Enjoy little things
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Immersion dans l’environnement des maladies psychiatriques
Je pense que chacun aimera ou non ce drama, surtout par le fait de l’immersion dans le côté sombre et inconnu des maladies psychiatriques et particulièrement la schizophrénie.Personnellement, certains moments m’ont dérangé et j’ai eu du mal. Mais le sujet est sincèrement bien traité.
L’histoire est dense, et toutes les histoires secondaires sont bien imbriquées les unes dans les autres.
Le tout saupoudré d’un peu d’humour. Le côté émotionnel reste léger par rapport à d’autres dramas, mais cela ne m’a pas dérangé.
Les acteurs sont bons, et nous emporte sans qu’aucun ne sorte vraiment du lot non plus.
Un drama qui traite un sujet difficile mais qui reste finalement léger. On passe un bon moment, même si ce n’est pas le drama qui m’aura le plus marqué.
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Un drama sur la maladie mentale, ça c'est original surtout quand c'est très bien fait !
Oui, on l’aura compris, l’univers du drama c’est la psychiatrie, les troubles mentaux divers et variés dont la schizophrénie… et autant le dire tout de suite, c’est un excellent drama, original, très bien écrit et parfaitement interprété !Je ne ferai qu'un reproche (faut bien en trouver un, la perfection n'est pas de ce monde ) c'est l'accumulation de maladies mentales, il n'y a pas, ou très peu, de personnage qui n'ait son trauma dans l'enfance, ou autre truc bien sympa, Jang Jae Yeol n'étant pas en reste, tout héros qu'il est ! Mais bon, c'est vraiment pour chicaner, c'est un drama remarquable !!
Au niveau de l’interprétation Dieu sait que j'adore Gong Yo Jin (une des rares femmes dont je me souvienne du nom ) mais elle devrait faire attention, elle commence à avoir des tics gestuels, avec ses cheveux particulièrement, et comme le réalisateur privilégie beaucoup les gros plans, c'est trop évident, et ce genre de truc, quand on commence à les remarquer, après on ne voit plus que ça !!
Autrement, la scène de la cascade l'eau est froide et pourtant c'est chaud..... Voilà un baiser qui entrerait tout droit dans mon top 5 si j'en avais un !!! et elle prétend n'avoir rien ressenti !!!! c'est vrai que c'est une malade !!
Au cours de ma vision : (Attention spoilers ! )
Episodes 2 et 3 : Je viens de voir le 2 et 3 de It's Okay that's love, et j'aime de plus en plus ce drama, qui a un ton très original, avec des dialogues drôles, justes et très adultes, ça change !! j'étais écroulée de rire avec la bagarre de la fin de l'épisode 3 !!! Et il y a certains échanges entre l'écrivain et la psy qui m'ont rappelé certaines comédies américaines de la grande époque, du genre de celles avec Cary Grant et Katharine Hepburn, et croyez-moi, ce n'est pas un mince compliment !! J'ai hâte de le continuer !!
Episodes 5 et 6 : Je viens de voir le 5 et le 6 de IOTL et vraiment voilà encore un drama très original, et bien foutu, bien interprété avec un héros plus que swoonant en prime !! Je me demandais tout le temps où j'avais vu le sunbae de Gong Yo Jin, c'est dans Chuno, il joue l'autre chasseur d'esclave, celui qui a appris le métier à Dae Gil...(le plus sale...) remarquable Sung Dong Gil
Plus loin : ce qui est vraiment prenant ce sont les relations entre les personnages, bien plus que les cas psy croisés, qui moi, ne me touchent pas vraiment, ça fait un peu trop "catalogue" . Les relations sont complexes, les difficultés de communication évidentes, et tellement réelles dans la vraie vie !! c'est là que se trouve l'excellence de ce drama, ainsi que dans la réalisation au plus près des acteurs, par ailleurs excellents !
L'intrigue devient passionnante : l'ami d'enfance de Jae Yeol vient de comprendre que celui-ci est victime d'un grave trouble mental, et vraiment la scène où il comprend, celle où il se confie à Dong Min sont bouleversantes, d'autant plus que la relation de Jae Yeol avec Hae So s'approfondit, tout en restant tout à fait véridique : pour une fois, une héroïne de drama se pose vraiment la question du choix entre une carrière et une vie de femme au foyer, et encore même pas, plutôt une carrière bridée par une famille.
