0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 25, 2024
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Perfect series in my opinion

I honestly think this is one of the best series I have seen in a while. A lot of people might disagree with me because a lot of reviews said it was too silly and 2nd hand embarrassing but here's what I thought...

I think this series is so cute, I love the comedy aspect, it also deals with a lot of things people go through daily in reality and that's so important to have a show that does it in a good way. The comedy breaks up the sad parts so there is a mixture of both.

This series also deals with Multiple Main couples (my personal favorite) but I feel that we get to see equal parts of all the mains and their stories I want more of them but I feel content with what we have, Even though theirs two couples I wanted more of. > Here are my thoughts on the main cast/couples

Jao, Toh, Som & Daisy: I LOVE this group of friends so much, they all accept each other no matter what. The fact that they all cry together when one of them is in pain, just shows how much they all love and deeply care for one another. I would love to see more friend groups like this one. No matter what happens, they never fight with each other or threaten to break up the friendship and I think that is so refreshing to see a solid group of friends.

Nuea, Sky, Tor & Kwan: This is another solid friend group that I LOVE, they also all support each other and help each other no matter what. They also don't question Sky and Nuea when they try to pursue the boys, even though they've been with girls. They all see how happy they are and support them no matter what.

Toh & Nuea: Even though Toh had a secret crush on Nuea, Nuea had one on him just not as extreme. Every time Toh would do something Nuea always knew it was him. They are just the cutest. Nuea was never shy or embarrassed about being with Toh and he doesn't care what other people think. I also like how Nuea found his shrine and all of Toh's things he kept, Nuea didn't get upset and leave him or break up with him. They had an adult conversation about it.

Sky & Jao: These two are my all-time favorite couple, I love how Sk loved Jao no matter what, he wasn't ashamed to be with Jao even though people were making fun of him, and he never left Jao. I felt so bad for Jao, he had really bad body issues and everyone was calling him fat, even though he wasn't fat at all but that's how reality is and I felt so bad. He had a great support system to help him and even Sky by his side.

Daisy & Touch: I love Daisy with my whole heart. Even though we didn't get much of this couple, I loved them. Daisy was going through a lot after she heard Touch's friends talk about her and even changed herself but Touch loved her no matter what and didn't care if she was Trans, He just wanted to be with Daisy.

Som & Tor: We didn't get confirmation on this couple but what I have seen of them, I like them together.

Sky & Nuea: These two are perfect best friends, they both started liking a guy and neither of them freaked out or was overthinking about it, they were mature and realized that they had attraction to Jao and Toh and didn't bother with worrying about others

Nuea's Parents & Toh's Parents: I love how both sets of parents were so supportive of their relationships, even though the dads tried to be tough and scary, in t, he end both sets of dads were happy with the people they chose.

IN CONCLUSION, I love this series so much and I could've watched them all forever

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 25, 2022
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

I just watched this show three times in the span of one week.

With how problematic this show is, I like it more than I should.
To be clear, I think Saint and everyone he worked with did a marvelous job. Especially for his first time as a producer. It was probably really hard. It's always hard doing things you've never done. But Saint has a lot of experience as a BL actor. He knows what people like to see. And I think he's probably sick of some of the same tropes that we as the audience are, which might be why he picked this story to turn into a drama. I think this story is actually very unique. It's about a stalker who is actually not insane. My personal evaluation of Toh is that...he could be worse. He could definitely be better, and I really wish he was, but he could be much worse.

When we think of stalkers we imagine a person who follows their target around, spying on them. Someone who hurts anyone who gets close to them. Peeping toms. Insane people who kidnap the person they're obsessed with and r*pe them. Send dead things in packages to their significant other.

