1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 27, 2020
13 épisodes vus sur 13
Complété 1
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Un peu décevant, mais si intense !

La communauté des bl FANS a été assez déçue par cette deuxième saison, car les attentes étaient grandes après cette très belle histoire entre Pete et Ae. Certes, le défi de faire une deuxième saison sans ce couple star n'allait pas être facile. Il est vrai que les épisodes de récapitulation de l'histoire entre Tin et Cantaloup ont été ennuyeux pour des FANS qui connaissent déjà très bien la première saison, et qui par ailleurs n'ajoutent pas grand-chose parce qu'on savait déjà de l'attirance de Tin pour ce fou de Can. Le deuxième problème du scénario, c'est aussi cette histoire avec son frère. Les éléments sont bons, mais fallait-il vraiment la raconter comme ça ? On a parfois l'impression que le scénario a juste copié collé des passages du roman, quand le père se confie sur ses difficultés à aider ses enfants à être heureux par exemple, mais que le spectateur a du mal à suivre puisqu'on ne lui donne pas tous les éléments... ainsi, d'un côté une perte de temps et de l'autre côté pas assez de scènes pour comprendre les personnages et leur histoire. Donc s'il y a un échec dans cette série, elle ne vient ni des acteurs ni des dialogues ni de la photographie (direction la caméra, décors choisis, etc.) mais bien du montage et du découpage en séquences.
Peut-être que Mame avait du mal à jongler entre l'adaptation de LBC2 et celle de Tharntype2 ? Ce qui reste néanmoins, l'alchimie progressive entre un introverti protecteur tel que Tin, et un gamin extraverti à la folie, plein de courage et de valeur : Cantaloup, pardon Can. L'alchimie dans le couple star est essentiel dans un BL, c'est donc déjà un bon point. Au début de la série on ne comprend vraiment pas comment il peut s'intéresser à/ supporter Cantaloup, mais à la fin c'est une évidence ! La souffrance de Ae prend peut-être beaucoup trop de place s'il est vrai, mais en même temps c'est aussi une des raisons qui arrêtent Can dans son élan vers Tin, au début, donc il fallait quand même l'évoquer mais peut-être pas aussi longtemps.
Il reste néanmoins un jeu d'acteurs et des scènes profondément intenses et romantiques, avec une qualité de présence que je n'ai pas trouvée en ce moment dans la dizaine de séries BL en cours, ( c'est bien dommage !) Les fans qui auront fait un procès à A chance to love, parce que les scènes NC n'étaient pas présentes, ils se sont, pour moi, complètement trompé de série ! LBC n'est pas Tharntype ou MAxTul productions, ce n'est ni une critique ou une comparaison abusive, c'est juste de 2 genres de série très intéressants mais différents !
Je reverrai assurément cette saison avec plaisir et et attend la saison trois avec impatience !
Merci de votre lecture :)

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 31, 2023
13 épisodes vus sur 13
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Je vais peut-être me faire juger en disant ça, mais je suis fan des œuvres de Mame. Du moins, celles que j’ai réussi à trouver traduites en français ou en anglais. Love By Chance ne fait pas exception.

La première saison est meilleure que la suite, et ce, pour une raison évidente : l’absence de Saint Suppapong dans le rôle du mignon Pete.

Tous les fans savent que ce départ est dû à un problème hors écran, ce qui crée un vide auprès de Ae (Perth Tanapon). Ae et Pete étaient le couple vedette de la première saison et je mourrais d’envie de voir l’avancée de leur relation, qui, malheureusement, ne vient pas. Tant qu’à devoir les séparer temporairement à cause d’un problème d’acteur, pourquoi ne pas avoir fait partir Ae avec son prince pour les laisser être heureux? Voir ce personnage sombrer dans un gouffre sans fin de chagrin m’a fendu le cœur. Perth est tellement doué pour faire ressentir aux spectateurs des émotions. Il a fait une performance sublime, mais je comprends tout de même les amateurs de ce couple d’avoir vécu une profonde déception.

Le choix de reprendre de zéro l’histoire de Can (Plan Rathavit) et de Tin (Mean Phiravich) est une décision qui laisse à désirer. Je peux comprendre le but de cette pratique, mais leur couple a un début bien plus mignon dans la première saison. J’ai tout de même adoré. Je suis loin de dire le contraire. Néanmoins, tout cela manque un peu de « Cantaloupe ». Can a beaucoup pris en maturité dans cette saison, ce que j’ai beaucoup apprécié. En plus de garder son côté enfantin trop bruyant, il devient un petit ami très compréhensif et capable d’être sérieux lorsque la situation le requiert.

Ne me jugez pas, mais j’ai ADORÉ le roman « How To Secretly Lure My Boy’s Heart » qui raconte l’histoire de Kengkla et Techno. Kengkla est un psychopathe qui est obsédé depuis trois ans par le grand frère- pourtant pas très beau- de son meilleur ami. Afin de faire de lui son petit ami, il devient un stalker de la pire espèce et il met au point un horrible plan pour le manipuler et le faire tomber amoureux. Il s’invente une vie, il lui ment, il le suit à l’aide d’un traceur… bref. Est-ce que c’est mignon et à l’eau de rose? ABSOLUMENT PAS. C’est une histoire de stalker psychopathe! C’est donc ce que je m’attendais à voir dans cette adaptation.

