Girlfriend Project Day 1
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very short and messy review
THEY SHOULD OF MADE THIS FUCKING LONGERok im upset i thought we were getting a 10 ep gl to only find out its 4eps long . i love both actors and they really did well with their role i like that they didnt shy away from the kissing i wasnt expecting it i thought they would just peck for like 10 seconds or something idk. its nice to actually see a good gl with good rep most gls have bad stereotypes and toxicity in it and sad endings. not only did we get a happy ending but a gl where the actors actually are convincing most gls seem like the girls dont even wanna be near eachother. they had great chemistry you could feel the tension
now what i didnt like
since this is a small low budget i wasnt going to pick out anything but their editing was messy and these mistakes could of easily been looked over but i couldnt help but notice a few frames had things missing or out of place or them leaving the bag dumb things but it doesnt affect you watching it unless u critique shows u would notice. it should of been longer and the ending didnt feel like a ending maybe there will be a season 2. i felt like this could of been a great gl if they extended it.
rewatch value is high its like 30mins long not even its a easy watch if your looking for a good gl.
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worst season / wat happened
taynew firstkhao and sing - the only ppl that actually didnt disappoint anyonethis was a boring season the games were boring and the king of the day was the same person 5 days in a row, not only that but homophobic jokes were made by foei and white towards tay and first while others like chimon laughed at the table. not only that but first expressed that he found khao cute "the voices in my head keep saying khao is cute" they kept teasing later on about it and it was starting to become uncomfortable it was a harmless comment it felt like it was rooted from homophobia. not only did they make that joke but also a rape joke towards first and tay and later apologised and made first sit there w them but u can clearly see that he was still down the atmosphere in the house was bad and ppl wanted it to be over u can tell that 2 ppl wanted to leave the house.
so by now taynew and sing left to do work i assume leaving firstkhao, there was a game tht they had to disguise themselves and guess who it is. black paint and afro wigs were used and many ppl did blackface and laughed at the others who did it even if they didnt have ill intentions (mond knew what he was doing) they still should have known the only ppl who didnt take part in any of this was firstkhao by the end of challenge u can see khao being moody the atmosphere was gone again this was on the 6th day. https://twitter.com/ickyfeeI/status/1568519437770436608?s=20&t=YSzapkOrXH2WA1SJT6lFQg (<<<< what happened) pics are still up after 7hrs no apology
gmmtv ignored ppl calling them out and continued to post more pics of the group dressed like that. one more thing do not go after firstkhao for not saying anything we have to remember that in thai culture respecting ur seniors is a big thing there everyone is responsible for their own actions and consequences that come after dont blame others for the actions they did not do.
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my opinion changed
my opinion changed everything about this show was good up to ep 7 any scenes with vegaspete boring yawn last 2 ish eps picked up got slightly better acting was great except for petes characterin my opinion kinnporsche is the best bl that has been made it surpasses every bl ive watched from the acting to the visuals the music everything it's so perfect. they had the best people on this drama from the cast to the crew. vegas defenders/apologists close ur eyes when u read this. <3
(what I liked/praise for the series)
the fact that this is a lot of the actors first acting job amazes me ive never would have guessed it but then again it did take almost 2 years to come out so it did give them a shit load of time to do workshops. the chemistry between all actors is amazing the writing is amazing but the plot felt weak half way. the cinematography is beautiful which is no surprise as they were also the cinematographer for, I told sunset about you which is another beautiful coming of age bl. the best actors in this series for me have to be mileapo they hold so much emotion even in the smallest of glances their acting is so natural. bible is such a great actor no doubt in my mind if an actor can make you dislike a character, they are doing a great job. builds acting needs to improve. As for the rest they did great as well but these actors performances stood out to me more.
