3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 20, 2021
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Sympathique et original

Voilà un BL Thai qui sort des sentiers battus et n'a pas grand chose à voir, justement, avec les BL Thai qu'on a l'habitude de voir. Et ce n'est pas désagréable, bien au contraire.

Bref résumé : en 1997, un étudiant prénommé Mes décède d'une crise cardiaque. 20 ans plus tard, il erre toujours dans le cimetière où se trouve sa tombe car il n'a pas encore eu l'opportunité de se réincarner. Un jour Than, un petit garçon qui semble capable de le voir, vient lui faire des offrandes, et il revient chaque année. Devenu étudiant à son tour, Than lui propose d'emménager avec lui pour l'aider à rassembler les souvenirs de son passé et découvrir les véritables raisons de son décès. En parallèle, les sentiments qu'éprouvent les deux jeunes hommes l'un envers l'autre vont évoluer.

L'intrigue n'est pas à proprement parler exceptionnelle, mais elle parvient à garder notre intérêt jusqu'à la fin, car elle est bien gérée et les épisodes sont peu nombreux. Il n'y en a que 8, soit statistiquement moins que la plupart des BL Thai, de sorte que l'histoire évite de se disperser et nous épargne les longueurs inutiles voire ridicules (les habitués sauront de quoi je parle). L'intrigue reste principalement centrée sur la relation entre les deux protagonistes, la recherche des causes de la mort de Mes et son adaptation à cette nouvelle vie avec son nouveau colocataire, ce qui est loin d'être évident pour un fantôme surtout s'il est mort avant l'avènement d'Internet ! Bien sûr on a des éléments à côté, comme les relations de Than avec ses amis, leur inquiétude face à son comportement troublant, le soutien qu'ils lui apportent dans cette aventure, les craintes de Than qui découvre son homosexualité et ne sait pas comment son entourage réagira..., toutefois lesdits éléments restent en lien avec l'intrigue principale et apportent de l'épaisseur à l'histoire sans nous lasser.

Ensuite, cette histoire sort du lot par rapport aux BL "traditionnels" sur plusieurs aspects. Déjà c'est plutôt rare de voir des BL fantastiques - hormis quelques exceptions, comme Until We Meet Again qui aborde le sujet de la réincarnation de deux amoureux tragiquement disparus, mais même dans UWMA le contexte était relativement le même que dans la plupart des BL, avec son lot de clichés vus et revus (décors universitaires, hésitations et timidité sans fin du héros, fujoshis stéréotypées, concours de popularité, placements de produits ridicules, couples gay multiples...). Ici rien de tel, et même si les personnages sont étudiants, ils pourraient tout aussi bien être déjà insérés dans la vie professionnelle que ça ne changerait pas grand chose. Quant à la romance, elle est bien insérée dans l'intrigue et plutôt agréable, bien qu'elle reste light. Disons que cela forme un tout, mais le drama ne tourne pas QUE autour de ça, ce qui nous offre une histoire bien ficelée au niveau de ses différents aspects.

Le jeu des acteurs est lui aussi à noter. Pas d'hésitations débiles, de phrases qui durent trois heures à cause de silences à n'en plus finir, ils sont naturels et convaincants, ils ne font pas de chichis, leurs dialogues sonnent vrai, bref ils sont normaux comme dans la vraie vie quoi... (bon j'avoue que le jeu de Khiem, l'ami de Than, ne m'a pas tellement convaincue mais ce n'est pas bien grave parce qu'il reste un personnage sympathique). C'est plutôt une exception par rapport aux productions actuelles.

Et j'ajouterai un point en particulier qui m'a vraiment, vraiment fait plaisir : les personnages féminins de ce drama sont toutes des personnes positives, à commencer par PlaiFai, la fille du groupe d'amis de Than. En général, les nanas sont soit des fujoshis débiles, soit des evil bitches, et plus rarement, des amies qui soutiennent le héros et le conseillent. Ici, PlaiFai est vraiment bien rendue, il lui arrive de picoler, elle est parfois triste, elle a d'autres centres d'intérêt que de se trouver un mec (même si elle a aussi droit à sa romance, mais ce n'est pas le principal). Et on ne la cantonne pas au rôle de "soutien" du héros, car oui, les nanas ont aussi autre chose à faire que de rentrer dans la case de la bonne copine dévouée qui soigne, conseille ou console (vous savez, la fonction du "care", le seul domaine de compétences où on autorise généralement les filles à prendre les commandes parce que c'est bien connu qu'elles adorent s'occuper des autres même si en vrai ça les gave). Elle a de la personnalité, elle est naturelle, saine et agréable, en gros elle est tout simplement réaliste, et c'est assez rare dans les dramas pour que je ressente le besoin de m'étendre un peu plus là-dessus.