Malheureusement, à cause de la polémique qui a entouré le début de leur histoire (Oui, c’est un viol. Oui, Kengkla est fou. Oui, tout le monde, surtout Type, trouve que Techno est con de lui avoir tout pardonné.), le roman a cessé d’être suivi à la lettre et leur histoire a été mise de côté. Tous les plans machiavéliques de Kengkla ont été supprimés. Leur relation forcée par la pitié, Techno qui découvre la vérité, TOUT A ÉTÉ ENLEVÉ. J’ai ressenti le goût amer de la déception.

Malgré tout, personne ne pourrait mieux jouer Kengkla que Mark Siwat. Il a la tête de l’emploi. Il est parfait.

Le dernier couple, celui de Tul (Meen Nichakoon) et Gonhin (Est Supha) est inattendu, mais charmant. Les deux acteurs ont fait un superbe travail et ils collent très bien aux personnages. J’ai vite accroché à leur romance, tout comme à leur chimie. Cependant, un problème m’a perturbé… L’acteur qui joue Tul est plus jeune que celui qui interprète Tine alors qu’il est censé être son ainé de plusieurs années et avoir un enfant! C’est un choix étrange, mais je ne vais pas m’en plaindre.

Un truc qui m’a déplu dans cette saison est l’abus de placement de produit. Habituellement, ça ne me gêne pas. (Until We Meet Again est le BL avec les meilleurs placements de produits selon moi. J’ai encore envie de manger les Lays de Team). Cette fois, ils ont abusé. Tous les personnages voulaient absolument ces récompenses bonus pour un jeu vidéo. C’était lourd.

Bref, pour ceux qui hésitent à continuer Love By Chance à cause de toutes les critiques négatives, foncez. Vous ne le regretterez pas si vous êtes fans de cet univers. Je serais bien partante pour une saison trois qui mettrait cette fois en vedette « How To Change ».

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 15, 2021
13 épisodes vus sur 13
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers


J'ai bien aimé cette suite de Love By Chance. Ca ne signifie pas qu'elle est parfaite et je vais développer plus bas, mais je pense que si on oublie la première saison, du moins en ce qui concerne l'histoire du couple Tin/Can, on peut tout de même l'apprécier.

Pour commencer, un rappel des faits : dans la première saison, on a un couple principal formé par Pete et Ae, et un couple secondaire qui commence à se former (Tin et Can). A cela s'ajoutent trois romances que je qualifierais d'accessoires et relativement inintéressantes, si ce n'est problématiques sur plusieurs aspects pour deux d'entre elles. La 1ère saison nous offrait une fin heureuse pour Pete et Ae, mais nous montrait Tin effondré après le refus de Can de s'engager dans une relation car il ne savait pas comment gérer les sentiments qu'il commençait à ressentir à l'égard de Tin. L'attente des fans était donc grande concernant une résolution de leur histoire, et j'imagine que les producteurs projetaient déjà une suite dans leurs tuyaux, hélas certains éléments extérieurs ont mis un frein au tournage. Alors je ne suis pas une grande adepte des réseaux sociaux et je me base uniquement sur certains commentaires que j'ai pu glaner ici ou là, mais il semblerait que des conflits entre les deux managers représentant respectivement les deux acteurs Saint et Perth ont conduit à une impasse, empêchant toute collaboration future entre eux, ce qui peut expliquer le temps mis à produire une suite. Cela explique aussi pourquoi, dans cette deuxième saison, autant de fans sont déçus par la chronologie quelque peu chaotique de l'histoire, qui continue à se dérouler normalement pour tous les autres couples, mais a généré une nouvelle chronologie à propos des événements ayant conduit à la rencontre de Tin et de Can. Voilà pourquoi il s'agit davantage d'un reboot que d'une véritable suite, du moins en ce qui concerne leur romance.

