1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 21, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0

Une première partie rafraichissante et très drôle et une deuxième partie plus fragile

Je ferais court, le drama étant en deux saison.
J'ai bien hésité avant de me lancer dans cette saison. Une des raisons qui me freinait, tout à fait personnel, était la présence de Jo Jung Suk. Déçue de ses rôles précédents dans"Jealousy incarnate" et "Oh My Ghost", je n'étais pas impatiente de le revoir sur "scène". L'autre étant que je n'avais pas envie de série médicale dans l'immédiat, ayant déjà eu ma dose avec "Doctor Romantic" et "Doctor John", deux dramas que j'ai adoré.
Et puis, il y a eu les raisons qui m'ont poussé à le regarder, même tardivement : Jung Kyung Ho que j'adore!!! et surtout un scénario pondu par Lee Woo Jung, le talentueux scénariste de la saga des "Reply" et surtout " Prison Playbook" que j'avais adoré.

Nous retrouvons comme dans la saga des "reply" ou "prison playbook" un groupe d'amis dans la quarantaine, amis depuis leur 20 ans, partageant le temps d'une saison (de deux plutôt) leur vie quotidienne de médecin.
Un groupe d'amis, un thème récurrent que nous adorons voir, surtout si cela est bien fait. Et pour tout dire : C'est plus que bien fait. Leur amitié est non seulement solide mais d'une complicité hors du commun. J'ai été frappé par la symbiose du groupe, où tout un chacun se connait sur le bout des doigts (bien que chacun ait ses secrets), se titille dans la joie et la bonne humeur tout en se soutenant avec une loyauté sans faille! Quelle amitié! On rit, on rit et on rit. Leurs pitreries sont à la hauteur de leur chamailleries! Mais tout cela avec un lien que rien ne semble pouvoir défaire.

Alors je vais être franche, le groupe d'amis est LE point fort de ce drama. Ils sont parfaits quand ils sont ensemble, et on en redemande encore..... Ce qui pose donc problème est leur vie en dehors de ce groupe. Ils deviennent moins intéressants, moins dynamiques, moins drôles. En tant qu'individu, ils sont très bien, je n'irai pas dire qu'ils sont inintéressants, juste moins attachants. Moins loufoques. Moins eux.

Les protagonistes interagissent souvent avec leur équipe et, bien que cela ne soit pas du tout une mauvaise chose, j'avoue que je n'ai pas trouvé leur interaction avec les autres équipes médicales transcendantes, à la hauteur de leur groupe d'amis. Il y a des seconds rôles intéressants comme Do Jae Hak, mais je pense que son personnage n'a pas été assez approfondi. Et puis des rôles inutiles comme Cheon Myung Tae si ce n'est pour nous démontrer brièvement tout l'opposé de nos héros.
Il y a pléthore d'acteur et d'actrice connus venus en tant que guest star, cela serait trop long de n'en citer ne serait-ce que quelques uns, mais c'était sympathique de trouver des visages connus d'épisode en épisode.

Les romances sont un point faible dans ce drama. Il n'y a aucune romance qui m'ait vraiment donné envie de retenir mon souffle et d'en avoir des papillons dans le ventre. Sincèrement, j'ai même trouvé certain duo...ennuyant. Si vous recherchez une ou des romances trépidantes, passez votre chemin.

L'autre point faible qui m'a posé problème est la succession de cas à chaque épisode. Si la première partie, nous sommes témoins de 2 ou 3 cas médicaux, en deuxième partie, il y'en a tellement qu'il m'est devenu impossible de ressentir une quelconque connexion avec ces personnages, m'obligeant à me souvenir qui avait quoi, et qui souffrait de quoi. C'est un choix, que celui de vouloir traiter de nombreux cas différents à chaque épisode, cela donne en effet l'impression que les médecins n'ont plus de vie privée et doivent courir à chaque instant de leur vie. Mais l'effet pernicieux est de nous obliger à nous détacher rapidement des personnages pour pouvoir suivre la progression du drama. Résultat, on croule nous aussi sous les cas à traiter, et nous n'arrivons plus à ressentir de la compassion ou n'importe quelle émotion si ce n'est de l'ennui. J'ai préféré de loin d'autres séries comme "Doctor John" ou "Doctor Romantic" où les cas font avancer les médecins dans leur apprentissage, les rendant plus forts à travers leur faiblesse.

