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Petit coup de cœur pour le BL scolaire le plus mature de GMMTV !
My School President est une formidable surprise à laquelle je ne m'attendais pas un seul instant. De son scénario à sa palette de personnages et son duo attachant, voilà peut-être le bon candidat pour une réconciliation avec les BL scolaires thaï de GMMTV.L'histoire est classique dans ses grandes lignes. Gun voit son club de musique menacé de fermeture. À cela, s'ajoute Tinn, le président du conseil des élèves, qui semble l'avoir pris en grippe. Ce que Gun ignore, c'est que Tinn est amoureux de lui. Sur le papier, rien ne laisse présager un BL scolaire différent des dix précédents. Et pourtant…
L'un des premiers atouts de My School President réside dans ses acteurs qui n'ont jamais essayé d'être ce qu'ils ne sont pas. Ce sont des lycéens qui n'ont pas la prétention d'être des adultes tout en n'agissant jamais de façon immature ou gênante. Rien que pour cette raison, pour moi c'est le projet de GMMTV le plus mature de tout son catalogue avec une intrigue en milieu scolaire (collège, lycée et université). Les personnages évoluent doucement les uns avec les autres, ils tissent des liens forts qui respirent l'amitié, la camaraderie, le soutien et l'amour.
Gun (Fourth Nattawat Jirochtikul) et Tinn (Gemini Norawit Titicharoenrak) forment un super couple avec une alchimie taquine, douce, mignonne et vivante. Ce n'est pas brûlant ou passionné, mais adorablement mignon et stupidement craquant. C'est un couple qui réchauffe les cœurs. Le couple secondaire connaît aussi son petit développement. D'ennemis à amants, c'est une intrigue légère à suivre.
Le scénario est simple, et ça tombe bien parce qu'il l'assume pleinement. S'il use de quelques touches dramatiques, elles restent faibles et mesurées. Il est devenu difficile de ne pas cocher toutes les cases des clichés, des stéréotypes ou même des baisers accidentels dans un BL. My School President ne fonctionne pas ainsi, car il ne coche seulement les cases ayant une utilité. Attention à ne pas regarder Our Skyy 2 avant My School President. Ce serait gacher le plaisir de découvrir les personnages et l'histoire dans son contexte original. OS2 n'invente rien et est seulement une inversion des rôles.
La photographie est jolie, que ce soit de jour comme de nuit. Le montage est fluide et les plans sont agréables. Le seul bémol est les bruitages, certaines scènes en abusent un chouïa de trop, mais rien qui ne soit franchement dérangeant au point d'en couper le son.
En bref, My School President ne paye pas de mine, mais il se révèle être un des meilleurs BL scolaire thaïlandais et sans aucun doute l'un des meilleurs BL de 2022. Il peut rappeler de temps à autre 2gether, mais avec une meilleure dynamique, un rythme entraînant et des personnages réellement attachants.
Bref, petit coup de cœur pour ces gars-là !
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Que c'est bon !
GMMTV a mis les bouchées doubles pour faire de ce teen drama musical l'un des gros succès, mérité, de l'année 2022.MSP concentre quasi-parfaitement ce qui fait d'une série une bonne série, BL ou non : acteurs, scénario, réalisation, musique.
Les acteurs : très jeunes pour la plupart, notamment le couple star, ils étonnent par leur maturité, leur bonne humeur et leur complicité éclatante.
GeminiFourth, mineurs au moment du tournage, sont LA révélation de MSP, et l'excitation qui les suit depuis la sortie du drama n'est à mon sens pas prête de retomber tant leur charisme et leur alchimie atteignent des sommets, que ce soit ici ou dans Moonlight Chicken. Je suis impressionnée et conquise par la décontraction qu'ils affichent, que ce soit à l'écran ou en dehors, lors d'évènements de promotion, d'interviews ou de soirées de remise de prix. Proches avant même de débuter, leur amitié transparait à l'écran pour faire de TinnGun l'un des couples les plus adorables et charmants du drama BL, voire du drama tout court.
