2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 3, 2021
31 épisodes vus sur 31
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0

la comédie romantique de l'année!

Cela fait (très) longtemps que je n'avais autant adoré une comédie romantique. Alors, oui j'ai eu des coups de coeur, des dramas que j'ai aimé, des dramas qui m'ont fait pleuré, des dramas qui ont fait battre mon coeur à vitesse TGV, mais tout en même temps, je les compte sur le bout d'une main.
Avant toute chose, il faut savoir que ce drama m'a particulièrement parlé, que j'ai été personnellement touchée par l'histoire. J'ai vécu pratiquement la même romance que Liang Chen et Lu Jing. Cela peut paraitre cliché ou niais, mais pour tout vous avouer, j'ai vécu mon histoire de la même façon, comme un conte de fée incroyable (qui continue aujourd'hui, merci chéri ^^). Je n'étais pas une star (du moins pas de la même façon que Liang Chen) et mon chéri n'était pas un programmeur de génie amoureux de son idole. Mais.
25 ans, maman d'un petit bout de 2 ans à l'époque, j'ai l'heureuse et unique chance dans la vie d'avoir été posée un lapin par un pote (merci copain) sur le serveur d'un jeu, PSO sur la dreamcast (oui, cela date!), le premier jour du lancement du jeu en France. Et mon inconnu, canadien au grand coeur, plus jeune que moi, étudiant en première année à l'université au Canada, me voyant, avec mon pitoyable niveau 1 (il devait être au niveau 50 quelque chose si je ne m'abuse), tourner en rond de dépit, me demande gentiment s'il peut m'aider. Et me voilà faisant équipe, nuit après nuit (décalage horaire oblige) avec lui, pendant plusieurs mois.
Que de souvenirs à ces nuits magiques à discuter par messagerie pendant que l'on trucidait joyeusement les ennemis (Ah le temps de MSN messenger).
Que d'émotions au souvenir de cette première fois où j'ai entendu sa voix au téléphone ( Ah la fameuse carte d'appel internationale que je devais courir acheter pour pouvoir appeler au Canada hahaha), et son accent tellement adorable dont je ne comprenais pas une goutte....
Que de fou rire à l'image évoquée de ses amis étudiants, qui n'y croyait guère à l'histoire de mon chéri, qu'une femme de 25 ans en France puisse aimer un étudiant jamais rencontré au bout du monde, lorsqu'ils m'ont pour la première fois vu à l'amphithéâtre.
Et voilà que 20 ans plus tard, nous voilà à regarder ensemble un drama contant un peu notre histoire, il y avait de quoi nous émouvoir au-delà de tout.