L'OST est loin d'être mauvais mais ne sera pas inoubliable comme l'OST des "Reply" ou de "Prison Playbook".

Les acteurs? Alors je dis bravo, j'ai été époustouflée par leur jeu alors que je les connais plutôt bien. Ils ont su créer ce lien incroyable entre eux, rendant les moments entre amis hilarants et émotionnellement forts!
Alors que Jo Jung Suk m'avait dernièrement déçue, il a été de loin mon préféré dans ce drama, alors que je n'étais venue que pour Jung Kyung Ho! Jo Jung Suk m'a fit rire aux larmes, et ses expressions de voyou au grand coeur m'ont fait fondre comme neige au soleil!!! Sa relation avec son "fils" est incroyable, sa patience et son humanité envers ses patients m'ont fait un bien fou! J'en redemande encore et encore!! Et puis, juste pour son arrivée dans le premier épisode, je n'aurais loupé ceci pour rien au monde! (cela a presque supplanté son entrée calamiteuse dans "Jealousy Incanarte" et qui m'aura fait rire pendant 3 jours).
J'ai adoré Jung Kyung Ho, toujours fidèle à lui même, son attitude un peu hautain mais tellement humain parfois m'ont donné à plusieurs reprise des envie de le câliner.
Yoo Yeon Seok n'était pas à la base mon favori, mais depuis "Mr Sunshine" et "Doctor Romantic" je le suis de près, un acteur qui sait jouer avec nos émotions avec maestrio. Ici, encore il nous démontre tout son savoir, jongler entre le rire et l'émotion...
Je connais moins bien Jeon Mi Do et Kim Dae Myung dont c'est ma première fois, mais j'avoue ne pas avoir été déçue par leur prestation, même si cela ne m'a pas marqué plus que cela.

Je voudrais apporter une mention spéciale à mes deux petits coups de coeur : Kim Hae Sook et Kim Gab Soo! Ils ont été un rayon de soleil incroyable!!! Leur prestation a été magnifique et j'ai adoré les voir interagir. Leur duo a été empreint d'une telle complicité phénoménal, que je n'attendais qu'une chose : qu'ils finissent ensemble. Si j'ai la chance de vieillir, Si j'ai la chance d'avoir encore mon époux à mes côtés, je veux être ce couple. Se chamaillant sans cesse, mais avec tant d'amour et de respect l'un envers l'autre, et cela toujours dans la bonne humeur.

Un drama qui a donc la particularité de nous faire rire grâce à un groupe d'amis unique dans ce genre, une amitié indéfectible et d'une telle complicité qu'on ne peut que vouloir en être aussi. Malgré des faiblesses dans la deuxième partie, ce drama reste un must to see. Et puis certaines scènes sont inoubliables! Comme le karaoké au début du drama, à mourir de rire ou les scènes de repas (fight) entre nos protagonistes!
Vous ne regretterez pas d'y jeter ne serait-ce qu'un coup d'oeil. Rire garantie!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 27, 2020
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

Un drama dont j'ai hâte de découvrir la seconde saison.

Hospital Playlist est un drama sans réelle prétention. On apprécie de découvrir un petit peu de cet univers médical au travers des différents services et de voir cette bande de 5 amis évoluer dans leur métier et leurs relations.

J'ai beaucoup aimé cette histoire malgré qu'au final, il n'y a pas de "fantaisie". C'est une histoire sans chichi ou l'on met en avant le côté humain au travers des différentes relations présentent dans ce drama.

