2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 10, 2021
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 4.5
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musique 3.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.0

Un énième BL scolaire à la sauce GMMTV

La promotion était sympathique. J'avais donc prévu d'y jeter un coup d'oeil tout en sachant que je ne serai pas assidue sur mon visionnage. Les BL scolaires me sortent par les yeux, notamment lorsqu'ils sont signées GMMTV. À croire qu'ils ont le monopole sur ce thème.
Heureusement que je n'avais aucune attente particulière pour Fish Upon The Sky.

Le scénario n'est pas terrible. Existe-t-il, d'ailleurs ? C'était comme voir le drama du mois dernier avec un nouveau casting. Le gars impopulaire VS le gars populaire. Entre deux scènes, on ajoute un duo secondaire qui, bien sûr, ne va rien apporter à la série. Et évidemment, le dernier duo qui nourrit une obsession pour les couples de leurs universités. On mélange et...
À partir de l'épisode 04, mon intérêt (déja pas très élevé) s'est fracassé au sol. J'ai donc regardé en accéléré et je pense vraiment qu'un robot aurait fait un meilleur spectateur que moi.
L'humour est discutable et les situations gênantes sont si nombreuses et pénibles. Je ne comprends pas que ces scènes soient si récurrentes. J'ignore si c'est dans un but comique ou non, mais j'ai beau avoir un nombre assez raisonnable de dramas thaï à mon actif pour savoir que ses scènes me dérangent plus qu'elles m'enchantent.
Le casting est sans plus... On a vu pire, on a vu mieux. Certains dialogues sont agréables, tandis que l'image est jolie. Mais ça ne sauve pas le drama.

Pour ma part, Fish Upon The Sky est un drama de remplissage qui ne va pas au-delà d'un énième BL scolaire sans surprise aromatisé GMMTV.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 12, 2021
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 6.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0

Divertissant, mais vu et revu (et mal joué)

Le problème avec les dramas romantiques (et le BL n'y fait pas exception, loin de là), c'est qu'ils réutilisent très souvent les mêmes clichés, les mêmes rebondissements et les mêmes ficelles. Lorsque certains sortent presque simultanément (comme Fish Upon the Sky et à peine 5 semaines plus tard, un autre BL intitulé Nitiman) et parlent du même sujet, on finit par s'emmêler les pinceaux. Et quand ils sont diffusés le même jour, c'est encore pire.

Nous avons donc Jin (pardon Pi) qui est amoureux d'un garçon parce que... bah juste parce qu'il le trouve joli vu qu'il ne le connaît pas, et qui se retrouve dans un apparent triangle amoureux où il est en rivalité avec Bbomb (pardon Mork) qui est secrètement amoureux de lui et donc pas du tout son rival comme il le pensait. S'ensuivent les scènes et rebondissements habituels, avec le couple de paparazzis étudiants formé par un gros gay efféminé caricatural et sa copine tout aussi langue de vipère, qui passent leur temps à espionner tout signe de rapprochement romantique entre nos héros et à poster leurs photos compromettantes en ligne, une paire stéréotypée qu'on retrouve pratiquement à l'identique dans Nitiman (je ne me souviens pas de leurs tronches respectives tellement ils sont interchangeables). Tout ceci dans un cadre universitaire vu et revu... Ah si pardon, une petite nouveauté, Pi étant dentiste et non pas ingénieur, on le voit s'exercer à la roulette dans les scènes de cours et non pas assis dans une salle de classe standard à copier sur les notes de son petit camarade studieux comme dans tout bon drama BL qui se respecte. A part ça, l'histoire manque sérieusement d'originalité, il y a pas mal de longueurs dont on se serait dispensés, et l'acteur principal devrait penser à changer de boulot.

