62 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 13, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 6
Globalement 4.0
Histoire 3.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 6.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

This drama was like a badly written wattpad story

My only expectation when I started this drama was a good rom-com, the show started off promising and ended up being one of the worse plots I have ever seen not trying to exaggerate at all, the plots were all over the place and the writer jumped from one plot to another, from one genre to another to create a totall mess.
I'm not a stranger to the main actor lee min ki and I always thought to myself how he always picked out good scripts
I have no idea why he picked this one, although I have never seen NANA's works I could tell she had good acting skills and the actors had the needed chemistry too but nothing could save this drama.
Then we have a second lead, he had little to no chemistry with nana and his character was the most useless you won't feel SLS in the slightest, one thing I enjoyed at some point was the story about their mothers, I actually have the last episode left to watch but I'm not even curious about the ending.
all in all I don't recommend this at all and this has to be one of the worst dramas I have ever watched.

UPDATE AFTER FINALE (spoilers on finale)
The ml disappears in the end (there's a plot about him being only able to live 49 days amidst a lot of other things) great a bad ending to a bad drama, i'm aware the leads dying isn't a bad ending but in this case, the whole drama was just really bad, if u dive really deep into the story and re-write 95 percent of this with the initial idea of the plot this drama could have been saved , if they wanted to show the ML'S development after only having 49 days to live even if they would make him die in the end there were a million better ways to do that but alas they failed miserably and to end this giving this a 4 is me being generous

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Cet avis était-il utile?
60 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 13, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 10
Globalement 4.5
Histoire 4.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0

The Honest Verdict ;"Oh My”, This Was A Dire Drama ...

Have you ever found yourself watching a show, and generally wondering whether the screenwriter had a dartboard, was blindfolded and throwing randomly to see what random plot point to come up with next? Well, most drama watchers out there can probably agree that this perfectly describes ” Oh My Ladylord".

Before critiquing the drama , it is important to start on a high note.Against all odds of the female animosity trope, there was a surprisingly profound relationship between female lead Oh Joo In’s mother Yoon Jung Hwa ( Kim Ho Jung) and male lead Han Bi Soo’s mother Kang Hae Jin ( Lee Hwk Hyang). However, this is also where the series hits a major snag also. The main leads’ mothers were simply more interesting than either of our main leads.

It shouldn’t have been this way by default. Nana ( playing Oh Joo In) and Lee Min Ki ( costarring as Han Bi Soo)are both really good actors. ( Alongside Kang Min Hyuk playing second male lead Jung Yu Min.)Sadly, however, whilst the actors did put effort into their performances, they were fairly limited towards what they could actually do with Jo Jin Kook’s questionable script.

To start off this problem, it is important to talk about our female lead Oh Joo. Oh Joo wasn’t an inherently " terrible" character in the beginning. She had a strong, heartfelt relationship with her mother and seemed to defy the typical cliches of being the " spoilt and aloof actress" also. However, the show soon goes down hill when Oh Joo is introduced into her romantic pairing with Bi Soo. It isn’t necessarily the chemistry between the leads which was " bad", but, rather how she was reduced to the equivalent of storyline cannon fodder not even halfway into the show.

This moves us onto the next prominent issue. The dreaded creme de la creme of tropes; the love triangle. There’s nothing entirely wrong with love triangles per say in a drama, but, the problem with " Oh My Ladylord”’s love triangle happened to be that it was incredibly hard to root for any
chemistry in Jo Jin Jook’s trio of one-dimensional main leads.

To give Bi Soo some credulity , he wasn’t entirely a “terrible person at heart”. However, as this is a formulaic romantic drama where flaws have to be exaggerated for plot development, Bi Soo’s aloofness, jealousy and selfishness at times just became tiresome and repetitive .This is exemplified when around the halfway point of the drama, Bi Soo was so caught up in his attempts to make Oh Joo fall in love with him, that he did not make time even once during a pivotal revelation in this episode to visit his own dying mother. (Then, there is also the poorly-written fantasy element tied-in with Oh Joo, which did not add anything of relevance to Bi Soo’s characterisation.)

The final component of our love triangle is Jung Yu Min. The archetypical ” second male lead” who has ” been in love with Oh Joo for a long time”, Yu Min was just shallow and uninteresting . He had potential to be intriguing and well-written ,but (typical of cliches), Yu Min’s biggest problem occurred by his infatuation with Oh Joo. This is because Yu Min exists only as an obstacle in the story for Bi Soo’s affections . He had no sense of individuality with family, friends or his job outside of the romantic pairing. Even after Oh Joo confessed her ambiguous feelings whilst they were " dating" , it was predictable that Yu Min lashed out manipulatively at Bi Soo rather than just sitting down to talk with Bi Soo and Oh Joo like a decent human being .

