Both are comedies with
- sexual innuendos (YRMU) and actual sexual content (HTS)
- Hani as MC
- both somehow educates about sex, health and relationships
- sexual innuendos (YRMU) and actual sexual content (HTS)
- Hani as MC
- both somehow educates about sex, health and relationships

Both feature characters who are in their late 20s or early 30s, struggling to find gainful employment despite making a lot of effort (though they have quite different personalities) and are subsequently stressed, depressed and feeling hopeless from struggling to keep up with their peers. Both show how judgemental, unempathetic, cruel and uncompassionate some people in society are to a character who's struggling.

Once a girl's highschool crush and a dream guy to be with.. the female lead meets the male lead in a new state of his life in which his health might not allow them to ever have sex or dream for kids. She spends time with him only to realise that she had fallen in love with him once again and improve his life.