A la base, Tin est un étudiant ami de Pete et qui vient du même milieu favorisé. A cause d'une dynamique familiale loin d'être saine et des conflits existant entre son frère et lui, il est devenu incapable de faire confiance, hautain, méprisant ouvertement ses pairs et surtout ceux qui lui sont socialement inférieurs, car il pense que les relations ne sont basées que sur l'intérêt, et que l'amour ou la confiance ne sont que des leurres. Ses remarques conduisent Can, un ami de Ae et par ricochet de Pete, à prendre leur défense et à lui rentrer dans le lard dès qu'il le peut. A partir de là, Tin commence à éprouver un intérêt pour lui et c'est le démarrage de leur histoire qui, comme je l'ai dit plus haut, s'achève sur une sorte de cliffhanger à la fin de la première saison. Or, la deuxième saison ne permettant plus de présenter en même temps à l'écran les deux acteurs interprétant Pete et Ae, elle démarre au moment où ces deux derniers ont rompu et où Pete est à l'étranger. Sauf qu'ils nous refont un reboot des circonstances qui ont conduit Tin à s'intéresser à Can, occultant les raisons initiales de leurs interactions (le fait que Tin critique ouvertement le couple Pete/Ae) et que leur rencontre se produit désormais après le départ de Pete. Ce sont donc d'autres événements qui sont à l'origine de leur relation, même s'ils ressemblent beaucoup à la première saison et que certaines scènes ont été tournées quasiment à l'identique concernant la poursuite de leurs interactions. La véritable suite de leur histoire commence donc à partir du 7ème épisode, d'où la colère de certains fans, mécontents de se farcir un nouveau résumé de leur rencontre quand les autres histoires continuent à se dérouler dans une chronologie normale. J'espère que c'est clair...

Pour ma part, cela ne m'a pas vraiment dérangée, j'ai pris le parti de considérer qu'il s'agissait d'un drama différent et en plus Tin et Can étaient mon couple préféré de la première saison. Ce n'était donc pas une torture, et comme je ne connais pas les bouquins de toute façon, je me fous de savoir s'ils ont respecté l'intrigue ou non. Une fois ce parti pris, j'ai passé un très bon moment avec ces deux-là. La dynamique familiale de Tin est bien expliquée dans cette série, présentant son frère sous un jour un peu moins négatif (et lui aussi a droit à son histoire d'amour, ce que j'ai trouvé sympa quoique j'aurais aimé qu'ils exploitent un peu plus sa romance). J'ai bien aimé voir la carapace de Tin se fissurer au contact de Can et les concessions qu'il fait pour lui, tout comme j'ai vraiment apprécié de voir Can sous un autre jour que dans la plupart des BL Thai. Contrairement à ces derniers, ici pas d'hésitations de sa part, il a envie de coucher, et il en redemande. C'est plutôt une exception dans ce genre où on a trop souvent un "uke" bien trop neuneu et hésitant pour être réaliste dès lors qu'on lui touche la main, et j'ai trouvé ça rafraîchissant (bon ne vous attendez pas à des scènes de folie, on voit le plafond dès qu'ils se rapprochent un peu trop m'enfin on imagine sans problème la suite). Les moments où Tin se retrouve seul et qu'il laisse tomber son masque pour laisser libre cours à sa souffrance sont touchants, ceux où Can hésite sur ses sentiments à l'égard de Tin sont réalistes, et le courage dont ce "petit singe" fait preuve pour défendre son chéri face à sa famille toxique vaut le détour. En bref, rien que pour leur couple, le drama vaut le coup d'être vu.

Mais objectivement, c'est vrai que cette suite n'aurait pas été nécessaire s'ils avaient laissé tomber les couples accessoires de la 1ère saison qui ne servent à rien, sont mal exploités voire malsains et bouffent du temps d'écran, et qu'ils avaient creusé en parallèle l'histoire familiale de Tin dès le départ pour donner une conclusion satisfaisante à leur romance à la fin de LBC1. C'était parfaitement faisable, rien ne les obligeait à reprendre telle quelle l'intrigue du bouquin, et surtout pas à nous ennuyer avec l'histoire de Tar et de Tum à laquelle on ne comprend rien de toute façon si on n'a pas suivi le drama TharnType (on ne capte toujours rien dans la saison 2 d'ailleurs). Ici, on nous sort du chapeau un Tum qui gratouille une guitare ce qui va servir de prétexte à rapprochement avec un autre étudiant qui le soutient, on comprend que leur relation est en bonne voie à la fin, alors pourquoi diable nous avoir fait tout un plat du lien qui unit Tar et Tum dans la 1ère saison ? Le pire c'est qu'on ne verra même pas de bisous entre Tum et son nouveau pote... On s'en serait bien passé car là encore, c'est du temps d'écran perdu pour pas grand-chose...

En revanche, j'étais très négative sur l'histoire entre Kengkla et Techno dans mon commentaire sur la première saison, et je le suis moins dans la deuxième. Leur relation a démarré de façon toxique (Kengkla est obsédé par Techno et finit par abuser de lui quand ce dernier est bourré, puis lui fait croire que c'est lui qui a commencé). Alors soit ils ont bien respecté la suite du bouquin, soit du coup ils se sont rendus compte que certaines choses n'étaient plus acceptables à notre époque, dans tous les cas on voit Kengkla et le frère de Techno admettre qu'ils ont mal agi, regretter leur attitude, et les efforts de Kengkla pour se faire pardonner font quand même un peu mieux passer la pilule. Attention je ne dis pas que leur histoire est intéressante, elle ne sert toujours à rien et absolument rien dans leur dynamique ne m'a passionnée, mais au moins on n'a plus la même envie de détruire la maison de production à coups de mitraillette et c'est une légère avancée.

