1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 28, 2022
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

Une jolie comédie romantique sans prétention qui fait mouche!

Il en faut parfois vraiment peu pour satisfaire l'être humain. Un bon repas. Un lit douillet. Un rire partagé. Peu mais si nécessaire dans une vie souvent ennuyeuse et avide d'énergie.
Ce drama n'est pas exempte de défaut. Bien au contraire. Beaucoup y trouverait à redire. Je ne le dénierais pas, car cela est bien vrai : Un doublage qui laisse bien à désirer. Des effets spéciaux pauvres. Une histoire simpliste et parfois caricaturée. Un jeu d'acteur qui ne révolutionne pas l'industrie. Des clichés qui tombent à la pelle.

Mais c'est tout aussi vrai que ce drama m'a fait rire. Pleurer. Et j'ai senti étonnement mon coeur s'envoler avec joie.
- Un couple ultra adorable et dont la progression des sentiments est d'un naturel déconcertant. J'ai adoré chaque interaction entre Chu Ye et Xioa Ya. Que cela soit leur chamaillerie ou leur moment extra "kawai", mon petit coeur n'a cessé de sourire bêtement. Alors, je ne vous cacherais pas que c'est bourré de cliché : La belle sauvée par le héros, tombant en pâmoison dans ses bras, les longs regards énamourés échangés durant ces ralentis sur fond musical...En temps normal, j'aurais sûrement dit "beurk", mais étrangement pas ici. J'ai fondu devant chacune de ces scènes, sentant une émotion sincère entre nos deux tourtereaux. Leur couple a si bien fonctionné sur nous ( chéri et moi) que nous ne pouvions nous empêcher de glousser bêtement et d'en pleurer durant le dernier épisode (je n'aurais jamais cru pouvoir pleurer sur ce genre de scène déjà mille fois vu et revus...)
- Indépendamment du couple, les deux protagonistes ont été fantastique. Il faut avouer que si Chu Ye ou Xiao Ya avaient été mauvais, l'impact n'aurait pas été le même.
* Chu Ye : OMG. Sa première apparition, ma pensée fut " est pas terrible" pour très vite devenir "OMG, il est trop sexy et trop cool". Son gros point positif ? Son attitude de déité qu'il maintient du début à la fin. C'est un dieu froid et qui ne semble n'avoir cure de ce que pense les autres. Son attitude froid et insensible est un régal car ses tirades et répliques sont tellement drôles face à une Xiao Ya spontanée et acerbe. Et comment ne pas fondre lorsqu'il regarde Xiao Ya, que cela soit de manière agacé, surpris, confus et surtout lorsqu'il est attendri. Son évolution est attendrissante, nous le voyons devenir d'insensible et froid à chaleureux et amoureux. J'ai tout autant aimé que malgré ses sentiments envers Xiao Ya, il reste le même. Trop souvent, le protagoniste en tombant amoureux devient stupide, maladroit, immature ce qui a tendance à me faire grincer des dents. Ici, Chu Yen reste un dieu plein de calme et de morgue, qui devant l'incompréhension de la nature féminine semble décontenancé mais sans être stupide, jaloux oui, mais pas immature, amoureux mais pas maladroit. Cela fait donc un bien fou de voir un protagoniste qui évolue mais qui garde sa nature et son attitude tel quel. L'acteur qui m'est totalement inconnu m'a convaincu à 100% et j'ai bien hâte de le voir dans un autre rôle.
* Xiao Ya : Alors oui oui, elle peut paraître acariâtre, enfantine, immature et toussa, MAIS.... personnellement nous l'avons adoré. Son attitude grincheuse, illogique, immature, joyeuse et spontanée tranche à la perfection avec celui de Chu Ye. Ce fut un délice de voir Xiao Ya mener par le bout du nez Chu Ye avec ses actions et répliques si farfelues et pourtant adorables. Elle semble avoir tout les défauts du monde, jalouse, colérique, prétentieuse, avare. Mais si l'on retourne la pièce, nous avons devant nous une jeune femme sensible, profondément amoureuse, joyeuse et honnête. Il est impossible pour Chu Ye de ne pas craquer devant une bouille aussi attendrissante. Et quelle bouille. Mutine, elle sait aussi jouer de ses expressions drôles que cela soit dans la colère que dans la surprise ou dans la suspicion. L'actrice? c'est pour elle que j'ai atterri devant ce drama. Je suis fan de Tian Xi Wei depuis "Lovely Us". Dans ce drama, elle joue à la perfection nous faisant passer du rire aux larmes avec maestria. Bien sûr, c'est avant tout un ressenti personnel, mais peu d'actrices savent me faire rire et pleurer en même temps.
- Les personnages secondaires ne resteront pas dans la mémoire, mais ont su être sympathique et drôles. J'ai beaucoup aimé le couple secondaire dont les personnalités différentes à l'extrême apporte aussi sa petite touche d'humour. Les rivaux ne sont pas extraordinaires et nous ne retiendrons ici que leur présence qui permettra à nos deux protagonistes d'avancer dans leur relation. Mention spéciale à la grand-mère dont aimions compter les répliques à chaque épisode, et qui a pourtant su nous faire rire avec le peu de parole qu'elle avait.
- Les costumes de Xiao Ya! J'ai adoré ses nombreuses robes! Peu de drama peuvent se targuer d'avoir une garde robe aussi bien fournie.

