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This is such a cute drama, the kid alone makes it enjoyable to watch. The mains chemistry is great, their interactions are adorable. They are also quite natural with their roles. It is quite cliché but whatever, you will find yourself grinning. Extremely fluffy to say the least.The editing is crap tbh, the characters are not realistic at all. Such as the things they do concerning their occupation is beyond questionable. I'll just say that the Aunt is pain! I find it frustrating to watch couples break up after confessing, makes the ending feel rushed and unnecessary plot device. There are inconsistencies but other than that, it is a good watch. I suggest switching off your brain cells tho.
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The Legendary Life of Queen Lau
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Everyone is a walking meme
I've been waiting for this for a while, mainly cause of FL and also cause I wanted the haters comments to blow up in their faces. And I'm glad it did!! I had expections and I was not let down. From the comedy, to the acting and the production quality everything was satisfactory. Expect for the controversy regarding the Japanese clothing.The chemistry between the couples were good like even the secondary couples made me root for them. Would have liked more romance tho. Most of the characters being a shipper for the main couple. I like how no one is necessarily the villian, regarding the FL father, I genuinely thought he was downright evil but his relationship with the FL mother and main leads was so cute to watch. It's definitely not a serious show, the dialogue is witty which makes it a easy watch. I died laughing a couple of times.
The characters actually got some decent character growth, the FL started as a lovestruck girl and was oblivious to anything except the ML but she learnt to hold her ground with issues she cared about. Her smile and laugh is so infectious. I love how the ML fell for her without even realising, and he fell hard. The way he winks just cracks me up.
The OST is good and catchy, caught myself humming it a couple of times.
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Honestly cutting the show into 2 parts was so stupid to begin with. It messed up the flow and the narrative of the story. I found part 2 to be bland compared to the first part. The writing became weak and there was also lack of flow with the scenes. The flashbacks became repetitive, like i get showing the backstory and all but most of those didnt explain what was happening.I felt that the characters were underused, there was potential but there was more time spent on useless plot lines. The way the show was wrapped was underwhelming like just ended in a odd place and it didnt feel like a ending at all. There were so many unanswered questions like goodness me...like whyyy. Like what the purpose of the people in white were. The hint at another season was off-putting. The acting and the music was the main reason that kept me going.
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Wo Zai Ta Xiang Ting Hao De
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To call this show a masterpiece is an understatement. Everything about it is top notch. The acting, the story and the execution. Just wow. Every scene has a significance like the small details, everything adds together.Zhou yu tong, I don't know where to start with her. Her acting is mindblowing, I could feel every emotion of hers. The chem between her character and Jian yi fan is so cute, it the little things that matter.
I like the "mystery" element in here. Eveyone else did a expectiaonal job. Love the relationship between the girls. The emotions were raw.
Strongly recommended drama!!
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What a show
!!Recommended!!!It bothers me that this didnt get the hype it deserves. I came watching with zero expectations and then I got hooked. I'm shook about the quality of the show. Everything is top notch, the direction, acting, production and even the plot. The writers actually used their brain cells. The characters are actually smart. Like what??? Everyone is layered, I don't trust whatever word comes out of their mouth. The acting is off the charts, there aren't any cringy parts. There is no dull scene, absolutely love the chemistry between the cast. Lee Young Ae doing wonders as always! Truly a great actress. Was hoping to learn more about her background and how she ended up the way she did.
Love the female leads, their battle is intriguing both similar yet different especially with the paths the chose. Loved their fight in ep6, just hilarious. Kim Hye Joon is truly underrated like her acting surprised me. I'm disappointed that I only heard of her now. The way she is able to execute K's "emotions" are great. K is a psychopath to say the least. Santa is hiding something, he knows more than he leads on. He is such a wildcard, i can barely firgue out what his plan is or who he is. The ending didnt help as there were still questions...frustrated about that. I definitely did not trust the Chief.
The comedy not bad, got me laughing a couple of times. The comedic timing quite good. The OST is fire, it is great. Definitely not a show that should be ignored. Keeping me engaged and entertained, can't wait for the next episodes. The episodes just kept getting better. Just when I thought they have outdone themselves, the twists just kept coming. Each episode grew more intense.
