0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 1, 2022
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

Je viens de me prendre une claque et quelle claque !

J'ai eu envie de voir ce film car les productions en format long métrage sur le thème de l'homosexualité coréenne sont encore assez rare mais j'ai toujours vu qu'elles avaient un sacré potentiel.

Ce film est douloureusement touchant mais ce n'est pas non plus un film qui est fait pour nous faire pleurer ou nous apitoyer, il nous montre la réalité dure et brute pour nous lancer au visage : "voilà, ça arrive encore, ça arrive toujours, c'est la réalité et ça fait mal." C'est un film qui dénonce, qui expose les faits, qui nous montre les traitements réservés aux adolescents homosexuels, même si, à mon sens, on aurait pu reprendre le même scénario avec des adultes, des hétéro, un autre pays ou une temporalité plus proche de la notre car, partout encore, certains préjugés ne tombent pas, certains se croient les "défenseurs" de la bonne marche à suivre.

Ce film n'est pas un conte pour jeune ados, c'est un éveilleur de conscience et il le fait de manière dure (mais tragiquement réelle) pour essayer que ces situations ne se reproduisent pas à l'avenir. Ce film parvient à montrer une réalité honnête, avec des scènes frappantes et une intrigue solide.

Le film nous montre une amitié qui s'est effilochée avec le temps, une sorte d'amitié amère et unilatérale qui manque de proximité et de mots jusqu'à ce qu'on découvre les sentiments qu'entretient Yong Joo pour Gi Wook. Mais ne vous attendez pas à de la romance ou de la douceur, il n'y en a pas. Les émotions ne peuvent être perçues qu'à travers les gestes, la façon dont ils se regardent, la façon dont ils ne se regardent pas quand ils ne peuvent pas se voir mais qu'ils s'interrogent sur l'autre, et les mots qu'ils semblent toujours partager sans parler. Des mots cruels et gentils à la fois. Ainsi, les moments où ils parlent, le dialogue est en fait complexe, derrière des mots simples.

La personnalité des deux protagonistes est pure, simple mais si seule. Ils ont tous les deux une histoire personnelle lourde mais l’appréhendent de différente façon : Yong Joo assume complètement ce qu'il est mais sait ne pas se dévoiler autrement que devant les personnes en qui il a pleinement confiance, il est courageux et sincère, plein de rêves. Quant à Gi Wook, il est calme, voire même trop silencieux car ne sachant comment s'exprimer, il est violent mais toujours pour des raisons ciblées, il développe le caractère brut du film.

Le jeu des acteurs, qui s'intéressent davantage au langage corporel qu'aux mots, était intense et étonnamment bon. Je pouvais sentir leur douleur grandir au fond de moi et certaines scènes me restent encore gravées en mémoire. Petite note pour le déchainement de violence de Gi Wook (vous voyez duquel je parle, bien sûr) : je sais que la violence n'est pas une solution mais j'ai trouvé particulièrement jouissif cet événement où Gi Wook a été mes poings et mes pieds, accomplissant la vengeance que je rêvais d'avoir sur les crétins congénitaux (pour rester poli.e) qui sont juste bons à abattre dans le film.

C'est un film triste et réaliste, avec des adolescents tristes et amoureux. Trop jeunes pour être aussi abîmés, chamboulés par la vie. Et ici, les acteurs ne ressemblent pas à des top models, leur peau n'est pas divine et marmoréenne. Ils ont l'air humains et ils se battent pour être reconnu comme humains, dans un monde rempli de silhouettes sans émotions et nuisibles.

Chose rare, je vais parler de la musique : quand on l'entend, elle nous parle d'émotions, par petites touches, juste ce qu'il faut pour rendre une scène touchante au bon moment, tel le battement du cœur du film qui accompagne la douleur de ses personnages.

L'émotion se retrouve également dans la photographie du film : des couleurs lumineuses, fourmillantes de détails et dégradées, vraiment artistiques, nous parlent d'amour. Tandis que la réalité cruelle ressort par des teintes brutes et monotones. Le réalisateur a su instiller de la créativité dans ses prises de vue.

