High school student Hirukawa in Our Youth (English title) lives with an abusive father which is kinda similar to Do Hoe in Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo.
The other thing that both of these dramas are about coming of age high school boys learn to love and depend on each other mentally to escape the harsh home environment and the prejudice of those against delinquents.
The other thing that both of these dramas are about coming of age high school boys learn to love and depend on each other mentally to escape the harsh home environment and the prejudice of those against delinquents.
Even tho only 1 ep of Our youth came out at this date (9/11/24), I think they are pretty similar since we follow the story of them ( the main leads) through time and years. they are also two bl and follow high schooler that grow up closer due to different reason as time pass.(Idk if Im clear but I hope that you understand)
Sorry for my English.
Sorry for my English.
Both shows tackle characters coming to terms with their identities and feelings for one another while finding comfort in another person. They both deal with characters who struggle with things beyond their control.
While Miseinen primarily focuses on the characters high school years who struggle with their home lives/parental expectations, The Eighth Sense follows two university students and focuses more on mental health/living as an adult. (This is my thoughts ofc. I'm being very loose on the themes here...)
Both shows made me cry and felt like they covered pretty heavy subject matter. Which is why Miseinen reminded me of The Eighth Sense. ^_^
While Miseinen primarily focuses on the characters high school years who struggle with their home lives/parental expectations, The Eighth Sense follows two university students and focuses more on mental health/living as an adult. (This is my thoughts ofc. I'm being very loose on the themes here...)
Both shows made me cry and felt like they covered pretty heavy subject matter. Which is why Miseinen reminded me of The Eighth Sense. ^_^
Our youth just makes me think of MBM since it takes place in high school, main characters are really polar opposites but they make a very beautiful couple, I also think that they are similar because of the cinematography and in MBM Kiyoi wasn't happy with his family and Hira wasn't living with his and its just the same in Our youth.