Plus loin : Tout à coup on voit Jae Yeol rire et courir avec Kwang Soo, puis il est tout seul, je me suis dit : "ben il hallucine, alors ??" Je n'en revenais pas ... Je trouvais que ce gamin qui le collait était bizarre, mais ça... ça m'a fichu un sacré coup ... Mais je ne crois pas que ce soit un schizophrène, enfin, disons que je ne l'espère pas parce que ce serait très grave, c'est incurable, peut-être n'est-ce qu'un trouble de sa personnalité, il revit son enfance à travers ce fantôme, ou c'est son double, bref, j'espère qu'il va trouver un moyen d'en guérir, parce que ce serait trop triste...
Il y a une belle compréhension qui s'installe entre les deux héros, il y a du swoon, il y a aussi du suspens (que s'est-il vraiment passé dans le passé ? Et pourquoi Jae Yeol voit tout le temps ce gamin ? et est-ce que l'héroïne va peu à peu vaincre son angoisse ?et la façon dont Jae Hyeol essaie de la guérir est très swoonante, elle !!
Plus loin : La relation entre les deux est vraiment tout à fait originale et très bien écrite. Elle, sous couvert de son traumatisme d’enfance le repousse, mais se permet pas mal de gestes tendres qui bien sûr le mettent sur le gril, mais lui va très vite prendre les choses en main et la mettre en face d'un choix. Ce qui me fait penser que son trauma était plus devenu un prétexte, une habitude de conduite. Cela donne lieu à une scène.... que je qualifierai de … chaude ?? sensuelle ??? Par contre elle n'a pas encore compris toute l'étendue des dégâts causés dans le psychisme de Jae Yeol bien qu'elle se doute bien que ses TOC et sa façon de dormir dans les toilettes cachent plus qu'il n'en dit.
En plus on a droit à une superbe balade à Okinawa...
Plus loin : je ne vois pas de clichés, pourtant je ne les rate pas, en général, même si je les apprécie quand la sauce est bien liée et j'aime beaucoup aussi la relation entre les deux psy, divorcés depuis 13 ans mais qui n'arrivent pas à renoncer vraiment…
Ici, il est très difficile d'anticiper la fin, l'éventail entre le tragique, l'acceptation (façon Robbers) ou carrément le happy end est ouvert, quoique j'ai de forts doutes en ce qui concerne le happy end
J'ai admiré comment Dong Min amène Jae yeol à parler, à travers ses blagues et ses plaisanteries, comment il glisse les questions importantes, et Sung Dong Il (que j’admire depuis plusieurs dramas ) est vraiment génial : on sent parfaitement qu'il est extrêmement présent, tout en donnant l'impression à Jae Yeol que ce ne sont que deux copains qui boivent un coup !
Par contre, je ne sais pas comment Soo Kwang pourrait disparaître, ou mourir, vu qu'il n'existe que dans la tête de Jae Yeol, et que c'est en quelque sorte une figuration de lui-même adolescent... Justement, si il mourait ce pourrait être terrible pour Jae Yeol qui n'aurait plus qu'à en faire autant !!
Je m'étais aussi fait la remarque que Jae Yeul ne voyait Kwang Soo qu'avant ou après qu'il lui arrive quelque chose (soit il est battu, soit il est malade, mais disparaît de l'hôpital) et effectivement s’il parvenait à voir sa mort il se passerait quelque chose, mais c'est à double tranchant... Mais si Jae Yeol était convaincu qu'il n'existe pas, il disparaîtrait simplement, mais le lui faire comprendre et admettre sera bien difficile... Ce qui me trouble c'est que quelque fois nous le voyons sans que Jae yeul soit présent, comme si nous partagions son hallucination, comme la dernière fois qu'il est apparu avec la voiture qui fonçait sur lui…
Il a cru se battre avec le père du gamin, il a cru qu'il lui téléphonait alors qu’il n’y avait personne en ligne..il a emmené le gamin à l'hôpital, il y a les romans que le gosse écrit, il voit la maison du gamin (la sienne en fait) comme elle était durant son enfance alors que c'est une ruine calcinée...
Il est carrément dans un univers parallèle, et lui dire qu'il hallucine ne servira à rien, puisque lui il voit tout ça, c'est son vécu, il ne peut pas croire juste parce qu'on lui dit "tu hallucines" que tout est faux... C'est bien le drame des schizophrènes qui entendent des voix, et lui c'est pire, il voit en plus d'entendre...
