La lune s'illumine pour vous (2020) poster
Votre note: 0/10
Notes: 8.1/10 par 2,719 utilisateurs
# de Spectateurs: 8,634
Critiques: 37 utilisateurs
Classé #1779
Popularité #1800
Téléspectateurs 2,719

Bizarre et peu conventionnelle, Zhan Qinghong a bien grandi, mais elle n'a jamais partagé les rêves les plus chers de ses pairs. Alors que d'autres filles rêvaient de faire un bon mariage, Qinghong ne rêvait que d'une chose : devenir un grand maître des arts martiaux. Prête à transformer ses rêves en réalité, Qinghong est entrée dans le monde des arts martiaux avec une innocence à fleur de peau et une curiosité insatiable. Malheureusement, il ne lui a pas fallu longtemps pour réaliser que le monde qu'elle avait si longtemps cru être un monde de droiture et d'honneur, était en fait contrôlé par des traîtres à l'esprit tordu. Déterminée à réformer le monde du combat, Qinghong compte sur son intelligence et sa ténacité pour faire changer les choses ; mais ce travail s'avère à la fois difficile et dangereux. Consciente que la voie qu'elle a choisie est peut-être trop difficile pour être empruntée seule, Qinghong ne s'est jamais doutée que le célèbre playboy de la ville de Junan serait celui qui l'accompagnerait dans sa quête. Pourtant, lorsque le destin les réunit, c'est exactement ce que fait Lin Fang. Utilisant sa réputation d'aristocrate maladif avec une tendance à courtiser les femmes pour cacher des motifs beaucoup plus sombres, Lin Fang n'a qu'un seul but dans la vie : venger son clan. Après avoir rencontré Qinghong, le cœur endurci de Lin Fang commence à s'adoucir et il se trouve attiré par ses charmes inattendus. Refusant de laisser Qinghong mener seule ses combats, Lin Fang prend fait et cause pour elle et ensemble, ils s'attellent à la tâche redoutable de réformer et de reconstruire le monde des arts martiaux à partir de zéro. (Source: Viki) ~~ Adapté du roman « La lune s'illumine pour vous » de Ding Mo. Modifier la traduction

  • Français
  • Русский
  • Español
  • Українська
  • Pays: China
  • Catégorie: Drama
  • Épisodes: 36
  • Diffusé: oct. 6, 2020 - oct. 29, 2020
  • Diffusé Sur: Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi
  • Station de diffusion initiale: iQiyi
  • Durée: 45 min.
  • Score: 8.1 (scored by 2,719 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #1779
  • Popularité: #1800
  • Classification du contenu: 13+ - Teens 13 or older

Où regarder La lune s'illumine pour vous

Gratuit•e (sub)
Gratuit•e (sub)
Gratuit•e (sub)

Distribution et équipes


1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 30, 2021
36 épisodes vus sur 36
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Drama historique fort sympathique.

J’ai, comme souvent, commencé ce drama sur un coup de tête. J’avoue ne pas trop apprécier les dramas historiques normalement… Cependant, dernièrement, je me suis prise de passion pour les historiques chinois traitant d’arts-martiaux… (J’ai beaucoup plus de mal avec les historiques coréens qui sont souvent beaucoup trop politique pour moi… Oui, oui, je suis difficile =D !)

Courte introduction au drama :
L’histoire suit l’intrépide Zhan Qing Hong (Fair Xing) dans sa découverte du monde extérieur à son clan. Son père lui donnant le statut de « patriarche », elle part à Ju’an pour concourir afin d’obtenir le titre de « Chef du Wulin ». Lors de son arrivée à destination, elle rencontre Wen You (Yalkun Merxat), un jeune épéiste & Lin Fang (Alan Yu), considérer comme le plus bel homme de la ville. Ces rencontres marqueront la vie de la jeune femme et la feront évoluer dans un monde de dangers.