J'avoue avoir été septique au vue des critiques des plus positives (J'ai souvent du mal à accrocher aux dramas les plus publicité pour ne cité que lui "Mon amour venu des étoiles" que je n'ai jamais su terminer...). Cependant, je me suis laissée prendre au jeu. Ce drama permet de prendre du bon temps sans se prendre la tête.

Et que dire du jeu d'acteur? J'ai trouvé tous les acteurs excellents... Et j'ai hâte de les revoir dans la suite de leurs aventures.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 13, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.5

Former un groupe musical pour se distraire de la salle d'Op, quelle belle idée !

Autant le dire de suite, j’ai adoré !! Il faut dire que j’y allais déjà très bien disposée : le réalisateur à fait les 3 Reply et Prison Playbook, et le(la) scénariste les 3 Reply aussi, c’était déjà un gage de très bonne qualité. On retrouve tout de suite l’ambiance chaleureuse qui caractérise les Reply, même si le milieu est tout à fait différent, ainsi que des dialogues pétillants, percutants, drôles parfaitement écrits.
Là dessus arrive la distribution impressionnante, cumulant plusieurs de mes chouchous hors-concours de mon top : Cho Jun Seok, Jung Kyoung Ho, Kim Gap So, Sung Dong Gil etc etc…
C’était comme avoir rendez-vous avec une bande de vieux copains pour passer la soirée ensemble !!

On découvre les différentes personnalités des personnages principaux au fil des interventions chirurgicales, des rencontres avec les familles, de la façon d’affronter la perte d’un patient, et surtout on les découvre dans une optique totalement différente au travers des répétition du groupe, répétitions sacro-saintes qui en général clôturent un épisode. Cho Jun Seok avait déjà une jolie carrière dans la musique avant de se mettre au cinéma et aux drama, et il est excellent dans ce domaine, comme dans le domaine du jeu d’ailleurs, c’est un acteur qui a le don d’incarner complètement son personnage, avec une sincérité, un simplicité et un naturel remarquable. Le reste de l’équipe est totalement à la hauteur, et les épisodes, malgré leur longueur, passent rapidement, on n’a qu’une envie : entamer le suivant.
Le côté médical est remarquable : les opérations sont aussi peu sanglantes et horrifiantes que possible, l’accent est mis sur le rapport médecin/patient, donnant lieu à des scènes parfois drôles, souvent touchantes, et quelques fois extrêmement émouvantes, dans un très bon équilibre. Le fil rouge du groupe musical tempère parfaitement le côté parfois dur du travail des chirurgiens. Il y a bien quelques petites histoires sentimentales, mais même si elles comptent, elles ne sont pas l’essentiel.

Alors mon bémol, oui, il y en a un, c’est le dernier épisode, qui fait quand même 1 h 53, alors qu’1 h 15 ou 20 aurait suffi. L’intensité retombe surtout dans la deuxième heure, car personnellement je n’ai jamais cru au suspense que le scénario essayait d’installer pour le personnage de Ahn Jeong Won, et c’est dommage, il méritait une évolution logique et non le revirement assez invraisemblable qu’on lui a créé !
Bon, on sait qu’il y aura une saison 2, on sait qu’elle sortira en 2021, et bien sûr je l’attends de pied ferme !

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Cet avis était-il utile?
palak Flower Award1
238 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 28, 2020
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 13
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Well played Reply 1988 writers, you psyche-ninjas. Well played.

I'm in a state of emotional mess right now. A pair of eyes are haunting me. So bear with me if this review turns out to be nothing but series of ramblings. The last 12 weeks (or 13, if we count that one week when it didn't air. but heyyy who is counting. Not me, ever me). Anyway, the last 12 weeks have been one hell of a ride.

