0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 28, 2021
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Pretty good with 2 caveats

The show starts of pretty weak, the first 3-4 episodes aren't really that good, althoguh they do decent work to set up all the characters and such.
Then the good parts of the show starts. It's nothign groundbreaking for the most part, and filled with cliches, but I wnat to highlight a few real god things:

1) The FL is strong, but has her clear weaknesses. She has a few very clearly defined flaws that occasionaly bite her i nthe ass (read contracts fully before signing them girl) she is in no ways a pushover, and whiel she gets to be somewhat dependant on the ML in the way peopel would be in a relationship, she is still clearly her own person, with her own ideals and her own way of doing things, and she isn't just deadlocked without the ML solving her problems (he does multipel times, but not because she wasn't willign to solve them herself)

2) The ML has emotions. He starts of as the clicheed cold rock CEO at the beginning, but after 5 or 6 episodes he starts to warm up. And not only towards the FL, but in general. And not just positive emotions either, he just starts displaying the full set of human emotions.

3) While they grab nearly every cliches in the book (no amnesia though thankfully), they resolve a lot of them a lot better han they are suauly resolved, and

4) he whole show atfer the first few episodes just has a good flow of events. You don't feel like it's stuck on one problem or situation for to long.

5) They do a lot better than some other shows (especialy korean ones) to show us the characters working on solutions to a problem instead of just mopping over the problem all the time. And not all of their solutions even work, some of them run basically head first into a wall withotu solving anything, but at least the characters tried instead of beeing deadlocked just lookign at the problem.

6) If you like Kissing scenes, this show has a LOT. And they are msotly pretty good too. And with a lot I don't mean slightly above average. At a rough estimate I'd say before they get together properly they kiss as much as more than half the romances I've seen kissi n total. After they get together i'd say they kiss more in any given episode than half of the lead couples of other romances kiss in the entire drama.

Now to the two main problems I had with this show.

1) As mentioned earlier, the first couple of episodes aren't that great. not 'stop watching' bad, but just not that good.

2) While they manage to nearly completely stay away from stupid cliches and problem handling, they fall for one classic pitfall. After their marriage contract is relvealed in public, they for some unfathomable, unexplained reason can't just solve it by lying. Liek their whole marriage contract was based on both of them willingly lying to the public and faking the relationship. WHen someoen revelas the contract, they could solve 95% of the backlash by simpyl stating 'no, thath's not true' or 'no, that was a joke' and go on with it. And at the point it gets revealed they are a loving couple for plenty of episodes already, with their friends constantly complaining because they show so much affection in public. they have no problem whatsoever proving that they are in a real relationship. Why can't they say that was true from the begining??????

Different spin on cliches, and overall a really good show as contract marriage shows go.

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Joyce Chan
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 9, 2021
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

cliche marriage contract, horrible storyline but cute romance!

i give it a 10/10 or even 11/ 10 for the cute and sweet parts! however the story and other characters gets like a 6.5/10...

The storyline is so choppy, but the overarching theme is the marriage contract and how they fell in love.

Gu Xi xi is a rising fashion designer and has her own online store. There is a very famous brand called Marryme who is designed by the famous Alex. Someone online tried to ask her to get one of the very few marryme wedding dress, that person is none the other but the male lead. Gu si Cheng. He is the owner of Waymo , which is a fashion company... Due to certain situation, they have to be in a marriage contract, thus starting their sweet encounter!

They of course initally didn't like each other but slowly the male lead fell for the female lead. The male lead turned from being a stonecold emotionless person to a cute and caring person through Gu xi xi. However Gu xi xi doesnt have too much growth or character development... but i mean she eventually opens up her own store.

but the storyline development... its super choppy. Like they have a misunderstanding but it doesnt seem to get resolved and she already goes back to him. Or the fact that the annoying second female kept trying to ruin their relationship! They gave her ( the annoying second lead) quite a lot of time to ruin and destroy their relationship.

The other side characters I didnt care for. Usually there is a cute sidekick, but the characters didnt interest me. Esp the friend of the male lead who liked his coworker.

BUT I'm here for their sweet scenes! I anticipated it! it toook forever for it to finally broadcast all ep. I love the love the male lead has for the female lead. They are so cute together and have good chemistry.

