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For me this is the sad, but happy series if y’all looking for cute and adorable bl series i recommend y’all to watch thisI actually don’t know what to say about this series ???? it’s a bit sad and frustrating, but at the same time i like how Ae and pete ended up together well i’m a bit sad for tin and can.???? I’ve been watching BL series/movie for almost 3yrs and all i can say is this is the best bl series i’ve ever watched????????
Ae and pete are the cutest couple ever
ae is the possessive type and also (a freakin’ horny person)????
While Pete is the timid, cute, handsome, and kind type , well y’all can say that I’m biased person , well if you focus in the story you’ll see how much pain pete get through.
and i was a bit shocked when they aired the ep 7 ???? also 9,10,11 and 12!!! how they can make it so real???? i’m just happy they ended up together
Tin and Can- this couple are like the spicy, sweet and talkactive, slow headed
Tin is the spicy person because of bein’ hot headed, but sweet at the same time because he cares for Can also to pete, but one thing I don’t like is he forced himself to others to like him ???? sad but that’s the fact. I don’t like it because he’s hurting himself.
Can is the Slow headed and talkative type of person because of bein’ slow headed person he hurts Tin so bad, but i like Can, how he cares for tin he helped tin he showed tin how happy is life is?? but sad they didn’t end up in this series.
Tum/Tar couple this type of couple could be happen in the future the one is inlove, but the other one is pretending not to know because he thinks he don’t deserve to be loved, but after the confession i found it really hard because of their situations????
Kla/techno this couple are like ‘one night stand’ only because one of them is drunk, but the other one is forcing himself to the other one, well in this earth we’re living this could happen????
I am looking forward to the novel?? i hope they finished it by now ???? but translating it to english might be hard, but i’m still waitinggg~~~ fighting
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Personal Opinions
I have been watching Chinese and Korean Dramas for a while but only recently got into Thai ones. I have watched 'TharnType', both seasons and 'Don't say no' before watching this so I know it could have impacted the way I watched this. However I do have some views on it.Firstly (i don't know which was filmed first TharnType or this, but this was was out a year earlier) seeing different actors in the different series has always been a big turn off for me regarding dramas, and seeing the characters I saw in TharnType played by different actors threw me out of the experience a lot. In my opinion if you can't get the same actors then they should have cut the character out completely, especially as he wasn't a main part of the show. It just made it odd.
Secondly the main leads. Don't get me wrong i'm not talking about the actors, they were great, im talking about the characters. Pete was written too good for the majority of the show, the guy literally had no bottom line. With most people they get pushed around, beaten and hurt have some point where enough is enough, pete never had that which made him a bit unbelievable. Ae as well seemed to go from 'stranger' to 'straight friend' to 'jealous friend without a clue why' to 'maybe im gay' to 'I love you' in the blink of an eye.......the steps that took the guys from 1 - 10 where so quick it was almost not noticeable. Again the actors were great, it was just some of the choices for the characters that could have been improved for me.
Ae's friend and dorm mate pond was just annoying, the man seemed to have no self awareness whatsoever, although at times he seemed to see things others didn't. Some of the other characters where the same, going on the annoying side of the 'funny' spectrum.
The character Tin was just a bully, although one with a sad backstory. Although the two side couples of Tum/Tar and Kla?techno where absolutely toxic. One had an elder brother trying to force himself on him while another had a younger brother who openly took part in his assault. They could have made these storylines work if they had put time into them but it was almost like 'ok that happened now move on' with no follow up on the impact it would have had on the characters at all.
I would still re-watch the show (excluding episode 14) because over all the actors did a great job and it was well shot. I just personally think the characters could have used a bit more thought in certain areas, however it didn't detract too much from the pleasure of the show overall.
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Series BL Thai yang wajib buat di tonton!!!!
Jujur series ini bagus bgt! Gue sampe rewatch series ini berkali2, karena banyak bgt hal yang gue kagumi dari series ini. Rasanya mau saliman dulu sama pencipta scriptnya gilaaaa plot&karakternya bagus banget! Baru kali ini gue bener2 rewatch series BL woy. Selain plot&karakternya yang keren menurut gue series ini pengambilan gambarnya kaco sih bagus bgt dari mulai shoot footage, shoot muka actornya, shoot perkelahian, shoot adegan manis wah kaco sih pengarahannya bagus bgt! Dan galupa penempatan lagu yang menurut gue passs bgt soo kita para penonton feelnya tuh dapet banget! disaat sedih feelnya dapet, disaat bahagia cute romantis gitu kita penonton bisa ngerasa ikut bahagia.wah pokoknya series LBC ini adalah series BL gue nomor 1 di hati. Suka banget sama semua karakter, acting, musik, pengambilan gambar, kualitas gambar, plot cerita. GILA SIH NIH SERIES PECAH BANGET MENURUT GUE!