Then there’s the biggest elephant in the room with the drama; the genre. Genre shifts can work well to a show’s advantage, and then there’s " Oh My Ladylord".

Admittedly the screenwriter does attempt to make amends by bringing the fantasy elements again into the storyline, however , this resorted in the overall genre shift being nothing more than a lazy plot Macguffin. ( In an attempt to make a poorly-written romance story interesting with little success. ) The ending was even worse, attempting to deliver a tearjerking solution to an otherwise horrible storyline , but , with little success.

So, is " Oh My Ladylord" actually worth watching? This is entirely dependent upon expectations. If you’re a fan of trope-filled, terribly outdated storylines with toxic relationships then " Oh My Ladylord" is right up your street. However, if you’re looking for a modern, well-written and dynamic romance tale with a supernatural twist, then look elsewhere because " Oh My Ladylord" certainly isn’t it.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
12 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 13, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 3.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Amazing acting, terrible script

I'm really sad while writing this because I waited since september to watch Oh My Ladylord and it turn out to be a really so so drama. The problem with this show is totally and only the script. It is a really bad written drama, the story is all over the place and the characters suffer a bunch of changes during the episodes and in the end, everything is a mess.

The writer created a lot of plots, but he couldn't hadle them. Every story needs a beginning, development and ending, but in OML, there are a lot of beginnings but no development. And a lot of stories don't have ending (hello, Bisoo's dad and his revenge...). And yes, a lot of plots are completely useless. There are countless tropes too; they are a problem because it makes the show super cliché.

Beyond that, the scriptwriter, Jo Jin Kook, decided to makes us hate the leads. First, we hate SL in the first seconds of his appearence because he's a creepy dude and his only personality is giving presents to Jooin. Then, the author made us hate Jooin for being indecisive for liking both - the ML and SL - when it was more than obvious that she didn't have romantic feelings for Yujin. Later, Jo Jin Kook transformed Han Bisoo into the jerkiest human being. WHY? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO YOUR OWN SHOW?! Jooin and Bisoo were so well written in the begining, why it had to change so much? I don't understand.

The positive things:

- Acting. All the actors worked really hard for this show and the acting was the only thing that made me continue watching.
- Chemistry between the leads: they have a huge chemistry and really convince being a couple in love. Their skinship scenes were very natural and warm, and the kissing scenes are the best kissing scenes I ever watched in a kdrama. Well done Nana and LMK, good job.
- Chemistry between the leads and their moms: it was cute. Their moments were really precious and I loved every second of it.
- Bisoo's old friend: oh, he's so adorable. I loved his scenes.
- The OST: I really liked the OST.

The problem with OML that makes me so sad is: the first 6 episodes were really great. They were a little bit slow, but were really enjoyable to watch. So is sad seeing this potential amazing show turning into a mediocre story because of the poor and lazy writing.

If you are interested in watching OML, I suggest you to watch the episodes 1-6, 9-11, 15-16. Episodes 7, 8, 12, 13 and 14 were just too stressful.

Ps: please my dear and adorable cast, choose a good script for your next project. You guys are amazing! Stay away from Jo Jin Kook (I wish him the best, but please, he needs to study more before writing a show).

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10 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 14, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 2.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 5.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

There are better ways to waste your time

This drama is a mess. And I tried, I really tried, to give it the benefit of the doubt and watch to the very end. But in the end, all I ended up doing was wasting 16 hours of my life. I'm sure you'll see plenty of reviews like this, so I do want to mention the very, VERY few good aspects of the show as well to be fair.

The first 2 or 3 episodes were actually pretty good and I can easily see how the jumbled up pieces of it could have been turned into a really solid drama if it had a much better writer and director. The actors were all good, it was the roles that they were given that created all of the problems we saw and not the actors themselves. What stood out to me in the first episodes was how some things were handled. HBS finding out about OJI's circumstances with her mother was done well. Despite how poorly they got along at that time, he stopped everything to help her get to her mother even while not fully understanding what was going on. It may seem like common sense that you would help someone in a tough situation like that, but it's surprisingly not handled that well in most dramas. Another thing I have to give it props for was the arguing, oddly enough. In the beginning. Not after the stupid break-up episodes. But at the start, when they started to fight there weren't any big blow-ups where one would storm out or OJI would tell him to leave. They worked through it, maybe not amazingly but better than most fights in dramas. So again, props to that. There were some things like these that were handled nicely. In the beginning. And never again.

