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My comment section is not safe for Gwanhee sympathizers. Additionally I will probably call out and drag everyone at some point so you were warned bc you might not like what I have to say. To protect your peace I suggest you just keep scrolling if you are any of the aforementioned people.
To say that this was the worst season would be an understatement. It was a complete and utter FAILURE. This season lacked depth, got boring halfway through and was a struggle to finish. I did not feel connected to any of the contestants at all.
Once the contestants have been to paradise it’s like they’ve seen it all and don’t really have any motivation or incentive to keep on going. The way the men sat on their asses all day and did not really try to pursue any of the women was disappointing. They had 9 days there and none of them showed any real impetuous to get to know the women. It was like a long winded free vacation where they put in minimal effort.
Gwanhee by far was the most annoying and insufferable person in the history of Singles Inferno. LIKE THIS MAN CANNOT BE A REAL PERSON. Idk how to explain my disdain for him without it coming off as hatred because it is. “I hate men”(tell me why this was my reaction every time he did something or came on screen) I can’t stand men who are spoilt, indecisive, cowardly and two faced. Gwanhee played almost all the women there and literally did not have any regrets or second thoughts about doing so. But what can people expect when he’s just a narcissistic, egotistical pro basketball PLAYER who’s been put on a pedestal his whole life because of his “rich” family background. Either way people out there who are making excuses for him being in a long term relationship for 6 years or his upbringing for his insecureness need to reassess. Just because he had a bad experience in a prior relationship does not give him the right to act like an asshole. He was way too carefree, inconsiderate and nonchalant towards all the women and their emotions / feelings.
I feel sorry for all those girls who kept on choosing Gwanhee despite knowing what a huge red flag he was. The only person who didn’t know and wasn’t in that room when all the tea was being spilt about him was Min Jji so in her defense she didn’t know / know better.
I enjoyed the panelist reactions this season (I feel like Dex was a good addition) but I feel like they became a bit side tracked and dim witted as soon as the season was coming to an end. Idk if they’re slow or what but it was so obvious (to me at least) how this would end.
Hyeseon finally got the courage to confront / tame Gwanhee as people were going on and on about and put him in his place making him reflect on his actions towards her and confront how he really felt from day 1 to day 9. I think it’s sad and ridiculous she had to really be doing all this and essentially telling him to pick someone else to wake up and realize he was losing her when she said “I’m done trying.” This man could not be any dumber. After all this time he still hadn’t figured out who he liked more even though he spent ample time with both Minji and Hyeseon.
I believe Hyeseon is at fault too. In the 1st episode during their trip to paradise, Gwanhee was ready to commit to her but she told him that she would prefer that he wait to choose her and instead spend time getting to know everyone else before making his decision. So can she really blame Gwanhee for being confused? She should have been clear about what she wanted because he fulfilled her request exactly, and at the very end she became upset and hurt. Tbh, she just seemed foolish confronting him about it.
And don’t get me wrong but nobody could ever make me hate Minji. She was a product of her circumstances. There weren’t many options because Minyoung decided to play gatekeeper and make her feel uncomfortable for even breathing near Jinseok. Minyoung's behavior was nasty and she just pissed me off after acting like she wasn't interested in Jinseok as anything other than a BROTHER then when Minji came she felt threatened and started showing interest in him? Idc... I won't forget and I still think Jinseok deserves so much better. Minji got her message and she backed off almost immediately. She thought they were a solid couple and she was getting in between so she had to shift to getting to know Gwanhee instead. Time was short and she had to make up for it because she was a late addition. I see nothing wrong with her trusting her gut and trying to make the most out of her time there because again, this is a dating program and that’s what they were there to do.
Minji’s conversations with Gwanhee as well as her night in paradise with him changed and clarified a lot. I thought they had good chemistry and could see the potential between them up until Gwanhee ignored her on the helicopter because he was mad at her. He was so petty then but I also think she could’ve maybe found a better time to try and talk to him, nevertheless him flat out lying and saying he didn't know she was crying was bs. WHY WOULD HE LIE AND HE WAS CAUGHT GLANCING AT HER IN 4K?!
She basically put all her faith in their connection and was ready to choose him. I mean for crying out loud she wrote a note saying “you’re the only one for me” and he still did not get it and doubted her feelings? LIKE WHATS NOT CLICKING?!