The difference is that yes, Toh is creepy, but he's only harming himself by doing what he does. He won't hurt Nuea or anyone he gets close to. So in my opinion, his feelings for Nuea are less of an obsession than what you might see from a typical stalker, because he does love and care for Nuea. He's willing to stay away from him even though he wants to be close. He's also aware that what he does (collecting things) is weird. He feels bad about it, but he doesn't seem to be able to help it. I would argue that it's a mental illness, in the same way that hoarding is, where you know it's bad for you, but you can't help it. You know you should throw that thing away. But something won't let you.

I'm not justifying his behavior. There is something seriously wrong with a person who digs through the trash for a soda can that was only touched for less than a second, who collects crabs, tangerines, a pig's head, a bandaid wrapper, a pillowcase and popsicle sticks and then vaccuum seals all those things and keeps them in boxes. Who has a whole wall covered in pictures of his obsession. Who cares more about getting a picture of someone kissing him than the fact that it actually happened.

To be honest the series should have ended with Toh seeing a specialist or something and getting help for his problem, and throwing all that weird shit in the garbage. I actually think it would have been funny if Nuea had secretly done the same thing. I mean he's as freaky as Toh so it would not have surprised me.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 14, 2023
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Good Bl Series.



1. Sadly less Kiss and every time there was a nice kissing scene it ended quickly and another scene came on. very annoying! i wanted to watch longer. Every Time the same Problem.
2. Not much was shown of kao and sky kissing.
3. Prao
4. Kong
5. Peach and Waiwai, prao was very annoying where both came to Nuea and Sky and flirted with them..(in the pub).... i was surprised why nuea and sky didn't fight back ....because they are both taken.


1. The Maincouple is so cute, sweet and natural.
2. Nuea.
3. The Natural and beautiful Love of NueaxToh.
4. Tohs Friends was very funny.
5. I liked the last Ep. (Especially the Scenes of NueaxToh)

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 10, 2022
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Cringy Drama with Some Good Messages

Plot Summary: Toh and his geeky group of friends (Khaojao, Daisy, and Som) belong to a tightknit group of friends who like to obsess and stalk their love interests, with the goal of secretly collecting items of their love interests, while keeping their distance. They take this laissez-faire attitude to their secret crushes by stating that they must always enjoy from afar but must never get fully involved or fully fall for their crushes because they could never be worthy of their crush's love until one day, Toh decides to make a move on his crush, Neua. This action to act on his feelings sets in motion the plot where the group is now thrust into the world of their seniors. Each member is then paired with a senior. The second main characters of this drama are Khaojao, Toh's best friend, and Sky, Neua's best friend, who also end up together. The two groups of friends deal with the challenges of not only being in same sex relationships, but the negative perception that the most popular group of kids fall in love with the geekiest group of kids. In the end, every character shows growth in accepting themselves in their new roles.

Pros: I actually think that the messages that this drama tries to portray were quite positive. I liked that a central message to the drama was to learn to accept yourself and that everyone deserves love no matter who they are. Each character goes through this evolution of sorts where they have to learn to accept themselves and not give a fuck about what society is saying about them. I think that it's a great central theme to the story.

I loved Som's character so much. The fact that she always stood as a voice of reason to her queer friends was beautiful. She was the GOAT in the drama making sure that her besties.

There was a lot of sex scenes. It almost seemed pornographic at times. If you're into sex scenes, this drama has plenty of it. LoL.

Cons: The acting can be quite cringy throughout the whole series. This was the first acting job for some of the actors and it did show--especially Sky. Toh's character is purposely cringy, but sometimes it was just too much. Other times I had second-hand embarrassment.

I felt that some characters didn't have focus in their interpretation. A good example was the scene where Neua discovers that Toh has been collecting all these things from his interactions with Neua and has all these secret pictures. Essentially, he discovers that Toh is a stalker. He has all these emotions, but in this moment he cried because he was afraid that Toh would leave him someday, and then Toh cries and says no, it's because I feel like you're gonna leave me...was a bit awkward. I didn't feel like either emotions felt genuine for the characters. And then, in bed Neua was always a bit perverted with his talking. Like his voice changed, and he became this dom suddenly, when his character tended to always want to please Toh. I don't know if I'm explaining it perfectly. But basically it felt out of character. In the bedroom he was this controlling dom, but in the relationship itself he was very subservient to Toh and practically did everything Toh wanted to do. It made for these weird scenes.