Mon bilan : je reverrai très certainement ce film (même si je sais qu'il fera aussi mal, même sûrement plus, bien plus) mais pas tout de suite, il faut le laisser s'imprégner, il faut le voir le soir, quand le cerveau, un peu fatigué, n'analyse plus trop, laissant la place aux sentiments qui sont plus affutés et, là, on peut détecter la douceur qui s'y cache, car en fait elle est là, camouflée au milieu de cette histoire douloureusement tragique qui est une piqure de rappel sur la bêtise humaine et sur tout ce que peut supporter l'amour, même interdit, même difficile.

Regardez ce film, ne le jugez pas avant de l'avoir vu.

Maintenant, à vous de vous faire votre avis.

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196 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 2, 2015
Complété 4
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5
An oasis in this wasteland, as Lucien Carr may say, and I'm willing to say it twice. I wasn't even going to write a review, since I'm still overwhelmed and my words may lack the power to describe how painfully touching this movie is. But shall we?

What a sweet poster! ... Fooled me. Well, I didn't even watch the trailer. I couldn't anticipate the plot, the atmosphere; nothing. Koreans have this unhealthy habit of using same-gender romance as fanservice, and personally, I'm so sick of it. They bring the sweet part of it and forget how unrealistic that is, especially in Korea, but it's trendy. So, coming from such a harsh society, it's rare to see a realistic and brave movie regarding this matter. Lately, not only in cinematography, but also music, I've noticed more support and attention in this country. Night Flight is nothing about fetishizing homosexuality and avoiding the truth. This movie manages to show a honest reality, with striking scenes and a solid plot.

It explores the relationship between three childhood friends — Yong Joo, Gi Wook and Gi Taek. Yong Joo and Gi Wook own the plot, while Gi Taek holds a meaningful role through the story. The two of them have a complicated relationship, a kind of bitter, one-sided friendship which lacks closeness and words. This already confusing relationship they have takes a new turn when Yong Joo realizes the feelings he has for Gi Wook have been romantic for a very long time. So he walks further. And everything crashes, in a very beautiful, aching way. Don't expect sweetness, there's no such thing. At least, not how it usually looks like. Let go of your affectionate dramaland and learn to see differently. The emotions can be seen only through gestures, the way the look at each other, the way they don't when they can't see each other (but they wonder about the other) and the words they always seem to share without speaking. Both cruel and kind words. Thus, the moments they speak, the dialogue is actually complex, behind its simple words. So, it's intense and much honest. I found they personalities very pure, pained and so lonely, bearing their own heavy stories, but they choose to cope with their feelings in completely opposite ways — Yong Joo is the bright, brave and sincere one, while Gi Wook is quieter, violent and doesn't know how to express himself. I thought for a moment, given their situations, it's more expected for their personalities to have been reversed, but this way it's actually more interesting, I really like that.
The acting, with more interest in the body language rather than words, was intense and surprisingly good. I could feel their pain growing under my skin, and all it took was looking into their eyes and their messy gestures. Some scenes are still haunting me.
Given how quiet and raw the movie feels, when the music starts, it speaks emotions. Not too much, really, just the right amount of sounds to make it more touching, at the right time. Visually, there are many important details; sometimes it's bright, but mostly dark. Some shoots are serene, colorful and truly artistic, matching the emotions (love), while some are simply raw, monotone and cruel, matching the reality (pain). A very creative contrast.
Do I plan on rewatching it? Of course, probably many times. I'm typing and I can feel the urge to go back and watch some parts, but I'll stay away for a while and let it sink in. Not long, though. I can't wait to see if it's going to hurt more or less (most likely, more). Profound movies always touch deeper the second time.

Yes, it's a sad, realistic movie, with sad teenagers in love. Too young to be so damaged, yet very common. And no, the actors don't look like models, their skin isn't godlike. They look human and, also, they fight for being humans, in a world full of emotionless and harmful silhouettes. This movie shouldn't be overlooked or judged before watching. Let go of any previous disappointing experience with gay-themed movies and dwell in Night Flight. It's the kind of movie that should be watched late at night, when the mind is a little tired to analyze, and the feelings are more perceptive. Because it stains, yet it doesn't feel only painful — it's also very sweet. Beautifully tragic.

