2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 15, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 4.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.0

Globalement décevant...

Avec sa popularité croissante, le webtoon était aux lèvres de tout le monde. C'est donc avec assez de confiance que j'ai lancé le premier épisode - pensant sans y réfléchir à deux fois que j'allais passer un super moment. Mais dès le deuxième épisode, une faiblesse se faisait déjà sentir...

Les personnes ne sont pas très originaux, mais dans la majorité des cas, ce sont des profils qui fonctionnent. Pourtant, Im Ju Gyeong m'a usé. Elle est supposée être forte, or elle passe son temps à pleurnicher. Si on arrive à ressentir énormément de sympathie à son égard, le scénario va tirer sur cette corde trop souvent et trop longtemps jusqu'au moment où elle va se casser.
Lee Su Ho est le portrait type du garçon beau, riche, populaire auprès des filles, mais solitaire. Le problème de ce personnage est qu'il s'approche trop de Do Gyeong Seok qu'on retrouve dans My ID is Gangnam Beauty, incarné par Cha Eun Woo lui-même deux ans plus tôt. Pas de surprise de ce côté-ci.
En revanche, impossible d'ignorer Hwang In Yeop qui incarné Han Seo Jun. Bien que campé sur trente jolies années, l'acteur dégage un réel charisme et une assurance marquée qui ne laisse personne insensible. Son personnage est probablement le plus développé et intéressant de tout le drama.

Malgré l'adoration porté au personnage de Han Seo Jun, True Beauty souffre de scènes brouillonnes, mal amenées et embarrassantes pour la plupart d'entre elles. Le triangle amoureux est un pétard mouillé, car sans aucune surprise, l'héroïne devient un personnage qu'on souhaite fuir, tandis que la rivalité entre les deux ML n'explose jamais l'écran.

Bref, True Beauty possède un bon casting, mais des portraits types qui ne fonctionnent pas vraiment. Ses nombreux clichés et situations embarrassantes peuvent gêner plus qu'autre chose. Cependant, on retiendra la performance de Hwang In Yeop qui porte l'uniforme comme personne ainsi qu'une magnifique photographie.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Abandonné 7/16
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 25, 2021
7 épisodes vus sur 16
Abandonné 0
Globalement 5.5
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Un drama décevant

Aie. Double Aie! Mon chouchou, mon bébé Cha Eun Woo! Comment a-t-il pu jouer dans un drama aussi mauvais???
J’aurais dû écouter ma fille qui me disait (narquoisement) que le manhwa n’était pas génial (quoique « Extraordinary you » a fait battre mon petit coeur à 90 à l’heure (Haru!!!) bien que le manhwa ne soit pas super génial)…Mais l’idée de revoir le magnifique sourire de Cha Eun Woo était trop tentant. Bien mal m'en a pris…Le rôle de Cha Eun Woo est d’un ennui rhôooo et malgré son sex appeal flagrant, je n’ai pas réussi du tout à sentir les battements habituels de mon coeur. Moon Ga Young n’est pas forcément mauvaise, mais allez, je me lance, elle n’est pas aussi jolie que le voudrait le scénario (pourquoi ne pas avoir choisi Suzy??), du moins pas dans l’idée de ce que je me fais d’une fille parfaitement belle (oui oui toujours Suzy ou bien Shi Min Ha…). Et son rôle est d’un niais! Aucun des rôles secondaires n’en valent la peine (je cherche encore, en fait…). Je n’ai rien contre les scénarios sur le complexe du physique quand c’est bien fait (comme « Oh my Vénus! », avec la MAGNIFIQUE Shi Min Ha ou bien le drama « Birth of Beauty » avec la sublime Han Ye Seul qui parlent tous deux de ce complexe physique et de la transformation du personnage). Mais ici, son jeu de cache-cache est frustrant. Je n’ai pas réussi à adhérer à ses souffrance, à comprendre son geste. Alors oui, nous avons affaire à une adolescente qui a déjà subit des traumatismes mais j’aurais aimé une héroine forte, une héroine qui s’assume. Et puis, c’est assez fatiguant d’avoir les deux personnages qui ne cessent de se battre, pour bien sur finir ensemble, mais c’est redondant et pas assez bien dosé pour qu’on se prenne au jeu.
Un drama que je n’ai pu finir et qui ne restera pas dans ma mémoire, en bien ou en mal…

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Cet avis était-il utile?
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 4, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Juste pour passer le temps

"I'm missiiing youuuuuu".
Foutue chanson.
Elle me suit quand je passe l'aspirateur, elle m'obsède quand je me rase les aisselles, elle vient me faire chier quand j'arrose mes plantes. Quelle idée aussi de regarder ce drama...