Overall: If you can get past the cringy acting, and amateur acting, it's an okay drama. Definitely not one you're going to miss if you don't watch.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 13, 2022
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

semplice e carino. DA VEDERE.

Questa serie è uno dei bl più carini mai visti.
La trama di base è semplice e racconta una storia in cui tutti ci possiamo riconoscere proprio perché è quotidiano che qualcuno abbia una crush segreta, per esempio io ho sempre e solo avuto crush segrete, non ho mai detto loro del mio amarli e molte volte avevo crush per persone di cui non sapevo neanche il nome quindi mi sono immersa molto nella storia.
Toh è un personaggio molto strano ma anche molto carino, mi ci rivedo in lui perché anche io sono solita conservare dei ricordi speciali riguardo le mie crush, l'unica cosa è che lui lo fa in modo esagerato, ossessivo e sta cosa mi pare veramente troppo.
Ceh capisco ed è normale che tu voglia conservare degli oggetti che ricordano dei momenti speciali ma lui era veramente troppo esagerato, DICO IO CHE CHE CAZZO TE NE FAI DEI MANDARINI, DELLE LATTINE, DELLE COSE CHE HA SOLO TOCCATO….BISOGNA CONSERVARE COSE CHE HANNO FATTO PARTE DI UN MOMENTO IMPORTANTE FRA VOI DUE, NON COSE CHE L’ALTRO HA SOLO TOCCATO PER 10 SECONDI CAZZO.
Sta cosa mi fa arrabbiare perché giustamente non puoi conservare qualcosa solo perché l'ha toccato, devi conservare qualcosa di importante, veramente importante quindi veramente troppo ossessivo soprattutto il fatto di avere un cartonato, la fodera sul letto, il muro pieno di foto… mi pare tutto così esagerato e surreale, sta cosa l’ho veramente odiata.
Parlando di Toh in sé e per sè devo dire che è una persona veramente molto strana, sì ok qualcuno parla con se stesso eccetera ma veramente sto comportamento è così strano, non è molto reale. Effettivamente hanno descritto una persona non molto reale, una persona molto esagerata per quanto mi riguarda soprattutto nelle reazioni ceh quando io ho una mia crush davanti non mi comporto come si comporta lui, quindi essendo tutto timido come se lo stessero per ammazzare poi io non lo capisco veramente troppo esagerato, quando a che fare con la sua crush pare che veramente lo stanno per mangiare, si comporta veramente in un modo molto molto strano…dovrebbe farsi valere e comunque sembrare una persona normale ma non lo sembra.
Da una parte è veramente molto simpatico e carino con le persone attorno a lui ma il suo comportamento è molto strano così tanto che molte volte risulta soltanto cringe.
Vabbè parlando di Nuea, è molto carino, simpatico anche lui ma bho se la crede troppo secondo me. Come se lui avesse tutto il potere, non so ma la maggior parte delle volte l’ho visto così.
Riguardo la loro coppia, all’inizio erano stra cringe, ci provavano l’un con l’altro in una maniera che mi faceva rabbrividire. Toh sembrava un sottomesso/servo e Nuea se la credeva troppo e risultava cringe il suo modo di provarci togliendosi quella maglia e buttandola a Toh, sinceramente se fossi stata al posto di Toh l’avrei picchiato.
Ma la cosa che mi ha fatto incazzare di più è l’insegnamento di come si bacia, cazzo è sta roba, me lo sono chiesta più volte.
Se vi volete mettere insieme bhe fatelo ma non mettete in mezzo sta cosa solo per limonarvi in una maniera sbagliata e spaventosa. Non è questo il modo per rimorchiare, anche se a loro piaceva seriamente nella realtà nessuno lo farebbe.
Quando poi si sono finalmente fidanzati è andato tutto per il meglio, il loro cringe era raro e stavano veramente bene insieme, erano carinissimi.
