2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 26, 2021
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0

Pour le couple secondaire et c'est tout !

Je vais rejoindre la majorité des avis ici. Ce n'est pas tout mauvais, mais ce n'est pas tout bon non plus.
L'histoire avait piqué mon intérêt et nous permettait de sortir des chemins classiques du BL. Pourtant, j'ai vite changé d'avis et est décidé de ne pas réfléchir davantage et tourner mon attention sur Bank/Pitch qui ont si peu de scènes que c'en est presque offensant. Ils étaient (pour moi) l'unique motivation pour enchaîner les épisodes.
Sky (incarné par Gun) m'a rendu irritable avec son mauvais caractère en plus de ne pas me faire ressentir la moindre émotion. Quant à Sun (joué par Boat), je n'ai pas adhéré plus que ça. Le jeu n'était pas parfait, d'accord. Mais le loupé sur l'écriture des personnages n'a pas arrangé les choses.
L'intrigue est sans surprise. En soit, ce n'est pas dramatique, mais ça ne casse pas des briques non plus. On peut reconnaître que les gros trous scénaristiques ou les incohérences sont mineures (je ne dirais pas inexistantes vu qu'il m'est arrivé de jouer de l'avance rapide, oups). Côté romance... C'est tout ou rien. Y'a rien, puis soudain, nous avons tout.
J'ai fini par m'ennuyer avec comme seul espoir, voir plus de Bank/Pitch. Espoirs réduit au néant.

Pas le plus mauvais BL, mais probablement pas le meilleur. Malgré tout, le mieux reste de se faire son propre avis. Cette année, les BL thaïlandais qui me plaisent se comptent sur une seule main, alors...

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Cet avis était-il utile?
76 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 16, 2021
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 12
Globalement 3.0
Histoire 4.0
Acting/Cast 4.5
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Good start, poor finish!

To be honest, I didn't know from the start that we would get this series. I found about it in a random way, but when I saw that Gun had the main lead, I was super excited. When I watched the first episode, I felt that they would provide us with the sth different that the rest typical Thai BLs. Boy was I wrong....

Quick summary: A good start that led to a crappy finish.


Our main lead couple is Sun and Sky. Sky, who is portrayed by Gun, is the rich son of a ethical mafia boss. I know that "ethical" can't describe a mafia boss, but bear with me. On the other hand, Sun (Boat) is an orphan man that was put under Sky's father guidance since he was young, for a weird reason. After some incidents and as Sky's life is in danger, Sun is appointed as his bodyguard and follow him 24/7.

Our second lead couple is Pitch and Bank. Bank (Tenon), is the goofy childhood friend of Sky, and is familiar with Sky's background, and he attends the same university as SunSky. On the other hand, Pitch (Sugus), is a senior of the three boys. On an unrelated topic, Sugus has a powerful eyebrow game. That dude can do anything with his eyebrows.

Lastly, we have our two females in the series, Juno (Apple) and Toktang (Jane). Both of them are classmates with our trio and friends with Pitch. Toktang is a shy and down to earth girl and at first she seemed to be the love interest of Sky, as he seemed interested in her; while, Juno, is an honest girl who was openly interested in Sun.


I am sure that most of us when we read the description for the series we already had an idea of what the plot is going to be like. Honestly, what I thought about the series was true. Every assumption and stereotype that I predicted was true. Bodyguard and young master are falling in love, their statuses won't allow this relationship, they fight, they reunite, happy ending. That's it. Okay, sure, for once the real villain in the series isn't another love interest, but it is an unethical mafia boss that wants to sell drugs on Sky's father territory, but he refused. So, the bad mafia boss tries to kill the son of the good mafia boss.

Though, I have to admit that the first episodes were exciting and I thought that finally we found a thai series that won't have stupid clichés. Well, as I said earlier, I was wrong. One cliché after the other, people falling in love with the other person in a spam of a second, fights between the couples for the silliest things, unwanted jealousy, and happy ending.