I really liked the ost song 因為相愛 by 都智文!!! recommend the song

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 18, 2022
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 2.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0

Cliche but sweet

yep this show has all the cliches, but if you can’t desl with that, why on earth are you watching dramas? It’s just the way they are. Chemistry between the mains is perfect from the beginning and those looking for romance will come away satisfied. The 2FL is horrible and thankfully she gets figured out fairly fast by ML which is usually a gripe of mine when they don’t. The 2ML draws a very short straw sadly, but his role is what it is in shows like this. I didn’t see much benefit to the friend couple scenes, skipped them mostly. If you just want an easy to watch drama where love grows naturally and no stupid break ups, this is one to watch.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 27, 2024
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Drama romantico a base di cliché, che se fatti bene non disdegno comunque mai. Ad attirarmi è stato il tema del matrimonio a contratto/finto matrimonio (ma che poi ovviamente con la convivenza forzata innesca la storia d'amore tra i due). 24 episodi in totale, posso dire che il primo quarto della serie è stato il migliore: buono il ritmo, spunti accattivanti, protagonisti coinvolgenti e con una buona chimica. Poi però, paradossalmente, man mano che la coppia si va consolidando la verve cala: spuntano tutte le banali ed esagerate preoccupazioni per il più piccolo graffio, la chimica tra i due si intiepidisce - il che è un controsenso, già che l'intimità dovrebbe aumentare - e a livello di trama un certo punto sembra non si sappia più che pesce pigliare. E' chiaro il motivo che ha dato vita all'accordo matrimoniale, ma non è altrettanto chiaro quale si l'ostacolo che impedisce ai riscoperti innamorati di vivere per sempre felici e contenti. La rivale in amore non la definirei questo grande ostacolo, la suocera nemmeno, il decollo della carriera di stilista di Xi Xi neanche. E' come se poco dopo la metà della serie sia stata impostata la velocità di crociera con la quale si va infine a raggiungere la destinazione, ma con una traversata relativamente tranquilla e serena, senza particolari intoppi (rispolverare la storia di Alex e della linea Marry Me più che dare un senso al tutto e chiudere il cerchio mi è sembrata una mossa un po' disperata, della serie "non sappiamo più a cosa appigliarci per arrivare al 24esimo episodio"). Meccanismo nel quale mi sono imbattuta anche in altre serie, in particolare modo mi ha ricordato il drama cinese Well intende love. Visione spensierata, con spunti piacevoli intervallati a sprazzi di noia. Non per grandi aspettative.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 13, 2024
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.5

Ik it's a drama but this one is too much drama...

Actually in the beginning the story it's very good I think. I like FL she's a girl that have her own dreams and ML even though he's overproud abt himself but actually he's a nice guy. They mess it with the third and fourth people between ML and FL relationship. There's so many misunderstanding make this drama it's very frustrating to watch. And the worst thing is the second couple which I always skip their part. I don't understand what's the point to add them in this drama. They didn't effect anything in this drama and I can't feel the love and chemistry between them.

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celengan ambu
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 14, 2021
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0

The Story of Cinderella's Contract Marriage

The drama is cheesy, it's really cool! But very entertaining…. :D

The Chinese drama "Once We Get Married" reminds me of the drama "Fated to Love You" which is also about contract marriage. The Cinderella was equally supported by the CEO's grandmother.

In addition, there is a touch of the Chinese drama "Boss and Me", about a misunderstanding that turns into love. And Cinderella's background is "very ordinary" but has aspirations that lift her self-esteem.

Chinese dramas seem to be concerned with women's struggles to be independent. Dong Shan Cai in the Chinese drama "Meteor Garden" is no longer told as a woman, but a tough woman who won a cooking competition.

Therefore, viewers of “Once We Get Married” are disappointed if they expect the drama to end with the news of Gu Xi Xi's pregnancy. This girl is told tough until the end of the episode.

It's boring at the same time! 24 episodes is too much, only 20 episodes is enough.

Even then, the audience must close their eyes to the many holes. Like the story of Yin Si Chen who went to a masquerade party to meet Gu Xi Xi. Yin Si Chen's friend's behavior made him think the woman he met was Ran Xi Wei.

In order to escape Ran Xi Wei's entanglement, Yin Si Chen spoke harsh words and said he didn't like it. It turned out that the woman behind the mask was Gu Xi Xi, not Ran Xi Wei. Gu Xi Xi's heart hurts to hear that.

But…… right, Yin Si Chen went to the party to meet Gu Xi Xi. Even if it's the wrong person, Yin Si Chen should find his contract wife, so that the misunderstanding doesn't drag on.

That's the Chinese romantic genre drama. The things that the audience likes are collected first, then the scenes are broken down. No wonder it's hollow.

The drama "Once We Get Married" also doesn't have a sweet song like the drama "Unforgettable Love". And there's no Xiao Bao, the adorable chubby toddler in the drama.