Quindi bho per me c’è stata una partenza errata in tutti i sensi ma quando si sono messi insieme non ho avuto molti motivi di rabbia, mo non ricordo perfettamente ma uno di questi pochi è quando Toh ha incontrato il padre di Nuea, hanno fatto sembrare tutto una guerra e poi vogliamo parlare di come avessero vestitoToh….orribile, pareva un bambino di due anni, non so cosa avessero in mente ma non mi pare normale far vestire lui come un bambino e Nuea da strafigo, non volevano proprio far diventare il personaggio di Toh più maturo.
Entrambi gli attori sono stati bravissimi ma devo complimentarmi particolarmente con l’attore che ha interpretato Toh, ha dovuto interpretare un personaggio strano eppure l'ha fatto in una maniera impeccabile, sembrava veramente veramente reale soprattutto per quanto riguarda il recitare il panico di quando si vede la propria crush davanti a sé, infatti lì ho visto per esempio gli occhi proprio che si muovevano velocemente e sembrava stra reale come se avesse la propria crush davanti e sono rimasta sbalordita poi sinceramente le scene di pianto sono le migliori, le ha fatte benissimo, lì veramente l'ho amato, mi ha fatto emozionare insieme a lui
Parlando di Sky e Jao (non so il perché mi viene sempre da chiamarlo Jab aiuto), loro sono stati i miei preferiti in assoluto. Li ho amati con tutta me stessa.
Solitamente quando i personaggi devono fare molto i cute comunque essere carini non mi piace molto perché mi sembra sempre tutto così cringe ma questa è la prima volta che veramente li ho amati per il loro essere cute insieme, soprattutto Jao l'ho amato, infatti è uno dei miei personaggi preferiti.
La loro coppia mi è piaciuta veramente tanto…Sky è una green flag in assoluto, tutti quanti dovremmo avere Sky nella nostra vita, è stato veramente la salvezza, Jao se lo merita totalmente… sia ringraziato Sky per il suo amare Jao in una maniera incredibilmente bella. Mi hanno fatto sorridere tutto il tempo, mi mancheranno.
Parlando del gruppo di amici con Daisy, Som, Toh e Jao, sono uno dei gruppi di amici più belli mai visti.
Mi sono piaciuti veramente tanto per il loro supportarsi a vicenda in qualunque situazione, il loro volersi bene, sono veramente dei ragazzi d'oro.
Ho amato come in qualunque situazione di tristezza si siano supportati a vicenda facendo dei discorsi veramente carini, soprattutto quando Daisy aveva un problema riguardante il suo essere “femminile” e riguardo il problema con Toh e Jao che venivano presi in giro da tutta la facoltà.
In generale l'altro mio personaggio preferito è Daisy letteralmente mi ricorda molto sia l'attore che il personaggio di Thankhun in KinnPorsche, sono stra uguali e bho questo tipo di personaggi mi fanno morire, li amo, amo il loro modo di fare casino, saper essere dei buoni amici e credere in se stessi.
Riguardo Daisy e Touch mi è dispiaciuto molto come non abbiano fatto vedere lo sviluppo della coppia, abbiamo visto comunque che flirtavano ma non hanno fatto vedere proprio quando si sono fidanzati…questo passaggio mi avrebbe fatto piacere vederlo in quanto coppia molto carina, stessa cosa con Som e Tor che si sono fidanzati un pò a caso, ceh non si è visto nulla di che e li abbiamo ritrovati fidanzati, è stato molto casuale.
Una cosa molto scioccante per me è il fatto che le coppie in generale non si siano mai lasciate durante tutta la serie, ciò perché quando la stavo guardando ho visto che le cose stavano andando bene ed essendoci 14 episodi pensavo che poco ma sicuro qualcuno si lasciasse ma in realtà ci sono stati sempre solo piccolissimi problemi, nulla di serio e complicato… è filato tutto liscio e questa cosa mi fa molto piacere perché io odio quando si lasciano, giustamente Io mi affeziono alla coppia e poi dopo si lasciano, mi vien da piangere.
In generale consiglio molto questa serie è ben fatta e carina.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 29, 2024
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 1
Globalement 3.0
Histoire 3.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

What The Heck Is This?