Well... I might be an asshole... but... the acting... was bad....

First of all, let me say about the role of Gun. I was glad that in this series they didn't make Gun's role as the typical non-good-looking character (e.g. LBC in which everyone pointed out how plain and ugly he was); and instead he played for once a confident role. Even though I liked Gun's role, I didn't like his acting that much. I believe that he is better of with a comedy role. In the series, there were many scenes that required him to either cry or be sad; and for me it just didn't work. That being said, in my personal opinion, I feel that Gun's acting is getting better as the time goes by.

Moving on to Boat's performance, I have to admit that this was the first that I watched with him in the cast. I found that his expressionless face was kind of fun in many cases, but again I don't think that I liked his acting. One of the main reasons, is due to the script. I believe that as an actor he has many things to give, but he needs the right script and plot.

As for Tenon, I found him a little awkward in many scenes and I thought that his expressions could be improved. Taking into account his age, I think that in the future we would see more of him. Last but not least, we have Sugus. That dude he was a master in controlling his eyebrows. What the hell? I found his flow and personality better than the rest of the cast. However, he also had some awkward scenes.

I may point out the negative parts, but as an overall, I believe that the four actors could give us more, if they had better script on their hands.


I know that nobody cares about my opinion, but whatever! To be honest, the description was pretty descriptive so I do not know why I am so disappointed with what I watched. The thing is that this series seemed to be different from the rest. We didn't have any cringe/stereotypical scenes in the first two episodes, we had a manly main lead, and a story that could give us many things. But then the third episode happened.

WHAT THE FUCK? It was the cringiest and the worst episode that I have ever watched. We have two people, that in the beginning Sky doesn't like Sun, but when he learned that he never relaxed or went to a nice place, he would take him. LIKE A DATE... DUDE!!!! Sky who doesn't like Sun, I REPEAT, takes Sun for a date, and they share their drinks, their food, they wear matching funny hats, take pictures, and Sky buys them a matching heart necklace, that each of them has one part of the heart. DO YOU HEAR ME SCREAMING? Dude, that was so cringy to watch. wtf? I haven't read the novel of the series, so I'm not sure when they were supposed to develop feelings for each other, but that was so tough to watch.

That leads me to my next point. As someone who was only watching the series, I wasn't able to understand when our main leads developed feelings for each other. It was like some scenes didn't make it to the final cut, and we were left with half the story. We don't get to know why Sky's and Sun's blood was so important till the last two episodes. Why? Moreover, if Sky's life was in danger, and many assassinations happened against him, why did he still attend the university and the university activities? Lastly, where is the police in those type of series? Sky was almost killed in the university's bathroom but nothing happened after that? WHAT IS GOING ON? I think that the screenwriters wanted to create more tension for the couple and just used everything they thought.

Also, I want to touch the topic of product placements. As you may have noticed, in the first episodes, there is no product placement. As someone who hates how the products are being showed in the thai series, I was happy with the absence of them. Until that fucking episode came. You know what I am talking about, the one in which they leave for the camping. DUDE! DONT! DO! THAT!

Anyway, that's it. It's a shame that it didn't work out in the end, but I didn't have any kind of expectations for this series.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
57 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 11, 2021
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 5
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0

Not too bad. But not too good.

This is probably worth watching - probably most of the first half, and the rest with judicious fast-fowarding. I'll start with the bad to end on a positive note:

- Gun is not a good actor. He's a good comedic actor, and when this series is being OTT or comical, it works. When it strays into sappy melodrama, which it unfortunately does far too often, then it's excruciating to watch his scenes. Lots and lots of melodramatic crying, and anger all at a loud volume with teeth bared. You'll learn to FF.

- The plot is totally predictable, and almost every moment you can see coming. The enemies portion of the story ended way too soon and suddenly you could almost hear the Tchaikowski Romeo & Juliet overture firing up. Actually, that would have at least made it funny. The problem was that you didn't get enough time to invest in the relationship, which for me was carried entirely by Boat, who is extremely attractive and also a good actor.