Mon avis ne sera pas forcément très éclairé, disons-le tout net. Quand je critique une série j'aime bien connaître le contexte et avoir des éléments de comparaison, ne serait-ce que pour savoir s'il y a eu une vraie prise de risque de la part des créateurs, ou si on nous a pondu une intrigue déjà vue et revue. Et je dois avouer que question dramas, je suis beaucoup plus habituée aux lakhorns Thaï et aux BL asiatiques tous pays confondus qui, dans ces deux cas de figure, n'ont pas grand chose à voir avec les KDramas traditionnels. A part "Qu'est-ce qui cloche avec la secrétaire Kim", "Cinderella and Four Knights" et "Boys Over Flower", je suis donc assez novice en ce qui concerne la Corée (pour des raisons uniquement pratiques : y'a quand même vachement moins de W et de J dans les noms thaïs ce qui est tout de même plus commode pour s'y retrouver, quant aux BL coréens le casting est très réduit donc je ne passe pas mon temps à jongler entre les onglets de l'ordi pour savoir qui joue quel personnage et hein, de qui ils parlent, déjà ? Surtout que sur Viki, dès que je mets le drama en pause, ça rame au moment de relancer la lecture... promis j'arrête là avec les digressions). Bref, les habitué.e.s seront peut-être plus objectif(ve)s sur le sujet, mais il faut bien que je me lance un jour.

Il semble que les critiques soient assez mitigées sur True Beauty, une bonne partie de l'audience ayant été déçue. Soit parce que les gens n'ont pas aimé les différences entre le Webtoon (que je n'ai pas lu) et son adaptation télévisuelle, soit parce que l'intrigue est bourrée de clichés voire neuneu et n'apporte rien de nouveau dans le paysage des KDramas, ou bien encore parce que les attentes étaient tellement élevées que la déception en a été d'autant plus grande. Je suis d'accord avec tout ça, mais comme je l'ai dit plus haut, je serai moins sévère parce que j'ai moins d'éléments de comparaison et que j'ai quand même passé un bon moment. Mais je ne le reverrai pas, il ne faut quand même pas pousser. Il est vrai que cette histoire n'a rien d'original, malgré son sujet de départ qui m'intéressait (une jeune fille harcelée au lycée parce qu'elle est moche devient une pro du maquillage et se transforme en déesse, et elle finit évidemment avec le gars qui était déjà amoureux d'elle quand elle avait des pustules sur la tronche). Néanmoins, les acteurs sont beaux et jouent relativement bien, on a quelques moments légers et rigolos, et perso les clichés ne m'ennuient pas spécialement à part quelques exceptions, donc je ne dirais pas que le visionnage était une torture.

Là où ça commence à coincer, c'est que j'ai du mal à croire en la mocheté de l'héroïne. Franchement, elle est plutôt jolie même sans maquillage, et je ne vois pas pourquoi elle est si obsédée par le fait de "dissimuler son vrai visage" quand il suffirait d'aller chez le dermato, ça coûterait moins cher et ça prendrait moins de temps (surtout que la différence n'est pas flagrante, d'ailleurs rien ne l'empêchait de porter des lentilles dès le début). Mais c'est vrai que sans ça, on n'aurait pas eu d'histoire, alors passons.