Cette comédie romantique est quasi parfaite :
- L'OST est superbe. C'est d'ailleurs grâce à la chanson de l'opening, dynamique et pleine d'émotion que j'en suis venue à découvrir cette perle. La chanson, "Never Stop" est interprétée par Clare Duan, Duan Aojuan, du groupe Rocket Girl 101 (elle chante aussi une chanson dans l'excellent "King's avatar" et la comédie romantique "Go Go Squid")
- La famille des deux protagonistes! les deux familles sont adorables, pleines d'humour, typiquement le genre de famille qu'on rêverait d'avoir. J'ai adoré la relation qu'avait Lu Jin avec ses grands-parents et Liang Chen avec ses parents. La rencontre "fortuite" de Lu Jin avec ses beaux parents ou Liang Chen avec sa future belle-famille était pleine de douceur, de drôlerie et d'acceptation. C'est vraiment un gros plus, car ici, pas de combat sanglant avec la belle-famille pour se faire accepter ou de guerre entre les deux familles.
- Les personnages secondaires ! Une fois n'est pas coutume, j'ai totalement adoré les deux personnages secondaires, Sun Bin Yu et Ma Shan Shan. Leur relation était tellement touchante que les derniers épisodes m'ont donné les larmes aux yeux. Au départ, je pensais que Bin Yu allait être le gros relou lourdeau qui poursuit la nana sans relâche, ce qui a généralement le don de m'énerver. Nan, pas ici, au fur et à mesure, on se rend compte que chaque action de Bin Yu est empreint de respect pour l'actrice, d'amour profond et que tout ce qu'il fait, n'est pas pour être avec elle, du moins ce n'est pas son objectif premier, mais plutôt de la réconcilier avec la vie. Avec elle même.
Souvent, le rival est soit meilleur que le lead principal, soit le rival qu'on aime (ou pas) détester. Ici, ni l'un, ni l'autre. Oui, c'est possible d'avoir une 3ème catégorie pour le rival : le respect! Ding Jia Yun est un rival qu'on ne peut qu'estimer. Son calme, ses regards tristes et en même temps empreints de douceur sont autant d'atout. Mais ce qui m'a fait le plus craquer (ah oui, on peut craquer pour ce type de second lead), c'est la maturité de son amour. Prêt à la protéger jusqu'au bout, Jia Yun ne cherche pas à la retenir non plus, ni à lui faire peser sur ses épaules ses sentiments. Non seulement, il ne fera jamais un geste déplacé que cela soit envers elle ou envers Lu Jin, mais en plus, il se retirera avec classe. Il n'y a donc pas dans ce drama de triangle amoureux frustrants, ni de rivaux tordus et complexés.
La manager et l'assistante de Liang Chen doivent être aussi soulignées. Parfois ( pour ne pas dire souvent), les managers ou coachs, aiment à régenter la vie de leur protégé jusqu'à interdire toute relation et toute vie privée. C'est assez agaçant. Ici, enfin, une manager, qui sans pour autant garder sa langue dans sa poche, donnera tout son soutien à Liang Chen. Encore une fois donc, pas de drame ou de complot épuisant de la part des proches de nos protagonistes afin de les séparer pour une quelconque raison fumeuse.
- En dernier : Nos personnages principaux!!! La raison pour laquelle, ce drama est autant génial.
Dès le premier épisode, je tombe amoureuse de Lu Jin! J'avais déjà, comme beaucoup, vu le drama "Put your head on my shoulder" avec Lin Yi. Pour être honnête, j'avais aimé ce drama mais sans plus. Lin Yi ne m'avait pas marqué plus que cela. Mais ici, il m'a TOTALEMENT bluffé! Damn, ce regard et cette expression à chaque fois qu'il rencontre son idole est indescriptible!!
Lorsqu'il voit Liang Chen, c'est incroyable ( la scène où Liang Chen est dans sa voiture et qu'ils se croisent à l'université, ou dans l'avion par exemple). C'est intense et innocent à la fois. Ce regard, cette micro expression où l'on sent toute son incrédulité (je serais pareil si je rencontrais Lee Hong Gi ou Nam Goong Min) mêlée d'une adoration sans borne sont tellement bien joués que mon coeur s'emballait comme un cheval fou. On comprend que Liang Chen ait pu être être troublé à ce point.... Lin Yi est l'amoureux par excellence. Respectueux, taquin et totalement amoureux comme pas possible, il est doux et a ce côté rassurant du mâle alpha sans l'arrogance du savoir ultime. Oui, j'en suis tombée amoureuse. C'est avec impatience que j'attend son prochain rôle.
Lulu Xu est une actrice que j'avais découverte dans "Destiny's love" mais je ne la trouvais pas spécialement douée, ni jolie non plus....jusqu'à son rôle de Liang Chen. Elle a explosé l'écran de son sourire innocent et de ses expressions adorables et maladroites. Elle m'aura fait mourrir de rire, surtout dans la première partie en étant le "human bag pack!" et ses interventions impromptues et kawaï ( Les scènes où elle gronde Lu Jin lors d'un de ses streamings ou la scène de l'après concert ignorant que son beau père était présent dans la loge...). Liang Chen est une femme forte diablement amoureuse, le fait qu'elle sache ce qu'elle veut, où elle veut aller, est génial à regarder. Réconfortant.
- La romance entre ces deux personnages est donc magnifique. Le naturel de leur relation est sacrément rafraichissante. Il n'y a pas de dispute, de quiproquo (si l'on ne compte pas les moments où Lu Jin ne savait qu'il jouait avec Liang Chen), de rupture douloureux, de chantage, rien, juste un amour profond et incroyable.
Ce moment où Lu Jin comprend qui est "Little Box" est purement excitant, drôle et magique.
Ce moment où Liang Chen comprend qui est Lu Jin est totalement hilarant et carrément épique.
They are so freaking cute (oui cela sonne mieux en anglais). Je ne compte plus leur câlin, les gestes hésitants et balbutiants l'un envers l'autre, ni leurs baisers devenant de plus en plus sensuels, il y en a pléthore. Ne parlons même pas de leur première fois, drôle et sensuel à la fois. C'est un couple qui nous fait rire, nous fait sourire bêtement, nous oblige parfois à rougir. Leur alchimie est explosive et on se plaît à croire qu'ils sont réellement un couple. Je pense que la dernière fois qu'un couple m'avait donné autant de battement de coeur, cela devait être "Queen In Hyun's man". Vous savez, ce genre d'amour qui résiste à tout. Cet amour qui vous tient la main et ne vous lâche plus. Quoiqu'il arrive.
Si je devais donner une fausse note, la deuxième partie un chouia moins bon que la première partie. Mais, honnêtement, cela serait pinailler. Dans l'ensemble, la réalisation est très bonne. Il n'y a pas eu trop de problème de doublage et de résonance des voix. Les scènes se suivent avec cohérence et sont tournées avec finesse. Certains tableaux sont très beaux et les plans filmés avec grâce (surtout ceux sous la neige).
Cela peut paraître un tantinet ennuyeux, car tout le monde est heureux, sauf peut-être Jia Yun, et nous avons droit à un superbe happy ending. Et pourtant, c'est aussi une des grandes forces de ce drama. Il n'y a pas d'angoisse, pas de frustration, pas de querelle à rallonge, pas de méchanceté, pas de mauvais tour. Juste une belle et magnifique histoire d'amour entre notre star de la chanson et un étudiant d'université plus jeune. Une histoire qui a su transcender mon écran et apporter un rayon de soleil durant ces 31 épisodes. Une histoire que je conseille de savourer sans modération.