Alors certes, ce n'est pas le drama du siècle et je ne pense pas que j'aurai envie de le revoir, mais il possède suffisamment de qualités et nous offre un peu de nouveauté dans le paysage des BL Thai "classiques" (heureusement ça commence à changer, notamment avec "Manner of Death" et "A Tale of Thousand Stars", espérons que ça va continuer), et rien que pour ça il mérite d'être visionné.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 31, 2022
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Un BL fantastique dans tous les sens du terme.

De base j'ai A-DO-RÉ ce drama donc je ne vais pas faire une liste de points négatifs et positifs mais tourner ma critique un peu différemment.

Les personnages :

J'ai personnellement trouvé que les acteurs Singto (Met) et Ohm (Than) avaient une superbe alchimie ensemble, ils sont juste trop mignons ! Et leurs scènes d'émotions arracheraient des larmes à un monolithe. Ils s'aiment, sont déchirés, veulent nier la vérité ou juste la ranger dans un coin pour profiter du temps qu'il leur reste, c'est beau et tragique à la fois.

Heureusement, le lakorn à également beaucoup d'humour pour relever du niveau émotion, sinon on se dessécherai plus vite que le Sahel à midi à force de pleurer. Les rôles secondaires comme les amis fantômes de Met ou la bande de copains de Than aident beaucoup les leads à faire en sorte de détendre l'atmosphère. D'ailleurs j'ai beaucoup aimé voir la franche camaraderie qui les anime, c'est très réel et ça m'a donné un sentiment de nostalgie agréable de quand je faisais des sorties avec mes meilleures amis de l'époque de l'université.

Les acteurs jouent bien, ils jouent justes, ce qui changent d'autres productions que j'ai pu voir et c'est un réel bonheur de le voir, du coup j'ai littéralement bouffé la série en deux jours !

La réalisation :

Le lakorn aborde des sujets habituels des BL : recherche d'identité sexuelle, coming-out, réactions des proches. Mais ! Avec une patte de fantastique, ce qui change des séries scolaires, là, oui, ils sont à la fac mais c'est pas le lieu principal où on les voit, loin de là et c'est très rafraîchissant. Et pas seulement ! Parce que c'est aussi une histoire d'investigation, presque policière, avec des twists qui vous tombent dessus sans prévenir et qui vous accroche encore plus à visionner la suite.

Deuxième chose qui change, on a ici un BL qui présente des personnages qui ne sont pas TOUS homosexuels ( et les BL de ce type ne sont pas nombreux ), ce que je trouve vraiment bien, parce que la vie réelle est faite de diversités, il ne faut pas l'oublier.

Concernant la musique, bon je ne suis pas vraiment au top, mais je sais dire quand ce me plait. J'ai beaucoup aimé les morceaux qui accompagnaient les scènes d'émotions, ça faisait vraiment vivre ces moments de façon encore plus intense, mais alors là préparez les mouchoirs au niveau du quintal parce que vous êtes pas prêts les gars ! Par contre, les musiques qui étaient jouées pendant les scènes « d'actions » ou de suspens m'ont paru un poil trop « speed » si je peux m'exprimer ainsi, en fait, j'avais l'impression que j'allais assister au combat final entre un Jaëger et un Kaiju de Pacific Rim. J'avais envie de dire : « on se calme les gars, il ouvre une porte le mec, il va pas dans une dimension infernale » mais bon c'est pas non plus ce qui m'a gâché le plaisir et c'est tout personnel.

Enfin, si on veut parler de la fin, sans aucun spoil, ne vous inquiétez pas, je dirais qu'au début je me suis dit : Mouais ! Jaurais peut-être pas gardé la scène toute finale entre les héros... mais ensuite, j'ai réfléchi et je vois pas comment la série aurait pu finir mieux.

