Abandonné 38/52
lapin cretin
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 29, 2024
38 épisodes vus sur 52
Abandonné 1
Globalement 4.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

quelle idiote

arrêté à l'épisode 38... ca devenait insupportable de débilité de voir Dan-Dan se comporter comme une enfant de 10 ans au lieu d'une femme indépendante de 27 ans pour au final donner raison à des parents hystériques... plus jamais je ne regarderai une série de 52 épisodes ca traîne en longueur et on finit par remarquer uniquement les défauts de la série...

le début était vraiment très sympa c'est dommage
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1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 18, 2022
52 épisodes vus sur 52
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0

Début très bien, mais suite "n'importe quoi" : dommage

A l'issue du visionnage total (avec du zapping sur certaines parties, je finis avec un sentiment très mitigé :

- jusqu'à épisode 16 : très bien, très accrocheur.
- Après c'est n'importe quoi !!! Amnésie, retour à l'esprit du ML de 22 ans, tricks de la evil FL, ça dure, ça dure...
- Vers épisode 30 : retour de la mémoire, mais perte des souvenirs de l'intervalle ????
Multiples ruptures incohérentes et sans raison, etc.
Comportement des personnages peu cohérent

J'en passe et des pires.
Les screenwriters ont du beaucoup fumer pour écrire une histoire pareille. Dommage, parce que les acteurs sont bons et font de leur mieux pour mettre en vie cette histoire tirée par les cheveux.

Il faut arrêter la fumette !

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Cet avis était-il utile?
77 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 21, 2022
52 épisodes vus sur 52
Complété 7
Globalement 4.0
Histoire 3.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Royally Flabbergasted !!

I’d like to start of by saying that I was genuinely and happily enjoying this show up until ep 20. After YK had the accident which resulted in amnesia, I was fine because hey what’s a kdrama without amnesia? WRONG! from that point on the plot felt dragged out and became a bit boring and stressful to watch on weekends. Especially when the double amnesia scenario was brought on which made no sense because all the writers creativity went out the window too. Next is that the title of the show is Young Lady and Gentleman, not crazy lady and gentleman. Sa Ra keeps getting more scenes than any of the other main actors.

Her story could have easily been cut short after the engagement was called off. What I’m still trying to understand is how can YK be portrayed as this well rounded person yet when some one like SR steps in he believes all her bs. This ahjumma’s bs can be smelt a mile away yet YK is a fool for her. And the way DD is portrayed as weak and easily swayed it’s just frustrating to watch

** CAUTION!! To any drama lover I suggest you avoid this writers dramas. Always listen and read comments on the writers before to see what others say. I for sure won’t ever watch anything written by this writer.

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59 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 28, 2022
52 épisodes vus sur 52
Complété 4
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Just don't even bother, save yourself the headache.

This deserves a much lower score - but I did enjoy the first 15 episodes, and she did write some damn lovable children, but holy hell was this a disaster, and this writer has been officially blacklisted by me, lol. First of all, not a family drama. Especially if you go in after watching some great ones like Once Again, Never Twice, Five Enough, etc. Definitely more a makjang disguising itself as a family drama. But not even a good makjang. You've got multiple amnesia plots, beyond awful parenting, schemes, a lady who screamed most of the series, a weak ass ML, a female lead that literally never got a break and was always in tears, traumatized children, Sa Ra (she's a whole thing herself), and it goes on. Not a cute healing drama about a older widowed man finding love with his children's teacher.

As many have pointed out in the comments a better title would have been a Gentlemen and a Witch, because somehow Sa Ra was the female lead in this. So much of the narrative was wasted on her and her awful self. The amount of terrible things she did disguised as love, were not love. She was basically an obsessed stalker who wanted a rich husband. If you thought she'd get a fitting end - no, she just left. After everything she did she could just walk away. And the male lead was pretty damn pathetic because he fell for literally everyone of her schemes, even when everyone around him was telling him it was suspicious, which of course hurt the female lead every damn time. At first I was shipping him with Dan Dan but by the end I - along with many others were wondering why she would keep running after this man. And then there's Cha Gun, who was in love with Sa Ra for what? She used him and dumped him every damn time, and he still thought she was a good person?

Literally everyone of the parents were terrible, one trying to sell her daughter off for money and would always play the victim, another one (Dan Dan's dad) who seem liked a timid man but was really a controlling POS still obsessed with his ex who treated his daughter like a child and reacted very hostile anytime she disobeyed him and was consistently disrespectful to his wife's feeling because of his stupid pride. Another mom who just went along with her daughters nonsense specially when her child clearly need professional help who was also a thief. Another who thought she could make up for her mistakes by tricking her daughter and and ex into moving back to the states with her.