Rien à dire sur le jeu de l'acteur qui interprète Mork, le rival. Le pauvre fait ce qu'il peut avec le scénario qu'il a, et il réussit à rester plus ou moins naturel... enfin c'est beaucoup dire, mais en tout cas il évite d'en faire des caisses. Les autres personnages sont presque tous une catastrophe, à commencer par Pi. Déjà à la base, son personnage est antipathique à souhait. Il est censé être attachant (et le devient un peu vers la fin), mais en vrai il est juste geignard. Il passe son temps à se plaindre d'être moche et d'avoir été la cible de harcèlement scolaire, ce qui en soi n'est pas dérangeant si c'est bien traité. Le harcèlement scolaire à l'égard de tous ceux qui ne correspondent pas aux normes est un sujet qu'on ne doit pas prendre à la légère, c'est bien que GMMTV ait fait le choix d'en parler et de montrer les répercussions psychologiques chez ceux qui en sont victimes, même quand ils ne le vivent plus au quotidien (manque de confiance en eux et envers les autres, peur que ça se reproduise, relations amoureuses parasitées par ces peurs...). Sauf qu'ici, d'une part on ne propose pas de solution (à part démerdez-vous, changez de tronche si vous y arrivez et sinon, espérez qu'un jour on vous aime pour ce que vous êtes... en gros, c'est aux harcelés de gérer, bravo et merci du conseil, ça va vachement aider les jeunes), et d'autre part, l'acteur principal joue tellement mal que son personnage en est irritant. Il pleurniche pour tout, se plaint sans arrêt, parle rarement gentiment, refuse de voir les bonnes intentions de son rival alors qu'elles sont évidentes (bon en même temps il faut bien faire durer les 12 épisodes...), et le pire dans tout ça c'est qu'il s'imagine que changer de tête va tout arranger, et évidemment ce n'est pas le cas, et c'est même une façon de penser bien toxique... et jamais remise en question. C'est dommage, parce que vers la fin on comprend mieux que s'il repousse un temps celui qui l'aime, ce n'est pas à cause de l'absence de sentiments, mais la crainte qu'il vive le même ostracisme que lui. Avec un jeu différent et tout en nuance ça serait passé mais cet acteur donne juste envie de secouer son personnage et de lui conseiller de grandir un peu au lieu de geindre après un mec qui ne l 'aime pas (alors qu'un mec génial l'attend.... on se demande bien ce que l'autre lui trouve, d'ailleurs).

Bref je ne vais pas l'enfoncer davantage, le matériau de base n'était pas génial de toute façon donc si l'acteur n'est déjà pas très bon, l'histoire ne risque pas de l'élever. Quant aux autres acteurs, c'est souvent raté, à part quelques exceptions. J'ai eu le plaisir de revoir l'acteur qui jouait le "rival amoureux" dans TonhonChonlatee, qui interprète ici le frère de Pi et qui a droit lui aussi à sa romance. Ben... je l'ai préféré dans TonhonChonlatee, c'est un comble. Autant sa romance est mignonne dans Fish Upon the Sky, autant l'acteur devrait prendre des cours de diction un de ces jours. Il ne parle pas, il beugle. On dirait un poissonnier, c'est pour dire (peut-être en rapport avec le titre, qui sait ?) Blague à part, je n'aime pas quand les acteurs sont censés prendre le ton de la comédie alors que la situation n'est pas spécialement drôle. Le jeu des Thaïs manque déjà de naturel au départ, donc ça ne sert à rien de les faire s'exciter et parler fort, c'est même typique des productions où personne ne sait jouer. J'étais par contre assez surprise par l'acteur qui interprète Meen, le naïf bien neuneu qui lui court après. Ce dernier a un personnage bien plus intéressant je trouve... Enfin là encore l'acteur fait ce qu'il peut avec le rôle débile qu'on lui a collé dans les pattes, mais certains brefs passages laissent entrevoir un certain potentiel. Notamment une scène de rêve où il se montre séducteur avec un autre personnage, l'occasion de changer de registre pendant 5 minutes et où l'on aperçoit une espèce de lueur au fond de ses yeux laissant supposer qu'il en a plus dans le ciboulot que ce qu'on nous montre à l'écran. Et le concernant, je salue pour une fois GMMTV qui aborde la notion de consentement de façon assez maline, son personnage utilisant l'argument de l'alcool qu'on veut le forcer à boire pour bien rappeler qu'un non est un non. Etant donné le passif de GMMTV dans le traitement de ces problématiques, il fallait le souligner. Et pour finir, nous avons quelques apparitions de Mix Sahaphap Wongratch (que nous avons pu voir dans 1000 Stars et qui interprète ici l'intérêt amoureux initial du héros), un acteur qui hélas semble incapable de montrer d'autres expressions faciales qu'un doux sourire ou quelques larmes à l'occasion (et encore, pour les larmes je me réfère à 1000 Stars, parce qu'ici on a juste droit au sourire) . On verra bien, s'il décroche des rôles plus conséquents son jeu sera peut-être plus varié à l'avenir.

