27 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 3, 2012
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Don't we all have hopes for the future? Don't we -used to- have dreams we would like to see fulfilled one day? But how often are we holding ourselves back, saying it's simply not possible? Don't we all have felt like giving up at one point?...
At times like that we need friends who help us, who'll reach their hand out, who'll walk the difficult and hard path towards that faraway dream. Because sometimes you simply can't do it alone. And why should you have to, if you have friends by your side who are willing to support you?

If you ask me that's the main thought of the whole drama. People aren't born strong. When they're alone they'll often feel insecure and won't be able to do what they truly want. People are able to get stronger when they have the unconditional support from friends though, people who'll stand by their side no matter what. People who'll fight for them. Who'll bring happiness but also lighten the pain and sadness.

But what Tumbling teaches you is that those people, your dear friends, are also only humans. They will also get hurt, feel insecure, get angry, lonely or frustrated. They're also capable of losing hope or making wrong choices. And just as they help you, you should support them when they need it.

Tumbling is a really amazing and very touching drama. I am simply yet madly in love with it.

At first I thought the drama would only be about Tumbling itself and bullying but it deals with so much more than that, it honestly surprised me, in a good way. In my opinion the actors are the ones who make the drama as great as it is, every character has it's own role within the story and gets the opportunity to grow and change slowly.

Tumbling sounds like a typical sport drama but it's so much more than that. Besides the sport itself it deals with your normal teenage problems, insecurity, loneliness, violence, sadness but mainly about hopes, dreams and above all; friendship.

It's really hard for me to explain what I love about the drama without spoiling too much but I guess it's the way the characters develop themselves. Even though Wataru starts off as your typical delinquent, he turns out to be so much more. And not only him, everyone in the drama gets a moment to shine.

Even though there are cheesy or cliché moments I think the drama pulled everything off perfectly fine, the story is simple yet really touching at moments and the actors are all simply amazing.

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18 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 19, 2012
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Overall - Tumbling was the Drama that got my current j-drama obsession started - that's not to say that it was my first drama though. This only makes it more spectacular in my eyes since I had little interest in Drama and only watched a few to understand what a few friends were talking about - until I stumbled upon this beauty.
This drama actually got me into the manga, which is rather backwards...

Story - Each character has a backstory and /grows/ throughout the series (except the background characters that only have 7 lines in the entire drama) in a way that reminds me of a novel, almost. It shows that they were developed, 3-dimentional characters that seem all the more real because of those facts. This is major kudos to the writers and original mangaka.

Music - I never focus much on the background music in movies or dramas unless it sticks me as wrong for that moment. I do know that they used the theme song throughout the story, which was interesting because it fit in every moment they used it in, even though they were vastly different. this part comes with a warning; you WILL have the song stuck in your head for a good while if you watch the episodes in a few (1-3) sittings. However it's a good song, so I didn't really mind.

Rewatch Value - I've already rewatched this drama once, my favorite parts about a million times, and created stories in my head for when I'm bored and want to play with ready-made characters. (Can't tell I'm a writer, huh?)

Acting/Cast - Yamamoto Yusuke is really just the cherry on top, in my opinion. His acting skills are so great, and he covers so many different rolls so efficiently and /well/ in different dramas that its just inspiring. He became an actor I follow after Tumbling and, after a few more of his dramas, he became my favorite actor. He's just amazing.
I feel I have to mention the others (that way it doesn't become another of my Yamamoto-ramblings). They cast this very well and everyone fit the part and acted their rolls naturally. Some of the actors were better than others (the Mizusawa character faded into the background too well and was rather emotionless unless the situation called for extreme emotion) but none of them were 'bad' actors, just differing styles.

Really, really worth the time to watch, rewatch, think about, and drive that damn song out of your head until the next watching!

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11 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 2, 2014
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
This drama was amazing when I first watched it. It never gets old every time I rewatch this drama.

Story: It's based on a manga with the same name by Mizukami Wataru. But, even though it's based on a manga, I felt that it's original because I haven't seen any drama or movie with tumbling especially when it's about men tumbling. Some arcs are better than others, but not one of them was horrible.