Sure there was a happy ending but it felt pretty bitter after everything you suffered through for 52 episodes. Well, less for me since I either skipped through or just flat out didn't watch at least twenty of them, thanks to other people recapping the episodes, lol. Sure I ran the range of emotions from loving it to, eh whats this? to the wtf? to angry to just a complete lack of empathy to eh I guess the ending is cute? But what was the point. All the nonsense in between was just nonsense.

The kids? I give them all the props. Literally more mature than all the adults. The boys themselves were freaking little angels who deserved so much more. I'd keep a eye out for the actors, they were better than some of the rest of the cast. But I guess I should be fair - I think most the cast are better in other dramas.

But yeah, just don't watch it and go watch a lakorn instead. At least you'd be more entertained.

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manicmuse Flower Award1
25 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 3, 2022
52 épisodes vus sur 52
Complété 7
Globalement 3.5
Histoire 3.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

I still can't believe I watched all 52+ episodes of this mess voluntarily.

I gave myself an extra week before finishing this drama because after weeks and weeks of this hot mess of a drama I wasn't quite ready for it to end. Watching this show has been slightly masochistic. The plot is possibly the most ridiculous I've ever committed to watching, the main couple was well past my threshold for cheesiness, and yet I couldn't look away. Every week I volunteered to be irritated by characters and baffled by their actions. The actors committed to some of the worst written characters I've ever seen, so I can respect them for that, but it is so way over the top that I couldn't take a minute of this seriously. If I could rename this drama I would call it "Why can't everyone just mind their own business?!!" since most of the plot ends up being about meddling parents and caring too much about what others have to say. I'm sure culturally this maybe resonates more with a Korean audience but I couldn't relate, and the actions of many of the characters felt insane. I felt insane too because I couldn't stop watching.

The main story is pretty basic. A young tutor/nanny and her widower boss fall in love in the most nonsensical way. There is also an implied HUGE age gap between them which already felt strange because in real life there isn't that same big age gap, and it shows. Their romance also feels extremely childish. The FL was constantly having random mood swings that went from obsessed crush to pouty brat while the ML was usually in robotic and gullible mode. They fought like immature kids, not lovers, for most episodes. Maybe people who like an old-fashioned love story will like how innocent they are but I felt like they traded in chemistry for a more "wholesome" style that was more cringy and corny than exciting and romantic. Still, this didn't stop me from waiting and watching to see what would happen, even when the same tropes kept repeating episode after episode. The silly music often played to remind us when it was supposed to be funny but I don't remember ever laughing... not even once in 52 episodes. I just stared at the screen wondering how something so terrible could put such a spell on me.

The rest of the characters consist of selfish parents throwing tantrums... a Sa Ra who is just as evil and slap inspiring as Se Ra's of dramas past, a lot of random family members in their own relationship messes, and 3 kids... 2 of which are super adorable and the show's highlight by far. All of these characters also constantly talk to themselves aloud which adds another layer to the ridiculousness. Still, I can only blame myself for tuning in each week. I dare say the end didn't disappoint, complete with a cringy musical moment that felt like our big prize for finally finishing this. There were also dramatic moments that left me completely dry-eyed but helped with the closure I need to move on.

Would I watch this again? Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa.


Should you watch it? How do you feel about wasting hours of your life watching parents act like toddlers and the dysfunctional relationships they cause through meddling? Do you think dramas today aren't wholesome enough? Can you just not get enough of Amnesia plots? How about birth secrets and false paternity claims? Do you enjoy yelling "This is so stupid" at the screen? Do you enjoy being frustrated by characters doing things that make so sense at all? Do you love stories that drag out plots and jokes? Then by all means enjoy all 52 episodes of this train wreck of a drama. Scroll through the comments here and commiserate with others who also decided to watch this madness week after week. This is the one time where I feel like watching in real-time was better, and I just can't see binging this show for 52+ hours. The way so many parts of the plot drag on would be more blatant if watched back to back.

And don't forget the special... which could have easily been added to the last episode but maybe they needed more time for product placements and cheesy montages and flashbacks.

I admit that I will miss the "Do-Ba Do-bi-do-bi..." song during the awkward moments, which was a guilty pleasure.
Not to be confused with the more lighthearted "Dodo lehdehdeh..." lol! The music was definitely cued up to set the mood and will probably haunt me for years to come.

Overall, this is definitely a drama for a specific audience, so I don't want to trash it too much because I chose to keep watching. I'm still in shock that I made it to the end. If you dropped it, don't bother trying to watch it again. It doesn't get any "better" If anything it gets worse. Or maybe gather friends and you can heckle it together like "mystery science theater", because I know I wouldn't have made it without the comments here showing me I was not alone.