L'histoire de Ae était chiante à mourir. Pete parti, il passe son temps à se morfondre dans toutes les scènes où il apparaît au début, et même s'il commence à reprendre du poil de la bête au bout de quelques épisodes sous la pression de certains de ses potes, on doit se farcir sa figure triste beaucoup, beaucoup trop souvent. Encore du temps d'écran gaspillé pour rien, surtout que ça ne fait absolument pas avancer l'histoire. En revanche, l'acteur ayant pris de l'âge, il n'a plus l'air d'être un gamin parachuté dans la cour des grands et c'est déjà ça de gagné. Quoi qu'il en soit, j'avais beaucoup aimé leur romance dans la 1ère saison, c'est vraiment dommage qu'ils se soient crus obligés de nous montrer Ae sans Pete quand on sait qu'ils auraient pu boucler tout le schmilblik sur Tin et Can dans la première saison s'ils avaient mieux géré l'histoire dès le départ.

Enfin, un point qui m'a mise vraiment, mais vraiment en colère : le placement de produits. Trop évident, ridicule, et parfois même très problématique. J'aime bien l'actrice Samantha Melanie Coates, que j'ai eu le plaisir de voir dans Until We Meet Again, hélas abonnée aux seconds rôles malgré ses autres talents (c'est elle qui chante le générique de fin d'un des épisodes de UWMA il me semble). Déjà dans la saison 1 de LBC elle a un rôle très accessoire, mais dans LBC2 on la voit dans à peine 3 scènes, et les 2/3 d'entre elles servent à faire du placement de produit. D'accord donc en fait, sous prétexte qu'elle est un peu boulotte, vous ne la faites jouer que pour la faire bouffer des chips. Ok les gars, ça s'appelle de la grossophobie et si on va par-là, Can passe son temps à bouffer lui aussi, c'est une caractéristique de son personnage d'ailleurs, sauf que lui il ne mange pas de chips, il boit des trucs soi-disant énergisants et des compotes parce qu'il est sportif et mince (tiens, ça me fait penser que certains moments de placement de produits étaient vraiment mal choisis : notamment quand c'était censé être un moment d'émotion et que cette boisson de m...e bien mise en évidence vient pourrir l'ambiance de la scène.... Alors qu'on nous a DEJA montré ladite boisson à peine 10 MINUTES AVANT !). Bref les mecs, apprenez un peu la subtilité si vous voulez que les gens aient envie d'acheter vos machins dégueus.

En conclusion, si on oublie les quelques points problématiques que j'ai soulevés, et qu'on laisse de côté la chronologie de la première saison, ce drama vaut la peine d'être vu rien que pour le couple Tin/Can et les moments tout mimis qu'ils partagent.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
208 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 21, 2020
13 épisodes vus sur 13
Complété 27
Globalement 3.0
Histoire 3.0
Acting/Cast 3.5
Musique 3.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

What were they even thinking?

I was reflecting whether I should write this review as many fans might find it insulting, but screw it!

To summarise in two words: AWFUL SEASON. Now let me elaborate more.

Legit I do not understand how they decided to go on with this season. Numerous of people had to agree to the final approach for this season plot. I wanna know who in the world agreed to have 6 recap episodes for the first season in a 13 episodes series. Why? Are we, the fans, a joke to them? We did not watch the new season to remind us what happened in the first season. We can rewatch it if we want to remember what happened.

I do not understand how MAME agreed to this approach and the changes in the story. For example, in this season Pete already left from Bangkok and left Ae behind, but at the same time Tin and Can have not met each other. WHAT? I am trying to watch a bl series not to understand the end of Inception. I do realise that there were not able to work with Saint due to previous drama between them, but dude you can not defy the laws of time in the series. If you can not work with Saint, then we do not need scenes with Ae being shitty and drunk, in a series that focuses in TinCan. I feel that they just had Perth in the series for the fans!

Instead, of giving Perth that much of a screen time, they could focus more on KlaNo. LIKE DUDE IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO USE THIS COUPLE DO NOT MENTION IT FROM THE BEGINNING. I felt that this couple was used as an intermission and as a chance to change the mood from Ae's and TinCan's story. Moreover, the couple had approximately 20 minutes screen time in total, and for some reason No was getting softer for Kla in every episode. WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT THE LAWS OF TIME? YOU CANT DO WHATEVER YOU WANT WITH THEM. Tbh, I don't like how KlaNo's relationship began in the novel, but you have to show more of what Kla did to win No over. You can't show two scenes were Kla gives No snacks and expect us to believe that this shit is ok.

This leads to my next point. ENOUGH WITH THE PRODUCT PLACEMENTS! I know that you have to find sponsors to produce a series, but there were many scenes that only existed for product placement and had nothing to do with the plot. You could use them in a more discreet way rather than showing Kla giving No those snacks and him eating them. I do not know how the rest of the viewers feel about product placement, but when I see a product being placed in this straightforward way, I usually hate the product.

