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Deux tiers vraiment sympas, un tiers franchement nul
J'ai bien aimé l'histoire des deux couples principaux Pete/Ae et Tin/Can. Pour les deux autres couples BL, c'était carrément inutile surtout si l'on considère le temps que le drama leur consacre et d'autres aspects problématiques de leurs histoires. Quant à celle qui concerne Pond / AimCham, elle était anecdotique et dispensable, mais elle ne m'a pas dérangée car c'était plutôt mignon.Commençons par l'histoire principale. Pete est un étudiant fortuné mais très timide et coincé, victime de menaces et de chantage de la part d'un camarade car il est gay et craint que sa mère l'apprenne. Un autre étudiant, Ae, le percute en vélo et les deux jeunes hommes vont finir par tomber amoureux. J'ai trouvé leur couple agréable et intéressant, on a beaucoup de moments mignons et pas mal de bisous entre eux, et ce qui est vraiment appréciable (comme d'autres l'ont déjà précisé dans des commentaires), les quiproquos ne durent jamais plus d'une minute car ils se parlent et ça leur permet de régler les problèmes, Ae étant un gars direct qui n'aime pas que les choses restent en suspens. Maintenant, j'ai quand même relevé certaines choses un peu plus dérangeantes. Déjà d'après sa fiche, j'ai calculé que l'acteur qui joue Ae devait avoir 16 ans au moment du tournage alors que son personnage est censé être étudiant, et ça se voit à l'écran. Alors il est très mignon, il joue bien, (même mieux que celui qui interprète Pete à mon avis mais c'est personnel) et son personnage a un caractère plutôt affirmé donc ça lui confère une certaine maturité quand même, mais l'écart d'âge que j'ai ressenti devant certaines scènes avec son partenaire plus âgé m'a parfois mise un peu mal à l'aise. Ensuite, il a beau être tout love et protecteur avec Pete, il lui arrive parfois d'avoir un comportement un peu trop possessif et dominant. Heureusement cela n'arrive pas souvent, la plupart du temps il est adorable donc on évite de glisser vers une histoire toxique mais j'avoue que depuis ce que j'appelle ma prise de conscience féministe, j'ai du mal avec certains agissements et je les repère tout de suite dans les fictions. Concernant Pete, également, j'ai trouvé que son personnage, comme d'autres l'ont dit avant moi, était bien trop neuneu, docile, hésitant, limite faiblard, pour être réaliste. Du coup les hésitations, les silences et les regards craintifs de l'acteur semblaient faux et m'ont donné l'impression que son jeu n'était pas très bon. Mais il reste un personnage attachant et on a envie qu'il ait une fin heureuse, c'est déjà ça, mais il est vrai que le jeu de l'acteur ne m'avait déjà pas tellement convaincue dans Why R U donc j'ai du mal à tout mettre sur le dos du rôle qu'il est censé jouer. Enfin, l'histoire de l'antagoniste qui harcèle et violente Pete n'est pas résolue à la fin, ou alors j'ai loupé un épisode, donc pourquoi nous tartiner tout un bla-bla sur l'enquête que Pete demande à son ami Tin de faire à son sujet, si c'est pour qu'au final il n'exploite pas les informations obtenues ? C'est du temps gâché qui aurait mieux servi s'ils avaient consacré plus de scènes au couple Tin / Can (ou aux autres couples, puisqu'il fallait absolument qu'ils nous pondent 5 romances, autant les développer même si les autres ne m'ont pas satisfaite).
Concernant le couple Tin/Can, je dois avouer que j'ai regardé Love By Chance surtout pour eux car j'aime beaucoup le thème "enemies to lovers", et leur histoire ne m'a pas déçue. Tin est un ami de Pete, très arrogant, très riche et très hautain. Il est persuadé que l'amour vrai et la confiance ne sont que des leurres, d'où son attitude méprisante envers tout le monde, et j'ai adoré voir sa carapace se fissurer au contact de Can, ce petit "singe" qui ne cesse de lui rentrer dans le lard. Je sais que leur romance reste en suspens à la fin de la première saison et qu'une deuxième est censée leur être consacrée, mais si j'avais regardé Love By Chance à sa sortie et non pas maintenant que la 2ème saison est terminée, je n'aurais sans doute pas été aussi positive sur leur histoire parce qu'une des conditions essentielles pour moi avant de commencer un drama, c'est la certitude qu'il y a une fin heureuse. Il est donc possible que je me farcisse la deuxième saison bientôt, même si les commentaires sont en moyenne plus négatifs. On verra bien.