To all those who also made it to the end, We did it! I don't know why we did it to ourselves, but we did it!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
18 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 28, 2022
52 épisodes vus sur 52
Complété 1
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Why on earth did I throw away 50+ hours of my life on this

Fist drama I watched after seeing clips on youtube
My god please tell me all dramas are not like this
50+ hours of suffering for 10 minutes of happiness
Kind of like my wedding night.

I should have have done my due diligence
Kim Sa Kyung screenwriter has previous form
They literally threw everything at this drama

Amnesia tick
False identities tick
Pregnancies tick
Abandoned child tick
Amnesia (AGAIN FFS)
A FL who cried every episode or so it seemed
A ML who believes everything people tell him
Only saving grace for this dogs breakfast were the child actors

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En cours 51/52
14 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 27, 2022
51 épisodes vus sur 52
En cours 0
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 5.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Run away, fast, now!

If you haven't watched any K-drama for the last ten years, this is a must watch. It will introduce you to almost every over-worked trope in the genre. One by one, you can tick them off - amnesia, getting hit by a truck, false identities, adoption, abandonment, unmarried pregnancies, cancer. Did anyone have Altzheimer's? I don't remember, the whole drama made me wish I could have selective Altzheimer's and forget it all.
It actually starts out well, with good characters and a nice plot. But as soon as the amnesia hits, it becomes absurd and labored. Did they change writers mid stream? Was there a crisis in the writer's life? It's pure garbage from then on.
The only thing I'm keeping from this drama is the lovely theme song, Love Always Run Away," sung by Lim Young Woong. For the rest - I wish I could have the hours I wasted on it back. Don't start, it's good at first but fails completely later.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 27, 2022
52 épisodes vus sur 52
Complété 0
Globalement 3.0
Histoire 2.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 1.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.0

Waste Of Time

To me this drama should have been called the "CRIERS". It seem every scene all the characters did is cry about something it became sickening. Then we get to the story, about families that all they do is stab each other in the back and lie and deceive their own family members and friends. Let us not forget how the rich are better then the poor but the poor lie and deceive just as good. This was such a cliché that I was not surprise by anything. It made be board and sick with every episode. by the 15 episode I decided to jut wait until the last 5 because nothing was going to change and I was correct. Who wrote this. Did they realize we are in 2022. Have we not progress with a better mind of the way we think of society. I always give people the benefit of mind that they are good people, but I am not naïve like they made the FL to be. As a drama lover, I felt insulted by this drama to make us think that we are that stupid. Watch a good family drama, "My Father Is strange" and "Never Twice" both have many episodes but kept us enjoying the family and all the situation that came up with the family. I felt bad for the actors because I cannot blame them. Bad writing and direction. So many scene were cut short you wonder what really happen. Waste of time.

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En cours 48/52
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 25, 2022
48 épisodes vus sur 52
En cours 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0
Finally moving to the last four episodes of this drama. The actors/actresses are very good but the writers put in too many complicated situations for the main couple. I hope they get together in the end, but it would have been better if they got together earlier (say, ep. 35 or so) and then the rest of the side conflicts they could have weathered as a married couple. Way too much time was spent on the wickedness of Sara, Kija, Daeran, Anna and Soochul. So much so that I personally hate all these wicked people. The writers also made out the male lead to have a weak love for the female lead _ if he had a strong love, he would fight for Dandan through thick and thin. And what kind of chairman would readily believe a woman who says she got knocked up by him? A stronger person would take pains to verify all the claims. And why live with your father's mistress? With all his money, he can easily afford to buy Daeran a house of her own as a parting gift to her.
Anyway, I hope I can enjoy the last four episodes because I went through a lot watching the past 48 episodes.

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Abandonné 34/52
14 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 16, 2022
34 épisodes vus sur 52
Abandonné 3
Globalement 4.5
Histoire 3.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Why am I still watching this?! (review after 30 eps) + Add-on: NOPE I AM OUT (after 34 eps)

This whole drama is a mess!

We have family overlaps and ties, way too many "coincidences" that only make things worse, and anger management issues as far as you can see. Not to mention gaslighting, intrigue, lies, stealing, deceit and emotional abuse.

I really liked the story about our two main characters and I still think the basic idea is good, but it's just too much of everthing. It feels like the writers tried to cram every cliché and development that a drama could possibly have into this very drama.
Do we have the "I-can't-love-you-I'm-from-another-world"? Yes.
Do we have the "beeing-left-with-baby"? Yes.
Do we have the "gave-away-the-child-for-adoption-but-now-wants-to-be-near-them"? Yes.
Do we have "lost-memories-because-of-xyz"? Yes
Do we have "I sacrificed myself for you but you don't see me"? Yes.... and I could go on like this for quite a while.