Les "seconds" rôles (cela semble injuste de les appeler seconds tant leur présence est impactante), les couples secondaires (on veut plus de SatangWinny et de MarkFord, ils mériteraient réellement des specials dédiés), les membres de Chinzhilla (joyeux et attachants), les parents (impeccables, tant dans leur humanité que dans leurs doutes), ainsi que les antagonistes, tous contribuent à faire de MSP un évènement. J'applaudis.
Le scénario : a priori assez basique dans les productions teen (grandir, maturer, apprendre dans l'adversité, individuellement et collectivement), le scénario réussit pourtant à développer ses personnages en dehors des clichés et des poncifs habituels, et s'appuie sur un parti pris assez rare dans le BL, moins dans la série teen, le musical. Les différents éléments scénaristiques se marient parfaitement et donnent une lecture agréable et fluide de l'histoire.
La réalisation : je suis agréablement surprise par la réalisation qui accompagne le scénario et les acteurs ; elle ne s'efface pas mais se met au service de l'histoire et surtout des personnages. L'utilisation des gros plans et des plans larges, à bon escient, permet de passer d'un point de vue individuel à un point de vue général, que ce soit lors de scènes différentes ou au sein d'une même scène, et ainsi proposer des moments d'ampleurs différentes, intimes ou plus spectaculaires.
La musique : l'un des grands atouts de MSP, et l'une des raisons de son succès. Certains souriront devant des chorégraphies qu'ils qualifieront de trop simples ou des morceaux pleins de naïveté. Je ne suis pas d'accord : les moments musicaux accompagnent l'évolution de l'histoire, des personnages et de Chinzhilla. Les protagonistes sont des adolescents qui rentrent dans l'âge adulte, des lycéens et non des "idols", et l'innocence et le changement des personnages sont parfaitement actés musicalement.
Alors oui tout n'est pas parfait dans My School President, mais que c'est bon, que ça fait du bien, que c'est joyeux, délicieux et charmant ! Et on en ressort avec un gros sourire sur le visage et une envie de chanter la vie, même imparfaite.
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Une petite perle rare inoubliable
C'est vraiment un des meilleurs dramas que je n'ai jamais vu.. ça fait que deux jours mais ils me manquent tellement. L'histoire est très basique, très simple mais les acteurs ont réussi à la rendre intéressante et inoubliable. Leur jeu d'acteur est lui aussi très bon, surtout que Fourth (Gun) et Gemini (Tinn) n'ont que 18 ans et ont commencé seulement cette année (bien qu'on les voit un brief moment dans Bad Buddy). C'est aussi l'un des rares bl qui nous donne pas envie de passer les moments où "ils sortent la guitare". On connait tous ça haha, dès qu'on voit une guitare on SKIP mais là.. je vous promets que personne ose passer leurs musiques. Ils chantent super bien, les musiques sont entrainantes et donnent envie de les écouter toute la journée. Au premier abord ça peut sembler long et ennuyant mais ça vaut le coup de commencer/continuer, vraiment.Pour conclure, c'est une petite perle rare, de GMMTV encore une fois, que toute le monde devrait regarder. Le jeu d'acteur est bon, de même pour les musiques. Ils méritent réellement leur succès. Il fait définitivement parti de mon top 3.
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Un agréable retour à l'adolescence.
En visionnant cette série, ça m’a rappelé le temps où je regardais des films et des séries de Disney Channel. Le style est le même, mais en version BL. Est-ce que ce retour à l’adolescence est pour me déplaire? Pas le moins du monde. L’amour mignon et innocent, l’humour bien dosé, l’ambiance musicale… Tout est présent pour faire passer un agréable moment à celui qui sait l’apprécier.Le couple de Tinn (Gemini Norawit) et Gun (Fourth Nattawat) est adorable. Ce cher président a un faible pour le musicien depuis le début du lycée, mais toutes ses précédentes tentatives d’approches se sont soldées par des échecs. C’est seulement le jour où il prend les rênes du conseil étudiant qu’il se fait enfin remarquer, même si pour cela, il doit devenir le «méchant ». J’ai toujours eu un faible pour les béguins de longues durées, donc ça m’a fortement plu. J’ai aimé la façon dont les garçons deviennent de bons amis avant de tomber amoureux. Ils sont collants, drôles et ils ont une magnifique complicité. Ces deux-là n’ont pas besoin de s’embrasser pour laisser paraitre toutes leur amour (OK, je ne vais pas mentir, j’ai attendu le baiser impatiemment, mais il faut comprendre que les acteurs sont très jeunes.).
