0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 3, 2024
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 4.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0

So cringe?

Honestly im dissapointed by this drama cuz i thought/ expected it to be a lot better. First of all it was so cringe to watch because of toh's actions every two minutes i felt like it was to cringe to watch. Just before the last episode i gpt used to it a bit but to say its cute? No. I also feel like the storyline could have been better cuz there was not alot going on . Im proud i finished watching this, because i could have just dropped it halfway and im also disappointed cuz i was looking forward to watching it but it turned out to be a drama that was not worth watching for me. Would i recommend it? I dont think so, or maybe for the people who like a more cringe, boring, simple drama where there is not a lot going on

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 14, 2023
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 5.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers


Okay… wow

The acting was good.
The soundtrack was okay
The friendship dynamic was amazing.
The chemistry between couples was good.
The overall cinematography was well done.

Seng’s character Toh.
The second hand embarrassment I felt.
The toxic and very creepy obsession.

The thing I hated most:
Toh was a full on stalker and everyone acted like it was okay. As a victim of stalking it was frightening to watch and have the light hearted spin put on it. It is not okay no matter what, so it was hard to view Toh as a protagonist and have sympathy for him.

The thing I liked most:
I liked how if one of the four friends were going through something they all supported each other, would cry for each other and would be there for each other no matter what.

I really hope to see Seng and Billy and Surprise and Heng in other series together with seng having a good character.

I don’t plan on rewatching this at all.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 16, 2023
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0

as cute as cringe

as weird as it might be, i loved hating it ? or rather i hated loving it. it's really heartwarming, soft and full of love and kindness. the fact that you can really feel how nuea and sky love (respectively) toh and kaojao made me fall for the characters, and the drama.

however, some scenes were cringe asf, making me want to
hide under my bed of embarrassment. but still, the sweetness of the characters and their kindness made it a lot more bearable.

it is as sweet as honey, definitely worth it.
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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 25, 2023
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Приятного просмотра

И так приступим. В очередной раз с дуру решила почитать комментарии до просмотра. Почему? рейтинг странный, вот и решила ознакомиться. Слушайте, вот не делайте так, не повторяйте моих ошибок. Смотрите сами и только ваше мнение будет Ваше, а не общее. Комментарии менялись от "Режиссер Чивин снова дал шедевр" до " что курил делал режиссер, чтобы сделать такое безобразие" . Это касалось не только режиссера, но и актеров, съемки и прочего. Честно, я еще никогда не начинала смотреть лакорн с таким двояким мнением. Первые две серии серии смотрела в полном ауте, что я здесь делаю и где мои вещи? такой кринж я еще не видела. Вроде бы красивые актеры, некоторых знаю по другим работам и тут просто шок.
- Что происходит? задаюсь я постоянным вопросом на протяжении 2-3 часов.
Потом постепенно начинается раскрывания тайн и приходит понимание, что здесь и как. Сказать, что сюжет очень необычен - это не сказать ничего. Очень много психологических моментов. Их тут вагон просто.
Каждая сцена проиграна актерами бесподобно. Любая ужимка, хихиканье - это потрясающе. Насчет тега - драма. Нет ребята, я против. Нет тут драмы. Комедия и большая половина лакорна фэйспалм, а еще дикое смущение вам гарантировано.
Билли (Ныа) Отыграл отлично. Желание чтобы он просто был в кадре и все. Когда увидела в сцене поцелуя, то невольно хихикнула, так как вспомнила кто так целует и он в этом лакорне - это Сэйнт. Мои шиперские мысли сразу поскакали насчет их двоих. ахаха, простите.
Сен ( То) -нет, ну ребят. Я видела и другие его работы и он такой милаха, а тут оп - неждан. Надо было так придумать, да ладно придумать - сыграть. Тут падаю ему в ноги и говорю, что просто бесподобен. БРАВО.
Хен и Серпрай. Молодцы ребята. Очень хорошо и естественно, и главное эмоционально мимикой отыграно. Кстати насчет Серпрая. Вот не знаю , что там сделали выдавая за толстяка, но вот лицо грим скорее всего, а вот тело прятать (красивое подтянутое) так и не удалось.
Нат и Оп - две главные улыбашки лакорна. Смотришь на их искренние улыбки и сам в лыбе расплываешься.
В общем и целом, если не особо убиваться из-за первых серий и всего того кринжа там, то лакорн просто потрясающий. Он необычный, он не такой как все. Однозначно рекомендую к просмотру.
Теперь собираюсь читать новеллу. и займусь поисками съемок за кадром. Думаю там было просто истерика во время съемок. При чем постоянна