Remarque personnelle en passant : les Asiatiques sont-ils tous de gros dégueus quand ils mangent au point que leur chéri doive systématiquement récupérer la patate qu'ils ont collée sur la joue pour la bouffer à leur tour ? J'en doute fort et ce cliché commence sérieusement à me fatiguer. Déjà quand je mange c'est rare que ça me coule sur le menton (hormis le Nutella que je m'enfile à la petite cuillère mais ça c'est un cas spécial) et ensuite, en général on se rend compte tout de suite quand on a un truc bizarre collé sur la peau, alors un coup de serviette et personne n'a rien vu. Et puis, vous vous souvenez de la pub où un ado accuse sa mère d'avoir craché dans son Yop ? Bah là c'est un peu pareil. C'est donc censé être romantique sauf que je trouve ça cradingue et qu'en plus, on y a droit dans (presque) tous les dramas (Sauf We Best Love, mais bon c'est We Best Love quoi). Bref, c'est dégueu et ça m'énerve. Et ne venez pas dire que vous ne faisiez pas la grimace quand votre mère utilisait sa salive sur son mouchoir pour vous laver la figure après votre passage dans le bac à sable, je n'y croirai pas (je parle à ceux qui sont nés avant la vente en masse des lingettes, ils en auront un vague souvenir).

J'ai failli oublier le passage qui m'a vraiment énervée, où une alliée retourne sa veste de façon complètement inattendue et surtout inutile juste pour permettre un dernier rebondissement au scénario, et qui dépeint une fois de plus une nana sous un jour sournois et manipulateur (parce que bon, c'est bien connu que les filles, on ne peut jamais leur faire confiance). Tiens, du coup maintenant que j'ai rajouté ça je vais corriger ma review et baisser ma note d'un demi-point, bien fait pour eux.

Enfin voilà, l'histoire n'est pas géniale mais pas désagréable non plus, je ne vois pas trop ce qu'on peut dire de plus, j'ai presque l'impression que mes soupirs et ma lassitude devant ce genre de production se sentent dans mon commentaire (j'avoue, j'ai mon menton posé dans une main tellement j'ai l'impression d'avoir la tête lourde), mais surtout que ça ne décourage pas les éventuels intéressé(e)s de le regarder. C'est assez mal joué, cliché et n'apporte rien de plus dans le paysage des BL Thaïs, mais c'est loin d'être une torture et ça passe le temps pour ceux qui veulent une histoire d'amour qui finisse bien, ça ne va pas chercher plus loin que ça. Sinon, on a suffisamment de choix en 2021 en matière de BL pour se permettre de passer à côté de celui-là, la décision vous appartient.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 13, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0

Ça vaut la peine pour le Kitty Gang

J’aurais regardé une série entière sur l’histoire de Duean (Neo Trai Nimtawat) et Meen (Louis Thanawin). Chacune de leurs scènes est hilarante, et ce, parce que ces deux personnages sont des idiots. Duean est un porc stupide qui a tendance à se mettre dans des situations ridicules tandis que Meen est un chou adorable tellement naïf qu’il a besoin de quelqu’un pour prendre soin de lui. Ensemble, ils forment un couple parfait, mais voué à faire brûler leur maison quelques fois. J’attendais leurs scènes à chaque épisode. D’ailleurs, VIVE LE KITTY GANG!

Malheureusement, j’ai moins accroché au couple principal, ce qui a fait baisser ma note. Pi (Phuwin Tangsakyuen) est un personnage rejet qui se plaint de ne pas avoir d’amis, mais dès que quelqu’un tente de l’approcher, il sort les griffes et devient désagréable. Il n’a RIEN d’aimable en lui. Je comprends pourquoi il est seul. Mork (Pond Naravit) est un peu mieux, mais je trouve qu’il prend de très mauvaises décisions, comme faire appel à l’agaçante Bam. Je n’ai toujours pas compris le but de son personnage.

Le duo qui courait après Pi et Mork pour les shiper était tellement énervant que j’aurais volontiers sauté leurs scènes. J’ai l’impression qu’à eux seuls, ils ont gâchés une bonne partie de l’histoire. Pourquoi plusieurs BL doivent-ils inclure ce genre de personnages?