Bilan :

Comme je l'ai hurlé au début de ma critique, ce lakorn m'a énormément plu et il rentre d'office dans mon top BL, je pense que j'aimerai même à le revoir encore, tel le petit bonbon sucré qu'on se garde pour les soirées où ont veut s'enrouler dans la couette à regarder la télé parce qu'il neige à pierre fendre dehors, mais, encore une fois, N'OUBLIEZ PAS LES MOUCHOIRS ! Ça va pleurer dans les chaumières.

Maintenant, à vous de vous faire votre avis.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
36 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 25, 2019
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Taking supernatural genre in a Rom-com, He's Coming To Me has impressed me in several levels.
First the music in the series was heartwarming, especially the opening song of the series.
Secondly the acting of all the amazing actors and actresses. The chemistry between the character of P'Met and Thun is lovely, unbeatable acting by both of them. Prince and Kheim playing best friends to Thun, it was real fun having them. The three notable female characters, Praifah, Thun's mother Kwan and Ngoon (the ghost) were awesome. And let's not forget Jeng who made us smile right from the beginning and stealing our hearts too.
I'd like to thank all the people who put their complete effort in creating such a wonderful piece of work.
This series will make us watch again and again, but unfortunately it is very short. (But fluffy and will melt you with the love) Overall a wonderful short series to brighten up the mood with lots of love!

P.S I waited everyday for the episodes to come, and being an Int fan, I need subs. That was one amongst the sad parts in watching the series, plus it was not available on YouTube. LineTV is not available in my country. And I still hope for a season 2!! Or at least a lengthier sequel!
P.P.S: I have watched the last episode without subs... And I stilled loved it. Had a smile on my face and tear in my eye. They'll remain in my heart forever.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
65 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 25, 2019
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0

I am ecstatic that this BL was aired early this year since this is a story 22 years in the making... Well, do not take it literally. You have to watch to know what I just said. It is a nice gift for BL fans since it is packaged in a rainbow-themed wrapper, classic ribbons and a big box full of surprises!

Is this series a euphemism to the philosophy: "Love knows no boundaries". Yes. And, it is more of transcending rather than "breaking boundaries".

More often than not, a love story does not make you think, just let you feel every scene, conversation, interaction. And this one will make you think as well; but it does not mean that it will take away the good "stuff" of a love story, actually, it even enhance it as you won't know what will happen next or in the end.

This is the best love story I have watched with a mystery as its core reason of the interaction of the two main character. Despite of having 8 episodes only, the writers did not waste time developing the plot; as every episode it puts a new layer of one's character that will keep you glued to your seat, if you are binge watching this. It will make you think "what's next?". And there are some light bulb moments that makes you utter "That makes sense", or, "Why I haven't thought of that". I bet, watching this won't be an 8-hour waste of your time.

What is also very likeable about this series is how they peel off the mystery piece by piece, layer by layer, while still being coherent and not all over the place and it did not drop a big bomb that exploded in one episode. A feat for a love story with a good deal of mystery. This may follow a similar plot like almost all love stories out there, but what it is satisfying to watch this series is the little details it showed along the way. You will ask yourself, "If I were in his shoes, would I do the same thing? Or act differently?". What should you feel or react in certain scenes. And, there are moments that it is too good that you just watch as it unfolds right in front of you without thinking anything.

Mixed it with some "crazy" friends and an uncoditionally loving mother completes the story.

And I forgot to mention, Thun says the right things at the right time! That speaks volumes about script writing.

For me, happy endings are over-rated. After all, in real life, we actually have more sad endings than the happy ones. But sometimes, there are too much sad endings happening in our lives that we need a happy ending even once in a while. So, how does this series end? Then, you have to find out for yourself and enjoy the journey!

IF this is going to be a sad ending, what you can take away from this is that not every relationship ends with sunshine and a rainbow. Furthermore, most of relationships ended with a sad one. After all, "parting is such a sweet sorrow". It teaches us to be grateful for the person we were once with. All that person taught us, created memories with and experiences shared together.

IF this is going to be a happy ending, then it reinforces the concept of "Love Rules". And we have to endure all the pain and sufferings to get what we want, what we need and be where we ought to be.