The good:

- Bank's storyline
- Bank's smile
- Bank shirtless
- Bank.

I'm being funny, but Pitch & Bank are likely to be what keeps you watching what is otherwise a forgettable experience. But be forewarned, they are not in it much, and apparently a large portion of their scenes were not included, which seems mystifying and criminal. Maybe the actors woudn't allow any producer "bad touch" and were being punished.

Boat is a really good actor, He does drama, comedy, and action very well. He's good at subtle expression and letting his eyes show you what he's feeling, as opposed to Gun, who only has one setting: OTT loud and teeth-baring. There are a lot of action scenes, and they're actually pretty good by BL standards.

I would advise you not to do what I did, and watch too much of this on normal speed for fear of missing any Bank.

Story: 7. The predictability was unfortunate, but the overall plot was decently laid out and coherent. The romance went from 0-90 too suddenly, but all-in-all it wasn't bad. There were no toxic females - there were women who liked the boys, but they weren't at all manipulative or scheming, and they never really got in the way of the main ship. They were sincere, honest, and mature, and if anything they were cruelly used by Sky. Although Juno needs to learn to take a hint faster. There are a lot of tropes, especially early on, but some of them are obviously exaggerated to the point of satire, which I appreciated.

Acting: 7. I'd probably have rated it 8 or 9, but Gun was a 2, so he dragged down the average. Boat is very good, and Tenon (Bank) is strangely enthralling - I guess he manages to pull off a sincere innocence that's endearing.

Rewatch value: 5. I'd give it a 1, but there's a scene with Bank in a tank top and a scene with Bank shirtless that I'm likely to rewatch many, many times. It may not be coming through, but I like Bank.

Overall: 7. I generally don't like to go below 7 unless it's really terrible. This is not - it's entertaining, although it loses steam by the end. If they had left out some of the repetition (how many times does Sun need to leave Sky unattended resulting in his abduction before he learns not to do it? He never learns not to do it.) and put in more of the secondary couple, this would have worked much better.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 11, 2021
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Good short

First watching this & the trailer, didnt have any expectations for it.

I like how it came out. I liked both couples (I wish the girls also became one lol)

Story: 9/10
I liked the stories, not too much thinking with it. Its way too short tho, i wish we saw more.
I like a s2 also with more scene's of the side couple.
The fighting scene's were good done.

Acting/cast : 7,5/10
I like the cast overall, the acting could have been better.

Music: 10/10
I liked all the music.

Rewatch 9/10
Maybe rewatch it when im bored

Overall : 9/10

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Cet avis était-il utile?
8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 6, 2021
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 2
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

That's Thai BL for You!

I have some seriously mixed feelings when it comes to this series. One part of me absolutely loved it, the other part of me wants to store this in the very back of my brain where I never have to think about it again. Golden Blood led us to another typical Thai BL with cliche moments, cringe-as-hell kisses, and awkward pauses.

Let's Dive In.

The production was so so. I was getting happy because finally a product wasn't being shoved in our faces every second, but by the 4th episode, it starts, and it goes HARD. I hate when we're taken out of the moment for the characters to talk about how good a product is. I understand you need your coins, but there is such a better way to do it, I promise. There were some weird moments like long and awkward pauses where no one was saying anything and just staring??? So that led to a weird icky feeling for me. The music was okay and the lighting was decent. One thing I loved more than anything was the stargazing setting on the water. Had to be the prettiest scenery I had ever seen (I'll also give kudos to that one carnival place Sun and Sky went to). Another thing to applaud for is the costumes. While they were just in uni clothes most of the time, their wardrobe (especially Sky) was really nice when they weren't wearing uniforms.

