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As a big fan of Mean/Plan (and Tin/Can), it pains me to say that this is the lowest rating I've ever given to a BL series.Why? The story is about as boring as I've ever seen, the Wish character is really unlikable and the Two character is just really dull. I thought they were pretty bad in ReminderS, but this series took them to a new low. I know that the actors are good, so this failure has to be a result of the poor material they were given. Yacht is a welcome addition but, again, just another uninteresting character. Perth and Gun make cameo appearances.
The only good thing I can say is that, at least, it was only two episodes. I'll wait for Tin/Can to come back strong in LBC2.
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This 2-episode "series" (actually more like a short movie) is for fans of Mean/Plan coupling who can't get enough of them. The background: Many fans of Love by Chance (Season 1) lament the lack of a happy ending for Tin/Can. (They do have a happy ending in the original story, but we will have to wait until Season 2, if it gets made and has a Tin/Can focus.) So many were pleasantly surprised by ReminderS, which features Mean and Plan as a couple reminiscent of Tin/Can and this couple has a happy ending.
ReminderS turned out to be fairly enjoyable because the other couples have a stronger story behind them, e.g. in the Son/Pin pairing, Son learns to play the guitar to give Pin a birthday surprise, but this causes Pin to be mistaken that Son is two-timing him. While there are plenty of comic effects, the seriousness of the emotions are genuine enough to be taken seriously.
This is where 2Wish fails. Already, Two/Wish was the couple with the weakest story in ReminderS. 2Wish is a sequel focusing on this couple. The weakness of the story could have been salvaged in 2Wish with a better script. Unfortunately, while things get a bit more intense towards the last ten minutes or so, the are too many missed opportunities. Instead of showing meaningless scenes of the couple cleaning the house or introducing a practically irrelevant side character like Art, the motivations and struggles of Two could have been given more focus. In this regard, the character of Wish is handled a bit better, with him turning from someone who can't cook to someone who would make meals for his boyfriend out of love (unfortunately, even this comes across as being rather random).
In the end, the viewer is left nonplussed by Wish's behavior--what is he really so upset about, and the reconciliation between the couple seems rushed.
There's quite a bit of sweetness that could have been satisfying for BL or Mean/Plan fans if only the characters have been developed as characters viewers actually care about.
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What was the Point
This felt like another series made to catch a quick bag (which, I will never complain about someone trying to get some coins, earn your money the way you can). With only two episodes and the blandest storyline of all, this series gave us nothing with a nice slice of nullity.Let's Dive In.
The best thing about this series was seeing Mean and Plan again. I was quite a big fan of them in LBC (but the second season ruined them), although they don't have the best chemistry, their acting is enough to make me want to stay and watch. It was refreshing to see Plan playing a character that's one personality isn't whining. He did an incredible job at playing this stern and serious person. I really enjoy watching him. The same goes for Mean. He played the opposite of Tin in LBC and seeing him bubbly and happy was fun. The sad part about it though is that there was no story to this couple. No story at all. And the little storying that we did get made absolutely no sense. If anything this series needed at least 8 more episodes to be able to have a decent plot. Mostly everything was boring, and nothing was very entertaining.
Overall, I don't recommend this watch unless someone is in the serious mood to see Mean and Plan again.
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Don't bother
This was a total waste of time, but thankfully it was only two episodes, so not that much time. Absolutely nothing happens. There is one minor misunderstanding that is blown out of proportion and resolved in one scene. There are far too many scenes where absolutely nothing happens. I didn't feel any love or even chemistry between the two leads. This may be my favorite Mean performance to date. He's more natural here than when he must pretend to be brooding, but at times he goes a bit over the top. I really enjoy Plan as Can, but here he has zero charm or charisma. He looks great blonde, but that's about it. I don't think he's a very good actor. I think Can is probably easy for him to play, but here he's lifeless.Don't waste your time.
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Awful and Not Believable
I have NEVER bought this relationship in any of their series and even less in this one. I cannot believe them for one second that they are in love or even a couple. I see no spark. No connection with each other. And most importantly, no relatability to each other. They go through motions that look cute but there is no intensity. Even when they touch each other, they act as if they are both touching hot coals. They were that way in the other series, and they are the same way in this one. I just can not see them as a couple. When they look into each other eyes, which was not often, I do not see any intensity, spark, or connection. They obviously must like working together but at least for me, but that likeness does not translate into character development. I only see acting. No connection and no commitment. I just do not like these two as a couple. It simply does not work for me.Cet avis était-il utile?

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Also, I hoped to see more action from them - one expects that a two-episode series will compensate something, right?
It's a must watch for every BL fan that loves their couples cute and sweet!
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Well, you can’t really call this a “series”, it’s actually just a 2 episode special with Mean & Plan playing their characters from ReminderS, Two & Wish. And I liked it. There was some angst, sure, but overall it was more of a slice-of-life story set some time after their graduation with Two having a successful career by then & Wish being still unemployed and feeling like a burden to his hard-working lover.I liked how different 2Wish was from TinCan, the other pairing these two actors are famous for. And I especially loved Mean’s portrayal of Two because I really, truly believed that Two was head over heels in love with Wish and it was sweet and wonderful. Mean sure is a great actor.
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StoryThis is what makes me mad in sooo many other shows the lack of communication. I know it is a little short story but it still gets on my nerves. So 1.5 points off for that sorry.
Of course the cast was great including the little tiny role Gun had. You see him in Love by chance ;). Let's also not forget Yatch who is such a comedic relief.
I really am not a fan of any music in any shows but nothing really stood out to me in this one.
So cuteeeeee. Especially how Mean portrayed his character. 10/10 go watch!!!!
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Literally watched for the Mean
So I literally watched these 2 episodes just for Mean (aka Tin)!!!This was really a boring 2 part episode the story is about as boring as I've ever seen, the Wish character is really unlikable and the Two character is just really dull.
Unfortunately, while things get a bit more intense towards the last ten minutes or so, the are too many missed opportunities. Instead of showing meaningless scenes of the couple cleaning the house or introducing a practically irrelevant side character like Art, the motivations and struggles of Two could have been given more focus. In this regard, the character of Wish is handled a bit better, with him turning from someone who can't cook to someone who would make meals for his boyfriend out of love (unfortunately, even this comes across as being rather random).
Overall : Like I mentioned in the beginning I just watched this for Tin!!
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