Bahkan gue sampe mau nonton fanmeetingnya donggg kalo ada huhu.....
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Watch Only For Ae and Pete
Love By Chance left me with mixed feelings. As someone who generally dislikes school BLs for various reasons, the setting and some characters grated on my nerves. However, I couldn't help but fall for Perth and Saint's portrayal of Ae and Pete. Especially considering Perth's talent as a child actor, I was amazed by his skills at just 17 years old, though I had reservations about his young age when starring in the series.The story revolves around Pete, a wealthy and timid university student trying to conceal his homosexuality, and Ae, a kind-hearted boy who accidentally hits Pete with his bike. Ae steps in to protect Pete from those seeking to take advantage of his wealth, leading to an intense closeness between them, with Ae developing feelings for Pete beyond friendship. However, Pete tries to ignore his own feelings for Ae to spare him from potential ridicule. Despite this, Pete falls deeper in love with Ae, who initially wasn't aware of his own attraction to men until he met Pete.
The way Ae's feelings for Pete gradually develop is beautifully portrayed, and their journey from friendship to romance feels genuine and touching. The scene where Pete comes out to his mother is particularly emotional and resonated with me deeply.
Yet, I found it puzzling that while Ae and Pete's story was well-developed, the side characters seemed to be stereotypical and messy tropes, which detracted from the overall experience.
To add to my mixed feelings, Perth's ex-manager's actions behind the scenes caused disruptions that ultimately affected the series' ending, leaving me dissatisfied.
In conclusion, Love By Chance is worth watching if you're drawn to the beautifully portrayed relationship between Ae and Pete. However, if you're seeking a well-rounded BL with equally strong supporting characters, you may find yourself disappointed.
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Una serie piena di stereotipi ma con un inizio discreto
Ho trovato onestamente molto buono l'inizio. Un ragazzo in difficoltà che viene salvato dal bravo ragazzo di turno, conil quale inizia a nascere una bella storia d'amore. Purtroppo finita questa parte iniziale tutto diventa un'eccessiva caricatura di ciò che davvero dovrebbero essere i personaggi.Pete è un personaggio assolutamente piatto. No, non è solo timido e dolce. Semplicemente dice di si a tutto (tranne quando vogliono rubargli i soldi). Se si arrabbia dura meno di un'inquadratura, perché perdona immediatamente Ae. E comunque, anche quando si arrabbia lo fa per motivi molto futili. Non ha un vero carattere, è messo li solo per fare il carino e cercare di far intenerire lo spettatore. Inoltre ho trovato veramente stupida e odiosa tutta la parte in cui tentava di convincere Ae a mettersi con Choomphoo. Io sono gay e conosco tanti gay, vi assicuro che nella realtà se ti piace un ragazzo non gli dici "mettiti con lei perché è più giusta per te". Nemmeno se lo ami. In generale, ogni litigio con Ae aveva pretesti stupidi e si esauriva in poche scene, tutto molto banale insomma.
Ae è l'unico personaggio che davvero regge la serie. L'attore è bravo (non il migliore, ma è giovane e se la cava). Il suo personaggio fa molte cose romantiche e dolci. Il carattere è ben approfondito e anche il percorso di accettazione della propria omosessualità. Peccato gli abbiano affibbiato un co-protagonista non all'altezza.
Tin è un altro grande stereotipo. Il classico riccone stronzo che però ha un passato difficile alle spalle. Che si sarebbe innamorato di Can l'ho capito dal primo momento in cui si sono incontrati. Tutto scontatissimo. Anche il modo di pensare di Tin: i soldi comprano tutto, senza soldi non avrai nulla e l'amore è una presa in giro. Insomma, un personaggio che non si sono sforzati di scrivere a dovere.
Can al contrario mi piace molto e lo trovo spassosissimo. Peccato che lo abbiano reso talmente caricaturale da risultare fuori luogo in una storia d'amore. Che sia giovane e ingenuo e non capisca i propri sentimenti ci sta, ma dopo averlo reso praticamente una scimmia iperattiva non puoi aspettarti di riuscire a farlo maturare solo negli ultimi episodi (e infatti si vedono i risultati). Inoltre rovina tutti i momenti anche solo leggermente romantici con battute che non fanno nemmeno ridere. Un esempio? ecco: "Perché mi sento tremare e sento di dover cagare?". Questo è ciò che dice dopo un bacio di Tin. Praticamente rovina l'intera scena precedente con una battuta. Ci sta il personaggio comico, ci sta la battuta fuori luogo. Ma di tante battute che potevano affibbiargli gliene hanno dato proprio una che me lo ha fatto immaginare come una scimmia cagona. Insomma, dai!
