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Girlfriend Project Day 1 korean drama review
Girlfriend Project Day 1
20 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by gnabnahc
sept. 2, 2022
4 épisodes vus sur 4
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 8.5
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 9.0
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5

very short and messy review


ok im upset i thought we were getting a 10 ep gl to only find out its 4eps long . i love both actors and they really did well with their role i like that they didnt shy away from the kissing i wasnt expecting it i thought they would just peck for like 10 seconds or something idk. its nice to actually see a good gl with good rep most gls have bad stereotypes and toxicity in it and sad endings. not only did we get a happy ending but a gl where the actors actually are convincing most gls seem like the girls dont even wanna be near eachother. they had great chemistry you could feel the tension

now what i didnt like
since this is a small low budget i wasnt going to pick out anything but their editing was messy and these mistakes could of easily been looked over but i couldnt help but notice a few frames had things missing or out of place or them leaving the bag dumb things but it doesnt affect you watching it unless u critique shows u would notice. it should of been longer and the ending didnt feel like a ending maybe there will be a season 2. i felt like this could of been a great gl if they extended it.

rewatch value is high its like 30mins long not even its a easy watch if your looking for a good gl.
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