Acting: The acting was amazing & top-notch. I was crying a least once in every episode. Everyone in the team have friendship chemistry. I've seen Seto Koji & Yamamoto Yusuke team up in Atashinchi no Danshi before this & they are great together. This would be a great bromance couple. In AND, they have comedic chemistry. In here, they still have that, but there are some scenes where they argued & I felt that. Some people acted better than others, but the plot saved that.

Music: I love the instrumentals. Not all the music was memorable, but it was still good.

Rewatch value: I have rewatched this drama 4 times already & I still love it.

Why watch?: the comedy, tumbling, the bromance galore & a heartfelt & feel good drama.

I have so many favorite scenes in this drama, but I can't spoil here, so this is where I stop. When you do watch it, you won't regret your tears or laughs or your time. It's one amazing Japanese drama.

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10 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 25, 2014
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
First of all I have to say I NEVER cried so much while watching a TV show. I love this drama more than I can tell you and I can only recommend it to everybody who is having a bad time and needs some motivation.

Rewatching this drama (and especially the last episode) countless times helped me through a really tough time and kept me motivated to fight and not just give up.

At first I wasn't even sure, if I would make it to the second episode, because the first one is kind of slow. I also thought Wataru was a total jerk and I didn't like him one bit. I'm more than happy I stuck with it though, because this is a beautiful drama about friendship, how even idiots can turn out to be awesome people and how you can achieve even seemingly impossible things, if you're willing to work hard and fight for them.

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8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 11, 2012
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
I really loved this show! At first I only started it for Yamamoto Yusuke and Seto Koji, but I stayed for the story. I love these kind of "never give up" story lines.

By the end of the drama Kiyama (Daito Shunsuke) was totally my favorite character! He doesn't really talk much,but you love his character anyway. Wataru (Yusuke) is really funny, he's loud and always says what he's thinking, but has a lot of heart and Yusuke played him well! And Koji plays Yutta the leader of the team, who keeps everyone together.

It's just a really touching drama, and BIG BONUS in my book is that it has a great theme song! I still love it and listen to it all the time.

You defiantly wont regret watching this drama. I've seen it from beginning to end about 3 or 4 times and re watched favorite scenes and episodes (like episode 4 and 11) more times then I can count!

Even if sport/team/friendship dramas aren't your thing you should at least give it a try anyway, you might surprise yourself.

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10 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 20, 2011
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
First, I absolutely didn't want to watch this because of it's cover. The guys look really gay like this and I supposed that it would be boring. One Day I thought I should give it a try. It was great and I wasn't disappointed at all.

In the first few minutes I haven't expected much and I thought that Wataru is something like a producer. But after I saw that he is a more interesting character than I thought, I fast changed my mind.

Also Kiyama (my fav.) who doesn't seem to talk to the others . He looks like he has some secret.

Even Kaneko had an interesting story and Mizusawa who was just random in my eyeas had something I haven't expected at all.

There is also Satoshi, a nice guy who cheers everyone up, the amusing teacher Kashiwagi, and all the other great characters.

I just like the theme song: the music itself is great and the lyrics really match the story. The background music (Tumbling OST) is very good, it has sad and also funny melodies.

I never can see if the acting is good or bad but I suppose that it's also good.

Rewatch value: 10

I'm not the type who rewatches series but there are scenes I watch over and over, just like some episodes (the 1st and the 4th for example).

All in all it's a really good Drama and I highly recommend watching it. If you like romance you might be disappointed, BUT you can see the characters evolve, which is also very interesting.

I don't like giving a full score in all categories but I think I don't have a choice because in my opinion I admits it.