I will leave the story part of this review: Some of the best relationships require the ultimate sacrifices. It will be up to fate if we will be blessed accordingly.

As of writing, this series/drama is currently the #2 in Thailand, #1 for BL-themed in Thailand speaks very highly how this was made and loved by many.

Ohm Pawat's performance as Thun is nothing short of extraordinary. He definitely bring his acting to a way new level. I was impressed how he played Frame in Make It Right, specially when his acting transitioned to the second season. But this specific series, I had a greater respect for his acting skills as he brought his "A" game and considering he just 19 years of age, he will mature, get even better as years pass by.

Singto as Mes. Another stellar performance of an actor. SOTUS, SOTUS S and Friend Zone, portrayed a "serious" Singto, but in this series, his child-like acting is shinning and yet, is able to retained his seriousness when the scene demands for it. The quirkiness of his character that he plays so well is something to look forward to.

Never a moment that I felt that their, Ohm & Singto, acting is with a degree of awkwardness. But, I have seen some BTS of their scenes that most of the time Ohm is the one that is shy to act something out. Hey?! What is another take for, right?

Chimon and Sing as Prince and Khiem respectively, are great support too!

I can't wait for Chimon to have a lead role in a love story. In Our Skyy Episode 2, he can clearly carry a series, portray an 'antagonist' in "The Gifted the series" and having support roles in "My Dear Loser" and "Happy Birthday the series". Now in the up-coming series "The Blacklist", if the trailer holds true what is shows, then it is possible to see Chimon's funny, comedic side of acting. This series show just how versatile of an actor he is.

For Sing, I know he acted in Love Sick 1 & 2, but it is lackluster. Easily forgettable. Then came Slam Dance, but was not given much of exposure. He showed his support role capabilities in My Dear Loser and his potential to lead a series in "The Gifted the series". However, in this series, what is obvious is his acting as a supporting actor, but it no means that he is not up to the challenge. He is good at breaking the "ice" at the very serious moments. For me, one of the under-rate Thai actor out there as he is being stereotyped as this goofy guy who doesn't no how to get serious. But then again, he is good at it.

How do I critique an actor's skill. If he/she can still convey a mesage, an emotion despite not talking or not understanding the native language; through facial expression and body languages. But one can definitely appreciate the acting more if it coupled with a spoken words. The intonations, pauses makes what is being said together with their respective body language, but mostly facial expressions, give more meaning.

ADDENDUM, after watching the raw Ep 8 (finale):
Just when you thought that Ohm and Singto's acting could get any better than best, they actually did! They outdid themselves! Never thought that Ohm got the "moves".

Furthermore, just realized that the director for this series also directed Our Skyy and the sceenwriter of My Dear Loser: Edge of 17.

Let's start with the sound effects, there are very few instances where the effects were a second ahead of the intended scene where it is meant to draw emotions. But the effects for the "WTF" moments, especially for Sing, are spot on. Sound tracks in this series I can say that they are the icing on the cake. The songs make it sweeter for the scenes or heart breaking at some. That makes the moment perfect in every sense.

The background, piano-accompanied music in the scenes will definitely make you feel more and deeper.

I will leave this portion with this:

Like all mystery based stories, once the mystery is solved, it is hard to rewatch it since you already know how it will end. But that does not mean that this series is anything less than remarkable.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
17 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 12, 2019
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
I started watching this drama after Sotus, and to be honest, I really couldn't sense the chemistry between the two leads in that show. I don't know if it was the characters, the acting approach from the leads, or the story, but all three factors I just mentioned were spot on in this drama. Ohm, particularly, really made every scene and interaction with the other characters believable, especially the scene on the balcony where he's begging Mes to come back + the coming out scene. The chemistry was so apparent and consistent throughout - I can't help but truly crave another drama with these two as the romantic leads. I saw a vague spoiler while watching this in regards to the ending that mentioned it was going to be a happy ending(and it was), but I have to agree with some of the viewers that said the ending was too easy, yet uneasy at the same time. I feel like an alternative ending in which they both reincarnate and meet and date each other as human beings would've been a more satisfying ending, since Mes is forever going to be 22 until he reincarnates and Than will continue to age, I can't help but think what would happen as time goes by... omg did I just think of a plot for a possible season 2.... that'd be sick actually. If they continue on from the last episode, and show their relationship now as official lovers/boyfriends/whatever up until the day Mes reincarnates - then in the distant future, they meet again.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
16 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 24, 2020
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 5
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

