Un huis clos monstrueusement angoissant
Savoureux par son huis clos angoissant et son bestiaire exceptionnelle, Sweet Home est le parfait survival fantastique qui mêle le gore, l'effroi et les émotions. Une première saison redoutable et efficace.Sweet Home accroche dès le départ avec son atmosphère et ses décors. Des couleurs sales pour des couloirs encombrés. Des voisins malaisants envers lesquels le doute est persistant. Ou encore ce sentiment étrange qui plane au-dessus de la tête de Cha Hyun Soo. Tout nous pousse vers le gouffre de l'incertitude. L'enfer débarque sur Terre quinze minutes après le début du premier épisode.
Les personnages se dévoilent en rythme, jonglant entre comédie et terreur. Le casting est exceptionnel. Des personnages principaux aux secondaires. Les survivals mettent à rudes épreuves le mental des personnages, Sweet Home ne fait pas exception.
Lee Eung Bok nous offre tout un spectacle visuel, notamment le bestiaire qui est une pure réussite et des CGI très bonnes. Les créatures sont vilaines et repoussantes, intrigantes et curieuses, violentes et créatives, mais un renouveau dans le genre. Elles prennent vie pour offrir des scènes cauchemardesques, sublimées par une mise en scène soignée. Je ne connais pas le webtoon original, mais Sweet Home est pour moi l'un des rares bons projets produit par Netflix. Peut-être parce qu'à ce moment, le baron du streaming respectait encore le cinéma ?
Quoiqu'il en soit, cette première saison de Sweet Home s'amuse dans son décor post-apocalyptique avec ses démons extirpés tout droit des enfers tout en remettant en question la face cachée de l'Homme.
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Très chère Violence, je vous dis BONJOUR !
Avant de commencer cette critique, il faut savoir que j'aime beaucoup le genre trash/gore ainsi que l'horreur (Comprenez que j'en ai donc vu pas mal, asiatique comme américain). Par contre, j'ai plus de mal avec la science-fiction (Oui, parce que pour moi "Sweet Home" est clairement une situation "Postapocalyptique" et donc de la S-F), mis à part la dystopie (Et oui, je préfère le fantastique ou la fantasy à la S-F, chacun ses défauts hein !).Concernant le drama, encore une fois, je n'ai jamais lu le Webtoon (comme la plupart du temps, car l'original étant souvent meilleur, je préfère voir le moins bon d'abord x'D). De ce fait, mon opinion ne sera pas influencée par une autre source que le drama.
Rentrons enfin dans le vif du sujet en montrant les éléments forts du drama :
• Un décor "postapocalyptique" assez représentatif de ce qu'on attend du genre ! (C'est à dire de la destruction & des survivants)
• Des survivants des plus sympathiques... (ba oui, il faut savoir qu'être sympas est synonyme de mort imminente... Donc bien sûr, les gens préfèrent être sans cœur et laisser des gens mourir pour les sauver.)
Je retiens particulièrement le passage où "Sang-Wook" (Lee Jin-Wook) tabasse à mort un homme (bon, d'accord c'est un meurtrier mais quand même !) et finis par le jeter dehors pour qu'il soit dévoré par les monstres... Quatre personnes voient ce spectacle mais personne ne bouge !
Cela m'a rappelé un "syndrome" que j'avais vu en cours alors que j'étais adolescence : "Le syndrome de Kitty Genovese" aussi appelé "l'effet du témoin". Il s'agit de l'effet de plusieurs personnes qui voient un drame mais se dédouanent de toutes responsabilités car ils espèrent que quelqu'un interviendra... Ce drama montre bien cet effet perfide.
• De la violence à gogo !
• Une tentative de viol... (Bon sérieux ? C'est obligatoire de prendre les femmes pour des objets ?)
• Effets spéciaux plus que... inégaux ! (J'ai malgré tout aimé la transformation de Hyun-Su) Et ne parlons pas de cette hémoglobine à tout va ! (Bien sûr, nous sommes dans du trash... Mais du trash non convaincant avec du sang qui coulent en cascade, ne m'inspire pas des masses :D)
Je dois dire que ce drama m'a laissé un gout amer par moment... J'ai souvent trouvé qu'on nous montrait le pire de l'être humain. Les situations étaient peu reluisantes et horribles humainement parlant... (Oui, car visuellement je n'ai pas vraiment été dérangée bien que cela soit des scènes glauques à répétition)
Et le casting dans tout ça me direz-vous ? Netflix a peut-être un peu trop misé sur la notoriété de son casting... (Car il est rare que je connaisse autant d'acteurs dans une production...) Néanmoins, j'ai trouvé qu'ils se débrouillaient malgré tout pour se démarquer. J'ai d'ailleurs été convaincue par Hyun-Su (Song Kang), le désespoir qui l'habitait ne pouvait être manqué.