Let's move onto the plot. I actually was quite pleased with the story. everything flowed at a nice pace, and I liked Sun's orphan story as well as how he became a bodyguard and just his life in general. Even though I wouldn't necessarily call Sun the best bodyguard (you know, going out and getting drunk????), I still enjoyed his character. Sky was an annoying spoil brat, but obviously, they did that so he could develop into someone better.

While Gun and Boat did such a good job at creating this beautiful slow burn, when it finally came to the execution, it was terrifying. I never thought that I would ever see a god-awful kiss again (cough, cough, Tin and Can), but that's all Sun and Sky had. It was like once they kissed, all their chemistry disappeared. I'm never the type of person to really comment on the intimate moments unless they're dreadful or better than ever. This sadly falls in the dreadful lines. Their lips would just touch and we would have to sit and watch it for 2 whole seconds that felt like an eternity. I need these actors to learn how to kiss. If we're going to go for it, we might as well make it look good. For instance, Pitch and Bank actually had an amazing on-screen kiss. It was sensual and gentle which is what made it perfect. I wasn't even rooting for these two, in fact, I thought that they would've made better friends than anything. But that pond scene???? flawless. the kiss in the tent??? golden. From there, I might've caught onto their relationship and wanted to see more of them than the main couple.

Back onto the plot, I actually loved the combat scenes. They weren't super cringey or fake-looking. They actually seemed real and I enjoyed watching them. Juno and Toktang were really sweet girls, but Juno had me wanting to reach through the screen and tell her that Sun's not interested. Even if Sun wasn't into Sky, he showed clear signs of how he was not in any way into her. and she kept throwing herself at him, it was pissing me off. At least Toktang wasn't doing the most when it came to Sky.

The last thing, the ending was not at all what needed to happen. I get that Sky's dad didn't approve of them being together, but Sun up and leaving felt out of place. I don't know anybody that will stay in love with someone for over six years without contact, but okay. Let's be realistic, if some guy left, I'm not going to sit around and wait on him. But this is a BL, so everything just kind of falls in perfect accordance???

The acting wasn't all the best either. I was happy to see that Gun was given a main role and one that didn't involve being r*pe, but his acting was difficult for me to enjoy. when it came to the comedic parts, he was perfect but when it came to the emotional scene, his facial expression seemed to not convey what he was saying. Same for Tenon who played Bank. While he was the cutest thing ever, his acting felt all over the place. Sometimes it was good, other times it was terrible. Boat did an amazing job at portraying this confused and stoic dude, and he did really well with showing his emotions through his eyes. Pitch and the girls did a decent job, including the dad and the drug dude.

Overall, this wasn't the worst BL ever, and I really was intrigued. I was in love with Sun and Sky's chemistry (until the execution), but I also liked how Sky pined for Sun to confess his feelings. Pitch and Bank stole the show by the end, and the girls weren't gay-haters, so there's a bonus. This was a change of story finally in BL, but it will inevitably be forgotten once KinnPorche comes out.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 11, 2021
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.5

Short and Sweet

This drama was really sweet and short but got the point across, there was nothing of back biting / misunderstandings / breakups or nasty cat fighting.

The story revolved around mafia son, needing a bodyguard, due to a rival gang wanting to sell drugs on his turf, basically that is how the whole unravels. Sky & Sun had a bad meeting in the beginning but slowly they grew to like each other, each character was very strong and they both stood they ground, I loved how Sun was always there for Sky, either cooking / cleaning / or just protecting him, although I must he needed a bit more of a bad ass mafia look, and his fighting skills at times really needed some work.

The second ML couples were just outright funny and to the point of what they wanted from each other.

All the dramatic action scenes are so well done and the actors do it so well!!! Everything about their acting is amazing!! Back to the cast, I remember sky/ gun from love by chance.

Although this was only 8 episodes, which can literally be watched in a day if you nothing else to do and just feel like watching something without the whole thought process,

This drama is it.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 12, 2021
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 5.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Lots of wasted potential.

