
  • Dernière connexion: il y a 53 minutes
  • Genre: Femme
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  • Contribution Points: 4 LV1
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  • Date d'inscription: janvier 13, 2021
Stay with Me Episode 6
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nov. 18, 2023

Su Yu is gonna murder both his dad & Wu…

Su Yu is gonna murder both his dad & Wu Bi, their lies have snowballed out of proportions - as it goes with lies (⊙_⊙;) it's funny, but don't envy either guy. Su Yu will feel so betrayed & hurt after all this building of trust & friendship that's developed between them, might make him wonder if it was all fake (ノへ ̄、)****************************************************************************************************************************************also like how here the plot at places is flipped - like (the previous ep) Su Yu brought/bought Wu Bi food. same with teasing his counterpart with food. here Wu Bi is the one teasing Su Yu - which is the other way round in Addicted.****************************************************************************************************************************************know i might be the odd one out, but kinda felt bad for Zheng Hao (Wu Bi's dad) in this ep. he might come off as the bad-guy. as he is very strict with Wu Bi - maybe in his eyes justifiably so. but given they been alone without another parent to shoulder the responsibilities or support needed to raise a child, this is his way of making sure his son doesn't turn out to be a spoilt brat that's rotten to the core. so he gives him enough space to do his thing, but reins him in the sec he feels the boundaries have been crossed. & as Wu Bi's an angsty teen (even without the new mother in the mix) he would not get along with his parents. now he doesn't just need to deal with his hormonal son but his "depressed" new-wife that throwing herself pity parties - falling alseep blind drunk cause she misses her son so much. & he feels like for some peace & quite he needs to fix everything - this time around didn't resent him as much as i did the OG dad in Addicted. this approach was good intentioned IMHO

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Stay with Me Episode 5
0 people found this review helpful
nov. 18, 2023

so many thoughts pop-up while watching &…

so many thoughts pop-up while watching & yet the sec it's over, can't find anything to say (¬‿¬)******************************************************************************************************************************************Su Yu's mother is really beautiful, but a head case. she should be happy & yet she always find a reason to throw herself a pity party. she's to self absorbed - thinking the world revolves around her - that's why she is having a hard time understanding why her son doesn't want any type of relationship with her, ironically same goes for her step-son. u don't need to be a genius to get that he might be resentful just cause she is stepping into his dead mothers place, & even trying to bring her son into the fold more or less ousting him. ****************************************************************************************************************************************also if she abandoned Su Yu & his father 10 yrs ago, & Wu Bi lost his mother 6 yrs ago - is he right; did she get close to his family in order to get the father??? & there was some shady goings on - as she was Wu Bi's mothers "new" friend so what gives....****************************************************************************************************************************************really enjoying the boys & not just talking about the mains, love Mao Chong & Bo Kuang's scenes they sweet. also like Duo, she's a smart kid & felt bad for her as she like Wu Bi wants the extended family that group has created.

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Stay with Me Episode 4
0 people found this review helpful
nov. 18, 2023

so much happening in this ep - i get why Duo…

so much happening in this ep - i get why Duo Duo treated that boy badly & yet i didn't like it. even though getting even by hurting her back, wasn't the way to go(ノへ ̄、) but seeing him wait the whole day for her, was kinda cute & endearing. pretty sure he didn't mean to hurt her by saying she didn't have a dad. just children being child, running off at the mouth, without thinking of how it will effect the person in front of them.*****************************************************************************************************************************************reading other comments & their unavoidable comparison with the OG actors, have to say this is something that bothered me at the start. as to me too the chemistry between Timmy & Johnny made Luo Yin & Gu Hai come alive & couldn't see anyone else portraying these character's, but them. but (maybe cause of the name change) i don't find myself comparing between the newbies & the OG's. this is just different - even the plot isn't copy-paste. so am just enjoying this as is & not once have i thought, of the OG pair.****************************************************************************************************************************************Wu Bi, whom i didn't like at the start breaks my heart - almost every scene there is a back drop of a warm, homely scene full of love & happiness & he is the outsider peering in (┬┬﹏┬┬) u can feel how lonely, sad & desperate he is to connect, to what he see's in Su Yu's family unit. u can see the envy & it's truly heartbreaking to me.Su Yu might be poor in the financial aspect of things ,but he is truly rich when it comes to his home life & surroundings ~(>_<。)\

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Stay with Me Episode 3
0 people found this review helpful
nov. 18, 2023

those grown ass men got nothing better to…

those grown ass men got nothing better to do, but rob kids?!? like seriously - am used to seeing kids bully kids. but this was new - does this really happen in China? where small-time street thugs prey on kids? ****************************************************also didn't get why the day after, when Su Yu & Wu Bi saw them waiting outside again, they didn't go to a teacher or something\(〇_o)/ it's all good & well that Wu Bi saved Su Yu, & Su Yu is now training, but what about other kids that can be potential victims of those morons?!?******************************************************************************************************************************************also found it ironic how both Wu Bi & Zhi Gang needed to lie to Su Yu, so each covered for the other. have a feeling when Su Yu finds out, who Wu Bi's father is it wont be pleasant for either father or friend (⊙◡⊙;)/******************************************************************************************************************************************side note: maybe just me, but the dude playing Wu Bi reminds me of Xu Kai, they could be related for all i know - they aint. but going by looks, they could be - just me (●'◡'●)?