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58 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 19, 2015
Complété 1
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Ok ! Well , writing the first review for this movie I feel a bit nervous .. but here we go :
First of all , watching this movie be prepared to see any kind of obscenity and odium could be found in society ! in other words , this is an extremely bitter social melodrama with a very sharp and harsh way of protesting to the current problems of -not only Korean- but also the world's teens and youth !
I've read somewhere that director of this movie , has made it after seeing a CCTV video of a young boy crying before killing himself ! Knowing the fact that this story has a high chance of being a true one , gave me an special unforgettable feeling while watching this movie.
The best thing about the story is that it's not specifically for Gay people or any other special group of human beings , I think It's the story we all can relate !
We all can feel how much we've changed during our puberty and some of us have changed so much that looking back at our childhood , It's very hard for us to recognize if we're the same person or not !
Actors are amazing ! It was really interesting for me to see how this older actors could greatly transfer the feelings of being a teen that you can hardly believe they're in their 20's !
Background music was good and dramatic ...
And the ending ... Wow ! that's when you want to stand up and clap in tears ! (which I did :D)
anyways , this is surly one of the best and moving social movies I've ever seen !
I'm sure it will stuck in my mind for a long long time ... I've already seen it 2 times in one day cause at the first time I was really in a SHOCK seeing that much violence , that I could hadly get the massage of movie !
I'm glad that It was choosen by the international film festivals as well , It's great to see how Korean Cinema Industry is getting more and more known by the world , and I think this movie a MUST SEE for all people !

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13 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 24, 2018
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
I was looking through a recommended list of BL dramas and this one was highly rated by the person who made the list. I decided to give it try only going off of the cute little image as the shows cover. I thought this was honestly going to be a very joyful movie but I was wrong. Night Flight ended up being incredibly serious, eye-opening, and amazing for a number of reasons.
First off, it´s topics. This movie has such an aspect that it pulls off by making dark issues very present but not drilling it home into the viewer's mind of how serious those topics are. For example, the teachers in the movie strictly say that the only thing that matters is getting into college. The main characters aren´t very affected or shook from these statements and the characters don't go on the say something like ¨School systems are shit.¨ The movie lets you think for yourself about its issues without the characters letting you what to think about whatever.
Secondly, the acting and cast. The acting for this was a sheer masterpiece. All of the very intense chases down sense, the fights, and the bullying are all so well done. The actors did such a nice job making the fights look realistic and emotional.
The third reason is the music. There wasn´t much music to really talk about but I found the lack of music to be kind of nice. I really let you hear the tones and feelings in the dialogue whereas it is covered up by music in other dramas. But the few scenes that did have it made it better.
One final reason that this movie is such a work of art is that of its realness. In most BL dramas, things turn out happy for the main character and their love interest. But before people in the real world can form a relationship with someone of the same sex, they have to find out the answer to the question, are they not straight? Almost all the dramas I have seen overlook this question or say that if it wasn´t this person they wouldn´t like the same sex. But this drama shows you that sometimes, things don´t work out like that. Sometimes you are going to be hated on for your sexuality. Sometimes you are going to confess to your crush and they will flat out laugh in your face because they aren´t gay and could never love one of the same sex. This movie shows you what real-world rejection and bullying looks like and it is the main reason I loved this as much as I did.
I highly recommend this to anyone who wants some realness in their life. But if you are a person who likes cuteness and softness in your dramas, I don't think this one is for you.

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10 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 30, 2016
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.5
A very well done BL drama. Don't be fooled by the poster. This one pulls no punches. Literally.

SEXUAL ORIENTATION TAKES A BACK SEAT TO ACTING and is not the first thing I noticed off the bat.. You don't have to be LGBT to watch this Movie. All you need to be is an understanding Human Being and you'll appreciate what this Film sets out to relay.