A reputation for greatness that is fully deserved

After recently having the opportunity to watch this series, I'm happy to say that it fully lives up to its reputation as one of the greatest BL series of all time. If there's ever to be such a thing as a BL classic, this is one for sure. I know that my review will be just one more in a towering stack of raves from others, but I need to express these feelings even if my opinion gets lost in the shuffle. :)

Singto and Ohm ... have they ever been better? Or paired with anyone where they had better chemistry?

Ohm's performance in particular strikes me as flawless from start to finish. Nobody, but nobody, could portray this level of sweetness and joy as well as he does -- to the point that it really feels like we're watching the real him. I swear he's so good in this that he can't be acting. I feel that Thun's personality is how Ohm must really be in his daily life, which is a brightly shining light for anyone who knows him.

(Ohm won a 'Best Dramatic Scene' acting award from Line TV for this series and I wonder which scene it would be. My guess is it's either the one that takes place out on the roof deck in the rain or the confrontation with Mes's uncle in Mes's old bedroom. Two very different moods but both delivered like a seasoned pro.)

The Singto we see here is a far cry from the actor who brings such a memorable presence to other series like 'SOTUS' or 'Friend Zone' (either season). Here he has a soft vulnerability which is befitting a person who was ill for much of the time he was alive, and who never had a chance to experience love before he died. As I watched him here I really forgot that he ever played in those other roles. Here he justifies his reputation as one of the all-time greats in Thai drama and BL.

Another big plus: this is a BL that features two leading men who identify as gay -- not simply 'gay for you' or some other dodge.

I like that the mystery aspect is not overdone or drawn out too long, although the guilty party probably should have faced a few legal consequences for what they did.

I'm also not sure about the idea of a ghost who needs to sleep at night or who can touch living people and even get intimate with them ... but this is no time to quibble! :) A fantasy series like this gets to make its own rules, and the ones established here are all for the benefit of driving the story and pleasing viewers. We would have all been very sad if the series had ended without the two leads being able to express their love physically. (And wow, those moments are magic as well.)

Finally, having not been spoiled on the ending before watching the last episode I was delighted beyond words over how everything ultimately turned out.

101 stars out of 10.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 14, 2020
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.5
I have mixed opinions about this show. I didn’t dislike it....but I will never understand 8.7 rating. By now it’s understandable that on MDL, BL shows tend to garner better ratings.....probably because BL genre has limited audience and production in comparison to mainstream shows (though it’s gradually changing now) audiences can be lenient while rating. Having said that.....I don’t get the hype around this show. Without being too bias I’ll try to review (spoiler free).

What worked for me ?!!

1) Story- I think all the wow factor of this show rests on its story. The story is definitely unique from BL standpoint. Such supernatural themes aren’t common in BL universe, so this was a pleasant change.
2) Acting- I felt actors were good if not great. I especially liked Ohm. He has improved leaps and bound since Make it Right series. Even Singto did a good job, considering the show revolves around his character. The supporting cast were very entertaining and brought out the fun element of the script.
3) Production- The show is well produced. It wasn’t tacky or under budgeted in any way. Usually BL productions fail to acquire funding but this wasn’t the case for this one. Stable writing and good budget helped in establishing a nice atmosphere for the show.

What I didn’t like??

1) Chemistry- This might shock some but this couple did not work for me. Sorry. I like both these actors individually but somehow as a couple they couldn’t convince me. And I don’t think that’s the fault of the actors, it’s probably because of weak direction. In no way I’m stressing that they needed more skinship. Chemistry and skinship are two different things. Couples that don’t get hot and heavy can have very good chemistry.....SOTUS is a prime example of that.
2) The ending- That was blatant fan service. I was left puzzled and couldn’t stop saying What for 5 minutes after I finished watching the show. It did not make any sense to me and left me so freaking unsatisfied. All the build up let to that (massive face palm....also can’t say more cos then it will be considered as a spoiler)!! As a viewer I want the couple to get a happy ending but with a logical and justifiable story arc....which wasn’t the case here.