Let me just start by saying, Gun really sucks at emotional acting. He actually did a good job in the first episode, but then his acting just took a nose dive as the series progressed.

Again, the second couple stole the show for me. I liked them.

It started out strong, but then it began to just lose steam by episode 4. Then it got ridiculous with a lot of scenes that were meant to be serious, but were just stupid. (The pool scene where all Sky had to do was stand and not panic, instead of almost "drowning". The pool water was waist deep at best)

Although not the best script with okay acting, it was still highly entertaining. I enjoyed Boat's acting the most. I don't know if getting shot in the back and waking up from a coma makes you sexy, but gosh, Boat looked EXTRA handsome in the final episode. Maybe it was because he was smiling more. He maneuvered through the scenes pretty okay. His fight choreography was actually pretty good, not Hollywood spectacular, unrealistic as hell too, (you just got a bullet pulled from your back, babes) but good. I also liked the guy that played Pitch. He was a likeable character and the "wisdom giver" of the group. The actor did a nice job. He seemed like the one that had the most acting experience out of the group.

The girl characters, man they were slow on the uptake. I stopped feeling bad for them at this point. "Other than us, there's one more." WHO ELSE WAS IN YOUR FRIEND GROUP, YA DOORKNOBS!!! I really hope that hospital scene was of them confirming the relationship and then just being devastated that it was true.

Anyways the concept was new and interesting, but was just executed poorly. This drama had a lot of potential to be great.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 11, 2021
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Duty or Love

First can't believe it went by so quick. I'm gonna miss it, though full of stress, I enjoyed it very much. Were some scenes goofy cause of the fighting? Yes but that was part of its charm for me. I got very much Where Your Eyes Linger vibes and thats not a bad thing at all cause I love that BL also.

Pitch and Bank were so cute to the very end, so I was greatful to have them to cut some of the stress from Sun and Sky with their comedic relationship. Sugus and Tenon's chemistry was everything and more. Sun and Sky pulled at my heart so many times but that's what made it great, I applaud Boat and Gun for their perfomance; Again I can say the chemistry was everything and more with them as well. The emotions that pour out in their scenes, I loved. Wish we got to see a little more of the girls; Juno and Toktaeng in the flashforward like a surprise confirmation they were dating or something but I'll just make that my headcanon. Also wish we got more on Pitch and Bank but I understand it was Sky and Sun's story. Sky's dad remained a piece of work and that's all I'll say...Mafia parents...

The music? The Ost was cute and had me swaying in my seat everytime.

Would I watch it again? For sure. A quick 1 day binge I recommend.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 11, 2021
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
This review is written in English and Portuguese.

After these episodes I became very attached to Sun and Sky, I really like the story and wait for more, even with this solid end. I hope in future see more of this 4 guys (i mean the second couple were also very good), was it a story inspired by where your eyes are linger? a rewrite? I don't know, but anyway, the similarities were really good, it was a really well executed idea, the actors acted really well, the ost wasn't memorable, but in total I would definitely watch it again. The two couples have a good chemistry, but something was missing...... something was missing to be a remarkable series, something was missing to be a series that would instigate, something was really missing...... but it is a good series.

Depois desses episódios eu fiquei muito apegado ao Sun e ao Sky, eu realmente gostei da historia e espero por mais, mesmo com esse final solido eu espero ver mais dos 4 (eu quero dizer o casal secundário também foram muito bons), foi uma historia inspirada em where your eyes are linger? uma regravação? Eu não sei, mas enfim, as semelhanças foram muito boas, foi uma ideia muito bem executada, os atores atuaram muito bem, a ost não foi memorável, mas no total eu com certeza assistiria outra vez. Os dois casais tem uma boa quimica, mas faltou algo....... faltou algo para ser uma serie marcante, faltou algo para ser uma serie que instigasse, faltou realmente algo..... mas é uma boa serie.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
10 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 11, 2021
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

A great synopsis but a lackluster end product

Well! That's it! Golden Blood is done! And it has left me a bit...dissapointed. And that's unfortunate. Cause the synopsis sounded actually good and it drew me in and made me excited to watch this series. But at the end, I just felt it didn't reach the potential that I thouggt it would reach.

