here's a list of the shows and movies i've watched over 2021!

⭒ 2021 in a nutshell ⭒

  • What i've watched: Total¬37 Dramas¬34 Movies¬3
  • How i watched: Airing¬2 Binged¬32
  • From where: Korea¬29 China¬4 Thailand¬3 Japan¬1
  • Favorite show: The Penthouse
  • Favorite Movie: Parasite

⭒ How was 2021? ⭒

it's my first year in dramaland and this could have not been better. i've discovered shows that have quickly became some of my favorite ever and im so grateful to have found this amazing community.

⭒ Going in 2022? ⭒

my goal in 2022 would be to watch more than I did this year!

shima juil. 7, 2022
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