Parlons des points importants de ce drama :
• Nous nous retrouvons dans un monde où les personnes pratiquants les arts martiaux font parties de diverses clans, régit par le chef du Wulin, tandis que les non pratiquants sont sous le règne de l’empereur. [Cette situation fait que les clans ont plus de pouvoir et leur permet (tant qu’ils sont dans la légalité) de ne pas avoir de compte à rendre.]
• La vengeance de Lin Fang est ce qui conduit l’histoire du drama. Il a conscience que la mort de son père a été maquillée et tente d’avoir du pouvoir pour enquêter. Très vite, il est aidé par son bras droit, Wen You & sa garde du corps, Qing Hong.
• L’apparition de Qing Hong dans le monde des arts-martiaux cause la mort de l’entièreté de son clan… (Ce qui bien sûr engendre une nouvelle vengeance, que serait le monde sans l’envie de se venger ? x’D)
• Le triangle amoureux : L’histoire nous porte vers le couple Wen You/Qing Hong, cependant, leur amour est impossible. Lin Fang qui s’était effacé jusque-là, va tenter sa chance et finira par épouser la seule femme qu’il a aimé.
• Les trois démons : Ils ont une grande place dans l’histoire puisqu’ils sont ceux qui ont tué le père de Lin Fang mais également le clan de Qing Hong. Ceux-ci désirent obtenir la méthode des « 7 étoiles » afin de prendre le pouvoir. (Si le démon en chef se cache durant une grande partie de l’histoire, j’ai néanmoins très vite compris que le démon en chef était le premier ministre. J’avoue avoir eu de la sympathie envers le troisième démon qui m’a fait souvent sourire. Il est tellement enfantin !)
• De nombreux personnages important meurent au cours de l’histoire. (Il est vrai qu’il y a souvent des morts dans les dramas historiques mais j’ai trouvé qu’ils étaient dans l’abus ici…)

Points d’ombres :
• Un empereur qu’on mentionne sans cesse mais qu’on ne voit jamais =O ! (Existe-t-il seulement ? x’D)
• L’empoissonnement de Lin Fang… Quand ? Où ? Comment ? On ne nous donne aucune information ! De plus, les symptômes apparaissent quand il ressent de fortes émotions… Cependant, lors de nombreuses scènes malgré des émotions apparentes, nous ne voyons pas de symptômes apparaitre… (À croire que les scénaristes/réalisateurs ont oubliés qu’ils avaient empoisonnés leur héros ^^)
• Wen You est amoureux de Qing Hong mais épouse la princesse. (Jusque là rien d’anormale puisque la vie de sa famille est en jeu ^^) Par la suite, il finit par avoir un enfant avec la princesse… Pourtant, on ne voit pas réellement ses sentiments changer puisqu’il manipule toute la cour…

Les personnages principaux :
• Zhan Qing Hong est la fille de Zhan Po Zhan, considéré par ses pairs comme un traitre qui aurait déserté un champs de bataille. La jeune femme est donc mal considérée par l’ensemble des clans. Elle devra redoubler d’effort afin de se faire une place. Elle partage très vite une relation amoureuse avec Wen You, cependant, le destin décidera de les séparer lorsque ce dernier se voit obligé d’épouser la princesse… [J’ai parfois eu du mal avec ce personnage… Son intelligence est souvent au abonné absent et sa naïveté est maladive… Cependant, on se prend d’affection pour cette jeune fille pleine de vie qui voit sa vie détruite lors de la mort de la totalité de son clan…]
• Lin Fang est le fils de l’ancien chef du Wulin. De nature calme et manipulatrice, il se cache derrière la faiblesse de son corps… Fin stratège, il finit par devenir le nouveau chef du Wulin alors qu’il ne pratique pas les arts-martiaux. Lin Fang tombe rapidement amoureux de Qing Hong, Cependant, il s’efface… Aussi bien pour des raisons de santé que pour son amitié avec Wen You. [Lin Fang est sans doute le personnage le plus complexe de cette histoire ! Il passe son temps à réaliser des stratégies sans les partager… Ce qui fait qu’on ne comprend pas toujours ses actions. ]
• Wen You est un jeune épéiste venant d’une famille noble. Il devient le chef en second du Wulin et part réaliser différentes missions avec Lin Fang & Qing Hong. Il a des liens étroits avec la princesse, ce qui le mènera à l’épouser alors qu’il a demandé Qing Hong en mariage… [Wen You comme la plupart des personnages de ce drama est complexe. Il est droit et pleins d’idéaux. Cependant, à cause de son statut, il se voit obligé de réaliser de nombreuses actions contre sa volonté… (J’avoue qu’il m’a assez souvent tapé sur le système et avoir vu venir sa mort…)]