When it came to the main couple I never got tired of them a lot of ppl found them boring once they settled for each other but personally they were adorable and had the best chemistry out of all couples. Their love and kiss scenes were so beautifully done the amount of passion and love that came from that. Porsche and kinn come from 2 different environments and I think it's important to understand kinn's pov on what caring means to him and how its very different to what it means for porsche even though they are the opposites of each other they balance each other out perfectly. In the end they trusted and supported each other they had a messy and complicated relationship and was great seeing them continuing to mature together .kinn is an example of character growth when it came to this series. Their relationship wasnt rushed also please watch the side story after ep 6 it helps to understand the shift of the relationship
also the little details in the show if u pay attention to the background you can always find them doing small tiny gestures example would be porsche covering chays eyes when the body bag is passing them and u have to look closely to see this happen.
music is a 10/10 the actors can actually sing ( praise the lord). free fall by slot machine is added to best intro songs the english version being about porsche and the thai version being about kinn im not going to get into the meaning but if you look at the lyrics for each you would understand. jeff sounds like an angel anytime why dont you stay came on i had to prepare myself for every emotion i was about to feel when watching the scene.
what i disliked vegas
i didnt like him with a blazing passion. sorry not sorry. i will not be moving on from the fact he had zero growth ppl moved on from the fact he tried to sa porsche more than once it wasnt addressed at all the fact porsche never found out aswell. the fact hes the reason that led porsche to being raped . he had no growth and daddy issues doesnt excuse his behaviour. i feel like why a lot of people like him is because of bible thats what happens when u get a hot actor to play a shitty character. but i will say vegas here and the vegas we get in the book i accept the vegas we get in the show more.
the plot was near to nothing and very confusing i understand it now but i still have a lot of unanswered questions that could be resolved if we actually get a 2nd season. but once i read people explaining the plot the more i understood you kinda need to overanalyze to understand. the plot appeared to disappear it was like that when it got to the middle it started off strong got weak in the middle and then ended strong. kimchay not getting their happy ending made me upset. i wanted a bit more mafia. honestly if they stayed true to the novel we all would of hated this drama. thats a given fact especially after the special chapter that was released. korn killing vegas dad after he was about to spill the truth if we dont get a season 2 we will never find out what it was. wasnt the biggest fan of vegaspete thats all im going to say or ill get jumped.
beware this is a mafia 21+ rated bl with 18+ rated scenes meaning there is a lot of sex and so on. one thing i loved that they did was that they didnt gloss over the fact that porsche was taken advantage of and showed the struggles he went through in ep 5. please dont drop this show if ep4 is a concern for you because we were warned about this exact thing we were told it was going to hold a lot of scenes that can trigger people so just do your research before you watch it. also again watch the side story after ep 6
this show has become one my favourites it has set the standard of what theses shows can do im excited to see if anything can top it. people who will binge this will have a better experience then those who watched week by week. 7 day wait wasnt fun
overall kinnporsche is such a roller-coaster bl u will experience all types of emotions and u will be let down in some cases but its well worth it this show is very re-watchable. i was happy to be apart of the 15 weeks(a week was skipped) this aired and i will miss this show so much
this review is messy still but im too lazy to become Shakespeare and write some groundbreaking review.
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just wow
drop everything and watch this i went into this thinking it was bromance revenge plot ( by edits on tiktok ) but i was very wrong ( kinda ) it was amazing binged the entire thing it has u hooked from ep 1 to 8 the actor deserves so many awards just for the last ep i need to see him in other shows like this one. i cant wait for season 2 ive never enjoyed a kdrama like this in a long time it was very refreshing to watch. ..Cet avis était-il utile?

bounprem deserved better than this shit - short review
honestly it was a mess the last ep hasnt aired yet but idecthe story did move along tho but somethings didnt make sense to me. sun and arthit have zero chemistry i dont know how its going to change to romance in the last ep- im praying tht theres another ep that we dont know about. bounprem acted fine most of the cast acting was fine it was just the writing and it makes sense when u look at the other work they wrote
honestly treat this as a filler for between us they just wanted to give us smthing to hold us over until november. i disagree with a lot of ppl the side couple werent giving anything and i just found them annoying. honestly the only reason ppl watched this was because we are all bounprem fans if it this was another couple the rating wouldnt be at 7.4. but anyway boun looked hot and prem looked adorable but his hair got to go wasnt a big fan of it but i do like how he played sun.
