Un bien bel épilogue
Un bien joli épilogue pour une bien belle série.Ça traîne un peu en longueur, c'est vrai, bien des scènes n'ont absolument aucun autre rôle que de nous montrer MewGulf, mais ne boudons pas notre plaisir, les acteurs sont toujours aussi complices et aussi beaux, les relations entre les personnages adorables. C'est fleur bleue, romantique, délicieux, léger comme une bulle de champagne et irrésistible. Merci à TharnType et à MewGulf, en espérant, contre toute attente, que nous aurons, un jour, une nouvelle collaboration aussi fructueuse.
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What a rip-off! Having to pay 12.99 US$ to watch 1h 10 of extracts from the series' episodes that I had already seen and 10 poor minutes of the wedding itself is really dishonest. I was expecting an entire episode dedicated to the wedding: preps, ceremony, guests, banquet, party, a lot of emotion and tears, etc ... in one word: a wedding.This episode was so cheaply made: first, as I said, images and scenes already seen in previous episodes, the same damn song all along the 80 minutes, obviously no budget for extras at the wedding (we see the same buddies and some members of the families).
The ceremony itself was totally botched: the couple gets out of the house into the garden where the guests were waiting, Tharn and Type stand up in front of the guests, facing each other, nobody was there to welcome them, introduce them, they exchange the rings and that's it. Pathetic! Nothing happy, "over the roof" as Tharn was feeling in the weeks preceding the wedding.
In our streaming world, $12.99 is more expensive than the release of a new film, a large public blockbuster ...
This shows a true contempt for the fans who follow T & T since the first image of episode 1. I'm not only disappointed but also furious to be the naive victim of this inglorious trap.
Please, save your money and do not attend this cheap wedding.
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Wrapped up fairly well
I really enjoyed how this episode revolves 90% around Thanrtype as it should. Their story was wrapped up with a bow on top. It was really emotional seeing them finally getting married after two seasons of watching them grow together. I usually don't cry from being too happy but seeing them finally saw their vows made me shed tears.I would have been very interested to know how Champ and the doctor's relationship were progressing, but it was nice to see them at least acknowledge the relationship. The only real letdown was how Khlui and Seo were treated completely as comic relief; I would have liked to see at least one serious conversation with each other rather than making everything a joke.
All in all, it was a very happy finish to this story, and although not everything was perfect, it was rewarding to watch.
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Another Dissappointment
I don't want to complaint that I need to pay to watch this as I didn't. My friend paid for it.But still, it is such a waste. There are no major plot. No conflict and just a continuation of a boring story. Production is bad, a very poorly written script, and I just don't want to start on the music effect. A lot of thing that was not executed well. I can't believe that the special episode is only centered on watching them 'preparing' their wedding. It's about them preparing but with NO full portrayal on how a wedding should be like picking suits, venue and etc. The wedding itselves was very sloppy. It just like watching a cheap documentary.
The only great thing in this Tharntype S2+Wedding Day: Mewgulf + Techno. I'm honestly only kept watching as I have nothing else to watch and my affection to season 1. And now that it has finally ended, I'm hoping for no more. I'm just glad that this series is done.
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The desperation is real y'all
¡¡Disclaimer!!This review is not a positive one so read at your own risk. This is not meant to discourage/encourage you to watch this as it is based on my personal opinion, you're free to disagree/agree with it.
How can you ruin something that has already been ruined?
I honestly feel like the creators of this series got together and were really desperate so they tried to beat this already dead horse even more to make that extra money. This is truly the worst case of an interesting series with so much wasted potential and it just really saddens me, the only saving grace was the acting and the chemistry between tharn and type which seemed to gradually fade in season 2 for some reason until there was nothing left anymore. I wasn't going to review it in all honesty cuz to be frank, I just couldn't think of a good rating that would do it justice, but I decided to be generous and give them that 2 star rating because I really felt sorry for the actors and cast.
There was absolutely ZERO plot in here, like legit no plot. I truly believe that the wedding was meant to be included in the last episode but because they really wanted to make that extra buck they decided to make it into a "special episode" instead for a whooping 13$ . This was around 80% of unnecessary flashbacks of the mains' MOmEntS from the past two seasons in the most random parts and almost 15% of screen time for the supporting characters cuz why would we care about the main leads, right? And finally, that would leave us with 5% of screen time for our main couple which consisted of either them doing "the deed" or just mew and gulf being kinda stiff around each other while reciting the same lines over and over again. If you removed the "recaps" of the whole series and the side characters' screen time, you'd be left with about 10 minutes of tharn and type doing really random shit and ending this tragedy with the oh so romantic wedding.
No comment. That's it. I'm really at loss for words and I genuinely feel sorry for the cast cuz they truly have been done soo dirty with this monstrosity of a series.
They gave us the same bgm and theme song from season 2 so I don't have anything to say here but how really saddening and really disappointing the very little amount of effort put into this is.
Product placement:
I really didn't want to watch this but because I don't like leaving something unfinished I decided to give it a go since I have already been through the whole thing, one more episode won't make much difference now, will it? My initial reaction while watching was just me cringing the whole time, being confused for around an hour, being angry at the price of this so called "special" and finally feeling nothing but relief when the credits rolled and it finally ended.
P.s: I tried to make this review as short as possible without spoiling anything (not like there was much to spoil anyways) but for real tho, if I was to talk about every single thing that has bothered me while watching we'd be here all night so, I'll just have to make do with this much.
