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L'infantilisation de la FL à son paroxysme !
!!! Don't you agree with me? That's OK. Respect my opinion, just as I respect yours.Hidden Love connaît une surmédiatisation délirante. Ce n'est pas sur MDL qu'on dira le contraire avec son offensante collection de 10/10. Forcément, j'arrive avec mes grands espoirs en imaginant tout un spectacle. Alors, feu d'artifice d'exception ou pétard mouillé ?
L'histoire débute avec Sang Zhi, adolescente, et j'y vois deux problèmes. Le premier est que l'actrice n'a que 12 ans alors qu'on parle d'une ado de 14 ans (deux ans, ça fait une sacré différence à cet âge). Le deuxième est que c'est une partie de l'histoire qui n'apporte rien si ce n'est mettre FL dans des situations embarrassantes. Une fois à l'âge adulte, rien ne change vraiment… Zhao Lu Si n'est pas une actrice que j'apprécie, et je le dis après 4 dramas aux genres différents avec elle. Je ne lui trouve aucun talent, la voir jouer m'ennuie parce qu'elle ne dégage rien. Pour moi, elle fait partie de ces actrices dont je ne comprends pas la popularité.
Cependant, si je suis capable de regarder un drame avec des acteurs et actrices que je n'affectionne pas, le pire du personnage n'est pas la faute de l'actrice et sa performance sans âme, mais de la production. L'infantilisation de Sang Zhi est poussé au paroxysme. D'abord sur le fait de l'assister dans tout ce qu'elle fait. Alors quoi, si elle fait ses lacets toute seule, elle explose ou… ? Je ne sais pas, je demande ! Mais le dernier clou dans le cercueil, c'est le doublage. J'en suis arrivée au point de couper le son. C'est du délire ! Si le personnage avait du potentiel, il est mort dans l'œuf.
Duan Jia Xu (Chen Zhe Yuan) est un bon gars qui se trouve (souvent) au bon endroit au bon moment. C'est le beau mec par excellence, rien de nouveau sous les cocotiers. Il n'y a aucune prise de risque sur le personnage, préférant suivre le stéréotype bien rodé des romances modernes chinoises. Chen Zhe Yuan est un bon acteur. Ce n'est pas le plus talentueux de sa génération, mais j'aime sa façon de transmettre des émotions par sa gestuelle ou son regard. Son jeu s'améliore au fil du temps, mais Hidden Love ne lui rend pas justice.
Les 8 premiers épisodes sont longs ! C'est une partie qui se concentre sur FL adolescente, une période sans grand intérêt avec des situations gênantes. Cependant, je tiens à mentionner qu'en aucun cas ils ne se fréquentent avant que Sang Zhi ne soit majeure. À aucun moment ML ne donne de faux signaux à FL tant qu'elle est une ado. La limite n'est jamais franchie. S'il y a bien un point à défendre de ce drame, c'est bien celui-ci. J'ai vu pas mal de personnes outrées, mais sans raison. N'avez-vous jamais eu le béguin pour un lycéen alors que vous n'étiez qu'une collégienne ? C'est exactement ce à quoi ça ressemble. En aucun cas ML ne profite ou charme FL avant sa majorité !
Par le passé, j'avais mentionné que toutes les histoires d'amour, même les plus simples, avaient tout autant de mérite à être racontées. A mes yeux, Hidden Love a complètement manqué sa thématique. ML tombe amoureux un beau matin au chant des oiseaux. FL est aussi expressive qu'une tapisserie. C'est une romance vouée à l'échec avant même qu'elle ne commence. Quant à l'alchimie, elle n'existe pas.
Ces deux dernières années, j'ai accumulé les déceptions quant aux romances contemporaines chinoises. Ce n'est pas la première fois qu'un mauvais scénario est sauvé par un couple visuellement attrayant. Au fil du temps, j'ai commencé à me demander quand le physique allait cesser de primer sur le talent ou sur un scénario solide. Parce qu'en fin de compte, j'ai vu beaucoup de drames chinois avec de beaux visages, mais où le talent et les histoires consistantes n'ont jamais franchi la porte.
Bref ! Peut-être que si j'avais été une adolescente en mal d'amour, mon avis serait différent. Cependant, aujourd'hui, en tant qu'adulte avec mes propres expériences et blessures, je ne vois qu'une maigre tentative de faire une comédie romantique qui ne compte que sur son couple principal. Enlevez-le, et il ne restera rien à Hidden Love si ce n'est un pétard mouillé.