Now moving on with the acting. Was it bad? Yes! I really enjoyed Mean's acting in the first season, but thanks to the plot changes I felt that what I was watching was not Tin but someone else! You can not have an actor establish a role's character in the series and the next season make him change that. As for Plan, well he was cute in the first season but he was must softer in this season. I repeat: IF YOU WANTED TO USE THE SAME CHARACTERS YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE CHANGED THEIR BACKGROUND! Now as for Perth, I felt that in the first season he was amazing (taking into account his young age), but in this season he was acting bratty and as an asshole. I know that this is how Ae behaved in the novel, but at some point I grew tired of watching the same scene over and over again. So, for the last 4 episodes I always skipped Ae's scenes. You are sad about Pete leaving you. WE GET IT! NOW GET OVER IT AND TRY TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE WORLD HAS SERIOUS PROBLEMS! However, I feel that Gun's acting has improved. In LBC he was awkward and had no flow what so ever, while in this season he was still awkward but at least not that much. As for Mark's acting, I thought that he was the best actor in LBC, but I can not compare with this season as HE APPEARED ONLY 4 MINUTES IN TOTAL!

To summarise, I feel that MAME and the producers created this season just to make us shut up! They had 2 years to prepare for this series but in the end we got something awful. Tbh, after finishing this season I hoped that we did not get this season at all. For some reason, I believe that MAME and the rest of the team, bet everything in TharnType and in order to please us for TinCan, they just wrote the script in two days with no revision and gave it to the cast a day before filming.

I think that the wisest thing to do is to always ask a fan's opinion prior the decision of a script approach and production. I know that they might worry for any plot leak if they share their ideas with fans; however, they could find someone to trust from the fanbase and let the fan help them with continuous feedback. I feel that if that was done then we wouldnt get 6 recap episodes and the plot would be more fast paced!


That's it! A chance to love was shitty. Change my mind!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
83 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 26, 2020
13 épisodes vus sur 13
Complété 5
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 4.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Well, let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Unfortunately there are two: 1) the re-telling of Tin&Can story with mixed up timelines, and 2) the chemistry between Tin&Can. Well, the re-telling was an odd choice. I’m not bothered by it, but other people are. I have seen many loosing interest in this series because of that reason (and also because Saint isn’t part of the cast). Starting from zero with Tin&Can while showing us Ae crying through 3 whole episodes makes no sense. It’s not like they tried to reboot everything and make a stand-alone series. Also they wasted 6 episodes with the re-telling without providing something new and exciting. Some of the scenes they had to re-act were not as iconic as the original ones. I liked some of the new scenes, but they didn’t change the story at all. It just feels unnecessary. The characters changed a tiny little bit with Tin being more soft and vulnerable and less arrogant and dangerous looking (which also seem to disappoint many) and Can being a bit softer and more mature. But yeah, not a big difference. It's not like in DBK where they changed Kao's character so much he was unrecognizable (I'm still salty about that). So let’s move on to the second elephant: The chemistry between Tin&Can. I thought the chemistry was so great (much better than in s1) and that's why I looked up the actors (what I rarely do). I was surprised to see how close they are in real life. They seem to have personalities that resonate well together and that explains the great chemistry. But this chemistry vanishes completely when they have to kiss. You can feel through the screen how much Plan hates it, and that makes me sad. It’s not like I get some homophobic vibes from him. I highly doubt Plan would do any better in those scenes with a woman. I have seen him kissing a girl in another series (if you can call that a kiss) and it was even worse. He did well in the famous couch kiss at the end of s1, so I really don’t know what’s the issue suddenly. Maybe they shouldn’t cast two guys who are good friends? Watching them kiss makes me rather uncomfortable. Sometimes I prefer to look away, which shouldn’t be the case. It’s not their fault if their „couple“ becomes so popular, but perhaps they should just stop doing those roles when they don’t feel like it. I highly doubt they are so poor that they need the money. That said, I think the director’s decision plays a role too. Kisses were purposely not shown. They didn’t even kiss when they had sex. That’s a first, really. I’m pretty sure I have never seen a bed scene without a kiss. Enough negativity. Despite Plan being the mood killer I have to compliment him for his acting. He has to play the ugly, stupid monkey which isn’t easy and requires some courage. In fact I have never seen a similar character in any other BL series. He is not just there to look handsome, he has to be lively, crazy, cute, funny, sex-hungry (lol). It’s not an easy role and he does a good job. I’m really into the character when he appears on the screen. But yeah, at the end of the day the whole series feels so uninspired. I feel awkward watching it. I giggle like a little girl (like I never did before, I will admit it), I laugh, I shake my head, I feel embarrassed (really embarrassed like I never did before either watching any other BL), I have to look away, I hold my breath – it’s a whole EXPERIENCE. And then I’m sad, because it could be so much better and I know they messed it up. I wish they had done a better job (better writing, better intimate scenes) and I wish more people would love it. I didn't even mention the other couples, because I feel it's a waste of time. They don't have enough screen time, aren't very exciting or they are just toxic. Tin's background story and the issues with his brother aren't well told or well presented. I'm just not a fan of the writer. If not for Mean&Plan who are very charming, I highly doubt I would bother watching this.
EDIT: Since this series ended I have a strange feeling in my gut. For whatever reason I don't want to think about this series anymore (and I will not rewatch it). Hearing about questionable behavior of the cast towards the only gay character in the show (Earth) isn't helping either. This really was a train wreck.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Pinoy Ares
36 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 20, 2020
13 épisodes vus sur 13
Complété 1
Globalement 5.5
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 4.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0


Season one left a big TinCan cliffhanger, so on paper, it did make sense to push for a second season even without Saint. We were also led to believe that this is a season for the second couple who gained a lot of following.