Episode 13 et 14 : je viens de voir le 13/14 de IOTL, et si on ne peut pas appeler ça "dur" au sens strict, c'est quand même extrêmement émouvant, et bouleversant, du fait du grand talent des acteurs et de l'histoire qui s'achemine de plus en plus vers le drame.
Jang Yeol est maintenant à l'hôpital, le diagnostic est posé et le fin du 14 est vraiment émouvante, et plus ça va (il ne reste que deux épisodes, quand même) moins je peux prévoir la fin de ce drama vraiment excellent et totalement atypique...
Et pour finir je dirai que je supporte de plus en plus mal les mères coréennes, leur façon d'envahir et de tyranniser la vie de leurs filles (ou fils suivant le cas) de ne jamais respecter leurs choix même quand les enfants sont largement adultes.
La façon dont la mère exige que sa fille abandonne Jang yeol parce qu'il est malade me révolte !
C'est là que j'apprécie à fond mon éducation européenne !
Moi aussi la mère et la sœur m'ont sérieusement gonflée, et aussi un peu l'héroïne, quand même, qui, parce que Jang Yeol lui manque trop, remet en cause toute la thérapie en allant le voir, et la façon dont elle dit en sortant "tu avais raison, je n'aurais pas dû y aller, augmente la médication" m'a un peu glacée !! On retrouve bien son égoïsme, celui qui lui a fait tenir la dragée haute à son précédent petit ami pendant 300 jours ! Et à côté de ça elle se laisse gifler par sa mère !!! à 30 ans !!
Et en passant, l'amour des Coréens pour les châtiments corporels commence à me fatiguer aussi ! La réponse systématique par la violence physique, ça va bien !! Mais les "vieux" qui se permettent de tapper sur les "jeunes" dans les dramas, c'est tout le temps ! Dans Fated to love you, la mère de Mi Young secouait comme un prunier ce pauvre Gunnie et le bourrait de tapes et coups !! et je pourrai en trouver 10 autres comme ça ! Là, le ton était comique, mais n'empêche ! Je commence à croire que le confucianisme (respect inconditionnel des anciens) allié au goût pour la violence sont des fondements essentiels des relations parents/enfants en Corée , avec l'amour de la bière et du soju !!
On retrouve cet aspect confucianiste au Japon, mais (en tous cas dans les dramas) les parents lèvent rarement la main sur les enfants surtout quand ils sont largement adultes !
Mais je continue à me demander comment tout ça va finir, j'espère qu'on n'aura pas un tour de passe-passe pour sortir un happy end, mais là ça m'étonnerait quand même !
la fin : décevante dans le sens où on a choisi un ton de comédie superficielle et irréaliste (ce qui jure avec le réalisme du reste du drama) Cependant elle m’a moins déplu qu’à la première vision, bien que l’ambiance colonie de vacances soit en contradiction avec le reste.
Cela reste un des meilleurs et plus originaux dramas que j’ai pu voir !
Cet avis était-il utile?

Les rôles leads sont très justes et très bien dirigés, j'ai eu , je dois l'avouer, quelques réticences concernant Jo In Seong (Jang Jae Yeol) car je ne l'avais jamais vu dans un autre drama, je trouvais qu'il ne convenait pas pour le rôle, mais en fait qu'elle erreur! Il a su me montrer au cours des épisodes un jeu d'acteur époustouflant.
Ce drama arrive à nous parler de sujets très tabous avec une simplicité et une fraîcheur qui fait vraiment plaisir, on vit avec les personnages et on ressent très vite de l'empathie pour chacun d'entre eux.
D'ailleurs, il faut noter que chaque acteur, que ce soit des premiers rôles ou des secondaires jouent tous à la perfection, j'ai rarement pu assister à une direction aussi bien menée.
Mention spéciale pour les deux colocs : Seo Dong Il (Jo Dong Min) et Lee Kwang Soo (Park Su Gwang) qui apportent beaucoup d'humour à chaque fois qu'ils apparaissent mais savent également rester graves dans les situations difficiles.
En effet, ce drama traite de sujets graves et tabous mais il nous montre aussi que la vie est pleine d'humour et de moments de convivialité.
Enfin, et je pense qu'il est important de le noter, enfin un drama coréen plus désinhibé! Des scènes de bisous à foison, on nous montre la réalité des relations de couples et, pour une fois, on a pas l'impression de voir des trentenaires réagir comme des enfants de maternelle. Ce drama est plus proche de la réalité car même s'il est vrai que les coréens (pour ne citer qu'eux) sont bien plus prudes que les occidentaux, ils ne vivent pas non plus à l'époque Joseon, les mœurs évoluent et il est bon de le montrer dans les séries actuelles.