Comme je l'ai dit précédemment, l'histoire de Pond, le colocataire accro au porno de Ae, et AimCham, une étudiante qui est également serveuse au café, est très anecdotique et très peu de temps leur est consacré, mais c'était plutôt agréable de voir ce gars qui ne prend jamais la vie au sérieux, se montrer plus impliqué pour une personne qu'il estime en valoir la peine. On n'apprend pas grand chose d'elle en revanche, son personnage n'est pas du tout développé, on sait juste qu'elle a suffisamment de caractère pour le remettre à sa place quand il le faut, mais au moins elle n'est ni stéréotypée ni evil bitch, ce qui est plutôt une exception dans les BL Thai, les personnages féminins étant souvent ridicules et/ou antipathiques (bon on a bien la soeur de Can qui est une fujoshi un peu caricaturale à certains moments, mais ça reste light donc on ne va pas en faire un fromage).
Passons maintenant aux deux derniers couples qui, à mon sens, n'avaient pas leur place dans ce drama. Je comprends qu'ils ont adapté un bouquin, mais bon sang, aucune loi n'oblige les scénaristes à adapter strictement un roman, non ? La preuve, il semble y avoir pas mal de différences entre le livre Manner Of Death et la série, donc pourquoi venir nous emm...er avec des âneries sur deux autres couples aussi mal exploités quand ils auraient pu consacrer plus de temps aux autres histoires (ou pondre moins d'épisodes, 12 auraient suffi et ça aurait coûté moins cher) ? D'un côté on a un lycéen crétin (Kengkla) qui passe son temps à négocier avec son pote pour avoir enfin l'occasion de se taper le frère aîné de ce dernier (Techno), on ne les voit jamais ensemble car il s'agit essentiellement d'une obsession de la part de Kengkla, et pof, dans le dernier épisode, on a Techno qui rentre bourré, finit par erreur dans le lit du crétin qui dormait sur place et ce dernier en profite pour abuser de lui sans qu'il y ait de consentement éclairé... Et au réveil, il ose encore prendre l'air timide et manipuler Techno pour lui faire croire que c'est celui-ci qui lui a sauté dessus ? Si encore ils avaient eu ces scènes-là au début du drama et que la suite de l'histoire nous avait montré comment une relation pouvait se construire avec un démarrage aussi toxique, à la rigueur pourquoi pas, mais là niet, zéro évolution, le drama s'arrête là pour eux... Complètement idiot et malsain. Surtout qu'on nous présente en parallèle un jeune homme (Tar) traumatisé à la suite d'un viol qui a de terribles conséquences sur sa confiance future dans les relations amoureuses et le contact physique qui le répugne, donc c'est vraiment mal géré.
Alors l'histoire de Tar et de Tum (son demi-frère ? Son frère par alliance ? J'ai pas vraiment compris mais qu'importe...) est certes touchante, mais là encore très dispensable. Déjà pour tout comprendre de son histoire il faut avoir suivi le drama TharnType, qui se situe dans le même univers et qui possède certains personnages en commun, d'autant que Tar est assez important dans TharnType. J'ai mis un certain temps à comprendre que le "Type" de LBC était le même individu que dans TharnType (ce n'est pas le même acteur en plus), et pour en rajouter une couche dans le grand n'importe quoi, Tharn n'est même pas présent dans LBC alors que c'est l'ex petit ami de Tar avant d'être en couple avec Type, donc un peu dur de capter la dynamique de ces personnages au début... Quant à ceux qui n'auront pas vu TharnType au préalable, ils seront tout simplement largués, c'est dit. Donc, vraiment inutile de nous polluer avec leur histoire qui n'apporte franchement rien de plus au schmilblik (à moins qu'ils aient absolument tenu à caser une bonne partie des stars de leur écurie en même temps, m'enfin quand on voit le résultat ils auraient mieux fait de s'abstenir). Je n'ai rien contre les couples multiples dans les dramas, le problème c'est qu'un couple secondaire est bien suffisant pour contenter les fans. Au-delà, ils ont souvent du mal à gérer le tout (on voit ce que ça a donné avec Gen Y...) et les couples "accessoires" sont en général très mal gérés au vu du temps d'écran qui leur est consacré, quand ce n'est pas carrément expédié avant qu'on n'ait compris quoi que ce soit...