This show caused me a physical pain due to the second hand embarrassment. It might have been a somewhat not-so-bad idea for a plot, but the overall atmosphere of the show is hirendous.

I have to admitt, however, that the music in this was actually quite good.

My three stars for acting might be too little, because the actors did a decent job. BUT. The main characters are sooo annoying and embarrassing, that I could not make myself give it a better rating.

I loved the second couple tho!!!

In conclusion, it has it's moments but I wouldn't watch it again, not even for hundred alpacas.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 25, 2024
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 4.5
Histoire 4.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Exhausting main, delightful support

There seems to be a large category of BL dramas where the main couple are very boring and the best part of the show are the side couples and support characters. This is absolutely one of those. The actors all do a great job; I do not care for Nuea and Toh's story. Toh is so irritating and unwell that is makes the whole thing boring. I would LOVE a nonsense, low stakes, lots of cutesy scenes for most BL dramas that I've seen, but I skipped over huge chunks of this because I don't care about the main story I should be focused on.

Sky and Pao are where it's at. While the whole show is a wild exaggeration (affection) this courtship felt a little more real to me. A better message about body image and accepting love.

I liked when Nuea's cool friends would hang out with Toh's outcast friends. It was just fun people being nice and learning about each other.

Daisy and Som spin off series, please. Give Daisy a lead role and Som a proper romance story. Let the girls have fun too!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 3, 2022
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10


This is your sign to watch this series. One of the best BL series I’ve seen. I know that sounds like a huge compliment, but this series deserves it.


Acting- a fckin 10/10
Writing- 10/10
Directing- 10/10
Cinematography- 10/10
Sounds- a crispy 10/10. You’ll need earphones for the kissing scenes. You’ll fckn ascend, man. Levitate.
Story- 12/10. I know it starts off a bit off and cringe even with the great acting, but it serves a purpose. They did it on purpose, and you’ll understand why in the later parts. It’s mindblowing.
Conflict & Resolution: the best. 13/10. They gave it all.
Plot- 1573646/10. I know the setting being in a university is very, very cliche. But it’s done on purpose. Believe me. It’ll all make sense later in the series.


Conflict- you know how a drama is heavy while being very feel-good and light at the same time? This is that series. It’s laced with relatable and timely issues, while being one of the funniest and most romantic series. I dont know what else i wanna look for.

Representation- 16494726/10. Daisy? Toh? Khao? They’re all of us in ways you never knew. You’ll feel represented by one of them, and all of them at the same time. Phenomenal.

Smex- 13/10. The kiss scenes are enough to melt me to utter goo. The nsfw scenes are incredible as well.

Dynamics- one of the best pairings and friend group I’ve ever seen. Toh’s friend group is hilarious as all hell, and very relatable. Nuea’s are all so hot it’s ridiculous. But let’s talk about the pairings.

Pair dynamics- 153747936385736793/10. Perfect. Green flag tops who care for you, assure you, reassure you, and then reassure you some more, hype you up, build you up, and then support you all the way? Who. Doesn’t. Want. That. I’ll. cut . Your. Throat. You. Fckin. Liar.

All the ‘tops’ here are iconic. Nuea, Sky and Intouch. *Chef’s Kiss*.

Lastly, my love for this series? 16384739479374747364647474%

I can’t get this series out of my head. It’s crazy.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Abandonné 5/14
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 11, 2022
5 épisodes vus sur 14
Abandonné 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5

Por esto amo Scoy.

