Both dramas are situated in the late 90s/early 00s and they both give the same vibes. If you like one of these dramas, you won't regret watching the other :)

Both dramas are about youth, friendship, and growing up. They both do a beautiful job of focusing on the things that we come to realize as we get older and the pressures and difficulties that we have to face, as well as truly capturing the feeling of being young.

Both are dramas about school life. Both damn cute <3 Both have good looking male leads, and male lead very smart. Lastly, both have romance.

Both have a nostalgic 80s or 90s setting in a small neighborhood and local school, with a love triangle between the FL who is outgoing and lively and the ML and SML, one of whom is her childhood friend and the other a new arrival to the school/neighborhood. Both have a similar feel and tone, dealing with the hardships and experiences of the characters.

Supportive and adorable friendship between classmates, good and smart ML trying their best to teach the FL, best class teacher which genuinely wish the best for their students.
Similar some minor friendship and family issues make you realise you actually have a precious youth during school. A fun watch for both and these dramas will make you cry for some little frienship and family moments.
Similar some minor friendship and family issues make you realise you actually have a precious youth during school. A fun watch for both and these dramas will make you cry for some little frienship and family moments.

These 2 dramas are very similar in their styles though one takes place in South Korea, the other in China. They also bring up pop culture references. And each character has a struggle. Though in When We Were Young, they focus more on the every day life struggles, like getting into college, money, parents, etc. Oh and there is a love triangle but like the Reply series, they don't make it clear until the very end. So let your shipping begin!!!

-set during a middle school/high school setting where their students still attending school
-main female lead is very innocent and naive too
-main male leads are a bit different (BTWY is more cold and aloof, WWWY is very spirited and energetic)
-equally cute and have second cp couples that are super cute too
-WWWY focuses more on friendship and their bonds made in youth
-main female lead is very innocent and naive too
-main male leads are a bit different (BTWY is more cold and aloof, WWWY is very spirited and energetic)
-equally cute and have second cp couples that are super cute too
-WWWY focuses more on friendship and their bonds made in youth

they're both about life and the lessons we learn from it. It's relaxed but tense and while one takes place in a 90's high school and the other a modern workplace, they both make you feel emotional with the experiences of the characters. Misaeng is a little tenser since the adults' cut-throat world is harsher than that of the students' but you feel connected and moved by their stories nonetheless.
If you enjoy very well done, slice-of-life dramas, you will enjoy them both.
If you enjoy very well done, slice-of-life dramas, you will enjoy them both.