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The Wish of First Love that She wrote on Paper Stars came True!! ♥
Cute and Wholesome ♡♡Hidden Love is a binge worthy, adorable drama about a young girl in love with her brother's friend. Sang Zhi met Duan Jiaxu when she was just 14 years old and again when she was 17, with time she develops feelings for him. Jiaxu who was 5 years older than him only saw her as his little sister but she always had a special place in his life (as a family). They part ways for a period of time and meet again! And whoa now that she's an adult there starts a story of sweetness, hotness and the chemistry that literally do not leaves a chance of giving you butterflies!!
To talk about chemistry, nah they've physics, maths and every subject you can think off. It wasn't even much about the story tbh, most of us just adored this pair together! The good parts about this drama is probably the CHEMISTRY (*chef's kiss*), the ACTING (they look way too natural) and the LIGHTNESS (name a drama with almost no toxicity).
Not like the story left much impression, there was a lot going on and they could've gone in depth with it but instead they focused on our main couple and how to develop their relationship better. Sang Zhi kept saying "I'm not a kiddo anymore" and him finding his home in her and yet teasing her about it. This... This sweet banter, understanding and comfort they had around each other won my heart.
Sang Zhi (played by Zhao Lusi) is such a thoughtful character. Not only she never gave up on her love, the way she was giving her 100% for him and never being insecure or so damn sure that "yeah he is the one for me" is lovely to watch... and did I mention I fell for Zhao Lusi once again!! She ate her character. even her playing a 17 year old was kinda convincing, tho she was 23 when this was filmed. And she sang two songs that always lit up the atmosphere of each scene. She's genuinely impressive.
Complimenting her is Duan Jiaxu (Chen Zheyuan) . This man is a walking green flag. The reason I don't blame her for the puppy love is because who would not fall for him if the guy is this sweet and caring... and visuals obviously!!... Duan Jiaxu got his own struggles but he still walks like a sunshine being nice to everyone around... so take note future drama writers "past trauma do not makes every male lead poker faced and cold"
We also have some beautiful relationships around our leads like Sang Zhi and her brother Sang Yan (Victor Ma) who bicker so much like any other sibling would do... and her amazing parents that give off ideal family goals...
Just a reminder that this drama is FICTIONAL, Hidden love is a completely romance focused cheesy drama that kicks away all the toxicity very smoothly (unlike reality). there's no way a kind Sang Zhi like this or perfect Duan Jiaxu like this or a fully healthy relationship like this would exist. So don't get your expectations too high haha.
I did encounter some typical cdrama tropes but how come they made this drama extra sweet. I hope I'm not going to get tested positive for diabetes by next week as I plan on rewatching this a little more XD... its honestly been long since I've rated a drama a 10 but this one deserved it for staying in its genre and truthfully being what it is, a romcom.
Also trying to address an issue...
•• Is the age gap really an issue? No it's just 5 years.
•• Did he liked her too when she was still a kid? No. It was always her having a crush on him until they met again after she became an adult. so he is not a pervert
If the chemistry wasn't enough to give you diabetes, the songs will - sweet and perfect for the moment
1. Only Want to Secretly Hide You (只想把你偷偷藏好) ~ by Zhao Lu Si & Silence Wang (you'll hear this song for half of the time in the drama and you won't mind it cause it's actually soothing to ears)
2. I Have Someone I Like (我有喜欢的人了) ~ Zhao Lu Si (Ioved her vocals for this song. Zhao lusi is just impressive ❤)
3. Be Your Light ~ Ma Bo Qian (my favorite one, love the feel good casual vibes of the song)
4.The One Who Stole the Stars (偷星星的人) ~ Yi Hui
5. Have You (有你) ~ Zhao Lei
6. Forever Star ~ Zhang Yi Hao
7. You are My Only Wish in this Lifetime (你是我此生唯一所愿) ~ Zhang Bi Chen
So Hidden Love is a 10/10 for me for being that perfect light romance drama that makes you blush in and out with the butterflies. it's worth checking out for the fluffy, sugar factor!! Would definitely recommend it!!