C'est donc un drama simple, que cela soit dans son scénario ultra édulcoré ou dans l'écriture de ses protagonistes mais qui apporte un énorme souffle de fraîcheur. Une excellente pause qui a agrémenté nos heures de déjeuner quotidien avec son lot de romance adorable, de rire bon enfant et de personnages attachants.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
17 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 30, 2022
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Put your analytic mind to rest, relax and enjoy the show.

Good watch. Funny and lighthearted drama. Went in without any expectations and had a great time binging it, laughing all the way.

I know some find the FL annoying, but I like her very much. She and her best friend are such a refreshing change from other drama. Yes, she is loud and animated, not all females are soft spoken and docile. The best friend although dresses and act like a man, everyone else acknowledge that she is a female. No illogic masquerading or hiding her identity that she is a tomboy.
The ML is such a eye candy. The flowy hairstyle and costume suits him well. He did a good job carrying the character too. From the cool (cold) aloof at the beginning to warm and gentle at the end. Such a cute pair and the 2nd couple are a hoot too. All the bickering (laugh) and eye gazing (swooning) are just what you need on a stressful day.

Apart from the 2 couples (plus the grandma - which is my favourite) the rest is just there for support, ignorable.

One more thing I like about this drama is there are many meaningful quotes in the drama and some are down right hilarious. Some of my favourite are " Living your life too clearly will make you unhappy, sometimes ignorance is bliss" and "Every family have a strict father, a gentle mother, siblings who cover your back and a grandmother who dotes the young".

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6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 22, 2022
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 4.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Cute & Corny Rom-Com

I was watching this only because I follow CYC and XYL; I knew CYC could hold his own in a costume drama but was interested how XYL would fare and his acting didn't disappoint. Going in, I knew it was a low caliber drama so CGI and whatnot wouldn't be very expensive looking. Still though, the story looked interesting.

Pros: As expected, CYC in his character and development went very well. His portrayal of the immortal with few emotions who slowly learns how to feel and love, was very well executed. I really liked the plot and its progression was very well paced. XYL as the cute 3rd wheel did a good job in this rom-com of sorts. I liked how he wasn't made to be some evil, jealous buffoon as many times in these love triangles/quads this happen. His character genuinely felt love towards the FL but at the same time, he understood when it was time to give up and move on. He didn't stick around to badger her, but gave his blessings. Even when he learned the secret about the ML and others being deities, he still wouldn't hurt FL by disclosing the information. I felt his character, though like every other, with its own flaws, was evolved very well.

It took me a while to warm up to the FL, because though intelligent and witty, she couldn't speak like a normal human being but instead screeched like an entitled howler monkey. Only when she started speaking like a woman did her character make more sense and I was interested in seeing where everything would go. Her cousin Ah Jing and Li Fu were probably the oddest balls in the entire thing; to me it felt like they switched genders but their match up was a good one though way over dramatically done.

Last favorite characters were grandma, who honestly had "selective" dementia and understood way more than she was letting on. Even in the last episode when talking to the sky she said "but he has to go back soon" so she knew what was going on before many others did; her character was one of the funniest and forthright out of the bunch. Xiao Ya's two servants were very cute too.