Gemini et Fourth ont su comment gagner le cœur du public dans ce premier rôle. À peine âgés de 18 ans aujourd’hui, ces deux jeunes acteurs sont bourrés de talent et déjà promis à un avenir radieux dans le milieu du divertissement. Je comprends l’engouement qui les entoure actuellement. Ils étaient parfois maladroits dans leur interprétation, mais c’est pardonnable.
J’ai eu un gros faible pour le couple secondaire composé de Win (Winny Thanawin) et de Sound (Satang Kittiphop). Ayant tout deux un caractère de cochon, j’ai aimé la façon dont leur relation passe de la haine à l’amour. J’aurais aimé les voir davantage à l’écran. Sound est un personnage arrogant, mais très intéressant. Avec Win, il devient doux. J’espère revoir ces acteurs travailler ensemble en duo dans une prochaine série. (Je sais qu’ils étaient aussi dans Fish Upon The Sky et Star And Sky, mais pas en tant que couple).
Une mention spéciale pour Thiu (Mark Pakin) qui mérite le titre du meilleur ami de l’année. Il a toujours été là pour Tinn et l’a aidé à mettre au point ses plans de drague. J’espère que dans Our Skyy 2, on va découvrir qu’il est enfin en couple avec le mignon Por (Ford Arun). Ce personnage est la définition même du mot mignon.
Toutes les chansons sont bonnes. Les acteurs ont de magnifiques voix, aucun ne fait exception. Je ne me lasse pas de les écouter dans ma voiture.
Bref, si vous voulez passer un agréable moment, foncez et regardez cette série.
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You must have heard cuteness overloaded but this series is cuteness exploded!!
Honestly why are they so Sodium Radium Potassium {Watch it to know what I mean ;)Starting with they are cute and not the kind of cute where you say they are cute and that's it. It's cuteness exploded. You can feel it through the screen. They would be the one flirting/ interacting/ having a moment but you would be the one blushing, squealing, banging your hands somewhere, gripping your bedsheets, covering your face/mouth and cheering for them. I am honestly in love with their love. They are extremely cute and I tell you that's not the only factor that makes it good.
This series could easily have been cringe BUT let me emphasize "IT'S NOT". It's honestly executed so freaking well and that's what makes it the best. A simple plotline if executed and put together the right way then this is what the outcome looks like i.e. mesmerizingly hooking, to add up extremely cute.
(******Spoilers in this and the next paragraph******)
The way the characters have been portrayed plus the emotions and imaginations of Tinn, my god he is a goner for Gun and ahem Gun ain't any less too. From their eye locks to their interactions to their dance to that pinky finger interlock scene to those cheek kisses to that forehead kiss to their first date oops what I mean is first hangout to those beach scene, to that notebook kiss to their poolside scenes and also many more scenes just just wow. My self control goes down the drains when I am watching them.
I don't have words to describe how much I love this and Tin's and Gun's friend circle makes this series so much more worth it. They are so good humor wise as well as friendship wise. And Tiw/ Tiwson deserves the best best friend award. He is a godly love advisor for Tin and I tell you he is the captain of mommyzhilla. Also Sound and Win damnnnn they are making my heart shake. They are so so so freaking adorable mahn. Each one of their scene be it a bickering scene or an extra sweet one, they nailed it. Also, Tiw Por the hints are blurry... scratch it TiwPor is real. They themself said it and showed it. These two babies they definitely deserve each other. The actors that played the roles of Tin and Gun's parents deserve a huge shout-out. They played it so well. I felt their love, their concern and them.
