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Ever Night Season 2 chinese drama review
Ever Night Season 2
49 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by Apple Eye
mars 8, 2020
43 épisodes vus sur 43
Complété 1
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 7.5
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 9.0
Musique 10.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Absolute Light is also Absolute Darkness

Ever Night 2 has ended and I already want to know the continuing story. That’s how good this production is, despite two major set backs. One, they’ve changed the original cast, second the story becomes much darker.


In Ever Night Season 2, Ning Que and Sang Sang’s story continues in a world that becomes more hostile every day. Sang Sang gets exposed as the person who will bring eternal night, everyone is out to get her, except for Ning Que and his Academy friends. The whole nation is about to collapse under power struggles, treason and war, and it is up to Ning Que to keep focused on his love, and the world he cares for. It turns out he and Sang Sang are the center of the ultimate power struggle between the goddess of light and the sage master. Will they succeed in saving themselves, and the human world as they know it?


Kudos to Dylan Wang. Such a pity he has to cope with an audience that’s expecting the return of Arthur Chen who was teenage boy Ning Que in the flesh in Ever Night Season 1. However, anybody who reads the book will discover Dylan plays the character of Ning Que to a T as well. In the novel, Ning Que changes from a disrespectful teenager with swag to a caring anti-hero who sticks to his one and only purpose in life, Sang Sang. Yes, it’s hard to see him mortified many times, but that’s how it is written in the book, it’s not about him being out of character like some people think.
Ireine Song has to play the biggest character development here, and she delivers. Finally she’s allowed to play her real age, and it shows, she really shines at her wedding scene at the lake.


This series has a beautiful OST. The opening theme of Ever Night is simply epic, perhaps the best Ever Heard.

Rewatch Value

There are parts in this series that I never want to rewatch again. See for yourself and you'll know what I mean. It’s terrible to see the main characters in dire straits. Sang Sang is dying from the cold disease. Ning Que is constantly on the run, more vulnerable than ever, now that he’s afraid of losing Sang Sang. His Devil-May-Care attitude seems gone forever.
Still, this is a hell of a story, full of life lessons, such as Darkness and Light are intertwined, and Love can make you weak, but it makes you strong as well.
The biggest problem is the script, it handles all story lines without making choices. This throws necessary time for character development out of the window.
How to explain in a few episodes that Sang Sang has become a goddess of light, and darkness incarnate, all in one? She has the spirit of Yong Ye and Hao Tian within her, she’s cruel, detached from the world. Still she can’t let go of her human side that is Sang Sang who shared her bed with human Ning Que during their wedding night.
In this drama they let two different characters play Sang Sang’s human and goddess side, which is too confusing imo.
The same goes for Ning Que. How to depict a character development in just a few episodes that goes from a boyish dare devil attitude to an adult personality who’s able to love and care deeply? So the makers should have invested way more time in both characters, now it has been wasted on too many side characters and side stories.


If I see Ever Night Season 2 as the Story of NingSang, this series means a lot to me. Dylan Wang plays a great Ning Que, he really becomes the character. I love the chemistry between the adult Ning Que and Sang Sang, they finally look like a pair. And in spite of all the messy Wuxia stories I also liked the master genius Fu Zi, second brother Jun Mo, the quiet strength of Chao and the girl power coming from the Addict Sisters. Go watch it!
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