I wish Minji had been able to build her relationship with Jinseok (the greenest flag) instead of ever getting tangled with Gwanhee but that’s not the way things ended up. Instead she was led on by Gwanhee to believe she stood a chance after their final conversation where he comforted her and offered her tissues when she was crying. She literally thought he would finally feel her sincerity she thought he'd pick her. I honestly understand her confusion because from her point of view things were good between them. Idk why people keep on dragging her when she literally was left in the dark the whole time by everyone because she was a late addition.
Also side note but I think the hate Minji is getting daily on her instagram is unnecessary and people literally need to get lives instead of trying to whore shame her and call her “pick me” etc. Can’t ppl have minds of their owns and formulate a new opinion instead of just rewriting the same shit over and over again? The ppl posting those things are worse than her because at least she was able to go on this show and have confidence to follow her feelings and not back down till the end. She did what she was brought in to do – shake things up and create drama. Quite frankly without her the show would’ve been even more predictable and BORING ntm ppl would barely have anything to talk about. All these pathetic individuals hiding behind a screen and trying to bully her into committing suicide are actually weird and I hope they seek help.
I stand by the fact that Gwanhee will forever be the villain of his own story every time. He self sabotages so much and it’s clear he has some kind of abandonment issues which is why he cried when he finally realized that he fucked up with Hye Seon and she might not end up choosing him because of how much of a loser and conniving two timer he was being with her. He was so so so reckless with her feelings as well as the others.
Oh and Hajeong my goodness was she done dirty by him too! The way the instantly hit it off and had a good banter thing going until she too grew tired of his games and confronted him. The only difference is she came on super strong would not back down, did not take a kind tone and Gwanhee was offended / so but hurt that he immediately lost feelings almost as quickly as he had gained them. The way he avoided her after that was so cheap of him and I won’t stop saying it. The way he beat around the bush and tried to put all the blame on her was also insane. The way she succumbed to his mind games and eventually ended up apologizing to him even though she was literally right about his behavior and treatment of her was absolutely so telling. Gwanhee runs away when the going gets tough. He’s very immature and cannot handle when his (potential) partner is not coddling him and sparing his feelings. I swear to God idk when this man will grow up. I’m so much younger than him, more mature and clearly have more sense than him.
Yes Hajeong realized her worth early on but at what cost? The fact that Gwanhee caused her to become more dejected / depressed with his rejection was so unfair. Had he spoken up sooner she wouldn’t have wasted time on him hoping things would eventually work themselves out that and he’d circle back to her… maybe she would bc love is blind and she was delulu for him but I feel like had he shut her hopes down from earlier on she could’ve tried to move on with someone else. Idc that he told her on the day before the finale that he “loved” her. That was again another cheap move and another manipulation tactic in the hopes that she wouldn’t choose him anymore and feel somewhat better after being flat out rejected by him. I see right through that man and nobody can tell me that he wasn’t just doing all that and trying to be extra nice on the last day to clear his conscience and make himself look more worthy to the audience watching. NEXT! His behavior is so juvenile and in poor taste. Again, I feel sorry for all the women who fell for him and liked him in any capacity.
Needless to say Gwanhee is a total player / fuckboy and had the experience and ability to manipulate them and make them feel special then take it all away when they were no longer feeding him / his ego. He just felt pity towards Hyeseon and wanted to smooth things over which is why he picked her in the end. But had she stood firm and not cried / forgiven him so easily I don’t think he would’ve left the inferno such a happy man. See if I were Hyeseon I would’ve chosen Wonik just to piss him off and give him a taste of his own medicine. I forever stand on the fact that Gwanhee deserves nothing if anything he deserved to leave the inferno ALONE. But again, he was primary entertainment for most. People overhype and dickride him so much they are too blind to see beyond his facade. Yes he was self aware one time where he told the camera crew he was entirely the problem but it still doesn’t make up for his actions and all the people he ended up hurting along the way. For me actions speak louder than words and Gwanhee was seems like a bad person. Him trying to do damage control at the eleventh hour spoke volumes and I could see right through his schemes.