..(edit)... ep 6 was cute even tho there was no build up for the chemistry bounprem made it work and i found them adorable honestly skip this if ur a bounprem stan because it really does make u rethink their chemistry im praying tht it was just the writing that made this horrible but i will say its a lot better than check out and unforgotten night.
pros bounprem cons everything else and since im a bias freak i give it a 7 even tho it doesnt deserve it
all actors deserved better no one in this series shined all the writing was weak from main to side couples this show was just messy honestly i dont care about a badly written show as long as the acting is fine and in this case it was but pls someone tell the screenwriter to quit their job
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Something in My Room
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i never know what to write here
thoughts: first off I put this off because I'm not the biggest fan of sad or open endings and reading the plot I was expecting it to be like that but it was more bittersweet ik a lot of people didn't like the ending but I enjoyed it. my favourite line at the end was "even to this age, unfairness still exists" because it's such a punch of reality that phob asked phat to move on and live their dreams and he did his best. people do not like the fact he had cancer and wished they worded the bit about his family different and I agree I feel like it was such a beautiful moment and the wording could have been beautiful to match it but yanno but besides that, I loved that he was reunited with phob.The chemistry between both of the mains flowed nicely and was very natural I loved the fact there wasn't a lot of kissing scenes because it truly made every kiss memorable and meaningful.now onto the actual review:
storyline: its good my only complaint is wtf was the alien's part about I honestly skipped the scenes when it came to luck and dream their story-lines bored me luck hacking into phats laptop to stalk him just because he was upset that phat and dream were "keeping secrets" LIKE HUH?? if insecure was a person it would be luck. The fact that Dream was a strong female character, yet after a while, I got bored with her story-line and that it took them less than five minutes to forgive Luck for what he had done?
I still don't understand the aunt's business but it was ok for phob I loved everything about it they had to solve his unfinished business and he had to relearn everything I like how it was slow-paced and not rushed into an ep of them figuring it out.
acting and cast: Plan who plays phat looks like the younger version of apo from kinnporshe like HELLO???
plan as phat: acting was impeccable.. I loved him he wasn't awkward he wasn't stiff and had an excellent delivery. His crying scenes as well had me in tears
nut as phob: YES YES YES hello I wasn't sure because he played in oxygen a lot if acting was quite stiff but in this, his acting improved so much n the chemistry between the mains ???? I loved it. nut has become one my favourites due to this 10/10 acting
Rewatch value: I wouldn't rewatch this. I loved it but the eps are long and have a lot of scenes I just want to cut out myself that had no relevance when it came to the main plot (I'm looking at you luck)
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Star and Sky: Star in My Mind | Sky in Your Heart
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im bias ( for joongdunk) so remember that when reading this
overall thoughts :honestly it started off good but ep 6 ruined the vibe of it i have yet to watch ep 7 but ive seen a lot of the clips already so it should be fine honestly this show isn't bad and somewhat enjoyable but my main problem with this is how none of characters are enjoyable like not even joong or dunk can save this show but i still watch it for some reason maybe because its gmmtv. i was excited for this considering its directed by the same person who did uwma and between us. i like the show which is weird considering how much i want to punch the characters and the story line was annoying the pacing is annoying the writing is annoying im honestly hoping for smooth sailing for ep7-8 because im done with conflict i just want to see fluff also i hate the intro bit like cmon now. ima be honest if this show had different actors i would of dropped it joongdunk are the only reason im watching this. its the type of bl where you turn off your brain and watch it.
onto joongs character : hes doesn't communicate ig u can blame it on the fact he isn't outspoken and doesn't do well with expressing himself which makes sense hence why i dont completely hate his character because i used to be like him and its realistic. joong is a good actor i love his acting in 2 moons 2 i loved him and his current show that is airing right now hes good in that too he portrays this character nicely not showing emotion keeping a stern face its actually impressive.