Je conseille vraiment le visionnage de ce drama, c'est vraiment un gros coup de cœur pour moi.
Maintenant, à vous de vous faire votre avis !
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For sake of argument, I am going to share something very personal. In 2009 I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. This isn't a condition that you catch like a cold, but rather one that manifests at a certain age and snowballs until it's nearly impossible to function. You can't prevent it through proper care, you can't always predict its onset and you certainly can't run from it. Essentially, bipolar disorder means I suffer from violent mood swings - severe bouts of depression and self-destructive manic states. Most people are familiar with depression on some level, but the idea of a manic state is foreign so I'll take a moment to explain it. If depression is an extreme state of sadness or hopelessness, you can think of mania as an extreme state of happiness. It's generally characterized by impulsive (and often destructive) decisions, lack of sleep and is almost always accompanied by the physical feeling of euphoria (you can think of this as something similar to the effects of several drugs like ecstasy.) This state is the most dangerous and, for me personally, meant that I would blow through money on drugs and alcohol, ostracize my friends and family because of an uncontrollable temper and sail off into the sunset feeling invincible. These impulses left my life in ruins.
I crashed hard during my third semester of college and had to withdraw. At my worst I was suicidal, faced with a crippling loneliness that I had never felt before. You can think of it like standing knee- deep and staring into a dark pool of water. The only light is the reflection of your own eyes and even those seem foreign to you. If you shout you're greeted by a distorted echo that you recognize as your own, but it's masked by an alien quality. In this sense, mental disorders create two yous; the you that you're familiar with and the stranger you can't recognize beyond a silhouette and the stain it leaves behind. You're a prisoner in your own body and every single day you feel yourself inching closer and closer to the water.
If there is a single safe harbor in all of this, it's love. When two souls dredge through the fire and connect, the bond can become unbreakable. Empathy is the great uniter; shared pain is like cement. Love will harden through pain. Two souls become pillars, lifting the other out of the water and into the sky. This is what separates this drama from the rest. This is why It's Okay, That's Love is a masterpiece.
Mental health is not a topic that is addressed very often in Korean dramas, and when it is it often comes across as comical. Mental health balances between something people think of as self-imposed, something you can shrug off if you try hard enough, and something to be afraid of. Because of this, it's usually presented as one of the two extremes: something too light, often existing as comic relief or a silly quirk meant to add flavor without substance, or as something too heavy, existing as some ethereal force that twists the mind into something less than human. It's Okay, That's Love is able to present something serious and keep a lighthearted tone without being insulting.
If you're looking at the melodrama tag and expecting something that borders on makjang, this drama is not that. The feeling of melancholy threads this drama together, but it does not weigh it down. You won't find endless sobbing, misunderstandings or two-dimensional characters. Instead, this drama showcases the marriage of two souls through unconditional love and growth. Love is strongest when flaws can fit together like a jig-saw puzzle, and the characters in this drama compliment each other perfectly. It's important to emphasize that these characters are flawed. Too often dramas shy away from characters with real problems and instead settle on external conflict to move the story in its entirety. The characters in these dramas are perfect outside of the experiences they undergo and the forces that act on them and it makes them two-dimensional. This is not the case in this drama. Most of the conflict is internal, but it's relatable and organic. Every single character is presented in a manner that allows you to love and empathize with them - it's a multi-layered story, the supporting cast is also very well-developed.
In addition to a perfect atmosphere, this drama does something almost unheard of in a Korean drama. It presents a love story that is not about the chase, but rather endurance. Adult topics such as sex, intimacy and trust are at the forefront and allow the drama to paint a picture of actual couplehood instead of traditional guy-chase-girl or girl-chase-guy fare. You'll watch the couple grow not only as individuals, but as loving creatures. It doesn't stop at love, either, the concept of friendship as a refuge is just as strong. The entire cast grows over the course of the show, and if you're anything like me, you will grow along side them.
I really can't gush enough about this drama. It's been a very long time since I watched something that resonated within me with such perfect harmony. The soundtrack captures the moods perfectly, the actors (from main to supporting) have realistic and beautiful chemistry. The melancholy is haunting, but it won't overwhelm you. I cried, I smiled, laughed and lived with this drama. I saw those two souls grow into a love so pristine that you honestly believe they cannot live without each other. The term soulmate can only apply when two people love each other unconditionally, and they both crossed the sea in a rowboat to reach it.
