I Secretly Fell in Love with the Student Council President
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One of the best
If you're looking for a simple, sweet story with a cast full of cute boys and the best soundtracks I can think of, then this has to be the show for you.It's well made with humour, emotion and good performances but is let down by being too short meaning that it can jump about, missing things out not letting the story develop fully - it would have been even better if it was a few episodes longer.
2022 is proving to be a great year for Taiwan BL's with Plus and Minus/Be Loved in House: I Do plus this so I can't wait to find out what comes next!
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Although the story itself could have had potential it was done in a very lame way and some scenes were tortously drawn out.
Max is undeniabe adorable but he doesn't have the strongest acting ability while Max is just wooden meaning they are more suited to support roles - it's a step too far expecting them to carry the show, much in the same way I felt about Jimmy and Sea in Vice Versa.
There were some hot NC scenes but it I so hate it when they do that common BL thing of classing lip sucking as kissing - if you want to make it believable do it properly boys.
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Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2
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My Guilty Pleasure
On paper I should not like this series as there is not much a story that develops (especially in season 2) and some of the characters are ridiculous, butin fact I just adore it.I've had a soft spot for Takuya since his part in Cherry Magic and he plays the part of the comically frigid and emotionally introverted perfectly without being annoying.
I found the finale of season 2 probably the best of both seasons as it was the only one that was truly emmotional and ended the series well.
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Takara-kun to Amagi-kun
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A candy floss show
I've been impressed by most of the Japanese BL's I've seen as they've been of a high standard and better than a lot of Thai ones, however this show just makes me think of candy floss - it's sweet but with no substance.There really is no proper storyline to follow, it's mainly just the 2 leads in various situations. In fact some episodes could be watched in a different order and it wouldn't make any difference!
I will watch the last 2 episodes but can't see there be enough happening to make me want to visit this series again.
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Typical GMMTV fare
On the whole this series is ok but nothing special, stongest in the first half then just pretty weak towards the end.Having quite a large cast it doesn't make a good job of introducing them all making it a little difficult to figure out to begin with.
I wouldn never say I was a real fan of Pong and Phuwin but don't mnd them, however they are oboviously really comfortable with each other. I just wish they would learn to kiss properly rather than the typical lip sucking - at least Aou/Bppm and Marc/Poon made a good go of it with a bit of passion.
The most annoying things I found thoughout the series was Satang's character - he must have been told to play it in a childish way and it just doesn;t work whilst his pairing with Winnie is by far the least convincing.
For my the stand outs were Aou and Boom who are really good together, whilst Aou managed to make his character amusing when it could have been so easily just plan annoying - i look forward to seeing them again in the future.
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The most kissing scenes in any series
An enjoyable watch giving a good mix of story, humour and drama though I did find the acting of the 2 main characters was a little awkward at times, possibly due to lack of experience.It was unreal just how many kiss scenes there, were just a shame they were often more lip sucking, plus the odd raunchy NC scene.
There were some irritations though - I know Thai series tend to have quite a lot of music but this series took it to the extreme filling in any possible moment with random music. Also I personally find it weird the pauses in dialogue where no one speaks and they just look at each other - totally unatural.
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Top notch but have the tissues ready
Having seen many BL's over the years, this rates as my all time favourite and is the only one I have rewatched fully a couple of times and every so often come back to to watch segments.No other BL can match the tear jerking emotions that has me bubbling every time whilst Fluke's performance as Pharm is outstanding with his acting in some scenes being the best I've ever seen in a BL.
The sound track really deserves praise for heightening the mood of the scenes, and if I had to nit pick at its weak point I'd say that sme scenes were a bit too drawn out and you can get a bit fed up hearing 'P'Dean' for a million times!
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Not likely to be remembered
Typical GMMTV fare that isn't their worst but not a classic either.I do like both Chimon for his charm and Perth for his visuals but unfortunately neither really have the charisma needed for good leads.
Whether it's true or not about them not really getting on I did see an interview they had and there was certainly no chemistry between them unlike with most other BL couples, and their kissing/NC scenes just looked awkward and unbelievable.
It was probably stronger nearer the start and I found the finale the weakest episode being very drawn out at times.
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Playboy and the Gang of Cherry
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2 hours that I'll never get back
Not for the feint hearted!I've seen a few things that Gun has done and had hoped this would be up to a similar standard - oh how dissaponted I was!