Cons: Thanks to the help of another viewer (@Jamilla), we were able to come up with a nickname for a particularly horrible and unnecessary character; Tong'er aka "Thing 2 Gorilla Glue". Entitled is an understatement; this whiny, stalkerish, chick with a voice of a prepubescent child clung onto ML like they had some sort of predestined arrangement written in blood. It was a one-sided love or obsession rather and she stopped at nothing trying to get him including nearly killing the FL twice. Because of her nonsense, the story took a serious hit in both the rom and com sections. There were enough subplots to keep the story interesting without the necessity to add such an absolutely useless character. I was very glad when she finally disappeared.

XY's father was one weird dude; I know it was slapstick comedy but nothing he did was funny to me. It looked forced and quite dumb actually. The OSTs weren't memorable in the slightest. Usually, music stands out but not here. The styling of many of their clothes was very off. XY's entire wardrobe looked like it belonged on a teenager and not a woman of marriageable age. Poor XYL's wig looked like a pineapple because of all the knickknacks they had stuck in it; everything was swinging every which way and it was quite distracting. His costumes always looked one or two sizes too big. Budget for production was definitely on the lower side. Considering all of that, the fact that he was still able to portray the character as believably as he did, makes me look forward to even more great things from him.

I like the 3 extra episodes in the end but they would have been a lot better if they were incorporated into the actual series. The last two episodes were very angst filled because everyone knew that CY had to return to heaven no matter what. Literally squished into the last 10 or so minutes was him leaving and all the sadness and then later him returning 3 years later the same way he arrived the first time with only Li Fu knowing who he was. That is essentially how they ended the series and it was both confusing and bizarre. Now if they took the extra episodes and made one extra episode explaining how somehow within that time, everyone remembered who he was and so forth, it would have made a lot more sense. Because there was very little cohesion in how the ending happened. It was very abrupt and left one going "that's it?" Better editing would have done wonders.

Would I recommend it? If you're a fan of CYC and/or XYL than yes, regardless of the other stuff, both actors did very well. I do wish they had better quality scripts. Also the plot itself was interesting and the development went smoothly; misunderstandings were resolved relatively quickly. So it's a pretty decent drama to watch.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 12, 2022
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

Easy to Watch Sweet Rom Com

There is not much to the storyline, typical Deity drops down to earth as punishment and then falls in love with earthling. But there is such great chemistry between the ML & FL. Nothing passionate, but very very sweet love. It will tug at your heart strings, especially towards the end. But looks like there is going to be a 2nd season. Definitely looking forward to it.
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Eternal Thinker
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 3, 2022
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

A fun a light heart drama with some surprisingly good laugh

Sorry for the spoilers ahead but this was rare treat that was so enjoyable.

A really really enjoyable drama, with such a cool twist of an (originally) immortal deity and a mortal girl get together.

The fun chemistry between the ML/FL and the 2ML/2FL was very good, lots of fun and the warm and tender moments between them was great.

A small moment with a protagonist hoping to win the heart of the xx but she eventually realises Bo Yan was the one that saved her. And when he eventually understood loved her.

Shangguan Ya is like in other dramas she's been in just so very sweet, ok yeah I'm a little biased but she plays the roles she's been in just right. I also like she plays the characters with such fun and quirky sides as well.

Plus in this drama there are unexpectedly quite a few hilarious laughs I did not expect and were great fun.

Overall I can see why this one has gotten such a high rating and I think it is well deserved.

If they had not put the 3 spin-offs at the end to finish it out my rating would have been considerably lower, maybe about a 5-6.

These spin-offs / endings is what so many many dramas lack that bugs me so much. I mean I understand that sometimes they want to leave it on a tantalising cliffhanger in case there is a season 2 but more often than not there never is. This leaves me with a profound level of disappointment since then is never any real good ending.

Unlike this where in the spin-offs they are husband and wife, hooray, at last we have a drama where they guy get his girl and the girl gets her guy. Then you seen lots of little fun and silly things happening in their married life. This is what I like the most about this drama above the last 70+ I've watch, a real solid 'after the last kiss' there is more happening and we finally got to enjoy it.

Well done to the scriptwriters for doing this and it does not take away from the fact that they could also introduce new plots and have a season 2.

So enjoy this and hopefully I've not said so much that it will spoil anyone considering watching it :-) :-)

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1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 7, 2023
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

All for love and marriage

If you are looking for a cute and fun watch then this might be a good one to give a try.