Talking about the music, I love each one of it from 'You have got ma back' to 'Just being friendly'. The cover MV of 'Just being friendly' hats off to it mahn. It's too good. Like freaking good. A 10 on 10 to the music, the set up and all those scenes and also the editing team nailed it. And the mv made me one of the shipper of Tiw Por. Now talking about, 'Smile please'.. oh my god I couldn't control my smile listening to it. It was too good from the lyrics to the MV. And 'Hook' what an adorable song. Also 'No one else like me' damnn I love this too. and 'Let me tell you' what a song from the lyrics to it's beat to the emotions behind it. The osts of MSP, they are healing plus each one of them has a very deep meaning lyrics. Plus using the song 'Once upon a time' to bid us goodbye damn it had me crying.
In short, a simple plotline at a glance but execution and entertainment wise- bang on it's hooking. I WAS AND STILL AM HOOKED and I can't help but add- their cuteness is blinding. To add up it's healthy, it's heart warming and trust me you'll feel the characters. In fact you'll fall head over heels in love with them. I really love the way this series makes me feel. This series is my comfort place and it gives me those nostalgic feels. I already miss this so much. I- I can't I still have so much to say about how good everything in this series is and how much I love this. But words wouldn't be enough, truly not enough. And I am not even exaggerating. For me this series had it all.
Highly highly recommended!!!
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I was bored of watching the same school/ university plot for blsso I was initially planning to skip it...
UNTIL I gave it a chance by watching the first 2 episodes and I'm so glad that I did give it a chance
CAUSE this is Heaven for bl fans, This is what we call pure chemistry between leads, A couple you won't get bored of. This duo is simply fantastic, It doesn't seem like it's their first lead role, they are that good at their respective roles. (or maybe I dived in with zero expectations). The emotions they are showcasing here are soo superior to their age and experience. The future of the Thai industry is in the safe hand I guess.
GEMINI AND FOURTH HAVE TAKEN OVER MY WHOLE HEART* (be it My School President or Moonlight Chicken) their diversity in acting is commendable at a such young age, they are now My Fav Couple = NO.1 :)
The plot may seem mediocre but its execution is outstanding, literally, it's the little things that matter and this series proved it.
with the amount of comedy, romance and soo many heart-fluttering moments how can one not fall in love with these two cuties. this series is the definition OF Love and how it heals and motivates, cause love is a power that doesn't let you sink.
I didn't find a single moment of boredom just "BUTTERFLIES" and me not being able to control my emotions (all the joy, nervousness and excitement) I felt while watching this series :D Their chemistry feels so real and genuine, I was literally lost in the world of MY SCHOOL PRESIDENT. Their flirting is highly addictive and I almost died with high sugar level JKJK cause they are soo sweet.
There are soo many moments where Tinn is seen trying to hold back his smile when he is beside Gun (cause he finds gun cute and the sound in his mind goes SO CUTE) and Gemini is soo good at it, I love it whenever he grins from ear to ear while looking at his crush. I can't imagine any other actor replacing anybody in this series (BEST CAST), Not a single boring character or a scene which I would want to skip, instead, I kept rewinding soo many scenes cause this drama is just "AWESOME "
They literally know how to swoon over their audience
I felt all the emotion along them, I laughed cried smiled sobbed with them.
Those night phone calls, the imaginary gun that always motivates Tinn (whenever he is talking to his mother), Their warm consoling hugs, them comforting each other, their locking of the pinky fingers even holding hands at the talking stage or that not so eye contact (cause to shy to look straight into each other's eyes), then openly flirting in front of their friends, that foolishly in love smile (THEIR EXPRESSION ARE SOO TRUE TO THEIR CHARACTERS), everything is just soo PERFECT here...THEY MAKE ME BLUSH SO MUCH...
As the main plot is about Music this series has soo many beautiful songs each and every song is worth listening to, and enjoyable. and I love each and every song to the core of my heart...