Bref, à la place de Pi, j’aurais quand même choisi de sortir avec le mignon Mueang (Mix Sahaphap), car j’avais l’impression qu’il était plus heureux avec ce dernier. Tout le monde tente de le convaincre qu’il préfère Mork, ce qui fini par être le cas. J’ai l’impression que son amour a été forcé.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 25, 2021
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

best série ever je veux rien savoir

tous ce que je peux vous dire c'est regardé là.
c'est vraiment un des meilleurs BL que j'ai vu.
l'histoire, le casting, la musique tous est bien
Le seul bémol c'est le dernier EP que j'ai trouvé un peu bâclé. Je m'attendais à un peu mieux comme fin, sinon toute la série est bien. J'ai hâte de voir avec Phwin et Pond comme acteur. Leur chemistry est juste parfaite. Y'a aussi Louis dont je suis tombé totalement in love. y'a pas a dire ce mec est beaucoup trop chou.

en tous cas se que je sais c'est que j'ai besoin d'une saison 2 en urgence
et si y'en a pas une je vais péter un plomb

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Cet avis était-il utile?
75 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 25, 2021
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 1
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 6.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5

Rough around the edges, but super fun!

I had little to no expectations going into Fish Upon the Sky, as I found the trailer and concept pretty underwhelming and cliche. On top of that, it began airing a week after Tale of a Thousand Stars, which I absolutely loved, so the bar was set pretty high in my mind at that point. Now, after having completed the series, I can say with complete certainty that, although it does not surpass TOTS in the slightest, Fish Upon the Sky is one of GMMTV's stronger series over the past few years.

I'd first like to go over what I loved about this series and then what I didn't love as much:

To start, and I'd say this is the main selling point that sets it apart from it's predecessors, Fish Upon the Sky is absolutely one of, if not, THE funniest GMMTV series I've seen. I find a lot of the delivery comedy wise in GMMTV series to be a little cringy and sometimes hard to find funny, but this series does not have that problem in the slightest. Although Pi and Mork have some really funny scenes, especially towards the beginning, the humor really shines in the "Story of a fifth-year student" scenes with Meen and Duen. Both of them have really perfect comedic timing, and the ridiculousness of their scenes are so fun to watch!

That actually leads me to my next point, which is that the side couple is so charming! I often find myself skipping side couple scenes in a lot of GMMTV series such as MilPhukong in 2gether (I'm sorry FrankDrake!!) which is, similarly to FUTS, based on a Jittirain novel. However, in FUTS, the side couple is so incredibly likable and fun to watch! Both Neo and Louis give really fun performances and have great chemistry both comedically and romantically. To be honest, and I'll touch on this later, I actually would sometimes find myself skipping scenes with the main couple just so I could get to their scenes! Their dynamic is just so refreshing and cute! Towards the beginning of the series, they reminded me a lot of PickRome from Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey, but as the series went on, they proved to be a lot less toxic and a lot more lighthearted, which I absolutely loved. I believe Louis is a new face at GMM, and I absolutely hope that he has more roles in the future because he's packing so much talent (he can sing, dance, act, he's funny, and he's just so freaking adorable!! PLEASE I"M BEGGING YOU GIVE HIM MORE ATTENTION!!!)

I think the last stand out thing I really enjoyed about this series was Phuwin's role as Pi. I think Pi was a super unique BL protagonist. His struggles were super relatable, and his snarky attitude was really fun. I also liked that he wasn't afraid to stand up for himself when he was being harassed online Phuwin really really surprised me in this role, as I was only familiar with him from The Gifted Graduation, where I found his acting a little overdone and uncomfortable at times, but here, he felt super natural and authentic, like you could know him in real life! I know he's around my age, so it's super impressive to me that he's able to do so well as he did, and I hope to see him in more roles in the future!

Alright now onto the stuff I didn't particularly enjoy:

This is definitely an unpopular opinion, but I really did not enjoy Mork for the majority of the series. I think a lot of fans were really charmed by his looks (Don't get me wrong, I was too, Pond is VERY pretty), but I think because of that, they overlooked a lot of the glaring flaws in his character. For one, he was super pushy with Pi. He kept insisting and insisting and insisting that Pi really liked him, and ignored when Pi asked him to leave him alone. Moreover, him egging on the MorkPi fanpage shippers was really not cool, especially after Pi made it VERY clear he was uncomfortable with it. I just found a lot his behavior to be reminiscent of the toxic archetypes commonly used in BL, and that just did not vibe with me, I'm sorry. I think he did have his good moments, for instance, the confession scene in episode 9, but overall, he was just way too aggressive and forward with Pi for my comfort levels. On top of that, and I really hate to say it because he seems like such a sweetheart, but I don't think Pond's acting skills were developed enough for this big of a role just yet. As far as I know, this is his second role ever after The Gifted Graduation, where he wasn't even in the actual show, but a narrative ad that played after the last few episodes, and it really shows. A lot of his line delivery fell flat to me, and his more emotional scenes didn't hit me at all like Phuwin's did. I think he has a lot of potential, and I'll definitely follow his work moving forward, but I don't think he was ready for this performance.