This drama relies heavily on the acting strength of the main character. Wang Yu Wen as Gu Xi Xi who has been on the small screen since the age of 11.

Also male actor Wang Zi Qi as Yin Si Chen even though his acting career is not as long as Wang Yu Wen, but he has good experience.

But overall, the Chinese drama "Once We Get Married" is very entertaining. Really recommended if you need fresh entertainment, sweet like candy and don't have to frown when watching it.

Swear :D
My full review is written here:

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 25, 2022
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.5

It’s CLICHE But…

Honestly, I get that many people think this is very typical and cliche drama, with its contract marriage and main-lead-has-big-dreams storyline. However, I actually quite enjoyed this drama, because it’s nice and short. It’s sweet- there are a LOT of romance and kisses, which made me go “aww”. It’s funny- many of the scenes in this drama had me laughing uncontrollably, too! Although I think it could have gotten a higher rating from me if the plot was changed a bit, I still think it was definitely worth my time, especially because I respect fashion lovers (as Gu XiXi is a fashion designer), and it packed so much sweetness in only 24 episodes. I would recommend this to anyone who’s looking for a pleasant, modern-life drama.

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En cours 10/24
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 14, 2021
10 épisodes vus sur 24
En cours 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5


Very funny and lovely, interesting drama to watch and the drama is soo sooò good.............
Must watch.............
I just completed 10 episodes .............. ..

Hoping there would be a great ending of this story

The OST is good ? ??

Actually the action ? is super ?? ? ?

I dell for the male lead.....

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Cet avis était-il utile?
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 30, 2021
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

One of the best Chinese Rom-Coms out there!

From beginning to end, this drama stays true to romance and cute comedic moments. Angst is kept at the minimum and is resolved quickly. Also, it focuses almost entirely on the MC without those annoying side romances that, in my opinion, distracts from the MC and makes me push the fast forward button. So, let’s get into the details.

ML – he’s the typical arrogant, unemotional CEO. His one goal is to further his business, which, when we meet him, is acquiring the Marry Me brand from Alex, an Italian-Chinese designer. He’s got the whole thing planned out, right down to the necklace that Alex’s dead wife designed to play on the guy’s heartstrings. FL, however, appears on the scene and turns his plan and life upside down. The skirmishes between these two, as they try to one up each other, are amusing, but eventually, their skirmishes become love and the contractual marriage becomes a real one. Exposed to the warmth of FL's personality, ML’s ice begins to melt and finally breaks, warming him up nicely. His personality makes the transformation from cold CEO to cute and loving husband – which so unlike a lot of Chinese tsunderes who never quite lose their frost. His personality seems to change with his hairstyle. At work or when he’s dressed for business, his hair’s neatly brushed back. At home or at play with FL, his hair is on his forehead, giving him a warmer, more youthful appearance. I would have preferred him to be ruder to Ran Xi Wei (the delusional love rival). Because of their past friendship, he allows her to get away with her scheming a little too easily. This woman needs to receive consequences for her actions not slaps on the hand. He could have done a better job of protecting XiXi from this woman if he’d dealt out some consequences instead of quietly cleaning up the messes this psycho chick created. Don’t get me wrong – he never showed Xi Wei any encouragement and he did tell her to stop her antics – but more should have been done to stop this vindictive lunatic.

FL – she’s independent and clever as well as warm and sweet, a very likeable character…although her cutesy behavior with ML once they’re ‘in love’ does get a little annoying. I’m not a fan of the breathless, pouty, baby talk stuff. Does love suddenly cause women to start cooing like babies? Maybe men find this cute; I don’t. Just act like you always did! That’s what he fell in love with! And here’s a blessed change in drama tropes - her dream didn’t involve travel or study abroad! Finally, a dream that can be accomplish in the same location as ML. Yeah, she leaves for a refresher course, but it’s still in the same country and it’s only three months. That’s a dream I can approve of.

Love rivals? Yea, we’ got two.

Our Male Love Rival – His name is Mo Zi Xin, and he’s an absolute dream! I struggled with SML syndrome pretty bad. How I wish these dramas made two versions – one where ML gets the girl and one where SML gets the girl. There’s really no reason for FL to choose ML over Mo Zixin other than she was forced to be in his proximity nonstop because of the marriage contract. Both men are rich, successful, handsome and wonderful. (Just an aside – all those cons that were in ML’s column won’t be so loveable after a few years of marriage so any woman watching this drama, please don’t choose a man with so many ‘cons’ and no ‘pros’ in real life!) Mo Zixin’s eager yet shy expressions whenever he looks at FL makes a viewer want to swoon. I loved their backstory, and I thought to myself: ‘Damn, if only she hadn’t left the invitation in the car!’ or ‘If only Mo hadn’t been away getting that paint when she needed money.’ So, I guess in the end it was all a matter of timing. My poor baby!