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A Girl's Secret Crush Diary
Hidden Love (偷偷藏不住) adapted from the novel of the same name, is a youth romance drama revolving around Sang Zhi, and her secret admiration towards Duan Jiaxu, her brother’s friend and how it develops to a relationship.Hidden Love is a captivating and heartwarming youth romance drama that explores the theme of love, friendship, and personal growth. The drama sticks closely to the novel, keeping the dialogues between the characters. In addition, the drama also manages to beautifully capture and translate the novel to life, capturing the nuances of the character’s relationship and also seamlessly intertwines comedy with poignant moments, romance, and many more.
Although Hidden Love treads some of familiar tropes of a youth romance drama, but it manages to distinguish itself with its heartfelt storytelling, nuanced character development, and some freshness into the genre. Sang Zhi isn't like any other young female lead who blindlessly chase after Duan Jiaxu, just because love at first sight and so on. However, just like any other young girls, she began to develop feelings gradually and secretly. Duan Jiaxu is also a very good male lead, whereas he truly looks upon Sang Zhi like a litttle sister, being kind to her, defending her, guides her, and more.
Hidden Love manages to strike a balance between tender moments of romance, family moments, and also youth leaving a lasting impact on its viewers. The comedic timing of the talented cast is impeccable, delivering punchlines and physical comedy with finesse. Although the drama primarily focuses on the youth and romance, but it also touches on deeper emotional themes. Moments of introspection and personal growth are woven into the narrative, allowing the characters to overcome their past and discover new aspects. Those elements bring an additional emotional depth to the story, ensuring a well-rounded viewing experience.
Chen Zheyuan and Zhao Lusi is the perfect Duan Jiaxu and Sang Zhi! Both of their performances are nothing short of brilliant, both of them are able to bring Sang Zhi and Duan Jiaxu to life. Zhao Lusi is able to bring innocent Sang Zhi to life, she brilliantly portrays Sang Zhi from a young age to adulthood. Her cute little actions are so convicing that makes one think that she really is a high school student! On the other hand, Chen Zheyuan also did a brilliant job in portraying Duan Jiaxu. He uses micro expression and his expressive eyes to act and communicate. Both of their performance transports and immerse viewers in the lives of their characters, making us feel their every emotion, as if we are experiencing the joys and sorrows together with them. Both of their chemistry is also palpable, enhancing the authenticity of the relationships portrayed on screen and making viewers deeply invested in the drama.
The supporting cast also adds depth and charm to the narrative, bringing a diverse range of personalities and subplots that enrich the overall storytelling experience, keeping viewers engaged throughout the drama. For instance, Sang Yan, Sang Zhi’s brother. Sang Zhi and Sang Yan’s on-screen witty banter and comedic timing add a genuine touch to the storyline. The banter between the two siblings looked so realistic, just like any other siblings argument; many of their actions looks genuine, and feels like it is unscripted!
Hidden Love cinematography manages to capture the innocence of youth, the sweetness and pain of one-sided love, and the intimate moments between the character. However, I personally am not a fan of the drama’s green/ grey muted filter in the earlier episodes, which I find it makes the drama looks a little bit dull. However, as the episode progresses and Sang Zhi grow into an adult, the filter became better! There are also few moments when the pacing feels slightly uneven. Some scenes could have been trimmed to maintain a tighter narrative flow in the earlier episodes. However, in the latter episode, a lot of the scenes are cut down, which may leave viewers a little bit confused and unsatisfied with the closure. Nevertheless, these minor hiccups don't overshadow the drama’s overall charm. The overall execution, engaging performances, and heartfelt moments compensate for the drawbacks.
Hidden Love soundtrack also perfectly encapsulated the whole drama, enhancing the overall viewing experience. Composed of enchanting melodies and emotionally charged ballads, perfectly complements the narrative and adds an extra layer of depth to the series.
All in all, Hidden Love successfully captures the essence of a youth love journey. It is a delightful concoction of youth romance drama! With the actor’s stellar performance, engaging story, it offers a fresh delightful take on the youth-romance genre! You will find yourself with smiling, laughing and swooning watching the drama ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜
FYI. the male lead DOES NOT develop any romantic feelings for her until she is an adult
Hidden Love extra chapter (6) - Wedding Night: https://twitter.com/afterrnoont/status/1680883026438537216
Hidden Love extra chapter (7) - The Daily Routine of Life with Two Kids: https://twitter.com/afterrnoont/status/1680630598761861120
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The plot is very simple. It is about a teenager crush that evolves into a beautiful relationship once reciprocated. While it is simple, I think the show did a good job overall in portraying the different stages of the relationship. There is no unnecessary angst and the tone remains light and fluffy throughout.