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 5, 2022
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0

Not for everyone

So this show was a rollercoaster to get through, I watched eps 1-6 on my own and really wasn’t vibing with the show I didn’t like the nuea toh storyline and for as much as I loved the jao and sky storyline it wasn’t enough to keep me going past ep 6. But after a very long months break from the show I recently came back to it watching it with a friend and it helped to watch it with someone so I actually got through it and it definitely gets better as a show after ep 7 like ep 8 and on were the best eps but In the end I still didn’t fully like the nuea toh story I just didn’t really take to it or feel much of anything. I don’t think the chemistry was like all the way there but it could be that toh is just an awkward character that sometimes the chemistry gets a little cringey. I thought the sky jao scenes in ep 12/13 were better in terms of build up to it. Overall a solid show that takes some like faith to get through.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 22, 2024
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 5
Globalement 4.5
Histoire 3.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Save Yourself

So this show has been on my watchlist for quite sometime. I kept seeing reels of Billy and Seng from this and it looked cute so I added it. I can’t remember if I had watched the trailer or not, if I did then I don’t know why I continued to watch it so I clearly didn’t lol.

First of all, this show was absolutely terrible and I should’ve known because it was Idol Factory and they made GAP (I know this came before GAP) and that was also terrible. I also should’ve known it was gonna be creepy af based off of the novel title and the description, but silly delusional me thought it was going to be fine. No. It wasn’t.

I think all of the actors did a pretty decent job, if I had to play this kind of role idk what I would’ve done. It was some of the most cringey and creepy storytelling and plots I’ve watched, and I’ve seen Tonhon Chonlatee…so you know. Anyways, Toh has got to be the most insufferable character or a TV show. He’s so pick me shy guy, and literally has no fucking chill. We know you like Nuea, stop smiling and giggling at anything that anyone says to you. And I’m sorry can we talk about the temper tantrum at the movies because what the actual FUCK was that??? ARE YOU 5!? And tbh, if I were Nuea when I found the SHRINE of myself in my boyfriend’s bedroom and the VACUUM SEALED TRASH and whatever else was in those boxes…jail. IMMEDIATELY. In my opinion, he didn’t freak out about it as much as he should have. I know you knew he was already kind of weird, we all are, BUT…bestie…you’re just as delusional as me when I thought this was going to be a good show. All you could think about was Toh leaving you, which I guess is understandable but at the same time like…? Idk man everything was terrible about their relationship. It was kind of cute sometimes, but Toh is just so unlikeable I can’t. He’s genuinely so embarrassing and idk how he has friends.

So uhhh ANYWAYS…the stuff I liked about this show. Sky and Jao. That’s it. They were the ONLY saving grace to this show. Sure the flirting for a week with Jao was just a game but it turned into Sky actually liking and wanting to pursue him, meanwhile you find out that Jao has also had a secret crush on him, but was lowkey playing hard to get lol jk he was just scared obviously because Sky is a known player, so how could they be together? How could Sky be with someone like him? It took a lot of convincing from Sky and his friends, that it was okay for them to be together. Jao is very insecure but I love that throughout the series, the more Sky talks to him about why he likes him and that he’s serious, the more comfortable Jao feels with him, the more they fit together and I’m just crying. Sky is what Prapai wishes he could be (Even though I love Sky and Prapai from LITA), but idk Sky was just so amazing for Jao and I liked the fact that Jao didn’t feel like he needed Sky to fix him. Sky was just able to help Jao let go of some of his insecurities which I loved AND he never did anything to Jao (kissing, etc) without either asking him first (we love consent!) or not continuing to do something when he realized Jao was uncomfortable. I would have stopped watching this show if it weren’t for them honestly. They were the best part about it and I would have liked if they were the main leads instead. It’s very rare that I don’t care about the main couple so this is really saying something.