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Enjoy little things
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 19, 2021
31 épisodes vus sur 31
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0

Sympathique mais aurait pu être encore meilleur.

Je viens de finir ce drama chinois, qui était sympathique, mais ce n'est pas non plus celui qui m'a le plus marqué.

En fait, je trouve que l'idée de base est bien trouvée, les acteurs sont pas mal, mais par contre, quelques petites critiques négatives pour moi :

* L'histoire débute, le couple principal se lie d'amitié via un jeux en ligne. Jusque là, super sympa, jolie idée. Mais pour moi, beaucoup trop lent à démarrer du coup dans la vraie vie : Il faut attendre au moins 15 épisodes pour qu'ils se lient dans la réalité, tout le reste du temps c'est par écran interposé. L'idée était sympa, mais par contre, du fait de ce démarrage trop loin dans la série, je me suis moins laissée embarquer.

* Le couple secondaire, aurait pu être mignon, mais idem, trèèèèès long à se former, et encore, sans vraiment être en couple hormis dans le dernier épisode. Quel dommage...

Donc j'ai passé un bon moment, je ne me suis pas ennuyée. Mais je pense que cela aurait pu être bien meilleur.

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Ye Xiu
107 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 1, 2021
31 épisodes vus sur 31
Complété 5
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Warm and Simple

As I grew older Its weird but I tend to like simple stories. The warmth and simplicity of the love story tends to affect me compared to those cliche plots with third party etc. i give this 10 because I always based my rating to chemistry no matter how good a story if the leads are not compatible its useless.