The only thing that makes me rate the story lower is the lack of scenes showcasing ML thoughts. The drama could have used an extra episode to flesh out ML character more. His background story is way too short and he changed from brotherly affection to full on loving the FL so quickly that I find it a bit abrupt. It would be better if there are more scenes showcasing his hesitation and motivation. The novel did a much better job fleshing out his character imo.
The casts are definitely the highlight for me. Everyone fits their role so well and the acting feels quite natural. I love all the 3 leads, though I am most impressed with Chen Zheyuan. His eyes deliver so much emotion! The chemistry between the 3 leads are amazing. I definitely will be checking out their future projects.
I also really like the OST because they fit and added so much to the scenes.
Overall I really like this drama. It is well produced and I could tell a lot of thought and effort went into it. It was good from beginning to the end. Although I feel like they could use 1 or 2 more episodes, but overall I'm very satisfied with the series.
I would recommend this drama for anyone that likes romance, slice of life, and something simple in general. This drama has been my happy pill after a long tiring day at work for the past 2 weeks, so I would definitely missed it.
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The Best Cdrama I watched so far
Cdramas have tendency to have some toxic/red flag behaviors from some of its characters and I love how supportive and healthy all the relationships are. Hidden Love reminds me of what young first love feels like. The male lead was not only goodlooking but he also played his character well. Whenever he looked at the FL, it gave me butterflies. It was such a refreshing series that it totally on my re-watch list. Normally, with CDramas I start losing interest because of so many episodes and this is the first time that I wished it was longer.. I definitely recommend this drama!Cet avis était-il utile?

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Realistic Cuteness Overload; A Breath of Fresh Air
Never expected this drama to be so realistic and light. I watched primarily for CZY because I wanted to see him develop into a mature male actor. I've seen several actors previously so I knew it would be a good cast. It really was cuteness overload but probably one of the least toxic c-dramas I've ever seen. It was a real breath of fresh air.Pros: Favorite character was ML and I'm very proud of how he's grown from playing younger roles to a mature male who let me tell you, when he turned on those eyes of his, he'd melt women of all ages into a puddle. Other than that, he was also probably one of the most caring individuals on earth. Life dealt him a very cruel hand with what his father did and that stalker chick, but instead of curling into a ball and giving up, he just strove to be a better person worthy of the love of everyone around him especially the only one who truly loved every piece of him, our FL SZ.
Most of the story was very well developed. And honestly, other than the stalker chick, there wasn't a single character I didn't like. She was the main antagonist I guess you could say. FL, her parents, bro and all of their friends were just wonderful. I do have to say that I don't know about China but in the US, if you live as a resident in a quad in college, it's beyond rare that everyone gets along so well. I was never a resident but a commuter but my resident friends told me all sorts of stories back in the day. The fact that SZ lived with and got along so well with her roommates just adds to the loveliness of this story.
This story had you mostly laughing at the antics of our leads and everyone else. But it was also very inspirational and sometimes it even made you tear up. SZ was more mature in some aspects then people gave her credit for. Though I do wish many of her inner monologues came out of her mouth instead, she was endearing, kind, respectful, caring, loving, and fiercely protective of those she loved the most.
Everything had its rightful progression to a point. I have nothing to complain about the settings, OSTs, etc. Their moments together once they start coming together were the best and of course the comedy. But there is a con section though it won't be that long.
Cons: While I understand the misunderstandings as people have that makes them imagine or overthink when they're young; but it shouldn't happen when they're adults in a relationship or even by 12th grade in high school. Miscommunication is a known relationship killer. SZ never asks DJX what he's thinking but goes full steam ahead on her own assumptions which are usually worse case scenarios and completely false. DJX also doesn't open up to her and then they end up finding out through other means and how foolish it looks. But instead of learning and not doing it again, they keep repeating it. Even by episode 24, she still thought he was considering breaking up with her.
Then DJX's not dealing with the stalker as soon as he paid off the debt. Why? Her harassing him just complicated things for him both literally and psychologically. If he didn't find out she went after SZ, would he ever have dealt with her? What if she flew to Nanwu to find him?
The thing I wish there was less of were the flashbacks of SZ's childhood. Like once she became an adult, end those. We know what's going on. It wasn't until episode 3 that this drama picked up for me. But I'm very glad I stuck around.