Realmente puedo resaltar, la exelente actuación de cada uno de sus actores.

La serie es diferente en muchos aspectos en comparación a lo que estamos acostumbradas, es original, tierna y llena de momentos muy seductores....
Cada CP te atrapa y te enamora.

Si te gusta la comedia, con romance y momentos super Hot, esta es tú serie.

Cada pareja tiene algo que enamora al espectador, Jao y Sky es una de las parejas que te enamora su ternura y gran quimica.

Tenemos a la señorita Daisy y a su Opa es una cp hermosa y que te deja ver la que son versátiles a pesar de que la gente siempre quieren etiquetar quien es Uke y quien debe ser el Seme. Amo que se respete sus personalidades y les den un valorreal a cada uno, sin dejar de ser ellos.

Amo la pandilla de ambos lados ya que son amigos leales de esos que tenemos en nuestros dias de Universidad, que estan con tigo en las buenas y en las malas.

Para mi #SCOYTHESERIES se lleva 10 de 10.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Abandonné 5/14
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 29, 2022
5 épisodes vus sur 14
Abandonné 0
Globalement 2.0
Histoire 2.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Sadly not for me

Persevered to episode 5 but sadly found Toh to be too unbelievable. Actually preferred the story of Sky and Jao. I know lots out there love this series but sadly this isn’t one for me. After the last few that I’ve watched using recommendations on here I was sadly disappointed. Found some of the scenes toe curlingly cringey. Didn’t enjoy the storyline and for me know one in this day and age acts like Toh. Apologies to anyone that did enjoy the series but this is my honest opinion. Billy and Seng may be good in other series but this one does them no favours I’m afraid. I’ll try some of their others but this sadly hasn’t put them high on my list of ones to watch. 😢

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Cet avis était-il utile?
En cours 5/14
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 27, 2022
5 épisodes vus sur 14
En cours 2
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

I'm not sure how to feel about this ....