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Unexpected treat
I had my doubts about this show mainly cause of its premise/genre. It is very easy to butcher the plot and lose the audience. But I'm glad i watched it. The characters, plot and production is great. I was hooked from the first scene, having so many questions, nothing is simple. The characters have logic and smart in their own ways. Overall the execution has been great so far. It has been interesting and intriging with how everything is comes to play.The acting is so good, the way they embodied their characters is unbelievable. The mains doing wonders, their chemistry is off the charts as well. It is pretty funny, which i didn't expect given the genre. Bai Jingting wonderful to watch on screen and I'm shocked by Zhao Jin Mai's acting. I knew she was good but damn every action and emotion regarding her character has been spot on. The supporting cast is great, everything done with precision. The story has some heart felt moments as well. The characters are realistic to an extent, with the way they view and react to the world. I like how almost every character story has been explored.
With every loop/reset something different happens that thickens the plot. Contantly left with so many questions after each episodes. Being more suspenseful than the previous episode. This utterly has me hooked and on the edge of my seat. The ending was nicely done but there were a few unanswered questions. Such as why they ended up in a loop. Other than that it was a really good watch. I like how they gave us a glimpse of their lives after this whole thing.
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This is so intense and fast pace like there's so much happening, yet I don't feel overwhelmed. Very big production, the money that went into this was huge. The attention to detail is mind-blowing.The acting is great, Huang xuan doing wonders, happy that he's able to showcase his acting here. His crying scenes are heartbreaking. Wang yi bo did a fine job, looks pretty good. In fact everyone's visuals are great. His and Huang xuan's characters only had one thing in mind..revenge, that changed as the story progressed.
Song qian nailed her role, her character is strong and smart. Her fighting scenes were fun to watch, her status doesn't hinder her from doing what she felt was right. She mostly uses that to her advantage. Song yi is adorable, Liu ran is the best wife that Er lang could have asked for. I would say that among the mains she has the highest EQ. She is able to help Er lang with that. She is just getting unnecessary hate, i agree that some of the things she does it questionable but the girl is in love and love makes people do stupid/immature things. Every time she is ignored by him, my heart hurts for her. Glad that Er lang started to treat her gently, like she is quite understanding. I would say that her character development was pretty good. I found their cp on the cute and innocent side while Si Yue and Gao Bing Zhu on the mature and intense side. Main problem between the cps is communication. The lack of it created unnecessary problems for them.
As for the supporting roles, my favourites were Bai lang, Shen fei, Yao niang and Yunzhi. Liked how whenever they showed up they just ligtened the mood, especially Bai lang, the man is so funny and he does it with ease. Shen fei and Yunzhi both priotise their masters (friends) happiness first. Shen fei always helping and protecting Er lang in every way he can. Regardless of how crazy it might be, he is always there for him. Yao niang was awesome to watch wished she had more scenes. The empress is feared by everyone, she holds so much power its frightening. I definitely did not like Liu feng, he was annoying, selfish and a waste of space.
I like how everyone was connected, each character protrayed well. The casting choices were good. The chemistry between the cast is great. The fighting scenes are pretty well done. The characters are complex, not necessarily easy to read. No one is set and stone, from the mains to the side characters. The plot is intriguing, captivating and clever. I like how everyone is trying to outsmart each other. No one is written dumb, like they have brain cells and the logic is there. It is quite fast paced but the flow of the plot is not affected. In fact that makes it even more appealing. It got me anticipating what is coming next. There is balance in the plot, no plot device is overshadowed by another. There are quite a few plot holes but doesnt really the storytelling.
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L’épée Dans la Neige
28 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
Top notch
I had high hopes for this and I am glad i didn't get disappointed. Although i would say that I thought that this would be more wuxia oriented rather than political but the storytelling is great, the flow is good. The pacing is good, kinda slow but only cause there is so much going on so the plot and characters have to develop accordingly. The characters are interesting to watch. It resembles Joy of life a quite a bit but it is own story. The acting is great. There are a lot of familiar faces, so make it easy to watch. They keep me captivated, I don't have any urge to fast forward or anything.Zhang Ruoyun is a treat to watch, like his charisma is wow. He is smart and cunning, knows how to turn things his way. His interactions with other characters are fun to watch, there are many hidden messages in them. The dynamics between him and his father is funny and sweet at the same time. They clearly understand and care for each other just have different ways of showing it. There seems to be a lot of gray characters, makes one wonder how that will play into the story. No ones motive is clear expect Xu feng nian's, well most of the times. Lovely chemistry between the cast. I have to say that Xu feng nian and Jiang ni are so refreshing to watch. Both have done so much for each other but Jiang ni less conniving/scheming about it tho. I love seeing Qing Niao on screen is so pleasing and satisfying to watch. She's quite captivating to watch, glad she got good amount of screen time.