Our Female Love Rival (Ran Xi Wei) – this is one obsessed chick. ML, even in the beginning, never treated her as anything but a friend and useful tool, a.k.a. eye candy on his arm at social events. Had he never met FL, yeah, he might have eventually married her because she was there, and it was his duty to marry. He certainly wouldn’t have married her for love. I honestly don’t know what Xi Wei thought she’d accomplish by making XiXi’s business venture more difficult, a.k.a. stealing models, spreading rumors, exposing diary entries, etc. If anything, these actions only strengthened MC’s relationship. And honestly, the gossip of FL being a gold-digger is just ridiculous, scriptwriter! Are you telling me that the people whispering about her never had those same ideas? There’s nothing shameless about wanting to become rich. And we all know that it was ML that forced the marriage – although at the time, psycho chick didn’t know that. Everything about this character was annoying. She constantly looked like she’d just come out of a rain storm with that flyaway hairstyle and smudged eye makeup. Also, she was costumed in outfits that looked like they were made from the same material as my Grandmother’s couch. That green plaid sandwich bag dress that barely covered her butt was the worst of all. Still, without this vindictive harpy, MC wouldn’t have had any obstacles to outcome so I guess she served her purpose.

I applaud the scriptwriter for making ML’s mother into the kind of Chinese parent that I like. At first, she appeared to be the typical control freak mom that promised trouble for our couple, but she turned out to be a good judge of character. After some initial sternness, she readily accepted FL and pledged her support. Grandma (ML’s, not FL’s) was a sweetie as well! FL’s mom was nice but her father and grandma were grafters. Nevertheless, these are kind of Chinese parents/family that I like – they accept and approve of their child’s love interest. They add warmth and humor to the overall plot.

Another trope that this drama rejected was the dingbat bestie…at least as far as FL goes. Xiaoya was upbeat and lively without being a dingbat. They also didn’t involve her in a romance, which was a blessing. C-dramas get too bogged down with side romances that distract from the MC. That being said, there is a side romance between ML’s guy bestie, Shang Ke, and Ruona. Thankfully, the director/scriptwriter didn’t focus too much on them. Shang Ke was the one playing the role of dingbat bestie – his character was just downright stupid, and I have no idea why a smart woman like Ruona would fall for this guy. He was like a not overly bright child. Enough said about that couple.

Once again, this is one of the best Chinese Rom-Coms I’ve watched, and I highly recommend it to viewers who like romantic fun without a lot of teeth gnashing or brick throwing at the TV. The plot isn’t overly complicated or filled with angst. Most of the scenes just involved MC falling in love with each other. They have some obstacles to get over (mostly one caused by psycho chick’s scheming) but misunderstandings are cleared up quickly and they move on to sweet romance. I highly recommend this drama!

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Abandonné 16/24
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 12, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 24
Abandonné 6
Globalement 1.0
Histoire 3.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Things are wrong from the start. A lot of details are beyond messed up.

(1) Bad taste in costume design despite the story being about fashion designer

The FL is a clothing designer, but every point about FL's costume in this series is absolutely tasteless. They shouldn't create an FL to be a designer if they don't have knowledge about this aspect at all.

In the first scene of the story, the FL observes the quality of a dress that forges a brand name by scrutinizing how cheap the quality and price the dress actually is. By the end of the same ep, she wears a dress to a luxurious party hosted by a renowned designer. Her dress is supposed to be the epitome of her own work, but what she wears is cheap from head to toe. Her hair ribbon is cheap. Her wavy hairstyle doesn't go along with the wavy necklace (which also looks fake and cheap). Her own dress is low quality without any trace of the design that can be praised. Her drop-dangle eaพrings pairing with her (limping) lacy dress and her wavy style make her look tangled and raveled. The costume team of this series just doesn't know what is good taste. It's very contradictory when the renowned designer genuinely admires the FL's style.


(2) Improper (- some even get to the point of stupid) cause and effect of events scattering all over the place

Causes that affect events in this series irresponsibly come out of the blue - no root. no clue. at all. Like the writer is beyond lazy to place any solid background for the story and just finds the easiest way out to send the FL into the writer's designated events by throwing her into the situations like magic. Example:-

(2.1) The FL's close friend confidently tells the FL without any hesitation she will get the invitation to the high-class party hosted by the renowned designer for FL. This friend works as a 2nd-rated model but doesn't have proper knowledge about fashion design or the fashion circle. She doesn't have rich-family background. She doesn't have knowledge about the host apart from he is simply a renowned designer. She doesn't even know why he is famous (despite being a model - which totally deserves to be just a 2nd-rated). Where the hell is this confidence of hers to find the invitation to the party for her friend within the shortest time by the next day? As the connection of a no-name model can be that strong!?