It feels like there are 6 or 7 storylines, which are happening parallel and at the same time only to overlap at the end or in between, to be merged and separated again. At some points you can already see certain plots coming and it's nothing new.

The longer I watch it, the more I realize how selfcentert most of the characters are and how they all twist each others words. I wouldn't mind it that much if it hasn't been like this for 28 episodes and there's absolutely no prospect of character development in sight for any of them.

I think the only reason I'm still watching the whole thing is because of our gentleman's children. The children are portrayed very nice and they are a refreshing sight in all the chaos mentioned above. I like the fact that the children aren't just mentioned randomly and run into the picture here and there, but that they are quite the main characters and actively belong in this story.

In general, this drama is currently more exhausting than relaxing and there is no improvement in sight. Very often I fast forward and skip things because I don't want to see certain plots or characters anymore. I don't know if I'll keep watching it when I reach the current latest episode (33).

Add-on: NOPE I AM OUT! I saw pits and pieces from the next few episodes here and there and nope, I can`t take this anymore. I don´t care how cute or wholesome Dandan and the CEO are and how fluffy they are with the kids and beeing happy familie and stuff when I KNOW that shit will hit the fan again eventually. No more crying and backstabbing and locking people up or telling them who they can love and who not. NO. This drama make me mad and not happy. Even Meteor Garden (Chinese Drama, 2018) with 50 episodes did a better jop. That Series was at least fun to watch and I could laugh about the overly damatic stuff exactly because it was so over the top.
I don´t know if this drama here wanted to do the same thing or not, but if they tried they miserably failed. Most of the time it is just painful to watch, so I am dropping this one after sitting and skipping through 34 episodes or- to put it another way- 39,7 hours of madness.

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En cours 52/52
7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 14, 2022
52 épisodes vus sur 52
En cours 2
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 4.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

I wasted 52 hours of my life watching this

I am not so good at English so I explained it as best as I can. If you wanna try watching this, just don't or you'll regret it. It's not even a family drama. Not gonna lie, I liked the first few episodes. I liked how the leads met and how they had bad impressions of each other but starting to feel affection for each other as time goes by. I liked the super adorable kids and Mirim and Junoh's cute relationship and Seryeon and Daebeom's cringe and cheesy but kinda cute relationship. Other than those, there was nothing likeable. Really, if you watched the drama, you would understand what I'm saying. Actually, this drama had more cons than pros. Like it really had a lot of it. Examples like lying to someone who believed and trusted you, stealing gold bars and a diamond ring from someone you knew for a long time, multiple amnesia plots (believe me, it was a lot), terrible parents (you got that one parent who abandoned her child and now wants to be with her, one parent who used to care so much for money, one parent who doesn't like his daughter's bf cause they in a "different world", one parent that always screams, one parent who got caught of stealing and is now in prison, one parent who doesn't want his child to be with an ordinary girl cause she wants him to be a doctor. And all of these parents only changed when there was only a few episodes left.) You got a weak ML, an FL who cries for almost all of the episodes.

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En cours 42/52
CK Addict
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 29, 2021
42 épisodes vus sur 52
En cours 4
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Reminiscent of The Sound of Music

In the beginning, I like this drama very much. But then it became irritating, so I dropped it. I normally would still check the last episode, especially after investing so many hours into this (I see dropped this around ep 40, so imagine how many hours I've put into this) but for some reason with this series I just never bothered.

I read that because this drama was so popular, they decided to extend the episodes. I wish they didn't - that could be why the drama turned so annoying!

The lead actor and actress act well and looks like decent people (I mean, morally). The ML is rich but he isn't a snob, he treats all his employees and friends with respect, which is a really nice thing to see. And how adorable is his youngest son!!!

I like the pairing of ML and FL. Mr. Lee is warm hearted and Ms Park behaves her age (27). I just love seeing the smile on Mr Lee's face whenever he sees Ms Park.

Aesthetically, the leads are not the most good looking people. But they really win me with their acting. Their smile, sadness, their emotions, won me with each passing time.

And I love the theme song! I even searched for it on Spotify and put it in my favourite folder.

The FL's acting has improved by heaps. I dropped a couple of other drama in the meantime (including The Red Sleeve) as I've been busy, but I can't resist to check out this drama everytime a new episode comes out. Well, until when it got too much!

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The Gentleman and the Lady (2021) poster



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  • Popularité: #1118
  • Téléspectateurs: 15,726

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