Anyways, if you read all of this thank you for coming to my TedTalk. I don’t know why people rated this show a 10. The acting was over the top, the plot was creepy and cringey and I just don’t know how you can genuinely say you liked it. But whatever floats your boat I guess. Unfortunately it sank mine so yeah. Bye!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 19, 2023
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 3.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.0


personaly it was weird and confusing, alot of it was realy hard to watch. the plot was confusing and there was some realy gross moments tbh. but i realy REALY liked the skyjao storyline, i rewatched it only to watch them again, theyr super cute. the acting was okay - it wasnt that bad but some of it was, the characters were fun tho and it dealt with stuf u hardly see in dramas. the music was good and sky i love sky oh and i would again rewatch it and just skip every non skyjao scene but basicaly yeah it was weird and confusing except skyjao
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Apaixonada por BL
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 5, 2023
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers


Essa série tem tantas camadas que não sei nem por onde começar...
A princípio, confesso que assisti pra apoiar o Saint em sua primeira produção, sou muito fã dele! Mas fui me apaixonando pela série, pelos personagens, e até pelos atores. A história por trás da série é linda. Saint sofreu muito preconceito na indústria, e queria dar oportunidade a jovens atores de mostrarem seu talento e terem oportunidade de aparecer na TV sem que precisassem passar pelo que ele passou. E fez isso com maestria.

De início, gostaria de falar sobre o roteiro, e vou abstrair aqui o fato do protagonista ser um personagem caricato, pois acho que isso é algo intencional, pq claramente ele tem um distúrbio sério que o leva a cometer atos totalmente doentios, que felizmente só afetam a ele próprio, o que justificaria suas ações. Mas, infelizmente a série perdeu a oportunidade de falar sobre transtornos mentais. Um grupo de amigos populares, e um grupo de amigos "invisibilizados", sendo que os populares na verdade são apaixonados pelos invisíveis (o plow twist, meu pai). Esses dois universos se encontram num ambiente universitário, e tudo é envolto em muita comédia.

Gostaria de falar sobre os dois grupos de amigos. Os populares são ricos... Temos um casal GL (quando nos apresentaram as Queens Freen e Becky como casal), mas que não foi muito desenvolvido, talvez pra não tirar o protagonismo dos meninos, Nuea, o mais popular de todos, que está apaixonado por Toh. Sky, que também está apaixonado por KhaoJao. Ainda temos um dos amigos que é hétero, mas super de boa.

O grupo de amigos invisibilizados, são mais humildes, mas creio jamais ter visto uma amizade tão bela quanto a deles. Eles se entendem, choram e sorriem juntos, sabem dos defeitos dos outros e se aceitam sem julgamentos, aconselham quando preciso, e quando os amigos não seguem o conselho eles continuam lá com o ombro disponível para que eles chorem juntos. Impossível não se emocionar quando Daisy passou a tentar ser masculino para ser aceito pela sociedade e seu novo affair, quando eles protegiam Toh de ser julgado por suas atitudes "singulares", e o quanto incentivaram KhaoJao, que tinha problemas com sua auto-imagem por se sentir gordo, a se aceitar e aceitar o amor de Sky, pois sabiam que o que ele sentia era medo de sentir inferior a Sky no relacionamento, o que não era verdade. O próprio Sky sempre deixou claro seus sentimentos, e foi fundamental para essa descontração de imagem negativa que Jao tinha do próprio corpo.

Pra não dizer que não teve um clichê ruim, tivemos Prao como pretendente tóxica, que não aceitava que Nuea não a queria... além do maluco que tentou se parecer com Toh para ficar com Nuea, e o clássico jogo do rei. E é claro, o romance entre os nerds e os populares.

Também teve um efeito surpresa, pois de início, eu jamais imaginaria que na verdade Nuea e sua gangue estavam interessados em Toh e seus amigos, quando isso veio à tona fiquei meio que chocada.
Um ponto positivo foi quando Nuea descobriu o transtorno de Toh, mesmo sem nomear isso como transtorno, foi o que ele aparentou compreender. Ao invés de julgar Toh, ele o abraçou e fez de tudo para deixá- lo confortável.
Outro ponto positivo são as famílias de Toh e Nuea, que simplesmente entendem tudo de braços abertos, em compensação, os amigos de Sky são idiotas que conseguiram deixar Jao mais inseguro do que já é.

Os aspectos Técnicos são bem trabalhados, a ost é perfeita, a atuação (com excessão de Seng) é bem acima do que eu esperava, fotografia e filmografia boas.

Enfim, amo essa série. Gostaria que mais pessoas pudessem vê-la, e com certeza irei assistir mais vezes.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
En cours 8/14
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 1, 2022
8 épisodes vus sur 14
En cours 0
Globalement 5.5
Histoire 5.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 5.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.5


This bl is horrible and the script is stupid beyond belief. THE Main character, Toh is so useless, annoying, and a creep. This boy can't act like a normal human being for even 2 seconds so he can't be taken seriously.  I am hanging on for dear life with this one. I keep wishing and praying that the drama would make some SENSE ( even if its just a little.) ITS NEVER DOES. I am going to keep watching this nonsense because surprisingly it is an EASY but very ANNOYING WATCH.