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The characters feel like real people that actually have impacts on everyone around them. This is awesome because many times writers of dramas tend to forget characters that aren't in the main couple/triangle. I love that this drama shows actions and reactions of so many people, all while being able to keep the viewers absolutely in love with the main characters. No one felt overshadowed or forgotten, and you can feel how everyone involved really cared about telling this story.
The cast is filled with some of my favorite actors of all time, so of course the acting is superb. The mark of a great actor is that you completely forget that they aren't their characters while onscreen, and the entire cast pulls this off perfectly.
As for the OST...probably the best I've ever heard. This is the first time I've purchased music from an OST, and I bought not one, but two songs from this drama. One particular song is used to drive the plot further emotionally, and in the two biggest scenes it's used, it works perfectly to really capture the viewers' entire being into that scene. Those scenes hurt so much, yet I found myself watching them over and over because of how heartbreaking they were and beautifully they were put together.
I already want to watch it again, and I've just finished! This has definitely become one of my favorite shows (not just kdramas!) of all time.
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The characters, the story, and the relationships were all so well thought out! I loved all of the characters, and they all have really wonderful relationships with each other- that are REAL. They fight, bicker, annoy the hell out of each other, get seriously frustrated with each other, and they realize that they all have their own flaws. And the story stays realistic, (funnily enough to say about a drama based on mental disorders) showing the true struggles people in relationships (wife, mother, girlfriend, brother, daughter, etc.) with people with mental disorders have to face. It's really wonderful. The cast acted out everything brilliantly- the emotions were conveyed very well and wow, some of the best acting I've ever seen.
Anyways, I totally recommend this drama! It's probably one of my all time favorites now and I loved this drama from start to finish!
For a country still dealing with its own discrimination towards mental disorders, I thought this drama was just plain- WOW. Wonderful. Seriously, good job!!! (I'm in awe)
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It's not just about love, this drama is about overcoming your own fears and problems with the help of people who understand you and are having their own personal problems, too.
The way they treat mental illnesses is great. They all have their own and the writers where really respectful during the whole storyline. Maybe you'll find some of the character's actions shocking, but then the backstory explains everything and you find yourself loving them.
The soundtrack is also amazing - i'm sure you'll download the songs to your phone the moment you finish watching it! they're perfect for every scene!
The acting is AMAZING. The way they potray the character's so real, you'll find it strange to watch them in other dramas!!
So... what are you doing if you haven't watched it yet??
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This drama is easily, without a doubt, the weirdest drama I have ever watched. From the very beginning and your first introduction to Soo Kwang, I could tell this drama was going to be different. It was amazing and so poignant, and I honestly believe that it might make some strides in reducing the fear and ignorance people have when it comes to mentally ill individuals.
First off, I want to say just how amazingly well suited the cast was to working with each other. Their chemistry was just phenomenal, and there was hardly a moment that went by that you weren't just so happy to see them all together. Soo Kwang and Dong Min's relationship was touching, and how much they fought for each other, and WITH each other, just felt so real and unique. They were a house of people that most other people would scoff at and call them all certifiably insane, but they also all loved each other unconditionally and that is rare.
As a Running Man fan, I was so excited to watch this for Lee Kwang Soo. I was a little worried when I heard his character, Soo Kwang, was going to have Tourette's, but Kwang Soo played it off absolutely brilliantly. This was my first Jo In Sung drama, but it will certainly not be my last. He was able to put on so many hats in this drama, from the romantic leading man, to the hurt little boy who has to face his childhood demons. I was seriously impressed with his range.
Story line wise, this drama always felt fresh and was almost never boring. There were a few times when I was irritated a little bit by how much the two main leads fought towards the middle of the drama, but it was definitely barely enough to knock it down half a point.
I really loved how this drama dealt with mentally ill individuals. It never made you feel like they were ridiculing them, and it really did its best to try and foster understanding that just because a person is sick, it doesn't make them any less deserving of love and happiness. I also loved how this drama really made you question who the bad guys were, and if sometimes you weren't your own biggest enemy.
The music in this drama was just phenomenal, as well. Almost all of it was English, but it was all so upbeat and perfect, it just completely enhanced every episode in every way.
So far, if I had to pick top 5 dramas of the year, this one would definitely win a spot!
