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Code Blue: The Movie japanese movie review
Code Blue: The Movie
8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by JulyMoon
juin 13, 2021
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.5
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 10.0
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10.0

Wrap up of the entire series

First of all, I highly recommend watching Code Blue in the right order. From season 1 to the movie which is the official end, this series has a red thread going through.

The order of watching is:
Code Blue Season 1 (2008)
Code Blue Special (Farewell Facing Tomorrow) (2009) (connects Season 1 and 2)
Code Blue Season 2 (2010)
Code Blue Season 3 (2017)
Code Blue: Another Everyday (Spin-Off) (2018)
Code Blue Mou Hitotsu No Senjou Special (2018) (Sequel and bridge to movie)
Code Blue: The Movie (2018)

The Movie is the last adaption and tells the story of the flight doctors until their future paths.
Maybe the story is a bit dramatic but it's not getting to a point of being ridiculous or unrealistic for me. Also from scriptwriters/production point of view it's understandable they want to fill in action and some "blasts" before the end.
I can hardly even think of anything negative because I liked the series from the beginning and the script convinced me.

The drama has a good balance between personal life (and struggles) of the characters and the medical part (which is well written). Not to mention, that the medical accuracy is given here, which I appreciate a lot because I can't stand when even basic things like CPR are portrayed wrong in dramas. Doctors are not "gods in white" in this but they have insecurities, private matters and other problems they have to deal with. Code Blue managed to show the progress of the main characters and how they grow from the fresh trainees to full-fledged doctors that people and fellow trainees now depend on. This depth is a bit shortcut in the movie (due to it's limited runtime) but it's there if you followed the series.

The cast is mostly the same minus some faces we have seen in Season 3. The focus of this movie is on the "main 5" (Shiraishi, Aizawa, Hiyama, Fujikawa and Saejima). All did a wonderful job in portraying their character.

As for the music, you either grew tired of the same tunes by now or they've grown to you. For me it's the second and whenever I hear the melodies, I think of Code Blue.

The movie as the entire series have a high rewatch value. I loved to watch the development of the characters. The medical part is good, the characters likeable, there's a bit of humor and romance. Overall a nice package that will entertain you.
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