas, a lot of the supporting characters are fodder, but in this, they induce humor or simple bitter sweet moments that make you remember them. Female characters are also a bonus that is done well.
I swear if all political dramas were this well crafted, I would be a happy gal. It's the perfect blend of well thought out strategies and my gosh, when was the last time you watched a drama with a well thought out strategy? I'll start by saying none even match up to this.
To end this, I confess, I know nothing of the actors and don't really ever venture into Chinese dramas (I've held the opinion they are pretty terrible...) yet weirdly, two of my favorite historical dramas (This and Scarlet heart) have come from China.
As my name suggests, here is a picky musing that doesn't really change anything about this drama.
Passage of time – I swear winter lasted about thirty episodes even though about only half a year had passed. It’s not particularly jarring but at times, I do wonder how much time has passed as it’s somewhat ambiguous but the drama cleverly lets you know when characters interact. It’s actually brilliantly done. Simple lines like “It’s been half a year since you came to the capital.” Nonetheless, I feel like this whole drama passed in the winter, with a splice of summer but my strongest memories are the puffs of air from the characters.
I'm definitely giving this a masterpiece rating because this marks the first time I have ever watched this many episodes of any drama period. Plus, I can't think of anything significant that stopped me from enjoying this plot.
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The swift pacing does present some issues though. I know that adapting a well-loved, lengthy novel to the screen is challenging, but either pruning some of the more esoteric subplots or giving them additional screen time would have made the story easier to follow. It took a good 20 episodes to figure out the major character relationships, and some elements remained hazy up until the end. While I generally don’t advocate for extended flashbacks or childhood sequences, this is one case where showing rather than telling about past events would have been helpful. While I could intellectually understand the characters’ grief and their desire to right past wrongs, it was hard to emotionally engage with people and situations only encountered in the briefest of flashbacks. Like Mei Chang-su, the show is precise, intelligent and lovely. It’s also a bit cold. I would have liked more fire in the midst of all the snow.
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Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
The Most Amazing Drama I Have Ever Had The Honour of Watching
This is the most amazing drama I have ever seen in my life. The script was so magnificent, intelligent and well written that it totally took my breath away. I really appreciated the bulletproof script where there is no room for plot holes or questionable plotlines. Everything flows smoothly and every single scene happens for a reason. Just when you question one plot, it addresses it in the next episodes and you finally understand all the smiles, smirks, nods, ambiguous conversations, or even focused items -- everything comes together like a perfect puzzle in the end.The last scenes of last episode totally make me bawl like a baby especially the reminiscence scenes of Prince Jing & Princess Nihuang. I mean, we all aware that Lin Shu's death is inevitable since we know he is dying since episode 1 but it still evoke your feelings greatly to the depth of your heart. And I'm actually amazed with the writing as at the end, not only Lin Shu got his dying wish which is to restore the Chiyan's Army name but he also managed to do thing for himself finally! -- not for Chiyan army or his father or Prince Qi but for himself, which is to let him die as Lin Shu, doing things that he most loved and proud of. The writer wants to point out that despite it is a sad ending, it wasn't sad after all since he managed to do what he wants at last and live a fulfilled life despite how short it is. The writer wanted to tell us that its not a matter how long you live your life, but how you wished to live it. Lin Shu was adored by everyone -- even those who is not in his generation or after he has long gone because of the legacy that he left behind.
Hu Ge is probably the best Chinese actor that I have ever has the honour of watching. He mastered the art of subtle acting. His expressions was simple yet very effective that pierced right through your heart. Lin Shu is very charismatic despite being fragile and weak -- a combination that is rare to find.
There's actually an alternate ending that was originally aired in 2015 by the production team where they show Lin Shu survives and spent his days with Lin Chen & Fei Liu at Langya Hall. But they decided to cut that scene in the official ending as it served and suited the drama's theme better. TBH, both endings are fine with me since it shows that Lin Shu is happy and contented. :D
What a great drama! The saddest thing about this whole thing at the end is that I may never found another good drama as extraordinary as this. I learned a lot of manipulation tricks (lol) and the mind games on how to read people. When a drama is both educational and engaging while entertaining at the same time, you know it’s a winner! 10/10 - Perfect all the way through from writing, acting, directing and cinematography! A gem that you may only find once in a lifetime.
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Lots of reviews already but...
I loved it and have seen it 3 times. It rates near the top on China's Douban list and many see it as a masterpiece. The high rating is no mistake, it is a wonderful, deep, and intriguing drama. But it really depends on what you like. Some people like simple love stories or comedies. This is neither.Lots of reviews already but... I just wanted to add that there is an unofficial version of the end that was cut. If you haven't seen it, please do. ^^ You can find it on YouTube.
Since this has been heavily reviewed, I'll still put in my two cents. This is a near-perfect drama for me. Probably the best I've ever seen as far as story. The casting and acting are top-notch. This is the second time watching it and no doubt, I'll re-watch it again. High re-watch value due to the complexity of the story. It has such a phenomenal story, and the casting, acting, and chemistry between all the actors/actresses are also top-notch. The genius of Mei Changsu is an intriguing and beautiful thing to watch unfold.
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There's nothing I didn't like. I wanted to dislike the abrupt way the episodes end, sometimes mid-conversation, just fading to the OTS out of nowhere. But after 5 episodes, I started to understand the concept and appreciate it in relation to the were presenting the story. It's like one continuous movie that doesn't lose the flow or momentum despite the episode ending. Each episidoe ending is merely a slice in the whole rather than a distinct sub-portion. It gave me the feeling of placing a bookmark in a book where I'm ready to end, then picking it right back up where I left off. It's unique and refreshing.
I wanted to hate the villains, but I couldn't. While I deeply felt they were evil, I couldn't help but have some pity for them. I wanted to dislike the other-wordly feel of the ambush flashbacks, but it gave merit to the intense emotions surrounding the event. I reeeeeeally wanted to dislike the intro, but soon found myself mesmerized by it and failing to skip it. For the first time ever in dramaland, I couldn't dislike a thing.
The sets were gorgeous. The costumes were splendid, especially the headdresses. The cinematography kept you engaged and evoked even more emotion. The actors were stellar. It will be hard for me see anyone of them as anybody else other than their characters here. All of them owned their roles.
My review is vague because I feel you should go into this one fresh and gradually be dazzled. It's a beautiful series that will captivate you and redefine "friendship" for you.
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