Cha-am è uno dei pochi personaggi davvero riusciti. Lei è simpaticissima, strong e in poche scene conquista subito la simpatia dello spettatore.
Ho trovato trattata male e in modo frettoloso tutta la faccenda dell'amore tra fratellastri. Troppo sbrigativa in alcuni punti, troppo leggera quando ci voleva un po più di drammaticità. In generale comunque non mi piacciono le coppie di questo genere.
Concludo dicendo che quasi l'intero cast è stato imbruttito da pessime scelte dei costumisti. Da Pete a Tin, per poi passare a Can e tanti altri: bastava usare un pettine per cambiar loro pettinatura e sarebbero risultati carini. Invece hanno tutti la stessa pettinatura, che è carina ma non può davvero stare bene a tutti.
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N O S P O I L E R SLet me start this by saying it took me almost three months to watch episode 14 and the extended version but I simply could not accept the fact that it was over. So I kept following the actors and the news and all that jazz without watching the final episodes... Now that I did and cried my eyes out the whole afternoon I can confidently say this is my favorite bl series of all time, and one of my favorite dramas in general. I remember when I started watching BL dramas this last summer and finding out about this one and anxiously waiting for it to air because I found the whole idea so cool and I had great hopes. I was not disappointed. It was the first drama I watched while it was airing. I would DIE waiting for the next episode every week!! Remember when we didn't have an episode for 2 weeks???? I HAD A CONSTANT NOSEBLEED FROM P A I N. I would watch half the episode on Friday, without subs. Then the subbed version on Saturday or Sunday. And rewatch it during the week. I had never experienced anything like this!!! And I don't even care if people say it's not a perfect series -because I know it's not- but it means so much to me. It will forever have a special place in my heart. Imagine they miraculously decide to make a second season!!! God, please let me live until then! If you're thinking wether you should watch it, do yourself a favour and WATCH IT. You won't regret it.
I dont even know how to start... oh well, here we go:
PLOT AND CHARACTERS/CAST/ACTING- The plot was very simple yet charming? I wish there were more episodes so that we could spend more time with each couple because two of them were so rushed... but still, I liked the concept and I appreciate the fact that it wasn't pretentious and that it broke so many stereotypes!! The cast was STUNNNNNING. They just looked good together. My eyes were blessed!! I instantly followed all of them on Instagram and Twitter and fansites and update sites... I love them so much. The acting wasn't always perfect. But we have to remember this was the first work for many of them, or at least, the first big role. I think they did well despise that. I wasn't clingy to watch so that was a relief! Now let's talk about each couple:
AePete: God. Bless. These. Two. They were literally made for each other!! Seriously, if we ignored the extreme jealousy, Ae was literally a perfect character. Pete was so sweet. I fell for them in the first episode! My heart hurts with how much I love these two together. The actors did an amazing job. Their chemistry is surreal. I just want to see more of them *cries in every language I know*. THEIR FIRST KISS HAD ME SCREAMING AND CRYING FOR THE WHOLE WEEKEND ARE YOU KIDDING ME I WAS SOBBING. Okay, Beatrice, call me down, you look like a mentally ill obsessive fan (I'm starting to think I'm exactly that!). Perth is an exceptional actor and Saint did well too!! I could feel he was Pete, 100%. The coming out scene... applause. Could we ask for a more perfect couple? The extended version had that little compilation of AePete moments... my eyes still hurt from crying. Seriously.
TinCan: It's a very close tie between this couple and AePete but I have to admit that TinCan won my heart ever since episode 4 or 5. Something about their characters is so appealing to me. Tin was my favorite because he was so complex. The last episode, specially the extended version, made me cry. Real tears. Like I was him, and I was feeling what he was feeling. He felt abandoned by everyone and I think that is probably the worst feeling that someone can have. Mean did such an exceptional job with this character. We could truly feel how he developed throughout the series, even though TinCan didn't have as much screen time as AePete. Plan did a good job in making us love Can. He has quite of an annoying personality but he's very lovely too???? He also grew a lot during the series. And Plan's acting kept getting better and better. I want a whole series dedicated to this couple. I don't care if it doesn't make sense, I just like seeing them together. Mean is so beautiful I would give my soul to him, and I wish I was joking. Plan is so cute. The both of them as TinCan is a perfect match. Ahhhhh I might cry just thinking that we won't have a second season. By the way, the actress that played Can's mother, wasn't she the lady Plan's character in Make it Right had a crush on? ........Please tell me I'm wrong.