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Stay with Me Episode 2
0 people found this review helpful
nov. 18, 2023

love Su Yu's father - so didnt accept…

love Su Yu's father - so didnt accept to cry in this, totally teared up at the end scene where he is talking to Wu Bi. & have to say seeing Zhi Gang's sweet (almost child-like) personality i kinda get why he & Xiao San (Su Yu's mother) would never work out - their personality r like oil & water. maybe at the start they were attracted to each other, but as time passed their difference's would tear them apart. so idk if she was the cause of Wu Bi's mothers death (hinted at in the original drama) but i kinda get why she & Zhi Gang would never work out, no matter the circumstances.*****************************************************************************************************************************************this is really interesting & like where the plot has been changed, it gives almost every character more "meat" & what little there is of some side character's is enough to draw a picture to who they r - also like that Bo Kuang isn't as airhead & yet still loveable. *********************************************************************************************************************************** Mao Chong on the other hand, is such an improvement & not as obnoxious as his counterpart You Qi in Addicted. which i like. ******************************************************************************************************************************************Wu Bi is the typical rich boy bully that's hard to love. but u see a humane side to him (like when he was interacting with Zhi Gang. how ironic that here Wu Bi warms up to the father before he does to the son (❁´◡`❁) kinda adorable & heart breaking (⊙◡⊙;)

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Stay with Me Episode 1
0 people found this review helpful
nov. 18, 2023

kinda get why the names (like the title) have…

kinda get why the names (like the title) have been changed & yet kinda bummer (about the names) cause now have to keep guessing who i whom. know this nit-picky, as will get used to the new names & associate them with their counterparts in Addicted Heroine, but it bugged me. also the plot has been tweaked, but i don't mind that as much. there r parts that it's even better cause it helps u understand things that were brushed off to further the plot in the original drama.& usually don't notice the OST (unless it's really good or really bad (¬‿¬)) & yeah this bad. also r the mains famous?!? that they getting this prolonged face-revel scenes?!? that & the music totally annoyed me. hope this stops (ノへ ̄、)*****************************************************************************************************************************************the guys playing Su Yu & Han Bo Kuang r really(!) good looking - other then these 2, the rest r meeh looks wise. sure Wu Bi will grow on me (as he the main) but (maybe mean of me to say) he Doesn't fit the role of Gu Hai\(〇_o)/ maybe will change my mind - but that's how i feel after the 1st ep.****************************************************************************************************************************************i like Su Yu's dad, he is sweet in the village idiot sort of way (⊙_⊙;) & also like the village aunties gossiping. the vibe is very wholesome & warm. the tree hugging scene while Su Yu tried to rip off the plaster from his dad's back, was the highlight of this ep IMHO (≧∇≦)ノ

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nov. 16, 2023

what a roller coaster of an ep. idk how i…

what a roller coaster of an ep. idk how i fell by the end, don't even know where to start... (⊙_⊙;)****************************************************************************************************************************************Toshi, that more or less started Muranishi on this journey is funny. but he has a tendency to find trouble - like the start & him going off to meet Iori in his den. dude should know better, yeah he was laughing at him for being an ex-Yakuza, but he's still one in temperament & abilities. he is someone u should be weary off. so i hope by the end Toshi doesn't end up in any major trouble. as is there a ton of bad-guys, just waiting in line to get him & Muranishi & close their company.\(〇_o)/****************************************************************************************************************************************Megumi/Kuroki Kaoru, well her "break" wasn't as bad as i assumed it would be, kinda get this was her way of rebelling against her mother & absent father. maybe cause of how strict her mother is, she also has this streak of BDSM in her`(*>﹏<*)′idk... but that was one hell of a scene - **********************************************************************************************************just glad that she wasn't gaslighted into anything. not that this says i am fine with the whole theme of this drama (ironic as i knew what i was getting into). but i guess if i ignore the exploitative side, can appreciate the desperation to succeed, let alone his artistic side of Muranishi.