Gyuri annoyed me with the confronting Minwoo incident. It was literally like watching the pot call the kettle black. Everyone and their grandmother could see Minwoo was interested in Sieun from day 1 and that they just kept on missing their timing. Her comparing him to Gwanhee was so uncalled for. Just because she was hurt and her ego bruised by his rejection, it did not give her the right to go off on him the way she did. I don’t think she was thinking and her laughter was so off putting and offensive. They were having a serious discussion and it was like she was laughing him to scorn and mocking him just because he was younger than her. It’s like she was saying fine you wanna be with Sieun go be with Sieun — people thought she girl bossed that moment but she just showed her true colors when things don’t go her way and she doesn’t get the outcome she desires she retaliates and shows people the worst possible side of her.
What gets me is this show is just so unserious like she was supposed to be allowed to weigh her options between Minkyu and Minwoo but Minwoo wasn’t allowed to do the EXACT same?! Make it make sense. Also why was she behaving like that over a man she just met a couple days ago. It was just giving unserious because like girl STAND UP. Him not choosing you wasn’t the end of the world worse you were eager to be rude to him and belittle him just because you’re older and thought you were better than him? Please– I feel like she could’ve tried to understand him and at the very least respect his decision. The fact that they’re on a dating show and she knew exactly what she signed up for yet was behaving like this just because she did not get her way was just distasteful. She crossed all the lines and made the atmosphere tense even when Sieun came in and requested to talk to him and when she took the mic off herself. At that point she should’ve self eliminated if she really felt like there were no other options for her. The way she spoke to the camera people about Minkyu acting like he was just some secondary option and she shouldn’t have to choose him just because he liked her was insane. Minkyu kept choosing her from day one but she was too caught up in Min Woo that she failed to see his sincerity. Instead of completely throwing him to the side and pursing Minwoo she could’ve gotten to know him better but she didn’t. It’s so sad and I genuinely think Minkyu deserved better. Watching that back I’m sure he probably just felt like a second choice.
I don’t have much to say about Habin because he was annoying and only they're for free vacation lol. He got such a huge opportunity to try and get to know Hajeong and figure out his feelings and he completely wasted it. That man is too caught up in his head to the point that he overthinks everything and that definitely was his downfall. He was far too interested in the drama between the other contestants and constantly acting like a damn clown instead of trying to focus on himself.
Won Ik was another person I just found shady and insincere at moments. You could see how hard it was for Sieun to keep pretending around him every time he’d try to get to know her and ask her to paradise. The way she cried when she was forced to go broke my heart. Plus on top of that he gave weird vibes like he was enjoying her disdain because he was glad she wasn’t here with Min Woo. Won Ik was Min Woo’s biggest operative but in the end his plan to separate them failed. Even with the bad timing of it all somehow Sieun and Minwoo got to talk to each other and tried their hardest to make each moment no matter how little or insignificant it was count while they were in the inferno. Honestly I think this couple should be admired for their hard work. It just goes to show that with communication, transparency and trust you can go a long way. I feel like Gwanhee and many of the other contestants can take a leaf out of their books and actually try to learn something instead of beating around the bush and behaving childish.
Would I rewatch this train wreck? Immediately no. I’m the type of person who watches something once and has it engrained in my brain forever. I won’t stop saying it but the internal misogyny of some of these commenters / fans speaks volumes and I care not to interact with those who want to defend men like Gwanhee.
I’m gonna try as hard as possible to forget this season because it infuriated me so much. Love Catcher and Transit love are so much better than this. I am not interested if this show has a S4. I feel 3 seasons were enough for me and I could practically write the script on this show by now.
Couples: Minyoung x Jinseok, Minwoo x Sieun, Gyuri x Minkyu, Hyeseon x Gwanhee
Singles (+ choice): Hajeong → Gwanhee, Minji → Gwanhee, Habin → Hajeong, Wonik → Sieun
Fuck Gwanhee. The truth hurts, but everyone needs to hear it! I need these ladies need to stand up! (by this I mean stop taking back what they said / apologizing to spare his feelings!) The competitors should learn how to manage rejection and articulate themselves without being obnoxious. The best couple (Sieun & Minwoo) proved to everyone that falling in love doesn't require a trip to paradise or knowledge about ages and professions. Since communication and honesty were central to their relationship, they were able to establish a good rapport. To be honest, I was exhausted from watching, and I felt that some fans were going too far in their hate and over-hyping of their faves. Regarding GH, from what I've seen, I don't like him, and I wouldn't want to know / associate with someone like him in real life. Even at his big age he still has room to grow BUT it will be up to him to make those changes moving forward (w/ therapy ofc!) Ultimately, it's only a 9 day reality TV show, so it's hard to judge people based simply on that. They all have their own individual issues imo.