The drama after the first 2 episodes had no plot. Nothing, not even one bit. The characters would just lamely wax poetics at each other for 20-40min of an episode, we'd get the really annoying side couples to pop in and waste time, an unnecessary love triangle was thrown in to, again, pad run time, and then we had the cliche 'I'm breaking up with you to protect you' mini arch that was about where I had to start skipping through. And I never skim dramas. Usually even the worst trash I'll sit through, but I just couldn't.

The 'disappearing' aspect of the show was both stupid and unexplored. It isn't the first time a drama has given a character who has died or was going to die a second chance with a time limit to do things over and set things right before they leave. Off the top of my head, I can think of Please Come Back, Mister (which had a lot of problems of its own, but wasn't as bad as this) and Miracle That We Met (which doesn't have a time limit but is close enough that I think it could fit). While neither is a perfect show and has problems too, they at least had a plot. They had plot, they had character growth, and they were entertaining, even if some aspects were frustrating. They were watchable. But with Ladylord, after being hit, HBS spends so much time not even fully realizing the situation. It's only around the halfway mark that he even understands that he's going to just... pop out of existence. Which is weird to me. I don't know why they didn't just have him die 49 days later. I guess then they wouldn't have been able to do those weird 'disappearing' scenes... which probably would have been better for the drama anyway. But no, his biological father is apparently an angel there to tell him that doom is at his doorstep and 49 days from now - poof! Gone. Like magic.

That's the problem with the drama. Well, the biggest problem. Nothing is thought out and everything is haphazard. Instead of focusing on the plot and the details of what is happening, it gives us scene after scene of the leads being 'cute' together that amount to nothing long-term. It feels like the writer and director didn't actually care about what was going on with the show or whether their audience enjoyed it. The angel is seen only, what, 3 or 4 times throughout the whole series? The end game is an afterthought. The supernatural aspect of the show never should have been added to this drama because they weren't willing to flesh it out enough to make it a real part of the plot. It was just a consequence. It's just like how the step-father was so heavily in the early episodes and then after the mom found out, they just didn't need him anymore and it was like he never existed in the first place. And it doesn't even matter because he was just playing a cartoon villain anyway.

The writer didn't bother trying to make this drama good. I really feel that there was no effort put into the script at all beyond maybe the initial set-up. They should have tried to add a plot to the characters' everyday lives instead of these one-off instances of drugging and abduction, a dating scandal and a random accusation of plagiarism that came out of nowhere and left into nothing. Their lives had no structure. And it's not like structure can't be added with plots like these (I use 'plot' very loosely here) because we've seen it done in plenty of others. There are really amazing cohabitation dramas. Heck, Lee Min Ki himself was in one that was done really well! And there are plenty of great supernatural dramas out there, too. There are dramas dealing with a character's last days/months alive, there are ones that deal with a second chance of life after death, and most of them are better than this.

I'll stop there before I get more depressed over my wasted time. I've never said this about a drama before, but don't watch it. Don't even try. It's not worth it. The few positive points I mentioned disappear a few episodes in anyways.

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6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 13, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 5.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

It makes you wonder "what the hell?" in every single episode

I had good expectations when I started this, mainly because I am a fan of MinKi's works.
However, not even him or a miracle could save this train wreck that is called Oh! My Ladylord.

The screenwriter did a messy plot here, on which I believe most episodes seem to be fillers, with too many unnecessary character plots, annoying side characters, and an on and off love triangle that seriously puts off anyone who watches this, and myself included.
I am probably a masochist for pulling this through 'till the very end, no one can ever compensate the loss of braincells from this.

Seriously, the plot is messy and has too many dragged fillers, like BiSoo's mother and her WAY too many symbolic moments.
I believe if the purpose was to give us THIS, then WHY 16 episodes? This is clearly set for a short drama of 12 episodes.

The wasted potential is astonishing.

When the white figure appeared and revealed the whole 49 Days, it reminded me of an old drama with that exact same name, so I was quick to associate the man being close to BiSoo and eventually it's revealed indeed who the man was.
However, the drama 49 Days was delivered better than this one that eventually focused too many moments.
It's like several fanfic moments collected in an attempt of a rom-com with a sprinkle of sappy melodrama.
And yet the angst wasn't fully there, it's perhaps half there if such. I wasn't emotional, it didn't move me... it annoyed me.

YuJin character was cringe to watch, because there was no chemistry there, it's like seeing a friend trying to claw his way out of the FRIENDZONE only to be pulled back there, and yet he never quits... being his passive self.
The only fun moments might be the "friendly broship rivalry" between him and BiSoo and even so it made no sense.

