Story: This story was very interesting about two people from different backgrounds connecting to each other mentally and emotionally after a few events and spending a lot of time together. The story was written in a way that was true to real life and can relate to either one or both of the leads in someway. One of the most realistic melodramas I have seen in a long while.
Acting: The acting was top-notch! I was speechless throughout this drama. I could not imagine any other people playing the leads. Kim Jung Hyun as Soo Ho was raw, real and intense with so much impact. This was the first time that I was truly invested in a male lead character in a melodrama (it usually takes time for me to get invested in them). I cried so many times because of his character. Seo Hyun as Ji Hyun was just as real, raw and intense as Soo Ho. She made me cry just as much too. . . Seo Hyun portrayed a woman who was going on with her life, but then, it just stops after a few events till Soo Ho show up in her life. The chemistry between them was so intense, electric, sad and sometimes sweet even. The other leads were people who you would love to hate so much with passion!
Music: Really hit the right spots for me. The background music was fantastic, and fitting for the tone of the drama. The best song in this drama is "Time" by Gaho. It is sad song that really brings the mood to the drama and fits the scenes that it was in.
Re-watch or Nah?: Would not watch this again because It was hard to watch. I scored a 8/10 because I did watch this twice. . . . I was hard both times. Maybe I would recommend a one-watch for people who are starting this drama.
Do not let Kim Jung Hyun press conference controversy stop you from watching this drama! You would understand why he did what he did once you see this drama. You will not regret this. . . . The story is interesting, the acting is beyond expectation and the characters will hit you with so many feels that it is insane.
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Story: It's similar to another drama, but I won't tell what the name of that drama is because you either know already & seen it or not seen it or have heard of it but want to watch that drama too. But I can tell you it's a little more darker & the writers make the plot their own later down the line. The plot was entertaining from beginning to end!
Acting/Cast: Ji Sung was awesome in this drama! Hwang Jung Eum was amazing as well. I didn't watch a lot of their dramas, but I was so surprised by their acting here. They have amazing chemistry! Bae Soo Bin was amazing in his role as the villian! I hated his character more here than in 49 Days(I won't spoil his character for you if you want to watch that drama yourself). I love the side characters(the main guy's secretary(guy) & the main girl's friends) so much!
Music: It was very beautiful especially "Tears Stole my Heart" by Alee & "Incurable Disease" by Navi ft. Kabee.
Rewatch value: I won't watch this often becuase I cried so much in this drama. But I would we watch this for the side characters & the character development from each character
Overall I give this a ten because this was a lovely drama.
It's for people who love melodrama, romance, comedy(believe me, there are some there) & love character development(there is a lot). It also for people who are fans of the main actors/actress(Ji Sung, Hwang Jung Eum, Bae Soo Bin & Lee Da Hee or other actors/actress).
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Story: 9/10 because we don't get a sick kids daycare type of stories very often. It had so much heart to this drama. But it was also surprising dark regarding a character's past. I get into the life of Momoko as she works hard to be a real caregiver. It's a story about family, working hard & trying to find happiness in what you are doing.
Acting: 10/10 because Misako as Momoko took me by surprise. I haven't seen her in anything, but she was great as Momoko. I could relate to her in some aspects of her life. Hiroki as Asahina was amazing. He is amazing as a father. Trying to interact with his enstranged daughter no matter how much she ignores him. Momoko's family. . . let me just say. . . is evil! That's all I can say without spoiling it. The other characters were good. The children were cute to watch. Some of the children get character development & there were moments where I was crying my eyes out. Misako & Hiroki have great chemistry. There is a lot of character development.
Music: It fitted the scenes, but not as memorable. I was too invested in the story to listen to the music.
Re-watch value: 8/10 because I watched it twice & still liked it. Some of the scenes in the drama were too sad to re-watch.
Overall, if you like child actors/actress, comedy, romance, slice-of-life, the actors/actresses, dramas that have lot of heart & life lessons, then this drama is for you.
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Story: It's a disaster movie, not original. But the flu was an original concept.
Acting: As I said above. Park Min Ha blew me away. I love the father daughter chemistry between Park Min Ha & Jang Hyuk. There was some romantic chemistry between Soo Ae & Jang Hyuk even though there was never a romantic plot. I like it that the romance was never the main theme of disaster movies or dramas. I cried so many times in this movie & for a long period of time. One scene with Park Min Ha crying made me cry so hard(watch the movie to find out) that I had to look away from the screen & took a break for a moment to recompose myself.
Music: The music fitted the right moments. I want to look into the ost. But it was mostly instrumental music(or all because I watched this 2 months ago).
Rewatch: It's low because I don't want to cry for too long again. Some things were too painful to watch. I would recommend it. Watch it once, but don't watch it again or once a year.
Why watch: for the actors & actresses. If you like medical, disaster & action type movies then you'll probably like this one.
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Story: It's based on a manga with the same name by Mizukami Wataru. But, even though it's based on a manga, I felt that it's original because I haven't seen any drama or movie with tumbling especially when it's about men tumbling. Some arcs are better than others, but not one of them was horrible.