Another thing I didn't love was the story. Like I said, before going into FOTS, I set my expectations low because the plot was so cliche, and although I was impressed and surprised by other aspects of the show, which I touched on earlier, the plot was absolutely everything I expected, and not in a good way. The whole "ugly duckling" storyline is super played out, and paired with the original enemies to lovers dynamic MorkPi originally has, it just feels like nothing new or interesting. What's worse, in the Pi is perfectly good looking even before his whole "transformation"!! I feel like "My Dear Loser: Edge of 17" is a prime example of a well told ugly duckling story because you see the transition in both looks and personality, and how those affect the protagonist, whereas FOTS doesn't fully commit to this storyline, so it falls flat and feels unnecessary.

This is kind of similar to my last point, but this series is really hypocritical in its message, as it tries to both denounce a lot of common BL tropes while feeding into those same tropes at the same time! The whole storyline with the MorkPi shippers is a great example. Pi stands up to the shippers and defends his privacy, telling them how serious what they're doing actually is, which is fantastic, but right after, the show goes back to making the shippers seem goofy and lighthearted when, just as Pi said, what they're doing is really not a joke. The female characters, which in this show are far and few between, are either annoying, or used as a plot device to get one of the two couples closer together, which plays into the incredibly damaging BL trope of demonizing women. Bam was a really great character because she genuinely wanted Pi and Mork to get together, and then in the end out of no where, with literally ZERO foreshadowing, she sabotages them because she's apparently been secretly in love with Mork the whole time? Like wtf? There was no reason to do that with a perfectly good character just for the sake of causing drama in the last episode, especially when it was all resolved so quickly.

Finally, and this is SUPER nitpick-y, but the music in this show is so bad?? I'm not talking about the opening and ending songs which are both really beautiful and catchy, I'm talking abut the random English songs they use constantly that are laughably horrible and really distracting throughout. I know that's like not important at all, but I haven't seen anyone mentioning it so I just wanted to point it out lol.

Overall, although it's littered with overused tropes and sometimes uncomfortable acting, Fish Upon the Sky is a really fun series that deserves a lot of the love it's getting. I can't wait to see what these actors do next!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
47 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 18, 2021
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 2
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

One of the cutest BLs I have ever seen!

Definitely you can't expect and Oscar-worthy series from this one but one thing for sure, I am a very easy-going person, some silly comedies would make me laugh so hard and each episode of this drama did not fail to make me laugh hence, this review is totally personal and you might have different opinion than the one I write below.

When I first saw the trailer, I did not have a high expectation on this one as it will be the same university life BL stories but I trusted that this would be an okay-ish story as it was based on JittiRain novel (author of Theory of Love and 2gether). Also, I am a diehard shipper of NeoPhuwin and when I saw Neo and Phuwin will not be a couple in this drama, my interest dropped. But, after the first episode, I got hooked, impressed and immediately had a good feeling about this one and each episode was getting better, waiting for Fridays was the most torture thing for me for the past weeks.

So what makes me like this series so much (it will be endless but I make it short):
1) The directing. What makes this series so good is the ability of the director to make the comedy part "laughable". If you think the series is just a silly BL story for teenagers, it is not. It is full with good messages and were conveyed in a fun and comedic way. The directing managed to set the tone of the series so well, also they tried to make Duean and Meen story as separated story and it did not feel weird to me.
2) The acting. There are some experienced and new actors, but their acting was good and they don't really look like they just get out from the acting class.
3) OST and background music were awesome, so perfectly placed in the series and both Louis and Mix songs had been on my playlist and on repeat for many weeks already.
4) The small little effort to make Pi's and Duean's room to look like a real living person room, not just for the sake of the series! (LOL, I know).

What are the things that I wish it could be improved:
1) I would love to see more interactions and dynamics of Pi and Duean family. I love every moment of the parents, and the three brothers. They had an interesting chemistry and characters, I wish to see they explore more into the stories of the family, their reactions to accept the couple of Pi, Duean and Wan (by the way in Thai Pi means year, Duean means month and Wan means day, LOL) and also the closeness of three brothers. The family adds flavour to this series.