J'ai l'air très négative mais j'ai quand même passé un très bon moment avec les deux couples principaux Pete/Ae et Tin/Can, c'est d'ailleurs pour ça que ma note atteint 7.5. D'ordinaire je souffle d'impatience pendant de nombreuses scènes entre les protagonistes parce qu'on a souvent beaucoup de longueurs ou d'hésitations inutiles dans les dramas Thai, là je ne me suis jamais ennuyée avec eux donc c'est assez rare pour que je le note. Si les deux derniers couples n'étaient pas venus parasiter mon plaisir, ma note aurait été nettement plus élevée.
En conclusion, ne boudez pas votre plaisir, mais n'hésitez pas à appuyer sur "avance rapide" quand l'histoire s'écarte des couples principaux.
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I don't typically write reviews since I find most BL's follow the same tropes so reviews get pretty repetitive to me, but I felt compelled to this time. Prepare yourselves! In case you didn't see, yes this review contains spoilers so here it comes. LBC started on such a high note that expectations are raised right out of the gate. Unfortunately, it falls short as the story goes on, but not enough to completely ruin the series.I was both baffled and beyond happy when Pete came out to his mom. There's a lot of BL's that just hint that the parents know, but LBC had Pete come straight out and say it. I applaud them for that and loved the relationship with his mom. I love that they spoke to each other and she made sure he knew that he was her son regardless. It was beautiful and everyone needs to hear that from their parent so I was on cloud nine! The relationship between Ae and Pete, too, was superb. They were caring, had their issues, but always wrapped them up fairly quickly and were an all around good role model for LGBTQ+ youth. Their story was so pure and warm that it makes one's insides turn to goo! If I could only rate this on their story it'd be a 10 out of 10, but, my issues come with the final 3 couples that, if it was only them, would drop this story to practically a zero.
Let's start out with my biggest issue, KengklaxTechno. That was rape. It was straight up rape, uncomfortable and unsettling to watch, especially since there was Tum and Tar's story about rape so...how and why? But they're next. Simply put, I feel KengklaxTechno's so-called "relationship" was rushed because there probably won't be a second season. If they were going to do that, they should have just ended it without them ever getting together, have a little kiss and leave it open ended rather than fall into yet another rape story line. Not only is it an insult to the LGBTQ+ community, but also, men in general should be insulted that, somehow, every show makes it seem like they can only think with the head between their legs.
Onto the TumxTar story, which I didn't have a lot of issues with, but they were forgettable. They didn't have a lot of screen time, especially considering that Tar was assaulted. I would love if they would have their own show to focus on the trauma a sexual assault survivor goes through, but this just rushed it and fell into some unsettling moments as well, like when Tum tried to force himself on Tar. It was unfortunate because they could have had so much more time and energy given to them. It's sad they didn't get it.
Lastly, the TinxCan story, which I admit I'm biased as I loved them since the whole "enemy to lovers" thing is my downfall ,but, I'll do my best to stay unbiased! I simply hate how there's still sad endings for LGBTQ+ stories. We've had enough of them and I find them so unnecessary. If anyone should have got the "tragedy" ending, it should have been KengklaxTechno since their relationship was nonexistent. Instead, it's forced onto two characters that could have had a real good story. There's so much to Tin's backstory with his family that they could have a show of their own, especially since, yes, they made it seem like Can was falling for Tin. Slowly, but feelings were developing. I feel that, if they didn't see a second season in the making, it should have at least ended on a happier note but instead we're left with this and no guarantee of a season two so...