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6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 19, 2011
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Surprising and captivating. The most beautiful thing about this drama is that it shows the importance of friends and teaches you that hard work pays off at the end. The acting was exceptional and the drama was hilarious- if I was not laughing by the end of the episode, I would definitely be smiling =) but it also made you cry (can it be more perfect?) You can observe the characters developing and changing for the better. Overall it was perfecto and very realistic. This is a must watch!...and it might seem boring for the first 30 minutes, but stick to it because it will leave you smiling =D

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4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 18, 2011
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Only one word: SAIKOU!!!! and unlike Filo said i did watch it because of the cover since to me it didn`t looked gay and because of her review. i liked the stars on their costumes :P and of course the fact that they were all guys(good looking ones too :P). But this was one of the best dramas i`ve watched, even tough i`m more on comedy-romance dramas and i`ve only watched those with this one i fell in love at first sight.

The story - is great; ever since watching anime i`ve allways loved and admired guy`s bonds and loyalty towards friendship. I feel like they are more pure and honest than the girls. The fighting and the tumbling scenes where also good you can feel their feelings through them too. Acting/Cast - i liked the cast it really fit with the whole story and each of them played really good. The Music - it matched all the feelings they showed. I`m not the type to re-watch dramas but i have a feeling that this one i will. At the end i definitely recommend this to you guys.It`s a MUST see!! ^___^

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4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 3, 2012
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
I'm usually biased when it comes to dramas with actors I've seen in other dramas. So I decided to watch this because I adored Yusuke Yamamoto in Atashinchi no Danshi. To my surprised I really enjoyed this drama and a lot of the other actors I didn't realize were in the drama.

Though the plot seems kind of unrealistic I feel Yusuke and the other delinquents in the drama played their roles off well. I loved the whole cast. Especially Akira, though the story was mainly around the "kids" he played an important role as their mentor and I think he played it pretty well.

It was interesting seeing the actors actually attempting to do all the gymnastic moves. it showed how much effort they put into it. And they weren't half bad.

This is a fun but at times serious drama about teamwork, strength and friendship. It's one of those where you don't mind there being little to no romance if you love romance in dramas. I rewatch this drama from time to time and I never get tired of it.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 5, 2011
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
I loved it. I can't resist watching it over again. I usually don't have an interest in gymnastics dramas or movies, but watching Tumbling was very nice.
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3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 30, 2011
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
I honestly only wanted to watch this because I heard my favourite actors were in it and thought that it would be really awesome and I was definitely right. At some point I was really surprised because I wouldn't of thought that it would have a slight twist in the characters.

It made me cry, laugh and make me shout at my computer saying "SUGOI!"

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3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 16, 2023
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

The series "Tumbling" is definitely a series that surprised me~

The actors played their respective characters nicely and didn't give off the vibe of them being someone else who they "were" supposed to be. The story was very satisfying and I'm not gonna lie, it caused me to lose a few tears. After all, it was an amazing series with touching moments. The series showed a group of nine young men who had dreams and decided to seize it, together - they showed they can do tumbling too as men, as people who enjoy this kind of sport and felt no shame of doing that. They were like a perfect example of people who dream of something and go for it, they ignore the public opinion and give their all for their dream! It was so beautiful to watch a series like this 💗

The characters however weren't all about working for the tournament, only tumbling and getting bullied because of it. They actually expressed and awoke many feelings like insecurity, sadness, anger and frustration as well as happiness, satisfaction, joy and hope. They showed a beautiful friendship developing, team loyalty and faithfulness, even showed moments that touched LGBT themes. Each one of them had their past and with the story they were developing together thanks to each other and things that brough them as a team/group. 

The actors through their respective characters showed to us, the audience, that no matter what, we are all humans. We may showe we are strong and won't give up but deep down we feel so many kind of emotions there are moments when we want to give up but because there are people around us, be it friends, family or fans we always find some light in the dark tunnel and go after it with hope for the better future. 

The only thing I was wondering about was whether these actors had experience in tumbling or did they learn for the series. Sure, most of the movements were on the ground with hand movements and jumping on the spot or around but they also had done a few slightly or more dangerous movements like flips, backflips, handstands, arches, etc. That's why after the series I watched the bloopers and their preparations and I was satisfied to see how hard they worked but at the same time had some fun and were capable of joking between each other ✨

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Tumbling (2010) poster



  • Score: 7.9 (marqué par 3,346 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #2719
  • Popularité: #2407
  • Téléspectateurs: 7,274

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