En conclusion, « The Moon Brightens For You » est un drama qui a su me convaincre de par son histoire et son casting malgré les quelques accrocs présent dans les effets spéciaux et dans la trame de l’histoire.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
76 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 29, 2020
36 épisodes vus sur 36
Complété 8
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

To the moon and back

The moon shines brightly on this drama, which I consider to be one of the better recent Wuxia productions, and certainly in the top list for 2020, alongside The Handsome Siblings, Love in Between, and Ancient Detective.

The Moon Brightens for You (TMBFY) is adapted from the novel of the same name (明月曾照江东寒) by Ding Mo (丁墨), a romance novelist whose literary works cover cross-genre or hybrid genre themes. It is directed by Allen Lan (蓝海瀚) and ably assisted by Wang Fei (王飞) who also helmed the underrated gem, Young Blood which was released last year. This is a story about how good triumphs over evil and how true love is finally attained, through much patience, perseverance and no lack of challenging obstacles along the way.

TMBFY is a fusion of classical Wuxia with contemporary romance and humour, and has been beautifully crafted for the enjoyment of not only long-time fans but also the new generation of fans of this genre. It contains distinctive elements of the vibrant Jianghu world set against the backdrop of tumultuous conflict between the Xiao and Western Yan Empires. We have the customary Wulin community comprising various affiliations to established Houses, Sects, and the directorate that presides over this community of pugilists.

Fantastic innovative martial arts styles, and names, have been creatively conceived for this show, in the form of the Zhan Family Swordplay (Cloud Attack, Bolting Sword, Calling Back the Tiger to Make the Mountain Collapse, and there’s one nameless move which I’m going to call it “The Exhaust Fan”), Reverting Yin Palm, and the ultimate skill of all, the much coveted 7-Star Swordsmanship (Phoenix Starting Prairie Fire, Crazy Wolf Hunting the Moon, Roaring Jumping Dragon, Rhinoceros Divides the Sea, Leaping Tiger, Left and Right Deputies of the 9 Dipper). If their titles don’t scare you already, their slick moves certainly will! All of this contribute towards an exceptional quality martial arts choreography that is showcased throughout and, amazingly even more so in the final showdown. So too the excellent cinematography and the thrillingly inspirational BGM (incorporating the Dizi or Chinese flute) that accompanies scenes of Wulin assemblies, confrontations and sword fights.

This drama is filled with countless intriguing martial artists and colourful characters. These include the villainous trio of evil, Ghost 3 comprising the masked arch villain King of Million Demons, the infamous burglar-thief (and his signature back-scratcher) and the master of poison. In addition, there’s the miraculous heavenly physician (with his pet ginseng), the conniving and wealthy (self-proclaimed most handsome) master of the lavish manor filled with ancient beauties, the cold blooded assassin (complete with straw hat and twin blades), exotic dark arts practitioner adept at conjuring pestilence at will, and many more.

It’s also worth mentioning the inclusion of an amusing recurring side story throughout the show involving the “Wulin Insights”. It is a form of communal storytelling at tea houses (like ancient social media) for delivering up-to-date happenings and gossips on the Wulin to the general public, while at the same time used as a means to secretly convey coded messages to relevant parties of interest. Along with this is a subsidiary service, the “Wulin Rumours” which provides personalised door-to-door delivery of information and parcels (like ancient DHL).