Un autre point m'a sérieusement agacée : au début, j'admirais beaucoup l'une des amies de l'héroïne. Elle était badass, n'hésitait pas à défendre les élèves victimes de harcèlement scolaire ou à botter les fesses d'un pervers preneur de photos sous les jupes des filles dans le bus, bref, la féministe en moi s'est dit "enfin une nana qui connaît le sens de la sororité". Que nenni... Il a fallu qu'elle devienne une evil bitch dans la deuxième moitié du drama... tout ça parce qu'elle était amoureuse du boyfriend de l'héroïne. C'est marrant comme dans les séries, les filles peuvent se déchirer pour une raison aussi futile (alors que la planète regorge de choix), quand les mecs, eux, ils ont le droit de se taper sur la tronche pour des prétextes vraiment graves et sérieux (la mort d'un pote, au hasard). Désolée, mais chez moi ça ne passe pas, et en plus ça ne m'arrive jamais. Déjà ma fierté m'interdit de courir après un mec qui me snobe, ensuite je me frite rarement avec mes copines ou mes collègues femmes, donc le cliché de la fausse amitié féminine ça me gave à un point... 'Soupir'...

Autre élément qui m'a énervée : pourquoi faut-il toujours que l'héroïne fasse les yeux ronds et une bouche en cul de poule à la moindre occasion, tout ça en prenant une voix de bébé ? Tiens ça me rappelle le drama taïwanais Moon River (que je n'ai regardé que parce que mon chéri d'amour Gao Shi De jouait dedans) : l'héroïne est badass, c'est même une pro des arts martiaux, grande et longiligne qui plus est, mais elle donne l'impression d'avoir 2 ans dès qu'elle ouvre la bouche, ce qui est aussi ridicule que perturbant... Il faut croire qu'en Asie, on doit avoir l'air d'une éternelle mineure pour espérer pécho, sans ça la domination patriarcale serait sérieusement ébranlée. Mais Cthulhu en soit remercié, True Beauty nous épargne au moins les moments gênants où la gamine en question court derrière un trouduc mal luné en étalant sa mignonnitude pour se faire pardonner ses erreurs (erreurs qui soit dit en passant, n'existent souvent que dans l'imagination dudit trouduc... ). Et pour compenser, parce qu'il y a quand même des moments que j'ai trouvés sympas, la romance entre la sœur aînée de l'héroïne et le prof de littérature m'a fait sourire jusqu'à la fin. Je n'ai pas l'habitude de voir des personnages féminins aussi déterminées, courageuses, prêtes à se faire virer parce qu'elle tiennent plus à l'honnêteté qu'à garder leur job, sûres d'elles et entreprenantes avec leur crush (en général celles qui courent en premier après un mec sont les méchantes de l'histoire et elles se font vite remballer), et pour qui le cadeau de mariage idéal est une méga caisse à outils. Pour le coup, si je n'étais pas l'aînée de ma fratrie, j'aurais bien aimé l'avoir comme grande sœur moi aussi.

Cela mis à part et je vais me répéter, c'est vrai que l'intrigue de ce drama ne présentait absolument rien d'original. Tout y était prévisible, à aucun moment je n'ai senti mon cœur battre ou je n'ai eu peur pour les personnages, les soi-disant rebondissements de l'histoire volent rarement très haut et on ne va pas dire que l'héroïne a de gros enjeux à gérer. A mon avis cette série se destine surtout à des adolescentes qui n'ont pas encore l'âge et la maturité nécessaires pour faire preuve d'esprit critique ou se montrer un peu plus difficiles. Mais qu'importe, je n'ai pas passé un trop mauvais moment, et au moins True Beauty vient s'ajouter à ma petite liste de KDramas visionnés. A l'avenir j'aurai un peu plus d'éléments de comparaison, c'est déjà ça de gagné.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
281 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 4, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 15
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5


Well, not very well considering True Beauty ended today and I'm going to have to spend the whole of 2021 nursing my awful second lead syndrome.

True Beauty was a really fun ride. It had it's plot in place, the right amount of funny moments and lovable high schoolers (and their families). The female lead was likable and I rooted for her throughout. Cha Eun Woo did great and could hold his own (has he been working out though? He grew biceps overnight. Damn).

But there is one person who totally breathed life into this show and yes the entire planet knows him by now and there are exactly zero surprises in this name-reveal. SEOJUN was amazing. His puppy scenes made me soft. His intense scenes made me hot. His confession scenes set the bar too high. His ultimate fate made me cry buckets (with him). He simply took over all our lives. He is definitely on that list of my all-time favorite characters and I just want to maintain a list of all his iconic dialogues and go back and watch them scene by scene (maybe that's borderline creepy. Well, I'm sorry dae sekkiya).