Sadly, I feel like LBC went down hill. I'm not saying don't watch it, Ae and Pete are totally worth re-watching and enjoying their story, but...it's not a 10 for me anymore. I'd say a solid 7 thanks to Ae and Pete, they saved the show so, I guess, go in with low expectations or just to watch Ae and Pete. I do plan to re-watch them from time to time and I hope season two clears up some issues!
Edit: First off, I see there will be a season two so we'll see how that goes. Second, I have re-watched the series and stand by my initial responses. KengklaxTechno didn't hit me as hard the second time around but it's just not ok. Plain and simple. TinxCan is now an ok ending because of the sequel (which will supposedly focus on them.) If the sequel doesn't clear some things up, I think LBC will fade and never live up to the potential it could have had. If they make a S2 as good as the first it could be another classic.
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Cute Little Love by Chance Story
Overall, I thought the series was pretty good. It's the story of two young men, Ae and Pete, who happen to meet by chance and Ae begins to help and take care of Pete (especially with a homphobic bully trying to blackmail him). Of course, Pete is gay and begins to confide to Ae, whom is very understanding and helps Pete to deal with the complexities of being a young gay male in certain societies. As a result of Ae's kindness, understanding, and assistance, Pete begins to develop feelings for Ae. Ae, who is "presumably" straight, eventually begins to develop feelings for Pete, and this is where we get the "Love by Chance" idea. Ae and Pete throughout the series go through numerous and sometimes humorous trials and tribulations establishing their relationship. Although some of the sex scenes between Pete and Ae were a "bit much". LOL However, the sex scenes are somewhat believable, given that their supposed to be upper teenage boys exploring their sexualities...The series was cute and kept your attention, especially with the growing relationship between the other main characters, Tin and Can. Tin is a rich , egotistical snob, and Can is just a average soccer "jock" whose a little naive when it comes to relationships. But, Can is a staunch defender of Ae and Pete's relationship... especially, against Tin, who doesn't think Pete should be having anything to do with "The Thai Program" as he calls Ae, Can and their friends. Tin and Can's relationship start off as the typical Love/Hate, Rich/Poor scenario, but eventually starts to develop into something else. I really liked that relationship, (especially Tin's character). To watch Tin's development during the last episodes, learning of the abusive and arguably cruel treatment by his older brother (a person whom he most cherished and trusted in the world at that time) --- to watching him learn to love and trust again with Can. It's a good basic storyline.
Now, I know that BL dramas have to have their tragic situations.... But, there are a couple of disturbing scenes in the series that will make you want to throw an item at your TV or computer. The scene included a rape, which was not only perpetrated by someone the victim knew, but with the assistance of a family member of the victim. The other tragic turn in the series dealt with Tin and Can's relationship and how the storyline was left unresolved. This was most upsetting mainly due to the possibility there might not be a season 2. Hopefully, they'll at least do a mini-series (about 4 episodes) or possibly a movie, featuring the Tin and Can storyline, and give them a happier resolution... I think the fans would go absolutely wild!!! LOL
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Why do people like this show
Ive always heard nothing but positive reviews for this show and so i though I'd give it a watch...why did yall lie lol. First of all, the main couple Ae and Pete are literally so boring which would've been fine if they were a side couple but NO! Then cantaloupe and tin started off ok but can is such a whiny little shit and he annoys me so much. And then there is.......kengkla and techno...."mame you have done it again, constantly lowering the bar for us all". Mame could've given techno the good love story that he deserves but instead she decided kla would just rape him and then hed blame it on techno. Just blatant abuse being passed off as a successful love story, i need mame to pay for my therapy now.Cet avis était-il utile?