All in all I would give this show less but I decided on a 3/10 bc watching this became a chore. I was so annoyed.
In my opinion S1 > S2 > S3
I’m sure people disagree with me but again you’re entitled to your opinion as I am to mine.
Anyway, don’t let this review discourage you. Just because I didn’t like it doesn’t mean you won’t. You have to watch it and see for yourself. But if you are a mature person you will get tired of Gwanhee’s games.
Thanks for reading & happy watching!
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The worst season so far
Can we please spend some screen time on someone other than Gwan hee? I thought most of the female cast was ridiculously shallow and most of the men had very little screen time. In the previous seasons I could at least pretend that the cast wanted to find love. S3 is clearly about increasing their follower counts, etc. Everyone was just so fake. The producers clearly wanted more swimsuit time which just made this season feel trashy. I watch Korean dating shows because they tend to be less trashy. Oh well.I disliked this season so much I'm not looking forward to a season 4.
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It's Gwanhee's Inferno
The worst season so far. There were no games, no real challenges, no cooking or any other meaningful activities. The participants were not genuinely interested in anyone else but themselves. Most of the girls and guys have no personality whatsoever. Gwanhee being an exception although I really disliked how much screen time he had. However, now that the show is over it makes sense that they have focused so much on him - the others are so one-dimensional. Like someone mentioned in the comments, without him you wouldn't have a show and no one would be watching it. I also think the producers did him dirty - I doubt he is such a POS like they made him out to be. It's just that they had nothing else to work with.It was frustrating to watch nothing happen. All they did was talk, talk, talk. Drama and more drama that became so messy and lead nowhere. The ending was predictable because there was no challenge. The contestants did not manage to develop any sort of bonds with others in the group, especially not with the ones they claimed to like.
The whole show lacked substance because of how shallow most people seemed to be. I also have a feeling there were some major budget cuts for this show or it is just that people involved did not want to get their hands dirty. Literally.
Don't waste your time on this.
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Worst season
First of all, the selection of participants is extremely questionable. Instead of presenting interesting personalities with different backgrounds and life experiences, “Love Chaos” relies on stereotypical clichés. The characters are shallow and superficial, making it difficult to connect emotionally with them. It seems like the production was looking for appearances rather than authentic stories. I'm disappointed with this season. The participants couldn't have been chosen worse. I don't understand how so many people could get hung up on a red flag. The guy is the epitome of red flag. He was given too much airtime and the others significantly less. I almost felt compelled to fast forward from this one man. I hope that next season will be significantly better. I was really looking forward to the new seasonCet avis était-il utile?

Maria Clara Amorim
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It doesn't worth the time
It was the worst season of them all. I just caught myself passing through the episodes to reach the end and it doesn't became better. I don't think I'll watch Single's Inferno again if a new season comes in.Some episodes were like 1h and a half of Gwan Hee talking to girls and just random conversations that were not even interesting, it all revolved around him and it was really tiring to watch because the things were in a surface level that don't make us excited to watch. I should have dropped
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That was a BIG disappointment!
I gave it a go, as I loved SI1&SI2 - how could the producers put this as season three?!Nothing worked for me.
Cast - largely boring and shallow characters - both women and men. In previous years we had a great mix of ages, professions and personalities. This time on women’s side these was team Miss Korea vs one basketball player (who were the rest of the men again?)
Location - in season 1&2 the participants had much more space - I appreciate it’s the inferno but turning it into Bog Brother is not very interesting for me. The hotel was not that nice as the ones before - had a tiny tab and they had to eat around a coffee table…something just didn’t add up..
Stories - generally very bitty; the only story I kind of liked was cafe owner&young model. The basketball player triangle was centre of all proceedings out of desperation for me - I’m sure that should there have been more interesting men characters, this would have not happened! He was portrayed as shallow, unconvincing and unreliable man - what got omitted from the edits that is SO charming about you?!
I’m not sure if the editing was bad or this season was generally just boring, but there was no much really interesting relationships. For the first time I actually rewarded forward a programme just to see key moments..and these extremely long pauses - who needs that many and that long?!
The best thing - although painful to watch sometimes - was the studio team who was commenting..