But there are so many more characters I want to talk about. The supporting cast was a great strength of this show. Im Semi did such a good job and I loved her pairing with teacher Han. I loved seeing them smash gender roles so royally. Teacher Han was the kind of teacher teacher I not only wanted all my life, but the kind I want to be in the future (yep, I'm a future teacher lol). Su Ah and Taehoon were adorable. Su Ah was such a good friend too. Sujin was great too, minus the minor (or MAJOR) blip where she strayed for a while. But I liked her journey enough to forgive her. I wish the writer hadn't given her that cliche second female lead script, but I guess they were sticking to the script.

Seojun Squad and Suho squad were both awesome. But yes, if I have to pick one, I'll have to pick seojun squad (I'm sorry dae saekkiya). Kim Chorong and Taehoon are the kind of friends I want to manifest into my life (where do I sign up for them?). Joo Young was goalssss. He was so funny (oh shit, my eyes hahaha). I loved all the extraordinary you cast cameos (but what about haruuuu). Chani did well in extended cameo.

Looking back, I was super excited for True Beauty when I found out Hwang In Yeop was playing the second lead. I absolutely adored him in 18 again. And even though I knew he wouldn't be getting the girl here (again), I was just so excited to see him in a role with more screen time for him. And in that sense True Beauty didn't fail to deliver.

It is easily one of the best high school romance kdramas out there I would recommend to everyone and I am sure I will go back and watch it again sometime and bug a few friends to watch it too.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
L Nanon
282 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 8, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 18
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

It was ok

The setup with ML tormented over a friends death and FL appearance were basically pointless as soon enough this settles into standard fair.

1. Pedestrian/Car accident despite all the time in the world to avoid? check
2. Love triangle where center (FL in this one) is oblivious? check
3. Mean mom suddenly overcome with grief when learning of child's hardships years too late and suddenly all is forgiven? check
5. Character disappears overseas for an extended time and returns with no advance word. check
6. Pointless breakup? check
7. Hospital visit due to gastrointestinal issue? check
8. Third wheel heroically gives up and helps main leads get back together after being annoying the entire show? check
10. Best friend betrayal to return later to allow lead to forgive to show how wonderful lead is? check

It's like there's a list that must be checked off at all costs to the story and characters. Still as formulaic as it is, it's not offensively bad.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
290 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 4, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 28
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 4.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

The same cliche and boring story

This drama has nothing new neither fresh, it was funny but that was their strongest point (and all the memes that came from here).

Will you remember the message of the beauty? No, probably you will remember the okey dokey dance more, but it's natural since they didn't focused on female lead struggles with her appearance, they care more for the tedious love triangle. The story is that lame that the side characters are actual more interesting than the FL and that it's not okay cause she should carry the drama.

The second male lead, another great and charismatic character that ended up being a heartbroken guy till the end. I'm tired of that, why is so difficult to make him happy with another love or something. Anyway, he stole the show for me.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
52 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 4, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 5.5
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 5.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0

True Beauty; “ A Love And Hate Relationship”

Let’s be honest. The original webtoon of “ True Beauty” has always had either a “ love and hate” relationship even amongst fans; the main heroine has little character growth, her relationships and decisions are questionable ,and the storyline hits a major snag after the halfway point as well.

Respectfully we should always try to take a step-back when watched a drama adapted from an original webtoon, novel or a reboot as a standalone production; writers often make very different decisions ( whether for better or worse) than the original creator with either storyline, themes or characters, and it is certain to say that writer Lee Shi Eun , did make some necessary and unnecessary changes in TVN’s latest eponymous drama adaption of the webtoon.

The biggest change to note is the predominant setting of the drama on our female lead Lim Ju Kyung ( Moon Ga Young) in high school for a major proportion of the series. Whilst naturally this did see the series brush over some notably darker issues of bullying, abuse and academic pressure, this also gave writer Shi Eun more playing ground with the joys and delights of intrinsic “ teen angst” and overused teen drama cliches. From the evident love interests of Suho ( Cha Eun Woo) and Han Seo Jun ( Hwang In Yeop) for our female lead, to other issues of bullying and love rivals on top, Shi Eun pulls at all the stops to make True Beauty, an overly cliche and “ sugarsweet” romance drama with more and more ridiculous tropes and scenarios as the episodes progress.