A light-heartened period drama that is a refreshing change from the more usual political, military period dramas. I really liked that it stood for love and marriage against struggles and difficulties. I thought the storyline was really unique - a fallen deity who doesn't believe in love falls for a mortal who is a matchmaker - wow!

The FL and ML make a visually stunning pair together, and I liked both the history and the growth of their love story. Supporting characters were lovable and fun too (grandmother and dad were especially fun). The aesthetics of the drama were also really pretty and colorful.

Prepare to shed a few tears regarding the wedding (I know I did), this was definitely the first time I cried in a period drama wedding. The FL and ML played their parts so well, my heart strings were tugged.

I will say that the two most unsatisfactory points of the drama were the 2ML and the final ending scene. 2ML's story was kind of just brushed off to the side once he accepted the truth between him and the FL. The ending leaves a lot of questions, there are extra episodes which I will watch but from other reviews I have hears they don't answer much questions either.

All in all, it might not be perfect but I actually really enjoyed it!

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1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 1, 2022
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0


Después de ver casi 40 doramas de comedia -romántica , por primera vez, me he reído a más no poder !
La historia está muy bonita y entretenida , se pasan volando los 22 capítulos . No puse los dos últimos porque he visto que en los finales de lindas series románticas los finales son muy superficiales y banales . Tienen una característica muy particular los guiones chinos . La novela termina bien , pero mal... cómo es esto ?
el final es como si estuvieran ya cansados y lo terminan a las apuradas y estropean toda la novela . Si la historia empieza, se desarrolla MUY bien, el final debe ser ESPECTACULARMENTE BELLO !!!
Pero aún no lograron dar un cierre bello a ninguna de sus super producciones ya sea Dramática- romántica ó comedia romántica .
La actuación de la pareja principal fue muy tierna y risueña. Me hubiese gustado un poco más de calor humano...
La música acompaña muy bien al argumento
Hay situaciones muy bien logradas que me maté de risa !!!
Hay temas que quedaron sin resolver ... pero bueno hace a la temática de la novela

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Cet avis était-il utile?
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 8, 2023
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

A goofy and sweet semi-xianxia drama | Healthy love rivalry | Irritating and hateful 2nd FL!!

A piece of advice I want to give to people before watching this is to always remember that this is an Idol drama so keep your expectation for crazy plot twists and character development at bay and make sure that you stock a pile of chill pill because you will need lots of them watching this. Take note that I lost all of mine while on the process. Hahaha!

I already expected this drama to be overly clichė-d yet I still found myself cloyed over some of its scenes. Although this show is full of goofy-slapstick comedy skits we often see on a comedy drama; I must say that they did a great job on keeping all those ridiculous stuff in bare minimum that it doesn't made me completely tired of it.

One factor I truly love about this is the healthy love Rivalry between the Male Leads. Each dude sure got their own advantages but I'm just glad that they didn't use it to harm one another and I must say that I truly enjoyed all the jealousy scenes between Chu Ye, Shangguan Ya and Yun Chuan. + I love how both of them are genuinely concern of the FLs welfare and safety above everything else.

The only time I felt sick and tired of the drama is when they introduced Tong Er. She's like that unnecessary pest who suddenly appeared out of nowhere to ruin the show and I must say that she successfully did because my mood turned sour and salty—indifferent, until the end of the drama.

I feel like 24 episodes is even too long for this story. 16-18 would have sufficed and never introducing Tong Er would have made this story even better. I mean, after I accepted that this is a light and sweet idol drama you will suddenly give me a bratty character? Like, who asked for that? This show is better off without her!!

Lastly, I enjoyed Li Fu and A Jing's story a lot. Although their scenes were as short as it can possibly be, I appreciate the fact that they were there to divert and balance the overall mood of the story. I love that they are both childish yet reliable at the same time + I'm also grateful that A-Jing stayed the way she is until the end. About time we let women choose the person they want to be.

Story - 8.5, I love the healthy rivalry and positive vibe the story has shown me and it would have been better if they didn't introduce Tong Er at all. Her role on the drama totally ruined it for me. She's that unwanted guest no one ever wanted to see but still came to wreck the show. A curse!

Acting/Cast - 9.0, I'm fairly contented with the acting, although some of them might have been too much at times but they're still bearable. I'm familiar with almost all of the main cast and it's fun to see them goofing around like that. I'm just glad to see them in a new light portraying a softer character specially Xiao Yu Liang. P.S. I watched this because of Tian Xi Wei! ♡

Music - 9.5, it's nice overall. I love the cute and playful opening theme and I also like all the insert BGMs they used throughout the show. Nothing to hate about it in all honesty.