The plot is straightforward and uncomplicated, which enables viewers to grasp the background and motivations of the various characters and in understanding the incidents of the past that shape current events. There are certain pivotal but tragic moments that transpire as the story unfolds, thus inducing considerable emotional distress to more than a few viewers. I appreciate the fact that the show emphasises the key Wuxia themes of brotherhood, chivalry, loyalty and righteousness. This focus doesn’t suffer or waver even in the presence of romantic themes and love triangle involving the OTP and 3 other side couples. So often we see in other dramas such as Love a Lifetime, And the Winner is Love, and The Love Lasts Two Minds where the Wuxia theme is drowned out or in the first place was used merely as a plot device to accentuate the primary emphasis on romance between the leads. Here, Wuxia and romantic love blend harmoniously to create a masterful piece of storytelling.

The main cast has done exceptional work here in this drama. Xing Fei, as the FL and main character Zhan Qing Hong is the driving force that propels this show forward. She is the epitome of the Wulin hero whom most fans would be proud of and is certainly deserving of her title, the Cloud Fairy (as befits her Cloud Sword fighting style). Displaying tremendous character growth from the day she leaves the Zhan Manor to explore the outside world up to the point where she experiences much personal loss and suffering, her belief in benevolence, friendship, justice and the Jianghu spirit never falters. Xing Fei’s portrayal of carefree innocence and kindness, joy and happiness, as well as pain and sorrow are so on point that it’s hard not to completely empathize with her character. Her crying scenes are some of the best in the business and I challenge anyone who says otherwise.

Alan Yu Meng Long… is an enigma. I hesitate to use the phrase that he has improved in his acting. I’m not even sure if it was his acting that was the issue in the first place, or whether it was the role, directing or script. When you see him in BTS footage, he carries himself naturally as normal people would. Even countless viewers commented that he did well in Eternal Love (which I did not watch). And then The Love Lasts Two Minds happened (along with Legend of White Snake) and it makes you wonder how his “trademark stoic and wooden” acting came to be. He is so much better here where he has smiled and cried more often than I could recall. His micro-expressions seem more nuanced than ever before and he was even capable of being flirtatious and mischievous.

At the end of the day, because of his portrayal, the character of the ML Lin Fang became someone you could actually relate to and root for. I hope he continues on in this vein and prove to everyone who ever made fun of him (including myself, I admit) how wrong we were to have ever doubted his ability. Certainly he’s not perfect and there’s plenty of room for improvement but this is a very good step towards the right direction, and hopefully better roles are given to him rather than the usual sickly and emotionless characters.

As the OTP, the interactions between Xing Fei and Alan Yu were such a pleasure to behold. From the initial awkwardness as superior and subordinate, the short-lived love triangle arc, the seemingly fake marriage and finally to acceptance and consummation as husband and wife, the romance has been slow burn but the chemistry remained strong throughout. They may lack the steamy kisses of Love and Redemption, Maiden Holmes or even Love is Sweet, but their short kisses and pecks on the cheeks and foreheads are no less adorable and sweet. I truly enjoyed the beautiful moments of meaningful conversations and deep reflections shared by the OTP particularly during their brief sojourn at Tian Xin Pavilion (the physician’s abode), following their escape from the villains.

In many ways, this pairing makes perfect sense. Although the ML possesses no martial arts prowess, his intelligence complemented the FL’s strength and together they form a truly formidable couple indeed. Our dynamic duo demonstrates spectacular teamwork during the final showdown, the fight to the death in the last episode, where the ML acted as the FL’s “ring-side coach”. To be fair, he did do a bit more than that, by casually walking up and delivering the final blow (after his wife did all the hard work!).

Merxat, oh Merxat, how I sympathise with his predicament all over again. In Legend of Yunxi, he was friend zoned. Here, just when he almost got the girl, the cruel twist of fate took the love of his life away from him with such savage force that he was rendered utterly helpless and hopeless, becoming a docile pet of the primary instigator who is none other than the dreaded spoilt and bratty royal princess, depicted convincingly by Ma Yue. Fortunately he came good in the end and reverted to the heroic character he initially was. I hope Merxat gets the FL one day, and nail the role of the ML more often because he is such a fantastic actor and I would hate to see him playing second fiddle all the time. His natural ability in playing polar opposites is underlined here, from the swashbuckling swordsman to the submissive puppet consort.