Nonetheless it is wrong to write off that the show didn’t do anything well either, in particular towards our actors.
Whilst Ga Young did have a couple of questionable acting moments, for a major proportion of the series, she perfectly captured the awkwardness, humour and more angst-ridden moments of our female lead. Similarly whilst Eun Woo is certainly a fairly veteran actor within romances , some of his past “ leading man” performances have come off as a little “ wooden” and lacklustre . It wouldn’t be lying to say that his role as Suho doesn’t not stand out as much as some of his previous works , however, it is prominent that Eun Woo did add a level of genuine heart and comedy to his role as Suho as well. Notably rising star Hwang In Yeop ‘s performance as Seo Jun has caught a lot of attention by viewers and fans with a surprising level of awkwardness, emotion and angst behind Seo Jun as a fleshed-out character, something which certainly must be given praise for as well.

This of course does move on to the show’s tackling of characterisation throughout the series, with some notably mixed results by the ending . The biggest elephant in the room must be addressed through the character of Kang Soo Jin ( Park Yoo Na). Similar to her original webtoon character, Soo Jin is sighted as a “ natural beauty” who lives in an abusive household and has a complicated relationship with Su Ho, however, the most notable change from the webtoon occurs within her 180- degree personality change in the beginning from a conniving social media influencer in the webtoon , to a studious and angelic friend for Ji Kyung during the drama. Honestly, Soo Jun’s character introduction had a lot of potential in comparison to her webtoon counterpart , with a seemingly strong of morality and strength by notably helping Ji Kyung out from an awkward situation during their journey to school on the bus before even getting to know her.

As most romantic cliches have proven, however, female animosity is the adored cliche of screenwriters, and it soon provides a downwards slope for Soo Jin as both a character and an individual as well. It is important to advocate that it is not necessarily Soo Jin’s feelings towards Soo Ho which make her suddenly a “ terrible person” over the course of the series, but rather how screenwriter Shi Eun unevenly mismatched Soo Jin’s later actions and decisions ( especially towards Ji-Kyung) near the finale.Whilst Shi Eun attempted to amend this in the final episodes, the damage had already been done quite irrevocably, possibly making Kang Soo Jin, the epitome of writing a terrible second female lead.

On a more positive note, however, the most prominent praise for characterisation must be given to Ju Kyung’s development as our heroine ( especially in comparison to the webtoon). Although it was a little painful that Ju Kyung did not talk out about her more dire decision in episode 1 to her family and still retained oblivious naivety at times ( stereotypically to Soo Jin’s feelings) , she did gradually begin to learn to grow more self-confidence and respect for herself as an individual ; something which is an important stage for any healthy relationship.

Equally Suho upon first glance, was intrinsically cliche and effectively a “ Mary- sue” of the drama and webtoon world ; overly” good-looking” , stylish and intelligent, however, alongside Seo Jun, Suho had some notable character growth as a character passed off as “impassive and aloof”, to being a notably non-judgemental individual towards physical appearances, but rather assessing someone based upon their individual personalities and actions . ( Perhaps the one aspect which would have intrinsically explained this more to
watchers, would have been to have the included the key aspect of Suho’s background as a ‘ half Japanese-Korean’ , resulting in him often being bullied from a young age and determining physical appearance as meaningless ; something clearly left out of the show in order to avoid controversy by Shi Eun.) From opening up about some aspects of his difficult past and childhood, his buddying friendship to blossoming feelings for Ju Kyung as well as refreshingly partially- reconciling with Seo Jun, did allow Suho to have some decent characterisation(despite the array of cliches that the show threw in our way) .

So, this leaves us on the big question; is it actually worth watching? True Beauty will always have a love-hate relationship with drama and webtoon fans - the storyline is sugary sweet ( with little sense of realism or grittiness despite the “ angst” apparent in the storyline), the tropes overtake actual story investment and some of the characters are fairly abandoned by the ending of the drama. Nevertheless there are some good things to note about the show; the OST is fairly catchy, the cast help to flesh- out all of our characters and the majority of our main protagonists have some deeper character development over the course of the series. Therefore it is fair to say that it really depends what you are seeking from this show; a cute, fluffy and unoriginal teen drama which you can binge watch? Then, definitely. Something to actually invest time into an original portrayal of the difficulties of romantic relationships as students? Then, probably not as there are certainly better dramas out there to consider.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
112 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 4, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 9
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Stuck with one problem

Honestly, I really liked this drama in the beginning, but later on, I felt kind of bored. I like the message of the drama, is where the title from, but I think that wasn't in the centre. In the latest episodes, the story circulated around the two guy leads and the main character. It was their triangle drama. I didn't like the way Seo jun is the one who makes soo ho and Ju kyung's love deeper. I think there could have been another option. Soo ho liked Ju Kyung from the beginning and I think it would have been well with only 8 episodes. And why bring Seo jun in all this?