Acting: The acting was amazing & top-notch. I was crying a least once in every episode. Everyone in the team have friendship chemistry. I've seen Seto Koji & Yamamoto Yusuke team up in Atashinchi no Danshi before this & they are great together. This would be a great bromance couple. In AND, they have comedic chemistry. In here, they still have that, but there are some scenes where they argued & I felt that. Some people acted better than others, but the plot saved that.
Music: I love the instrumentals. Not all the music was memorable, but it was still good.
Rewatch value: I have rewatched this drama 4 times already & I still love it.
Why watch?: the comedy, tumbling, the bromance galore & a heartfelt & feel good drama.
I have so many favorite scenes in this drama, but I can't spoil here, so this is where I stop. When you do watch it, you won't regret your tears or laughs or your time. It's one amazing Japanese drama.
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Dating Agency : Cyrano
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Story: It's based on the Korean movie that was made in 2010. It's cute people using technology & a hopeless romantic girl to help people with love. It's just sweet.
Acting: I'm surprised with Sooyoung(SNSD)'s acting. It was very good. I actually felt some chemistry between the leads. Ah Rang's mini arc was so cute & heartfelt. I felt bad for him after his arc ended. It's not ground breaking, but it was not horrific either.
Music: Even though it's music is not the main theme. It was the one of the factors that made this drama so sweet. Ra.D's song, A Curtain Heart Fluttering, was such an amazing song. So does Jessica(SNSD)'s song, That One Person is You, also sweet song to listen too.
Would I rewatch: I don't always rewatch dramas, but it would be nice to rewatch this in a couple months or so.
Why watch?: The comedy, the romance, the love antics, the different arcs get better & better each time. If you like having second lead-syndrome, then this drama is for you. I did root for Master(second lead)for the main lead girl. But the main leads also have chemistry as well.
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35 sai no Koukousei
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Story: The plot is school-genre like story, but the 35 year old woman going back to high school was a plot twist itself. I never heard anyone over 22 being in high school taking regular classes. Some of the arcs are predictable, but there are enough twists in this drama to keep you interested.
Acting: I'm envious of Yonekura Ryoko for pulling off a high school uniform. She kind of reminds me of Horita Maki when I saw the picture of Ryoko in the drama poster(looks wise). Acting-wise, Ryoko was amazing in this role. I could connect with her character even if I'm not 35! :) I was surprised that I didn't like Jumpei's character in the middle of this drama till his arc came around(I liked him in the beginning & after his arc). The students the story focused on were amazing. Some better than others. I've never seen any of the actors/actresses(or don't remember if I've seen them before or not). Overall, the ensemble cast was amazing.
Music: I like the mini theme song. It sets the tone. The BGM are great, some are not memorable.
Will I rewatch this?: Yes, I will rewatch this drama for the Baba, Koizumi & the student's character development.
You'll like this drama if you like school dramas, comedy, suspense, & the actors and actresses in this drama.
I like Baba & Koizumi together!!!
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I am glad that I ended up watching this drama. There were math problems that I have never heard of before & the cases kept you interested.
The thing is I love the leads! They so opposite of each other, but they make a great team. I haven't seen the female lead in anything before, but she was great. I think I have seen the male lead before, I don't remember which movie or drama that I have seen him in, but he is a great actor as well. He is also hot. . . I had to say it. . . The only problem with the drama is that we didn't get to learn much of their background at all. They have great chemistry despite the age difference. But don't let that turn you away from watching this drama.
The music fitted in the right spots, theme is catchy, but I don't remember much since it was a long time ago when I watched this drama last year(2013).
I would re-watch this again when I have time.
Overall, I definitely recommend this drama if you like crime genre, math, comedy & cases that keep you guessing, then you will like this one.
The only complaint besides the one I mentioned above, is that it should of been longer.
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Baiser Malicieux : L'Amour à Tokyo
14 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
Story: We know it & love it. Season 2 is coming in 2014(hopefully)! Yeah!!!! :) I've seen all the versions! The manga, It Started with a Kiss, They Kiss Again(ISWAK 2), Playful Kiss & this one. There is supposed to be a Chinese version of this story, Say that you love me, but it's very loosely based on Itazura na Kiss story(very very). So yeah! Huge fan of the story & series. Part of this series was a tiny bit dragging, but got over it
Acting: Miki is great as Kotoko! She made Kotoko more lovable than ever. Miki makes Kotoko like what a real girl could be like when it comes to liking someone. Yuki Furukawa was amazing a Naoki. He was cold & stoic, but not as "evil" as the other version of Naoki were. Yuki Yamada did a great job as Kin-chan. This drama made Kin-chan not annoying all the way through! I feel that Kin-chan was a little more mature in this version than the other. Like Kin-chan loves Kotoko, but will do anything to make her happy, even if it means letting go of Kotoko.
Music: Not very memorable at all, but theme songs cute.
Rewatch Value: I watched this as I was airing & I rewatched each episodes more than 3 times before the next episode aired! I truely was addicted to this drama from start to finish.