for dunks character: i understand him being frustrated with kluen but hes unreasonable as well . dunk is new to the acting world so there isn't much to compare to. i honestly loved him because of safehouse S3 and because of the chemistry between him and joong. they have so much chemistry and it was wasted on this show i hope they get better bls in the future because it would be such a waste if they just stop here. i like dunks acting in some scenes but his crying and anger scenes do need more practice but i feel like since the chemistry is so good its really easy to overlook it and not be bothered.
both of their acting honestly goes up and down throughout the eps some scenes are great some arent.
music: i like the music there really isnt much to go off on i just like it.
rewatch value: i would rewatch this but skip a lot of the parts and defo would just go from ep 5 to ep 7 because ep6 is a mess and should be forgotten
ill come back once its over but its a 8.0 for now
edit : this show really was disappointing but i love joong as an actor as for dunk i hope he can improve because he does have potential whats weird is that the actors have more chemistry in real life than on the actual series i believe this just comes down to the poor writing it had so much potential to develop the first few eps were great it came crashing down around ep5-6 and the only thing that saved the last 2 eps was the cute moments. also the last ep was super cute the acting was a lot better i really did enjoy this episode
rating is so high because honestly its better than tharntype, nitiman watever is rated below 7 on my list and im bias since i like the actors i do have hope for sky in my mind it looks like the story is a lot better.
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short review
i love this the fact we only get 4eps is so upsetting to mewith such little eps i was scared they were going to heavily just depend on the storyline im so happy that we didnt get it the way i thought it would be. instead x challenges q to get w mook for the event but secretly had a plan to get close to Q , because of this q went out of their way to win the bet but due to the consequences of their actions it landed him having to spend time with x while this is happening his friends are setting him up w mook we dont really get to see a lot of this which thank god. we see the development of their feelings and by ep 2 is clear Q has fallen for X but is unsure.
the storyline is good the pacing is good for a 4 ep series the rating on this show shouldnt be under 8 in my opinion its a simple show w good acting. misunderstandings are solved quickly since there isnt enough eps their chemistry is really good. the only thing i kinda wished that happened or maybe it will idk that mook and mild were dating but now looking at it im leaning towards them being sisters? this would of been a funny plot twist if mook was actually gay tbh and it would of made a good gl storyline and a possible new series if it was demanded by the viewers but oh well.
the ending was pretty meh maybe a season 2 or a extended series or another project maybe but its a good 4 ep bl
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what the hell was this
ima just keep this short because wtfi like that they let someone who is openly gay take a bl role but they could of gave him a better script. THE STORYLINE? wat even was that ba da knocks down tommy suddenly lets the stranger into his restaurant and home just because he helped him with his business like i understand he helped you but thats just a big leap? moving on the business does great and then in ep 7 we know tommy wants to go have a singing career and he does but when did we decide that he was going to be left alone we went from having ba da saying he will stay by his side to him waking up alone saying he misses him?? now i wont lie i skimmed through the last episode because wtf was that. the music wasnt bad i actually liked the song during the kiss scene and added it to my playlist the acting was fine too. fire the makeup artist this isnt a ghost bl why the hell did they make them look dead for? like the first few eps werent horrible but thank god i watched this when it was completed if i watched this week by week i would of dropped it even the 5 star rating feels a bit much. i might lower it but god this was a big disappointment.
also the kissing scene was out of nowhere for me like i was really taken back by it i thought it was going to a hug and sorry like they just became friends and now theyre dating it felt super awkward and rushed i was upset because i watched 3 korean bls before this today trying to get them watched and this just ruined my vibe. underwhelming not even a drama that i would mention if i was asked for shows that u turn ur brain off to watch.
