À l'apogée de la dynastie Chosun du XVIe siècle, une paire d'acteurs masculins ruraux - le bruyants et macho Jang Seng et le calme et féminin Gong Gil - se rend à Séoul et fait équipe avec une troupe d'acteurs en difficulté. Lorsque leur spectacle irrévérencieuse, avec suffisamment d'humour de débauche et de sexisme pour faire rougir un public contemporain, se moque du célèbre roi hédoniste, ils obtiennent plus que ce qu'ils avaient négocié. Après avoir été rapidement arrêtés, ils ont une chance de survivre s'ils peuvent faire rire le roi. À la surprise de tous, le monarque extatique adore le spectacle et nomme les acteurs des bouffons de cour officiels, leur donnant plus de nourriture et d'abri extravagants qu'ils ne l'avaient jamais imaginé. Mais l'attention du roi à Gong Gil montre rapidement que l'humour n'est pas la seule chose qui motive sa générosité. La maîtresse du roi, les ministres du pays et Jang Seng deviennent bientôt méfiants, et la jalousie et la colère jaillissent de tous les côtés. Modifier la traduction
- Français
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- Türkçe
- Titre original: 왕의 남자
- Aussi connu sous le nom de: Wangui Namja , 왕의남자 , Le roi et le clown
- Réalisateur: Lee Joon Ik
- Genres: Historique, Drame
Distribution et équipes
- Kam Woo Sung Rôle principal
- Jung Jin Young Rôle principal
- Lee Joon Gi Rôle principal
- Kang Sung YunJang Nok SuRôle principal
- Jang Hang SunCheo ShinRôle Secondaire
- Jung Suk YongChil DeokRôle Secondaire
The actors have portrayed their parts to perfection. Jeong Jin Yeong has done especially well in conveying the inner turmoil the King suffered from, his eccentricities and frequent displays of mindless cruelty. Excellent acting by Kam Woo Sung as well. And last but not the least, LJK proves in this movie that he IS after all an actor and not just a great looker. I think it will be hard for even a straight guy to resist his charms after watching this movie.
The plot was interesting. It showed how minstrels exposed tyranny through the shows that they performed. And the shows were hilarious and bawdy and fun and campy.
My favorite moment in the film was when Gong Gil and Captain act out as two blind beggars and end up hugging on a hill top. What a beautiful moment. What chemistry. The cinematography in the film was amazing, by the way. The movie could have used more cheerful and fun interactions between these two main characters.
By the end, however, I got impatient. Maybe I could tell what was going to happen next and I was bored. I don't know. The end of the movie lost its steam.
Fantastic acting from the 3 main male leads.
Lee Jun Ki is so pretty... it's that great skin and his sensitive eyes. But he really was quite convincing as the fragile Gong -gil who amazingly has a lot of inner strength. It was interesting to watch the lovely Jun Ki sashay around.
Gam Woo Sung is a great actor, this I knew after watching him in the drama Alone In Love. He was really believable as the Captain. And his loyalty to Gong Gil is so touching.
And the King was in a class of his own with his psychotic behavior. Jung Jin Yeong never disappoints me.
Honestly, I don't remember the soundtrack to this movie.
Overall, an interesting and lovely film. Great acting, an interesting and unique story line, and vivid cinematography. I don't regret watching this.