Story- 7.5/10
As I stated before, the synopsis that was presented peaked my interest in this series. And it kept the beginning. But it wasn't the main couple, unfortunately. It was the second couple and thier very few and short scenes. And, yeah, it had flaws (like did those girls really think that they had a chance with Sky and Sun? Like, really?!! And my reaction was also like Sky when he asked Bank along the lines since when he was dating Pitch, cause while they were cute together, I felt it wasn't developed properly). But I still enjoyed it through the acting of the characters Pitch, Bank (sometimes)and Sun's acting.

Also, eventhough I don't think or know if anyone has talked about it, I sometimes felt that (some of) the fight scenes were cringy. And this sucks as this plays a role in the storyline. And when you read the synopsis, you would think that a majority of the episodes would be focusing on how the main couple would have to face Sky's dad. But no. This was just basically two out of the eight episodes.

Okay! So hear me out! I liked the actors who played Bank and Pitch in thier scenes together. I liked the actors who played Sun and Sky in thier scenes together as well. Heck! I liked Boat's character on a whole!

But when Gun was acting when something happened to Boat's character from episode seven...I cringed! Everytime I saw his acting, I told myself 'Why is his acting so?' And then besides that, you have these two girl characters who were so dense that they didn't know that Sun and Sky were together?! And thier reaction when they found out?! That's why I have to give a 7.

I actually lind of liked the music. So I am going with an 8.

Rewatch Valu-3/10
No. I do not see myself coming anytime soon and watching this. Once is actually enough for me. And again, that's unfortunate cause the actors who played Bank, Pitch and Boat were reasonably good in this series. However, I don't see me torturing myself in watching this series anytime soon (unless it's just Bank and Pitch's part and even that wasn't properly done in my opinion).

Overall I give it a 6.5. And that's unfortunate. I felt that this series had so much great potential but wasn't able to deliver it in the end.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 12, 2021
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Ordinary and almost forgettable

Not sure why I had high expectations for this series... the premise of a bodyguard-son of a mafia boss is nothing new but somehow the trailer showed something that had the potential of being interesting... sadly, it wasn't meant to be.

Here is why, in my opinion:

1. Weird storyline. Sun (played by Boat) is an orphan who is adopted by Sky's father and mafia boss to donate blood every month because Sky's mother died when the doctors were unable to help her due to a rare blood condition. Sky's mother and Sky have a condition known as "golden blood" when the blood type (O, A, B, or AB) does not have any + or - rH as we all normally do, making it rH null. The condition does exist but in episode 7 they give numbers of the people with the condition and they exaggerate way too much. It is a very very very very rare blood condition so the chances of 2 persons having it in the same city and actually meeting like Sun and Sky is microscopic. But, let's overlook that...
The fact that Sky's father adopts Sun just to provide blood for his own son and then serve as his bodyguard seems a bit awkward to me. And, they've never met in person and yet both develop love feelings for each other in a flash all while being attacked by Sky's father main rival and while posing as distant relatives in school because Sky doesn't want people to know his father is a mafia boss.

2. Mediocre acting. I like Gun Napat, I really do... but he is not a good actor. We've seen him have good moments in "Love by Chance" when he made us laugh as Techno with some comedy scenes, but here when drama is needed, his facial expression remains the same when he laughs and when he cries. He tends to move half of his mouth in a weird way that looks as if he is laughing but only when you see the tears you realize he is actually crying. Plus, he screams every single time he is mad. Boat has acted in many more dramas and, being 2 years older than Gun, should teach him a thing or maybe 10 to improve his acting.