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Is not that bad as people complaints
Shocking title, I know... the thing is, to wrap up the entire series is a good ending. One of the main complaints I read here and in other forums is that the special is full of reused footage and so, that's a big lie.Over the 1 hour and 19 minutes of the special, it has:
- 15 minutes of re-used footage (8 at the beginning and 7 at the start of the last third of the special)
- 4 minutes of bloopers at the end
- and 1 hour straight of new footage
So, don't believe that this is a summary of the whole S1 and S2.
Now, about the story, actually is meant to be a wrapping-up episode and it accomplishes its goal. I like that the actual wedding was short (around 9 minutes at the ceremony) because, actually, seeing a whole weeding preparation and so would take hours and it would be deadly boooring.
Don't mind too much about the plot, it has no drama, is just the closure for the series and they develop a good job, the house is mesmerizing (I fell in love with the house hahaha) and the happy ending was cute.
Don't look at this as a cinematographic wonder, is just a special episode for fans, nothing more. Enjoyable, yes... outstanding, well, no, but it doesn't have to, the whole series worth it.
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Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
I wanted to see them getting married and I did
Yeah I am an easy person. I just really wanted to see them getting married to round up their journey. And that's what I got in this Special Episode. So I can't complain much. I cried a litte when they said their wedding vows it was truly romantic. MewGulf portrayed TharnType really nicely throughout all the episodes and I will miss seeing them now.Spoiler:
I would've loved it if they would've shown their honeymoon. That could've been another romantic scene but well the pool scene was something else so I can't really complain that much. There were a lot of scenes that touched my heart.
Such an amazing BL couple and I wish to see them in other projects soon, solo or maybe even together. :)
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What everybody expected and than some
In the end, everybody got the wedding episode they were expecting - and than some!Afterall, there were some flashbacks to scenes from the previous two seasons, with some additional lengthier Scenes which didn't make it into the first cut - and I really liked those :D
For me, it is still strange to see a Thai wedding (at least, those in the TV shows) where there isn't somebody guiding through the ceremony, rather than the couple in the front doing their thing - but different countries, different traditions.
On the one hand, it is sad to see the series end, on the other what is left to tell? They have their house, their jobs, their family is ok... although Techno had an idea at the restaurant, so who knows? But that's probably going to be exploited in fanfictions ;)
Questions left:
What happened to Thorn's wife?
Why didn't Tharn sing his self composed song to Type? :(
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I have waited for this episode for so long and this is what I get. Paying $12.99 was a stretch because after watching the series you will expect the last special episode to be good as it is the last episode. The whole episode was a huge disappointment. I thought this episode would be be better than it was because it is the last episode of a the new season. I was expecting there to be full of emotions, preparation for the wedding, the honeymoon and so on. Then what I see is a whole bunch of clips that were supposed to be in the other episodes but were put in this one for some reason you can clearly see that this episode was poorly funded for.This episode was clearly a joke as people actually pay 12. $99 for this and this is what they receive. This is a complete and utter disappointment. I honestly would’ve expected more for the series as all the other episodes there was lots of work and effort put in them.At least some parts of the episode you will enjoy. I would recommend it but I wouldn’t pay 12 $99 for it.Cet avis était-il utile?

So Anticlimactic
It had a few good moments but mostly droll, drab, and kind of boring. It had a number of sensuous kissing scenes and they did seem more relaxed than the previous series, but it just does not work. (By the way, who has empty seats at a wedding?) Even my favorite couple - Champ and Doc - looked stilted and forced to be there. There is just something about this that got lost from the first series. Maybe its edge?The wedding itself took only a few minutes and I wish it had been a bit more powerful. There is no question that these two actors are powerful and have tremendous screen chemistry but neither looked challenged in these roles. They are very good actors and so are most of the supporting cast. I missed its je ne sais quoi.
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I just have a terrible need of rudely laughing in the face of everyone who paid money to watch this movie. Mama you been scammed in the most ridiculous way possible hahahaha! It's just so funny that after seeing how messy, poorly written, and lazily performed by the cast this drama was, people still went and wasted their good money on this hahahaha! Such a joke sis!I mean, what can I say that hasn't been said already? Oh, yes... GARBAGE.
You know when you do well on something and get so confident on yourself, but accidentally end up messing it all up when you do it again due to it? That's exactly what seems to be happening here. Season 1, despite being absolutely disgusting and depraved, had very good writing and most of the main actors were good portraying their roles. Season 2 and this movie were the opposite of that. So unprofessional to the point that it doesn't feel like a serious project. Everyone including the staff is doing the bare minimum and it reflects on the final work. Extremely disappointed coming from a very popular series (for the wrong reasons).
To be honest, this was a cash grab with your favorite actors used as bait and you (if you paid) fell for it like an idiot. Sorry not sorry for the word used.
There's not much to say that hasn't been said by others here. If I have to be nice, which I do not want to be, I guess I could say that the thing I liked the most was the wedding's color palette. I like autumn and the warm-toned suits were really cute. Specially on the cocoa couple. Gosh, give those two their own drama.
Everything else just sucked. Tharn's brother's wedding had more momentum and budget than theirs, how funny.
All in all, don't watch this. You know what I would genuinely recommend watching from this series, though? The special episode from season 1. That was good, sis. Everything else is truly not worthy.
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Finally the big day....This was a really beautiful wedding the build up to it, the excitement of Tharn and the hidden excitement of Type was really cute and smile worthy watching.
I loved how they touched back on there first encounters and the challenges they went through together, and then how they came to be where they ended up.
I really enjoyed how this episode revolves 90% around Thanrtype as it should. Their story was wrapped up with a bow on top. It was really emotional seeing them finally getting married after two seasons of watching them grow together.
A really good ending to this series.
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