The side couples didn't pull me in at all, most of the times it was another filler inside of a filler, and it made me roll my eyes out.

The moms were cute, until a certain point where the plot line once again dragged.
His so called "dad", who seemed obsessed with the hospital was only there for his role of being a greedy man who only cared for his ambitions rather than the family he had lived with for decades.

BiSoo's disappearing made no sense, I mean they didn't explore much of the white man, his father, why or better yet HOW could he be granted more time only to fall in love and learn to be loved if he was doomed in the first place, other than for the reason of being with his mom until she passed. WELL woah, no one knows he "died" and assume he just went on a journey.
In the end I believe JooIn stayed with the same, if not a heavier amount of pressure in her shoulders, from dealing with her mother's illness and being the only one to know and grief for him and her loss without having a shoulder to cry and rely on.

I believe this drama started promising, than it got weird real fast like hit by a truck... and at some point in time (probably when she says she likes both BiSoo and YuJin) it went downhill.

OST wise it's the typical sappy songs through the "emotional" moments. Unlike other dramas it didn't strike memorable to me.
As far as re watch value, I say no thank you.
Not even if I would only have 49 days left, would be better to save myself from seeing this TRAGEDY once again.

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5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 13, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 5.5
Histoire 5.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Do not watch this

This might be the worst drama I have ever seen.
I only sticked around because I wanted to know how it ends.
In the first 8 episodes we had at least 4 different plots: stalker fan, forced living together, dying mothers , enemies to lovers, but all of them were rushed.
Han Bi Soo supposed to be a celebrated writed, but the scenes from his drama were not good at all. And I love Nana, but she could not pull off the action scene in the last episode.

And by the end everyone died, even her own mother does not recognise Oh Joo In, but we should be happy about this?

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Cet avis était-il utile?
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 13, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 3.0
Histoire 2.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 5.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Why did I finish this???

Holy moly. This show was just a complete mess. I mean from the start it seemed interesting, but after 7-8 episodes it stopped being interesting and started being irritating. The last 5 episodes I skipped through because I just could not stand it. The constant flip-flopping betweent pointless plot points, and the ML changing his opinions and personality.

Throughout the whole show the characters were just hollow tropey shells that quickly lost their appeal. For a while I enjoyed the mothers' story, but then that got boring as well.

The love triangle was just pointless, there was nothing there to even give a glimpse that the FL and SML could end up together. The SML was so creepy and infuriating, what was that freaking proposal? She just broke up with her boyfriend and he suddenly acts like that automatically means she wants to be with him??

For a couple of episodes there the ML turned into a toxic selfish jerk. He said he did not want to hurt her but what the hell, he's in his 30s does he not realize that bullying people hurts? How is breaking up with her less hurtful than telling her he's dying and spending the last 49 days making precious memories with her?

His personality seemed to do a complete 180 in every episode. His reputation was that he was cold and rude but after a few episodes that was kinda dropped. Instead he turned into a giant mushball for the FL and around other people he just seemed like he was trying to be cool? Also, his mom was freaking dying of cancer, but he was wrapped up in his romance to even spend most of his time with her?

What was the point of some of the plot? The stalker fan that locked the FL in a closet then disappeared? The dad just vanished? The ML forgot about his own death for half the series. Then in the end, instead of telling everyone he died, and letting them mourn too, she tells people he is on a trip?

I have to admit, the scenes with the FL and ML were cute, even though they seemed out of character for the ML. Min Ki and Nana are cute together, and those scenes were great. I also liked the dude who own's the record shop, he just seemed so chill and unbothered with everything.

In the end, I am disappointed in this drama, because it could have been better. Don't waist your precious time on this garbage and watch something else instead.

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4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 13, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 3.0
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 3.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Total Disappointment

I had a lot of expectations on this drama mainly due to NANA ❤️😍.. Her drama selection is too good...
This drama has the capability of becoming a good drama but the writer completely destroyed it..
The way the drama started was too good.. I thought we are getting a good rom com..
The drama gone down after episode 5
No story from episode 7, they mainly concentrated on love triangle, and they even injected some fantasy to this drama 😕....

I completed this drama for seeing the romance of Nana & Lee min ki.. Their chemistry was good in some episodes 👌... In Nana's career, this will be worst character she had done...I don't understand Joo in (Nana), the things she is doing..
Worst character in this drama is Joo in..

Kang min Hyuk ( Yu jin) his character is the worst one in this drama. He only do one thing trying so hard to get the female lead.. The most annoying character in this drama 🤢.. Especially in Ep 12.. 🥵

The triangle love in this drama is a variety one✌️.There is pretended relationship in this drama, first time i have seen a drama where they extended that pretended relationship to a lot of episodes...