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Drama x Romance
My review is about comparing Romance to Drama. Even though the plot of the series is inferior to Romance, I quite enjoyed it.I confess that I read the novel before watching the series and I really like the story. If my evaluation is based only on the romance, or even on the performance of some actors like Mean and Perth, who, in my opinion, stood out, my evaluation would be much higher, however, to evaluate it, it is necessary to be impartial .
If the plot was totally faithful to the novel, the users' evaluation would be much higher, because it really had everything to be the best BL series, because it is not cliché like many others, however, they added new couples and tried to adapt other stories, such as the couples KengklaTechno and TumTar, which have nothing to do with this novel.
I believe that, they should have focused only on the couples of the story itself, being AePete and TinCan, this way, the plot could have been better worked out about the history of each of the characters and would have shown better about how the relationship between them develops, and also, there were many parts in the novel, that should have been considered essential to be in the series, that they did not put, because in the series, some things were not clear, and only by reading the novel , people will be able to understand better.
Important facts about the characters that the series did not address and only become clear in the novella:
AE is a simple boy who never compares himself with anyone, his life is just studying, helping his family and playing soccer, until he meets PETE, when he develops feelings for PETE, it is revealed that he has low self-esteem, behavior that leads him to be possessive with Pete, it is because he compares himself with Tin because of his social status, even though he trusts Pete, he feels that Tin has interest in Pete and sees him as a threat and this comparison makes him not want Pete around Tin. And, another important fact that must be addressed in Drama, for a better understanding of the AE character, is that Pete met his friends at Pond's birthday, AE compares himself to his friend Sun, because he is handsome and shows interest in Pete, which becomes the main reason for not wanting Pete to travel with him and his friends.
PETE, is a shy and insecure boy, and after the bad event he faces with Trump, his ex-boyfriend, is left with many traumas and fears. When AE opens his heart to Pete, he is happy, but at the same time discredited, he thinks AE is straight and will regret getting involved with him, so he asks AE to open her mind to other people, in this case Chompoo, because in Pete's mind, although AE is sure that she wants to be with him, Pete doesn't want him to suffer the same discrimination he suffered for being gay. And even after they are already dating, Pete is still very insecure and also shows a possessive side towards AE.
We get a glimpse of TIN and CAN's story, but their story develops more in the second season, and of course, just like AE and PETE, they also have their internal, psychological, social and family problems to deal with. TIN, as a child, went through an episode where he felt betrayed by the person he trusted most, in this case his older brother. He then began to distrust everyone, and became a cold and calculating person who treats everyone around him with contempt and shows his "superiority". It is only when he meets CAN, a naive, hyperactive, and immature boy, that he gradually helps him to overcome his problems.
A negative point of the series is that they adapted these four couples in the story and, in the end, the plot of none of them was well developed, leaving many points open, even to drag it to a second season, which would not be necessary. And another negative point, is that in the last episode there is a scene that can be considered rape, being this event of a couple that has just been adapted and does not belong to this story.
Overall, I liked the series, it has a light and funny atmosphere, and that each of the characters did well in their respective roles.
For those who have not yet watched the series, I advise you to read the novel first, because the events of the series are well summarized, you will have a better understanding of the characters. And for those who have already watched the series, but haven't read the novel, you should read it, it may change your concept from negative to positive, or it may make you fall in love even more! The story really goes far beyond what is shown in the Drama.
But even with these comparisons, LBC is still one of the few BL's that I like. The story is very good and has a lot of potential, it deals with several themes and concepts and social and family issues, and also the internal struggle of the characters to overcome their traumas and fears, the story also shows us, about how the events and the internal and external relationships can influence the behavior and personality of people, besides relating the development of the relationship and the personal maturing of each one.
Give it a chance, it's worth it!
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Instead of a “will-they-or-they-won’t” plot, which all romance, include Western, does, they show the natural progression of a relationship, through various stages, with all the adaptation and negotiation that it involves, in a very adult-manner. While that could easily be boring, the cast is magnetic, photography stunning, and they really have great dialogue and a lot of chemistry. A *LOT* of chemistry. This series often takes your breath away and a whole sequence in episode 7 is a steamy classic in itself.