The thing about Reply 1988 writers is , they're like the Agatha Christies of their art. We think we know exactly what they are up to but no matter how hard we try, they are always always one step ahead of us. They already know what we THINK we know. Let me give a light example. I spent the first 3 episodes taking their previews seriously. But they always turned out misleading. Then I spent the next 7 episodes dismissing the previews. By 10th I almost didn't watch them. And then dropped the preview of 12th episode and I was like, "huh. One more misleading preview. I guess we're set for the ending then"


I'm not sure whether to appreciate the genius of the Reply 1988 writers or be scared of their grasp of the psychology of the human mind. Since I fail to come to a conclusion, I have another meltdown. Whether they are tears of joy or tears of heartbreak, you'll have to watch the drama to know. We all know the writers are capable of both.

For now, Here are 10 things I absolutely loved about this drama (it was hard narrowing them down. I have about 70,000 on my mind right now):

1. Yoo Yeon Seok. Somebody has new permanent crush and that somebody is me

2. Song Hwa. Somebody has a new girl crush and that somebody is me.

3. Woo Joo. Somebody has a new role model and that somebody is me (seriously, this baby was GOALS. "If she doesn't love me, I won't love her either". He's more sorted than any of us would ever be).

4. Jung Kung Ho dating his best friend's sister. AGAIN. And potentially everyone knowing about it except for the know-it-all Ik Jun (or wait...)

5. The final 15 minutes of the final episode

6. The OST

7. The anti-climatic climatic ending that turned our world upside down

8. The supporting cast wearing the cape and stealing the show

9. Ik Jun <3

10. The band practice. Yoo Yeon Seok singing.

11. (SPOILER ON THIS ONE) Ik Jun and Song Hwa ending on a cliffhanger because I knew one episode was not enough to bring them together. They have 20 years between them and we want a lot of explanations and flashbacks.

12. The simplicity and the positive tone of the drama.

13. No hospital politics (thank god). Not too much blood.

14. Rich weren't assholes. No stereotyping and no cliches. Just beautiful human stories and emotions.


16. Aloha Karaoke scene

17. Jo Jung Seok singing aloha and releasing it

18. Winter garden couple (I mean, people were hyped over them exchanging two words. When has that ever happened in the history of Korean drama LMAO)

19. Yoo Yeon Seok's emotional range and his versatility as an actor (I'm watching Mr Sunshine these days LOL)

20. Seok Hyung restarting the band (no, you did not use them. Now go live your life)

21. Seok Hyung in general.

22. Reply 1988 writers being Psyche-Ninjas

23. Make-up-less Mi Na :)

I know I said 10 points but I never promised. Now time to go cry in a corner and patiently wait for the second season. Also, if season 2 ends up becoming one of the things Corona screws up, I'll turn all Gu Dong Mae). Over and out. Thank you for bearing with me. I held it in well too :')

PS - I might end up adding more points as I remember so bear with me.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
140 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 30, 2020
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 8
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
I liked it, but I just wasn't a big fan of it. Seeing how high the ratings were, I was expecting a different thing. I guess it has to do with the fact that I needed a heavy-plot type of story but this was more of a slice of life-ish show, which is perfectly fine, don't get me wrong. I just wasn't feeling like 'oh my god, this episode was so exciting, I need to watch the next one right now!'. I was more like 'finished this episode, I'll see the next one tomorrow if I have time'. You get what I mean? It's weird.
Acting was great though, characters and the band itself were soo wholesome! It's nice to take a break from dramas with too many shitty characters. Anyways, as I always say, I base my ratings on overall enjoyment. The show was not the best of the year but it was a comfortable and cozy watch. 7.5.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Miss Romcom
30 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 28, 2020
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Slice of Life medical drama with funny moments

Likes: The great ensemble cast and their easy chemistry. The funny moments

Dislikes: It was a bit forgettable.

I usually don't like medical dramas, but this one was easy to watch because of Director Shin Won ho's distinct style of using an ensemble cast and creating a nostalgic vibe with bits of humor. Just like with his previous works in the Reply series and Prison Playbook, there's a sort of subdued tone to his dramas that focuses on community rather than plot.