2) I wish Bam (Janhae) character was a male. Look, don't get me wrong, I love Janhae, she's a great actress especially in Who Are You (LOL!) and I know love is genderless. But I get tired to see a female character to make someone else jealous in BL series. Mork loves Pi and tried so hard to win Pi's heart, we know Mork has interest in men (arguable, yes) so it would make a perfect sense if Mork has a male friend or ex boyfriend to make Pi jealous. I also don't want to see another "I don't like men, I only like you" so if Bam character was a male, then my heart will be at peace, at least.

This series has all the cliché things you have seen in other BL series but as Gun Attaphan said in Theory of Love, "it is not cliché, it is called classic". The clichés, "stupidity", illogical and craziness of the stories what made this series so cute and good in so many ways. You can see the Genres and Tags of this series in the descriptions and if you can't handle those then it might not be your cup of tea. "Comedy" is the first genre listed, well you can argue a good and bad comedy, not everyone will laugh at the comedy part of this series but this is the first BL comedy for me that really did not fail me from the get-go.

In conclusion, if you're still thinking to watch or not, give it a try, it is worth it. If this series was aired last year during worldwide lockdown, I'm sure it will become a hit just like 2gether. So yeah, that was a cue for you to start watching this golden series. Enjoy!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
25 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 28, 2021
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 2
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

It was a fun ride, but...

Another airing drama that I followed ending! Honestly, I have mixed feelings with this one, so I feel like this gonna be a lengthy review lol so bear with me :)

What I love:
–Pi, I love Pi's character as a whole. Honestly, I would say I love him as much as I love Tian from ATOTS if not less. Him, his insecurities, his weakness, his determination, I love how he is flawed and it made him such a complex character, and he feels real. His story was so sad if we actually think about it, and every action he made honestly really understandable considering how hard it has been for him all these while. (and honestly? the portrayal of him as someone ugly before he change is just BS lol, he is pretty from the beginning!)
–Nan!! Of course I'm gonna mention the character that made me start this from the beginning. I understand why Pi was so attracted to him, hes like all the good things in this world put in a person. I wish he wouldve had more screen time (which he couldve had if this series didnt give so much screentime for the loud annoying shippers lol) because most of his scene was wise and just calming to watch lol
–Duean & Meen! Honestly, I love them to the coreeee omg I never feel THIS much love for a 2nd couple but their scene never fails to made my day, and honestly i find their final confession scene more adorable than the main couple! I'm gonna miss Duean's lack of braincell and Meen's bubbly personality so badly

What I dislike:
–Lemme just drop the bomb and say, I dont like Mork :D Well hear me out, I dont HATE him, just a lil dislike towards some of his action on Pi, especially when he kinda force himself to Pi and almost not respecting Pi's space. Honestly, even in ep 11 when he said he respect Pi's decision to keep their relationship a secret, yet his action shows otherwise lol! He also didnt know how to keep his boundary when crushing on Pi and truth be told, I feel like Pi deserve someone better lol BUT he actually came thru for the last bit especially on the final confession scene so okay yeah he is acceptable or whatev lol
–For the nnth time, i freaking HATE the shippers, theyre straight up a creepy obsessive stalker who didnt know how to keep their nose away from others' business! Like do these folks dont have a life??? They didnt even respect Pi's privacy! Pi was literally scared shitless knowing they wanted to take photo of his house like thats just too much!
–That fake girlfriend character i forgot her name but all of her scenes cringe me to the core and honestly i wasnt even surprised when it turns out she was the one who revealed Pi's photos, she was sus from the start
–The pacing in this series is way too off! The first part feels like it can actually be sum up in less than 9 eps, then everything happened so fast after that which I feel couldve been lengthen into few more episodes instead. The pacing was slow at first and then BAM BAM so much thing happenend towards the end, you know what I mean? lol

LMAO i knew this gonna be lengthy at the dislike part 🤣 But nevertheless, it ends! I especially love the part after the two years past, its adorable seeing how Pi suddenly become clingy after Mork is no longer by his side all the time lol, I feel like I will remember how complex and unique Pi's character is for awhile, gonna miss him and Duean Meen now


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Cet avis était-il utile?
31 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 25, 2021
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0

Such a cheesy disaster that it's endearing

In totality, it was okay. Definitely loved Duean and Meen more than anything else. It was cheesy full of stupid plot devices that you learn to deal with it

1. Mork was a stalker. A glamorized one, but a stalker nonetheless
2. The whole Bam plot twist is such a classic GMMTV thing to do. A FEMALE has to come out from NOWHERE to produce conflict. Of freaking course
3. Instead of the ep 11 curse, GMMTV decided to be edgy and made the conflict in ep 12. It made everything feel rushed when literally they had 11 episodes of nothingness
4. I hate how manipulative Mork was to Pi in terms of forcing Pi to come out with their relationship.