3. Side couple. Bank (played by Tenon) and Pitch (played by Sugus) are the two saving graces of this show. Tenon is making his acting debut (yes, I know he appeared in a guest role in "Lovely Writer" but this is a much bigger role so I won't count that). Sugus has plenty of experience and at 30 years old, is the oldest of the 4 male actors in this series. We get to see good chemistry between them but sadly it was not developed any further. One episode they don't like each other, then Bank starts developing some feelings for Pitch, who at first rejects him because he is insecure about his own sexuality and feelings for Bank. Then, magically, a switch snaps, and Pitch realizes he loves Bank and end up being a happy couple. It was a bit rushed and we don't get to see a lot of interactions between them (in private) as most of the time Sun-Sky or the two girls are with them. But we've gotten full BL series for secondary couples, even very badly acted BL couples (see "Don't Say No" for an example) so hopefully these two get their own series.

4. Support roles. Toktaeng and Juno (played by Jane and Apple) are the two girls who are interested in Sky and Sun. Both are very naive and don't realize that Sun and Sky are in love when Bank and Pitch figured it out quite fast. They really don't provide anything else because, for the first time in a long time, we don't get the typical jealous and bitchy girl in a Thai BL. In episode 8, both find out that Sun and Sky are lovers, both sit down and cry, and then the show jumps 6 years into the future so we never get to see their full reactions to that confession. The gangsters, lead by the two bosses, are the typical cartoonish characters we've seen in Thai BLs with all of them screaming, pointing guns, fighting, and threatening the other one without much substance. In more Thai BL clichés, Sky's father forbids their relationship and makes a deal to send Sky to study abroad and when he comes back, if Sun and Sky still love each other (despite not being in contact at all) then he will allow their relationship (something similar to what we saw in the much better Taiwanese BL "We Best Love: No. 1 for You"). Then, in another very used gimmick, we have a time jump into the future... but in this case, the time jump is 6 years! What the hell was Sky studying abroad?! After that, all the characters look exactly the same, despite being 6 years older. The girls show no signs of being angry at them and Bank and Pitch are still a happy couple.

Overall, what seemed to be like a very interesting series, ended up being just another mediocre show that, if not for Tenon and Sugus, it would have been mostly forgettable.

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Ash W
8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 13, 2021
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 2.5
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.5

The kind of show you'll forget about by the end of the week

This show starts out pretty fun. We've got a pretty classic premise: spoiled rich kid forced to live with a bodyguard he doesn't want, but overtime his heart softens and they learn to love each other. Sounds like a good show, right?

Well -- it really is fun in the beginning. Sun is trying his best to keep Sky out of danger, meanwhile Sky is trying his best to be a reckless, impulsive college student. Sky doesn't want it out to the world that his father is a mob boss, so Sun has to pretend to be his distant cousin and fellow college student, despite having no clue how to relate to other kids his age. It's a nice funny show for the first 5 or so episodes.

Around episode 6 is where the problems come in. I'm not going to give any plot spoilers, but as you'd expect from a show about the son of a mob boss, the stakes get pretty high in the last few episodes. There's a lot more drama. A lot more emotional scenes. And that's a problem because the lead actor just does not have the chops for those scenes. His acting in the last few episodes made me feel like I was watching _The Room._ I'm not trying to be mean here -- it was really _that bad._

So overall, if you are just looking for something fun to watch I'd still recommend this show. Most of the actors are pretty decent, the side couple is really cute, and the beginning is very fun. If you have high standards or if you just don't want to get invested in a show that will probably annoy you by the end -- then skip this one. Do yourself a favor and go watch Where Your Eyes Linger.

Note: I gave the acting 2.5 stars because bad acting is what killed this show. But that actor is fine in the humorous scenes and the rest of the cast were all decent. If it weren't for his problems with the emotional scenes, it'd be a solid 6 for me.

Also the soundtrack slaps. You can skip the show but don't sleep on this soundtrack.

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