(2.2) The FL drives a car in the rain and almost hits the 2nd ML who stands beside the pavement. He doesn't stand on her lanes, but he feels guilty as he thinks it's his fault standing there that causes the accident. What ridiculous is, despite being very good-natured the FL is, she accepts that it's kind of his fault. Excuse me?? It's you who are not skilled in driving!? Not to say that she bumps her car into a sidewalk tree. That tree is on the 2nd ML's side of the pavement. It's like when she sees him, she panics and dashes the car in his direction. My gosh, that can kill him considering her driving skills and the 2nd ML is still the one who says sorry while the FL accepting the apology.


(3) Destructive details due to lack of knowledge and intelligence of the writer and production team

- In an afternoon party of the high-class circle, when the FL says she majored in design, the others mention the top colleges in design as Columbia, Standford and UCLA. Hell to the writer and production team, you are unknowledgeable at all.


(4) With the FL's dialogue, reaction and decision in each crucial event, it shows that she is pretty much stupid

Due to the intelligence level of the writer and production team, it can't help that finally it affects the FL character the most. This is a story told from FL's perspective, so the writer/production team's intelligence reflects her intelligence.


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En cours 9/24
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 15, 2021
9 épisodes vus sur 24
En cours 0
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musique 6.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Typical contract marriage romance

Typical contract marriage romance with a scheming second female lead and a nice guy second male lead. I hate that the writers made the female lead a “designer” but all her outfits are not stylish or trendy AT ALL. Sometimes she even looks matronly. This aspect really annoyed me throughout the entire series. The guys were all well dressed though. Otherwise decent, though cliche, storyline. Romance between the leads were good. Felt the side story with the guy’s best friend and his subordinate was unnecessary so I did fast forward through many of their parts.
Cet avis était-il utile?
Abandonné 10/24
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 21, 2023
10 épisodes vus sur 24
Abandonné 0
Globalement 1.0
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Musique 1.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Load of crap

I am so mad @ this series. I’m absolutely infuriated. To say some of the things that has happened before I dropped this crap, is a load of nonsense rubbish garbage is putting it mildly.
Firstly, This turned from a marriage contract to a slave contract.
First it was agreed that she would have her own private room but low and behold that didn’t happen, not only did she not get a room, she is get to choose between a closet or sofa. Two (2) very uncomfortable places to sleep while he gets to sleep on a big soft bed. And she’s mandated to read to him every night. I’m getting madder as I am typing this.
Secondly, they agreed not to meddle in each others lives but he has been meddling in hers constantly. A girl confessed to you that she likes you and said girl has had a run in with you “wife” in your presence and you know it wasn’t pleasant, then what do you proceed to do, you bring said girl to your home. He proceeds to command the wife in an authoritative master/servant relationship to go and get him water to drink and she obediently stands up to go do her master’s bidding but then gets stopped by the woman who was brought to the house, with the announcement that she’s in love with her husband. Said husband proceeds to get angry that the wife is not jealous.
Thirdly and the most infuriating of all. He literally tells her what to do. Come here, sit here, she literally obeys every command of his and walks meekly with him, she is sassy but her sassiness is fleeting, one minute you will think she’s about to stand up to him, next minute she’s apologizing and doing exactly what he wants. He literally threw her iPad in the water and destroyed the hard work she put in just because he was jealous, and surprise surprise she ended up apologizing to him in that scene. Gosh I am so mad. The scenes that broke the camels back for me was when he gave her the Italy materials to learn and was quizzing her on how to pronounce the words, he held a whip, granted he didn’t whip her but the fact that he held that whip was so wrong on all levels and I was not there for that at all, then after making the girl that confessed to him teach his wife etiquette lessons, she got bruises on her feet, then got sent home and told to write something 100times likes she’s a little kid.
None of what this guy did to this girl in this series is remotely acceptable IMO and I’m so disappointed that more people aren’t calling out this load of BS
But wait all this is all ok somehow because wait for it…. He’s falling in love with her hence all this emotional and implied physical abuse is cute.
I am so freaking mad with this BS. I can’t remember the last time I was this mad at anything much less a tv series.
I fucking dropped this piece of shitty crap @ ep10
1/10 because I can’t give it 0/10

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Once We Get Married (2021) poster



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