And Based on previous Lin Yi dramas he is best suitable for modern romcom dramas than historical or he might be suitable for drmas like Wuxi a (eternal love cinematography ) .

I like dramas with not that much third party issues .

Simple and Warm drama

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Cet avis était-il utile?
59 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 1, 2021
31 épisodes vus sur 31
Complété 5
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

One of the dramas I'm adding to my all time favorites

I feel like there are only a few Chinese dramas where I know for a fact I will rewatch again and this one is one of them. The direction this drama took, for the most part, was to my liking..

First of all, some people may not like the video game scenes because it doesn't really focus on the main story. I, for one, loved the video game scenes. I love the action and of course seeing the action stunts of the ML. For the most part, the ML shine in these action scenes. The FL was just silly & hilarious in those game scenes. I mean it's through these video game scenes how our leads eventually develop feelings for each other (despite the fact the ML was already a fan of the FL). I'm kind of disappointed that there weren't more video game scenes towards the end so they would've kept this theme throughout the drama but that's just me. Some may actually be glad the game scenes are done.

Finding out that the FL is a singer in this drama instantly drew me in because I love hearing songs in a drama and I love all of the osts being played in this drama, whether it was the FL singing it as part of the drama scene or the song being played as background music to the scenes. These songs got me hooked.

Story wise, it's average. It's nothing memorable or special. Some may get frustrated on how long it takes for the leads to finally be together or how many near misses they have with each other. For me, I like the way it was handled. So many "gasps" I had only to be ended with "aw darn". The drama eases in to their relationship. The ML & FL relationship & the dorkiness of the ML's friends are what really hold this drama together for me, despite not having an actual story plot.

A few issues I (and maybe others) have with this drama:
- The love rival of the ML (Jia Yun) looks to old and it's just creepy. This guy suppose to be the love triangle who's interested in the FL and yet he looks more like he could've been her father. This was very awkward for me as I had to skip a lot of his scenes.
- Secondary characters & couple: They were just there. Sure the SFL (Shan Shan) had a life issue due to a broken heart but it wasn't enough to take interest in her character. Her character was just bland at the start and the SML (Bin Yu/Taro) well... he was just a goofball overall. I kind of wanted more interaction of them with the leads (in a good way). I will say that I did start to take interest in these characters a little more after our leads got together but that's towards the 2nd half of the drama but man is this pair a dousy.

That's all the issues I had. Overall, I enjoyed it. The chemistry between the lead characters, the multiple comedic scenes throughout this drama, the number of times the FL embarrassed herself when with the ML, the dorkiness of the ML's friends, and of course the awesome & beautiful songs this drama features. None of the typical Chinese drama cliches in this drama which is definitely a plus for me.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
19 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 11, 2021
31 épisodes vus sur 31
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Dethrones Love O2O and Put Your Head On My Shoulder as my favorite RomCom!