All of these things are so cliche and are so bad, but I guess I'm so used to dramaland that at this point, the predictability is what sold it for me.

Also, Pond is so freaking gorgeous.

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79 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 25, 2021
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 6
Globalement 4.5
Histoire 4.0
Acting/Cast 4.5
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

It simply doesn't make a lot of sense

My rating might be a bit harsh but this was honestly difficult for me to sit through. I watched A Tale of a Thousand Stars when it aired and got used to curling up on a Friday evening and just enjoying the episodes as they aired each week. To be honest my entire reason for watching this series, along with the fact that I liked the trailer, was that its airtime was the same and, although I doubted I would enjoy it as much as AToaTS, I kind of wanted to keep the routine.

But, well, it was a struggle.

Let's start with the story. It's not good. At first I liked the story of an insecure, unpopular kid who doesn't trust easily being liked by a popular guy who also happens to be his crush's best friend. I liked that there wasn't a love triangle but Pi believed there was. I really did like the set-up of Mork liking Pi when Pi didn't like himself and assumed this was a universal reality, no one would ever like him. But why does Mork like Pi? Like why? I enjoyed their online friendship for a while until I realised that Pi is just depending on Mork, it is not two-sided. Ultimately throughout the whole series Pi is never there for Mork really and Mork is constantly there for Pi. It is an unequal relationship, not because of appearance or popularity, but because Mork is in love with an insecure and (more to the point) extremely selfish character. It doesn't make sense. Everything in their development happens suddenly and coincidentally. There is no evolution, neither character comes to realisations about themselves or each other that would make their relationship reasonable. Mork never shows any vulnerability to Pi, Pi shows too much and relies too heavily on Mork without good reason. It is not a believable relationship progression and their attraction is not developed in the script. Why? Do? They? Like? Each? Other? It does not make sense.

As for the second-lead couple the progression was better. They grew on each other and it made sense that they were getting to know each other and were feeling attraction or crushes or whatever. But god it was juevenile. It was trying so hard to be funny with them, especially Duean. I don't know if this is just a cultural difference but I have seen a lot of Thai content and while some of the humour goes over my head sometimes this is just a lot to take. Although the majority of the age demographic of BL fans may be young, the character himself was in his twenties and he was behaving like a pre-teen which was so annoying. The characters themselves matched okay I guess, I have some complaints but whatever. But it was so juevenile which did get seriously irritating.

The acting was variable. Because I didn't like most of the script I will say the acting may have been better with a better script but here we go. Pond (Mork) and Louis (Meen) had believable acting. Their acting was fine. They did a good enough job with characters that were written to be pretty one dimensional. Phuwin (Pi) is not made for acting insecure in my opinion tbh. He kept overacting the insecurities and shyness. Now, I am a naturally shy person and was incredibly insecure as a teen so there was some relatability for me honestly. But when you are shy and insecure, you hide. You try to take up as little space as possible. He sort of had the shy persona down sometimes but other times it was just overdone. I could tell he was acting. And in some intimate scenes between Mork and Pi both actors were awkward which added to the already mediocre script in terms of being unbelievable. As for Neo (Duean) it was overacting 101. I don't know if this was due to his acting, the script, the directing or whatever but it was too much. Just way too much. It was a character you would never meet in real life. So yeah.

I don't love that a makeover happened, but I do like the fact that Mork liked Pi before. Wasn't like he had some dumb realisation later or anything.

I wish I enjoyed this. It really could have been good. But it was too nonsensical to be funny and too soulless to be romantic. The characters were largely too one dimensional to be believable and everything fell apart after that really. The plot wasn't character driven it just sort of happened because someone said it should, which is not good writing.

One other (relatively small) pet peeve is the fact that three brothers from one family are all gay. Like, why? C'mon now people. Not saying it's impossible but it's just a little hard to believe. Especially when added to the fact that the two younger brothers both have love interests who are themselves brothers with each other. Okay, whatever.

The fans were annoying and overacted. They were not funny. They were toxic but there was no analysis of why they are being toxic and there was no arc where that behaviour changes (which it should and would have been satisfying to watch).