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This is a romance/mystery drama about people who have to deal with mental ilnesses, which is pretty interesting to watch, since this serie deals with this in a pretty mature way.The acting of this drama is really great, unlike other drama the characters feel more realistic in their behaviour and acting. Music is nice and the general story and theme is pretty interesting.
Yet there are still some problems with this drama, if you are like me, having the second lead syndrome, wanting to watch this because you think you will finally get a less sexist, mature romance, then you might be a bit dissapointed. If you liked coffee prince or hana yori dango, then don't read any further, you'll definitly like this one, just go and watch it! : ), but if you are the kind of person who got red flag reactions when watching them, then you might also find this serie problematic.
One of the problems I had with this serie is that it still has the dominating male, while he is not as abusive as other male leads, there will be some scenes in it that gave me wtf reactions. There is also a side romance story,in which the male finally seems to get a spine, but then turns also in the typical dominating male, which the girl suddenly falls for. I've written down below some of the scenes which decreased the enjoyment I had wathing this show, I've removed the names to make it as less spoilerish as possible,
The acting of this drama is really good, and the story and the characters feels more mature than other standard cliche drama's, but for me it went downhill after episode 9. Below are some of the things that destroyed the enjoyment of this show.
- female says she wants no sex on the trip. During the trip man gets suprised that she really meant this, saying that sex the ultimate act of love is, he acts angry and then leaves her. Later she goes to him, they make up and have sex. (ofcourse sex equals love cough cough*, what really would have been an atc of love is if he would've respected her boundaries, their relation is only a few months, and she has serious anxiety issues on intimacy, heck she even had problems with kissing)
- Male suddenly says that he goes out the house and live alone again and thinks that there is no problem with that, for it is because of work. I mean they have a serious relationship, they were living together, and the man suddenly says, "well, I'm going to live alone again for my work"... it is so bs, during the day he could just write at that place, and then just go home.
- female is seriously upset that her ex, who cheated on her, just comes into her house, because he works together with a roommate of hers. Nobody is understanding to her. The man the ex works with even screams at her saying that they otherwise would need to pay money somewhere... again bs they could have gone to the ex's house to talk about their work.
- There are two side characters, a male and a female, they divorced some years ago. The female tells her female friend that she finally realizes that her relationship with the male was 100% her fault (weird that she says this, but okay, it could be...). She says that her man wanted a child, but she secretly took contraceptives, she wanted to continue her career which would be impeded if she would get a child, at some point he found out and they divorced. Ofcourse what she did was wrong, but the fact that she thought that she could not be honest in her relationship already tells me that there was something already wrong in the relationship to begin with.
- Other side characters are a young man and female. In the beginning the girl practically uses him to get new stuff. I understand the female character, her mother left her at an early age, and she has a kind of absent father who fills the home with junk stuff. At some point the young man stops the relationship. I was like yay : D, he finally got some spine, he stops letting him being used. But then the story changes into the toxic idea "that if you save some person you'll get the girl". He helps her father, saying to him that he should not bring the junk home, but sell it to get some money... and suddenly the father actually does that, I am sure that the female character must have said it once in her life to her father, but that must not have impressed him, the young man magically fixed her father.
Then he gets angry at the girl for the fact that she talks bad about her father, he is still your parent afterall, she still should have respect for him... a father who has for a long time neglected her, he tells her how his own father kicked him out of the house, because of his mental ilness, but he still calls him every week to know how he is doing, if she still wants to have a relationship with him, she should say so before the count of three... (I would have rolled my eyes and walked away, but...), she looks at him in awe and says that she wants to be in a relationship with him. I understand that the young man's way of thinking, even though I disagree, what irked me the most was his counting down, like a parent to a child would do. The girl, while using other people, is pretty smart, if the man talked in a rational, equal way, it could've been the start of a mature relationship, yet instead we see how he acts to her like a parent to a child...
- In the end we see that the female protagonist gets pregnant, she's angry. The male protagonist pushed some weeks ago to have sex with her without a condom, which she actually didn't want to. When she tells him that she is pregnant, he silently walks out the room to the other male roommates. He tells them enthusiastingly that he becomes a father. They laugh happily. Female protagonist comes in, still angry. The male protagonist defends himself "But at that night she was so pretty"...(yeah right). The female starts to smile, and they laugh together. Later we hear that her study needs to be suspended two years. At the end the male protagonist jokely tells her to get another baby after this one. She tells him smilingly that she is angry at him, but at the end they still smile and kiss as if nothing has happened.