In the beginning I wanted or I was very sure about giving a 10, but now I will only give 5. I recommend "extraordinary you" over this drama which has the same director. The beginning "True beauty" matches with the title, but the last episode matches with a title like "You and me forever" haha. The message of "true beauty" was not strong enough. I felt the drama showed us more about the triangle drama.

One thing I loved was the OST. The songs are good. I really enjoy listening to them. It reminds me of the drama, but the beginning of the drama (Episode 1-6).

The last thing is fate. They know each other since they were kids so of course they meet in the future and got together. Seo jun does not have a chance. I would love to see a kdrama without fate. Even if it's a fate I would like to see that fate is not always true. I mean that your life partner does not have to know you since before. True beauty, weightlifting fairy Kim bok joo, strong woman doo bong soo, you who came from the stars, what is wrong with secretary Kim and many more. To all the writers, can we get something real? Fate is not in real life. And also if anyone has any tips for dramas without the fate thing, please write. Thanks :)

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Cet avis était-il utile?
38 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 15, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 4.5
Histoire 3.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.5

true beauty is overhyped but does not deserve the hype ❤

i just don't understand why people likes this drama like well yes they are funny but the plot is very boring. it is so predictable and it was just a simple drama that revolves around jugyeong and suho. does some of you guys just like it bc of the young and beautiful casts :(

i regretted my decision watching true beauty bc i thought it is not just a typical drama but has lots of plot twist BUT I AM WRONG awh don't watch this if you doesn't like dramas that has a boring plot, you will just waste your time! the only thing i like about true beauty is their osts lol ngl

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Cet avis était-il utile?
28 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 7, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 6.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0

With awful writing comes a disappointing route.

The anticipation of True Beauty made the show worthy of the hype it received in the first couple of episodes. Episode 1 & 2 settled a cheerful school vibe. But moving forward, you see the show focuses more on unnecessary elements that are not important to what message it's trying to portray. The love triangle became a higher priority than the development of its characters. The show used some important characters and damaged them for the benefit of the main couple. This show was supposed to be about an insecure teenager struggling with her beauty. It would've been nice to see more concerning her anxiety and trauma but instead, there were only a few parts of development and the show never tried to flesh it out more. She is a very flat character and it is hard to build a connection with her since the main focus of the show was a relationship. True Beauty had so much potential on being amazing. It is not a bad show, the comedy is what saves it. The show also brings up some cases of mental health. Being in a high school setting, it would've been nice to see more elaboration with that concept since it affects the characters. But the drama never showed the process of healing, rather help was never mentioned. The show gets realistic at times which is why it's best to watch True Beauty with an open mind. Don't come to this drama as a critic. There are many problems with this series that the writers never tried to solve. I believe the writers played the safe way with this series but the problem with that is making a show about a serious insecurity but not making the whole show revolve around it. Acne is a very sensitive facial feature that many are not fond of. This is why the series could've been so impactful in making people feel more proud of their true beauty. Instead, I'm leaving this drama feeling nothing at all.

In terms of characters. The majority of them I liked, but too much time was wasted on characters that aren't essential to the narrative. True Beauty has too much filler. They bring on an interesting side character and toy around with it to benefit the leads. It follows a simple formula: character good, we like character, now we're going to make character suffer to make the leads' relationship stronger! Ah forgot to redeem them...uh... here they showed up for 5 seconds anyways here's the leads' relationship again~ I find it ironic how the drama made me dislike characters I loved in the webtoon and like characters I hated in the webtoon. All I can blame it on is bad writing.