But then this mess happened: Ae and Pete's, and Techno and Keng's story continued, but Tin and Can's story was rebooted, and we as viewers are just supposed to accept that.

At first i was willing to give it a chance, after all, thats more screentime for Mean and Plan. But then what they delivered was 6 episodes of TinCan rehash which was so poorly executed and rushed to cover all their important events from the first season. Unfortunately, the chemistry just wasnt the same anymore.

Whats worse was that the episodes after their supposed breakup and makeup, upto the finale, didnt improve things.

Ae's story, and the constant crying and/or sulking was so annoying that you cant help but fast forward his scenes. Techno's stupidity and the pretend hard-to-get with Keng is also tiring. Tum, Tar, Pond, Bow and Keen were also all useless. None of the stories made sense and didnt contribute to the overall cohesion of the series.

What they could have done is to just continued with TinCan's story line and focused on developing their characters.

What was a good season 1 suddenly transformed into a season 2 that felt like a high school film project. It felt like there was a contractual obligation and expectation to deliver a 2nd season that the makers didnt care whether its good or bad. Then at the end, they had the audacity to put a cliffhanger, i think in the hopes of producing a 3rd season. Please i beg the producers not to, and just let this story rest.

If you have seen season 1 and not seen this yet and you want closure of TinCan, just watch episode 1, then skip to episode 6 or 7. Play it in fast forward mode too, you dont need the lines. Giving this a 5.5 just because of MeanPlan. Im sorry Perth, i like you but this kinda diminished your star.

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13 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 2, 2022
13 épisodes vus sur 13
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

It's good, but if it was more faithful to Romance, it would have been much better

The second season was a bit painful to watch. For those who have not read the novel, it must be very confusing the line of reasoning of the events, in relation to the end of the relationship with AePete and the departure of Pete to Germany, but as I already know the story for having read the novel before, I liked it.
I really like Plan and Mean's acting, they are good, especially Mean, but in the moments of interaction as a couple in the kissing scenes and intimate scenes, they seemed very awkward. The main couple TinCan have a very good interaction, but lacked chemistry in those moments.
Seeing AE's suffering in the series was heartbreaking. Perth's acting is so good that it made me agonize, I needed a lot of time to watch his scenes. I really love how he gets into character, so natural. I literally felt AE's suffering. According to the original Novel, AE really goes through this period of depression when Pete breaks up with him. This period of 3 years that Pete is out of the country and all the suffering of when they are separated, will contribute a lot to their maturing. Pete will be more confident, and AE will no longer be so jealous and possessive. Their relationship will be more mature.
The downside is that Pete's character has practically disappeared, with him being one of the main characters in the plot. In the novel AePete broke up, but he told both sides of the story during this period when they were away from each other. This fact, caused a negative impact on the plot, for not being faithful to the Romance. Anyway... what really hooked me into watching the second season was Perth's performance, even though it was painful, a good performance is worth seeing.
And regarding the couples KenglaTechno and TumTar, I found the story dragged. Considering, that they do not belong to the original story of LBC, they are just adapted characters.
Overall, the second season could have been much better, but there were many drawbacks, such as the departure of Saint (Pete) which had a negative impact, and Perth, I didn't want them to replace him with another actor. I think it would be much better if, the same way they replaced the actor who plays Tin's brother, they also replaced the actor who plays Pete, and made a storyline more faithful to Romance, the audience feedback would be much more positive, even if some fans would be upset, not replacing the actor Saint and not bringing Pete into the story, was a big mistake, but I still liked it. In my case, I already know the story, so I evaluate the positives and negatives and compare it to the original Romance story.
I love this novel, I am always rereading the story.
For people who haven't watched it yet and haven't read Romance, I advise them to read it first, before watching Drama. Many people criticize it because they don't know the story, but if you read the Novel first, you will have a better understanding of the Drama, what is going on with each character, and about the logic of the events.
The plot of the Drama is inferior compared to the Romance, but it is worth a chance!