Would I recommend it? Definitely. From all the ones I'm watching it was the only one that made me laugh and love little moments that I would rewind just to get a little bit more. I'm very glad I watched this drama and you should give it a chance too.
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Loved it till 18th episode and then it felt like it was dragging on. Finished the last couple of episodes in 1.5x. The sibling dynamics were a treat to watch and the cast acted well. I just liked "When I Fly towards you" better because I was watching them parallelly and the general lack of misunderstanding and cliches in When I fly made it a better watch than Hidden Love. One thing that I did like about HL is that female lead was not a damsel in distress and could take a stand and not just for herself - but for the male lead as well. All the female characters written by this author are strong and know their mind - I truly appreciate the fact that these characters are unlike the naive/weak/gullible ones usually found in dramas,.Cet avis était-il utile?

I usually never write these things but the way this drama has me on a chokehold I couldn't resist. I have always been a fan of lusi, and her extravagant acting but the way she expresses the character in this drama just shows you what an amazing actress she is. Waiting for one episode a day is really so annoying but this drama is really worth it.I have seen a lot of TikTok taking about their age gap and how that is a problem, I just want to say 5 years is not even a big age gap. And second he doesn't even fall for her until she is fully grown which someone are saying - maybe he was waiting for her - as you can see in the first 8 episode he fully treats her as a little sister and nothing else. Even when he sees her 2 years later he still calls her a kid as if nothings changed which in his mind he still thinks of her as the shy little girl he used to tutor nothing more. But anyways I just want to say people need to stop being biased and unfair.
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Go watch Hidden Love now!!!!
It's a beautiful series, and I think it deserves all the hype. I love how all that ends up, and without a doubt, it is one of the most outstanding cdramas in 2023.Story:
In this story, a girl named Sang Zhi falls in love with Duan Jia Xu, her brother's best friend. Jia Xu regards Sang Zhi as a sister, yet Sang Zhi has started having feelings for him. As time passed, he developed feelings and fell in love with Sang Zhi.
The various periods of Sang Zhi and Duan Jia Xu are depicted throughout the plot, which is very well developed, from when they first met to when they started dating. It is very light and airy and shows various stages of relationships.
Zhao Lu Si (Sang Zhi) and Chen Zhe Yuan (Duan Jia Xu) worked effectively in depicting their personality. They have fantastic chemistry on-screen and off-screen. They are the greenest of green flags, and their relationship is healthy. The series gets better because of the characters' excellent communication and comprehension. ZLS demonstrates how Sang Zhi matures as a character. Victor Ma also did an excellent job of portraying a brother who is a bother to his sister and still cares about her no matter what.
Twenty-five episodes is most certainly insufficient for me, but rather, it's without a doubt the ideal length. I, as of now, need to watch it again as it is beautiful, as it were. I strongly encourage anyone who hasn't seen it to try this drama—it's a warm and beautiful work of art!
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A drama that counters on the POV of a young girl with a head full of love. the sweet feel of going back to the moment of that crush, reliving those feelings of doing those little crazy things for love. Stalking them?👀 Smiling at every little details you got of or with me, blushs and heart flutters at the simple sight or action of them. ah, That feeling of first love is always one that lingers forever. And that is what we view here from Sang zhi pov.Call her weird, call her Silly but she's just a realistic portray of us at such age and it's rather refreshing to see.
And what if your crush is not your classmate..not the typical popular tsudere guy in school? not your typical Bad boy in school? but rather your Elders brother's friend who is 5 years older..
Of course things are about to get interesting!
This drama is one ready to give all those feels of a naive first love and won't forget to load It with endless BUTTERFLIES, sweetness overloaded I say and I mean it.
The acting? Gosh! it's on another level of real! I can't help but believe that this is what these casts are in real life. I can't stop praising lusi acting enough because she is bagging in this time.
if you watched Gen Z( I highly recommend you do) then you'll understand me when I say, This is literally the opposite of whom she is there! the switch up! wow!