You also see a lot of conversations regular shows completely skip over, about sex, jealousy, consent, compromise. The series is romantic and sexy, but also very realistic in the depiction of a healthy relationship.
As a viewer, I was always waiting for the traditional BL mode of throwing a wrench into the plot at some point, but that, thankfully, never happens. Instead, they make a bold decision to, in the last third of the series, essentially switch the protagonists and make the main couple supporting, which gives us a unique opportunity: see the main couple live their happily ever after on screen, because now there are news leads carrying the weight of the drama.
If one criticism is to be made is that there are other two possible couples on the posters and peppered throughout, but they are given little screentime and have very little connection to the main plot, feeling completely throwaway. It’s not a huge issue, as they don’t show up that often, but it’s glaring, especially because the stories deal with rape and are very misplaced in a series that explores consent so well, otherwise.
On the production site, as I mention, the photography is gorgeous and there are many different locations, making the show visually very interesting.
The act is superb and even the supporting actors are on point. There is one weak link in Plan, who plays Can, but the other actor he mostly shares scenes with is so good that balances that out.
I cannot recommend Love By Chance enough. It not just a great BL, it’s a great series, standing tall among Eastern and Western programmes as well.
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1) Let's start with the MC, like the title suggest they meet by chance and constant chance encounters bind them together. Their story is the most beautiful and the purest. It will clean your taste buds. They meet, they slowly fall in love and they don't avoid or deny their feelings. There are parts of confusion but never did they try to run away from their own emotions. As their story progress there will be no major ups and downs and why is that? Because they show that good communication, trust and care is the key to the good and fulfilling relationship. The have moments of jealousy, they sulk from time to time, there are the moments of anger but this will never turn into a major misunderstanding (what I hate in many other dramas and novels) because they ask questions and they give answers, true and honest.
Really refreshing, a feast to the eyes and hearts <3 .
2) All the side characters and side couples have enough time to develop their feelings, we have full story of what, when how and why? There is no plot holes. But one of the best thing is that while the MC have quite of a smooth sailing the side couples don't have it that easy. We can see more problems here and I personally love this as I can have my beautiful and lovely story in the form of AePete but still I'm aware that world is not all flowers so we can meet this thorns in the other side stories. And yes they don't always end they way we hope for.
3) Physical side of the story doesn't end on just a kiss or holding hands but... on the other hand its not the most important thing in their lives. I love this balance between mental and physical needs.
4) Chemistry beetwen all the couples! Truly amazing!
5) When you'll finish this series you'll feel happy and satisfied but still hungry for more :) . This way I know that I'll watch this again and again and again probably as I wait for season 2 ;) .
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Cute Main Romance but with Many half-baked and messy side stories
If I were to rate “Love by Chance” solely on the main romantic story between Pete and Ae, this would have a higher rating. Unfortunately, this drama as a whole is messy and half-baked. There are too many side storylines that were introduced but not properly developed. I call this suffering from having a second season syndrome. These half-baked plotlines might continue in the next season, but this makes the first season full of plot holes.But I do really enjoy Pete and Ae. They are really adorable together and have great chemistry. Yes, some of their lines are quite cringey, but I can look past that. Pete and Ae are just such good guys that it’s hard not to root for them. Ae is so sweet and kind, and seeing him slowly developing feelings for Pete and trying to understand himself is the most honest way, is a breath of fresh air. Pete is shy and I was worried that I would get annoyed with him in the beginning. I am not a fan of dismissive and passive characters. Thank goodness Pete surprises in a way that, though shy, he’s honest and will speak up and communicate his feelings. Pete and Ae really have one of the healthiest BL teen romantic relationships. They are honest and communicative. They are sweet and innocent in a way, yet the drama does not shy away from showing us that they are hormonal teenagers with desires. I think in that sense, the drama did a pretty good job, BUT only with Pete an Ae.