Watch this drama if you are a fan of:
The Itazura na Kiss Story. . .
The Comedy. . .
The Romance . . .
And The Friendship aspect. . .
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Story: When I watched this the first time, I was more a romantic-comedy type of person when it came to Asian dramas. I haven't watch supernatural dramas at the time. The supernatural aspect actually made it special to me.
Acting: I was coming in not knowing any of the leads at all. The acting was amazing. They were so cute together that I wanted them to date in real life. The main guy is uniquely handsome & hot. The main girl is sweet & cute. The ghosts in each episode was fun to watch.
Music: It was cute ost.
Will I rewatch this?: I have rewatched this 4 or 5 times already & it never gets old. I will rewatch this again when I need cheering up when I watch a melodrama or when I get sad.
You'll like this drama if you like romantic-comedies, supernatural dramas, family dramas, friendship dramas, ghosts, the actors & actresses, & dramas with a lot of heart.
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The story was awesome. War makes you figure out who your true comrades & who your true enemies are. This is based of a true story, so most of the stuff in the movie actually happened! There were some scenes that made me happy, sad, & scream. The scenes were so unpredictable that I couldn't look away from the screen for one second from beginning to end because of the unpredictablity! It was that awesome!
The acting was top-notch, supurb! I haven't finish any of Jang Dong Gun's works, but I can say that he is really good! Joe Odagiri! Oh. . . my. . . freakin G!!!! He as so phenomenal! His character (Tatsuo) was so fleshed out that I ended up thinking he is enduring! I didn't like him at first, but as the war went on, be began to redeem himself so much that he was likable. JDG's character(Jun Shik) was fleshed out too, but not as much as Tatsuo, but still really fleshed out. The supporting cast was amazing too. There were characters that were unpredictable as well. We got to hear 6 different languages in this movie. Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, Russian, German & English(there was little bit of it though).
The music was great! It fitted into the scenes so well. I really want to get the ost!
Rewatching value is a little lower because it made me cry a lot! I finished it about an hour ago & it makes me cry thinking about it. I will rewatch this maybe in a month or a year.
Overall, this was a masterpiece! This was the best war movie I have seen so far from Asia so far. This makes me want to watch anything with Jang Dong Gun & Joe Odagiri in it because they are amazing actors. You really won't reget your time watching it. Because it's worth it.
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Story: 9/10 because it's something we know & love. I love cohabitation dramas/movies. It's different, but I still loved it anyway. I wished it was a drama instead.
Acting: 9/10: I thought the acting was great. I love the lead actress. I thought she was natural in this movie. I haven't seen the lead actor in a lead role & I haven't seen much of his other works. But I thought he great. I think they were great in the second half of the movie.
music 7/10: The music wasn't memorable, but it was cute.
rewatch value: 8.5/10: I would re-watch this because it's so cute & innocent love story. It put a smile on my face.
Overall, I recommend the movie if you have read the manga or if you are new to the plot. I think you should watch this if you are trying to watch a Japanese movie. I think you should watch this if you are also new to Japanese romantic-comedies.
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Story: It was different, but not original. I also like The Hong Sisters(the people who wrote this drama). I think this was their best drama yet. The characters where fleshed out well.
Acting: The leads(Go Hyo Jin & So Ji Sub) have amazing chemistry. I haven't watched many of their dramas yet, but I will soon. I heard So Ji Sub was in a lot of melodramas, but he was so funny! It took me by surprise that I laughed a lot in this drama because of him! The other characters were funny was well.
Music: It was good, but not memorable. The ost was great, but I wouldn't listen to the songs over & over.(my opinion only!)
Rewatch value: This was an adorable drama. I would rewatch everything! Mostly the funny, cute & sweet moments. But I would rewatch it for the love story as well.
Watch it if you like the following:
The Actors in it(So Ji Sub, Go Hyo Jin, Seo In Guk & the 2nd female lead(which I can't remember on top of my head)).
The Comedy. . .
The Romance. . .
The Horror/paranormal aspect. . .
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Story: 10/10 I don't watch a lot of detective dramas, but this one was great.
Acting: 10/10 the characters were well-written I think. The main female lead is cute & a bit of an airhead, but that's her character. The male lead did an excellent job on his character too. The side characters were fun to watch.
Music: 9/10 because there are BGMs that made the mysterious scenes shine.
Rewatch value: 10/10 because this drama balanced light-hearted moments, cute fuffy moments, funny moments, & the serious moments really well.
Overall, even if it's an old drama, I think that you should check this drama out. If you like detective stories, comedy, cute fluffy moments, then you'll probably like this drama.
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The music is not that bad, but not memorable. I would re-watch this drama, but not too often. I probably watch the funny and favorite moments.
I just really like this remake. I think the family chemistry is well-done in my personal opinion. Like I said before, the acting is well done in my opinion. The leads got their roles down, and the main lead's family. I also got second-lead syndrome for a while like the original.
I really think you guys should watch this series.
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