So this is still a better drama, than most cliche drama's, but everyone who says that this is such a 'mature' romance, they are lying, the cake does not exist, but it still has its sweet moments.
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There are two different responses which came about after this drama aired and that is this (1) It's terrible. Way too melodramatic and the directing and writing was a mess and (2) It's unique, crazy, and fun. It doesn't follow the guidelines of your typical Romance drama.
Because of this, I feel it is very hard to review this drama. but I thought I would give it a try anyway.
So here I go....
As I said above, most people who have seen this drama either LOVE it or HATE it. It's one of the things which comes with the territory of completing a very unusual drama. You're either going to think "What is this?!" or "Wow, interesting!"
So I decided for this review I would give two different standpoints. (1) The negative aspects and (2) The positive aspects. Both will contradict each other at points siince it depends on the person themselves viewing the show. Some people may see a scene from this drama as not being well put together, while others might applaud how it fit well with the crazy story itself.
(1) (Negatives)
-The main couple is stressful to watch a times. You could even call them a "Bi-polar" type of couple.
-The stories pacing is always up in the air. At times everything is going really fast and at other times everything is going very slooooow.
-Some scenes don't always work well together. The directing isn't always there.
-At times you could consider the story melodramatic when it doesn't need to be.
(2) (Positives)
-The main couple doesn't live by your usual Korean drama couple. They shout at each other, and they fight each other You can always see them as real.
-The pacing is all over the place because the people themselves in this drama are all over the place.
-You won't expect what will happen next in a scene because you can't always expect how someone with "mental issues" will react.
-The story can be sad at times because we are following the daily lives of people with "mental issues"and life isn't always happy when you don't fit societies "normal person".
This may be my own biased view on things, but I don't see any reason to dislike the cast. All of them played each role to the best of their ability.
The only reason why you may not like an actor or actress in this drama is if you went in not being a big fan of them already.
I didn't hear or feel any complaints about the OST. Personally, I loved it! One thing they definitely did well was the music.
This drama is really all about your perception on thing and how you see things in your life. It can either be relatable or out of this world crazy!
It's not your usual Korean drama. So I suggest giving it a try. If you aren't really enjoying the drama midway then you probably won't enjoy the rest of drama.
Views on this drama definitely vary and I would say your view will vary too if you complete it. My rating mainly is how I felt about the drama.
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Before I go with my review, I'd like to point out a fact that I agree with the point which many other reviewers both here on MDL and other sites pointed out, this drama dealt with new unexplored lands, and was unique in choosing it's characters (and their interactions), the plot. And for this exact reason, and different from what would be expected, it was not everyone's cup of tea, not implying that people who didn't enjoy it are old fashioned and don't prefer introducing new tools to the drama making, rather I have to admit that like any drama that introduced a new genre or plot, it comes with its flaws, which comes from the fact that it's a land not trod before so most screenwriters however veteran they may be, are mostly not be experienced in. But to me, I loved this show's new-ness above anything, and appreciated how realistic and believable all it's characters felt like while at the same time fresh.
I would like to first go with the pros of the show and what I most liked about.
First, The Story:
As I stated above, the story in this show, introduced some fairly new types, in that it deals with mental illnesses and psychological patients on a high level (to the extent that you get the feeling there's no character in the show free of one), but it doesn't deal with it in the normal way where the character suffering from the ailment fights to come over it and ultimately succeeds, it rather sheds light on the true meaning of a psychosis, not just what a patient feels like and behaves like,but also deals with the taboo-ish heart of the problem ie. the stigma toward such illnesses in most societies. The biased viewing of mental ailments doesn't need to be pointed out, and can be easily proved in that people nowadays find it easier to open up about suffering from cancer or high blood-pressure than it is to admit that they're suffering from schizophrenia or some type of phobia. The show tries to emphasize the idea that psychological diseases should not be treated differently from physical ones.
The show goes the extra mile, and discusses the issue through different human relationships, like parent - son, friend - friend, doctor - patient, boyfriend - girlfriend, girl's parent - boyfriend. Above all, it concentrated on the true commitment and resolution that dating a psychotic patient requires.
Second, the script:
At the start of the show especially the first episode, I couldn't warm up to the script and felt the scenario was either too complicated or fast-paced, and sometimes felt they were trying hard to sound cool and smart with some lines. Later on, when I started to get in the vibe of the show, I on the contrary started appreciating the script a lot, each and every sentence counted well, highly witted and fairly realistic compared to other Korean dramas.