Rewatch Value - 7.0, I'm still being considerate at this point. This is one of those dramas I am glad I was able to finish. It feels like an achievement for some I deserve all the bragging rights for bearing all through the shits Tong Er has brought to this show. She spoilt my mood so much It lasts till the very end of the story.

Overall - 8.5, If you are planning to watch this because of one specific actor you are following, then go ahead and do so. However, if it's not, you better be prepared to get irritated to the 2nd FL and how riduculous some of the scenes are. It's nice and decent but finishing this drama was a bit of a challenge for me because the 2nd FL effect has taken over me till the final episode. Lol

IF you find my review helpful please let me know.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 24, 2022
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
This is a nice historical drama to watch while waiting for a great one to come. The drama’s title could be misleading since most of the drama is spent in trying to find a solution for the lack of marriage interest that was accidentally prompted by the leading male. The leading couple has a good playful chemistry but most of their romantic scenes were insipid or interrupted. The leading lady is lovable and she can deliver a dramatic scene nicely. As for the cast as a whole, the acting is average and, for a series about romance, the drama failed to deliver. The drama is not bad, it is just unexceptional. (Don't expect much from three Epilogue episodes, they don't provide any furtherance or plot improvement, quite the contrary, meant to be funny, it ends been disappointing!)

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Cet avis était-il utile?
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 27, 2022
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0

Blandest Rom-Com I've ever seen.

For a drama about romance, the leads had the DRIEST romantic chemistry I've ever seen. It's a watchable show, but eh. The comedy and acting were nice. Sometimes the comedy was a little over the top or forced. (Looking at you Dad) But the romance....The leads had a good bickering/playful chemistry, but the romantic chemistry just wasn't there. They couldn't sell to me that they were supposed to be THE couple in love. They had one real kiss and all the others were awkward accidents. The story focused more on saving a love tree instead of letting the love chemistry between the leads develop. Then you had the MOST annoying second lead who doesn't know how to take a hint. A second couple that were great as separate characters, but were TERRIBLE as a couple because their union was pretty much forced. They had no romantic chemistry. Best character? The Grandmother. She barely had any lines or screen time, but when she arrived, her delivery was awesome.

The first 12 episodes are pretty much comedic relief and draggy, so you skip a lot with this drama. 13 til about 17 when Tong'er enters, the story gets somewhat interesting. From there onward, it's just focused on the tree and the story becomes draggy and uninteresting til the very end. The actors did a good job, but there was so much they could've done with this script.

It's good for a first time watch, but it's a very forgettable drama. This wasn't my cup of tea. Maybe others out there will enjoy this.

PS. The soundtrack was so nice to listen too. The leads have a theme song that I love, now I'm on the hunt to find it.

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GiGi JaZee Jae
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 24, 2022
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 5
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
Another cute Chinese drama. It had some fantasy. The martial arts were there and not there. The main leads and support actors/actresses tried their best. Some support actors didn't try hard enough. These were very cute and lovely actors/actresses. I loved the idea of a town that had marriage matchmakers. I think we need that in real life. I love the main actor and actress storyline. The beginning was very exciting but it fell through the roof. Some may really like this KDrama and that's okay. We all have our opinions. I'm just happy that it wasn't slapstick comedy. The visuals were very pretty and red.

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Crazy about Asian dramas
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 14, 2022
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Starting few episodes were good then it was a cliché

In starting of drama ,story was introduced that A deity without any fear or care only just focus on his work broke the tree which bring good omen to married couple and by doing this he had no regret but in return he got punishment that if would go to the human world live a mortal life and fall in love but his love story would not complete ,this was a punishment he had recieved ,A heart break and then he would return to heaven . But when he married and broken tree again flourished he went back to heaven ,they both cried and then she forget him . I want to know why God of marriage didn't go back to heaven . Why he remained in the heaven and if everyone forgot about the deity then why not anyone forgot about God of marriage .
In the end he came back but no-one knew him at that God of marriage also there . This one confusing .
Story had nothing new but starting few episodes were funny when he didn't know that he was the deity .
Not a interesting story.

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Yin Yuan Da Ren Qing Liu Bu (2022) poster



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