I almost didn't watch this drama based on some negative comments and also the first 2 episodes had a rocky start, but once episode 3 hit and our leads finally interact via the game I was hooked. This drama is one of the funniest ones I've watched in recent memory. I was cackling nearly every single episode. I loved Lu Jing's roommates. Not a single brain cell between them and I love them for it. The gaming scenes were my favorite. Great CGI and funny interactions between our two leads. It made me excited to see what would happen when Lu Jing realizes who he's been gaming with. One thing I did not expect going into this was our main cp's chemistry. When I tell you that it was SCORCHING HOLY SHIT. Lin Yi has such a baby face but he amped up the sexual tension once he and Liang Chen finally meet in person. WHO TAUGHT THIS XIAO DIDI HOW TO KISS LIKE THAT??? He looked like he wanted to gobble Liang Chen during every scene. I was literally hiding behind my hands and giggling because I couldn't handle how sensual it was. Their first kiss had me in hysterics. Their first time in bed had me on the floor. I would say this drama is a must watch based on the two lead's chemistry alone. It's well worth it. I loved most of the supporting characters. The only things I didn't like were Jia Yun and the Ma Shan Shan/Taro relationship. Jia Yun creeped me out. He wasn't crossing any boundaries but the way he would try and reign in Liang Chen at times just put me off. I wish the writer's had axed this love triangle because he is way too old for her. His style of dress and speaking doesn't help either. Ma Shan Shan I also had issues with. I get she suffers depression due to her past relationship but she was so damn boring. I fast forwarded through most her scenes. And don't even get me started on her relationship with Taro. He really creeped me out in the beginning, too. He never respected her boundaries, borderline stalking her, wouldn't take no for an answer, etc. I wasn't rooting for them at all. They did grow on me a smidge at the end, but I wasn't invested in them at all. Over all, this drama is simple, romantic, and makes you smile. The plot isn't complicated, the leads shine with every scene they're in, and it's hilarious. No miscommunications or petty breakups for drama in the relationship, which I appreciated. The drama has a slow start and some may find the constant near misses of Liang Chen and Lu Jing frustrating, but if you can look past that and just buckle up for a fun ride, then it's well worth the time to watch.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
26 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 1, 2021
31 épisodes vus sur 31
Complété 1
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0

Surely not worth of waiting, but was enjoyable.

Being one the most anticipated c-dramas of this year, and being in my ptw for a long time I expected very much from 'Love Scenery' though it doesn't have any factor which specifically disappoints me there was nothing that could impress me so it was just an average show for me, wasn't really worth of waiting for ages. It was just an enjoyable ride nothing much.

In the first episodes, we didn't get anything more than just gaming scenes with 'A big amount of missed encounters'

A predictable filled with cliches plot. 'Fate' and 'Unrealisticness' bothered me a bit. It was too unrealistic and hard to believe many events. The first half of the drama gives slow-burned romance vibes but later it turns out to be totally opposite. Another thing that bothered me in the plot was unnecessary twists and surprises because it just felt it was just for sake of 31 episodes. Surely plot isn't a key point as it's nothing different than most Chinese rom-com.

Lu Jing being perfect in every way possible an ideal ML. Though his character is really good as I prefer more realistic character it wasn't that great for me. But he is mature more than his age but can be rude too sometimes. Talking about Liang Chen she is just unrealistically naive and sweet, to be honest, I'd expected her character to be badass and 'A strong FL.' Not being a fan of any side couples but I really liked leads chemistry.

1. Cinematography: It has beautiful cinematography, one of the strong points of the show. The camera angles are perfect though the editing of the first few episodes of the show wasn't that good it gets better. Being good throughout good still didn't impress me in the gaming scenes.
2. Music:Here's a thing which is done properly 'Music' surely suits the main genre as it has. The OSTs and background music, soundtracks are really really. I really love the opening song 'Never Stop' in its rock version.
3. The chemistry between leads is good and they look great together
4. Perfect if you like sweetness and fluff.

1. Annoying and unnecessary SML. His character was kind of creepy too.
2. The amount of gaming scenes in the starting become the most boring part for me.
3. The voice dubbing wasn't that good.
4. I've a little problem with FLs acting which feels like really overboard and too much.
5. It's too predictable, cringy and cliche.
6. None of the characters were dimentional

So overall it have both good aspects and bad too! it could have been better in many ways. Still didn't had memorable experiendce but it was fun and interesting ride for me.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
13 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 4, 2021
31 épisodes vus sur 31
Complété 1
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.5

How to Date a Celebrity

I have never thought I would have enjoyed a youth drama such as this one, but this drama proves me wrong. I have really enjoyed it. The acting is natural, the characters are lovable and the sweet internet romance is very real and cute. This is my go-to drama after a hard day of work. It is really relaxing and funny that makes you warm and laugh out loud. There are no annoying characters and no bad love triangles. The story is simple sweet and heart-warming and the main actors are beautiful and lovely.

He's an all-rounder straight A’s college student and a gamer, and she's an alumnus and a popular singer. He's her secret admirer and, she barely knows him. Then they meet playing online game and their romance begins, without knowing who each other is; they just fall in love.