SOOOOoooo .... Um. I'm just going to be completely honest when it comes to how I feel about this series (so far). I have watched up to episode 5 and idk .. something made me want to read the reviews because I genuinely wanted to know what people thought (and there were a lot of mixed reactions). Most of the comments I saw were positive, but the negative ones were really REALLY negative .. So here are my thoughts. *Beware it's fairly long*
Like I said before, I stopped at episode 5. After reading the reviews and seeing how people were praising the series I thought "Okay well maybe I should have a glance at episode 6 just to see if it will make any difference on how I'm feeling" and it really did not. I couldn't get pass the first few minutes.
Tbh I like Toh. I love his cute smile, and I also love the way he blushes and squirms whenever Nuea does or says anything attractive (because inner me completely understands how he feels as I'm quite introverted and shy as well so I also blush easily haha). Those parts of him seem so pure and innocent. It really just feels like watching someone who is overly excited, not just because his crush is paying attention to him, but if you really think about it, most of the things that are happening to Toh (from a romantic point of view) are most likely first time experiences which makes it a bit more personal, special and intimate. I completely understand what they're trying to portray here ( just because you're quirky, shy, introverted, nerdy etc. doesn't mean that someone who is more popular and charming cannot develop genuine feelings for you) which isn't a bad message to send to the audience as this can definitely give persons who can relate to Toh's personality a sense of courage or self-esteem ... *HOWEVER*....................... There is a VERY thin line between having a crush on someone and being completely obsessed to the point where you're shoving crab in your backpack (and literally everything else that your crush BREATHES ON) simply because "it would be a waste" to get rid of it. It's a bit too much. THOSE parts of Toh make me feel genuinely concerned about him and his mental health. The photos of Nuea all over his room were already a bit too much (although not "uncommon" to some degree). It's like watching a sasaeng obsess over and stalk their kpop crush at every given opportunity ( watching their schedules, calling them, hacking their accounts, showing up at their hotel rooms etc.) and STILL rooting for them to get together while knowing that it's COMPLETELY wrong JUST BECAUSE it's a bl. I understand that it's not AS EXTREME as that but it feels as though it won't be long before it gets to that point based on how Toh is behaving (e.g. him trying to sneak into Nuea's shower to take photos of him).
It feels as though Nuea has SOME sort of idea about how obsessed Toh is but only to a certain degree. Let's be honest. If you genuinely fell for someone and found out later that they're COMPLETELY obsessed with you in an unhealthy way, would you still entertain them? I personally would feel creeped out and probably even a bit scared. I would still try to help them though especially if I cared about them as a person because this just isn't right. It's making people who would actually DO this kind of stuff in real life think that it's okay when it's NOT... "Oh this must mean that there is a chance that my crush will fall for me if I stalk him like this, it's fate !" Girl NO.
Another thing that is REALLYY bugging me is related to Nuea. Every time that I see his scenes with Toh my first thought is "wait .. doesn't he have a GIRLFRIEND?" Like mentally I just can't move on from it. We only saw her a handful of times in episode one and two ( I think) but really .. why is he entertaining Toh this heavily in the first place when he clearly has something going on with Prao?? I just can't help but feel uncomfortable about the fact that he's technically openly cheating. Like I get that Nuea's sister doesn't seem to fancy Prao THAT MUCH, but it reallyyy seems like Prao is putting in the effort to be liked. Just because someone is overly pretty and cares about makeup and skincare doesn't mean that they're automatically a bad person and it DEFINITELY doesn't mean that you should cheat on them (I'm not sure if she will do anything terrible yet or not because again I stopped at ep 5 but for now these are my thoughts about her). I HATE this narrative in bls where an original relationship is "ruined" just because it's a bl, or a girl is dumped just because their bf's love interest has all of a sudden changed on some "I'm not into boys but I'm into you" type stuff. Like yes Toh is the main character BUT just because he sulks a few times about Prao being around doesn't mean that she should just be kicked to the curve??
Last thing that annoys me is Toh's friend group. Sometimes it just feels soo over the top and annoying. His friends are sooo aware about Toh's unhealthy obsession and instead of helping him or giving genuine advice they just .. aid him? Sometimes Daisy and Som annoy me so much (although Daisy's outfits omgg 😍) but yeah, they say stuff at times where you can tell that it might have actually offended Toh's feelings and they still carry on and on when you can visibly see how annoyed Toh feels after. They also crowd him SO MUCH like yes I understand you want to know everything that's going on but give the boy some space please 😭😭 its interesting because although Toh, Daisy and Som's personality seem so similar, there's a reason why you can obviously tell that Toh is much MUCH closer to KhaoJoa (it feels as though they can tell each other anything and they're ALWAYS there for each other but not in an overly annoying way). Also, I kinda like KhaoJoa's and Sky's love interest. Although it's the basic storyline of the guy who's shy and lowkey has a crush but won't admit it so they "push the crush away" while hoping that the crush wouldn't actually leave (which the crush ofc never does).,ATLEAST KhaoJoa is level headed in the sense that he's not stalking Sky or being overly obsessive (and vice versa). I also noticed a slight love interest between Kongkwan and Fon in the 1st ep but so far there hasn't been much else about them. That's all I have to say for now. I'll probably give ep 6 - 7 one more chance.

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En cours 5/14
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avril 16, 2023
5 épisodes vus sur 14
En cours 0
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.5
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Interesting plot.... Some cringe moments

The like the plot of the series and the story. Most of the characters are really good and gives you a good feeling. Toh and Jao gives me mixed feelings. Especially Toh, yes his character is relatable, nerdy and shy but his stalking behavior makes me uncomfortable and it's cringey. Actually is putting me off this series. I'm just hoping the following episodes will show a more confident, mature Toh rather than more constant stalking. Jao on the other hand is too stiff and unbending. I would have given up already. Obviously this is not the actors fault but it's the story. Well back to the show now.

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