Money definitely went into this, the production is big. The beginning is quite light and comedic but I wont be surprised if this turns heavy later on (which it did). There's a balance in the plot, it has a bit of everything. I would say that this is more focused on the political and power struggle. One thing i didn't like was how it was advertised to be very wuxia oriented but there are barly any fighting scenes. Other than that i would recommend it. Glad that this didnt end up in a cliff hanger and was tird up nicely. Hope they announce Season 2 soon.
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Great start, weak finish.
Female lead is something else, quite different from usual. The female lead is a joy and a treat to watch. She is funny, captivating, witty and actually clever. Quite a badass as well. I find it intriging especially the mystery element in it. I like how the female lead negaivgates everything, she is not a push over. She tries to get to the bottom of what happened. Then all that changed, she just became weak, like why???The other characters are also interesting to watch, there are layers to them. The dynamics of everyone is quite good. The comedic timing is great the chemistry between the cast was good.
I thought this was going to be a show that I will use to pass time but every mintue of the first half was worth it. And then it just started to fall apart. I felt so let down, the first 8-10 eps were so good and then all just became boring. Waste of actors, poorly written towards the end.
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Once We Get Married
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Adorable and cute
The fact this is a contract marriage already makes me biased. The mains are simply cute like their chemistry is off the charts. Their interactions have me grinning non stop, especially after they confessed to each other. Both are childish, the male lead more than the girl. The plot is cliche, predictable and full of troupes but I don't care. The love triangles, personally not a fan of but what is a contract marriage without one. The second leads were beyond toxic like dang, no means no, learn to move on. Obessing gets you nowhere. At least the second male learnt to accept that he wasn't going to be more.Wang Zi Qi's acting is great, really fits the role, feels natural and all. Wang Yuwen's acting is good that I don't feel that her charater is unnecessarily annoying. She became a tad dumb as the episodes went on though. I absolutely love the grandma, like she is adorable and I like how she plots opportunities for them to be together. The same with Fei'ang (the male lead's assistant), wanted him to have more screen time as I didn't get the second couple at all. I skipped a couple of their scenes as the CP was not it. Honestly thought that Fei'ang and the female lead's best friend would be the CP as their little interaction seemed interesting. I'm surprised that both the moms weren't a problem in the show, quite supportive of the relationship which is rare.
The editing is weird, some scenes don't make sense. Such crappy cuts and transitions. The way that the male lead manipulated the female lead is nowhere close to being justified. Just plain wrong, I expected better. I hated the useless misunderstandings, especially when they could be solved by just communicating. Ending was the best, it is filled with typical charaters but decent watch to pass time.
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Hit or miss
This is one of those shows where you either enjoy the drama and it's your cup of tea or you loathe it. The first 2-3 episodes of the drams is the part that determined that. I admit that the 1st episode was so odd but I feel that moment you look past that, it is a drama you can thoroughly enjoy it.A lot of people had high hopes for the drama but some ended up being let down. I consider this a shame because of the main cast they had but the plot was quite cliche and overused. There were parts that were "new" to see and that was hopeful for the drama. The mains were beyond childish towards each other and I occasionally found myself smiling during those moments. For once the lead actually talk about their feelings. It is a mature relationship which is refreshing to watch.
I like the main leads but the second leads were beyond questionable, especially Mi Gu. She is ready to ruin her friend for some guy knowing qell what Zhao Ran and Xiao Chu's history is like. What a character and a horrible friend, she needs her priorities checked. If I was Xia Chu I would have dropped her long time ago but then the story wouldn't have a plot to explore. Xia Chu is also too navie to just believe Mi Gu. Another thing that irritated me was the amount of screen time the second leads got!!! Atleast Mi Gu got a brain at the end. I personally ship Xia Chu's mentor and the mom a lot, they were cute. The boy is as well, I love his acting, mate is truly going places.