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i wasnt going to write a review- simple/short spoiler free
i watched the 5 ep ones before i watched this and i have to say they did a great jobyinwar acting got so much better compared to the older one despite everything that happens in the eps i really did enjoy both vee and mark character even though there were times i wanted to kill vee.
music was a lot better the comedy aspect of the series was actually funny and not forced. the plots still good it gets a bit repetitive but honestly the chemistry is so good that i didnt really care they started the series strong and ended strong i look forward to more dramas they will do either together or alone.
very re-watchable give me like a month until its out of my system id come back to watch it again
im sad that i didnt get into this earlier( started at 8 eps) i highly regret it and will miss it very much.
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do not drop this show
this show is literally really good if you can get past the first few episodes. it is extremely cringy but in a good way and still makes u smile and giggle. do not and I repeat DO NOT drop this show I didn't start this right away (started around ep7-8 were aired) as i saw ppl had negative reactions towards this but honestly i couldn't wait for the next ep every Friday once i started.storyline: there really isn't much plot? its just based on falling in love with your crush and having the greatest friends. it tackles a lot of subjects and one being the daisy and "day" situation. it shows the meaning of true friendship and how to keep a secret crush. its a tearjerker and does pull at your heart in times.
the main couple chemistry is great and flows nicely i like how the characters made me uncomfortable the acting was great overall the main support cast acting was great and cant wait to see more future projects.
skyjao: I wanna just give them their own paragraph. MY FAVOURITE couple out of this whole show I literally fell in love with jao he is the definition of adorable and sky is the biggest walking green flag character I've ever seen he's written so nicely I just love them both with my entire heart they deserve their own series. sky was always patient with jao made him feel more confident in himself and comfortable. sky is the type of character that we need to see more with bls.
intouchdaisy: were rarely seen in the novel but i did wish they got a little bit more screen time especially when it came to the daisy/day situation it was rushed super quickly.
music: it was mid it was fine i don't really pay attention to the music but it did fit most scenes and there were scenes that definitely needed music
re-watch value: I would not re-watch this as much as I loved it I don't think I could physically put myself through the second embarrassment again and if I was to re-watch it I would just skip to skyjao parts
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i found it hard to rate but anyway
found it hard to rate this show the plot was a mess but i still looked forward to watching it every saturday and found myself still enjoying this. it was a waste of budget but im glad it was still successful for the actors sake (get that money)story: plot wise it lacked it had potential to be so much more, the show is toxic but its cute and fluffy in some eps the chemistry between all 3 couples was natural and not forced. lian and yi were both controlling and manipulative in a lot of the eps the pacing for the second couple was frustrating. i wished the 3rd couple got more screen time i loved syn with my heart but nuea just annoyed me a lot with the whole liking kuea but also liking syn??.
acting/cast: the acting from main characters to support characters was great. i feel bad for the actors to be given these type of roles especially since zee has always shined as an actor. there were a few things that could of improved. between all 3 couples the chemistry flowed naturally on and off screen. Nu New for being his first ever drama i didn't except much from him but he surprised me there is a few things he can improve on but overall hes a better actor than most experienced actors.
music: nu news voice is beautiful normally i would of skipped the singing parts as they are hard to watch but i really did like it and cried at one of the songs. the intro song is super catchy just overall 10/10 on the music.
re-watch value: would i watch it again? maybe but i would probably skip it to the better parts i find it hard to re-watch dramas so its a no from me
overall: i would of given it a 7.5/8 but looking at other shows, its not a horrible show but ive seen worse
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not what i expected ( short review)
i went into this with low expectations and it was better than i thought.the story was ok it was lacking i dont even know what the plot was even about besides the fact that solo lost his smile after the passing of his mam and his dad is homophobic and wants the "best" for him. then we have phu who also is in the same boat as him he has a dark past ( honestly forgot what his story was) but i loved him and kao. then we have the others which i just honestly idek what their story was if u want to watch this show and enjoy it a little better i suggest skipping all scenes that include petch/khem/perth/khim together its just not worth the time. cast: nut as solo: honestly i love nut hes one of my favourite actors and he can act i suggest watching his newest bl something in my room to showcase that because this show really was a let down and i blame the directing on this one. he was outstanding a 10/10 in simr and here not so much. his acting was stiff but did get a lot better towards the end. petch as gui: acting was stiff it did improve towards the end he really didnt stick out to me as much as nut but he wasnt terrible. phuri as phu: honestly 8.5/10 on his acting even with his character having walls up he still manage to let us know how he feels even when there isnt much expression and i just love when he calls kao bunny. boss as kao: once again 8/10 on his part his character can be found annoying but i wouldnt blame him he really had to get his way when it came to phu and the goodbye scene i cried so hard. they deserved at least him coming back in the last scene of the episode but they still had their happy ending instead of breaking up so im not complaining.