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nov. 16, 2023

Muranishi is a bit of a moron, why he go confront…

Muranishi is a bit of a moron, why he go confront Ikezawa. what that give him? just cause he wanted Miku?!? & sorry but that so was gaslighting - this is the aspect that's scary in this industry. pushing someone into something they would never agree too (& the worse bit) making it seem like they had a choice - basically making it so Miku would blame herself when it went south - as it did (ノへ ̄、) *******************************************************************************************************************Ikezawa is a bad-guy but Muranishi aint much better, he just small fish that is just getting started\(〇_o)/****************************************************************************************************************************************as per usual there were hilarious - laugh out loud moments - like the scene with Rugby having to carry Miku around while... OMG the part where the old dude was shocked & then tried to follow them \(@^0^@)/*****************************************************************************************************************************************but seriously this kinda vile - Muranishi keeps pushing the envelope, 1st it was the magazines now the porno. which is interesting to see how his mind works but when u think about the humans beings it's kinda deplorable. that's why was surprised Junko came back after her meltdown (hearing what happened with Miku). ******************************************************************************************************************************************Megumi is scary - there is something very off about her. that scene with her bf's gf was not just weird, but off - the way she reacted or rather got back at him - very off******************************************************************************************************************************************side note: why i aint surprised Iori in cahoots with Ikezawa ( ˘︹˘ )

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nov. 16, 2023

had a feeling that Ikezawa was behind the…

had a feeling that Ikezawa was behind the arrest, given the fact detective Takei was dirty (he had no problem taking the money, when he apprehended the driver with the porno mag's) knew then he aa shady MOFO. *******************************************always find it ironic how the cops r always dirtier then the criminals, as criminals not acting like they better then... while the cops cause of their freakin vocation should be better - they r supposed to up hold the law for pet's sake (ノへ ̄、)know what Muranishi was doing was illegal & yet idk when that same dirty detective came to bug him & his friends in their new place (after their release) that annoyed me. but i guess if he was working for Ikezawa all along, it was his job to know what Muranishi's group was up too.*******************************************************************************************************************************************every ep it's pretty solemn on a whole (maybe it feels like that cause of Muranishi's personality), but then there is one part that is just crazy & funny - also cause of Muranishi. idk how this would go, but it keeps surprising me into wanting to watch more.******************************************************************************************************************************************side note: admit i have Never watched a whole length porno movie, but have a feeling they aint as extra Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ as the one Muranishi's was directing in this (≧∇≦)ノ

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nov. 14, 2023

1st off the OST is killing the vibe, why it…

1st off the OST is killing the vibe, why it in English?!? *******************************************************************************************************************************************anywhoo this was interesting, as in curious what is Muranishi's end game, he took out a ton of loans to buy the book-stores to sell the adult magazines. but when Ikezawa paid him a visit to make him stop. so he wont open branches in the rest of the country why not make some kinda deal. he might be the brains, but neither him nor Toshi got the brawns, so he can put up any type of fight against a Yakuza (assuming Ikezawa is a member). ********************************************************************also all of the people around him r more of the same - average joes, shop keepers - they wouldn't be able to put up any type of serious fight against street thugs, let alone Yakuza members.****************************************************************************************************************************************Megumi's mother is crazy, little wonder Megumi herself is a bit weird. considering how restricted she is, when she breaks it will be to the extreme \(〇_o)/ don't need specially abilities to predict the future to see which road she's gonna going down. just hope it wont be a hopeless one (considering this based on true story) (ノへ ̄、)****************************************************************************************************************************************side note: the other commenter refers to the Megumi's character being underage which means no nude scenes. while right. this is also the reason the actors chosen for these type of roles might look like teens, but r adults. that's how u get over any restriction's & Morita Misato playing Megumi was 23 when she portrayed this part.

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nov. 14, 2023

this turned interesting towards the end. have…

this turned interesting towards the end. have to say the start was kinda bland IMHO (kept wondering why everyone else's hyped, recommending let alone giving it 10 stars) maybe by the end will feel the same. but on a whole was kinda depressing (the only bit that was ridiculously hilarious, was when he tried to sell the encyclopedia to the yakuza dude). (⊙◡⊙;)*****************************************************************************************************************************************his life was so sad, yeah at bits it was the average life most humans live & yet he (this drama) made it look not just sad, but down right gloomy. didn't like his wife's excuse for cheating (nothing justifies cheating, ur unhappy etc... try to work it out, or leave), but am happy that at least when she did leave, she didn't abandon the kids.*****************************************************************************************************************************************on a whole this subject is very exploitative, so the female porn start at the start (assuming she was one) giving the speech about how empowering it was, was hard not to ( ˘︹˘ ) scoff at...