Bring them back!
What a disappointment!
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waste of time, i feel bad for other contestant for not having enough screen time and theres gwanhee having all the screen time in every episode which i had to skipped 40 mins all for him? hes not even funny anymore, WORST SEASON!!!!
waste of time, i feel bad for other contestant for not having enough screen time and theres gwanhee having all the screen time in every episode which i had to skipped 40 mins all for him? hes not even funny anymore, WORST SEASON!!!!
waste of time, i feel bad for other contestant for not having enough screen time and theres gwanhee having all the screen time in every episode which i had to skipped 40 mins all for him? hes not even funny anymore, WORST SEASON!!!!
waste of time, i feel bad for other contestant for not having enough screen time and theres gwanhee having all the screen time in every episode which i had to skipped 40 mins all for him? hes not even funny anymore, WORST SEASON!!!!
waste of time, i feel bad for other contestant for not having enough screen time and theres gwanhee having all the screen time in every episode which i had to skipped 40 mins all for him? hes not even funny anymore, WORST SEASON!!!!
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A season worth forgetting
As of me writing this review, I have not watched season 1 of Singles Inferno.A lot of factors have contributed in making season 3 a very forgettable show.
It honestly felt like everything was going in the right direction for the first 2-3 episodes because the production team managed to introduce something new and interesting to the show. They also tried to replicate what made season 1 & 2 so successful; however, they failed miserably in that aspect.
This season tried to copy:
Song Ji-a:Kim Gyu-ri = not enough presence
Kim Jin-young/Dex:Cho Min-ji = not even close
Season 1, and also season 2 to an extent, had at least 1 female contestant that was commanding attention from a lot of the male contestants.
Season 2 had a new contestant join in mid-show that completely stirred everything up and introduced a new dynamic to the show. An interesting character that everyone was talking about which eventually became the main character of the show.
Both seasons had a contestant that we knew just from watching the show had the potential to become famous outside of Singles Inferno -- and one of them actually did. This season has none.
What else was season 3 trying to replicate? Lee Nadine = Hye-seon? Valiant effort but Nadine just has quite a strong grip on international fans.
What really felt apparent to me is that Singles Inferno 3 became a very casual, non-serious, and light kind of show compared to season 2 (and that is magnified by the production team's way of editing scenes and the added screen time of the panelists and their funny commentary). Season 2 had this heavy tension I felt when watching, season 3 has none of that.
Season 3 will leave little to no impact on me after the show; I won't be interested in the contestants and what they'll be doing in the future. Season 2 on the contrary left a hole on my stomach and kept me interested in the contestants for a quite a while after the show (still interested in Dex till this day).
Casting really felt bad this season. You know that things are bad when you have to rely on Gwan-hee for the entirety of the show. Everyone is absolutely hating on him, but he's probably at least 60% of the show. He's definitely good for the show, but there should have been a contestant casted that would place higher than him. Gwan-hee would have fit in better as the antagonist of the show against the actual main character. I'm just not a big fan of Gwan-hee's Inferno.
Who are the contestants that are needed in the show?
Top: Jin-seok
Top: Ha-jeong
Top: Gwan-hee
Mid: Min-kyu
not needed: Min-young
not needed: Min-ji
not needed: Gyu-ri
not needed: Si-Eun
not needed: Won-ik
not needed: Min-woo
not needed: Ha-bin
This is purely based on possible contributions of the contestants to the potential show Singles Inferno 3 could have been if they managed to create a better cast alongside the 5 contestants needed I listed above.
On a sidenote, Dex's addition to the panelists was such a great move. His raw and relatable commentary was needed in the show.
What else felt weak this season? Timing, going to paradise, staying in inferno. It felt like these things didn't matter much, most contestants were sure of whom to pick. The games and their corresponding consequences also felt weak. The entirety of the show felt weak because inferno and paradise felt weak.
I didn't collect my thoughts well enough to make an actually good review (to which I could've done better) but this is how I feel. Singles Inferno 3 was honestly a disappointment; Singles Inferno 2 had me craving for so much more after the show, but this season only had me wishing for an actual good season next time around.