overall : its ok the ending could of been better , i hate love triangles let alone a love square. side couple was my favourite, its an okay watch dont expect much from it.
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thoughts !
personally this is my 3rd favourite episode the visuals were everything and the story is realistic and very angsty ( which i love) earths acting never disappoints and santa also did a great job his acting was great the scene of them on the rooftop was beautiful the one thing that disappoints is the ending we know that they get together but i still hated the open ending ig u can call it but still the story was strong maybe wished they could of eased off the bullying a tad and put little more focus on the bl part.
ep. 3 proud and jaidee
was super excited for a gl because there isnt that many with good endings or plots and lets just add this to the list. i love sammy ever since uwma ive watched her in a lot of series and she always stood out to me and this ep proves that she deserves more main roles. as for pin shes a great actor aswell. now what i hated about this story was the that it fell flat the plot wasnt strong enough and got boring and its extremely messy ik already that she was the girl in the photo but i had hope. i hate when wlw shows are given bad tragic or open endings like can i not have a gl with rainbows and sunshine for once. out of the 4 eps ive watched this had to be least favourite sadly i was super excited too. to the ppl saying its realistic blah blah blah no its not im over wlw getting realistic stories like why cant bls have them instead why do they get all sunshine and rainbows and we just get sadness.
ep 4 mek and balloon
2nd favourite ep. bounprem, ugh i love them i will eat up anything and everything when it comes to them their chemistry is like no other their acting was amazing we really got to see what they can do. im super bias towards them regardless of plot i will always give them a 10/10. their episode had me in tears and the beginning really had me thinking oh sad ending i got baited and then we just get mek smirking into the camera at the end. I WAS IN TEARS I FELT BETRAYED but happy. the cheating could have been left out it made no difference what so ever to the story wasnt any need for it and ppl complained about the argument about how mek was unreasonable about being mad when balloon was looking for his sister honestly yes he could of sympathised with him as balloon was worried but we have to see from his pov that all that anger and frustration and him being upset was because mek decided to not go to the us and wouldnt give him a reason. overall great episode.
ep 6 tonnam and phupha
favourite episode
the plot was the strongest i was never bored both of their acting has improved since make it right. no complaints just overall a great episode.
rating is low due to the fact i didnt watch the other eps in otherwise i would of given the show an 8.5
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everyone should watch this , short review
i loved this show so much ive watched it months ago but i wanted to review it. i had this in my list for months it had become one my favourite dramas in my top 3. personally i loved it i see the top reviews im like ok? but the plot was smthing else there were a lot of twists i dont wanna go into depth and spoil it for you but i did like how even i didnt guess who was it was normally my problems with good plots is tht sometimes the villains can be predicted at the beginning and for this i had zero clue. the story-line is really thought out to the point when i was watching the series i forgot it was bl and was reminded when they started kissing. the bl aspect too is well thought out and it was never awkwardly put in. as for the acting its maxtul u cannot go wrong with them , they are outstanding when acting and their chemistry is just smthing else. as for the other actors i loved them too they did great. the music was good too no complaint from me. i cant think of anything that made me dislike this tbh.rewatch value: yup 10/10 i already rewatched this about a week ago and still had the same feelings from watching it the first time i find it really hard to rewatch shows that ive already seen but this made it into the list.
overall its a good drama tht keeps u hooked in every episode and i recommend it to everyone
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