-without any NC this series undoubtedly has the most amazing Cast and Chemistrywhether its between the main leads, lead's BFF or Chinzhilla gang
-A series with overflowing cuteness:
INTELLIGENT N innocently cute lead TINN
STUPID but adorably cute lead GUN
SMART and cleverly cute THIW
FOOLISH n noisy still cute chinzhilla
-The rest and the side couples are just a bonus you get along the main couple 10000/10
-NO BL SCHOOL ROMANCE SERIES CAN BEAT THE CHEMISTRY OF THESE TWO, because not only TinnGun but the whole cast is so fun to watch
-BUT DONT BINGE WATCH IT CAUSE IT MIGHT BE TOO SWEET TO DIGEST IN ONE NIGHT... LOL, what I mean is that when you watch it you should savour it: like try to enjoy it to the fullest...
initially, I gave it 9.5 after watching the finale this deserves BANG ON 1000... this is how a series should end it's just too perfect, A perfect BL. and I PROUDLY DECLARE MY SCHOOL PRESIDENT AS MY FAV BL DRAMA of all time
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This is how you do a gay musical
“My School President” might not be an original soundtrack; two boys in high school, one has a secret crush and chases the other. Been there, done that. I mean after more than a hundred gay romance shows (I'm not even joking, check my stats) you'd think I've seen it all. Yes, I have seen everything in My School President before, but not like this.MSP takes all the tried and worn tropes, weaves them together seamlessly into this epic gay musical. The show has an energy to it which I cannot put into words. For the most of it, MSP is a really fun show: friendship, family and slice-of-life youth drama, but there are moments of grief and sadness which binds the story. And MSP reminds us time and again, that when it seems everything is lost and grey, you will find the purest emotion left: love.
The main arc is of Tinn and Gun. Nerdy Tinn, son of school principal and perfectionist has comitted the ultimate crime: fallen in love with a backbencher, and a boy nonetheless. After (several) repeated attempts to get Gun's attention, Tinn finally comes into the spotlight when he runs for school president. But wait! It has now set him as an enemy to Gun! For the school is trying to shut down the Music Club which Gun leads. With the excuse of "bringing glory to the school", Tinn pairs up with a reluctant Gun to try and win the Hot Wave and the rest, you know it :)
Not everything goes perfect in this story. There are many, many downs. MSP deals with topics like failure, grief of death, homophobia and the fear of first love. In this also, MSP has set itself apart from other dramas. Any misunderstanding or event is dealt in withing the episode itself, without letting it drag to the next episode and viewers are always left with the expectation of something fresh and delightful.
There are few stories where I can say that there were no moments which I found to be extra but MSP truly has no "filler moments". It does not lag, it does not take up a sloth speed at episode 8 (which most bl dramas tend to do), it is never boring.
Apart from Gun and Tinn, a major part of the story are their family and friends. The Hot Wave takes centre stage in episode 10, 11 as Gun and his friends battle three stages to reach their destination. The boys and their relationship with their families is so heartwarming to watch, their mothers both approach their sons so differently. There are a few unexpectedly cute side couples too. At the end of the day, MSP is a show about love and all its different forms.
It is evident that the production teams really put their efforts into this. Each character, even the side characters, have been crafted uniquely. They went all out with all the love songs here and it's obvious that a lot of work has been put into it. As far as chemistry goes, Gemini and Fourth are a match made in heaven. I say this not because I ship them, but some pairings just click you know? My main inhibition regarding MSP is that I dislike school shows and the tragic boring uniforms they have on all the freaking time. The show makers however put extra effort into everything with a stylish wardrobe for everybody (and I have to point this out because it's one of my sore points with most others school/uni shows).
Each actor and actress has done well in their role, and this is really important because MSP is one of those character centric shows. The dialogue is well written without the cliche replies. It gets especially fun when Gun teases Tinn! I love how Tinn is like this confident gay until Gun does something even minutely flirtatious. Gemini and Fourth brought them to life and I wait (not so patiently) for their future projects. And the OSTs! The Holy Chinzhilla in its Greatness has blessed us with the best songs, and so easy to sing along too that I cannot get them out of my head!
MSP has been a delight to watch. The secrecy of having a first crush, the innocence of first love, the buoyancy of being seen and recognised, if only for a moment, by the one who makes your heartbeat pick up. MSP will make your heart race and wish for that romance you haven't had yet or remember the cherishable memories you have experienced.