Pour finir, c'est un drama que j'ai apprécié visionner. Cependant, l'effet américanisé est beaucoup trop fort, je suis loin d'être habituée à ce genre de production par des pays asiatique qui misent souvent plus sur le psychologique que sur le trash des situations !
Ha oui, j'oubliais... C'est quoi cette fin sans queue ni tête ?! Est-ce un indice pour dire qu'il y aura une suite ? Nous verrons bien =D !
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«Sweet Home» m’a surprise. Je ne m’attendais pas à vraiment aimer, et encore moins à dévorer les épisodes comme je l’ai fait, sachant que le genre ‘horreur’ n’est pas celui que je préfère, bien au contraire. L’histoire est originale, se passant en huis clos dans un bâtiment d’appartements et avec plusieurs des résidents comme personnages centraux, intéressante, pleine de suspense et d’actions, tout en réussissant également à être touchante par moments. Le début a été un peu lent, établissant la base, présentant les personnages un peu, etc. Mais le rythme s’accélère très rapidement ensuite, quand la réalité de la ‘monsterisation’ commence. Le tout, comme je disais, a donné un drama qui m’a surprise, et que j’ai fini par regarder en très peu de temps, vu ma curiosité de savoir ce qui allait arriver, comment tout allait se finir ! Je ne m’attendais pas à ça, mais je suis ravie d’avoir découvert « Sweet Home » !
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Sinon, j'ai tout de même envie de regarder la saison 2 car sur les deux derniers épisodes, c'est redevenu intéressant. En attendant de voir la suite, je vais peut-être le lire dans quelques temps afin de me faire une idée un peu plus approfondie de cette histoire.
Bref, j'ai bien aimé mais sans plus ; je ne pense pas le revisionner un jour, mais je pense que ça peut bien plaire à d'autres.
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C'est un drama assez surprenant dans son univers. Je ne crierais pas au génie, mais le drama est bien réalisé (et ficelé).
La tension monte vite et très vite les questions légitimes se posent : comment? pourquoi? (Nous n'avons d'ailleurs pas toutes les réponses, peut-être dans une future saison 2?)
Les CG sont sympathiques (les monstres moins) et on se surprend à retenir son souffle plusieurs fois. L'action n'est pas omniprésente (contrairement au webtoon dixit ma fille) mais je trouve l'équilibre harmonieux entre l'action et les scènes psychologiques.
Les couleurs et la photographie contribuent à l'ambiance malsaine des lieux, on se croirait dans un jeux vidéos.
Nous sommes rapidement immergés dans le quotidien un peu glauque des habitants et le côté peu glamour de leur vie apparaît rapidement. Mais, comme souvent, les personnages finissent par révéler le meilleur d'eux même dans ce genre de situation.
Certaines scènes (visuellement) et thèmes évoqués sont dures à encaisser ( la pédophilie, les violences scolaires...).
On s'attache rapidement aux personnages et bien que certains soient ambiguës (le gangster ou la ballerine par exemple), on découvre et on comprend les actions de certains et l'attitude des autres.
Le final et la mort de certains sont déchirants.
La morale de l'histoire est sans appel (je ne spoilerais pas, mais on devine bien qui est le véritable ennemi...)
L'OST colle parfaitement à l'ambiance mi-malsaine et mi-épique du drama. C'est dynamique et touchant à la fois.
En résumé, un bon drama qui saura surprendre.
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The show is more action and the characters/relationships driven compared to my initial assumption of it focusing on the story itself. The plot is quite simple: people turn into monsters, humanity has to survive, but in the midst of it, Sweet Home asks one important question "What does it mean to be human?" and explores it throughout all the episodes. It shows the best and the worst side of humanity - the will to survive that can unite or turn people against each other; the will to be humane as a way of fighting against the circumstances, but also using the horrifying situation as an excuse to abandon empathy.