The main antagonist is played by veteran HK actor Kent Tong Chun Yip, who portrays the dual roles of King of Million Demons and the Prime Minister (it’s really not that hard to figure out the deception, plus the mask doesn’t exactly conceal much). As far as villains go, his character is written to be the garden variety and not the venomous and vile evil (except for that thing he did in the final episode). Don’t expect too much angst and frustration from the bad guys in this show. If anything, they are rather fun to watch, especially Yan Su’s depiction of the bungling and obsessive master thief, Feng Bu Fei. It turns out he really isn’t all that evil (just a little deranged) and redeems himself in the end. Sort of. At least he is seeking “medical treatment” for his condition.

The secondary couples are equally fun to watch, with the exception of the SML and the princess (although by the end, he did fall in love with her). Zhang Kai Tai’s courageously loyal Huo Yang and Ma Xi Er’s Xiao Lan got together in the most hilarious of circumstances. They were the only couple that gave us a truly epic cinematic moment, the elaborate scene of “kissing with straw in the mouth” involving aerial, widescreen, zoom-in and 360 degree immersive shots. Xiao Lan also takes home the honours for being the only maid in a C-drama of any genre who literally tripped as comically as she often did throughout. The third couple is one of quiet and reserved romance, between the stoic General Xia Hou Ying and the elegant Lady Wen You, played by Su Jian Quan and Lan Man Yu respectively. The way that their chemistry naturally progressed from the initial resistance to eventual acceptance is truly delightful to observe.

Special mention goes to the veteran Qi Zhi whose hilarious depiction of the miracle physician Jian Ling as the comic relief of the show is simply amusing, much like Teng She was in Love and Redemption. His eccentric mannerism and favourite phrase of, “simple, simple!” is extremely endearing and heart warming. He is also the only physician ever, in addition to keeping acupuncture needles on his head/ in his hair, to have a ginseng root BFF. Really.

The entire OST is simply incredible. While the opening track is excitingly upbeat and employs the use of traditional Chinese instruments, the closing theme (performed by Alan Yu) is more subdued and emotional. Tracks 2 and 3 are the love themes of the OTP while tracks 5 and 6 accompanied the secondary couples’ romance. Track 4 captured the sombre moments in the show. Track listing as follows:

1. 片头曲: 今實 (银崎) Opening song "Jin Shi" (Yin Qi)
2. 不醉不忘 (胡夏) Never Drunk Never Forget (Hu Xia)
3. 广寒光 (徐良&郭静) Guang Hanguang (Xu Liang & Guo Jing)
4. 一念 (栗锦) One Thought (Li Jin)
5. 融化(女生版) (曾咏欣) Melting (Girl Version) (Zeng Yongxin)
6. 融化(男生版) (郑繁星) Melting (Boy version) (Zheng Fanxing)
7. 片尾曲: 月光 (于朦胧) Ending song: Moonlight (Yu Menglong)

This drama honestly had me fooled in the beginning. What started out as being very light hearted slowly evolved into something more serious and profound. The storytelling never became stagnant or monotonous and the evolution was evenly paced. While certain tragic events were used as typical plot devices, they were balanced out by the many meaningful and poignant little moments between the cast, which helped to create greater depth and appreciation for the story. TMBFY is in many ways a pleasant surprise and vastly superior to many so-called Wuxia dramas released this year. Especially with a thrilling climax and overall a happy ending (minus that final piece of tragedy at the end), this show certainly went beyond my wildest expectations!

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La légende de Fei
A Girl Like Me
Nirvana in Fire
Handsome Siblings
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Try the World


  • Drama: La lune s'illumine pour vous
  • Pays: Chine
  • Épisodes: 36
  • Diffusé: oct. 6, 2020 - oct. 29, 2020
  • Diffusé On: Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi
  • Station de diffusion initiale: iQiyi
  • Durée: 45 min.
  • Classification du contenu: 13+ - Adolescents de 13 ans ou plus


  • Score: 8.1 (marqué par 2,719 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #1779
  • Popularité: #1800
  • Téléspectateurs: 8,634

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102 éditions
58 éditions
42 éditions

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