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9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 26, 2018
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
This film was so absolutely beautiful. It perfectly depicts the struggles and hardships gay people in Korea go through every day due to Korean society struggling to accept the LGBT community. The film was absolutely beautiful and the cinematography was absolutely stunning. It's definitely a tear-jerker. Both of these actors played their roles so well and are very good at acting. I loved every second of this movie and would like to watch it over a million times if I could. This will forever remain my favorite Korean movie. Absolutely well done.
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10 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 9, 2017
Complété 4
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Oh boy! That movie did things to me ...!
First of all, the music is phenomenal! I downloaded the soundtrack. It was so beautiful and made me almost cry. Well, at the end I cried anyways.
Yong Ju is a very optimistic, always friendly and smiling person who comes across as very strong. Gi Woong is more the gloomy type who is not honest with himself and very insecure. The relationship is not easy and Yong Ju has to endure a lot. It's not a fluffy love story, but you can feel the connection between those two. Seeing Yong Ju break at the end was one of the most shocking things I have ever seen in any kind of movie. It touched me deep in my heart ... incredible. While writing this review I feel like crying again.
It's such an outstanding work. Not perfect, I'll admit that. But it's so good in many aspects and such a great piece of art. Go watch it!
Btw, the movie has a happy ending. Don't be afraid!

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7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 27, 2020
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
I loved how realistic this was and it wasn't just fanservice or unrealistically sweet. It captures the aspects of LGBT+ life in Korean society and it is if not more, as dark as it is portrayed to be. It's heartbreaking and painful. I just hope I live enough to be able to see positive changes in the situation. Not just Korea, of course, I'm talking about the acceptance and understanding of the world on a greater level, for the society to be a larger place.
The actors captured every aspect of the story and kept me on the edge every second through the movie. Props to the actors for portraying these emotions and making others feel them too. Also, I would like to point out how good and picturesque the scenery was at times and those were the sweet and warm parts.

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kaishally BTS army
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 15, 2018
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
what a tragic and eye opening film, im going to watch it again and again. this movie made me be really concerned about lgbt rights.
man i want to kill those bullies, keep forgetting they're actors..I can feel their emotions through the brilliant acting
of these wonderful people.... and also
I learned and realized a lot while watching this...
Let's just be mindful about the people around us **
Some of us might look happy and all..
but we all have something that we are going through
and not being an asshole to someone helps a lot.
how society and our own people betray us and undignitified our own identities for which we own free to choose ....its almost relaity becoz our society till noow doesnt accpet lgbt peoples .as if they r devils done sinful acts

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4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 3, 2019
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
I don't usually write reviews. I just read some of the people's reviews. But after watching this on the second time I personally made one just to express my feeling toward this movie.

The movie was PERFECT. (Considering that I already watched almost all BL of different countries) this was a new taste. The plot was lit. Soundtrack was also good. After watching this you would come to realize that actions really speaks louder than words. You can tell based on thier movements that they really love each other but they are scared enough to express it to avoid being judged by people. The kind of story kinda looks like Brokeback mountain wherein they don't vocally express each other's feelings, you can see thier love through caring on each other which is a way better kind of love.

P.S : I've seen a lot of tragic/sad ending and this one is not even a sad one but I literally cried for like 3 hours straight after rewatching this movie and realizing many things.

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3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 3, 2019
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Where is Kwak Shi Yang's award!? Talk about a career making performance.

In general this movie was beautiful. Cinematography was breathtaking. The acting was superb. The music was on point. The story was thoughtout and well rounded. Less of a love story between two people than I thought it would be but honestly I don't even care because the story was so good and the characters so gripping, all I wanted was just to see where they would lead. I have no complaints. Just a stunning movie that deserved all the awards! I'm still crying over the ending.
Cet avis était-il utile?
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 22, 2019
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0


I don't usually write reviews and I won't go into details for this movie either as I'm not particularly good with words. Just let me tell you this film is BEAUTIFUL.
It hits you deeply in your heart with its crude reality, a reality unfortunately so many gay teens have to endure in a country that still is unable to even accept the existence of homosexuality. The actors performance is beyond excellence, you can litterally "feel" all the emotions portrayed throughout the whole film. Get your tissues ready! I need to add that although it's pretty raw, please don't get discouraged by the violence portrayed on screen as there is so much more to enjoy and you won't regret it.

What I loved the most about this film is how little by little one the two main characteres is able to pierce through the "wall" the other had built up to protect himsefl from this harsh society, making it collapse and finally reaching to his heart...

Ps. The lowest note on the "how rewatchable it is" is just because I don't usually re-watch any movie in general, although I did rewatch some key scenes (the end among them) in order to get all the little details one may not catch after watching it the first time.

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Night Flight (2014) poster



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