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nov. 14, 2023

One Stars

as much as i was angry at Shun Yu (in the previous ep & at the start of this), there's NO justification for that old hag to come at him that way(!) if it was me would slap her senseless, people would have to physically drag me off her decrepit body, kicking & screaming. who the f*ck died & made her queen?!? OMG that scene made me see red!!! money, statue, age or the thought a gold-digger's after ur child Doesn't gives u the right to act like a utter b*tch, that's physically abusive... don't care who the f*ck u r, ima beat the living day lights out of u, if u try that sh*t with me (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (╬▔皿▔)╯*****************************************************************************************************************************************would say good on Shun Yu for keeping his cool, but i needed Shang Zhou to stand-up to his mother & put her in her place once & for all, enough is enough with this controlling tiger mom sh*t {{{(>_<)}}} **********************************************************as a grown ass man that's working hard for his living - she's treating him like he's the "slow" child, that she's done a favor by giving him a position in her company. he doesn't get paid?!! cause they blood, he her slave for life?!? she wasn't just off putting, but revolting (ノ`Д)ノ****************************************************************************************************************************************ironic - how i assumed it would go & who i really ended up cursing in the finale (●'◡'●) her drama so wasn't needed. as Shun Yu finally found the guts to share his insecurities with Shang Zhou & they (the writer's) could've skipped the part with the evil witch, to the part where the guys have their happily ever after... whatever, the chemistry was good as always (not to mention the sweetest kisses, but that's Taiwanese BL's for u Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ). the end

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You Are Mine Episode 9
0 people found this review helpful
nov. 14, 2023

yeah happy happy joy joy in the preview...…

yeah happy happy joy joy in the preview... but i aint a happy camper after watching this ep. Shun Yu didn't deserve Shang Zhou's confession at the end(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻. **********************************************************************************here this moron is having heart to heart's with the whole world, but not with the actual person he needs too! then he turns mute & deaf when standing in front of Shang Zhou... would anyone run after u, desperate to speak to u, if they considered u just an employee they can toy with?!? there a lack of subordinate's in that company or a lack of people looking for jobs that would happily suffer anything, just for a pay-check?!? ******************************************************************************but no Shun Yu rather shove his head in the sand cause he isn't ready to confront Shang Zhou or even hear him out - like make it make sense... & Shang Zhou the bad guy everyone badmouthing - really?!???*****************************************************************************************************************************************i really hate watching main character's act like the aggrieved party, where everyone else gathers around agreeing & consoling them, while badmouthing someone who is not only innocent but falsely accused, shunned & left all alone to suffer in solitude - with no one thinking of comforting them. & the worse bit, they have to then come back hat in hand asking for forgiveness of a crime they aint guilt off - this "love" is toxic & infuriating to root for `(*>﹏<*)′ ugh!

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You Are Mine Episode 8
0 people found this review helpful
nov. 14, 2023

the lack of communication is mind boggling,…

the lack of communication is mind boggling, especially when we talking grown adults & after this ep, i am angrier at Shun Yu then Shang Zhou. *********************************************************************************************************************maybe something was missing in the translation, but didn't get why Shun Yu chose to run away instead of clearing up the situation from his drunken night - what did Shang Zhou say or didn't say, that made him just leg it \(〇_o)/& everything he said to the "sister" = head of the secretarial group, shouldn't he have said to Shang Zhou, instead of ghosting him ผ(•̀_•́ผ)*****************************************************************************************************************************************so the "heartfelt" words in the cheat-book was crap IMHO. if u care for someone, why hurt them? even if Shang Zhou didn't say the words, the things he said do make it clear he cares for Shun Yu & not as an assistant. yes the actual words, would be better.but that's is where Shun Yu should've insisted on continuing the conversation from the night before, to clear things up. but then i guess end of drama(ノへ ̄、) the only thing i know is that Shun Yu acted like a child running away & he unnecessarily hurt the person he supposedly cares for - cause he's scared & feels unworthy, this justified?!? not in my opinion ( ˘︹˘ )******************************************************************************************************************************************side note: the kiss - whole bed scene was hot & well done (¬‿¬) didn't cringe once Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ

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You Are Mine Episode 7
0 people found this review helpful
nov. 14, 2023

now if Shun Yu verbalized his inner thoughts…

now if Shun Yu verbalized his inner thoughts when he was drunk, that would be perfect - cause at least Shang Zhou would get that his approach was wrong. both of the leads aint using their words - which isn't new in BL's, they have ton of inner dialogue's with themselves & the viewer. sometimes even with other side character's, that never really give any constructive advice that would clear up any misunderstandings & get the mains together - so not shocked both r acting like bumbling idiots. *****************************************************************************************************************************************the secretaries aint helping matters any, if anything they making matters worse. so this basically frustrating to watch, how their actions contradict their words, which makes it more confusing - widening the gap between them, leading to more mistakes & misunderstanding. get a lot of this plot is supposed to be comical - but i find less & less to laugh about, when i see character's unnecessarily getting hurt \(〇_o)/

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