Third, the acting.
TOP NOTCH from the WHOLE cast, especially the two leads Jo In Sung and Gong Hyo Jin. I'm a fan of Gong Hyo Jin and already think highly of her acting skills and her charisma and ability to produce a strong sense of chemistry with any actor she acts with, but this was my first drama for Jo In Sung and I'm positive it won't be the last. The Guy is simply a genius! His acting left me breathless at many times, made me rewind some scenes just to appreciate his expression in certain moments. He played a fairly difficult role in a very believable way. Above all you could sense how he is a professional actor who could analyze the character he's playing thoroughly and bring out all it's sides and dimensions however seemingly contradicting they may be, the character he plays would seem like a conceited, arrogant and materialistic playboy at the beginning who acts like a know-it-all, but bit by bit he starts to reveal that there's more to him than meets the eye, and how that character he assumes is rather his defense mechanism.
Fourth The direction:
It's my first drama for this PD, who's most famous for This Winter. Although at first I was a bit distracted and sometimes even frustrated at how CLOSE his face closeups were, like you could count the skin pores on their faces! But putting this point aside which you gradually get used to, the direction and camerawork and also the shooting sites choice was excellent. I loved how they paid attention to the tiniest details in every room to fit the character.
The Music:
I loved the OST in this drama, both the Korean and foreign tracks. I liked how all the vocal songs had lyrics that fitted so much the context. Though I have to admit that there were certain scenes though few they were, in which the BGM didn't quite fit and felt a bit distracting especially at the beginning of the show . But all in all, the music was one of the positive points to the show for me.
Now I move to the few gripes I had towards the show, but I would first like to point out that such gripes never posed as such a problem that would prevent me from enjoying the show.
First, the pace in certain parts of the show was off, meaning that they took their time to show some developments or to cover a certain side story, but when it came for the crucial development it sometimes felt kind of rushed. I won't be explaining in details less I spoil anything, but for instance there were whole scenes wasted for certain characters that later (before even the first half of the show was over) simply disappeared, but compared to that certain developments took time so that when we could finally deal with it was a bit later in show that I personally felt I would have preferred the show was longer just so we could savor them properly.
As for the technical parts, I guess many people who watched this show had their objections regarding some of the technicalities either in the legal or psychological fields, but since I'm neither knowledgeable in this nor that, and also don't really believe one should seek accurate information from dramas, but I still felt like some psychological cases where cured so easily they felt like they've been making it up or exaggerating. I won't go further than that.
There's one character whom I couldn't fathom or understand the idea behind, it's Oh So Nyeo. She was a big question mark for me! I couldn't understand right till the end the necessity of making her a high-schooler, it rather made me a bit wary from Soo Kwang for loving her,....despite how I mostly enjoyed his character other than that point. If someone understands this girl please enlighten me :D
To sum up my super-long review, this show is unique, fun, cool, heart-warming, full of hope and messages....but for me rather than all of these nice aspects, the PERFECT acting delivered here was more than enough for me to fall in love and add it as an all time favorite. I would like to point that especially the few final episodes had the most epic performances I had seen in a long while, maybe even in any other Kdrama I had seen before, I was bewildered and awed at everyone's acting I was soooo glad I had watched the show till the end, those last few episodes starting episodes 12~13 is just too awesome it will definitely redeem for any flaw the show might have exhibited. The final few episodes were so well done I personally felt the story was worthy of being turned into a cinematic movie. All thanks to the actors performance and the well-written story by veteran screenwriter Noh Hee Kyung *hats off*
I really enjoyed watching It's Okay, It's Love, not saying that there were no times when I was frustrated with either a part of the plot or a certain character, but overall this drama was a very fun ride that I would definitely recommend to any Korean drama fan, whether ones who prefer feel-good-dramas or light romcoms or heavy melodramas, who concentrate on the reality factor and originality.
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If you love watching emotional Heart touching dramas then you'll love this.
A medical drama with a strong female character and a cool i-know-im-hot iwantyouyouwantmetoo male character who has this emotional side to him that will make you cry.
One of the reasons why this couple fit. Other than these two.The drama itself has adorable, funny and sad moments. It has EVERYTHING. Great music. Romance. Cute korean moments XD Hilarious parts and Sad moments. Its so good to see a drama with everything. The story line is great. Keeps you entertained and im not a rewatcher kinda person but ill definitely watch this one again.
And its def worth it...Jo in sung <3
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