All in all do I hate this show ?! No
Do I like this show?’s okay....but I don’t see the hype around it. It’s definitely a one time watch. The story is different and it does provide the viewers with a mushy BL tale. But it’s not memorable unlike many other shows from the BL universe.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
12 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 14, 2019
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

A Sweet Supernatural Boyslove drama you will fall in love with.

He's Coming To Me is a supernatural drama about Mes, a young man who mysteriously died and is unable to reincarnate in a new life due to his unfinished business. As the years pass, Mes who lives in the cemetery and watches as the living visit their loved ones who have passed during the "ghost festival" celebration , meets a young boy [Thun/Than] who is able to see him. The two begin a friendship that lasts for several years, until one day Thun/Than doesn't come to see him. The two reconnect years later when Thun/Than is already in college. Thus begins an adventure in where Thun/Than is determined to find out how Mes died so he is able to reincarnate. Unbeknownst to them, the intricacies of their friendship and the mystery surrounding Mes' death, will eventually translate to them falling in love. The question then becomes: How can a ghost and living person fall in love and can they live together happily? or Will Mes be able to reincarnate?

This drama brings together the lovable Singto Prachaya with Ohm Pawt Chittsawangdee. Both are very well known in the Boys Love (BL) sphere for their dramas. Singto has played many different types of characters, but his portrayal of Kongpop in Sotus/Sotus S catapulted him to the top of the most sought after actors in Thailand and I would even argue in many parts of Asia. His acting range is not limited to the gay characters he has played, but when it comes to BL, any production team that hires him will not be disappointed. Likewise, Ohm is most famously known for his role as Frame in Make it Right the series, a character that has cemented him as an actor to look out for in future dramas. As a couple in this drama, both have undeniable chemistry and somehow they bring out the best in their acting.

The Script is amazing. Not having read the novel it is based on, my critique of it is limited to the drama itself. It is quite clear that the production team spent a lot of their time and energy in creating an amazing story for the viewers. The plot which is a combination of the supernatural and romance, has been set up quite well and it is highly supported by an amazing acting cast. The meshing of two time periods is also done fluidly--with elements from the late 1980s-1990s blending with the modern era through music, it creates a nostalgic feeling. Likewise, the cinematography creates this nostalgic mood by its use of tones and colors, specially in the sepia spectrum.

Acting wise, everyone does an amazing job. Singto and Ohm showed great range in their acting abilities. Singto has an uncanny ability to make other actors bring out their best when in his presence. He is able to steal a scene with just a look or even a small gesture. He is arguably the best actor in this drama followed by Ohm. The rest of the cast does a good job supporting the leads and driving the story along, though it isn't always needed since much of the story focuses on Mes and Thun/Than. There are various scenes where the viewers feel emotionally invested and both Singto and Ohm deliver it in such a way that it is easy for the viewer to relate or try to comfort them. Thun's friends add the comedic elements that break up the more intense parts of the drama. It is a welcomed change of pace and it is placed in the right moments. They also bring more depth to the story. Through their intervention, Thun/Than is able to come to grips with his inner battle and through their support he is able to truly be himself. Everyone is needed in helping to develop the main characters's stories as well as helping the story be successful.

I highly recommend this drama, specially when you have nothing more to watch in the mean time. I would wager that this is going to be on the best BL dramas to come out in 2019 and so far is on the top of my list. I also look forward to more acting projects between Singto and Ohm. They seem to have a great chemistry.

ALSO because I know this is a common question BL fans always have,; is this a happy ending? YES it absolutely is.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 15, 2019
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 1
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
I have been watching many BL dramas straight for the past couple months now and I must say that this one was the most interesting to me.

I have seen both Make it right the series and Sotus the series so I knew Ohm and Singto going into the show.

I don’t usually have high expectations going into shows but I hoped that this one would be very good.

I was very impressed by the acting in this show and how the characters were portrayed by Singto and Ohm.

Now this show made me sob ngl. The ending was so sad but happy at the same time. It broke my heart and pieces back together all within the span of a few minutes.

It is an amazing show and I can’t wait to see more from Singto and Ohm.