I'm not sure it should actually be called a movie as it's completely lacking in story - some full on porn has more of a story than this.
It is pretty full on with mainly scenes of either sex or extreme violence/torture and I found it so boring that I would skip little bits to see if it improved but I was disappointed.
But if all you want is to watch some cute guys doing stuff with a fair dose of blood then this ideal for you!
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Bu Liang Zhi Nian Qing Chu Shi
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A must watch for a rollercoaster of a show
I am so impressed by this series that is impressively well well written and acted.Never have I watched one that can so effortlessly and so often switch between good humour in one scene to being deep and emmotional in the next then back again.
Acting from the whole catst was excellent and I hope the actor playing the lead has won an award for his brilliant perfomance of the surly and stupid Yi Yong who does what's right.
For much of the series it's basically a complete story per episode but for the last 3 it's so well done how there's a common thread that only becomes fully apparent in the amazing finale with its action, surpises and tears as well as the trusty humour.
To be honest there were some things I found confusing which wouldn't have been helped by the engllish subtitles on iQiyi that too often flashed up too quickly to read.
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The most surprising BL I've ever watched
After watchiing many BL's in the last 6 years I have never found one that was so different to what I expected.I'd been wanting to watch this show for a while and knew the very basics about it expecting something simple and light hearted. What I didn't expect was how intense it could be covering issues including mental health, abuse and murder which made the story so much more than just a typical BL with Inn and Job doing fantastic jobs as leads.
It is a little irritating in some respects though as it is an excessively long series with scenes that could easily have been tightened up and shortened. Job's unexplained anger for the first few e[isodes is just a bt over the top and the side couple are just irritating.
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More to it than loads of topless guys
If seeing loads of flesh is you thing then this is certainly the BL to go for - whether it's Meen and others having their tops off at any oportunity (I'm not complaining!) or guys just wearing towels, boxers and even something I've never seen before in a Thai BL - naked asses in the shower. Plus It's got its raunchier moments as well with Meen and PIng in the shower together, having sex under the covers and Frank pleasuring himself.However beyond the baiting the basic story is more interesting than your average BL although it's not without its faults for example Prince and Jedi are prominent in the first half but after suddenly in one scene where their 'situation changes' they take a total back seat. The final episode did a good job with much of it not being predictable.
Although Meen and PIng have great visuals they're not the most charismatic perfomers and Ping still needs to develop more as an actor as he tends to look ike he's acting rather than being natural.
On the other hand Earth as First does great for arelative newbie and the girl who plays Lin foes an excellent job.
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Love for Love's Sake
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Absolutely loved it but only in parts
I nearly missed out on this BL - I had watched the first couple of minutes and didn't like the vibe so switched off. Only after hearing it was one of the top BL's of 2024 I gave it another go and luckily the rest of it wasnt anything like the rest of it.Certainly for the first 4 or 5 episodes I would give it 10/10 for being a school based BL with a difference with touching moments and fantastic humour that is just well written without being silly and some great one liners.
However as the secoond half went on the writers were trying to be too clever with the story making it messy and at times difficult to follow,
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One of the weaker Korean BL's
Often I've found these short Korean BL's to fly past however this one dragged along and I struggled to finish it.Although the basic story is fine and the acting is on the whole decent, the implementation just didn't really work and I was never invested in the characters and was never deperate to watch the next episode.
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Dead Friend Forever - DFF
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Good but could have been better
Although Be On Cloud come in for a fair amount of criticism they do need credit for doing some different things.On the whole I did enjoy this series though the execution was a bit messy and with a slpit personality having a completely different feel to the countryside and school based sections
It didn't get off to a great start with the audience being thrown into the deep end with scenes involvong 8 of the main characters -and it took a while to actually get to know each of them, and they did overdo the hand held camera style in trying to give it a dramatic style.
I don;t think I would really class this a s a BL more as a drama with some gay characters as that aspect doesn't really play a major part much of the time, however when there were kissing/NC scenes at least they were more realistic as per KinnPorsche and not like on GMMTV.
The bullying was almost uncorfortable to watch at times but Barcode really stood out frrom the rest with his acting peformance particularly in episode 11.
So obviously a 2nd series is planned though possibly a big loss with Copper moving abroad so I guess he might not be in it.
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