The ensemble cast was great particularly Jo Jung Suk who again shows that he's capable of great comedic and dramatic acting and Shin Hyun-bin who does such a great job making the aloof expressionless chief resident so likeable. The chemistry between the cast felt so organic that it was fun watching the banter and the friendships play out.

There were plenty of moments that made me laugh, but there were also many moments where I was bored. While I found the drama overall an enjoyable watch, it was also one that was forgettable. I wasn't dying to watch the next episode...more like there was nothing else to watch, but if you enjoy these types of dramas then I think it won't disappoint.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
36 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 10, 2020
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0
" Hospital Playlist " is one of the hyped dramas of 2020 and you are going to like it if you loved dramas like Reply 1988. However, even though there are not many reviews that are not praising this drama, Hospital Playlist is not for everyone.

The drama keeps a slow tempo, with the story being spread throughout the drama, probably so it can serve the next two seasons coming up next. Maybe that's when the drama picks up. And yes, this is a slice of life, but, at times, it felt like there was nothing to look forward to in the next episode. Also, there were moments when the drama got boring too.

That said, they did handle the romance masterfully, as to not overshadow the friendship and so that it didn't become the main focus of the drama. They did a good job with the blend of music and story too, as well as with the flashbacks of their old days.

Finally, when it comes to performances, the drama of course had excellent ones, as the cast was consisted by the best of the best.

So, overall, six and a half out of ten, because there were some nice moments to the drama, but it felt like there was no story to it.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
72 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 1, 2020
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 3
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10


Everything in this drama is just so perfect. It gives you the warm feeling while watching it. It made me smile, laugh, cry, and get hungry the whole season. As a med student myself, this drama is very realistic and it really tackles about what people go through within the walls of a hospital. I'M SURE ALL OF YOU WILL LOVE IT!

Story - 10/10
You would think that the story might be boring at first since they really need to introduce a big cast, but if you continue, you'll realize how good the plot and progression of the story goes. This slice of life drama really lets people realize how important friendship is. They have their own lives and their problems but they were always there for each other. The cases of the patient were also realistic and we can see here that the story was not exaggerated. Just like the other works of Shin PD, we really can't predict anything.

THEY ALSO HAVE THE BEST SEASON FINALE! I wasn't disappointed with how the story went. The finale was really worth the wait, I wanna cry I'm so happy. Shin PD and Writer Lee, good job!!

Acting/Cast - 10/10
The cast is perfect. I love all of them. They acted so sincerely and we can really see how much effort they put into their roles. They trained very hard for this. Every emotion shown here will really make the viewers feel like they're in the same shoes. Whether you are in the field of medicine or not, you'll feel their struggles. We all experience these things one way or another. Even the kids in these drama acted so well. Shout out to U-ju, gyeopta!

Music - 10/10
The title says it all! I love their band and their songs so much. It really feels good to listen to their songs especially the covers they make. I saw how much effort they put into practicing the songs which makes it feel more special.

Rewatch Value - 10/10
Most people say that the rewatch value is low BUT IT'S ALSO A 10/10 FOR ME! Just the fact that there are meanings in the small details in the drama makes me want to rewatch everything. The cliffhangers and the clues given also make my mind go crazy. I also love rewatching their band practices. Season 2 will air on 2021 so we have a year to rewatch the episodes, the interviews and the relay cams. I'll rewatch their scenes whenever I'll miss them. Ugh I can't wait for the next season!!

Watch this!! 100% recommended <3

Shout out to Yoo Yeon Seok!!! I love you oppa! I hope more people will come to appreciate you.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
17 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 30, 2021
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.5

Is it Worth Investing Time in ” Hospital Playlist”?

Yes, I am late to the party with only just having completed screenwriter Lee Woo Jung ( Reply series, Prison Playbook ) ‘s drama “ Hospital Playlist”. However with ”Hospital Playlist 2” now ( at the time of writing) being released on Netflix streaming services , I decided it was a good time to give the critically acclaimed and hit series a go.