KlaNo: Okay, Mark is gorgeous. Jesus Christ, he's an angel. But I did see the problem with this couple. Kengkla abused P'No and no one can change my mind. Techno didn't seem that upset when he woke up but it still doesn't make it okay. I wish we had had more scenes with them so that they could develop an actual relationship and then both of them had agreed to have sex. Without one of them being passed out drunk. Yes, they're very cute but Kengkla telling P'No he has taken advantage of him (when it was the opposite) and then making him feel forced to be his boyfriend... NO NO NO. But again, I'm sure that in the novel it was different. Oh well, WE NEED SEASON 2!!!!!
TumTar- I have to admit that they were the couple that least excited me. But I did warm up to them towards the end. I could understand why Tar felt the way he did and I have to say Tum is a gentleman. Their last scene made me cry as well. The airport scene... ahhh, they're so cute together, even as brothers. Unlike many people, I didn't feel bothered by the fact that they were step-brothers. It's not incest because they don't share blood. They did grow up together which makes it a little weird but it didn't bother me as much as, idk, it should have? We need a second season. I'm sorry I'm repeating myself but w e n e e d m o r e.
Okay, I'm done with this part. Ouf!
Music- Probably the first drama that I didn't want to skip the intro even though I was excited to watch the episode. I find the music incredible!! It fit the mood of the show soooo well. It was rather touching at times even. Ah, the nostalgia.
Rewatch: Oh, believe me, I'll rewatch this countless times until we get our very well deserved season 2. Which may be never. That's it. I've watched the first 5 episodes at least 5 times each already. I'm not obsessed at all.
I had never suffered this much with a drama not having a second season!!! Even with YandaiXie!! Wait, the ending kind of reminds me of TinCan now that I think of it..............the couple has a similar dynamic.......you know what, I want to cry again.
I remember sharing the official links on twitter and youtube so that people would watch through those so that we could get lots of views and make sure we'd get another season. Ah, I'm not salty AT ALL. Disappointed but not surprised. Maybe a miracle will happen and we'll get season 2 one day. Yeah. Let's wait for it while sitting down because we'll get tired if we wait while standing (Portuguese proverb, I'm sorry, it seemed appropriate).
I love this show so so so much and I'll remember this feeling forever.
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This is one of the most entertains BLs. The story line is not complex but deals with issues facing members of the gay community. It also deals with the issue of a straight person becoming attracted to a gay person. I think the series handles thesedelicate topics in a very respectful way. There are some behavior that is questionable but at the same time very realistic. The focus was on Ae and Pete but the side couples were appealing too. I do question the inclusion of the female student who has a crush on Ae. She’s in college but doesn’t seem to have a clue about Ae and Pete. I just hope BLs will not feel obligated to include a
lovesick female . I have no problem with having females but show them as intelligent and not so needy. Kudos to the writers and the entire
production team.
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Best character- Pond
Best acting - Pete
Best boyfriend- Ae
Funniest character - can
And for those people like me, who generally felt a little strange because Thai bl stories avoid kiss scenes, this one is different.. It has many sweet and some passionate kisses... So that's one more point in favor of this show
Hopefully there will be a second season..... I'll miss them a lot otherwise...
This is for anyone who wants to just relax and enjoy some fluffy-puppy love... Totally loved it
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Wie verläuft die Zukunft ich kanns kaum erwarten.
Bitte bitte bitte neue Folgen
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balanace of sweet, steamy and emotional well done.
I watched this series before and i rewatched it again to review it, this is what i think...This is written in sequence to how i was watching it.... yes im the one who watched while taking notes and making comments. Lol.....
Anywhooo on to the review .....
Starting off with a classic case of "I'm afraid you're gonna hate me" the other goes "Hate you?! How many times should i say I don't. Fine I'm gonna love you!"
Antagonists (Tin) show up like the avengers. Literally like "Antagonism ! Assemble!"
The tension is killing me, it's perfect. Super drawing and intense. Overwhelming sweet that you cant get enough of.
Like how assddkfklskslsldjksla.
Bath montage is nothing short of amazing showing a wholesome bond and relationship between Ae and Pete.
