Feng Qing Chen est une sorcière Mingy, une organisation secrète chargée de protéger la famille royale. Yuang Ling est un prince du Wei de l'Ouest, décrit comme un loup solitaire, froid et calculateur, mais qui s'occupe réellement de ceux qu'il aime Après avoir appris à se connaître, Feng Qing Chen est impressionnée par les capacités de Yuan Ling et réprime ses sentiments envers le jeune homme pour qu'il puisse obtenir la place qui lui revient. Malgré les contributions de Feng Qing Chen, la Cour s'oppose avec véhémence au mariage de Yuan Ling avec une sorcière versée dans la magie. Yuan Zhan, l'un des frères de Yuan Ling, lance un coup d'état le jour de la cérémonie de mariage, et Feng Qing Chen use alors de ses pouvoirs pour remettre à zéro le monde dans le but d'empêcher de nouvelles effusions de sang. Qing Chen est finalement capable de combler le fossé entre Yuan Ling et Yuan Zhan, leur permettant de travailler ensemble pour combattre les ministres corrompus et rétablir la paix dans le pays. (La source : English = Amazon.com || Traduction = Arwen at MyDramaList) Modifier la traduction
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- Titre original: 醉玲珑
- Aussi connu sous le nom de: Zui Ling Long , Drunken Exquisiteness
- Réalisateur: Lin Yu Fen, Leung Sing Kuen, Yu Cui Hua, Guo Hu, Ren Hai Tao, Jiang Ji Zheng
- Scénariste: Rao Jun, Han Pei Zhen
- Genres: Romance, Wuxia, Fantastique
Distribution et équipes
- Cecilia LiuFeng Qing Chen [Great Sorceress of the Mages]Rôle principal
- William ChanYuan Ling [4th Prince]Rôle principal
- Joe XuYuan Zhan [7th Prince]Rôle principal
- Cecilia HanTao Yao [Leader of the Mages]Rôle principal
- Liu Yi JunEmperor Yuan AnRôle principal
- Jovi XuYuan Li [12th Prince]Rôle principal

There's also the cute side characters/couple that are so adorable.
I love how both the main lead would do anything for anyone they cared/loved n how much they loved each other it was just so sweet many dramas always have something where there's some kind of trust issue or where ones a little too jealous to the point of overboard but this was just amazing.
Now onto my lovely prince zhan many may not like his character bc of what he did but then i felt like he's such a sweet boy he was willing to do anything for Qing Chen but sadly he's just a second lead :(
The only thing that I didn't like was like slow subbing which is not the dramas fault at all but then I had to wait forever bc dramefever the only one that got the licenses for it took a whole moth to freaking start subbing the first few episodes n that the director had to add duo xia who wanted so desperately to be with ling at one point but it was good that he never swayed for her or anything lol cause I would've flipped out if he broke Qing Chen's heart in anyway when she did all of that just for him.
Overall I'm just in love with this dramas so yes I definitely recommend this drama if you want to watch something that brings out all your emotions but not annoyingly bad or just sad like some other shows that I've watched. Btw the music tho it's amazing I've noticed that Chinese dramas always have amazing music to accompany their shows lol none of it are like ever bad.

Convoluted explanation:
Qing Chen utilizes a set of nine stones to reset the universe after the love of her life nearly comes to a fatal end. However, doing so is not without consequence. Firstly, no one will remember her, nor can she reveal her identity. Secondly, she'll only have a predetermined amount of time before the flower of life wilts, which loses a petal whenever the major players in that timeline die and/or as time passes. And thirdly, if she doesn't recollect the scattered stones before her time is up, her existence will be wiped from the history of the universe and everything she has done up until that point will be nullified.
Simple explanation:
The basic premise of this show is that a girl (Qing Chen) goes a year into the past to change the fate of the love of her life. It obviously can't be that easy because the writers have another 45-ish episodes to write, so there are rules: she only has roughly 6 months to recollect the scattered stones that acted as her time machine and return to the future. If she fails, she disappears from the universe (including people's memories) and, as mentioned above, everything she has done up until that point will be nullified.
(If you haven't watched it yet, stop reading now if you want to avoid spoilers)
So what does she do? She devotes all of her efforts to saving Ling, her true love, and basically blows off searching for the stones because... Selflessness?? I guess?? Honestly, when it comes to dramas like these, the overall consensus is that any "genius" character is just a brilliant fool... Mostly for plot convenience. When the writers need them to pull some miraculously impossible solution out of their ass, they do, and when the writers need them to play dumb and overlook something blatantly obvious, they do. And that about perfectly sums up Qing Chen. She's a brilliant fool and victim of cheap plot manipulation.
She SHOULD be concerned about finding the stones. She SHOULD value her life. Why? Because if she doesn't find the stones, or if she dies, everything she went through to save Ling will go to waste— he'll still die at the hands of his power-hungry brother from before she went back in time, she just won't exist to witness it. It basically invalidates everything she is putting herself through; it's like devoting tons of time and effort into a video game with the intention to just delete the save file halfway. IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.
There are so many plot holes, so many I've lost count. They pulled a J.K. Rowling "Prisoner of Azkaban" so many times. What do I mean by that? Well, the whole premise of "Prisoner of Azkaban" is that Harry and Hermione fuck with time to fix a bunch of shit, but that mechanic is never visited again in the subsequent books because... Well, because it was hellish to write about so J.K. Rowling just casually opted out. Plus, it would've destroyed her tragic plans for the the story (since everything could be fixed by time travel), making it boring, repetitive, and predictable. TL;DR? "Lost Love in Times," like "Prisoner of Azkaban," is another example of— say it with me now— PLOT CONVENIENCE.
Then again, they must've done something right since I did watch it until the end, which is rare for me these days. I gotta give it to China— they've got political turmoil and domestic upheaval down to a science. If you can keep track of all the characters and side stories, you won't be disappointed by the amount of detail that goes into the corrupt and ceaseless competition for power. WITH THAT BEING SAID...
What a cheap excuse of an ending. It's the epitome of "oh shit, we wrote ourselves into a corner and the characters don't have their happy ending. Whelp... SCREW IT. FAN SERVICE TIMEEEE."
Don't get me wrong, I love me a happily ever after, but I'd rather a tragic ending that makes sense than a forced and poorly executed happy ending. Period.
*deep breath*