At the end of the day I would not recommend this series to be very frank. There are far better series out there. This one is an acceptable idea with poor execution.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
33 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 25, 2021
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 4
Globalement 4.0
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 1.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Foundational Romance Tropes? Rivals(eh) to Lovers with a sunshine/tsundere pairing

Pi is the ultimate obtuse tsundere uke who never gets redeemed so you have to be okay with an unlikeable protag to enjoy Fish. For me, Pi was unappealing and I couldn’t understand why Mork wanted him so badly. The temptation is to compare this to We Best Love, because it’s such a similar tsundere + pining sunshine pairing. But Shu Yi was given so much more grace by the Taiwanese writers. Pi is a jerk, he’s never depict being kind or genuine with his friends or strangers. He’s a loser sure, but worse, he’s a user. Unfortunately it turns out, so is Mork. Because a seme with an uke like this will keep pushing and pushing until he gets what he wants - a complete override of the uke’s feelings. So Mork comes off as a bully and Pi as utterly unlikeable and in the end what could have been great with these actors and GMMTV’s money was just a big ol’ bummer.

GMMTV do we need to have a talk? First you flopped My Gear and Your Gown, then you failed the landing on Tonhon Chonlatee, now this? What’s going on with your writing team? Do you HAVE a writing team?

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Cet avis était-il utile?
14 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 26, 2021
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Could have been so much more

What this series does well is balance two love stories and the central focus. Unlike many other Thai BLs that opt for a multitude of couples this series has only two and explores them well. Visually, this series was amazing to watch and look at. It’s beautiful and well produced.

However, this isn’t the best writing in the slightest. This series takes a LONG time to develop the relationship with the main couple and the entire time, the pining is more stalker-like than romantic. Additionally, this series takes too long to do what it sets out to do, and by the time it actually does it, we’ve already reached the end and so everything feels rushed and unearned. As a comedy, it should have ended at episode 11 with a nice wrap-up. But for some reason they decided to make the last episode into a drama filled with tension and the tone shifts into completely new territory with only less than an hour before everything comes to an end. Talk about whiplash!

Furthermore, there is a great support cast, but the writers use these cast members insufficiently to the point that their presence becomes more of a nuisance than part of the actual plot movement. The only character who is developed is Pi and he’s the only well written character, other than Duean. Otherwise, we know virtually nothing about anyone else. Shame.

Also, what’s up with that really weird English song that came up at the weirdest times?

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Jennie Kim
7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 2, 2021
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10


I really love this series, it's one of the best! I like how light-hearted, innocent and funny this show like every episode I laughed so hard and feel the romantic excitement with the two. For me, it's the perfect stress reliever when you're burned out and love to watch bl. We need this in this trying times. The actors were so great and their visual are so freaking out of this world. The scene of every episode has a lot of originality, and especially the OST! So magical, Mix and Louis who act as Muang Nan and Meen are really a good singer. The editing and directing is on point. No heavy plot, just a typical drama, but they carried it in a wonderful way! The plot is so good and relateable. The kiss was so natural and also there were so many lessons to learn which is appliable in this modern world like having a confidence with yourself and respecting others privacy. Also, I love how they portrayed the magic of love that no matter how you feel bad about yourself, there is always someone who will gonna love you and accept for who you are and there's someone who will look at you like Fish Upon The Sky. It's cheesy and chaotic, but not gonna lie, this series gives me a 90s Rom-Com vibe. It's refreshing and gives the feeling of being young and in love like I want to fall in love again. If you haven't watch it yet, well I recommend this to you. IT'S WORTH IT! I don't care what people say, but this series was so great and I can't get over from it. Not gonna spoil anymore! Love youu!


"Don't afraid I'd feel bad if they criticize me. Be selfish all you want because I'm so damn happy when I'm with you. Those people don't make me happy like the one I love does." - Mork

"When you love someone, you like who they truly are. When you love someone, you love what lies inside." - Pi

"If you really like me, your heart should beat faster. I believe you used to like me, but I think you're scared. You're scared of falling for someone else." - Muang Nan

"Apart from risk of having hypertension, you have one more risk, a heart disease. Not a common, it only happen when you're close to someone you love" - Mork

"If you are not ready to open your heart, we can start by being friends." - Mork

"You see that flowers? If you want to own them, that means you're obsessed with them. But if you want to take care and let them grow, that means you love them." - Mork

"You want to be yourself, I want to be myself too." - Meen

"I can be you vaccine, Pi" - Mork (thiss mann!😭 can you also be my vaccine mork? HUHU)

"I'm okay whether you want to tell people or not. But I just want to love you. I want to love you without caring what people think. The kind of love that I can hug you when I miss you. Kiss you when I'm tired. Hold your hand without caring about the world." - Mork

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Fish Upon the Sky (2021) poster



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