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Loving The Drama
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 20, 2020
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5

I am in love.

I put off watching this Drama for some time, because I‘m usually not a big fan of „impossible“ love stories, so ghost and human didn‘t really speak to me that much. However, since I absolutely loved Singto in Sotus I decided to give it a go, and I have to say I am more than glad I did. I put off watching the last episode for three days because I didn‘t want it to end.

Actors first: Singto (Mes) as always had me 100% convinced, every expression, every emotion, every movement just felt right. The other main actor (Ohm), was also a perfect pick for the role Thun, and did a lovely job at conveying his role. The only thing about the cast that kind of threw me off was the choice for the „child actor“ because judging by looks I would have made him out to be about 10. Two years later they used the grown up actor who looks like he’s at least 16 or 17. So that was kind of a big jump in growth and looks for only two years. The child actor himself was actually pretty good though!

Now plot: what shall I say I am 100% in love, who would have thought such a constellation could ever make my realist heart fall in love. They developed the relationship beautifully over the course of the 8 episodes. And the chemistry between the two leads was just amazing. But not only that, the entire plot itself (Mes’ search for who he is etc.), even apart from the love story, really had me and my full attention.
All in all there’s really not much I can say that was bad about it. I didn’t like the ending as much, but as I thought about it, it was probably the best ending that we could have gotten.
One more thing I really need to mention is that this Drama managed to touch my feelings in a way they have never been touched by any series before. Yes, there have been series where way worse or more emotional things happened, that have made my chest feel tight, made me cry or feel, but this Drama brought tears to my eyes and made my heart hurt for the smallest things, things I probably would have just nodded off in other Dramas. I don’t know what it was about this Series, the story, the chemistry or just Singto’s acting, but it really really touched me.

So if you are still thinking about watching this, but are unsure, maybe because of the unusual constellation, give it a try, it’s (sadly) only 8 episodes anyways. For now this one has saved place number one in my heart and solely for that it deserves 10 stars.

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5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 17, 2020
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
So, not gonna lie, I totally watched this show for Ohm. I adored him in MIR (pretty much my favorite part of that show), and he's a fantastic actor. I am new to Thai dramas so I haven't seen the other lead's shows yet, but he was fantastic too.

This show was amazing. I loved the story. I loved the plot. I loved everything about it. From baby!Than and the way he interacts with Mes to adult!Than's bossing Mes around. Apart from the reason of Mes's death being hella predictable, the rest of it was really fun.

I loved Than's friends and even though I usually prefer friends to remain friends -- because why can't girls and guys be friends without them wanting to be more!? -- but I actually liked the awkward love triangle. I loved the goofiness and the way she was one of the guys. It was so adorable. Also can I just take a minute to just comment on just how gorgeous this girl is. Like *breathes out* *takes a minute of silence to calm self*

This whole show was just too cute. There were so many predictable parts. SOOOO MANY. But overall a fun, enjoyable show. So much fun.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 5, 2020
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
Before the review I would like to say, I'm not a fan of ghost romance stories, they are either too dramatic or irritating. But this one was weird in a good way. The whole concept of a guy trying to find his killer, is to be honest a very common plot.
Romance between Mes, a ghost and Than, a human is executed very well. Than suggesting Mes to accompany him, offering to help him to find his culprits was heartwarming. The part where Mes disappears heartbroken and Than desperately searching him, was acted well. The killer was quite predictive but you can just ignore it.
Coming to our leads, SingtoOhm, both of them just slayed it. Singto has grown into a handsome guy and actor ever since Sotus and i hope he achieves great. He playing a cute ghost character was something new and played the character well as always. Ohm was so natural with his acting. A child who finds solace in a ghost and wants him to be with him forever, Ohm was just perfect in his role. I hope he receives lots of love and good male lead ventures in future. I hope both of them can work together again. I loved their chemistry and acting.
Ssing, Gunsmile as always never failed to make me laugh. ChimonGigie were sweet(I hope they are again paired together). Background score was so good, it merged well with the scenes.
I feel it was a new experience in BL world to have romance between a ghost and human(Not to forget it had a happy ending). It a very warm, cute drama which is super underrated. I hope people forget KristSingto for a moment while watching this and give this one a try because it is worth it(I really love their friendship though!!).

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