Even if you have free time & free internet don't watch this drama..There is not even a steady romance in this drama.. I wonder how this drama got Rom - Com tag....

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Cet avis était-il utile?
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 14, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.5

Underrated, a good piece of romantic fluff.

True disclosure: I adore Lee Min Ki and would happily watch him butter toast for 16 episodes. I just wish he got better dramas these days.
The plot here is totally idiotic. I was taught that to enjoy fiction you needed a "willing suspension of disbelief." Well, suspend everything, because the story line is lame lame lame. If you can expect nothing from the story line, you might enjoy this. The acting is very good. The drama is full of interesting characters and side romances that are well acted and rather engaging. Somewhere in the middle, I started to realize that the writing of the main plot was really too stupid for words, but Lee Min Ki and the other very good performances kept me watching.
It's hard to review a drama in which everything EXCEPT the main plot is very good. But that's this drama. If you are looking for an undemanding bit of romantic fluff, you might enjoy it. In addition to the Eye Candy of Lee Min Ki, there's Kang Min-Hyuk who just seems to get cuter and cuter, and, for me - a die-hard classic Korean Rock fan, there was Kim Chang-Wan. What's not to love? Well, other than the pointless plot.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 13, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 5.5
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

It's like when i dropped an egg package in my kitchen the other day. A mess

At first glance Oh My Ladylord is a normal "realistic" and down to earth Rom/com, but as you watch you'll soon find out it features a lot more than that. Sci-Fi, Over the top love triangle, birth secrets, push and pull and quite simply put not likeable lead characters (due to traits, not actors), and much much more.

The biggest problem Oh My Ladylord has is exactly this, it's story. It has all these plot points that make a very messy script. It's like the drama is having an identity crisis and isn't sure what it wants to be. Instead, whilst watching this you could break it down into arcs that you identify as major plot points and find dramas that does that specific plot but a lot better.

I rate this drama a 5.5/10 as it lands within "It's okay", but it's closer to not liking it than liking it. I have no complaint in particular towards any other part than the story, the Actors all played their roles very well and make this show watchable as it is although the OST wasn't something mind-blowing or something that I would be adding to my playlist it still is very satisfying in the scenes where applicable.

There is so much I could comment on where there are plot holes or things that don't make sense, but I want to keep this spoiler free, now I do believe if I had binged watched this a lot of the angst of waiting week by week for the next episode would obviously disappear and probably make the drama look a lot better as a whole. So with that said if you do decide to watch this drama I hope you enjoy it in a binge.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 2, 2023
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Highlighting the importance of Loved One in One's Life !!

The drama conveys the importance of love and loved ones but in an overall sad tone. While it is not a cup of everyone's tea, still having such negative reviews truly eludes me. Since it is a fantasy drama, therefore the accident and extension of ML's living days and finally his disappearance are perfectly justified to me. The focus of the drama is to show the viewers to hold on to the positive aspects of life, to hold on to the good memories of our loved ones who have left us, and to remember them not for the hurt they inflicted but for the good memories that they left us.

The FL has to deal with the loss of her father and a mentally ill mother while The ML has shut his heart due to stuff happening in his childhood and a seriously ill mother. The ML and FL both had a lot of bad stuff happen to them which is why the drama could be considered a tragedy. Their acting was very good but the story and acting of the supporting cast left much to be desired as it lacked solid writing, still, the focus on the main lead was absolutely a good point for me.

The ML was already on borrowed time and thought that FL would be sad after he will disappear therefore he broke up with her and tried to set her up with her childhood friend and was even willing to become an evil person in her eyes so that she would hate him but the FL did not want to leave ML and considered even a little time spent with a loved one better than not spending at all, thus clearing the misunderstanding between them.

Overall the making shine of the drama for me is the FL character. She is depicted as a headstrong, hardworking, brave, and very caring person, and her strong love and struggles in the drama were truly a delight to watch.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 13, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 1
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 3.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0

I had to watch this drama at 2x speed after episode 8

I just want to say What the hell happened after episode 8. The show was going well for the 1st 8 episodes after that the show was just ruined. The main plot was not seen anywhere and there were so many plot holes. The show became so much frustrating after episode 8. The writers were wasting time on the Sh*tty love triangle where they could have focused on the main plot and the story. The story was so bad and the ending was worst. One only good thing was the Chemistry of the leads and the acting of Lee Min Ki and Nana. They had good chemistry. Other than this the story the direction and the scriptwriting was very bad.I had to watch the drama from ep 8 to 14 in 2x speed because it became too frustrating

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