Despite the show claiming to be in line with thriller, horror and psychological genres, it falls closer to action as a leading one. The plot might seem simple, but it did an amazing job connecting the dots slowly presented. Quite a few times in the 2nd half I recognized the continuation of the plots and hints dropped in the beginning episodes. While the main question might not be answered and the ending could seem disappointing and unsatisfying for some, I found it to be the best possible approach. Any other take would fall short and seem forced. It definitely leaves a lot of room for possible season two, but lack of continuation of the story would not make me angry either.
We are introduced to a brilliant cast of characters, that all have different stories to tell, that will resonate with the audience. In a short period of 10 episodes, I've got to see well built character development not only for Cha Hyun Soo, but also for many side characters. While I strongly disagreed with many of the character's decisions and behaviors, at the same time I could understand their reasoning behind it. If I had to pick my favorite characters (beside the star of the show Hyun Soo) I would pick empathetic Yoon Ji Su, brave Jung Jae Heon, resourceful Han Du Sik and level-headed Lee Eun Hyuk. That said, the chemistry between the whole cast was out of this world and they played off of each other well.
The wise advice I could give to anyone before starting: don't expect dark psychological horror. Even though the show explores quite a few psychological themes, as I mentioned before, it leans more towards action in addition to some dark humor, especially in the beginning episodes. That said, the thing it has to be applauded for - the stakes were real. You know the shows, where you feel close to nothing when characters are in danger because you know they will survive anyway? Not here. Each problem presented to them, each encounter with monsters, each turn made me tense, scared, but also excited for what's to come.
I'm not exactly one to pay attention to music in movies or shows, unless it truly catches my attention. Here, all the songs were extremely fitting and perfectly supported scenes they were played in. At first some choices might feel out of place, but as the drama progresses it starts to feel like a deliberate choice that somehow works.
If I had to complain about anything, I'd say I was not the biggest fan of the CGI monsters at first. Since I was expecting a dark psychological horror like Strangers From Hell, the cartoon-ish like models with questionable motion put me off. The moment I accepted this is not what I signed up for and started to enjoy the action, I started to appreciate the design of the creatures. Some had comical features (we see an a*s once), but it balanced well the dreadful emotional moments happening among the characters.
What's more, in the beginning episode the plot was not presented in a linear way, so it might be confusing. Later on the time jumps are barely happening and it's easier to follow the story.
In conclusion: I cried a lot. I got attached to each and every character. I cared for what's going to happen to them. I was curious about their past stories and how they affect their current decisions and actions. The show simply made me engage in whatever was happening on the screen, to the point of me binge watching it for 10 hours and forgetting to eat.
Warning: there is a lot of blood, some gore, story about child abuse and one for severe bullying. It talks about suicide and self harm. These themes might be too much for some viewers, so feel warned before giving it a shot.
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If it's not broken why change it?
Is my first time doing a review, also English is not my first language but i hope whoever reads it understand my points.I think most people that read the webtoon would agree that while the casting and acting of all characters was close to perfection, but the changes done to the characters narrative were really bad, the comic was Hyun's fight between his inner demons and his love for his friends and the growth of all of them while being in the end of the world, while in this adaptation i didn't feel most of Hyun struggle nor his triumph against his own mind, his relationship with most characters felt like something was missing and the changes to some of the characters felt pointless, if you are gonna change them is to make them better, but aside of a couple characters, almost everyone changed for the worst.
If this was a completely original drama it would have been a lot more enjoyable, but being an adaptation it was impossible for me to not compare them both, it felt worse than the original story.
Don't get me wrong, i still enjoyed it and think it was a good drama so i still recommend people to watch it, but you should keep in mind that if you got the time maybe reading the original comic will give you a better product.
P.S: Also I'm really annoyed about the overuse of Warriors, who the hell thought it was a song appropriate for the scenes it played?, it ruined my immersion in key scenes.
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Sweet Home ended me
Sweet Home ending is insane. The special effects, plot, cast and production is well planned. The ending was way different from the webtoon and there is now more room for season 2. Every single monsters is so detailed and so insane. I loved how they didn't show many things which the webtoon had, now they show it in the season 2. Amazing acting from Song Kang, Lee Shi Young, Lee Do Hyun and everyone. Everything single scene was a slay. One of the best Korean drama of 2020. Must watch! They way I panicked in every episode is very scary.Cet avis était-il utile?