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Trash and completely trash
Earlier seasons of SI were bad too, but this ones takes the whole cake. At least with the previous seasons, they were still fun to watch and you could binge them and enjoy the cast’s bonding. However, this season was plain focused on one toxic man who wasn’t even entertaining . It was frustrating to watch a 36 year old man go around gaslighting these women and treating himself as a prize. If you want to learn what red flags are, watch this, else it’s not worth it. The season was so painful to watch that I really didn’t care who would end up with who and decided to drop it. I’m not interested in any more seasons of the show either.Cet avis était-il utile?

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Opinião cheia de spoilers e emoção pós-final.
Amo e odeio assistir reality de namoro coreano. Gosto de ver especialmente o primeiro episódio onde todos se encontram e como vão formando casais, porém ao mesmo tempo odeio quando vejo as mesmas cenas se repetindo do cara sempre escolhendo aquele padrão coreano de mulher e deixando outras mulheres incríveis de lado.Mas falando especificamente da terceira temporada de Single Inferno, minha maior fonte de raiva foi o participante Lee Gwan Hee e seu ego enorme. Nada mais irritante do que uma pessoa que fica pedindo validação a cada dois segundos, e pior, que não sabe o que quer! Mas o detestei menos 33% (risos irônicos) porque no final ele se humanizou um pouco e tomou uma decisão baseada no sentimento e não na superficialidade. Ironicamente o primeiro participante de Single Inferno que não optou pelo óbvio.
Outro participante que me irritou muito foi o Ha Bin. O que essa criatura foi fazer num reality de namoro? Figuração?! Estavam em falta de participante e contrataram ele pra fazer uma figuração? Só pode ser isso! Foi lá só pra fazer figura de bonito, mas o que adianta ser bonito e não conseguir manter um diálogo com mais de duas frases coerentes? Coitada da Hajeong que gastou o convite do paraíso dela com essa planta imprestável. Aliás, quando ele plantou a fake news da Hye Seon gostar do Wonik, minha teoria dele ser um infiltrado da produção se tornou mais forte porque só isso para justificar as alucinações dele. Não é possível.
Odeio alimentar rivalidade feminina, mas a Min Ji testou meu limite e não tenho como defender as atitudes dela, especialmente o comportamento que ela teve no helicóptero. Uma total falta de respeito com o convidado dela e com a Hye Seon. Sinceramente acho que ela escolheu o Gwan Hee porque queria provar que mesmo ele sendo opção de outras participantes ele escolheria ela, porque assim como ele, ela precisa de validação. A cara dela de descrença com a decisão final foi impagável. Não gosto de assistir nada com velocidade acelerada, mas pela primeira vez usei esse recurso para assistir as cenas da Min Ji e até lamentei que não existia velocidade 2x. IN SU POR TÁ VEL.
Fiquei feliz com o casal Jinseok e Minyoung e Sieun e Minwoo. Aliás, antes da Gyuri surtar, estava até torcendo por ela, mas depois daquilo não teve como defender. Até o Minwoo ficou assustado com a atitude dela. Coitado do Minkyu, um cara tão bacana, tão gentil e dedicado acabou ficando com ela porque ela estava sem opção. Ele com certeza merecia mais.
E finalmente tenho que exaltar a diva da temporada: Choi Hye Seon. Desde o momento que ela entrou na ilha eu sabia que seria a minha favorita. Não decepcionou em nenhum momento. Espero que ela seja feliz, apesar da mala sem alça que ela arrumou de namorado (se tiverem continuado juntos).
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a pior temporada
Essa temporada foi de longe a mais chata, demorei horrores pra terminar pq tava torturante. Os participantes são bem razoáveis em comparação as outras temporadas.Não acredito que tanta gente se interessou pelo Gwanhee quando ele é um insuportável, feio e com uma personalidade chata. Me irritei horrores com ele durante o programa todo e tava sem saco de continuar pq não tava aguentando olhar pra cara dele.
O Minwoo e a Sieun ficam muito fofos juntos, torci muito pra que eles, junto com a Minyoung e o Jinseok saíssem juntos, foram os únicos casais que eu gostei.
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worse than the other seasons
everything was mentioned by others already (0 screentime for other men, meh cast and the fact that everything was about Gwanhee was just terrible)However, the most irritating thing for me personally was basically only one way to get to paradise - to win a game or to come late. If I remember correctly, in the other seasons, you could've just matched by choosing each other. I'm giving 7 for one particular couple which had 0 opportunities given yet made it to the end. I felt sorry for them throughout the whole show tbh.
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