And while it is not an original soundtrack, it is the one of the most genuinely hearwarming songs, an ode if you will, to love. As they say, “love songs we listen to in high school are the best love songs ever”, and MSP is proof of that. One word for this show: fluff. 9.5/10.
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A Wholesome Take on High School Romance!
I highly recommend this show if you are looking for the following:• Wholesome and healthy relationships
• Engaging characters progressions
• Solid chemistry between the cast
• Moderate comedic tone
• Excellent music
What I love:
1. Gun and Tinn's relationship develops steadily and does not go backward. It's a fun and rewarding experience to root for Tinn and Gun because each episode culminates in a milestone in their relationship stages. They have a healthy relationship and resolve any potential conflict through meaningful conversations. Viewers are continuously rewarded in this journey with a simple yet effective ending scene in each episode, such as Gun realizing he may like Tinn in episode 3, the little fingers interaction in episode 4, and Tinn blushing when Gun starts reciprocating his feeling in episode 7.
2. Gun and Tinn have contrasting character progressions, which is refreshing to watch—in contrast to Gun's, Tinn's significant personal development happened prior to the first episode. He had changed from whom Gun called 'NobiTinn', a seemingly less sociable bookworm, into this unyielding, reliable, and ever-supportive individual before we were even introduced to him. As we observe Gun's character growth through many ups and downs, having Tinn in these scenes with Gun assures us that things will be alright. Apart from his eventual relationship with Gun, we can say that Tinn has not changed; he is very much the same person that we knew from the first episode.
3. Despite the different approaches that Tinn's mom and Gun's mom take in nurturing their sons, they love their sons just the same. It's almost natural to like Gun's mom from the start, as she is the more understanding and easygoing mother of the two mother figures. Viewers were challenged with the possibility of Tinn's mom being the villain of this series. But, despite relatively more limited scenes, Tinn's mom has proved us wrong through her masterful performance in the later episodes. Both "I love whoever you love" and "It's okay, I was the reason you were afraid to tell" are equally powerful messages to their sons and the viewers.
4. This series uses humor smartly. The earlier episodes have plenty of slapstick and comedic scenes, effectively showing the innocence of high school students. As Gun matures and has to focus not only on his band but also Tinn, more serious, pivotal, and romantic scenes are added to sustain his character growth while staying true to the comedic nature.
5. Music is an integral part of this series, and the cast performs passionately. Each episode has 1 or 2 covers or original soundtracks effectively integrated into the plot. The singers are excellent, and their emotion flows nicely into the scenes. My recommendation for the original soundtrack is episode 12's ก้อนหินกับดวงดาว (Rock & Star), and the cover is episode 5's ฟัง (Listen). But, honestly, it's hard to pick favorites because all the OSTs are amazing.
What I wish were different:
1. The overall message about Hot Wave was centered only on winning it. From the early episodes, Hot Wave has been set as the band's endgame. We have observed the bandmates growing musically, academically and becoming a better team until the Hot Wave final result in episode 11. Unfortunately, after losing in the final, the band focused only on the outcome, not the journey. Until the Hot Wave arc's closure in episode 11, Gun apologized for failing to lead the band to victory. This is mainly addressed by the 'Once Upon a Time' song, but I wished there was a scene to remind the band that the Hot Wave result does not and will never invalidate their immense growth.
2. The other bandmates need more backstories and serious scenes before the conflict in episode 11. As viewers are more used to watching them on a lighter note, the sudden tonal shift to a heavy argument scene will come as a surprise.
Best Episode -- Episode 3!
This episode has a special place in my heart; it reminds me of my relationship in high school, from preparing for mid-term examinations together and sneaking into an empty classroom to slow dance and enjoying the moment while the band was playing music during the school festival. Unfortunately, it didn't work out between us after graduation, and I honestly wasn't settled with the closure that I got.
But this episode helped me remember and process my feelings at that time. And looking at it from the 3rd party point of view through this episode, I understood that regardless of the outcome, those tiny pockets of moments were special. I am grateful!