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As A Webtoon Reader
My review for the most part is going to be coming from someone who read the webtoon and LOVED it.STORY: I know they finished this before the webtoon ended, I know they couldn't add everything because it would make the budget too high. That being said, some of the changes felt pointless. They missed the timing for some characters' deaths and then gave them pointless deaths that did not live up to their deaths in the webtoon. They added the female character and basically stripped Wook of everything that made him a good character. For Eun, they made her mean and it really ruined the sibling dynamic between her and Hyuk. For Hyuk, they rid of his "funniness." My main problem with the story is the damages they caused to the character's relationships with each other. Hyuk and Hyun's friendship was nonexistent, instead, Hyuk just used Hyun as a dog. Hyun and Jisu's relationship was switched out for Hyun and Eun. Eun and Wook did not have their friendship. Wook and Yuri's relationship was barely there. I am just disappointed with how they handled the webtoon relationships.
The monsters were watered down. In the webtoon, they were hard to kill are were always a threat. In the drama, they were easier to kill and kinda just disappeared in the last two episodes... I kinda wished the "Do I Look Good?" monster was here, they teased us with lines relating to him, but he never came :( The CGI was pretty good, the best has to be the "I Can't See" monster, he looked VERY real. Protein, the running monster, and the spider monster were goofy-looking sometimes XD
If I were to not have read the webtoon, it would not have been bad. BUT, I would have been confused on some parts because you need webtoon knowledge to understand somethings.
ACTING/CAST: they all did their parts perfectly. They all acted so well. Kudos to everyone because wow.
MUSIC: I am not gonna lie, some times the music just did not fit. I wish they would've had more intense songs instead of always using Imagine Dragon's "Warriors."
REWATCH VALUE: I could rewatch it, but I probably won't. I do not rewatch things often
OVERALL: As a webtoon reader, I am disappointed and would give it a 7.5/10. As a drama watcher, I am satisfied and would give it a 9/10. UPDATE: after rethinking it, I changed by overall to an 8/10
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From A Webtoon Reader’s Perspective
Please take note that I have read and I am a huge fan of the webtoon, but for the sake of your watching experience, I suggest you don’t compare this to the webtoon at all.THE STORY: The director only took some elements of the story and plopped it into a whole different scenario. Right off the bat, you’ll see a bunch of difference and from episode 5 and up, there’s almost little to nothing that’s similar to the story. However, if you’ve read the webtoon this should not scare you away from watching. Just keep in mind that you should try your best not to think of the webtoon, because I did that and over time it just ate me up. The show in itself is not bad at all. It is a good drama, but I think it failed to adapt the webtoon successfully. The main issue that I had with the show is that they made the characters more “distant” to each other and none of them had the relationship like in the webtoon. The chemistry each character had is what made it so special, and the fact that they cut this element out is so disappointing. Eunhyuk and Hyunsu’s friendship was my favorite. Their interactions was one of the best parts of the story and I’m mad they took out Eunhyuk’s nerdy side. I also didn’t like how you couldn’t see the thought process whenever they transformed into monsters. By that, I mean Dusik and the husband. Seeing how Dusik wanted his legs just so he can see his wife and son made it so much more meaningful and made his death a lot more sadder. The same goes for the husband. He is self centered and that ate him up in the end, so even if he annoyed you, you still kind of sympathized with him in the end. Now, like I said you shouldn’t compare the show to much to the webtoon (like what I just did now) because there are so much more things I can point out about the show that the webtoon did better. But I don’t want to be unfair because the show is good. The story is a bit more on the action side and had some focus on the outside world instead of just the residents of Green Home. The ending is also open, so it gives room for a second season. In my opinion, the CGI isn’t bad as people make it out to be, and is actually a lot better than you’d see in most shows. I really loved how the Protein Monster looked like and I don’t think they butchered any designs of the monsters at all. Overall, the story itself is good and you shouldn’t shy away from this if you’ve read the webtoon.
ACTING: The entire cast did a phenomenal job with this. Song Kang never disappoints and I don’t think anybody could’ve pulled Hyunsu as well as he did. The rest of the cast also did amazing so I have no complaints on this end.
SOUNDTRACK: The soundtrack is a bit weird ??Every time they played Warriors by Imagine Dragons I would try to tune it out of my ears because it felt so out of place.