I felt that the professional portrayal was meh but the military part had more accuracy than the medical part. At least with my limited knowledge. As it got towards the end it became rushed. Ugh!!!
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Decent watch
I've been waiting for a while for this to air. Mianly wanted to watch because of Zhu Yawen and I'm glad i did. Although it is filled with lot of cliché plot devices, the execution is refreshing and entertaining to watch. I had litte to no expection whatsoever but im shocked by the story. It is not your typical rom com, has a few heavy/serious sub stories.Zhu Yawen is a wonderful actor, the way he plays Liu Qing is so fun to watch. He is charismatic, funny, smart, playful and sometimes cunning. The man is a full packagae tbh. The way WanQing treats him/everyone in the beginning was frustrating but later on grew on me. Their chemistry is great and i like their bantering.
They lack basic communication, mainly from Liu Qing side. WanQing misunderstands him and he makes no effort to try and explain. Mike He is also fun to watch, his and the second female lead story line is interesting, cant wait to see how that love line would go. The granny is so loveable and adorable, such a shipper for the mains. But the Feng Cong is annoying and creepy, Wan Qing should wake up stay clear from him.
I found myself bingeing the first 8 episodes then i was hooked. Been anticipating the next episodes since. Many questions to be answered about the mains past. The pacing is inconsistent and tends to throw me out of the story a couple of times. I dont like when they do that dubbing thing with the foreigners, it is so hard to watch and quite unnecessary. It became obvious who the main villian was towards the end, so wasnt as suspenseful as I wanted.
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Drugs aren't it
I started the first episode just to get a feel of things then I found myself saying just one more episode. It is simply captivating, from the characters to the scenes even to the dialogue. Like everyone is clever like actually clever. Everyone is thinking steps ahead of their original plan. No one is who they say they are, I found myself having to reevaluate every character after each scene, got to the point that I had to watch a scene a couple of times. This show made me question my case solving skills.The story flows well, it is fast pace and it doesn't feel rushed. No scene is unnecessarily wasted and that kept me engaged. The acting is great, everyone was able to pull off the layers that their characters demended. Everyone was just double crossing each other, it was hard to find who was actually "good" and who could be trusted expect for the ML, FL and A Xi. Others were either grey, very grey or just down right wicked. They were well written and I liked how everyone had sense...to some extent and the fact that the females weren't used as unnecessary characters. Everyone badass in their own way.
As for the romance, its definitely not the focus but the tension and chemistry between them is wild. I had little expectations for Liu yi feng and he surprised me in a good way. Long ge's mind is wired different, the man loved his crazy ideas and how they were executed.
The only thing that threw me off was the ending, not what i imagined at all.
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Too predictable...ugh
Disappointed to say the least, I really wanted to like this show but i just could not bring myself to.I had great expections when i heard about the drama. The cast and the "plot" seemed promising but as I watched the first couple of episodes and I felt so let down.
I expected a lot more but got offered the same story and plot devices as the other shows in the genre.
I was intrigued but felt bored at the same time. It is decent to watch but not enough to keep me wanting more nor anticipating the next episode.
The plot became too predictable and the characters became annoying. Cough the detective cough cough. Unnecessary actions and scenes like it is literally just a school and they are all fighting like this. The female is so timid like why? The some of the characters lack sense, like they so dumb. Just poorly written
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Simple, annoying and useless/stupid Male lead
The story is very simple and easy to follow. The acting is good enough. Personally don't get the logic or the flow of the story. Especially with the cross dressing, the people must be blind not to see she is a girl but at least that got resolved early on.The male lead is childish and petty, most problems or issues would be resolved if he wasn't a hothead. I don’t get the obession the felmale lead has for him though.
Like the way he uses her is shameful, the girl should just have walked and lived her life. The typical toxic ex is here so beware, annoying is a understatement for her.
This has nothing to do with programming, full on romance. Personally didn't want the leads together beacause of how badly he is treating her. Plus she is so dumb like whyyyyyyyyy. Cliche plot devices are used, it can be an easy watch if you don't mind those. The only reason I finish the drama is beacause of other every character expect the male lead, female lead and 2nd female lead. They made the show a pain.
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