Ep7 let me just say Ae gives the best kabedon I've ever seen!!!!!!
I love how Can and Ae can throw a freaking punch its amazing and well executed, even the emotion behind it.
I love Pete's mom, she is just the sweetest soul supporter of her son like (^-^)
I love Tins Characters development, it keeps the arrogant snobbiness but makes him change from an antagonist to a protagonist (Bad turned good) without breaking his character's core. Tin is the most emotinally honest charater in this whole series. Props to him for that.
When Can said "one more time please" amd for that moment opened up to Tin it was GLORIOUS!!!!
Been going on about so many charaters except for Tar and Tum because i feel their story is quite disconnected from the main one a lot, that'sthe down side and why i I wouldn't give it a full 10. I feel like its just an add on and not necessarily needed for the main plot so it seemed out of place. Would've suggested they make a separate series focused on Tar and Tum (which i think they did if I'm not mistaken) and just focused on the main plot. Unlike Tin and Can's story they (Tar and Tum) don't really have an strong connection with the main plot so it's standing out of place like a sore thumb.
I don't know what to say about Kal and Oh i honestly think it was an all too simple take advantage taken out of someone and the subject of the joke doesn't even mind cause he's hella dense so everything was left hanging like that so I've literally got nothing to say cause it just felt so left in the air, connected but disconnected to the main plot. But still more more connected than Tar and Tum who decided to be dealing with experience and trauma in a series based on confusion and first love.
I don't like how Tin and Can ended up because i was really hoping for a good eneding between them. I was hopeful for them. Why producer, do you not give them a happy ending. I hope to see them in season 2 and i hope its a different situation this time and they can actually progress with their relationship. As for Ae and Pete i have no complaints.
All in all the series was a mix of sweet, steamy and emotional all well balanced and wrapped into one.
A series well done.♡♡♡
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yall need to read this because this serie is so romanticized and is SO QUESTIONABLE
Well, where do I start? The story between Ae and Pete was pretty good tbh, but also kinda toxic and red flag, Ae was always jealous asf, he was aggressive, that scene of him pushing Pete to the lockers WAS SO RED FLAG, also, Pete talking about what was happening between Tin and Can and Ae literally had sex with him just because he didn´t like Pete talking or thinking about other men? but overall they were okay, cute story, kinda red flag but it was okay.Tin and Can had the best story for me, Tin´s background was really good and watching his personal growth was really special to me, from hating poor people and being homophobic to falling in love with a poor boy was so funny tbh, buy they were cute, Tin learnt how to trust on Can, they personalities really matched each other, they were so cute, kind of red flag too, because Tin charging all the money with kisses even tho Can DID NOT WANTED IT was soooo fucked up but, at least at the very end, Can starts to kiss Tin, their end really broke my heart, because watching Tin trust in Can just to end up being hurt AGAIN, i won´t watch season 2, but i already know that they ended up together so yay !!!!
WHY I DON´T SEE PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT TRUM AND TAR, THEY WERE LITERALLY STEPBROTHERS????? that story was sooooo fucked up, it was so weird and uncomfortable to watch, also, trum almost raping tar?? even tho, tar already had a history of being raped? that story was so weird and horrible tbh, skipped almost all their story
Techno and Kengkla omg, that was literally stalking and harassment, Kengkla broke Techno´s motorcycle ON PURPOSE, and also RAPED HIM and then blame techno??? the fuck was that? SOOOO fucked up, who the fuck thought that was a good idea, after having a character that was struggling and dealing with his raping trauma, JUST TO RAPE ANOTHER CHARACTER AND ACTING LIKE IT WAS NOTHING??
This serie is very messy and questionable, all the 4 stories were really questionable, ae and pete were savable, also tin and can, even tho their relationships were kinda red flag and toxic but okei, but trum and tar, techno and kengkla WERE HORRIBLE, who tf thought their putting rape and a romance between STEPBROTHERS was good?
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Story is 9.5/10
It's cute and fluffy~ i love that it didn't stress me much watching it, I also like the pacing and dialogues. They served sweet scenes instead of devastating ones, which is exactly what I am looking for. but I kind of expected a better ending.
Cast/Acting/Character is a PERFECT 10/10
WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO SAAAAAY? Ae and Pete is soooooo PERFECT, PERIOD. Acting is on point, I felt everything~ Their chemistry penetrates from my heart right into every single bone in my body. I almost forgot they were acting >o< lol.
Watch Value is also 10/10
I'd definitely rewatch this series over a hundred times more~ Until I get tired of it!!! *I'm on my 15th rewatch btw >o<
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