The director (Au Kornprom Niyomsil) and his team are fantastic. 'My School President' now differs significantly from the trailer shown during GMMTV 2022. The amount of effort to research and pivot in such a short time must have been tremendous. Thank you for the great effort and for delivering us this masterpiece.
The main cast is incredibly talented. Fourth and Gemini are perfectly cast as high school students starting their coming-to-age moment. No matter what the scene is about, be it comedic, romantic, or emotional, they manage to do it flawlessly. And they can sing very well! I am sure many people are hooked from the very first note that Fourth sang in episode 1's อยากร้องดังดัง, or their duet in episode 2's ข้างกัน (city).
I look forward to cheering for them as they grow and get many more meaningful projects to hone and showcase their talents.
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My Cuter than Cute School Band and their President
This drama had me smiling from ear to ear while covering/faning my face with my hands from all the cuteness/cringe/fluff.The story itself is neither new nor revolutionary and there are even a few highly annoying elements that had me rolling my ayes and complaining about them getting in the way of my fluff but they are so few that the overall fluffiness takes over.
This drama is packed with well written PPL, it is in your face ant there is no way one earth you can miss it it and while being completely misplaced it still mangas to add to the story, the humour and the fluff that it practically stole my heart.
The next great thing this drama has to offer is flirting done well. the flirting in this is playful, creative age appropriate and does not seem to cross others boundaries or make anyone uncomfortable. Offering a nice dare I say wholesome feel to it as well as a process to the development of romance not only between the leads but also between the other characters.
The friendships, the ups and downs and the very human reactions to different situations are also well written and fun. and while I will admit that some of the turns of events where more interesting than others, the less interesting parts took little screen time so I am willing to overlook them. At times it can be hard to distinguish between fantasy/dreams and drama plot letting us not only hear the inner thoughts of the lead but also showing us a bunch of different scenarios. This adds a little bit of spice as well as kept me from trusting what I saw on screen. It also made way for even more fluff... and cuteness. It also nuanced the story, showing that life and fantasy can be both near and far apart... Basically saying reach for your dreams while acknowledging the work and people behind it... thee is also a really good depiction of falling down and getting back up again done slightly annoying but also done right.
The parent-child relationship in this drama make way for quite a bit of food for thought giving us both the fluffy side of parents who love and support their kid no matter what... the whole I love you no matter who you love yada yada.. do not bully your kid... if the world is against them make sure to be their happy place nice to see and indeed the way I hope and wish all parents would be....
The show also makes way to acknowledge the society we live in without letting take over from the fluff.
So basically this is 85% fluff, 10% real and important scenes, 5% annoying highly bingeable 99% lovable. But it will have you cringe and thing oh how cute so many times your cheeks may hurt from all the smiling.
I also want to add a few more lines about the parents, however this may be a spoiler for some, it should not be but just in case it is I decided to add it at the bottom so feel free to not read it.
What got to me the most and probably pushed me to overlook all the annoying elements of the show was a particular scene in this drama that was extremely powerful to me where a parent read the room took a step back with the words. "I was going to ask but I have never seen him look this terrified". Being able to take that step back as a parent, to self reflect and try to figure out how to create an environment where your child is comfortable to open up to you about their sexuality, is a way to show viewers not only what they should do but also a how to change and create a more open environment. Parents are human too and part of the society we live in, but a good parent is willing to be part of the change and so on.
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Chemistry that truly carries the whole show.
Honestly speaking, this is not a special drama in terms of the plot - the light enemies to frenemies to friends to lovers has been done many times, but it’s undeniable the execution here was amazing. Gemini and Fourth are truly the best new BL actors out there.I have to say, both Tinn and Gun are perfectly written. Tinn has this amazingly goofy side of him that you cannot ignore, you just adore it. Gun is just a walking charm. It’s not all sweet though, and both the characters struggle with some internal issues, but are able to support each other in the best ways possible.
The relationship is simply wholesome. I loved how Tinn was focusing on Gun’s happiness and not just about his goal of dating him. I loved that they actually had a lot of nice conversations and tried to understand each other. I loved the mutual support. With the oversaturation in the BL industry with questionable and toxic stories, this level of understanding and mutual respect was simply refreshing to watch.