Unfortunately, the rest of the pairings are so much more problematic. Tin and Can have the second most screen time in their enemies-to-friends/lovers romance. It has a bullying and mean start but in the end, it touches my heart and I was saddened by Tin’s experience and how their story ended at the end of season 1. But I have to sit through their repetitive and annoying banter for a long time. Then we have these half-baked stories - Pond and Chaaim, Type and his never-seen boyfriend/girlfriend, annoying Chompoo, and Pete's ex and money stolen. But the two worst storylines are Tar and Tum. Tar has gone through something horrific but their storyline is an afterthought that has nothing to do with the main plot. It’s very unfortunate that a serious plot is thrown into the drama without proper writing/execution. The other horrible storyline is Good’s experience with the teenager. What the hell is that? Came from left field and was set up so horribly with another ‘toxic’ romance.
Additionally, the acting for the whole cast is pretty below-average. I know most of them are young actors and it’s their first drama. But I can’t just ignore the fact that I cringe at their acting quite often throughout the drama. I like Perth’s portrayal of Ae the best, and he’s my favorite in the drama. Saint’s Pete was hard to watch in the first few episodes, but he got better as the drama goes on. There are also quite a few loud and annoying characters. Ae’s roommate, Pond, is loud and obnoxious. He’s a good guy, but I can only take him with small doses. The annoying high school teenage girl, Choompoo, also gets on my nerves. I can’t stand her character and her high-pitched whiny voice. Luckily, she doesn’t have that much screen time.
If you are a fan of Saint and Perth, then I would recommend this drama for you since this is their first drama. They are really cute and their story is written in a very positive way. Otherwise, I will skip this drama. I also don’t think the introduction of the other characters' story is attractive enough for me to watch season 2 to find out their ending. If I do watch it, it’s because I see Perth looking quite handsome in this supporting role in season 2.
Completed: 6/1/2024 - Review #447
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Jealous men pushing other men up against walls
If you are looking for any sign of healthy relationships and I don't know heart fluttering fluffy romance then you may just want to turn around and look more or less anywhere else...Some good names for this title would be:
1. The Jealous and the Horney... - There are a lot of sex scenes as well as masturbation
2. Possessive Men Without Boundaries- Not a single person here knows how to set or respect boundaries and once someone claims dibs on a person they are not permitted to look at another guy...
3. If he is Jealous it means he loves you.... - As the answer to, does a person have a crush always seems to boil down to if the person gets jealous or not.
or Just: The Wall - As at least one person per episode is being forced something against a wall per episode. I honestly think MAME (the writer) has a thing for walls.
However it is oddly entertaining at times, and is a decent manual in what to avoid... checking every single point in the checklist of my articles on non consensual behaviour...
Ae seems like this super sweet, understanding love, a dream lover and what one may call a mother in laws dream... However he is actually extremely jealous, possessive and well has about as much self control as a 2 year old in a toy shop... He also seems to think that kissing/f*** is a decent way to punish people. But in a really sweet way... Making me just want to send him off to therapy and maybe a class or two about self control.
Pete- Mr timid, sweeter than sweet, is shown as someone shy who needs a man to take charge and force himself on him so that he dare say yes... Romanticising the non consensual behaviour of Ae....
Then we have some stories and characters that re appear (completely differently, both character wise and casting) later in Tharntype.... that is a spin off of this, but feels like it came first making those who have seen TharnType slightly confused. But comparing the two the non con is more subtle - more dangerous in my opinion. But the over all story is less dramatic, and actually seems to lack a core plot.
Tin and Can- Tin Can have some sweet moments as characters but are also self contradictory... as Tin seems to want to buy Can, Can is supposedly opposed to that but still seems to get sold... Can is the voice of reason at times and a complete idiot other times. And lets face it Tin may have his moments but he is kind of a jerk... However he may be the only character in this whole drama that actually experiences some kind of character development.
There is no snack ppl so the boys didn't have to force seaweed down each others throats, they kept that strictly to tongs.... But there is some very obvious Samsung PPL that even made it in to the plot...
I would also like to point out that if you do watch this you may want to bare in mind that: no matter what gender or where you put things... if it hurts someone is not paying enough attention to the other persons signals... And may just need to take a step back... That said there is also pain that is pleasurable and that is ok too...