REWATCH VALUE: I’m not the type to rewatch types of shows like these, but it is pretty short and you could rewatch it again.
OVERALL: Compared to the webtoon, this show isn’t that much. But it is a good watch as it is pretty short and the story itself isn’t bad.
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Sweet Home, Where The True Monsters Reside With Your Head...
In the gory dystopian Japanese classic Battle Royale (2000), the style of ‘ fighting until the last survivor’ has created a lasting legacy upon numerous western franchises ( consider movies like the Hunger Games and Saw) and video games as well, whilst series like the American graphic - novel based and Zombie show the Walking Dead (2010-) have established an interest in contemporary dystopian dramas and franchises. Yet, as dramas go, Sweet Home doesn’t entirely stand out at first amongst the multitude of ‘ race- for- survival’ - style movies and dramas out there.
Most webtoon readers will probably argue, however, that the one thing which the drama does do well in regards to divulging away from past dystopian tropes in a similar manner to the eponymous webtoon , is being able to maintain the archetype that the monsters aren’t created by some pandemic or freaky lab accident, but the human psyche’s repressed fears and desires. This is one of the main focuses of the show and one of the main obstacles for the main protagonist Hyun ( Song Kang) in order to confront ( both literally and metaphorically) his own demons over the course of the drama.
On the other hand, whilst it is important to respect both a webtoon and “ based-upon” drama as standalone productions in their own rights, it is undeniable with the great legacy of the original webtoon to notice where the drama fell short of expectations at times. ( With all due respect the drama did maintain some of the impactful themes of the original webtoon such as mental health, murder, smoking and violence).
The greatest of the show’s flaws came from character development and interaction throughout the series.
For those who don’t know, one of the critically-acclaimed features of the original webtoon ( sans the fighting scenes) was the ability to show how the numerous characters of the webtoon with different personalities, backgrounds and beliefs were able to develop bonds, alliances and friendships throughout the events of Sweet Home. That’s not to say that the drama didn’t achieve this at all. To some extent, we got to see this interaction en par with the webtoon through the first meeting of Hyun and Lee Eun Yoo ( Go Min- Si) in episode 1 and their interactions over the course of the drama, as well as the humanity of the most unlikely character, the gangster Pyeon Sang-wook ( Lee Jin Wook) through his heart-rendering backstory in later episodes. Apart from this, there seemed to be little dedication in scenes to actually focus upon other and more intimate character interactions.
Yet whilst the show arguably does not have the time to cram in 142 chapters of character interactions into 10 episodes alone, there were still endless opportunities to explore and humanise other important characters in the drama in order to make their backstories and their events such as Yoon Ji- Soo ( Park Kyu-Young) and Jung Jae Hyeon ( Kim Nah Hee) more impactful by allowing them to grown upon viewers.
This ironically moves us onto the second problem of the drama; the CGI effects of the monsters.
As it happens there was something more sinister in some regards to the effects of Hyun’s eyes turning demonically- black in scenes than the bloodshot appearance in the webtoon, and the nightmarish forms of the “ Half- Headed” and “ Protein” Monsters will certainly leave goosebumps for viewers afterwards. What is hard to understand, however, is how lazy the CGI could be at times within this show, with several scenes such as the “ Seoul Apocalypse” appearing more like a 2000s cheap horror movie than a drama released this year. It seemed only adding to this effect was the single shot style frame typically employed for romance dramas which felt oddly out of a place in a horror drama where inventive styles ( even slow-motion) or the feeling of distortion ( which have been employed to portray Hyun’s nightmares) would have been better suited for theme of Sweet Home.Additionally one of the biggest of the drama had to be the OST. Whilst hearing Imagine Dragon’s Warriors during a fight scene or the ironic energetic K-Hip Hop artist BeWhy did add a level of pacing to the ending, it soon became repetitive and lost impact to hear these songs again and again without a change of pace. For a drama which has a main character as a musician, there was so much wasted potential to not have a wider range of genres, styles and (respectfully )more Korean and international mainstream and indie artists throughout the show.
Perhaps Sweet Home’s one saving grace had to be its varied and brilliant cast. By far several of the best casting choices of the show had to be between choosing Lee Jin Wook as a gruff gangster, Go Min- Si as a foul-mouthed teenager with a surprising streak of kindness and of course casting Kim Sang Ho as Han Du- Sik , the much needed comical relief of the drama.