Lusi had me impressed when she was portraying the 17 year old version! it was so convincing! Like I believed she was that age! and when she switched up much Older.. Gosh, give her an award already 😂😂
The ML, this should be my 3rd drama from him (our secret, Mr bad and this) and believe me when I say this is the best from him. His acting here had me smiling each time. he did it so well that I'm forced to believe he was actually the GEGE or an older brother to Lusi! The scenes of him helping her with studies when she was 17..their conversation. it was basically older brother younger one coded. Kudos
The other support roles are currently doing just fine for their forte and roles and especially the one playing Sang yan role. Gosh, why is this my first time seeing him?? he's amazing! And he has the best dynamic for me here with sangzhi. Their brother sister duo is on another level of BEAUTIFULLY REALISTIC ( I can relate lol)
The ost of this show is just benefiting and suitings the lyrics really are speaking the storyline and it's interesting to see. my fav song from this has to be FOREVER LOVE ( too bad they barely sing it😭)
And for the plot? do I need to say much? it's simple yet beautiful.
I basically didn't expect much from it since the plot was not grand. Your typical Crush tale with a pinch of age gap. So I won't call the plot a masterpiece. But what I shall call NICE Is the way the story is being told. the pacing is remarkable. and the storytelling is Ok.
I've seen people ( Annoying people) call this The Pedophilia word or so . Just because FL liked ML from her 14 year old and when he was 19...Like. Excuse me?
Setting Things straight, This is not IT! You can't judge the drama from literally 10 min into ep1. Or from synopsis. This drama ( Compared to the novel of 7 year old gap) reduced it to 5 year old. And not only that, made remarkable detailed efforts to make the narrative suitable and comfortable to view.
Firstly, A fourteen year old having a crush is not a crime! And on someone older is not a crime. unless this so called older person reciprocates the love...The red flag!
But the narrative of this drama was so careful to not do that! Even when the child actor was introduced. There was no Romantic sparks AT ALL. I for one watching only got the stare of the kid as a sisterly stare for ML. Lol. so stop complaining about the child actor there. it was clear with the kid's Arc that nothing Romance was on. She didn't even stare at him romantically 💀
and even when lusi stepped in, the ML didn't like her at her young age. so stop with the false rumours. It's caused by your lack of understanding of the storyline and narrative.
Because basically this drama did a good job to keep a legal Greenflag Romance drama and they nailed it. Just wanted to clear it up.
If I say I waited 1 year for this drama, Then You heard that right 🥹. Basically knew when the drama was announced and when the leads were being picked (I prayed for Zheyuan to be lead because I feared Lin Yin couldn't execute the characters as I wanted 😅) And waited till end of shooting to see this and I have to say..I'm not disappointed!
although I haven't read the Novel or comic because I'm a lazy reader. I still think the drama did a good job it it's aspects and still waxing strong. Highly recommended
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I’ve watched a lot of dramas I would say and honestly it’s been awhile since a drama hooked like hidden love did. I would murder someone just to re watch the drama for the first time. The chemistry between the main leads is sooo cute. Like most drama there are quite a few cringe moments but I just took a 5 second break AND WENT BACK IN. I swear you will not regret this watching this. The only iffy thing about this drama is the age gap but it’s not that big it’s just she was a minor but they handled so well.Cet avis était-il utile?

When I first started watching this show, I didn't really expect much, but let me tell u I got MAJOR butterflies from it. Most people are pretty annoyed of the FL (Sang Zhi) when she was younger in the beginning, before the time skip to the main story. Which makes sense, bcs she is basically supposed to be a bit spoiled and immature kid, kind of how Jiaxu first saw her as nothing more than something like a little sister. You just have to keep on going for a few episodes if this annoyed you, trust me it's worth it. Once you get to the main story you will be jumping and squealing, at least I did, I know some people look for different things. I really loved seeing Sang Zhi grow and become more mature, as well as seeing Jiaxu's feelings start to change when he realizes Sang Zhi is no longer the little sister he remembered. AHHH it's so cute. I do feel like the plot wasn't as strong, since there really wasn't much other than the romance between the leads. I wish the delved into their dreams or goals more, since it didn't really seem like Sang Zhi had much. She said she did, but that was more of a result of her wanting to be around Jiaxu. I wanted to understand her more as Sang Zhi, not just a girl who liked Jiaxu since she was 14. I know she liked to draw, but I don't fully understand her dreams. I guess Jiaxu kind of did, but not so much Sang Zhi. Another thing I do wish, but it's not too important. I wish there was saucy scenes, but its rated G so we can't have, but that's okay. Nothing too saucy, but kind of like that scene from business proposal hehe jkjk. It is their first relationship so both of them aren't as experienced, so its cute. I guess it is more of a cute innocent feel-good TV show, definitely good to watch when you're feeling down. It is my favorite drama I've seen in a long time since it was totally swoon worthy.Cet avis était-il utile?