Dating a celebrity is hard work, and a celebrity’s dating is also a hard work. Both cannot do things that normal lovers do. But both are willing to sacrifice for the other.

Playing the character Liang Chen, Xu Lu is very convincing. As a true singer herself in real life, Xu Lu pockets her role perfectly and effortlessly. She is immaculate and natural as if Liang Chen is her. She absolutely nails it and more. Xu Lu is beautiful, fashionable, and so adorable that anyone can fall in love with. No wonder Lu Jing (Lin Yi) falls head-over-toe in love and cannot have enough of her.

Lin Yi has also nailed his character. Long legged with slender long fingers, Lin Yi is so good looking with a boyish face. After all, he is 4 years younger than Xu Lu in real life and as in the story. But their chemistry is amazing. They are so convincing as two lovers. Their kisses (a lot of them) are real and passionate. They really love each other so much and cannot have enough of each other. And they are explicit about their feelings for each other; they don’t hide their love in front of their friends and relatives. It is really sweet and beautiful when two young people fall in love. Being so tall, Lin Yi looks exquisite in his large wardrobe of trench coats.

The OSTs

As Liang Chen is a singer, various songs are sung constantly throughout the drama. These songs are beautiful and the lyrics are touching. I particularly love it when Lu Jing plays the Tchaikovsky’s violin concerto which is one of my favorites, and it is being done rather extensively. Though not perfect acting playing the violin, Lin Yi’s tall figure, long legs and slender fingers make up the imperfections.

My verdict

This drama raises an interesting question:

Should a woman choose a successful and mature man or a young impulsive big boy to be her future partner? For Liang Chen, she has no doubt that Lu Jing is the one. So the answer is, it all depends on what one wants in life and what one's values are. For me, I would have chosen Lu Jing too. Who would you have chosen?

This is the best big sister/little brother rom-com I've ever watched. Bravo!

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Hail - hailkingseokjin
8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 2, 2021
31 épisodes vus sur 31
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5

Watch this for a satisfying romcom with a lot of good kissing!

I know many people were disappointed cause they had high expectations, but I did enjoy this a lot. Just don't expect an INCREDIBLE and innovative story, it's just a light and enjoyable romance. Which is great for those of us who like that.

I will be completely honest and tell you that what REALLY made this drama good for me was Lin Yi. He's so beautiful here I was bewitched most of the time. He's charismatic and the acting is on point. He acts so in love you really believe it (and the kissing scenes.. omg).
The female lead is good as well, just not as believable. in my opinion.

The biggest flaw is the plain story and the side characters plot, which I felt was boring.
And I did skip some game scenes when I wasn't in the mood, but they weren't as lame as in other dramas.

Overall, really good romantic comedy with a lot of relationship development!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 9, 2021
31 épisodes vus sur 31
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Annoying supporting casts

Check out Instagram account Cykodramaqueen for video clips of this drama:)

I liked the development of both leads Lu Jing and LIANG Chen. Both were smart and intelligent, and talented in their respective fields. They were both dressed very well, especially in Chanel, Valentino and Balenciaga. Their romance from not knowing their identities in the game to getting engaged- it was mature and well done. Their chemistry was good too, with many kissing scenes ;)

I loved the OST and the cinematography- very well done. I also loved the gaming aspect of it- with Lin Yi playing the Asian James Bond! The FL in the game was annoying though- cos she couldn’t even throw a grenade properly. The make belief concerts, singing and violin/ guitar playing was quite fake- too obviously fake. It would be better for actors to act the skills that they can? I read that Lin Yi is majoring in Ballroom Dancing- it would be nice to see him dance.

What I didn’t like:
1) SML - so so so annoying. I skipped most of his scenes
2) Ma Shan Shan SFL- also so so so pathetic. Until the end I still don’t get why she was so hung up on her ex bf till she can’t even move on after so many years?
3) Love rival- Jia Yun (cringe..) His looks alone was cringe.
4) Lu Jing roommates - man... so immature and stupid.