Of course“ Hospital Playlist” isn’t without its more nuanced flaws. At times ” Hospital Playlist” struggled to step away from the medical show fusion genre scenario with the mundane setup of high drama, lighthearted comedy, “life vs death” consequences, and not every patient makes it through in order to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. (Additionally this provoked the evident problem of tedious pacing in the show also.) However, there’s a more poignant element similar to Friends in the mix, as the quintet are revealed to have a deep-rooted friendship with one another for more than two decades.

Whilst the first couple of episodes invest time within “ getting to know” our ensemble and present the fairly dynamic performances of our main cast, the following episodes explore an oddly balanced investment into the quintet jamming out in their band during their free time, backstories and the current ups and downs of life at the hospital also.

Arguably one of the major roles to talk about in the drama was the role of Jo Jung Suk as Ik Joon. As a single dad, Ik Joon could have easily been stereotyped as the cliched “ estranged father” or having a “ bitter” relationship with his son Woo Joo (Kim Jun) due to the bitter nature of his divorce from his wife , however, Ik Joon is refreshingly nothing but a kindhearted goofy dad, with a charm that easily wins over even his most stubborn of patients in the hospital . Arguably the potential “ love story” element in consideration to his unrequited feelings for Song Hwa ( without decisive spoilers) may leave viewers a little on edge by the unnecessary setup, however, surprisingly the later decisions of Ik Joon felt surprisingly natural for his character.

Following on from Ik Joon is evidently Jung Kyung Ho as Kim Jun Wan.
Despite his tough shell in front of the trainees and his peers , actor Kyung Ho seemed to pretty much nail Jun Wan’s archetype as the “ grizzly bear with a marshmallow heart”. Jun Wan is a harsh teacher at times, but a brilliant cardiothoracic surgeon and truly cares for his patients ( even if it means making tough calls). In one particularly heartfelt scene of the series, Jun Wan adorns a terrible suit from Jae Hak (Jung Moon Sung), and attending the wedding of his patient’s daughter as his patient is unable to attend. His love story with Ik Soon ( Ik Joon’s sister) did undeniably start on a bit of an eccentric and uncomfortable setup but did become enjoyable ( especially with Jun Wan’s grouchiness at times) as the series progressed.

As the only female friend of the quintet and a single woman in her 40s Chae Song Hwa could’ve easily done down the more stereotypical route of being “ bitter” or “ pitiful”. However Song Hwa is refreshingly anything but these labels. A Charismatic, compassionate, intellectual and elegant character , its easy to see why actors Jo Jung Suk and Yoo Yeon Seok recommended theatre actress Jeon Mi Do for the role.Arguably whilst season two has given a potential opportunity to explore the landscape of Song Hwa’s mixed feelings for her respected love interests, season one undeniably often failed to truly sketch - out Song Hwa’s more profound complexity in her love life. (However room for a second season will hopefully delve into this issue more.)

Nevertheless arguably one of the most surprisingly heartwarming characters in the series was Kim Dae Myung’s role as Seok Hyung. Seemingly starting off the drama as the cliched and spoilt “ mama’s boy”, Dae Myung’s performance added surprising layers to Seok Kyung as a character with his complicated past and rationale as a medical professional . His potential love story with coworker Min Ah could’ve easily gone down several mundane routes, but his overall development and reactions rarely felt out of character.

On a weaker note, the final member of our quintet was Yoo Yeon Suk as Jeong Won. This isn’t to say that Yoo Yeon Suk’s performance was bad in any way. In fact the actor truly animated his onscreen persona to life with many endearing and likeable qualities. However Jeong Won was sadly a little less well-rounded. Whilst he had an intriguing storyline and a more complicated backstory than a lot of the other characters, but his later motives and personality assets often felt less profound. In addition to this whilst the show did seem to go down the evident route of his potential love story with Gyeo Wool in snippets, it often lacked the same charisma as the rest of the ensemble.