Yet the casting choices of our main leads were by far the most surprising. Knowing that Song Kang( who played one of the cheerful leads in the romance hit-drama Love Alarm ) would be cast to play the suicidal and angst-ridden teen Hyun, seems a strange fact to grasp with for most viewers, yet, Kang’s portrayal added a surprisingly level of humanity to the irony of playing a character fighting for that very sake. In a similar manner, Lee Do Hyun was fairly unrecognisable in a guise of glasses and a more mature role as Lee- Eun Hyuk than a certain “ Ahjussi teenager “ in the romance- comedy 18 Again , yet like his costar, Do- Hyun was fairly good in the drama.
Overall, Sweet Home has certainly been one of the better dramas of 2020 with a fairly good and original concept ( although it does fall down on several factors), difficult themes (such as murder and suicide) being tackled in an appropriate manner and a stellar and diverse cast. My only other complaint is with the ending already trying to build its way to another season ( or leave on a “ dramatic” cliffhanger) and therefore consequently trying to stray away from the original storyline. Apart from this ( as we are still yet to see if there is another season or not) , Sweet Home ( although not flawless) is definitely worth a watch.
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Best Watched Without Minding the Original Material
This is not a 'genuine' adaptation of Sweet Home. More like a 'loose' one but yes this wasn't anything like the webtoon with how they selectively only take the idea of monsters appearing out of nowhere, with people surviving amidst of it and a boy who's happened to be able to resist the monster inside his head, and turns it into a 10-episode show. They lose the essence of original material when they decided end this show with that ending. It's pretty obvious that they're planning to further utilize the core story of the original material to create a seasonal work, judging how different the route it takes throughout the story. You'll be disappointed if you read the webtoon because many characters are not the same, some are added for no reason, and suddenly this turns into a usual apocalyptic story with a supposedly hero to 'save' humanity. What the webtoon tries to rely is beyond that. Both works are straight up different in terms of characters' growth & plot progression.Not to mention the way the show placed its background music is just plain disastrous. The webtoon gives off suspenseful & eerie vibes whenever the monster's around, while at the same being unsettling in peeling out the layer of the main question of the whole thing: what does it mean to be a human, or a monster?It talks about greed, desire, and everything beyond that. The music (and the plot, I might need to say) fails to deliver that, and instead turn on the ever-repetitive song to made the whole scene more 'exciting' when it's supposed to elicit fear and anxiousness from ones who watch it. Not only it disturb the mood the whole scene was particularly going for, it also ruined the suspenseful vibes it tries so hard to build by suddenly making this more looking like an entertaining action-focused story. Which is wrong (and ridiculous) because the monster's supposed to be a real & full-blown horror to all the survivors. It's supposed to make you feel afraid and nervous, which it ultimately failed to be at the end.
This is best watched as a separate work, rather as an adaptation. Because it's clearly not being faithful to what the original material aims for, and it will further prevent you from experiencing it to its best quality. Once I let go my expectation that I've long had due to my deep attachment to the webtoon, Sweet Home as an entire piece is still a good watch for what it's worth. Song Kang was impeccable as Hyun-soo despite the minimal effort the show put to build his personal growth. Go Min-si & Park Kyu-young was great, the entire casting line-up has been nothing but incredible, really. And Lee Do-hyun!Brilliant as ever.
Speaking of directing, considering it was done by Lee Eun-bok who also brought Mr. Sunshine & Goblin, I think there's not much to worry about. Everything's exquisitely done and the action scenes are well-executed to say the least. Although I feel like the nosebleed scenes are too much sometimes lmfao. A lot of gory scenes are shown here, but nothing explicit. I wasn't a fan of gore, but still handles this just fine. Really loved the bits where they shown the 'monstrous' version of Hyun-soo near the finale, by the way. Short but impactful for sure.
Sweet Home is, all in all, a decent show. It's fast-paced, thrilling, and heartwarming at times it need to be. Admittedly there's a serious lack of character development shown toward several major characters, but this is an action drama at its best. You'll enjoy it better if you treat it as something it tries to be, that's all. Anyways, if you haven't read the webtoon, please read it, before or after you watch the show. It was that good. Enjoy the show nonetheless!
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