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A s1mP
12 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 20, 2021
13 épisodes vus sur 13
Complété 0
Globalement 4.5
Histoire 4.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 3.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

The only reason this doesn't have a 0 is because of Perth


Also, don't get me wrong. I only watched it for the Perth scenes. I was also mad saint wasn't in it since I'm a hard Saint stan, but that is beside the point. Anyway, I love the actors and I loved LBC, I would also like to mention I love the director p'New, and I loved his works from LBC to UWMA. but this one was just overall sloppy like during the time I was watching it I was like "did the director get hit in the head with a bottle of wine and drunk the remains?" (lol not trying to offend anyone) I also think that the TinCan ship was rushed and repeated. I was like wtf even happened. -so Pete and Ae already broke up and TinCan just met? HOW, like there is no need for this many recap episodes. Aside from them I also hated the KlengkaTechno ship. It was overall messed up and Kleng is just an EVIL CHILD, but not gonna lie I loved hating him, and I also like Mark as an actor himself.
Like I had mentioned, I love Perth and Saint. Not as a ship, but as actors in general, I feel like Saint just stands out so don't even get me started on that topic. OK. Aside from me loving Perth. I think he got a little too much screen time like he should have given the main characters (TinCan) a little bit more scenes - not saying that I loved watching their scenes. Also not saying that I hated watching Perth scenes, cause I LEGIT lived for his senses. I always skip side couple scenes and TinCan scenes, to the point where I only watched Perth scenes. BUT come-on! give the TinCan fans a little more action.
Now when it comes to Kleng x Techno, don't even let me talk about how STUPID I thought It was! Techno is a straight-up idiot and not in a good way. I mean straight-up IDIOT. Kleng just played him dirty and at the end of the day he was like "at least I got them snacks"
LIKE are you STUPID or DUMB? and the advertisement was just too obvious like whenever that drink popped up I was like "here we go again like bob drink your GO GO juice and GET IT OVER WITH!!.
ANYWAYS... I still like the actors and I just don't recommend it to anyone who wants to keep their image of LBC pure and beautiful cause this crap just scared me. also, I would like to mention that the PeteAe story was rushed, then dragged then rushed again then dragged till the point I felt confused. I still ship AePete. May your ship rest in peace cause clearly ACTL killed you.

In the end... WATCH LBC and FORGET that ACTL was ever released.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
10 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 19, 2020
13 épisodes vus sur 13
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Flawed, but LBC2 does offer closure

Viewers are justifiably upset after watching the first episode, but I think this series doesn't deserve to be hated so much.

Admittedly, there are a few undeniable weaknesses, amongst which are:

1. Many fans are expecting a continuation of the Tin/Can story from LBC1. Unfortunately, it is rebooted and the story of Tin/Can is shifted to later in the timeline. Originally, they meet about the time Ae and Pete become a couple, but in the reboot, they meet after the largely unexplained breakup of Ae and Pete. This can be rather disorienting and we have to wait for about have the series before we get the equivalent of the part of the Tin/Can story that LBC1 left us with. (We have to remember that a lot of the issues are directly or indirectly because of the fact that it is now virtually impossible to get both Perth and Saint to star in the same series.)

2. The Tin/Can story is cute but it is not as moving as the Ae/Pete story. It has the potential to at least come close, but there is significant missed potential. We can see why Tin falls in love with the innocent and uninhibited Can, but there isn't enough focus on how much Can really means to Tin. We do see it, but not in a way that really leaves a deep impression. In some ways, Season 1 does this better (although I would like the Season 2 version of Tin a little better if he were a real person). In the end, the depth of Ae's love for Pete (especially because of Perth's good performance) threatens to overshadow the story of Tin and Can that LBC2 is supposed to focus on.

[Ae/Pete's breakup isn't explained in the series except through the reference that Pete has broken up with Ae for Ae's sake. According to the accounts of the novels I have seen, Pete's wealthy father objects to their relationship and does pretty nasty things to Ae's family, and in the end Pete breaks up with him so that he doesn't have to suffer more.]

3. LBC2 focuses on Tin and Can, but Can's character lacks development. Apart from the moment when he acts carefree despite being miserable after losing the football match, he is too much of a one-dimensional character. This is possibly due to the series' tendency to feature too much couples, leaving little time for any proper development of Can's character.

Nevertheless, I find that unfavorable comparisons with Season 1 may also go a little overboard. and there are some things that are likable about Season 2:

1. The focus on too many couples and characters is a problem in Season 1 too, though many of us may just remember the essence of the Ae/Pete story, which is really well done. Unfortunately, for Season 2, the shifts from one character/couple to another may worsen the sense of disorientation viewers have in the first few episodes.

2. Once we realize how the story has been rebooted, the story does get better. The second half of the series (essentially the continuation of the Tin/Can story after what Season 1 covers) is considerably better and closer to the quality of Season 1.

3. there is no reason for Pete to be totally missing from Season 2, but I think the production team has coped quite reasonably well with the problem of not having Saint to act as Pete in Season 2. There is obviously the possibility of replacing Saint with another actor, but the Perth/Saint pairing is too iconic for either of them to be replaced. While Saint (disappointingly) does not even make a cameo appearance in Season 2, there is still a happy ending for Ae/Pete: Ae slowly gets over his misery and starts a social media page in which he posts a picture of himself every day to show Pete that he is well and that he misses him. In the last episode, it is revealed that Pete has been viewing Ae's page all this while--there is even the clever use of an actor for Saint's character: we only see the bottom of Pete's face, but we see tears flowing down. And in the end, Ae receives a message from Pete saying that he is back.