That’s for the main couple, what about the side ones? Sadly a bit of a failure. Either the chemistry was just not quite there, or the setup and progression was barely existing. Did I care about any of the side characters? Honestly - no.
Can we also just shortly talk about the mothers in this show? I could not be more happy with what we’ve got. Both Tinn’s and Gun’s mom are amazing in their own way. The drama perfectly showcases how good communication with your child is what builds trust and makes them want to confide in you for support, share their happiness and be honest about their struggles. Sometimes it’s important to take the initiative, but sometimes you have to give your child space and time and let them speak when they are ready, and not when you want to hear the answers.
Tinn's dad too, great person, I wish we got to see more of him.
The plot was great, but I also got a bit bored at some point. I still enjoyed all the adorable moments as I was watching, but I also had to motivate myself to start the episodes in the first place. This show was 90% fluff and 10% content (yes, this is an exaggeration, don’t sue me for it). And with that ratio it should be maybe 8 and not 12 episodes.
That said, there was one thing I will never complain about, no matter how many times it will happen even just as a filler fluff - good hugs. Hugs are underappreciated. Hugs are amazing. Proper hug on screen is at times better than kissing scenes. Melt into these arms and give us all butterflies! My School President definitely delivered in that area.
Fourth’s acting, his cheeky smile and warm gaze… Can we even ask for more? Yes we can, and we got it all - from the light and funny scenes, to more emotional and raw expressions, this boy delivered it all. Gemini also does great with acting. Surprised how well he does subtle comedy. For the rest of the cast - some did better, some did worse. We got the glorious “no tears just squeezing eyes hard” scene.
Production side of it was great. I am so happy to see the improvement in that aspect in the BL industry and the effort in making the show deliver a good storytelling both in writing and in the visual aspects.
Overall, the purest of the fluff. On screen chemistry that will make you jealous of not experiencing it yourself. Great main characters with fun personalities and relatable stories. But sadly also forgettable side characters and subplots there just to feel the screen time and overall repetitiveness of the story.
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peak romcom which gave me smile wrinkles :)
Overall: this is a Thai high school BL romcom done right. It deftly avoided several of my least favorite cliches. 12 episodes about 50 minutes each. Aired on YouTube, GMMTV's channel.Content Warnings: mild manipulation, shove, slap, punch, homophobia, non con photo taking, unwanted public outing
What I Liked
- several funny moments that made me laugh, including several subverted tropes
- cute moments
- the friend/band dynamics
- good dynamic with Tinn and Gun
- Gun's mom, Tinn's mom and dad
- they felt like real parents and acted realistically
- Tiw is the best wingman ever
- no cliche one dimensional villains
- solid communication and a very supportive romantic partner
Room For Improvement
- this could have been 8 or 10 episodes, it dragged in some places, or they should have more fully developed the side couples
- Gun's kissing reluctance was odd except that the writers just wanted to save a mouth kiss for the final episode
- I didn't like Tinn's initial "plan" but at least he did try other things first and I think Tiw is the one who suggested it
- the beginning of episode 2 was a bit confusing because it restarted the first episode from Tinn's perspective
- did Gun's mom's money problem just vanish?
FYI - I saw someone explain Gun's outfit (the black tank and shorts) which is in reference to this https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/wonderful-memes-transport-minister-chadchart-becomes-internet-idol/
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My expectations were too high.
I get why everyone is obsessed with this show, I really do… it just wasn’t for me. There’s nothing wrong with it; it’s adorable and the characters are funny and the songs are catchy, I was just so bored the entire time. I almost dropped it twice but I didn’t and I kept watching, but overall I was really underwhelmed.I don’t know if it has to do with the fact I watched Moonlight Chicken first and fell in love with HeartLiMing, but I could just not get as invested with msp. I’m more disappointed than anything that I didn’t love it.
But Fourth slayed as always and I really liked Sound and Win, they were the highlight for me and I needed more of them.
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