Bingeablity- Medium to high
Guilty Pleasure- maybe an 8...
An ok watch but not much more...
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Its not bad but the story is a common trope/concept.
It's not unwatchable, but I skipped many parts throughout this drama as I couldn't care for the side story and characters. Story-wise, this bl was handled maturely (focusing on the main couple). It almost felt realistic in aspects of the relationship between the main couple. They had sex, kissed and mainly respected each other's affection value. Did I mention that they also practiced consent? (This is surprising as many bl don't care to explore this aspect). However, I didn't love how all the couples ended, but I supposed that's realistic, which is okay.Moreover, the story is nothing new, it's such a simple story, but I think it's done well. Honestly, I recommend you guys to watch this series just for the main couple.
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A nearly polished gem everyone deserves
A heads up: this is the most fluttering, refreshing, and satisfying Thai BL has ever produced so far. A series mixed of fluff and drama, Love By Chance is your typical BL story selling us innocent and pure love. Most of the story arcs were promising, and upon its ending, it certainly delivered. Its cliche scenes did not compromise the humanity of the characters, which BL stories tend to abuse for squeals from fangirls, and making it believable and realistic. Above all, its authenticity shone throughout the show, credits going to all who are involved in this magnificent show which gave viewers - fans and casual viewers - a story rather than nonsense supercut of skinships and nonsensical kissing and humping.The first main story of Ae and Pete seems to have been carefully written with its tendencies to curve a little from typical bs of BL and is just focused on delivering a *spoiler* pure, innocent, and genuine love with just a bit, if not totally without, pathetic twist and turns. The characterization of Ae and Pete is very simple but not forgetting the humanity and them, which makes their story work. Even their lines have some intricacies which don't just attempt to make fangirls fall from their seats. Skepticism arose from the second main story of Tin and Can due to probable exhaustion of authenticity where the first main story relied on, but somehow, thanks probably to its director, author's magic still worked, despite the story starting way too out of time and left hanging in the series. The other stories, however, were just too underdeveloped to allow viewers to sympathize with them, not to mention them being borderline questionable. It's major downfall is that romanticized story arc of Kengkla and Techno, which was ironic, having another arc which 'kinda' depicted some horrors of what rape could do to one.
The actors so far have acted most of their scenes more decent than the crap Thai BL has been feeding us fans. Perth, tho, steals the spotlight. Nah scratch that, Perth owned this show. He gave Ae justice which such good acting, as if Ae isn't from a TV show but actually living irl. Ae has become the most dynamic, three-dimensional seme a thai BL has ever offered, and his personification is all thanks to the great acting skills of Perth. Saint is in close second, who as well has given Pete the humanity most BL actors I have seen could not for a uke of the story. He delivers vulnerability of Pete perfectly that audience could understand his plight just by watching his diverse emotions seen in his face. It also showed how smart Saint is in acting. While Perth's acting is straightforward, Pete's relies on subtlety, which definitely worked for his role as Pete. From the variety of expressions he could give in just a frame to careful body language, Saint sure knows how to tease every fan not by using his mouth to fish squeals but by showing them that action speaks louder than words. These two actors have carried the first episodes by themselves and made Love By Chance worth the wait for each upcoming episodes. They made Ae and Pete real and cemented the credibility of this show. There were hiccups of course, like Plan in the first part and Gun, but forgivable. Plan is often subject to my criticism due to the awkwardness of his acting, but eventually caught up during his important scenes. He allowed Tin x Can ship to sail and go on to its adventure. Mean is consistent in all of his scenes, making Tin a delight for viewers who want a not-so-flat character tsundere guys tend to be.
Its original OST and those which subsequently released are awesome, fitting perfectly for the mood and theme of the story. The use of other soundtrack from other series though is distracting, which voids Love By Chance as that new BL series apart from other series.
Love By Chance is that story you'd look for deep down the list of most popular being mostly trash BL stories everywhere but it's that nearly polished gem everyone deserves.
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