The only lessons I learned from this show is that friendships mean nothing if the person doesn't see you as a priority, and pinning on someone is a waste of time. True Beauty could've been the most magical high school drama to ever live but sadly it remains a lighthearted show that avoids proper development and a compelling end for everyone.

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66 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 5, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Different from Webtoon, Good or Bad(?)

If you would not like to know who the female lead will end up with before you watch it, I think you shouldn't be reading reviews, honestly it is a bit hard to not spoil it.

I started watching without reading the webtoon, but I went to read the webtoon after I started the drama. I would say I personally prefer a remake that doesn't follow exactly from the webtoon, if not why watching + reading both of it? Also I enjoyed watching shows with unexpected plots, so I don't mind if it changes the story, as long as the remake is also a good story! Which I think this is! The drama started off similarly and became quite different in the second half, also it doesn't have some characters that appeared in the webtoon and created some new characters too, which makes sense for the story to develop differently. Plus! This is still an ongoing webtoon and drama only have 16 eps.

If you are a fan of the webtoon and are persistent in the storyline or loveline, hoping to just watch the actual scenes being reenacted, you may reconsider watching this; however, if you are opened to a refreshing remake, then you should watch it! Although it shares a different story, but both are fairly good! Although TBH the last few eps of this drama was a bit draggy, but still okay for me!

Besides the main roles, their side roles are pretty interesting and funny too (especially female lead's teacher and family), definitely gave me a good laugh from time to time. All casts' interactions are quite hilarious and natural too (except for Eun Woo haha, I love him a lot but couldn't deny the fact that his acting was not that natural, as compared to In-Yeop, but has improvement from his previous drama)

Anyway, I'm #TeamSeoJoon, but I prefer female lead with Suho :) At least for the drama.
Reason being that since the very start, the writer has been very consistent in setting up a lot of encounters between female lead and Suho (even from the young age), so it doesn't really make sense for female lead to end up with Seo Joon, although this means breaking lots of second-lead syndrome girls' heart. I'm also pretty glad that the girl wasn't swaying between two guys and was pretty loyal to only Suho, so it ended quite well and I'm overall satisfied. Although I would appreciate if they gave Seo Joon a girl too, honestly he is so precious and deserves so much love. It breaks my heart A LOT when he was always there for the one he cares for but ended up being so sad :'( Gosh, I wish I can have him for myself, such a sweetie pie!!! Definitely one of the best second male leads I've ever seen! With In-Yeop's fantastic portrayal, his on-point smirks and puppy look, he's real good at it!

Overall, a light-hearted teen drama with lovable characters that is worth watching!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
14 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 5, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 6.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0

Is it really "True Beauty"?

Here are some things I want to stress about a 10/10 drama for me. It has to be captivating from beginning to end; it has to have a high rewatch value; it has to not have a part where I want to spam the "skip 10 seconds" button.

Let's dissect the story. It was NOT a lot to unpack. The story was simple and a basic Korean high school drama. It wasn't exactly terrible, but it's just basic. There is really not much special about the plot. It's predictable and meh. I think one point in time it just became a "which boy will she choose (even though it's pretty obvious which one)" instead of "realizing one's true beauty." This drama is basically all about lookism.

Now, let's talk about cast. First of all, this is very biased Team Seojun. I have been Team Seojun since day 1 of webtoon. Of course, I also continued to support him during the drama. Hwang In Yeop's acting was gold and a pinky worth of his chemistry with Moon Ga-young was better than all of Eunwoo's scenes with her. Since we already mentioned Cha Eunwoo, let's just say that I didn't expect anything better or worse. One word: lookism. I'll try not to drop too much criticisms because it might just look like hate. Moving on, Moon Ga-Young was cute but not best for the role. She's a great actress-- I just don't think teen dramas are for her. She's much better suited as the villainess (aka in Tempted) in my opinion. The support roles' couples were honestly better than the main one. Although these couples don't really contribute much to the story, they were full of chemistry. About the support character's acting, nothing really stood out--good or bad. The only thing that stood out was Heekyung's personality. All other support characters just blended perfectly into the background, as they should.

The score for the music is self-explanatory. It's a really good soundtrack for a webdrama.

Overall, I WOULD NOT RECCOMEND unless you are surely Team Suho or if you're an Eunwoo fan.

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True Beauty (2020) poster



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