Both series conceptualize love between two souls of a past life by way of reincarnation in the form of a boss-employee power dynamic in a workplace setting. Whereas the novelist from First Love, Again initially rejects his soulmate in this lifetime because his employee-the editor-is a man, the director from The Director Who Buys Me Dinner insists that he and his secretary immediately start dating in this lifetime upon first meeting each other. At the beginning of both series, the novelist and the director (the bosses) both have active memories of their respective soulmates of a prior life, in stark contrast to the editor and the secretary (the employees) who must revive their lost memories as the two series progress.
Recommandé par FynnJT
Similar idea, where the main lead has to wait so long to be reconnected with their first love who tragically died. Both are incredibly acted and relatively unpredictable. The chemistry between the main leads in both shows are just ridiculous
Recommandé par rr_dramas
In both, MLs are supernaturally old and walking to the path of extinction. After meeting up the other ML, falls in love, scarifies themselves with happy ending.
Recommandé par Sonu
Korean language BLs that depict a love/hate relationship.
Recommandé par Geegee16
- korean bl
- office/workplace romance (boss-employee relationship)

- “roommates of poongduck 304” is 8 episodes, “the director who buys me dinner” is 10
- “the director who buys me dinner” has the reincarnation trope (fantasy element)
- the main leads in “roommates of poongduck 304” are also roommates (tenant and landlord relationship)
Recommandé par eden
Zhang Jing Yi is the FL in both. The chemistry is natural. The relationship had depth. However, BEITD does not have a satisfactory ending.
Recommandé par Geegee16
-it's set in a hospital setting
-it's a Thai bl and it's runtime and episodes are longer
- the plot elements are different in the way they're portrayed, Ex. In Triage one of the leads is trying to save the other one and it relies on a time loop

-Plays with the reincarnation and fantasy tropes in a similar way
-One of the leads when in the time loop doesn't have memories of the past while the other one is trying to make him fall in love similar to this
-at a certain point the situation switches, similar to here, and the other lead has to do what the other party did (make him fall in love)
Recommandé par Peachywatch
Both are about the ML who has lived for hundreds of years searching for the "love" or "bride" who can lift his curse. Both have the theme of reincarnation and both MLs are somewhat similar in personality.
Recommandé par emeraldarrows
Boss and Employee relationship drama ,remarkable story that touches heart.
It shows very good acting skills and a nice chemistry between the (very cute) leading actors.
Recommandé par Anshika
both Korean BL mini series
while The Director who buys me dinner only is has flash backs to historical settings Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding only takes place in the Joseon period.
Recommandé par PLOY
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner and Old Fashioned Cupcake for me are like two sides of a coin. The are similar in that it’s a workplace setting, superior/subordinate relationship that is at first resisted or ignored by one side. Old Fashioned Cupcake is more light and fluffy where The Director Who Buys Me Dinner is heavier with more depth and a past with it.

Both of these are BL (gay romances).

Old Fashioned Cupcake is a Japanese production.
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner is a South Korean production.
Recommandé par plum
Both BL dramas include the theme of fated love from a past life and other mysterious elements - at least one of the main characters is not a regular human.
Recommandé par HKN
Both are short BLs with an employee/boss relationship. Both begin with the employee ML arriving at work for the first day, meeting his boss, and the boss instantly insisting the two date. The subsequent date in both is at a restaurant.
Recommandé par emeraldarrows
Both are dramas set in Korea involving romance with a god the only major difference is one romance is mlm and the other is mlw
Recommandé par yellowcurtains
Both are Korean Language BL dramas set in a workplace environment. A new employee and his boss begin a relationship.
Recommandé par Geegee16
The Director Who Buys me Dinner (2022) poster



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  • Classé: #7928
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