This is probably the last season of LBC and the ending is about as good as it can possibly get given the limited number of episodes and the difficulty of getting all the original actors together.,

[From what I have found out, Pete does return to Ae in the novel version even though it happens after Ae has graduated and become an engineer. Pete's father is dying and can no longer try to separate them.]

4. Ultimately, the series gives us closure for a lot of the characters. Tin and Can have a happy ending. Ae and Pete face problems but the happy ending is more than just suggested. Techno and Kla also end up together (though the issue of how Kla has raped Techno in Season 1 is going to leave many feeling upset). We see Tar (the same character in TharnType who is raped because of Lhong) becoming a happier person, and we see something developing between Tum and Keen (a new character). The conflict between Tin and his brother, Tul, is also largely resolved and Tul also has his happy ending with the man he has always loved, Hin.

Eventually, those of us who have been craving for the happy ending for Tin/Can since Season 1 do get what we want. Although the delivery isn't perfect, we do get closure. At times, the closure seems to come too easily (such as the resolution of the conflict between Tin and his brother who, in a rather labored twist, turns out to be a much less villainous person. However, I'm personally happy that there is Season 2 for closure rather than just Season 1. It's like getting the present I have been wanting although it comes with some defects.

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7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 23, 2020
13 épisodes vus sur 13
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0

So Uhhh

I gotta It's not a good wow either. S1 was by far the best and for a VARIETY of reasons. If you're looking for something that follows the first season well and makes sense you are in the wrong place lol If you're familiar with S1, you'll already know Saint and that he isn't in S2. For the love of God I'd rather them have not made a S2 if the story was gonna be changed so much it became an inside out upside down hot mess like this. Everything worked out well for the most part but honestly I stuck it out as long as I did only for KlaTechno. The story would've been just fine(even without my baby Saint) had they just kept the storyline of TinCan in S1. Seems there's a S3 so let's just pray nothing else falls flat.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 19, 2020
13 épisodes vus sur 13
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers


I have been TinCan trash from season one. Going into this show I was nervous they would do something to ruin them, but honestly all this season did was make me love them more. While the reboot idea did not initially sit well with me, I think it proved to be a good decision. Sure, we did not get as much of the enemies aspect that we did in season one, but we got to see them being friends before they got together and I loved to see that. You could see in this season (that wasn't apparent in season one) that they really complement each other and enjoy each other's company and genuinely like being in the presence of the other.

Tin's motivations also seemed so much clearer to me than in season one. I loved seeing his character development, and how Can called him out whenever he overstepped his boundaries. Honestly their argument scenes were some of my favourites because they felt so real. Both Mean and Plan, I thought, acted really well. I especially love Plan's acting. He adds these microexpressions to the character that are just... so freaking good. I feel like a lesser actor would not have been able to capture the nuances of Can's character even half as well. He manages to go from sweet baby to feisty to shy to confident in the blink of an eye and makes it seem so natural. Also considering the writing was not the best, the actors did a great job with the delivery.

I especially loved to see how TinCan were such a healthy, communicative couple without losing their individual chaotic energies. I personally could not care less about the kiss scenes. For me it was their dynamic that I loved in season one, and I loved their dynamic here just as much, if not more (considering Tin wasn't forcing Can to interact with him). They're funny and cute and chaotic and communicative. I especially loved that after they got together, the conflicts were all external instead of the writers forcing some dumb miscommunication issues between the characters. They genuinely felt so real to me. None of their conversations were some romantic poetry that felt stilted and fake... they spoke like real people would and I loved to see it. I'm not generally a sappy romantic, but every scene between them made me melt. Plus they are so funny?? I love couples that make me laugh.

I gave this show an 8.5 partly cause of the writing/some aspects of the production quality, but also cause of the side-couples. I didn't like Klano in season one, and I didn't like them here. It's not the fault of the actors - they played them well - I just don't like the storyline. Never did. TumTar always bored me, so I was excited to see the budding relationship between Tum and Keen but we didn't get enough of them. TulHin... again... I didn't care about them?? I didn't like either of the characters much and so it was hard for me to care about them as a pairing. Ae was sad throughout, which after a while got really dull to watch.

That said, TinCan made up for it all. Would definitely watch it again for them specifically.

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9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 19, 2020
13 épisodes vus sur 13
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5

On Point!

I was not disappointed. I mainly watched for Can and Tin and it gave me everything I wanted. The other side couples were an added bonus especially the brother and his “secretary”. I will definitely watch it again. The music was nice. I love the video featuring the final song and all the couples plus Ae. I even like how it handled the AE situation at the very end. I love resolution so I was satisfied. The acting was solid. I like that Can’s naïveté and personality was kept intact. To me that is his charm. I think all the actors played their roles well. This is the kind of bl I personally enjoy.

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