Why do i have to write 500 words to complete my review. This drama consists of nothingness so i dont think it merits me to write 500 words to complete my review of it.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 21, 2022
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 1.5
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Musique 2.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

I'm sorry but this is awful

I'm sorry to people that liked this show idm your opinions but out of all Thai BLs I've watched, this is the worst. I'm struggling to finish it as I like to give an honest opinion after hearing the entire thing out but I hate this show. Toh is great for fleshing out the plot but I cannot stand him. He is just such an unlikeable character I can't see any development in his character except him accepting he's ugly?? The writers could've fleshed out the whole bullying thing but they didn't and all that really happened was they sobbed a little and their boyfriends magically fixed their insecurities....also Jao being called "fat" is so weird to me as he is most definitely not, compared to others saying those comments he's about the same. It's just overall odd and I really am struggling to finish the show. I have to stop myself from going on my phone during it because I dislike it that much.....I'm normally one to try dig deeper into the whole mental thoughts and portrayals beyond the show (such as the creepy stalker behaviour WHICH IS NOT NORMAL??!!) but this just feels so brain numbing and mushy that all I see is annoying cringe guy somehow whips a jock by putting a dumb gift on his car door....honestly.....


After finishing the show it did not get any better and ended shitty like I expected. Absolute waste of time I wish to never remember this series. Another thing I realised pissed me off about Toh was how HE WOULD NOT STOP DOING THAT GODDAMN SMILE!!!! EVEN IN CRYING SCENES HE WOULD KEEP SMILING IT TURNED INTO AN ICK. I have lost all remaining sanity.

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En cours 7/14
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 26, 2022
7 épisodes vus sur 14
En cours 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0

Don't miss the Stalker love story

Omg how this series can be this much hot and cute. Everytime nuea and toh come closer, its just fire.
Guys don't drop this series by watching first 2 ep. Because at first i was not interested to watch this series.. but now I'm skipping enchantè to watch this series.
Their chemistry is just amazing and they are really comfortable with each other in the NC part.
I initially thought that it will be a small series with 6 ep but its actually have 14 ep.. and I'm very much excited to watch the next ep after nuea confessed to toh..
It doesn't have any strong story or something we haven't seen but it's cute to see the Stalker part because we all had done something like this in our past. But luckily they love each other.. and i loved all ost from this Series, it gives k drama ost kinda vibe.
Don't think guys. It's really cute and fun to watch. Don't forget to switch on the ac.. it's going to be really hot😜

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Abandonné 13/14
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 2, 2022
13 épisodes vus sur 14
Abandonné 0
Globalement 2.0
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Musique 2.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0


If you want something to play as background noise this is definitely the series to go for.
The story, acting and dialogues are just the cringiest shit ever. Definitely the worst BL I HAVE . EVER . WATCHED.
The dialogues and acting just seemed soooooooo cringe!!! So much so that I can't help but just burst out laughing and even skip such scenes. Like how is this even a teeny weeny bit realistic? Even I feel embarrassed and sympathy for the actors having to act out such scenes and dialogues. I would expect this as something out a Twilight fanfic written by some fanatic fan.
Whereas for the storyline, I don't see where it is heading? There's no story and no character development whatsoever. All I see is just Toh and Nuea being horny for each other. It is JUST SO BORING.
Also, Toh's STALKING behaviour is DEFINITELY borderline serial killer. To think that it may better as the series continues but NO, of course not, they just have to simply not address it (even when Toh's friends tried to wean him off it) and EVEN make it seem as if it is acceptable just because Nuea doesn't mind it. Like WTF?! HOW IS THIS EVEN HEALTHY?!?!?! And what kind of message does this send to viewers? HELLO???
Urgh it just makes my blood boil and my blood pressure to skyrocket thinking how this series even got to be broadcasted.
The only saving grace is the side couple Sky and Jao and the ONLY REASON I continued watching from as early as ep 4 and why I give a 2/10 overall and 1/10 for rewatch value. As compared to Nuea and Toh, they seem so much more realistic and relatable, making me want to root for them and definitely the cutest couple from the series. And THAT is the only good thing I will say about the series.

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Stalker (2022) poster



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