I don’t know why the producers made all the supporting cast so annoying and immature. They could have done with less and maybe cut from 31 to 25 episodes and just focus on the main leads?

Also, the last episode of the plane turbulence- completely unnecessary! Like what... you need another 10mins to fill in the gap? Sigh... otherwise it would have been a great show.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
With You
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 18, 2021
31 épisodes vus sur 31
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers


First I'm waiting for this drama from Mid-half of 2020. This drama I'm watching for LIN YI & LU LU XU. I directly came after watching of "Sunshine Of My Life" and didn't watched" THE BLESSED GIRL " but came here for LOVE SCENERY.

This drama has awesone OST and lots of romantic scene (as shown in trailer).

Both actors are good fit for the drama.The story is very good as FL starts developing little crush for ML.

The worst part is when that uncle (HU- BING)whom she expresses as her friend be the love rival of ML.

I thought that HARRY would be love rival of ML but it is opposite of what I expected.

I liked ML after I saw "PUT YOUR HEAD ON MY SHOULDER ".

There should more drama's of LU LU XU & FAIR XING with LIN YI.

If you have watched and loved PUT YOUR HEAD ON MY SHOULDER & 1/2 OF LOVE SCENERY

I wanted this drama to never end with only 31 EPISODES, because their chemistry is too cute.

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Shailaja Jha
8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 1, 2021
31 épisodes vus sur 31
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Couldn't meet up to the expectations of many!

I fell for Lin Yi in the year 2019 when PYHOMS was released! And ever since, I heard the news of "Love Scenery" was in production as Lin Yi's next C-drama, I have waited every single moment for it. The postponement of the drama did nothing, but just pumped up my expectations to infinity. Xing Fei's drama "My Little Happiness" lead to way more expectations from LS.
BUT TO BE VERY HONEST, this drama couldn't stand up to my desires. Despite Lin Yi and Lulu Xu's REMARKABLE ACTING, the story couldn't do justice to their personalities as actors.
Keeping aside the love making scenes post EP 24, rest was kind of lame. The plot which originally seemed to be centralized around "Gaming" was abruptly changed to "Romance and stuff". This abrupt change made the drama lose its charm. Also showcasing "an excessively senior" second male-lead damaged the beauty of drama way more. Even second lead's exit was very abrupt.
The only thing which made me hooked up to my screen, apart from Lin Yi and Lulu Xu's sizzling chemistry, was Second-Lead couple, "Sun Bin Yun and Ma Shan Shan"! Their plot and comforting scenes looked much more natural than the rest.
Also, ending/climax could have been made much better as all were already sick of "concert-stage" scenes which were shown throughout the drama :(

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10 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 8, 2021
31 épisodes vus sur 31
Complété 3
Globalement 4.0
Histoire 4.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

The torture

If I ever have to torture someone slowly, I would force them to watch this show for hours. It's such a dragggg. Nothing really happens in the story. Stakes are never really raised and there's no impactful character development. There aren't even clear arcs in the story.

I can deal with fluffy dramas where there's legitimate chemistry between the characters and no real plot. Unfortunately, this also does not have that. FL is soooo whiney that I got shivers down my spine at some points from the cringe. I think she completely spoke from her nose and that mouth was just for decoration. No joke with that last bit. She was bad at lip syncing and at reciprocating kisses. Also, she would act coy alllll the time. She's a grown woman! She should know how dating and skinship works. With all this, Ling Yi ended up like a wall. A very tall, beautiful wall, but no real action since he couldn't bounce off of good chemistry. This drama was unnecessarily long. Could have just stopped - straight stopped at ep 18...maybe 20. Part of the issue is the start of the drama focuses way too much on the game world and the connection just didn't feel real. Ugh. So glad this torture is over. I wish I had the ability to drop dramas.

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Love Scenery (2021) poster



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