So is “ Hospital Playlist” worth watching? The show doesn’t entirely step upon new ground with its concept with certain characters and storylines felt slightly undeveloped ( although a sequel season will hopefully dismiss these issues) and snail pacing in parts also. On the other hand “ Hospital Playlist” has surprisingly profound and bittersweet themes with backstories and life in the hospital, as characters are often faced with realistically challenging issues which helped to provide food for thought. If you are willing to invest some time into this show, then you’ll absolutely love “ Hospital Playlist”.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
15 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 16, 2020
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 2
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
when i tell y'all that this delivered, i swear on everything that i love that this drama delivered.

even if you don't carry that much knowledge about medical terms and abbreviations, this drama will be sure to give you lots of emotions. it felt hella good to see that it wasn't very centered on just one or two characters. everyone was given equal screen time and honestly it felt whole or complete? it's jusT so satisfying to see a natural bond of all these characters and they definitely chose the right cast for this.

the situations shown here were quite close to reality and it definitely tugged at my heartstrings seeing as to how the probability of things going well are sometimes less likely and it made me think of real life doctors and nurses who go through these scenarios... families anticipating the results...

one more thing i liked from this is that it felt pretty balanced. it wasn't too dramatic but it also didn't feel too comedic or ridiculous. it just felt right.

p.s. the songs are bops too

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Cet avis était-il utile?
37 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 21, 2020
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 1
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

If you like Reply series and Prison Playbook, you will like this too!

Many of you might have already known that Reply Series and Prison Playbook are the same writer as Hospital Playlist, so if you like this writer's piece, you will love this as well; but if you don't, then you might not enjoy it, because the writing style is pretty much the same, just that the theme is different.

Unlike normal medic drama, it doesn't focus on a "special ability" doctor who struggles to become a doctor, or evil doctors fighting with good doctors to get recognition. It doesn't have a climax or big conspiracy hidden in between. It surrounds five main leads to share each of their individual life and the friendship that they shared, at the same time bringing out many unexpected, heartwarming short stories of the patients, medical staff and their families.

Similar to their previous series, they will always bring out the nostalgic feel in the 90's and 80's by having some memories flashback, classic songs and of course, as usual, having some black humor that makes you chuckle!

I love this writer's written drama, although I like prison playbook more, but this is great too! Perfect acting skills from the casts, so I'm definitely looking forward to Season 2! :)

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11 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 1, 2020
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5


This show was a great surprise for me. I started with low expectations because I'm not a fan of medical dramas (only Grey's Anatomy), but when I saw the first episode, I was fall in love.

How could they create a friendship so beautiful and amazing? I melted every time that I saw a scene with my band, they are perfect together! I wanted to be part of this group so badly! All the actors were amazing, but I wanna make an honorable mention to Jo Jung-suk as Lee Ik-jun. He was my favorite character from distance and I always laughed when he talked anything. His expressions, lines, the way how he interacted with the others, everything was awesome for me. THE SCENES WITH U-JU (Kim Joon)? MY GOODNESS, I ALMOST EXPLODE WITH CUTENESS! My mention extends for Kim Joon as well. What a kid! So cute and focused on the role!

Hospital Playlist isn't a show made for a marathon or for people that be in a rush. It's a show about process and progress. I watched an episode in a day and reflected on what I saw without the addicted to seeing the next one quickly. I think the format told about life and death, and the development of relationships, ask for you to watch peacefully. And I love this experience! Another honorable mention: THE OST IT'S AMAZING! (Even when Chae Song-hwa (Jeon Mi-do) was singing, hahaha.)

I can't wait for the second season and what we gonna see in the Yulje Hospital! If you are looking for something deep but calm, cute but visceral, soft but heartbreaking (at some times), this is your drama.

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Une musique hospitalière (2020) poster



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